“Poch! who’s afraid of a little snow?” blustered Tom.
“Nobody, but if we can’t see our way—”
“By Jove! I never thought of that!” groaned Frank. “Just look around, boys. It’s awful, isn’t it?”
Much startled, all looked around. On every hand the snow was coming down so thickly that they could not see a distance of two rods in any direction.
“We seem to be cut off,” observed Dick soberly. “I reckon the best thing we can do is to make for shore.”
“And leave the Fiver behind?”
“No. Let us lower the sail and push her in front of us.”
This was considered good advice, and much put out over the sudden termination of their sport, the five cadets lowered the sail and tied it up, and then leaped to the ice.
“Now then, all together!” cried Frank, but to his surprise Tom and Hans pushed in a different direction to the others.
“Why, Tom, that’s not the way!” cried Frank.
“Isn’t it?” burst out Tom. “Why not?”
“Because it isn’t.”
“Of course dot is der vay,” cried Hans. “Der shore vos ofer dare.”
“Yes, the other shore. But not the one we left and the one we want to get back to.”
A long discussion followed, and it was soon realized that either Tom and Hans, or else the others, were sadly mixed up. “The majority rules,” said Frank. “So let us go this way.”
“All right, I will,” grumbled Tom. “But I still think you are wrong.”
“And I vos sure of him,” added Hans.
However, they took hold willingly enough, and soon the whole party were moving slowly through the snowstorm, shoving the Fiver in front of them. The snow had now become blinding, and absolutely nothing was to be seen around them.
A half hour had passed, and they were wondering why the shore did not appear, when suddenly Dick uttered a warning cry.
“Look out! We are going into the open water! Back all of you!”
They leaped back, fairly tumbling over each other in their efforts to escape the water, which crept up to their feet without warning. As they pushed themselves back they naturally sent the Fiver flying forward, and an instant later they heard a crashing of ice and saw the ice-boat topple over into the water and disappear from view!
“The ice-boat’s gone!”
“Get back, boys, or we’ll all be in the water!”
Ca-a-ac-ck! A long warning sound rang through the snow-laden air and the party of five felt the surface of the ice parting beneath them. They turned and sped away from the water with all the speed at their command, and soon the dangerous spot was left behind, but not before poor Hans had lost his cap and Sam had gotten his left foot wet to the ankle.
“By jinks! but that was a narrow shave!” gasped Dick, when they were safe. “A little more and all of us would have been under the ice.”
“And that would have cost us our lives!” said Frank solemnly. “Boys, I don’t believe I’ll ever want to go ice-boating again.”
“Mine cap vos gone,” growled the German cadet dismally. “How vos I going to keep mine head from freezing, tole me dot, vill you?”
“That’s rough on you,” said Tom. “Here, take my tippet and tie that around your head and ears.” And he took the article in question and handed it over.
“Dank you, Tom, you vos a goot feller. But vot you vos do to keep your neck varm, hey?”
“Here’s a silk handkerchief, he can wear that,” said Dick. “But I say, fellows,” he went on. “I think we are mixed up now and no mistake.”
“I am sure I am,” answered Frank. “I haven’t the least idea where the shore is.”
“Nor I,” came from Tom. “We’ll have to go at it in a hit-or-miss fashion.”
“No miss for me,” put in Sam. “I am not prepared for a watery grave just now.”
“We must be cautious,” said Dick. “I’ve got an idea. Has anybody a rope with him?”
“I’ve got a heavy cord,” answered Frank.
“Then let us tie that to each fellow’s right wrist. Then we can string out in a line, like the Swiss mountain climbers, and if the boy in front gets into trouble the others can haul him out.”
“Hurrah! Dick, has solved the problem of how the lost cadets are going to get to safety,” cried Sam. “Let us have the cord by all means.”
It was quickly produced and proved to be about forty feet in length. Dick tied himself fast to one end and Sam the other, and the others came between.
“Now then, forward march!” shouted Dick. And on they moved, in Indian file.
“Route step!” shouted Frank. And they broke up as ordered—that is each walking to suit himself, so that their feet should not come down on the ice at the same time, something which might have cause another cracking.
The snow still came down as hard as ever—indeed, to Dick it appeared to come down harder. The wind was beginning to rise again and blew the blinding particles directly into their faces.
“What’s the use of walking right in the teeth of the wind,” grumbled Tom. “Why not try the other way?”
“I think the wind comes from off shore, that’s why,” answered his elder brother.
“I don’t. I think it’s coming down the lake.”
“I believe Dick is right,” ventured Frank. “The wind came that way before—that is why we were blown out so far.”
The matter was put to a vote and all but Tom agreed that they must be heading for the western shore of the lake. So the weary tramp was resumed.
It was not without its incidents. Once Hans’ feet went from under him and he went flat on his back, taking Tom with him. This caused the line to tighten and all went on top of the pair and a grand melee resulted. Then Tom playfully filled Sam’s neck with snow, and Hans let a little snowball drop into Tom’s ear, and in a second all were at it in a snow fight which lasted several minutes.
At last Dick arose and shook himself. “Hi! this won’t do!” he cried, brushing himself off. “Unless we hurry we’ll be late in getting back.”
“Late in getting back?” repeated Frank. “I shall count myself lucky if we don’t have remain here all night.”
“Great Caesar, Frank, do you mean that?” came from Sam.
“I do. Here we have been tramping I don’t know how long, and we seem to be as far from shore as ever.”
“Exactly so,” grumbled Hans. “I dink ve must pe moving around in a ring, hey?”
“Can that be possible?” asked Tom.
“I don’t think so,” answered Dick, “for I have been watching the ice very closely and I haven’t seen the first sign of our doubling our steps.”
“Let us keep out in a straight line,” said Tom. “That will keep us away from the circle business.”
Once more they pushed on, but the snow was now several inches deep, and the ice very slippery and all of the party could scarcely drag one foot after the other. It was Sam who called another halt.
“I’m getting winded!” he panted. “Boys, I guess we are lost in the snow.”
“That’s true, Sam,” said Frank. “The shore seems to be as far off as ever.”
“I told you that you were wrong,” put in Tom. “If we had been walking toward shore we would be on land long ago.”
“I don’t know but what Tom’s view is correct,” said Frank slowly,
“Unless we’ve been moving in a crooked line, as Hans suggested,” said the elder Rover.
One and another of the little party gazed at his companions and then at the desolate scene around them. Yes, they were lost in the snowstorm, and what the end of the adventure would be they could not imagine.
“Well, we can try Tom’s course,” said Dick, after anoth
er careful look around which is not saving much as the snow was coming down as thickly as ever.
“I notice that it is getting dark,” observed Frank, as they trudged on. “I wonder what time it is?”
A watch was consulted and they learned to their chagrin that it was half-past four.
“I vos gitting hungry,” came from Hans.
“Don’t say a word!” cried Tom. “I could eat a doughnut a month old.”
“Don’t speak about it,” put in Dick dryly. “It will only make you feel more hungry.”
Darkness was coming on rapidly, and all of the boys were beginning to despair when suddenly Dick gave a shout of joy.
“The shore, boys! The shore at last!”
“Where?” came from all of the others.
“Over to our left. Come on!”
The others followed Dick willingly and in less than half a minute found themselves on solid earth once more, but at some point where the ground was little more than a stretch of flat meadow land.
“Hurrah!” shouted Sam. “How good to be on land once more!”
“Perhaps we might have been on land long ago if we had turned to the left,” observed Frank. “We may have been skirting the shore for half the afternoon!”
“Never mind, we are here at last so don’t let’s grumble,” said Tom. “What’s that ahead, a barn?”
“Some kind of a building,” answered Dick. “Let us go forward and investigate.”
They did so, and found a half tumbled down building, which had once been used for the storage of meadow hay and also as a boathouse. The door was gone and the window broken out, and the snow lay on the floor to the depth of an inch or more.
But still it was more pleasant inside than out, for the wind was rising and the large flakes of snow had given place to fine hard particles which came swishing down like so much sharp salt, so Dick said. It cut into their faces and made them thankful that some shelter had been found, no matter how humble.
It was too dark now to see anything, and sitting on some old hay in the most sheltered corner of the building the five boys held a consultation.
“I move we stay here until morning,” said Tom. “If we go out again we may be lost and frozen to death.”
“That is true,” commented Frank. “But what will Captain Putnam say?”
“He can’t blame us for what has happened,” said Dick. “We tried our best to get back.”
“Yah, und he vos know ve ton’t stay here nildowit suppers for noddings,” was the manner in which the German cadet expressed himself.
“Oh, Hans, how can you!” broke from Tom, who could eat at any time, and who now felt more hungry than any of them. “Do you mean to say we’ll have to remain here all night without our suppers!”
“Vell, vot else you vos going ter do, hey?”
“We’ll have to go without something to eat, unless we can find something close at hand,” said Frank.
One after another went out to the doorway and to the open window and gazed forth. But the howling wind and blinding snow soon made all glad enough to get back to the sheltered corner. It was now pitch dark.
“We are in for it, so make yourselves as comfortable as possible,” observed Frank. “My, how the wind does blow!”
“It’s like a hurricane in an African forest,” said Sam. “I believe it’s almost strong enough to take a fellow off his feet.”
The wind kept increasing in violence, until the old barn seemed to rock back and forth. It arose in a low moan and mounted steadily to a shriek, gradually dying away in the distance, followed by the slish-slishing of the fine snow across the rotted shingles of the roof.
“It’s a tempest not to be forgotten,” said Frank. “I can’t remember when I’ve heard the wind make such a noise before. If it gets any worse it—”
Frank got no further, for the shrieking of the wind drowned out every other sound. Then came a strange grinding and creaking overhead, and the barn rocked more than ever.
“Get out, boys,” yelled Tom. “The old shebang is going to pieces!”
Tom had scarcely spoken when the shock came, and beams, boards, and shingles flew in all directions. It was a terrifying occurrence and not knowing what else to do the five boys dug into the loose hay and threw themselves flat. Each felt as if the end of the world had come.
Luckily for the boys the barn was blown clean over on its side, its roof falling some distance away, so that none of the wreckage came down on top of the crowd.
But the sounds of the beams and boards breaking were so terrifying that for several minutes after the damage was done none of the crowd dared to move. Each felt as though the next second might be his last.
At length Dick pulled himself together and peered forth.
“Any—anybody hurt?” he panted.
“I’m not,” came from Tom. “But, say, wasn’t—”
A splutter, coming from Hans, interrupted him. In his eagerness to escape the fall of the barn the German cadet had plunged into the hay open-mouthed, and now some of the stuff had entered his throat and was almost choking him.
“Clap him on the back!” cried Dick, and Tom did as requested. Then came several gulps and Hans began to cough. But the danger from strangulation was over.
All were soon out of the wreckage, and thankful that they had escaped thus easily.
“But we won’t have the barn to shelter us,” said Frank ruefully. “What will we do next?”
“Push on until another shelter appears,” said Dick. “We can’t remain here, to be frozen to death.”
“Yes, but be careful that we don’t get on to the lake again,” cautioned Sam.
“No fear of that, Sam.”
After the terrific blow which laid low the old barn, the wind appeared to let up a bit, and consequently moving was not so difficult. They struck out across the meadow, and presently gained a clump of trees.
“Dis vos besser as noddings,” said Hans. “Supposing ve stay here for der night?”
“I’m going to see what’s on the other side of the woods first,” replied Dick, and stalked off, Tom at his heels. Presently the others heard both Rover boys set up a shout.
“A house, fellows! Come on!”
They made a rush forward, and soon they reached a stone fence. On the other side was what had been a planted field, and beyond this a house and several outbuildings.
With hearts greatly lightened they climbed over the fence and made for the house. They were still some distance from the dwelling when they heard the bark of a dog.
“Hullo! I hope he isn’t loose,” cried Frank.
“But he is,” ejaculated Tom; “and he is coming this way too!”
“Du meine zeit!” shrieked Hans. “He vill chew us all up! Vot shall ve do?” And he looked ready to collapse.
“Perhaps we can snowball him—” began Sam, when Dick set up another cry.
“It’s Laning’s dog, boys. What fools we are! This is Mr. Laning’s place.”
“Laning’s place,” burst out Tom. “Why, to be sure it is. And that is Leo! Leo! Leo! old boy, don’t you know us?” he cried.
On bounded the dog, and then began to bark again, but this time joyously. He came up to Tom and leaped all around him, wagging his brush as he did so. Then he came to Sam and to Dick, for he knew them all very well.
“It’s a good thing the old barn blew down,” said Tom, for he could not help but think of the greeting the Laning girls would give him.
They were soon at the back door of the farmer’s cottage. It was opened by Mrs. Laning, who stared at them in astonishment.
“Can we come in?” asked Dick. “We are nearly frozen.”
“Well, I never! Out in all this storm! It’s a wonder the captain would allow it. Why, c
ome in of course, and get thawed out by the fire.” And then they went in to meet Mr. Laning, and also the two girls.
Their story was soon told, and meanwhile the lady of the house prepared a hot supper for them. As they sat eating they discussed the question of whether it would be better to return to Putnam Hall that night or wait until morning.
“I would say stay here,” said Mr. Laning, “but Captain Putnam will be worried about you and start out in search of you.”
“That’s just it,” answered Dick. “I think one of us, at least, ought to return.”
“Let us draw straws for it,” said Frank, and so it was agreed.
From the Laning place each knew the road well, so there was no danger of going astray. Besides, the storm was now letting up in violence.
It fell to Frank’s choice to go, and as he was about to leave Hans decided to keep him company. The pair was soon off, and this left the Rover boys and the Lanings to themselves.
Satisfied that all was now right, the three brothers made the most of the evening thus afforded them, and so did the two girls, and all played, sang, and went in for various games until eleven o’clock. Then the lads retired to a room assigned to them.
“I say,” said Tom, as he prepared to turn in. “That adventure started queer-like, but we came out of it all right.”
“Yes, it couldn’t be better,” added Sam.
At this Dick winked. “Especially as we landed at the Lanings’ home,” he observed.
“What a pity it wasn’t Dora’s home, too,” drawled Tom, and then as Dick shied a shoe at him he turned over and dropped off into the land of dreams.
Early the next morning they started for Putnam Hall, John Laning driving them thither in his sleigh. It was a ride they enjoyed. The farmer dropped them at the door, and Captain Putnam stood ready to receive them.
“I am glad you are safe back,” he said, with some display of emotion. “Harrington and Mueller have given me the particulars of your night’s adventure. Hereafter I want all of the cadets to remain off the lake during a snowstorm.”
“You may be sure we will remain off, captain,” answered Dick. “One such adventure is enough for any fellow.”
The Rover Boys Megapack Page 52