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Dax: Silver Saints MC

Page 6

by Davenport, Fiona

  “But I'm not hungry,” she grumbled. “And I smell like your cologne”

  Exactly. It gave me a perverse sense of satisfaction to know her brother would smell me on her. Not that Nova needed any more reasons to want me dead.

  I helped her up from the bed and dressed her—she'd become used to me wanting to do everything for her and rarely fought me on it anymore. Then I carried her down to the kitchen and lowered her onto a chair at the table. I removed the omelet I'd made from the microwave and grabbed a bowl of fruit from the counter, setting both in front of her. Lastly, I brought her a large glass of orange juice.

  “Aren't you going to eat with me?” she asked as she dug into her food, clearly hungrier than she'd thought.

  I shook my head, and she glared at me, calling me a hypocrite with her pretty eyes. I grinned and tapped her nose. “I'm not eating for two.”

  “Stop saying that,” she sighed as she swatted my hand away. “We don't know if I'm pregnant.”

  I didn't reply, but Arya clearly saw my arrogant assumption on my face because she rolled her eyes before focusing on her food. She inhaled the first omelet and requested a second with a chagrined smile, making me laugh. So fucking cute.

  She'd just finished her second and helped me wash and put away the dishes when we heard the rumbling of several hogs coming down the gravel road to the cabin.

  Arya began wringing her hands together, and I covered them with my own while giving her a reassuring smile. “Everything will be okay, I promise.” She didn't look convinced. “Do you trust me, baby?”

  She immediately nodded, making me smile with pride. “I love you,” she added.

  “I love you, too.” I lifted her hands and kissed them, particularly the finger sporting a diamond ring that no one could possibly miss. “I want you to stay here.”

  Arya snorted. “Fat chance.”


  “Don't you ‘baby’ me, Dax,” she snapped, interrupting me. I'd never heard her speak so forcefully, and it shocked the hell out of me. It was also hot as fuck. “Neither of you is going to hurt me, and seeing me safe and happy might help defuse Nova.”

  I considered arguing some more, but her expression said it would be pointless. Instead, I released her hands, then captured one and threaded our fingers together. “Let's go.”

  We'd only taken one step toward the door when she tugged on my hand, urging me to stop and look at her. “Please, don't kill each other.”

  “You got it, babe.”

  “Also, even if I am pregnant, I want a houseful of kids. I'd appreciate it if you didn't let my brother injure or remove your balls.”

  Her expression was so serious that it took me a beat to realize she was teasing me. I roared with laughter and gave her a quick kiss, thanking her for easing our tension, and we moved toward the door once more.

  Boots stomped up the steps before there was a pounding on the door. "Dax! Get your motherfucking ass out here, you bastard!"

  Before I could say anything, Arya yanked the door open and shouted, “Cool your jets, Nova!”

  For a good thirty seconds, everyone stared at her with our jaws slack. Then all hell broke loose. I shoved Arya behind me as Nova lunged for me and grunted as he landed a punch to my gut. He attempted a jab with his other hand, but I blocked his fist while delivering an uppercut and hearing a satisfying crack as my fist met his jaw. The blow knocked him back a step, but we both froze when Arya came rushing around me.

  “Good grief, stop it, you two.”

  Thankfully, Patriot and Dash had been on Nova's ass, and Dash ran up to grab my girl and drag her away from our brawl. “Best to stay out of their way and let them work it out of their systems, sweetness.”

  I glared at Dash, distracted by the way he was talking to Arya. It cost me because the next thing I knew, my nose met Nova's fist. “Fuck!”

  We brawled until we were both bloody and bruised, then dropped our asses on opposite sides of the porch and scowled at each other.

  “If you touched her,” Nova seethed in a deadly tone, “I will rip your balls off before I break your neck.”

  I rolled my eyes and wiped away some of the blood dripping from my nose—luckily, it hadn't broken. “What the fuck do you think has been happening up here, Nova? Soda pop and board games?”

  Dash, Patriot, and Arya all chuckled, and Nova threw them a dark look. “Doesn't matter. It's done now. Arya is coming home with me.”

  Arya scoffed, but I beat her to a response. “Over my dead body, brother.”

  “She's a kid!”

  I grunted in irritation. “Open your eyes, Nova. She's a fucking woman, and no amount of brotherly ignorance is going to change that fact. And if you need further proof—that she's all grown up and all mine—she's pregnant.”

  His eyes narrowed on me, then he glanced at Arya before refocusing on me. “You've only been up here two weeks.”

  “Once is all it takes, bro.”

  Nova looked as though he would lunge for me again, but Arya piped up and drew his attention. “If it makes a difference—and it should—I was a willing participant. I love Dax.”

  Nova shook his head and struggled to his feet. “You're too young to know what love is, sis. And you barely know Dax. This will pass.”

  Arya shot to her feet and broke through the Dash and Patriot wall blocking her. “I'm not going to dignify that with a response.” Her tone was snippy, but her eyes were swimming with hurt. “When you're ready to apologize for being an asshole, you'll find me with Dax.”

  I was ready to kill Nova for putting that pain in my woman's eyes, but she walked up to me and took my hand. Her tight grip told me that she wanted me to stay close. I wrapped an arm around her, and she leaned into my side.

  Nova had the good sense to look ashamed, but he didn't hide his distaste at seeing my arm around his sister. “I'm sorry, sis. I really am. I shouldn't have been such a dick.”

  Reluctantly, I let Arya go when she walked over to him, and he enveloped her in a big hug.

  “I just want what's best for you.”

  “I know," Arya answered with a sigh. “Dax is what's best for me.” I couldn't help puffing up a little at her statement. Damn, I loved her.

  Nova was quiet for a long time, then he nodded and released her. But he kept a hand on her arm, holding her closer to him. A low growl rumbled in my chest, and he glared at me. “We can discuss this back at the club,” he finally said. Then he turned and began to guide Arya down the steps.

  We could've argued for the rest of the day, but in the interest of getting Arya back to my room and resting, I used a different tactic. “You all rode your bikes?”

  Three male heads nodded. “Arya will go back with me then.”

  Nova opened his mouth, and I cut him off. “She's pregnant. We aren't going to risk the baby by having her on the back of a motorcycle.”

  “You don't know she's pregnant,” Nova muttered.

  “You willing to take that chance?”

  Nova grunted and switched directions, walking Arya over to the truck. He helped her into the passenger side and shut the door before stomping over to me and holding out his hand.

  “No fucking way,” I said in answer to his silent question.

  He swore a blue streak and slammed his fist into the side of the truck. Better than my face.

  “Straight back to the MC, Dax,” he ordered. “You try to take her anywhere else, and I won't hold back next time.”

  I didn't bother replying; I just walked to the driver's side and hopped into the truck. Arya was silent, and I worried that she was upset with me for how I was handling things, but then she slipped her hand in mine and gave it a gentle squeeze.

  She fell asleep on the drive, and I hated to wake her when we finally arrived. I was going to carry her up to my room, but Nova—the jackass—stomped over and jerked her door open, startling her awake.

  “Nova,” I growled. “I swear to—”

  “Both of you shut it
,” Arya grumbled. “You can act like buffoons later when I'm not around.”

  Nova gave her a crooked smile and gently helped her down from the high seat. I met them at the front door, just in time to hear Nova saying, “You can rest, shower.”

  Arya chuckled. “Are you trying to tell me I stink, Nova?”

  Nova wrinkled his nose and glared at me. “No.” His eyes said otherwise, and I just smirked.

  We walked inside to be greeted by Mac, Bridget, and Link's old lady, Harlowe. “Let's get you to my room,” Nova murmured after lifting his chin at the trio.

  “Abso-fucking-lutely not!” I barked. “Arya stays with me, and that's final.”

  Nova spun around to face me and spat, “She's my sister.”

  I took a menacing step forward. “She's my old lady, and unless you want me to burn your cut and carve that tattoo of your patch out of your back, you'll respect that hierarchy.”

  Nova's face turned purple as he fought what I was sure was multiple desires to dismember me. After a minute, he took a deep breath. “She's not wearing your cut,” he grated out.

  A flash in my peripheral sent my hand into the air in time to catch the vest Mac tossed at me. I gently, but firmly, pulled Arya toward me and helped her slip on her new vest. “She is now.”



  I stared up at Dax in awe. “You had a property patch made for me while we were at the cabin?”

  “Damn straight.” He flashed me a smug grin. “While you were busy making plans for the birthday party, I was setting everything in motion to make you mine. I was already planning on kidnapping you when you called to ask me for help. Your surprise visit made my approach a fuck of a lot less complicated. All I had to do was ask you to come early and steal you away.”

  I dropped my forehead against his chest and giggled. “I can’t believe I delivered myself to my own kidnapping.”

  “Don’t beat yourself up too much over it. I provided the ladder for mine back when Mac took me from my father’s house,” Bridget reminded me.

  I lifted my head to flash her a grateful smile. “I guess I could do much worse than following in the footsteps of the president’s old lady.”

  Bridget lifted her left hand and wiggled her fingers, the diamond on her ring twinkling in the light. “It looks as though Dax followed in Mac’s with how quickly he popped the question.”

  “Oh, yeah.” I waved my hand in the air with a huge grin. “Surprise, we’re engaged!”

  “How the fuck did I miss that rock?” Nova grumbled as everyone else crowded around us to offer their congratulations.

  “I took more than one page from the prez’s book.” Dax rested his palm over my belly. “I did my best to knock her up while I had her all to myself at the cabin, too.”

  “I do not need to hear this shit,” Nova muttered from behind me.

  Glancing over my shoulder at my brother, I stuck my tongue out at him. “Then maybe you should’ve left us alone at the cabin instead of barging in, getting into a fight with my fiancé, and insisting I come back here.”

  “Your fucking fiancé.” Nova pinched the bridge of his nose with his index finger and thumb, heaving a deep sigh. “What the fuck am I supposed to do with that?”

  Mac strode over to his side and elbowed him in the ribs. “How about you offer them your congratulations before Dax decides to run off with Arya again and doesn’t come back until she has his last name and the kid he put in her belly is already born? You want to miss out on all that shit because you’re too stubborn to admit how happy your sister is?”

  “Fuck,” he groaned, his dark eyes filling with remorse before he strode across the room to stand in front of Dax and me. A muscle jumped in his jaw as he held his hand out to Dax. “Congratulations, man.”

  My eyes filled with happy tears as my two favorite guys shook hands. When I sniffled, their focus zeroed in on me. “Look what you fucking did. You made her cry,” Dax growled, slipping his arms back around my shoulders and pulling me close.

  “I’m just so happy you two aren’t fighting over me anymore,” I blubbered as I wiped at my cheeks.

  “I’m pretty sure Dax was right about getting her pregnant because that sounds an awful lot like the hormones talking,” Harlowe whispered.

  “Yup. Been there, done that,” Bridget agreed.

  Nova glared at them while Dax’s chest puffed out with pride. “Damn straight, I’m right.”

  I huffed out a breath and rolled my eyes. “How many times do I have to tell you that it’s too soon to know anything for sure?”

  “Yeah, you heard my sister. She’s probably not pregnant yet.” Nova pulled me from Dax’s embrace and twirled me around in a circle. Bending his head low, he whispered, “You still have time in case you change your mind about the motherfucker.”

  When he set me back on my feet, I punched him in the shoulder. “All I said was that we don’t know for sure that I’m pregnant, not that it’s probably not true. And even if I’m not, I’m still going to marry Dax as soon as we can plan the wedding.”

  “If you’re not knocked up yet, I’ll just have to work twice as hard to make sure your belly is round with my baby soon.” Dax wrapped his arms around my body, pulling my back against his chest as he settled his palms over my stomach. “The practice we got up at the cabin is bound to pay off at some point.”

  My brother made a gagging noise, making everyone except for me laugh. It had been hours since I’d eaten breakfast, but I felt a lump in my throat that tasted an awful lot like the omelets I’d inhaled. Saliva began to pool in my mouth, and I knew I was in trouble. Pressing my hand over my mouth, I pulled away from Dax and ran toward the nearest bathroom. It was a good thing I was familiar with the clubhouse, or else I would’ve been puking all over the floor. I barely made it to my knees in front of the toilet before vomit spewed from my mouth.

  I retched into the porcelain bowl over and over again, long past the point where my stomach was empty. Dax sheltered me with his body, cradling me against his chest between bouts of puking and holding my hair away from my face while I was bent over the toilet. If I hadn’t been so miserable, I might’ve been embarrassed. But the waves of nausea were so close together that I didn’t have time left to think about how gross it must have been for Dax to watch me barf.

  Not until it was all finally over and I collapsed into his embrace. “Ugh, I’m so sorry you had to see all of that.”

  “Don’t worry about me.” He stood, lifting and setting me on the counter before wetting a washcloth under the faucet to wipe my face. “It’s my fucking privilege to take care of you when you’re sick, baby.”

  I offered him a weak smile when he dropped the cloth in the sink. “You do a great job of it.”

  He poured some cold water into his palm and held his hand in front of my mouth. “Rinse and spit.”

  I regretted doing as he ordered as soon as the liquid hit my tongue, making my stomach roil again. “Oh, no,” I cried, scooting off the counter to kneel in front of the toilet again. “How could there be anything left?”

  I dry heaved for a few minutes, then waited for a couple more before lifting my head. “I don’t know how much more of this I can take.”

  Dax helped me to stand again. “No arguments. I’m taking you to the hospital, baby.”

  “Before you freak Arya out by dragging her to the emergency room, I think she should use this.” Harlowe stepped inside the bathroom and shoved a pink box into Dax’s hand. “Lots of sex plus being emotional and nauseous probably just means that she’s pregnant.”

  While Dax tore into the box, I muttered, “How in the heck did you get a pregnancy test so quickly?”

  “I grabbed it from Link’s room.” She flashed me a sheepish smile. “It’s just easier to keep them around for when I need to take one. With the way these guys like to keep their old ladies pregnant, we probably should’ve bought stock in the company that makes them.”

  I stared down at the white stick
Dax handed me. “I guess I’m joining the ranks of the rest of the old ladies then.”

  Harlowe ducked out of the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. I pointed the tip of the pregnancy test at Dax. “You can follow her right out of here. I may have just puked my guts up in front of you, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to pee with you in the same room.”

  His lips parted, and I knew he was going to try to argue. Before he could get a word out, I stomped over to the door and flung it open. “The sooner you leave, the sooner we’ll know if I’m pregnant.”

  “Fine,” he grumbled as he stomped out of the room. “But I’m coming right back in as soon as you’re done. We’ll wait for the results together.”

  I shut the door in his face and hurried over to the toilet. I wouldn’t put it past Dax to come barging back in before I was done, so I needed to be quick. Luckily, I hadn’t stopped for a bathroom break on the way to the compound, so I got the job done and was washing my hands when he opened the door. Our gazes met in the mirror, and he crowded me against the counter, resting his chin on the top of my head. “This is going to be the longest three minutes of my life, baby.”

  “Only another two minutes and thirty seconds to go,” I said as I dumped the empty box into the garbage can.

  Gripping my shoulders gently, he turned me around and tugged on my hair to tilt my head back. “I know exactly how I want to spend it.”

  He captured my lips, his tongue sweeping inside my mouth when I gasped. I quickly lost myself to his deep kiss and whimpered in protest when he lifted his head. “Sorry, baby. But the curiosity is killing me.”

  “Oops, I kind of forgot.” My laughter quickly turned to a cry when I spotted the results of the test. “Oh, my gosh, we’re pregnant!”

  “We’re pregnant,” Dax echoed on a roar before sweeping me off my feet and striding out to where everyone was waiting.

  There was another round of congratulations with plenty of hugs, even from my brother. I ignored his muttered threat of death if Dax ever hurt the baby or me. He meant well, but Nova would never truly understand why I was so certain about our relationship until he found a woman of his own.


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