Twisted Tales of Mayhem

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Twisted Tales of Mayhem Page 85

by Sapphire Knight

What in the hell was I doing? Getting involved with Macy again was a disaster waiting to happen.

  I shook my head and climbed onto my bike. I needed to ride and clear my head. Not only was Macy’s reappearance fucking with me, but it hadn’t been more than six hours since I killed a man. He was nothing more than evil scum that needed to be put down, but killing was killing, and it wasn’t easy.

  I roared away from the farm and into the dark night, searching for answers I knew I wouldn’t find.

  A few days passed, and while I had made peace with taking a life, I still wasn’t sure how I felt about Macy. When I first met her, she had me wrapped around her finger in a matter of minutes. Just like Phoenix and Annabelle, we were glued at the hip for the next year. Then, in a matter of weeks, Phoenix left for the Marines, Annabelle disappeared, and Macy ended our relationship, or so I thought. Regardless, my three best friends were gone, and it was a bitter pill to swallow.

  My phone ringing interrupted my thoughts. I glanced at the screen and answered, “Phoenix, what’s up?”

  He chuckled into the phone, “Duke is stuck in the hayloft at the horse barn. Can you go help him out?”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “How is he stuck?”

  “He claims Keegan moved the ladder even though she knew he was up there. Oh, he also said she locked the barn doors, so you’ll need to stop by Ember’s office first to get the spare key. It should be in that big binder she keeps in the bottom drawer of her desk.”

  “Keegan wouldn’t do something like that. The girl’s sweet as sugar.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think she did it on purpose no matter what Duke says. Anyway, I tried to call her, but she didn’t answer.”

  “All right, I’ll head over there now.”

  When I arrived at Ember’s office, I found the key exactly where Phoenix said it would be. As soon as Duke climbed down from the hayloft, he started ranting and raving about Keegan.

  “Save it, brother. I don’t have any say in what goes on with the employees out here, and, frankly, I don’t want to listen to it right now,” I said and headed back to Ember’s office to return the spare key.

  I had just closed Ember’s desk drawer when I heard a startled gasp. My head shot up, and I came face to face with Macy, a red-faced, bleary-eyed Macy.

  “I didn’t know anyone was here,” I blurted dumbly.

  She sucked in a shaky breath, “I was just leaving.”

  We stood there staring at each other in silence for several uncomfortable beats before my conscience got the better of me. “Is everything okay?”

  “Of course,” she replied and waved a hand at her face. “Allergies.”

  “Macy,” I drawled. “That’s bullshit, and you know it. What’s really going on?”

  “It doesn’t matter,” she snapped, repeating the last words I’d said to her.

  I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed. “Yeah, I guess I deserve that. Look, I’m sorry, okay?”

  She scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Yeah, okay.”

  With her purse slung over her shoulder, she moved toward the door, but I stepped in front of her, effectively blocking the only exit.

  “What are you doing, Aaron?” Hell if I knew what I was doing.

  “Let me explain,” I said softly. “About the other night.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” she repeated.

  I ignored her jab and continued, “You’ve always had a way of making me lose my head. I thought you had a date or something, and I guess I was jealous. I had no right to react the way I did, and I’m sorry.”

  She nodded and sniffed. “I didn’t have a date. I was wearing the lingerie for me. Because I already felt like shit, and you made me feel worse. I thought dressing up in pretty things might make me feel better,” she confessed. The two tears that streaked down her pink cheeks were my undoing.

  Closing the distance between us, I pulled her into my arms and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. With my cheek resting against her hair, I told her, “I’m sorry for hurting you.”

  As soon as the words left my mouth, I felt her body shake against mine followed by a muffled sob. I held her while she cried against my chest. It was then I realized every ounce of sass she’d given me had been a façade. She wasn’t the same feisty, smart-mouthed firecracker she once was. No, the Macy in my arms had lost all confidence in herself, and I’d done nothing but further drive that point home since she’d been back.

  After a few minutes, I softly said, “Macy, look at me.” She shook her head against my chest. “Come on, Mace, give me your eyes.”

  “No, Aaron. I’m sure I look awful right now,” she mumbled.

  “Mace, I took care of you when you had the flu and again when you had that hellacious stomach virus. Trust me; you will never look worse than you did when you were sitting on the toilet and puking at the same time.”

  She gasped in outrage and slapped my chest, pushing herself back and glaring at me. “You swore you didn’t see any of that!”

  I chuckled as I cupped her face and wiped the remaining tears away with my thumbs. “I didn’t, but I heard you, and I saw you when you came out of the bathroom. Now, how about you let me take you out for dinner? You can tell me all about your ex-husband, and I can decide if I need to go kill him or not after I have a few words with your father,” I said, trying to lighten the mood.

  Surprisingly, she agreed but wanted to go back to her apartment to change clothes and freshen up first. While she did that, I turned off everything and locked up the office building.

  When she returned, I was waiting for her beside my bike. She eyed it warily before confessing, “I’ve never ridden on a motorcycle.”

  I grinned. “Well, I’m popping that cherry. Let’s go,” I ordered and slapped her firm little ass. She climbed on the bike, and I took her to the restaurant where Dash and Ember had their rehearsal dinner. After placing our order, I leaned back in my chair and locked eyes with her. “Tell me about your ex.”

  She shifted in her seat and visibly swallowed. “There’s not much to tell. I met Donald when I was in college. I dropped out of school, married him, and moved to Texas. I was young and stupid and signed a prenuptial agreement without reading it. So, when I caught him cheating last year and filed for divorce, I didn’t realize my actions would result in me losing my rights to anything acquired during our marriage or any type of monetary settlement.”

  “I thought prenuptial agreements usually protected the innocent party in the marriage.”

  She shook her head. “I used to think the same thing, but, no, they protect whoever has the most money or the most to lose. I knew I wasn’t after his money, so I didn’t read it like I should have. He had a clause in there saying I wouldn’t get anything other than my personal belongings and whatever vehicle I was using as my daily transportation at the time if I initiated divorce proceedings for any reason whatsoever.”

  She took a large sip of her wine and continued, “The day our divorce was finalized, I packed my personal belongings under the supervision of his security team while he married his overly plasticized living fuck doll, the fucking pig.”

  There was a lull in the conversation when our food arrived. I took the time to absorb everything she’d shared. “Did you love him?”

  She looked up, surprised by my question. “I tried to, and for a while, I thought I did, but, no, I never really loved him.”

  I nodded and continued to eat, trying not to put too much pressure on her. “If you didn’t love him, what’s got you so upset?”

  She sighed and dropped her fork. “I’m upset with myself for wasting so many years of my life in a loveless marriage and doing absolutely nothing to better myself. Seriously, up until a week ago, I had no job and was living with my parents.”

  “Yeah, but on the flip side, look at what you’ve accomplished in a week. You landed a good job and moved into your own apartment. You should be proud of yourself, Macy.”

  She shrugged and changed the subject. “Tell
me about you. What have you been up to for the last twenty years?”

  I laughed and wiped my mouth with my napkin. “Nothing too exciting. I joined the Marines after high school. Got out around the same time Phoenix did. Followed him to Devil Springs to join his uncle’s motorcycle club. Became his VP when he took over as President. Moved back to Croftridge with the club.”

  “You never married or had any kids?” she asked.

  I shook my head and took a sip of my beer. “No, never had any interest in either.”

  “You used to,” she said quietly. Yeah, I did. At one time, I wanted her to be my wife and carry my babies, but that all changed when she left.

  “Things change, Mace,” I grunted.

  We were both relatively silent for the rest of the meal. An awkwardness settled over us, one I didn’t know how to combat. I paid our bill, and she quietly followed me out to my bike.

  Chapter Five


  On the way back to her apartment, we passed the turnoff to the field where Phoenix and I first met Annabelle and Macy. Without giving it much thought, I took the turn and drove us right into the middle of the field.

  When I came to a stop, I turned the engine off and removed my helmet. Macy removed hers as well but remained seated behind me. “Do you know where we are?”

  “Yes, I do. I’m just not sure why you brought us here.”

  Neither was I. I didn’t have a fucking clue what I was doing. I just saw the turn, and it felt right. Going with my gut, I reached behind me and swung Macy around to my front so she could straddle my waist.

  “Aaron?” she questioned.

  I leaned forward and pressed a kiss right below her jaw.

  “Aaron?” she repeated.

  “Shhh, baby. I’ve imagined doing this with you a lot over the years. You gonna let me?” I asked, nuzzling against her neck.

  “Do what?” she asked as her fingers slid into my hair and tightened.

  “Fuck you on my bike.”

  I felt her swallow, and then she whispered the word I was waiting for, “Yes.”

  With that, I captured her lips with mine and thrust my tongue inside. Damn, I didn’t usually kiss women, yet there I was kissing Macy for the second time in a few days. And I had a feeling I would be doing more of it in the days to come. When she wrapped her arms around my neck and tried to pull me closer as she devoured my mouth, I wasted no time in shoving her shirt up over her tits and pulling the cups of her fancy bra down to bare her to me. She moaned into my mouth when my hands cupped her tits and my thumbs swiped over her nipples.

  “Aaron, please,” she whined.

  My hands slid down over her waist to the button of her jeans. Damn, I wished she was still wearing that tight little skirt she had on at the office, but she’d changed into jeans after work. “You trust me, Mace?”

  She studied my eyes for a few seconds and finally nodded once. “Yes,” she whispered and immediately tensed when she heard the snick of my knife.

  “Don’t move, baby. I don’t want to cut you,” I said softly. I unzipped her jeans and pulled the fabric away from her skin.

  “Lean back on your hands.” When she complied, I placed the blade below her zipper and sliced as far as I could safely go. I dropped my knife to the ground and ripped the fabric the rest of the way, giving me access to the place I had missed so much.

  Pushing her panties to the side, I rubbed her slit and slowly slid two fingers into her tight heat. She arched her back and thrust her tits forward. I immediately latched on to one of her nipples and greedily sucked it deep into my mouth as I started moving my fingers inside of her.

  “Fuck, Mace,” I groaned when she began moving her hips against my hand. I felt her walls tighten and quickly removed my fingers. “I don’t fucking think so. When you come, it’s going to be on my cock.”

  I had been so focused on her, and how it felt to have her in my arms again, I hadn’t realized she’d been busy, too. “Okay,” she breathed as she used my shoulders to raise herself up. Then, she slid down my shaft in one slow glide causing us both to groan.

  She felt so fucking good. Better than I remembered. Better than anyone ever had. She rolled her hips as she moved over me, and I suddenly realized just why she felt so good.

  Grabbing her hips, I stilled her movements, causing her to whine in protest. “Hang on, babe. I need to get a condom.”

  She wiggled against me and clenched her inner muscles. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to. I’m clean. I got checked after I caught the bastard cheating on me.”

  “Didn’t doubt that, Macy. I am, too, but I don’t want to get you pregnant,” I explained.

  Her face fell, and she focused on something in the distance. “I can’t get pregnant,” she said quietly.

  I opened my mouth, but before I could utter a sound, she added, “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  I remained quiet and waited for her to meet my eyes. When she finally did, I asked, “You sure?”

  Her inner muscles tightened around me. I groaned in pleasure, and she grinned. “Yeah, I’m sure.”

  After a brief moment of futilely arguing with myself, I released my grip on her hips and slapped her ass with one hand. “Ride me, Mace.”

  And, fuck, did she ride me. It was all I could do to hold back my release until she got hers. The moment she did, I stood from the bike, bent her over the seat, and plunged back inside.

  “You want to come again, baby?”

  “Fuck, yes.”

  “Is that so? How many times?” I asked, just like I did every time we were together all those years ago.

  “Fuck. Aaron, please.”

  I pulled out and turned her around to face me. Hooking my arms under her knees, I lifted her hips and surged forward as she grabbed on to my shoulders.

  “How many times, Mace?” I demanded, staring into her eyes.

  I couldn’t stop the grin that overtook my face when she answered the same way she always had. “As many times as you can make me, Aaron.”

  She held my gaze, and the uncharacteristic vulnerability in hers almost brought me to my knees. Instead, I slowed my movements and gently pressed my lips to hers.

  “Macy, baby, I’m so fucking happy you’re back,” I confessed.

  She pulled me closer and pressed her lips to mine as if I was going to disappear at any given moment. It wasn’t long before the salt from her tears invaded our kiss.

  I significantly slowed my pace and tried to break the kiss, but she dug her fingernails into my scalp and locked her ankles behind my back. With my lips still pressed to hers, I asked, “How did we let this happen, Macy?”

  She buried her face into my neck and clawed at my back as she started to sob. “I don’t know,” she cried. “I’m so fucking stupid.”

  “No, baby. No. We were young. Too fucking young. And, shit, a lot happened that we didn’t know how to deal with. We can’t change the past, baby, but we do have a say in what happens next.”

  “Aaron, what are—?”

  “I want to give this a shot, again. Me and you.”


  “Yes, really.”

  “Me, too.” With that, she captured my lips, and moments later, when we reached our climaxes together, I knew our story was just beginning.

  About Teagan

  You can connect with me on:



  By Linny Lawless

  Editor and Proofreader: Teri Hicks

  Torque, the owner of Hardcore Cycles is only focused on one thing, the V-twin engines that come into his shop. There's no time for women or love, that is until Ronnie, a raven-haired beauty comes into his sights. When the biker beauty needs help, Torque's primal instincts kick in, and there’s no stopping him when it comes to protecting the woman he loves.

  Chapter 1


  “But Uncle Torque, I HAVE to go on this camping trip! Todd is going too!” Kacy whined as she batted her doe e
yes at me.

  Kacy was my only niece. I loved her and still saw her as a baby wearing pink dresses and pigtails. “Who the fuck is this Toad, dude?”

  “His name is Todd, and you shouldn’t say the F word, Uncle Torque.”

  “Shit. Not like you haven’t heard the word fuck before. You’re only seventeen! Does your dad know you’re going on this so-called camping trip with dudes?”

  “I’ll be a senior in high school and in three months I’ll be eighteen! My friend Trisha’s parents are going to chaperone. And yes, Mom and Dad know and they’re okay with it.” Kacy stood behind the counter of my bike shop pouting with her arms folded—just like the typical teenager.

  Bargaining with a teenager who’s filled with raging hormones was like bashing your head against a brick wall, over and over again.

  I shook my head and cracked my knuckles. “Well, this Toad better keep his hands to himself, or he won’t have any hands or a dick to play with, for that matter!”

  Kacy’s brows shot up as her jaw dropped. “Wow! There is just no filter with you! Please? Can I clock out early tomorrow?”

  “What time?”


  I grumbled, “Okay. But you clock in at eight a.m. sharp! Understand, Kacy?”

  She jumped, wrapping her arms around me. “Thank you, Uncle Torque! You’re the coolest boss ever!”

  “And the coolest uncle ever, too.” Just then the sound of Harley pipes drew my attention to the front window of my bike shop.

  I knew it was a Sportster just by the sound of the pipes and then I saw the chick’s legs. Drop-dead, sexy legs straddling the bike. “Holy. Fuck.” I moved away from Kacy, stepping up to the window.

  My eyes were fixated on those gorgeous legs, to the faded jean shorts and delectable ass. She wore black laced-up ankle boots and a thick long ponytail of jet-black hair. She parked the bike, and when she swung her leg over to climb off, I got a good view of the bodacious cleavage she sported in a tight purple tank top.

  “Go do work, Kacy,” I grumbled as my legs moved and led me outside to greet the raven-haired biker chick.


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