Twisted Tales of Mayhem

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Twisted Tales of Mayhem Page 28

by Sapphire Knight

  She let out a quiet gasp, hugging me tighter.

  “Do you want me to stop?” I asked.

  “No. Say what you need to say. I’m here,” she whispered.

  “At first, Stover tried to pull rank, but I was having none of that shit. The Army could toss me in the brig for life for insubordination. There was no way in hell I was going to let this animal get away with rape.”

  She nodded, kissing my chest.

  “He tried a bribe, and when that failed, he shot me through the right thigh, which shattered my femur, nicked an artery and shredded my abductor muscle. Stover left me there to bleed to death in the jungle but in the end the joke was on him.”


  “Moments after Stover took off, the base was pelted by a barrage of VC mortar fire that would last for days. Turns out, one of those mortars had Stover’s name on it.”

  “How did you survive?”

  “Private Garner, a young soldier from Wisconsin heard Stover’s shots and came to investigate. He found me and called for the medics who took care of both me and the girl.”

  “Whatever happened to her?”

  “I have no idea. The next thing I knew, I was being released from medical and shipped back home. It wasn’t until several months later that I became privy to the official report, which claimed I was shot by enemy fire in the early part of the battle. Then came the Purple Heart and the attention and I just couldn’t take any more. I quit the army, bought a bike and have been riding through the South ever since.”

  “And you never told anyone about Stover?”

  “I never saw an upside to reporting it. Stover and Adams were both killed in the war, and I have no idea who the third man was. Besides, bringing this all to light would only make the Army look bad, and my brothers don’t need this country to hate them any more than they already do. I thought it best to shut up, be their poster boy for the moment, and then fade away.”

  “Don’t you mean, ride off into the sunset?”

  “I told you, Pearl, I’m no hero.”

  “I think that innocent Vietnamese girl would disagree with you.”

  I could see she was losing her battle with sleep and I smiled, kissing her gently. “Maybe so. Sleep, Pearl. We’ll talk more tomorrow.”

  Hearing her quiet snore, I smiled. Nothing felt better than her in my arms.



  The next morning, we hit the road early, stopping only a few times for gas and food. Duke was quiet for most of the trip. Not distant, per se, but clearly lost in thought at times.

  We finally arrived at a large commercial farm which bore the Hill Cattle company logo. We drove through a windy narrow trail leading to the rear of the property, when Duke stopped his bike and cut the engine.

  “This is where you wanted to bring me?”

  “You sound surprised. You are aware that my family is in the cattle business, are you not?”

  “Of course I am. It’s just, from the way you’ve talked about your father, I figured this is the last place you’d want to be.”

  “It is, but like I said, I want to show you something. Besides, I doubt we’ll run into him. He’s more likely to be in a boardroom somewhere than out with the cattle.”

  We got off the bike and he led me to what looked like private stables.

  “This is just about the only thing I love about this place,” he said as we reached the entrance. Inside were six exquisite horses. Two stallions and four mares. “My father wants me to take over the cattle business when he retires, but that’s not what I want. My dream is to build the finest horse breeding program in the state.”

  My eyes widened and I felt a little short of breath.

  “Don’t you see what I’m saying now? Do you really think it’s a coincidence that my dream for this ranch and your training in breeding just so happen to match perfectly? That it’s just chance that I was your childhood crush and we bumped into each other out of the blue? Neither of us were even supposed to be on those steps last night. Call it God, Karma or luck of the Irish. I don’t care. We are meant to be together, Pearl. You and I are supposed to build a life right here. I can feel it.”

  “This is crazy, Duke. And not at all how life is supposed to go,” I said, tears welling up in my eyes.

  “Let me show you one more thing,” Duke said and led me to a clearing behind the stables where there stood a single oak tree. “My grandfather planted this tree for my grandmother on the day they were married.”

  “That’s so sweet,” Pearl said.

  “It’s more than sweet, it’s a symbol of a man’s love for a woman and the life he’d envisioned for them. I can’t explain why, but when I look at you, I see my future even more clearly than my past. I see you and me sitting at a picnic table right over there when we’re old. I see horses, and hard, long days of working them. I see a home filled with laughter and love, but most of all, I see your face.”

  The tears flowed freely down Pearl’s face, and once again I got down on one knee. Once again, I asked Pearl to be my bride, and this time she said, “Yes.”



  Holy moly, I was married. To a man I barely knew. But what a man he was.

  Georgia doesn’t require blood tests to get married, so thirty dollars and a trip to the Dublin courthouse later, Duke and I were officially man and wife. No family to interfere, no friends butting in, just a man that I barely knew and yet trusted completely. For our wedding night, Duke booked us a beautiful hotel suite in Savannah, and I had all my belongings packed in the brand-new Samsonite suitcase Nana had bought me for my birthday. She’d said she wanted me to travel and explore the world, and I felt a pang of guilt because I was pretty sure it didn’t mean marry a man I’d met four-and-half days ago, but I glanced at Duke and all my worries disappeared.

  “Are you sure this place isn’t too expensive?” I asked.

  Duke chuckled. “I may be the black sheep of the family, and my father may be pissed at me, but I’m not cut off or anything,” he said.

  Until that moment, I honestly hadn’t thought about whether or not Duke had money, but I suppose it was nice not having to worry about that. The state of my “virtue” was another matter.

  “You okay?” Duke asked, clearly sensing my fear.

  I nodded. “Just a little nervous.”

  “I’m gonna take care of you, sweetheart. Don’t be nervous.”

  I licked my lips. “Okay.”

  “You know how this all works?”

  “I did study animal husbandry.” I blushed and lowered my eyes. “And I’ve seen horses breed.”

  “Jesus Christ, you’re beautiful.”

  “Because I’ve seen horses breed?” I asked.

  He chuckled, sliding my floppy hat off my head and throwing it on the bed.

  “No hats on the bed!” I exclaimed.


  “It’s bad luck.”

  “Oh, boy. My wife is a superstitious Bible thumper,” Duke teased.

  “Hey, you’re stuck with me forever.”


  He stroked my cheek then unbuttoned my dress, slipping it over my shoulders and letting it pool on the floor. I shivered as I stood before him in my underwear and knee-high boots, and crossed my arms over my breasts, but he frowned and tugged them down.

  “Don’t ever hide yourself from me,” he ordered gently. “You are beautiful. More beautiful than anyone I’ve ever seen, and I’m gonna show you how much I appreciate you in a minute, but for now, don’t hide yourself.”

  I bit my lip and nodded. “Okay.”

  He slid my bra straps down my arms and my nipples hardened as he unsnapped it and dropped it on top of my dress.

  “Duke?” I whispered.

  “Yeah, baby?”

  I closed my eyes and shook my head. “Nothing.”

  “Show me your eyes, Pearl.”

  It took me a second to get up the courage, but then I wa
s staring into his eyes as he smiled gently. I instantly relaxed. I trusted this man. With everything I had.


  I nodded and he knelt before me, unzipping one boot then the other, standing again and helping me slide them off.

  Kissing me, he pulled me against his fully clothed body and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He smelled like tobacco and leather and mint from the gum he’d been chewing earlier, and I melted against him as he lifted me onto the bed.

  Hovering over me, he ran his thumb over my lower lip. “If you feel uncomfortable or scared, you tell me. I’ll stop.”

  I nodded. “Okay, Duke.”

  He kissed my neck and his moustache tickled me, causing goosebumps to form on my skin as he moved down my body. I let out a quiet squeak when his mouth sucked on one of my nipples gently and I wove my fingers into his hair. Oh, my word, it felt incredible.

  He continued to move downward and when he reached the apex of my thighs, I stiffened.

  “Open for me, Pearl.”

  “You’re…you’re going to…?”

  “Yeah, baby, I’m going to taste you.”

  “You can’t.”

  “I can’t?” Duke smiled. “How come?”


  “Which is my absolute favorite thing, baby.” He slipped his hand under the waistband of my panties and ran a finger over my private area.

  I whimpered, a sudden need forming in me I’d never experienced before. Suddenly, my panties were off and I was completely exposed, then his mouth was on me and I cried out as he ran his tongue through my very wet folds.

  He pressed a finger inside of me, sweeping my walls and I gripped the bedding, fisting it in my hands as he moved in and out, in and out.

  “Oh!” I squeaked.

  “That’s right, baby, let your body tell you what it wants.”

  “Is this normal?” I panted out.

  “Yeah, honey, it’s normal.”

  His finger moved faster and faster, and he pressed a thumb on a spot that made my brain feel like fireworks were going off and then my body shook, and a warm thrill shot up my spine. “Oh!”

  Before I could fully enjoy whatever, this was, Duke removed his clothes and I was suddenly petrified. “No.”


  “There is no way that’s going to fit!” I tried to do a crab crawl away from him, but he just chuckled, tugging me back to him.

  “Trust me. I’ll be gentle.”

  I forced myself to relax and he hovered over me again, kissing me gently. He ran his tongue over my collarbone and then slid his hand between my legs and palmed me until I started to grind against him.

  “That’s right, baby,” he whispered, and then something very large pressed inside of me.

  “Duke,” I whispered, scared of his size.

  “Am I hurting you?”

  I shook my head.

  “It’s the fear of the unknown that has you nervous, baby. Let your body relax and do what it was made to do.” He pressed in a little further and I gripped his arms. “Too much?”

  I shook my head and he went deeper.

  “It’s gonna hurt here in a second,” he warned, and thrust deep.

  The tearing of my innocence stung, and he kissed me, muffling my cry with his mouth.

  “I’m so sorry, beautiful. That’s the worst part.”

  Staying completely still, he rolled a nipple into a tight peak, and kissed me again, letting my body get used to his invasion as he worked it back into an erotic frenzy. Before I knew it, my hips were arching into him and then he was moving. Slowly at first, and then faster, until I was no longer scared, I was simply feeling. All of him. And it was magnificent.

  He let out a grunt and then collapsed on top of me, rolling us onto our sides and pulling me into his arms. “How ya doin’?”

  “I’m not sure,” I confessed.

  He kissed me again and slid off the bed. “I’ll be right back.”

  He returned with a washcloth and settled the warmth between my legs. This had me blushing all over again and he stroked my cheek. “Don’t be embarrassed.”

  “No one has ever touched me like that.”

  “I like that, Pearl. I like that you’re only mine. I’ll never take that for granted, and I’ll always take care of you.”

  “I’m going to hold you to that, Duke.”

  “Wouldn’t expect anything less.” He stroked my cheek. “This is just the beginning of our perfect life. You know that, right?”

  “If it’s with you, yes.”

  “Always with me, Pearl. Always.”

  He doted on me for the rest of the night and I was sure the tenderness he showed was an indication of what was to come, and I couldn’t wait to make a life with him.


  About Jack Davenport

  Jack Davenport is a true romantic at heart, but he has a rebel’s soul. His writing is passionate, energetic, and often fueled by his true life, fiery romance with author wife, Piper Davenport. A musician by day, his unique perspective into the world of rock stars provides an exciting backdrop for his new romance series.

  He currently lives with his wife and two kids in the top left corner of the United States.

  Like Jack’s FB page and get to know him!

  Twitter: @JackDavenport33

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  By Lilly Atlas

  Chapter One

  1985 Burien, Washington

  He was a legacy.

  The makings of the Devil’s Tribe Motorcycle Club literally coursed through his blood. Started by his great grandpop back in nineteen thirty-one, every man in his bloodline had their chance to lead the club. Right now, his pops ran the show. The old man had been president for the past ten years, give or take.

  As long as he didn’t fuck up and land his ass behind bars, Viper’s shot at top dog would come. He’d head up the rough and raw group of men he’d idolized since the first time his diapered ass rode on a motorcycle. Rumor had it, his old man had made a trip into town with a ten-month-old baby Viper strapped to his back, ignoring the blue streak his mother had cussed from the porch. Young Viper had laughed and squealed the entire ride, solidifying his place in the pack.

  Or so the story went.

  Being heir to the throne might mean he’d be the prez one day, but as a prospect, it hadn’t meant shit. No one cared who or what he was. He’d suffered like all prospects before him. He’d had to prove himself and his loyalty like all the others if he’d wanted to receive that patch.

  And he’d wanted it more than anything.

  Finally, last night, he’d earned it. Best moment of his life. Proudest for his pops too.

  But, right now? Well, now he wanted to take his rifle and mow down each and every man he’d considered a brother until five minutes ago.

  Shit could change in a fucking instant.

  Even the core of what made Viper a man wasn’t safe from the universe’s fuckery.

  “So, this is really fucking happening?” Sarge, the other brand spanking new patched member, muttered under his breath. “We got a problem, brother. I sure as fuck didn’t sign on for this shit.”

  Less than twenty-four hours ago, after thirteen months of abuse and scut work, both Viper and Sarge received their official patches. At twenty-eight, Sarge had a few years on Viper’s twenty-one. The guy served time in the Army, discharging at the rank of Sergeant, hence the nickname. They’d prospected together, and forged a bond, toughing out the torture the brothers loved to dish out.

  “Shut the fuck up,” Viper whispered back, his gaze fixated on the rusted-out van starting up the long dirt road that led to the shack owned by the DT’s. His entire life, he’d been told the rundown two-room abode was a safehouse of sorts. Used by guys looking to lay low for a while.

  The truth was entirely different than that bullshit.

  “You telling me you ain’t freaking the fuck out, V?” Sarge spoke out of the s
ide of his mouth, so low Viper had to strain to hear him. To the others, it’d look like the two were merely standing guard, waiting for the van to arrive. “Come on, man, we got tight over the last year. You told me all about your high school sweetheart. You cannot be okay with this shit.”

  Viper’s stomach clenched as it always did when Vanessa was mentioned, which wasn’t much anymore, but it still happened on occasion. They’d been young, stupid, and head over fucking heels wild for each other. Double V, as everyone nicknamed them. In their youthful ignorance, they’d made plans to marry the summer after high school graduation.

  A week before school let out, Vanessa was raped. Brutally raped. A random act of senseless violence, or so the useless pigs claimed. The assault destroyed a beautiful and vibrant girl. No matter what Viper did, and he tried every fucking tactic he could think of, he couldn’t drag her out of the dark pit her mind descended into. She’d become so consumed by the trauma, she committed suicide three months after it happened.

  So, no he wasn’t fucking okay with this. Truth was, he was okay with a lot of illegal and even amoral shit, but this was not one of those things.

  “Shit, brother, you know I’m not fucking on board with this.” He kept his voice a notch above a whisper. Nudging his chin toward their president, vice president, and enforcer, he said, “They’ll have your ass if they catch wind of what you’re saying, though.”

  Sarge scratched the side of his clean-shaven head. The guy had been cue-balling it ever since some skirt he’d been chasing told him she had a thing for bald men. “So you’re just gonna let this play out?”

  Was he? Could he live with himself?

  Viper ran a hand across his unshaven chin. “Fuck,” he mumbled. “How did we not know about this? Can’t believe they managed to keep the fact they’re trafficking women a secret from us for an entire year.”


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