Dax: Silver Saints MC

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Dax: Silver Saints MC Page 5

by Davenport, Fiona

  My knees were wobbling, so I pulled out and flipped her around, lifting her up so I could fill her once more. Then I shut off the water and carried her to the bed, uncaring that we were dripping wet. I laid down and settled her so she was straddling me.

  “Gotta make sure it takes,” I grunted. “Ride me, baby.”

  Arya began moving up and down my shaft. Her tits bounced enticingly, so I sucked and bit her nipples, thrusting up every time she fell down. Eventually, we both peaked again and she collapsed on my chest.

  I quickly rolled us over and shoved a pillow under her hips, lying carefully on top of her so we stayed tightly joined.

  We spent the rest of the day relaxing between christening pretty much every flat surface and anywhere else that could support a rigorous fucking.

  I wasn’t sure how we would ever leave this blissful cocoon we’d shut ourselves up in. But I knew our reprieve would only last so long.



  Trailing my fingers through the smattering of hair on Dax’s chest, I heaved a deep sigh. He tugged lightly on my ponytail, tipping my head back until our gazes met. His green eyes were filled with concern. “What’s wrong?”

  “Everything here is just so amazing.” I patted his chest before pointing toward the fireplace. “I’m cuddled up with you on the couch in front of a roaring fire with a full belly after having more orgasms than I can count on one hand—and that’s just from today. The number is astronomical if I include the whole time we’ve been here.”

  “And you can be damn sure I’ll add to them before the night is over.” He traced his finger down my nose. “But not until you explain to me why you look so sad.”

  The time Dax and I had spent up here in the mountains had been more amazing than I ever could have expected. We’d gotten to know each other so well, and every new piece of himself that Dax shared made me fall in love with him a little more. I loved having him all to myself without any distractions and was disappointed that our time here had to come to an end. “I just hate for our little bubble to burst. I like being here with you, pretending as though the rest of the world doesn’t exist.”

  “I’m glad you’re enjoying your time in the mountains with me, baby. If not, I would’ve had to work harder to keep you happy.” His hand dropped to my lower back as his hold tightened around me. “But there’s no need to be sad because we’re not leaving yet.”

  I tilted my head to the side, my brows drawing together. “I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen my phone and there isn’t a calendar anywhere in this place, but I’m pretty sure the day after tomorrow is the big birthday bash at the compound. If we don’t leave soon, then we’re going to miss it.”

  “You’re right about when the party is, but you’re forgetting something.” He stroked his thumb down the center of my forehead, smoothing out the wrinkle that had popped up there. “On the day we got here, I told you that we were staying as long as it took.”

  He said that as though I should understand what he meant, but I just grew more confused instead. “I guess I don’t get what the ‘it’ is that you were talking about then. We’ve had sex everywhere in this place and in every position possible, shared all of our meals, and talked about everything under the sun. What more is there for us to do up here, and can we get it done by tomorrow?”

  One of his hands stroked up and down my spine as he answered, “Gotta make sure you’re all mine before we leave, baby.”

  “Now you’re just being silly.” I laughed softly and shook my head. “I couldn’t be more yours if I tried.”

  His lips curved up in a satisfied smile, and he lifted me off his lap to set me on the cushion next to us. “Hold that thought. I’ll be right back.”

  I twisted my neck and watched him stride out of the living area and up the stairs toward the bedroom. When he disappeared out of my line of vision, I tucked my knees close to my chest and pulled the material of the shirt I was wearing—another of Dax’s—over my legs and toes. The fire should have been enough to keep me warm, but I felt a little chill at the loss of Dax’s body heat.

  He wasn’t gone long, but instead of settling back on the couch with me on his lap, he dropped to his knees on the floor in front of the couch. Taking my hands in his, he flashed me a sexy smile before brushing a kiss against my knuckles. His lips lingered on the ring finger of my left hand, and my heart started to race when I realized what his position could possibly mean. I figured I was jumping way ahead because our relationship was so new, but then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, black jewelry box. When he flipped it open with his thumb, I gasped and pressed my trembling right hand to my mouth. The ring was gorgeous, with a huge cushion-cut diamond centered in a simple platinum band. Nobody would ever be able to miss that sucker when it was on my hand.

  “Arya, baby.” He slid the ring on the tip of my finger, his green eyes burning into mine when he lifted his head to meet my gaze. “Spend the rest of your life with me. Sleep in my bed. Eat on my lap. Have my babies. Grow old with me. Be my love forever.”

  My love.

  It was the first time I’d heard that particular four-letter word from Dax’s lips. I’d realized my feelings for him had grown into love days ago, but I’d been afraid to say it out loud because I wasn’t sure if Dax would think it was too soon—and I was too young—for me to be so sure about how I felt about him. “Do you really love me?”

  “More than I thought possible.” He slid the ring down my finger as far as it would go, his thumb brushing the skin below the band once it was in place. “You’re my everything, Arya.”

  “I love you, too.” Tears streamed down my cheeks, and my words came out watery.

  He kissed away my tears and murmured, “That’s not an answer, baby.”

  A startled giggle burst from my lips. “I don’t recall hearing an actual question. It was more like you told me that I’m going to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  He tilted his head to the side, a considering gleam filling his eyes as he chuckled. “Damn, I guess you’re right.”

  “Just in case you’re worried, my answer would’ve been yes if you’d asked instead of ordered,” I teased with a grin.

  He wrapped his hands around my waist and lifted me off the couch as he stood. “Then I guess we can spend the rest of our time here celebrating our engagement instead of having me try to talk you into marrying me.”

  It sounded as though he still didn’t plan on us leaving any time soon. “But what about the party? Nova and I try to get together every year to celebrate our birthdays since they’re so close together.”

  “You know how much I like to give you what you want, baby.” He cupped my cheeks with his palms and brushed his lips gently over mine. “Not this time, though.”

  His insistence on staying made even less sense to me now that we were engaged. “But why?”

  “I can’t run the risk of us going back yet,” he muttered as he wrapped my legs around his waist so he could more easily carry me up the stairs to the bedroom.

  Twining my arms around his neck, I rolled my eyes. “I don’t understand what risk you think you’d be taking. I’m in love with you, and your ring is on my finger, for goodness' sake. What could possibly go wrong at this point?”

  “Your brother,” he growled, following me onto the mattress after he dropped me onto it. With his palms pressed into the mattress on either side of my shoulders, his body hovered an inch above mine. “Before you came this past spring break, he warned all of us that he’d fucking kill us if anyone so much as looked at you. And I’ve done a fuck of a lot more than look, baby.”

  My heart melted at his admission. Dax seemed fearless about everything else, but his love for me made him vulnerable. “Nova might be a little mad at first, but not for long. You make me happy, and he’ll see that.”

  “Like I said, I can’t risk him trying to get between us. Not yet,” he insisted.

  “You do realize that Nova is probably alread
y looking for me, right?” I cupped his cheeks with my palms, ignoring the tickle of his beard against my skin because I needed him to hear me, and laughing wouldn’t help him to take what I was saying seriously. “Not only does he call me every week but he also thinks my graduation is this weekend. I probably have a ton of voicemails and text messages from him, demanding that I call him back. And when he realizes he missed the ceremony and can’t find me anywhere, he’s going to lose his mind even more. Hiding from him will only work for so long and will probably make it harder for him to see reason when he eventually catches up to us.”

  He closed the gap between our bodies, his hard-on pressing against my core through my panties and his jeans. “I just need enough time to make sure you’re carrying my baby. Even your brother couldn’t argue about us belonging together then.”

  It was total caveman logic, but I was more than willing to go along with the plan since I couldn’t wait to have his babies. “With as many times as you’ve filled me with your come, I’m probably pregnant already.”

  “Probably isn’t good enough,” he murmured against my ear before nibbling along my jaw.

  With the fierce desire for him coursing through my veins, there was only one answer I could give. “Then I guess we’ll need to stay secluded here and have lots more sex until that probably turns into a definitely.”



  My phone vibrated itself right off the nightstand. I'd been ignoring it since I'd glanced at the clock, and it was barely one in the morning. But someone clearly wouldn't be ignored. The crash of my phone onto the hardwood floor made Arya jump, and I silently swore at whoever was interrupting my time with my woman. “Go back to sleep, baby,” I whispered as I gently moved her off my chest and kissed her forehead.

  I climbed out of bed and scooped up my phone before grabbing a pair of jeans I'd thrown over a chair the night before and pulling them on. The phone began buzzing again, and I glared at Breaker's name on the screen as I tiptoed out of the room.

  “Somebody's ass better be on fucking fire,” I growled as I made my way downstairs and out onto the front porch.

  “Might want to light a fire under your own ass, brother.”

  “What the fuck?”

  “Might want to grab your woman and get the fuck outta dodge.”

  “Fuck,” I groaned, understanding what Breaker was telling me with his suggestion. “How long?”

  “Nova left here driving like a bat outta hell, but even speeding, you probably have two and a half, maybe three hours.”

  Fueled by rage and without an extra passenger, I was betting he'd make excellent time.

  “You want to explain how the fuck he knows where we are?” I gritted out through clenched teeth. I was mad as hell, but I couldn't see Nova breaking any of our brothers. Something else had to have happened.

  “Dax.” Mac's voice came through the line this time. “I told him.”

  I was speechless for a moment. Mac had promised to keep the boys quiet, and now he'd betrayed me… He was my president, and I respected the hell out of him, so I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt before threatening to cut off his balls when I returned. “You?”

  “The text you sent bought you some time, but when she didn't even call on his birthday, he started to worry. Then when he was getting ready to head back home for her graduation, he found out she'd lied about the date and freaked the fuck out that he couldn’t get ahold of her. But shit really hit the fan when he found Arya's bike a couple of hours ago.”

  Shit. I should have had it moved off the premises.

  “Wouldn't have mattered if he hadn't found it, though. I couldn't have held him off much longer, Dax,” he said as if sensing my train of thought. “He was on the verge of calling hospitals and talking about getting in touch with Huntley.”

  “Huntley? Damn.” Huntley was the brother-in-law of our treasurer and one of our connections in the world of special ops. “If it were my sister, I'd be doing the same,” I admitted.

  “Exactly. I'm sure it'll come as no surprise that he's on a fucking warpath. But don't take Breaker's shitty advice. Face him like a man and claim your woman.”

  “Never intended to do otherwise,” I assured him gruffly. I sent up a silent prayer that I'd accomplished my goal while we'd been at the cabin. It had been two weeks, and based on Arya's estimation of her cycle, we'd know sometime in the next week if I'd been successful in knocking my girl up. Something inside me was confident that my boys had done their job, but baby or not, Arya was mine. If Nova was expecting me to simply give up in the face of his wrath, he'd be really fucking surprised when he realized that the only way to keep me from his sister would be to put me six feet under.

  “Good. Oh, and just to be sure you don't kill each other...or to help bury a body, Patriot and Dash are on his tail.”

  “Dax?” I turned at the sound of the soft sweet voice. Arya was standing in the doorway, poking her head around the screen. The comforter from the bed was wrapped around her, exposing her slender shoulders and the top of her mouthwatering cleavage. She looked sleepy, adorably mussed, and thoroughly fucked. My body tightened at the sight, and all I could think about was taking her back to bed and—

  “Is everything okay?” Arya's question brought me out of my filthy thoughts. I smiled, lifting my arm in invitation.

  “Yeah, baby.” She returned my smile and hurried to tuck herself into my side. “Nova's on his way here, though.”

  “What?!” she shrieked. “Are you kidding? Why aren't you freaking out? Holy cow! What are we going to do?”

  “Have fun,” Mac grunted with a rough chuckle before hanging up.

  “Relax, baby,” I soothed as I shoved my phone back into my pocket. She was still spouting worries and freaking out, so I scooped her into my arms. I stalked back inside and dropped down on the couch, keeping her on my lap and wrapped in my arms. “Breathe, Arya. Everything is going to be fine.”

  She took a deep breath, but it didn't seem to help because then she shouted, “How? What if he hurts you? What if he forces me to leave?”

  I growled and captured her chin in my hand, forcing her to meet my eyes. “I will never, ever, let anyone take you from me, Arya. Do you understand?”

  She inhaled deeply again and held it in for a moment, then exhaled slowly while nodding.

  “I can't promise we won't both get a little banged up in the process, though,” I warned her honestly.

  Arya's dark eyes widened with fear. “I don’t want either of you getting hurt.”

  I would have been insulted, especially since I have a good sixty pounds and several inches on Nova. But he had a deceptive build, appearing lean and wiry. However, I'd seen him fight in bars and in a ring—the dude was a fucking machine and lethal as hell. I knew I'd be able to hold my own against him, but I wouldn't walk away without taking a beating.

  I smiled and kissed her sweet lips, distracting her for a few minutes. When I pulled back, she was dazed and flushed, tempting me to take her back to bed. But I wanted to be ready when Nova arrived.

  Standing, I carried Arya back up to the bedroom and gave her a quick, hard kiss before setting her on her feet. “Go back to bed, baby,” I encouraged with a pat on her pretty little ass.

  She rolled her eyes and scoffed. “As if I could sleep now.”

  I cupped her face in my palms and gazed pleadingly into her eyes. “Please, Arya. You're resting for two.”

  Crimson stained her cheeks as she protested, “You don't know that.”

  I grinned arrogantly and glided my hands down her shoulders, and over her tits, before coming to rest on her flat belly. “Yeah, I do. That's my kid in there, and I want him and his mommy to rest.”

  At the mention of her being called mommy, Arya’s eyes lit up with hope and happiness. “Okay.” She turned and sashayed toward the bed, making the bulge in my jeans grow. Then she threw me a sassy look over her shoulder, and I nearly gave in to my desire. “She and I will rest.”
/>   I laughed and winked at her. “Nope. That's my boy in there.”

  She shook her head in mock exasperation, but her lips curved into a beautiful smile. “We'll see.”

  I chuckled again and tucked her in before taking a quick shower. She was fast asleep when I opened the bathroom door. Quietly, I roamed around the room, gathering our things. We hadn't brought much, so it didn't take long. I set out Arya's extra outfit, shoved everything else in my duffel, zipped it up, and headed downstairs. Then I grabbed my keys and walked out to my truck.

  After tossing it in the extended cab's back seat, I loaded and secured my bike in the bed. Once that was done, I went back inside and made Arya some breakfast. I didn't want her skipping a meal with all the bullshit about to hit the fan.

  When the food was ready, I checked my watch. If my prediction had been correct and Nova made good time, we had around an hour, give or take. I jogged up the steps and gently sat on the bed next to my woman. “Wake up, baby,” I whispered as I stroked the back of my hand over her soft cheek.

  Her eyes fluttered, and as the sleep cleared, her mouth curled up in a lazy smile. I hated to give her any reason to lose the happy look on her face, which was why I was going to beat the shit out of Nova when he got here. “It's time to get up. I made you some breakfast.”

  Reality floated back to her, and her expression clouded as she sat up. I kept my eyes trained on her face when the covers pooled around her waist. We didn't have time for me to lose my head over her incredibly sexy body. “I'm not hungry,” she responded as she scooted to the edge of the bed. “I'll just grab a quick shower.”

  “No.” The word came out a little more harshly than I intended, and she lifted her head, staring at me in surprise. “Sorry.” I leaned in to give her a tender kiss. “I should have explained. You're eating for two, Arya. And we don't have time for breakfast and a shower. So, food it is.”


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