The Calm Before the Storm

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The Calm Before the Storm Page 7

by Mandy Rosko

  Seth’s knees buckled as Tall and Dark released Seth’s cock from his hand and put their hips together.

  Seth’s moan was loud, and he was forced to fist the other man’s shirt just to keep from totally losing his balance. The other man’s clothes completely vanished and it was—

  Jeeee—sus, that was too fucking good. The slide of flesh on flesh, the feel of hard muscle beneath his hands, was damn near his undoing. Seth’s leg wasn’t even troubling him as he thrust his hips against the other man’s, and Tall and Dark responded in kind.

  It had to be part of this vampire dream place. Seth was going to have to figure out just how much power he had here because he was having a hard time controlling it and didn’t much care either.

  No. Wait, this wasn’t right. He did care. Seth put his palms to Tall and Dark’s bare chest and pushed him away.

  “You don’t actually want to do this. It’s part of vampire lore. It’s how they keep power over the people they’ve fed from. This place seduces you.”

  “You’re seducing me,” Tall and Dark said, coming forward again.

  His hand reached down and gripped Seth’s cock tightly, and Seth had to clench his teeth to hold back a strangled moan at that delicious touch. He had to force himself to fall back on the wall behind him and lock his knees to keep vertical.

  He still couldn’t give over. Not yet. There was something about being constantly forced to do these things that made him want to make sure, without any of the tiniest shadows of a doubt, that his partner was as ready and willing as he.

  He brought his hand up, forcing Tall and Dark to look him in the eye instead of at Seth’s cock as he stroked it, and Seth put all of his concentration into getting that lusty glimmer out of it, to make the other man’s head clear and focused again.

  “Do you know who I am?” Seth asked.

  “Yeah,” Tall and Dark said. “You worked for Wiktor because you wanted to be a vampire.”

  Seth winced. The guy made it sound like a bad thing. “You still want to fuck?” He asked it whilst putting all of his focus into keeping Tall and Dark as aware of himself as possible.

  Despite his efforts, that half-hooded look in the man’s green eyes returned. The emerald orbs darkening with lust, so much so that there was no way Seth could think that this wasn’t a conscious choice he was making.


  The last half thread of Seth’s control broke. Why the hell not?

  Tall and Dark was a little bigger than he, meaning by comparison of their height, not their cocks, and he crushed Seth against the wall.

  The force of it made the breath whoosh from Seth’s lungs, but then Tall and Dark stuck his lips on Seth’s neck, and he tensed up as he was about to get bitten—

  “Sto—ugh!” His near cease and desist turned into a strangled moan, and colors he’d never seen before flashed in front of his eyes.

  Holy mother of God in hell that felt awesome. Better than awesome. There were little, glittery stars dancing around his peripheral vision, his blood boiled, his throbbing cock strained, and Seth began thrusting his hips in earnest again, searching for any sort of friction.

  And all that was just from having his neck played with. Was this a vampire thing? It was nearly as good as if that mouth were wrapped around his dick, working him until he begged, and he was tempted to think it might even be better.

  Then that warm, suckling mouth pulled away. “I was curious to see if that would work.”

  Why was it that every person on Earth seemed to know more about vampires than he did?

  Seth couldn’t even think of anything smart-ass to say, because then a pair of roaming hands found his ass.

  A sliver of panic wormed its way into Seth’s warm, happy place as Tall and Dark kneaded the muscles of his cheeks, gripping hard, his fingers probing…

  Seth turned the tides of them, pushing the other man’s hands away and spinning them until he was pushing Tall and Dark’s back into the wall. The bigger man hardly seemed to notice. The switch even put a smile on his face.

  Better. Much better.

  Their bodies were pressed so closely together now Seth doubted he could fit a sheet of paper between them. He rubbed his aching erection into the other man’s organ, delighting in the sounds he made and the sizzling hot feel of it.

  This time he was the one to reach around, to grab the other man’s ass, probe his fingers around, and…

  He was already prepared. Lubed and everything. Could this place really do that for them? Motherfucking Winchester never bothered with—

  Nope. Not going to think about that here.

  Seth doubted he even needed to worry about condoms either if this was the case. No wonder people loved having sex with vampires, anything went in this dream. It was the first time Seth was in control of one of these, and he was loving it more and more every second.

  Yeah, he’d wanted everything to be as real as possible, but forgoing that part he could live with.

  “Turn around,” he commanded.

  Seth half expected the other man to scoff at him and tell him where to go, considering Tall and Dark was a guard, and Seth was still the prisoner of the house. To Seth’s shock, he did as ordered, no question at all.

  Tall and Dark put his palms flat against the wall, spread his legs, and then looked over his shoulder, that same wicked, come-and-get-it grin on his face. “Like this?”

  Like there could be any other way to face a wall.

  Christ, Seth was going to spill just at the sight of him. He gripped his cock at the base, forcing himself to keep from doing just that. He had to take a breather, just for two seconds. He didn’t want to come so fast that it was over in an instant. This was going to be good, and he was going to savor it because he needed this so badly. He needed to fuck someone and be in control for once, never mind that he didn’t even know this guy’s name, or why the man was letting a stranger whom he was supposed to be guarding fuck him in this vampire dream.

  Seth could tell the guy had control, enough of it to resist the lust on his own if he really wanted, so this was something else entirely.

  Enough thinking. He approached, lined up his aching prick to Tall and Dark’s waiting hole, and thrust inside. There was no resistance of muscle—well, there was some, but for the most part it was an easy pass right before Tall and Dark’s already tight walls clamped down on him.

  Seth’s body didn’t do as his mind commanded. Seth wanted to go slow, but that wasn’t about to happen. He just couldn’t stop himself from pumping in and out, as fast as his hips would allow. Then the other man was moaning from deep within his throat along with him, his good hand reaching down to stroke himself as Seth fucked him.

  “Ungh, yeah, baby, you feel so good,” Seth said, wrapping his arms around Tall and Dark, hugging them together, back to chest.

  There was a tiny mole growing out of the back of the man’s neck, right in the middle. Seth didn’t know why he noticed it, but it was cute.

  Tall and Dark moaned again, pumping himself and thrusting his hips in time with Seth’s. “Se—”

  Seth turned Tall and Dark’s face and angled himself so he could reach around and kiss him, his name nearly spilling from the other man’s mouth was too much, just too damn much, and his pelvis pumped fast and hard like a piston.

  Then it was on him, his balls tightening and the absolute ecstasy he’d been searching for shooting directly out of his cock, emptying into Tall and Dark’s body. He didn’t seem to mind. The guy moaned and writhed as his orgasm over took him, his body shaking and twitching until it was all over and the only thing they were left with was a whole lot of heavy breathing.

  Seth leaned his forehead against the back of Tall and Dark’s neck as his heart came down from its crazed pumping. A satisfied smile curled at his lips as his muscles relaxed from their exertions, yet his body still buzzed from the pleasure of it.

  That had been just what he needed.

  Maybe it had been a little too good, becau
se the next thing Seth knew, his arms were empty, and he was all alone in the room, which had become foggy on a whole new level. It was so thick he couldn’t even see the bed, which, in retrospect, probably would have been a better place to get one’s brains screwed out on.

  Too late now.

  Then nothing mattered anymore as he lost complete control of the strange dream he was in and sank into real sleep.

  He hoped Tall and Dark wouldn’t bash his lights out when he woke up.

  Chapter Eight

  Jackson was pulled—literally—from a relatively decent night’s sleep by a strong grip on the back of his neck.

  Being yanked from his plain mattress on the floor was not a common occurrence, even amongst his pack, who occasionally enjoyed playing games with each other. Immediately he was wide awake, alert, and aware of his surroundings. His fists clenched in preparation to fight, yet his body had no chance to attack since the disturbance was being brought forth by his master, Lord Veturious.

  Every muscle within him stiffened. “My lord! Why are—”

  Lord Veturious forcefully shook him before he could finish his sentence, his eyes bloodred and fangs long. “You deceiving mongrel! Did you think I would never discover your lies?”

  Lady Ariadne Veturious, the master’s wife, stood in the open doorway to the large room he shared with the rest of his pack, her skeletal thin arms crossed over an unimpressive chest. Her eyes were red, too, but the crimson did not consume the scleras like it did with her husband.

  The rest of Jackson’s wolves were now coming awake at the racket their master made, sitting up from their own thin mattresses.

  This den belonged only to the alpha guards, and was not shared amongst the other servants. He could scent the rising confusion in the air as they tried to reason why their lord would ever set his noble feet on such common ground.

  Three human guards stood behind Lord Veturious, one immediately at his back, and the other two at the Lady’s side during this confrontation.

  “My lord, I don’t know what you are referring to.” His brain scrambled to fill in what possible lie he could have told, but he came up with nothing. Nothing that his lord would know of. His first thought was of Joey, whose cot was in the far corner with all the other alphas’. Surely Veturious couldn’t have found out about that?

  Veturious shook him again, emphasizing each word he spoke with another hard shake. “Sampson. Is. Alive.”


  Murmurs sounded throughout their small den as every werewolf took in the shocking information.

  Jackson would have been lying if he claimed to not have been going about his duties with a cloud over his head, always curious to know when or if his master would ever discover that he had allowed Seth’s body to drift away on purpose. His punishment for failing to bring back a body as proof still stung horribly on his back, despite his healing abilities. To hear that he was alive…

  Was it possible that the combination of the recent showers, and drifting along the river had somehow saved Seth from the sunlight?

  Jackson’s first instinct was to be happy for his friend, his next was to deny. “My lord, that’s impossible—”

  “Silence! I have just received word of it through my doctor. He summoned Sampson through a dream vision. He lives.” Veturious pulled his hands away from Jackson’s person, his face twisting as though it had disgusted him to touch a werewolf. “On your word, you reported his death. What have you to say of that?”

  Jackson could feel the shift in the air, from both his master and the members of his pack. He could hear Joey’s heart beating faster, and smell the sudden rush of sweat as his fear nearly overtook him.

  Jackson opened his mouth to reply, to give some sort of excuse, then closed it. There was no excuse he could give that Veturious would accept, and he wouldn’t throw Joey under the vampire’s claws to save himself.

  “I have nothing to say of it, my lord. I thought him dead and pulled back the others from giving chase. The fault is entirely mine.”

  Veturious sneered, then slapped him across the face. His long nails raked across Jackson’s cheek, drawing blood.

  There was a collective gasp as the other alphas watched their master strike their leader, and Jackson accepted the blow with little more than a twitch in his jaw.

  The lashes he’d received for allowing Seth’s body to drift away had been done in private. His wolves had not had the chance to witness their lead alpha being forced to submission. The fact that Wiktor had done this in front of them, had allowed them to watch as his hand struck out, could only mean that he intended to pull Jackson off his position “I hope all of you witnessed that.” Veturious pulled a hankerchief out of his pocket and began to individually wipe his fingers, cleansing them of Jackson’s touch. Once cleaned and dried, he snapped his fingers. All three human guards on duty stepped forward and gripped Jackson’s arms, ready to take him away.

  “My lord!”

  Another gasp, and everything inside Jackson’s chest and guts squeezed painfully at Joey’s voice.

  Veturious halted midstride. He slowly turned toward where Joey had lifted himself to his feet. The young werewolf stood bare-chested, wearing only a pair of fading boxers that barely clung to his hips to sleep in.

  Jackson caught the wolf’s eyes, sending the silent message for him to say nothing.

  It will not save me. Get back to your bed!

  Joey wouldn’t hear the words that Jackson inwardly shouted at him, but he would understand the emotions Jackson was emitting as well as any spoken word.

  Veturious’s eyes narrowed. “Have you something to add to this?”

  Poor Joey found himself trapped under the searching gaze of his master, and the silent orders of his soon to be former leader. “I—”

  Jackson glared harder, but then spoke before Joey could finish.

  “My lord, forgive me for not training your wolves better. He has yet to learn not to address his betters unless first spoken to.”

  He just prayed that Veturious only thought Joey was about to make some sort of argument on Jackson’s behalf, rather than a confession to any involvement in Seth’s escape. The first was bad enough, but it wouldn’t get the kid tortured like the latter would.

  That steely look did not leave Wiktor’s eyes as he looked between Jackson and Joey. “It would seem you have been failing me in too many ways for too long then.”

  Jackson looked back at the young omega. If he discovers you, you will either be put in a cage with me, or sent to live with the other servants. Return to your bed.

  Again, Joey would not understand that in any formal language, but he would know the message Jackson tried to tell him.

  Joey hesitated for one more second, one more second that made Jackson’s skin itch and tremble. Finally, the omega put his head down and stepped back. “Apologies, my lord.”

  Veturious snorted. “Whichever of you mongrels takes charge next had best see to better disciplining your young ones.”

  He snapped his fingers again, and Jackson was led away from his brothers and sisters to God only knew what sort of discomforts.

  * * * *

  “If we release you, will you behave?”

  Seth growled. He was not about to be patronized, not even by his former employer, who stood above him, arms folded, and looking anything but impressed.

  Seth had woken up tied to a chair after the best sleep and sex of his life. A freaking kitchen table kind of wooden chair, his arms chained behind his back, ankles chained to the carved wooden legs.

  Shame on him for thinking he might get a little better treatment than this from his guard after the sex dream last night. Guess that extra dose of lust had worn off from the man because now it looked like business as usual.

  The chair itself wasn’t made of any kind of super strong wood, that Seth could tell simply by sitting down, and thanks to all the blood Tall and Dark had donated, he could probably, hell, definitely, be able to splinter it without any problem

  But then he’d still be in chains, chains that he could not break quickly enough to escape, and surrounded by a cluster of broken bits of wood that could be used to stake him.

  Seth was healing nicely, thanks to all the blood he’d been consuming lately, and all that remained of his burns from his earlier escape attempt was a layer of red, like any human who’d spent too much time in the sun without wearing sunblock. And that was just from one night’s sleep.

  The same could be noted for Silus Veturious, only to a much lesser extent. He wasn’t red at all. He just had a deep tan over his face and hands.

  He’d gotten blood from somewhere, a lot of it, most likely the blond sun sprite who lived here with him, but Seth was sure that sun sprite blood was deadly to vampires, or had he simply been told that as a prank? It wouldn’t have been the first time he’d been misled about a vampire’s strengths and weaknesses.

  “Why are you alive?” The words came out of his mouth terser than intended. He was no longer in a good mood from last night’s activities, and he could hardly contain his seriously pissed off now that his lust was done away with as well.

  Silus and the sun sprite, Cedric, looked at each other, as though unsure of themselves, or whether or not to answer his question.

  Tall and Dark, Seth needed to get his name, was sulking in the doorframe, looking as formidable as ever, his back to their merry little group, arms folded. From the little that Seth could see of the man’s face, it was slightly red from a blush that Seth could smell a mile away.

  From what Seth had seen, the hand that he’d used to beat up Winchester with was a little red around the knuckles, but Seth couldn’t smell any fresh blood, and they couldn’t be broken if he wouldn’t so much as put a wrap around them.

  It was especially interesting how the man had not once looked Seth in the eye since this interrogation started.

  It was Cedric who grabbed another chair, positioned it backward in front of Seth’s, and sat down, folding his arms over the back of the chair. He licked his lips, looked at his lover one last time, and finally addressed Seth. “You’re getting an explanation because we feel we owe you one.”


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