Twisted Tales of Mayhem

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Twisted Tales of Mayhem Page 72

by Sapphire Knight

  Not likely.

  Constance begins to slide past me when I grab her hand to stop her. “Let me walk you to your car.”

  Her smirk is devilish. “Isn’t that how we ended up here?”

  I flash her back a similar expression.

  She wiggles her fingers out of my grip and states, “Enjoy your party, Lion.”

  Disgust digs itself into my bones.

  She should only call me Colm…

  Rather than dwell on the unusual feeling, I question, “Can I get your number?”

  “Lion,” Memphis mumbles again.

  Constance simply replies with a wink.

  I prepare to follow after her when my fellow member grunts, “Let. Her. Go.”

  Irritation rears its ugly head for the final time. “What the fuck is your problem, man? Why do you keep makin’ this shit more difficult?”

  “You need to let her go. Just forget about her.”

  “Why the fuck would I do that?! Have you seen her? She’s fucking perfect.”

  Memphis nods his head in agreement. “Yeah, and perfectly off limits.”


  “’Cause of her last name.”


  “As in Colin Chan. The same Chan we do business with. Constance is his cousin.”

  Discomfort lands on my shoulders.

  “And gettin’ involved with her could fuck up relations between us and him. Is that really what you want?”




  “Do you want tension between his clan and the club?”



  Fuck, I don’t know.


  “You can’t jus’ think with your dick right now, Lion,” Memphis lectures. “Shit goes sideways between you and her, who the fuck do you think he’s comin’ after?”

  The idea diverts my attention to my lap.

  “And another war on another front is the absolute last fuckin’ thing we need right now. So…let her go.”

  I fold my hands together in silent protest.

  Thing is…I can’t just let her go.

  The king of the jungle doesn’t just let some other asshole come into his territory and tell him how to run his shit. He doesn’t back down because shit might get a little uncomfortable. He damn sure doesn’t just give up his mate without a fight. No. He mans up. Rises strong. Fucking roars loud enough for all other creatures to hear he means business.

  And that’s exactly what I’m gonna do.

  Check out my website here:

  Reckless Angels MC

  Part One

  Amy Davies



  “Oh, that bastard. That fucking asshole. God damn it.” I hiss, slamming down the papers on my desk. That man is fucking infuriating to say the least. I should start looking for another job but I know at the end of the day I won't. I love working here at the Reckless Repair Shop, owned by the Reckless Angels MC.

  I was down on my luck about seven-years-ago, when Grit found me, begging for food. I was a homeless eighteen-year-old girl, living anywhere I could keep safe and warm. Grit, the Vice President of the club, brought me home to his Old Lady, Cherry. They took me in, cleaned me and fed me. I was given the nice size apartment above the garage to stay and keep safe. They treated me like I was their own.

  I moved out of said apartment three-years-ago when he, broke my heart again. That’s when I knew I needed to start putting distance between us, and only see him during work hours, and at the odd club party or BBQ. Let me tell you I failed at that plan.

  “Pepper, do you have the invoice for Mr. Bruing?” Dax bellows as he walks into my office, breaking my thoughts of the past and of him.

  “Yeah, I have it ready.” I tell him as he stops by my desk. Dax is one good-looking man. All tall with short brown hair and piercing blue eyes. I hand over the slip of paper.

  “Nice one, doll face. And listen Pepper, ignore the old bastard, okay. He is in a pissy mood today.” He’s right about that. Ever since I came in this morning Zero, aka Scott Payne has been a bear with a sore head, but is mood only seems aimed at me.

  “I know, Dax, thanks handsome. How many more cars are out there?” I ask.

  “Three. They will be done by closing, I⎯.”

  “DAX.” My body stiffens, at the sound of his voice. Dax smirks at me before leaving the office. I shake my head and settle in my chair before carrying on with what I was doing before the dickhead bitched me out. The next two-hours fly by and before I know it is closing. I shut down the computer, collect my bag and shut the office door before locking it.

  My phone dings in my pocket, signalling that I have a text.

  Indie: Hey, bitch are you done eye-fucking all those hot bikers for the day?

  I giggle and make my way over to my car, my baby. Grit bought me a 1967 Ford Mustang Shelby, GT-500, in apple red.

  Me: Yeah, just done. My eyes are blurry from all the fucking they did today. Where you at?

  “Pepper.” My back goes ramrod straight, as his voice washes over me. I still unlock my car and drop my bag inside, before turning to him. Keeping a look of indifference on my face.

  There is he, in all his sexy, bad ass, biker glory. Well over six-foot, with shaggy, sandy colored hair. His green eyes, always seem to be searching my soul for something, it is the way he looks at me. His entire upper body is covered in very detailed tattoos that I would love to explore one day.

  No you won’t, Pepper. Stop it.

  Scott has been the bain of my existence ever since I turned twenty-one. Before then he was always not so broody around me, but then everything changed when I came back from being away with the girls at Spring break. His wife upped and left, leaving him with his two amazing kids. Ash who is eleven and Tovi who is eight. I take care of them from time to time. I still don’t know why she left, no-one talks about it, she was a cuntwaffle anyway.

  Anyway, back to the boss man standing in front of me, no pun intended.

  “Yes, Zero?” I answer sweetly. His eyes penetrate me, but I stand my ground and I lock my knees in place. This man could bring a thousand women to their knees with just one look.

  “Did you email out the orders I told you about?”

  “Yes.” I reply, sounding exasperated. This is the usual routine, with us. He makes excuses to talk to me but he always manages to hurt me or piss me off.

  “And the time sheets?”

  “Yes, Zero.” He growls a little when I say his road name, but I personally don’t give a fuck, he is ‘Zero’ when he is on my bad side. “We do this every fucking week, you know I have a handled on everything that comes through that office. That is my job and I do it well.” I place my hands on my hips, drawing his eyes down to the sliver of skin that is between the waistline of my shorts and my sleeveless club t-shirt. I hate wearing restricting clothing.

  “I don’t give a fuck, little girl, I am the boss, and you will answer my fucking questions. I know you aren’t some dumb fucking blond.” Oh, here we go again, with the ‘little girl’ thing. Scott is twelve-years-older than me and let me tell you he is forever reminding me. It hurts like hell that he only sees me as a little girl, he will never except my feelings for him and I know that I have to move on, but my heart seems to stop me whenever another guy shows me interest.

  “I run that office to perfection. All of you would be lost without me and you know it.” I climb into my car, ignoring the man who has yet again made me feel two-inches tall. Well fuck him and his sexy smile and perfect body. Asshole.

  “Just checking you are running my garage the right way, Shy. Can’t have you fucking up and thinking you can get away with it, even little girls can be punished.” He bites out, using my club nickname. I was named ‘Shy’ because I am anything but shy. My temper flares and I know I have to leave.

  “Fuck off, Zero.” I grip the handle to slam the door on him, so I can
leave before either of say something we'll regret. Not that, that has stopped him before.

  The drive home is quick, it is times like these that I am happy that I got out of the garage apartment and got my own place.



  “Fuck,” I yell into the early night air. I fucked up again. I always seem to piss Pepper off, my ‘darlin’ as I call her most of the time.

  Pepper came into our lives when my life was on track, but I always seems to track her, even if my wife was in the room, well I should say ex-wife now. She fucked off a few years ago leaving me and our two, kids. Ash and Tovi are my fucking world. We are better off without her in our lives, that bitch was fucked up in the head, blaming for me for shit that wasn’t true, well not entirely true.

  I don’t fuck around when I am in a relationship, I saw enough of that shit with my parents. I hated my old man for treating my mom the way he did, fucking any broad that spread her legs for him. Thinking of my father and his fucked up shit, sends my bloody boiling.

  I storm back into the garage to pick up my phone that I left on the worktop, I head to pop into the clubhouse before going home and seeing my kids. The sitter has been a Godsend, since all the shit when down. Mrs. Kline is a sixty-year-old lady, who loves my kids.

  I lock up the garage and walk over to the main building that houses the clubs bar, and rooms that my brothers use when they stay at the club. Some brothers actually live here because they don’t have Old Lady’s and they like to fuck the club whores. They come in handy when stress needs to be relieved.

  Me, I used to like to fuck, not, much anymore. I work, do shit for the club and go home with the kids. I barely have time for a blowjob these days. Or it could have something to do with the sexy blond-haired woman that runs our garage office.

  The music is blaring when I push through door of the clubhouse, heavy metal blasts through the surround sound system. Wolf the clubs President and Grit our VP, are sitting in the corner when their Old Ladies in their laps.

  I give them a chin lift and make my way over to them. Cherry, Grits woman, giggles into his neck and that’s when I see where his hand is. Damn these fuckers still don’t give a fuck about where they please their women.

  I wouldn’t if my girl would live up to her name.

  I know I haven't claimed her yet, but all the boys here at the club know not to touch her, fuck they aren’t allowed to look at her, but the horny bastard do. I have wasted so much fucking time pushing her away, but when I found out that my last living uncle passed away and he left all of his shit to me and the kids, I knew that I needed to do something to make her mine, but my stubbornness, fights back every fucking time. I can honestly say that I haven’t seen him in over twenty-years.

  “Everything locked up.”

  “Yeah, brother.” I sit on the only empty chair, lifting to rest my ankle on my knee, leaning back in the chair. A beer appears in front of my face and I turn to see Crystal smirking down at me. She has always tried to get into my bed, but fuck me she is overused, all the brothers and then some have had a go at her.

  “There you go, Zero. A nice cold beer for a hard-working man. You know where to find me if you need anything else” She coos, but not in the cute or sexy way. I give her a chin lift and take the beer, leaving her standing there.

  “My girl get home, okay?” Grit asks.

  Grit and his Old Lady Cherry took Pepper in like she was their own. They couldn’t ever have kids after their son Corbin was born. Hs road name is Trace, the little shit is the best at tracing something or someone.

  “Yeah,” is all I say.

  His face hardens some, and he shifts in his seat, adjusting Cherry on his lap. Our gazes stay locked, because I am a stubborn motherfucker and I will not back down to this man. He knows I want his daughter, but he knows I am a pussy for not stepping up.

  Fuck the whole club knows I want her but my ex-wife did a fucking number on me, she showed me that finding the right person to spend the rest of your life with is a full time fucking job, but one I fully intend in taking on.

  With Pepper.

  I just need to pull my head out of my ass and make the move.

  “What did you do, Zero?” Grit’s voice is hard, he knows the back and forth we have going on and it is pissing him off that I have hurt Pepper more than once, and that I seem to keep fucking doing it.

  “Nothing,” I shrug, taking a pull of my beer.

  “Fucking bullshit.” He growls. My gaze shifts to Cherry, her eyes narrowed at me, while she shakes her head in disappointment, oh a feeling I am used to.

  “Fine, I said some shit about her working in the garage, happy now.”

  “Happy?” he growls again. His face turning a darker shade of red. “Do I look like a man that likes to see one of his brothers, treat his daughter like shit?” I give him a subtle shake of my head. My stomach knots knowing what he means. I keep pushing my luck with him, but not only him. Wolf and some of the other brothers are getting fucked off with me, pushing her away, hurting her when they all know how we feel about each other.

  “You keep pushing and one day, she won’t come back, Zero.” Cherry says, before kissing her Old Man and climbing off his lap, pulling her phone out. No doubt to call, Pepper, to see what the fuck I did.


  “She is right ya know.” Trace says, taking the empty seat. I lick my lips, then finish off my beer. I drop the bottle on the table before sitting up straight in my chair.

  I know they are all right, in saying that if I keep hurting Pepper, she will walk away, she will find a man who is worthy of her, someone that doesn't come with a shit load of baggage and two kids.

  Fucking me sideways with a fucking wrench.



  I turn the engine off and climb out of my baby, the heat hits me as soon as I step out. I pull my hair off the back of my neck, throwing it up into a messy bun. I hear a growl to my left, my head snaps in that direction and I see Zero standing there, his fists clenched watching me.

  My heart skips a beat and my core throbs at the sexual intense look in his eyes. I can never work out why he won’t make a move on me. I understand the age gap, but since when has a biker been bothered about what other people will think. I am a adult for crying out loud.

  There is only so many times a woman can be pushed before she doesn't push back anymore and I am teetering on the edge of my cliff. I force my desire down, and roll my eyes at him, making sure he sees it. He snarls at me, and watches me walk into the office.

  I set my purse in the bottom draw of the desk and drop my phone on top. I walk over to the filing cabinet and pull out today’s invoices and get them ready for when the customers come back to pick up their cars or bikes. Music soothes me, so like to have music playing when I work, so I connect my phone to the speaker I have in here.

  Linkin Park’s ‘In The End’ starts playing through the speaker, instantly calming me. Thoughts of Zero leave my brain for all of ten-fucking-seconds, because the big, sexy bastard comes into my office.

  “You’re late.” He states. I’m not late, this is Zero when he is in a bad mood. Everyone is in the wrong, except him. Fuck the man needs to get laid, preferably by me, but we all know that isn't going to happen.

  “If you say so.” I turn my back on him, and look for the order form to check against the orders that will be coming in today. This is me distracting myself from looking at the man in the room with me.he has the ability to make me forget what am saying and how pissed off I am with him.

  “I do say so. Why?” he demands.

  “Why what?”

  “Why are you late, Shy?” he asks again.

  I am not in the mood to play with him today. I can clearly see that I won’t win any argument I start with him. Taking a deep breath I turn to face him. Fuck me he looks good today. He is wearing a club t-shirt similar to mine, but mine is grey and his is black. His dark jeans fit his body like they were made for him, even the oi
l stains add the extra sexy factor to them. I am messed up thinking oil stains are sexy.

  “I’m not late, bossman. I am ten-minutes-early, because I know the big order is coming in today and I wanted everything ready. So whatever the fuck has you in this mood, take it elsewhere because I am not in the mood for it, today.” I cock my hip, resting my hand there.

  His eyes drop top my hand, just like it did yesterday. See this aggravates me, because I can see how much he wants me. Our gazes lock again, the desire rushing between us but neither of make a move, or say a word. My temper gets the best of me again around this subject of us.

  The silence is killing me. Until I can’t take it anymore.

  “Fuck it, I am done with this pathetic chase I have going on.” My heart stutters in my chest when he doesn't say or do anything. The silence spreads out between us more, my heart sinking lower with each passing second. I shake my head at him, before turning my back to him again.

  “Go back to work, Scott. Leave me alone.” I whisper the last word. I hear a sharp intake of breath but I refuse to turn around and look at him. Closing my eyes, I try to control the erratic beating heart in my chest. The office door slams shut, making me jump and the tears finally fall.

  The slamming of the door is the metaphor for us.

  The door is being slammed shut on us before it is even allowed to start. My heart will break and then it will heal, hopefully. Journey of life, right? The most painful part will be seeing him at work. Maybe a new job is in order, I just need to get Wolf and Grit to let me leave.

  I sigh and slump down in my chair, my thoughts running crazy in my head.



  I throw the wrench cross the floor of the garage, nothing's going right me today. Pepper’s word echo through my head.

  ‘Fuck it, I am done with this pathetic chase I have going on.’


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