Angel Peak

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by Shirleen Davies

  Books by Shirleen Davies

  Historical Western Romance Series

  MacLarens of Fire Mountain

  Tougher than the Rest, Book One

  Faster than the Rest, Book Two

  Harder than the Rest, Book Three

  Stronger than the Rest, Book Four

  Deadlier than the Rest, Book Five

  Wilder than the Rest, Book Six

  Redemption Mountain

  Redemption’s Edge, Book One

  Wildfire Creek, Book Two

  Sunrise Ridge, Book Three

  Dixie Moon, Book Four

  Survivor Pass, Book Five

  Promise Trail, Book Six

  Deep River, Book Seven

  Courage Canyon, Book Eight

  Forsaken Falls, Book Nine

  Solitude Gorge, Book Ten

  Rogue Rapids, Book Eleven

  Restless Wind, Coming next in the series!

  MacLarens of Boundary Mountain

  Colin’s Quest, Book One,

  Brodie’s Gamble, Book Two

  Quinn’s Honor, Book Three

  Sam’s Legacy, Book Four

  Heather’s Choice, Book Five

  Nate’s Destiny, Book Six

  Blaine’s Wager, Book Seven

  Fletcher’s Pride, Book Eight

  Bay’s Desire, Coming next in the series!

  Contemporary Romance Series

  MacLarens of Fire Mountain

  Second Summer, Book One

  Hard Landing, Book Two

  One More Day, Book Three

  All Your Nights, Book Four

  Always Love You, Book Five

  Hearts Don’t Lie, Book Six

  No Getting Over You, Book Seven

  ‘Til the Sun Comes Up, Book Eight

  Foolish Heart, Book Nine

  Forever Love, Book Ten, Coming next in the series!

  Peregrine Bay

  Reclaiming Love, Book One, A Novella

  Our Kind of Love, Book Two

  Burnt River

  Shane’s Burden, Book One by Peggy Henderson

  Thorn’s Journey, Book Two by Shirleen Davies

  Aqua’s Achilles, Book Three by Kate Cambridge

  Ashley’s Hope, Book Four by Amelia Adams

  Harpur’s Secret, Book Five by Kay P. Dawson

  Mason’s Rescue, Book Six by Peggy L. Henderson

  Del’s Choice, Book Seven by Shirleen Davies

  Ivy’s Search, Book Eight by Kate Cambridge

  Phoebe’s Fate, Book Nine by Amelia Adams

  Brody’s Shelter, Book Ten by Kay P. Dawson

  Boone’s Surrender, Book Eleven by Shirleen Davies

  Watch for more books in the series!

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  Angel Peak

  Redemption Mountain

  Historical Western Romance Series


  Book Twelve in the Redemption Mountain

  Historical Western Romance Series

  Copyright © 2018 by Shirleen Davies

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  For permission requests, contact the publisher.

  Avalanche Ranch Press, LLC

  PO Box 12618

  Prescott, AZ 86304

  Angel Peak is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is wholly coincidental.

  Book design and conversions by Joseph Murray at

  Cover design by Kim Killion, The Killion Group

  ISBN: 978-1-941786-86-4

  I care about quality, so if you find something in error, please contact me via email at [email protected]


  A past he’d give anything to forget. A haunting guilt he can never make right.

  The one woman who held the power to heal his injured soul.

  Angel Peak, Book Twelve, Redemption Mountain Historical Western Romance Series

  Caleb Covington promised to find and kill the men who’d murdered his fiancée. Seeking peace upon leaving the Union Army to become a Texas Ranger, he turned to bounty hunting after Regina’s death. After months of dogged pursuit, killing two of the three men, he’d grown weary of the chase, accepting a deputy job in Splendor, Montana. The peace he sought didn’t last long.

  May Bacon left the scandal and rumors behind, choosing to become a mail order bride rather than live as a spinster in her New Jersey hometown. Although marriage was her dream, she refused to settle for a union of convenience. Her desire for the tall, charming deputy had her body trembling with excitement, and his request to court her gave May a chance at a future. Her joy didn’t last long.

  The appearance of a young boy not only stalled Caleb’s plan for a future with a woman he cared a great deal about, it brought forth the memory of a past he’d never put behind him. But his past wasn’t all that stood between them.

  Unusual happenings and dangerous strangers stalk the streets, presenting a risk to more than Caleb and May.

  Will the menace sweeping the town push them further apart, leaving their friendship beyond repair, or will it bring them closer as they search for the source of the peril?

  Angel Peak, book twelve in the Redemption Mountain historical western romance series, is a full-length novel with an HEA and no cliffhanger.

  Book 1: Redemption’s Edge

  Book 2: Wildfire Creek

  Book 3: Sunrise Ridge

  Book 4: Dixie Moon

  Book 5: Survivor Pass

  Book 6: Promise Trail

  Book 7: Deep River

  Book 8: Courage Canyon

  Book 9: Forsaken Falls

  Book 10: Solitude Gorge

  Book 11: Rogue Rapids

  Book 12: Angel Peak

  Visit my website for a list of characters for each series.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  About the Author

  Books by Shirleen Davies

  Angel Peak


  Austin, Texas


  Caleb Covington slammed the empty whiskey glass on the bar, glaring at the bartender who held the bottle an arm’s length away. “Dammit, Buell. I want another drink. Maybe several.”

  A sardonic smile appeared on Buell’s face. “One m
ore, Ranger man, and that’s all you’re getting.”

  Mumbling a string of curses, the reason for his limit on whiskey hit Caleb full force. “Did my captain talk to you?”

  The smile on the bartender’s face grew wider. “Don’t know why you’d think that.” Setting the bottle on a counter behind him, Buell leaned on the bar, his features sobering. “I heard you might be planning to meet Sadie upstairs. I’m thinking that’s a much safer diversion than burying yourself in another bottle.”

  “Nothing’s safe for me any longer.” Caleb held up his empty glass. “One more and I’m done, Buell.”

  Resting his hands on the edge of the bar, Buell leaned forward, his face devoid of emotion. “You’ve got to get over this, put it all behind you. Regina’s been in her grave almost two years, and you know she wouldn’t want you grieving by drowning yourself in drink.”

  Not many men dared bring up the topic of Caleb’s murdered fiancée. Not to his face anyway. The smart ones didn’t risk the consequences, especially after he’d finished half a bottle of whiskey. And certainly not so close to the anniversary of her death.

  Sweet Regina had been a rare beauty. The daughter of a wealthy rancher, she’d had her pick of suitors. Out of all the men in Austin, she’d fallen in love with Caleb. And he’d fallen just as hard for her. On one glorious, star-studded night, she’d accepted his proposal. Two hours later, her life had been snuffed out by a bullet meant for him.

  His features contorted, Caleb slowly raised his head to meet Buell’s unyielding glare. “How the hell would you know what Regina would want?”

  Buell ignored the question. “You aren’t the only one who loved that young woman. She grew up here, brought sunshine to darn near everyone’s life. I don’t believe there’s a single person her bright smile and soft heart didn’t touch.” Pushing away from the bar, Buell straightened. “So I guess I’ve a right to give you my opinion. Regina loved you, Caleb, and as sure as I’m standing here, I know she wouldn’t want you wasting your life away staring into the dry end of a bottle.”

  Caleb wished Buell’s heartfelt words were a lie. They weren’t. One glance from Regina and anybody’s day would become better. She had a gift for putting people at ease, ignoring the bad to see only good in everyone. The day she’d sent her light his way had been the most exquisite of his life.

  If only he’d stayed away, she might still be alive.

  Scrubbing a shaky hand down his face, Caleb swallowed the unending ache of loss. “It should’ve been me.”

  Buell knew what he meant. Most everyone who’d known the young couple did. “No one blames you for her death. Not even Big Mike, and he loved that girl more than anything on this earth. Everyone knows he loves and is proud of his son, but Regina?” Buell shook his head, a humorless chuckle escaping. “After his wife died, his daughter became the heart and soul of that man. It’s a wonder her death didn’t drive him to his own early grave. But it didn’t, Caleb. Instead, he kept going because, deep inside, he knew Regina would be sitting on the brightest star in heaven, keeping a watchful eye on him. The last thing Big Mike wants is for his baby girl to think less of him for giving up. And it’s the last thing she’d want from you.”

  Grabbing an already damp rag, Buell wiped off the bar, his own emotions raw after all this time. He’d seen it all, still woke at night to the image of Regina cradled in Caleb’s arms, the life seeping from her. A man didn’t easily forget such horror.

  Throat thick, chest drawn so tight he could barely draw a breath, Caleb set the empty glass down. “They got away with it.”

  Buell sucked in a slow breath. “Yes, they did. No one’s tried harder to find those men than you. And like Regina’s death, not one person faults you for not finding those murderous scoundrels. The entire state has been looking for them. Someday, when they’re caught, we’ll have a grand celebration and your girl will finally be put to rest.”

  At the sound of laughter, Buell moved to the other end of the bar, pouring drinks for a group of young cowhands. Caleb stared at their faces, the way he did with every unfamiliar face, looking for any sign of recognition. As much as he wanted to believe the killers were still close by, his instincts said otherwise.

  He found peace in one of two ways. Whiskey was his salve of choice, but every once in a while, he’d soothe the never-ending ache in Sadie’s bed. The irony of the situation hadn’t been lost on him.

  Regina and Sadie grew up together, fate providing one with a life of love, safety, and wealth. The other had been graced with a drunk for a father and a mother who’d ridden off after Sadie turned ten. Regina reveled in a life few experienced, while Sadie survived by sure determination. Complete opposites, Caleb always thought it a wonder the two had stayed friends. But Regina never gave up on Sadie, praying for a way to tear her friend from the life she couldn’t seem to escape.

  A year after Regina’s death, Caleb and Sadie showed up at her grave on the same evening. He’d been carrying a bouquet of daisies, while Sadie carefully laid one wilting wildflower next to the headstone. It didn’t matter. Their sentiments were the same.

  He’d been visiting Regina’s friend ever since. Sadie was the only one who understood. The only one who offered comfort in a world where none existed. At least not for him.

  Forcing himself to turn from the bar, Caleb’s weary body carried him upstairs to stand before a door he’d come to know well. Hesitantly, he lifted a hand, stalling a few seconds before giving in and knocking.

  He’d almost given up when the door creaked open, his gaze landing on the familiar face with sad, searching eyes. Reaching out her hand, Sadie laced their fingers together, drawing him inside before closing the door on a soft click.

  Chapter One

  Splendor, Montana Territory

  November 1869

  Deputy Caleb Covington sipped his punch, enjoying the wedding celebration for his good friend, Adam “Mack” Mackey, and Sylvia Lucero, one of the mail order brides brought to town by several of Splendor’s more prominent women. He grinned, remembering the fool Mack made of himself before coming to terms with his true feelings for the black-haired beauty with golden brown eyes.

  Surprisingly, Caleb didn’t feel the pang of loss at their happiness. After almost four years, he’d learned to live with his fiancée’s murder, allowing him to think of a future for the first time since her death. On that thought, his gaze moved across the room to another of the mail order brides. Curvy, with wavy, flaxen hair and light blue eyes, his attention centered on her rosy and quite kissable lips.

  “I don’t know what’s stopping you.”

  Caleb’s attention jerked to see Mack standing beside him. “Stopping me?”

  Chuckling, Mack tilted his glass toward May Bacon. “You’ve been interested in her for months. Don’t you think it’s time you considered courting her?” Caleb’s lack of response didn’t deter him. “There’s no better time than right now to ask her. I’ll walk over with you and retrieve my bride.”

  A sudden terror tore at Caleb’s chest. “Now?”

  “Why not? It’s not going to get any easier, and you certainly don’t want to go through what I did with Morgan Miller…or Dutch, Hex, or—” Mack mentioned the single men of Splendor who would’ve jumped at the chance to court Sylvia.

  Caleb held up his hand. “I understand what you’re saying.” Sucking in a breath, he finished the punch and set the cup down. “All right.”

  He took determined strides across the room, stopping within inches of a startled May.

  “Oh, Deputy Covington.” May flushed, eyes widening.

  Swallowing any doubt, he met her confused gaze. “Miss Bacon. I wonder if I could speak with you. In private.”

  May’s eyes lit in surprise before she schooled her reaction. “Of course.”

  Escorting her to a quiet corner, he settled her into a chair, taking a seat next to her. They sat in silence for several minutes, May watching the way he appeared to battle some unspoken emotions, making her s
tomach clench.

  Shifting in the chair, he let out a ragged breath, then stood. Glancing around the room, he met her expectant gaze. “I’d like to know if you would allow me to call on you.”

  Lips parting, she stilled, unsure she’d heard him right. “You want to court me?”

  His brows furrowed. “Does that come as such a surprise?”

  Clasping her hands in her lap, she considered the question. “Not really. I do like you very much, Mr. Covington.”


  She offered him a shy smile. “Caleb. But you must call me May.”

  He liked the way she said his first name. Sitting back down, he pulled one hand from her lap, holding it. “You don’t have to decide right now, May. It’s a big decision. Consider it for as long as you need.”

  Staring into his deep blue eyes, May knew she’d be putting off the inevitable. “I don’t need time to consider it. Yes, I’d very much like you to call on me.”

  Eyes twinkling, Caleb squeezed her hand, a relieved smile lifting the corners of his mouth. “That’s wonderful.” Standing, he helped her up.

  Biting her lip, she glanced across the room before gazing up at him. “Would you mind if I let Sylvia and Lena know you’ve asked to call on me?”

  His gaze softened. “Of course not.” Placing a hand at the small of her back, he guided May across the room where Sylvia and Mack spoke with Sheriff Gabe Evans and his wife, Lena.

  Clearing her throat, May looked between the two ladies, ignoring Mack and Gabe. “Caleb has asked permission to court me. I’ve agreed.”

  Gabe sent Caleb a questioning glance, saying nothing. Mack simply grinned.

  Lena smiled at Caleb. “That’s wonderful.” She looked at her husband, then back at the other two couples. “Would it be too presumptuous of me to invite the four of you to our house for supper on Saturday evening?”

  Before anyone could answer, the front door opened on a bang. A woman of indeterminable age, bright red hair, and heavy makeup walked inside, holding the hand of a small boy. She’d succeeded in getting everyone’s attention.

  “I’m looking for Caleb Covington. Is he here?”

  Brows scrunched in confusion, he stepped forward. “I’m Caleb Covington.”


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