Noah's Fire

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Noah's Fire Page 10

by Lynn Howard

  For some reason, there was no awkwardness, even though it was their first time together. It felt normal, natural, as if they’d made love thousands of times. It was because their souls already knew each other before their bodies ever touched. He knew that. And he didn’t give a fuck how sappy that sounded.

  “How bad is what?” he asked, lying beside her and turning to look into her face.

  She lowered onto the pillow so they were eye to eye.

  “You said your bear wants to mark me. Is it because of my magic? Did I freak him out?”

  Noah snorted out a sound. “He’s wanted to mark you since yesterday morning. He declared you mate right away.”

  “You should’ve said something,” Hollyn said, her lids growing heavy. She yawned wide, giggling when Noah raised a brow at her.

  “What should I have said? We just met, and this is crazy—”

  “Here’s my number. Call me maybe.”

  Noah frowned down at her. Was she falling asleep and talking through a dream?


  “It’s a song. You never heard it?”

  Raising his hand, he pushed her hair behind her ear and let his eyes roam her face. She was getting slap happy. She used to be a bar tender, but it had been a few weeks. And she’d worked her ass off today. And he could only imagine how tiring that kind of use of magic was to her body.

  “Sleep. We’ll talk tomorrow,” Noah grumbled, lifting enough to press a kiss to her temple before pulling her to his chest. He tucked her under his chin and wrapped both arms around her, sighing with contentment when he felt her heart warm for him. He swore her heartbeat to the exact same rhythm his did now.

  Noah listened to Hollyn’s slow, steady breathing and let the sound lull him to sleep. This was the first night in he didn’t know how many years he’d go to bed excited to wake up the next day. And it had everything to do with his mate sleeping in his arms.

  Chapter Seven

  Hollyn had had a case of perma-smile for the past two weeks. Her life had become like a fairy tale, no pun intended. Of course, it wasn’t the kind of fairy tale humans dreamed of. She was bound to a Shifter who doted on her and even started trying to pick up after himself and put his dirty dishes in the dishwasher.

  And he seemed lighter, happier, and he smiled more now. It probably had something to do with the fact he was able to sit with his friends when she was working the bar. He was able to relax more and trusted her to run her side of his business while Shawnee waited tables. Occasionally, he’d have to head into the kitchen to cook lunch, but most people these days were coming in for the show. They just couldn’t believe Noah had hired a human and had heard the stories of how she performed while she tended the bar and had to come see it for themselves. She was cleaning up in tips.

  She’d bought herself a few more outfits and shoes. And of course, a few more sexy, lacy bras and panties. She loved the look in Noah’s eyes when she stripped for bed and he got a look at them. They’d made love at least once a day since that first time. She couldn’t get enough of him. And since she could feel his emotions, she knew he felt the same way. It was the closest a couple could get to telepathy. They didn’t even have to ask the other if they were in the mood; she could feel Noah’s arousal the second he looked at her.

  And she could feel how strongly he felt about her. He loved her. And even though she’d felt that love from the moment she closed the bond, it had grown every day. She loved him, too. She never thought she could feel so strongly about someone so quickly. Oh, who was she kidding. She never thought she’d fall so in love with a man ever.

  That was how her life had become a fairy tale. It was like they lived in their own world, made their own rules, and counted down the minutes every day until they could be in each other’s arms again.

  “Hey bar wench,” Nova called out. Everyone at the table, including Noah, turned and frowned at her. “What? I can’t think of another name for her.” That was because Noah and Hollyn had only told his own Clan about Hollyn’s Fae lineage. He obviously trusted his friends, but the fewer people who knew, the less risk there was of someone slipping at the wrong time.

  “Whatcha need, Nova?” Hollyn called from the bar, her eyes on the drink she was pouring. Hardly anyone ordered beers anymore. They all wanted to see Hollyn’s tricks.

  “Cookout tomorrow?” Nova called back.

  Hollyn had worked every single day that Noah had. In other words, she’d worked seven days a week for the last two weeks. Fourteen consecutive days.

  “I think I’m working tomorrow,” Hollyn called back, sliding the glass across the bar and accepting cash from her customer. There were a few who came in almost every night, but periodically, new faces would wander in. Those were the ones who made her nervous. Even Noah said he didn’t know them, but he’d said there were a lot of Shifters living in Jefferson County. Something she would’ve never guessed during her trip there. She’d had them all pegged as humans.

  “Noah could always shut down for the day. Tomorrow’s Sunday. It’s supposed to be a day of rest,” Nova said to a chorus of boos and hisses. The customers didn’t like the thought of Moe’s being closed, even for a day.

  “Hey!” Noah boomed over the noise. “If my mate needs a day off, then she’s getting a fucking day off,” Noah yelled, his bear evident in the growly sound of his words. His bear had become a little unstable over past few weeks, its need to mark Hollyn almost crippling. They’d tried different things, letting Noah nibble on her neck with his teeth, not showering after sex in hopes if she was covered in his scent his bear might calm down. Nothing worked.

  The room went quiet at his announcement. They hadn’t told anyone, and since he couldn’t mark her, she didn’t carry the change in her blood that she would if he’d left a scar on her shoulder. But anyone who spent more than five minutes with them could tell they were crazy about each other.

  “Holy shit!” Reed said with a burst of laughter. “That’s freaking awesome!” He clapped Noah on the shoulder. “I didn’t scent you on her,” he said, and Hollyn jerked her eyes to Noah’s to see how he’d cover that one.

  “We’re doing things our own way, fucker. We don’t have to follow stupid rules.” Noah met her gaze and winked and her heart warmed. She felt Noah’s joy through their bond. She felt everything. Including the jolt of fear when Reed had mentioned her lack of his mark. He never looked around to see if anyone was paying attention, never outwardly looked as if he had a care in the world, but she’d felt it.

  It had taken him almost a solid week to get used to feeling her inside of him. She’d feared he’d go insane; it had happened in the past. Sometimes, the emotions were so strong the person carrying both could lose his marbles.

  But Noah was strong, stronger than any human she’d ever met, stronger than the few Fae she’d known in her life. Now, he relished the feeling of her heart beating in time with his, relished feeling how she felt about him, relished never having to wonder if their love was real.

  “I wouldn’t mind a day off, too,” Shawnee said from beside the bar. Noah had warned her that Shawnee was a bit of a workaholic but it was mainly because she hadn’t been allowed to do anything for herself her whole life. It was like she was making up for lost time.

  Hollyn raised her brows at Noah and smiled. She was tired. And her feet hurt. And most importantly, she hadn’t been able to spend more than a few hours with Noah other than at work since day one. It would be nice to just unwind and hang out with some friends and maybe spend some time with him on the couch.

  “Fuck it. We’re closed tomorrow, assholes,” Noah yelled.

  She winced again. She hated when he talked to the customers like that, but they didn’t seem to mind. Where he was gruff and a tad surly with everyone else, he was downright sweet and tender with Hollyn. Hell, he softened around all the women, but they never saw the gentle side of him.

  Another round of boos filled the room, but they kept laughing, drinking and having a good time.

  It seemed like in a blink of an eye it was time to close. Big River and all of Blackwater had begun to stay after close recently, as if wanting to aid in protecting Hollyn. It made her feel good. It made her feel like she was really part of the family. And since Noah and she had closed the bond, she kind of was, even if Noah’s bear couldn’t get his way.

  They all helped Shawnee clean the tables, stack the chairs, and sweep and mop the floor. Noah and Hollyn worked shoulder to shoulder, restocking the beer cooler, cleaning and putting away glasses, and then cleaning the kitchen. It was probably as domestic as they would ever get since they both worked so much.

  When the place was clean, they all filed outside. Hollyn stretched her back as she walked. There was an odd feeling to the air, like static before a storm. She looked around, searching for clouds or lightening in the distance, but the sky was clear.

  “What’s wrong?” Emory asked, looking up at the sky with Hollyn.

  “Nothing. Thought a storm was coming,” Hollyn said, nudging Emory with her shoulder. “Thanks for the help tonight. You guys are all so sweet for helping us get the place cleaned up faster.”

  “Thank Shawnee,” Nova said with a wink.

  Frowning at Nova, Hollyn asked, “Why would I thank Shawnee?” After all, Shawnee was a paid employee. She was supposed to help clean up if she closed with Hollyn and Noah.

  “Because she thinks if you two get more time at home, there will be cubs sooner,” Reed blurted out just before he said, “Ouch!” when Gray cuffed him upside the back of the head. “What? That’s what she said. I’m just the messenger.”

  Lola giggled and wrapped an arm around his waist, smiling back at Hollyn as they climbed into one of the trucks the wolves had driven.

  “Shawnee!” Hollyn said then turned to Noah. “Did you hear that? Shawnee is trying to get me knocked up!” Noah’s lips twitched as he tried to hold in a laugh. She jabbed a finger in his direction. “You realize that means she’s listening to see if we boink every night.”

  “Ew!” Callie said as she and Micah passed.

  That didn’t help Noah’s held back smile. He just chuckled and shook his head. “Then she’s going to get an earful tonight,” Noah said as he lunged at Hollyn pretending to miss as she ducked out of the way. She knew he could catch her if he wanted, but she liked when they were able to play. She liked her new life. She liked that she was able to enjoy her new family, she was able to enjoy her new mate, her new Clan without fear.

  Half lie. Now, instead of fearing for her own safety, she feared someone would come in and take all of them away from her. And that, she couldn’t survive.


  Hollyn rolled onto her side. She was alone. Reaching for his side of the bed, she smiled sleepily at the warmth still on the sheets. He hadn’t been up long. Hollyn rolled until her face was buried in his pillow and inhaled his scent. She loved the way he smelled.

  Reaching deep, she used her magic to locate the love of her life. Her smile grew wider as those words bounced around her head. Love of her life. She’d been lucky enough to find him.

  Noah was in the kitchen, but he wasn’t happy. She could almost feel his growl all the way in the bedroom, even if she couldn’t hear it.

  Throwing the blankets off, she dressed quickly – they’d showered when they got home and then again after they’d made love – and sought out her man.

  He was sitting at the kitchen table, his head in his hands. Every muscle in his body was strung tight and she could see him tremble lightly. What had set him off? They’d had a wonderful night and were supposed to head into Big River later that afternoon.

  “Hey,” she said softly but he still jumped a little. Lowering in the chair beside him, she reached out and laid her hand on his bare back. “What’s wrong? What happened?”

  A growl worked up his chest and trickled through his lips. “Bear,” he said. Just the one word.

  She’d known his bear was trying to force a Shift to mark Hollyn. All it would take was a partial Shift of his teeth. But Noah was growing concerned his bear would take his skin and mark her in its animal form. That could seriously injure her, whether or not it poisoned her.

  “I can try to find someone who would know, Noah. I can see if any of my parents’ friends are still alive, see what would happen –”

  “No,” he said, his voice gravelly. “Don’t want anyone to know you’re here.”

  His teeth were clenched so tightly she feared he’d break a tooth.

  “There’s got to be another way he can mark me without his teeth,” Hollyn said, rubbing small circles on Noah’s back. He never relaxed under her touch. In fact, the trembling seemed to increase.

  “I love you. But I think you need to leave,” he said, turning glowing amber eyes on her. They faded to brown, back to amber, back to brown. He was fighting his animal.

  “Bear,” she called to his animal, standing and putting a couple of feet between them.

  “What are you doing?” Noah said, gripping the table as if trying to hold himself down.

  “Bear and I need to have a talk. He needs to understand. He needs to know I’m not going anywhere. I’m bound to both of you, Noah. I’m Bear’s, too.”

  His eyes flashed bright amber and then he was on his feet. Shit. She hadn’t thought about the fact Noah could be pushed to the background when the bear took over. He was still in there, but right now, it was his bear watching her, stalking her as she backed away.

  Holding her hands out, she raised her chin and stopped moving. If she ran, he’d just chase her. And Noah would never forgive himself if he wasn’t able to control his bear and Hollyn got hurt.

  “Listen to me, Bear.” He took another step closer to her, his nostrils flaring as he scented the air around her. “What do you need? Tell me. Because you’re hurting Noah. And if you hurt Noah, you’re hurting me.”

  “Mark you. Mine,” he growled out. His teeth began to Shift.

  Shit. Shit shit shit.

  “No, Bear. If you bite me, you’ll kill me. Do you understand that? If you bite me, you’ll lose your mate. And you’ll hurt Noah.”

  Noah, or Bear – he still looked like Noah, but she couldn’t seem to find him in the person watching her now – stopped moving, his brows creased. A deep, scary growl worked up his throat, deeper and louder than she’d heard Noah make yet.

  “There has to be another way, Bear. Another way for you to mark me without your teeth.”

  Noah’s eyes bled back to brown. Bear had retreated for a moment. It was just Hollyn and Noah.

  “Is he gone? Did I get through to him?”

  “Hollyn,” he said, a look of regret flashed through him the same time it hit her square in the heart. Before anything happened, she knew what was going through Noah’s mind. And she realized it was the same thing going through his bear’s. He’d found a way to mark her without tearing her skin.

  Noah’s lips crashed down on Hollyn’s. His arm snaked around her back and he bent her backward as he deepened the kiss. When he pulled away, it wasn’t Noah’s warm brown eyes looking at her, but his bear’s amber glow.

  She knew it wasn’t fully Noah touching her now, but she didn’t care. She’d meant what she’d said. She was bound to them both, loved them both. Her heart, mind, soul, and her body belonged to them both.

  Noah’s hands were hurried and frantic as he stripped her shorts and tank top off, yanking at the seam at her hip and ripping her panties away. The fabric fluttered to the ground as Noah lifted Hollyn, his hands tight on her thighs, and wrapped her legs around his waist.

  In one thrust, Noah entered her, pulling a cry of pleasure from her mouth. He walked them across the room until her back hit the wall and continued to pump into her. Holy shit. She was already so close. Part of her thought maybe she should be weirded out by the glowing eyes staring at her as he took her against the wall. But the bigger part, the part so in love with this man, accepted this side of him, just like everything else about him.

nbsp; Pulling her from the wall, he walked her across the room, his cock still buried deep, and laid her on the couch. He lifted onto his knees, and spread her thighs further apart, watching where they were connected. His eyes bled to brown long enough that Hollyn knew he could feel and see everything. He smiled down at her, then his eyes flashed bright again.

  Throwing her head back, Hollyn cried out with her release. Just as she was descending from her high, Noah pulled from her, took himself in his hand, and covered her in his release. He was marking her in the only way he could think that wouldn’t endanger her. He was covering her in his scent, in the rawest way possible.

  Noah stared down at Hollyn as his eyes bled back to brown. “You okay?” he asked, his voice still gravelly, but she could feel his pain residing as more joy bloomed.

  “I’m better than okay,” she said, holding her arms out to him.

  He looked at the mess on her stomach, then back to her eyes. So fast she squealed in surprise, Noah scooped her from the couch and carried her to the shower. He kept his back to the spray as the water warmed, then turned her and cleaned his release from her stomach. Another tender, sweet moment.

  “Is that going to freak Bear out?” she asked, lowering her eyes to watch his hands roam her body and wonder if they’d ever get tired of touching each other.

  “Nah,” he said, turning her away from the spray as he ended the spray. He toweled her off, lowering to his knees and burying his face in her stomach. “I can still smell it. It’s not quite the blood change, but you’ll carry my scent for a while.”

  Okay. So all they had to do when his bear started to get antsy was let Noah release on her body. And that thought turned her on. That had been one of the hottest things ever. It was the primality of it, the desperation in his eyes. She felt herself getting turned again and realized it was Noah. Or maybe it was both of them. As his eyes roamed her naked body, she figured it didn’t matter.


  Noah kept glancing at Hollyn as she rode shot gun, her window down, her hair blowing around her face like a crazy woman. They’d found a loop hole. His bear had found a way to mark their mate without endangering her. It might not be as permanent as leaving the scar on her shoulder, but it would do.


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