Divine Hart

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Divine Hart Page 6

by Heather Shere

  I know I should be proud of what I have achieved, but the price I had to pay was too high. I lost her…and parts of myself too. But it did teach me self-preservation and has given me a ruthless drive to succeed. My thoughts turn to the night I left…

  I have a bored expression on my face as Bob continues to explain that when I get off the plane, someone will be waiting for me. They will have more detailed instructions on what work I’ll be doing there. He has covered most of this more than once. He has been unbendable about most of his rules; but it’s time to press again.

  “I want to tell my mother and Skye that I’ll only be gone for a month.”


  “I can’t be so vague with my mother when she just had heart surgery, be smart Bob.”

  He nods once. “Alright, you can tell your mother you’ll be away for a month, but there are conditions.”

  “What conditions?” I give him a puzzled look.

  “You can’t tell her who you work for, or why.”

  “Is that it?” I say angrily.

  “No,” he says with a cruel smile.

  “What else?”

  “You can only tell her on the condition that she promises not to tell Skye a thing.”

  There it is. “Why are you so against Skye knowing where I’m going?” I manage to sound calmer than I feel.

  “It’s for your protection, she won’t approve of you working for me.”

  “Bullshit, Bob. She trusts me.” I grip the arms of the chair to keep me from doing something dumb.

  “You want the truth?”

  “I think you owe me that much.”

  “Let’s get this straight, I owe you nothing but the money I’m paying you.”

  “So you say. I still want to know why I can’t tell her. You know, Bob, I’m going to come back and marry her.” I don’t know where the words came from, but they just slip out. It’s always been my plan, but I didn’t need that ass to know.

  He lets out a mirthless laugh. “Is that what you think, boy? By the time you come back she’ll have moved on to something better.”

  “We’ll see, Bob, what else do I need to know?” I won’t give him the pleasure of acting like a lowlife.

  After I have listened to him drone on for another fifteen minutes, I’m dismissed. The suitcase that he provided me with suitable clothes for the trip in hand and a backpack on my back, I walk out the front door, not looking back at him to say anything more. As I make it to the end of the driveway, I pause, a sickening feeling in my stomach and turn and stare at Skye’s window.

  I hope she understands and knows deep within her heart that I would never just leave like this for no reason, even if that’s what it looks like. It’s for us, for the life I want us to have.

  “Detka, wait for me…” I whisper the words in the language of my people, then I turn and walk away, vowing to return and be the man she needs.

  I head home one last time to pack a few personal things and break the news to my mama about my trip, before I am collected by a car bound for the airport.

  The past haunts me and no matter how many times I go over it in my head, I still don’t know if I would make a different decision, knowing what I know now. All I know is that at the time I felt I had no choice. It breaks my heart to recall my Mama’s tears when I told her I had to leave, and not being able to stand to see her so emotional, I caved and told her more than Bob agreed I could. I told her I was going to Russia. A decision which might have changed the course of my life.

  Once she had composed herself, she asked me to sit with her and she placed a small bag in the palm of my hand. “If you get into trouble in my homeland, you show these,” she told me.

  I opened the bag and shook out what was inside. I gasped with shock when two heart shaped diamonds fell into my hand. Confused, I asked her where she got them from. She never talked about Russia, just taught me the language and some foods she would make. Never let on that she had these magnificent diamonds. Maybe she was afraid I’d sell them so we could have a better life.

  “That’s the way where I come from. People know the families by the diamonds they mine. If you are in trouble, these will help you. I hope you’ll never need to use them.” She had told me.

  Thinking about the family diamonds reminds me to check the hotel safe. Who would have thought those gems that my Mama gave me to keep me safe, would in fact put me at the top of the diamond trading business worldwide?

  I go straight to the safe to check on the extra gems I brought with me on this trip. They are all safe and accounted for. I had a good day today, struck a huge deal. It was well worth the drive out from Palm Springs just for that. But this trip has been worth far more than the gems I sold ever could be. If I’d passed it up, I wouldn’t have found her, I’ve been looking across the country for her for five years.

  She’s never left my thoughts, I’ve worried about her constantly. Not knowing if she’s safe. Wondering if she moved on, met someone new, started a family. I’d wonder if I ever found her how she would fit into my lifestyle. Would she be proud of me? Forgive me? All these questions eat me up inside. I couldn’t stand thinking that she had a new life when I missed her so badly in mine, but I had to know she was okay. The thought of never seeing her again was killing me slowly. The thought of never again looking into her beautiful hazel eyes that flash green when she’s annoyed…fuck I’ve missed her.

  She is the other half of me, and now that I’ve finally found her I want to keep her with me and not let her out of my sight. It took everything I had not to chase her when she walked away from me in the street. I calmly got in my car and got my guy on the phone as I watched her go. I couldn’t follow her, she would have heard the Aston’s roar, so I had him track her, but it was a risk. One that almost cost me dearly. When he called to say he had lost her, I thought I had blown my only chance. Then I looked up and saw her through the restaurant window. I couldn’t believe my luck. I was meant to find her today.

  I’m worried she’s making herself sick right now, devouring that dessert, but if I go back down there, she’ll shovel it in with a grin just to prove me wrong. I’m even more worried that she won’t come up though.

  I take my suit jacket off and put it on the back of the chair at the desk. Not able to stand the confinement of my shoes any longer, I slip them off too. I'm so much more comfortable barefoot.

  I pour some brandy into a glass. Taking a small sip, the fire trail it leaves in its wake is an acquired taste, but I enjoy it. Swirling the liquid in the glass and setting it down on the desk, I turn and walk out onto the balcony that overlooks Rodeo. The traffic is still bad at this time of night. I nervously check my watch; it’s been thirty minutes.

  I can’t afford to lose her again.

  I can’t leave it to chance, she might be slipping away. I step back inside and dial the restaurant, asking the hostess for Marie.

  “Hello, this is Marie, how may I help you?”

  “It’s Preston Hart, is Skye still there?” My tone is all business but inside I’m afraid she’s already gone.

  “Skye? Oh! Your lady friend, yes she’s still here.”

  I release a breath I didn’t realize I was holding. “Thank you, will you call me when she leaves?”


  “Thanks, Marie.” I hang up the phone and rub my temples.

  It’s been a long day and I’m going back home early tomorrow, with her in tow. I vow this to myself. I really should text Lea or Craig to let them know I found her, but I’m going to be selfish for a while. Now that I’ve found her, I won’t let her go. I need her.

  I have everything a man could ever want: money, cars, gems that could pay for it all twice over. I could retire tomorrow. But I don’t have the one person I did it all for. I lost her five years ago, and I won’t make that mistake again.

  I pace the room, my heart in turmoil. I haven’t felt this way about anyone but her, that’s why I haven’t been in a real relationship since I left. She is the
only one for me. I failed her in the worst possible way with leaving without a word, but if she gives me the chance to prove it, I will never fail her again. I’d show her I work hard for every penny and I’ve become something she can be proud of.

  Picking up the glass, I toss back the rest of the brandy and unclasp my watch, setting it on the desk. I take off my custom black diamond cufflinks and pull off the matching tie bar. My bracelet never comes off, sometimes it’s the only thing I wear; it was my father’s. It’s a simple solid soviet gold bracelet. He would never take it off and I wear it the same way.

  I pull off my tie, laying it across the foot of the bed. My belt is tossed on the chair and I deftly remove my pants, folding them and placing them next to my growing pile of clothes.

  The room is completely silent. Silence is rare for me and usually drives me up the wall, but I am feeling far too lazy to dig out my iPod to blast my favorite rock music. My thoughts are too loud in my head, I need to find some balance. I walk to the bathroom. My shaving kit is already on the sink and I consider using it, but the view of my face in the mirror isn’t too bad. A bit scruffy, but I can last another day. Taking off my shirt and letting my boxer briefs fall to the floor, I turn the shower on. I turn up the hot water and change the pulse setting on the shower to soothe the ache in my muscles. Stepping into the stream and closing my eyes, I let the water relax me.

  I soap up my body for a quick wash, but as I slide my hand down my stomach and rub the soap lower, Skye’s face flashes through my head. Memories of her are never far from my mind, but this particular one jumps into my head as my slick hand skims over that sensitive skin on my dick. It’s one of my favorite memories of us, on the golf course on prom night. I can still recall the way she felt sliding down onto me for the first time. I try to force my mind to shift back to the present and the fact that she is here. My body has a different agenda, my thoughts drifting back to the image of her in the restaurant and the way she took the first bite of filet off the fork. That small glimpse of her tongue as she welcomed that bite into her mouth had me imagining what it would feel like if she welcomed me there.

  Turning into the spray, I duck my head under the water and try to wash away these thoughts. Now is not the time. She is here, and I can’t blow it by letting myself think this way. As I wash my hair, I realize I feel more relaxed than I have in a long time, it must be because I finally know where she is. That makes up my mind. I get out of the shower. I am going to go get her- enough is enough.


  I have both hands on the table and am staring down at the key to his room. I know I’m going to use it, but I still need to get up the nerve to do it. I have to encase my heart in a safe, I can’t let him break me like he did before. It’s taken me five years to come this far and the pain I feel is still real.

  Marie slides into the booth across from me.

  “You know he isn’t a bad guy.” She nervously plucks an imaginary piece of lint off her uniform.

  “You sound like you’ve known him for a while.”

  “I’ve known him for a few years now. He’s been a good friend.”

  “I knew him once…”

  “He’s been looking for you for as long as I’ve known him.”

  My eyes widen slightly. “Really?” I always thought it was Lea and Shaina that were on the lookout for me and maybe Craig, but I couldn’t get past the idea that they might all know where Preston was. That they were somehow in on him leaving.

  She nods her head. “He’s paid countless people to keep watch for you. Only you don’t look like the picture he shows everyone.”

  I wonder what picture he’s showing people. I could ask but I don’t want the walls that I’m building around myself to fall. “How did you meet him?”

  “He got me fired from a diner a few blocks over.” She chuckles.

  “What? That’s an ass move!”

  “Really it was all my fault. I dropped his dinner in his lap. The owner saw it happen and immediately fired me.”

  “Oh, I see.”

  “It turned out for the best, he’s the one that got me the job here. It’s been a blessing.”

  “Does he know the management here?” This interests me since my father has his hand in the management team here.

  “He used to be friends with the former food and beverage director.”

  “So, tell me more about your friendship. Do you guys hang out outside of work?”

  “Not really. He’s been over to the house once or twice, Peter and Preston will have a pint and chat.”

  “Peter, is that your husband?” She has a kind face and usually I don’t get a chance to know people and well, I am sick of being alone.

  “Yes, we’ve been married now for four years. Preston met me when I was expecting our son.” She looks around the room. The restaurant isn’t full tonight, but I know how unprofessional it is for a server to sit with a customer.

  “It’s good that he found you a job. That would have been horrible.”

  “He more than got me a job. He also paid for my Peter to finish his accounting degree. We wouldn’t be where we are today without Preston.” She reaches across the table and gently squeezes my hand. “Just give him a chance, Skye. I’d love to sit and talk to you, but I have to get back to work now. Maybe we will see each other again.”

  “It was nice meeting you, Marie.” I smile. “Thank you for everything.”

  I stand outside the door to the presidential suite for a few moments, still in shock at how far he has come from the trailer park. I’m a bit sad that I wasn’t there to see him succeed in his dreams. When did this all happen? Have I really been gone that long?

  I hear the phone ringing and wait. I don’t want to walk in while he’s taking a call. Listening for his voice when the ringing stops, I hear nothing. Trying to get up the nerve to walk in is getting the better of me. This is silly, I can’t stand here all night. Either I go in like I intended, or I go back down to the slime ball at the front desk and admit defeat.

  I straighten my spine, lift my chin and slip the card into the slot. The green light on the door flashes, and I hear a click. Opening it slowly, I peek my head in and don’t see him, so I slip in and shut the door harder than I normally would so that the sound echoes through the suite and he will know he isn’t alone. I walk in and see his bag still by the door. The room opens into a sitting area and off to the left is what must be the bathroom. This must be their smaller suite because I have been in the family suite.

  I notice that the shower is on in the bathroom as I walk past the open door. One bed...hmmm, I hope the donkey doesn’t think I'm going to sleep with him. He has no chance. I notice a lounge chair that will be the perfect place for me to catch a few hours of sleep; I’ve slept in worse. The years I’ve been on my own, there have been plenty of shelters and nights on the streets. I walk over to the desk, trailing my fingers along the polished mahogany wood, picking up one of his cufflinks and twirling it between my fingers, watching the little crystals catch the light.

  “I knew you’d like those,” he says in a teasing tone.

  “Jesus Christ!” I jump, dropping the cufflink, but I manage to not go off on him for scaring me. After all, I’m taking advantage of his generous hospitality. “Jackass,” I mumble as I turn to face him and catch my breath at the sight that greets my eyes.

  Hot Fuck!

  Preston’s standing there with just a towel slung low on his hips, his skin still dewy from the shower. He always had a six pack, but fuck it’s impressive now. I could see my fingers using those abs like a ladder, perhaps even falling a step or two along the way. The very defined V that disappears into his towel just begs to have teeth sunk into it. I can feel the fire slowly starting to burn within me as I imagine doing just that. Come on, Skye, pull it together, I think as my eyes travel down his body. The towel isn’t doing much to cover him up. He has muscular legs and skin that looks as if the sun gods kissed him everywhere. He always had a nice body but damn were the y
ears kind to him.

  “Like what you see?” he asks and leans against the wall crossing his arms.

  I bring my eyes up to meet his. I should know better than to be caught gawking like a schoolgirl at a damn man. The problem is he’s like a shot of whiskey, a rich, smoky shot with many layers to it. Something so divine that once you taste it you crave it and will do anything to get it. I raise a sarcastic brow. “It isn’t anything to write home to Mama about.” The outright lie comes easy. I guess I’ve hardened a lot over the past few years.

  I watch as his eyes narrow and form a hardness about them. That’s a new look, he didn’t like that.

  He moves forward and stands in front of me. “Evil,” he says with a smirk and what I think is a hint of admiration.

  I lift my chin a bit higher and incline my head in agreement. “Always have been deep down.”

  He lowers his face to mine, so we are almost nose-to-nose; he smells like fresh linen on a summer’s day. I find myself caught in the fantasy of tasting his freshly showered skin. What the hell is wrong with me?

  He taps under my chin with a finger to grab my attention. The look on his face makes me think he knows exactly where my thoughts are.

  My heartbeat is racing through my chest, and as I nervously shift a curl falls directly in front of my face.

  He lifts his hand up toward my face, and I flinch just a little. He takes the curl and wraps it around a finger then tucks it behind my ear. The intimate gesture has a blush creeping up my cheeks and a shiver of delight rolling through my body. I’ve never gotten over him, but that doesn’t mean I won’t fight him. I’ll think with my brain, because my heart is stupid as shit.

  I see a flash of fire in his eyes before we break eye contact, and he walks over to the side of the bed where I now see a small suitcase. He bends down, and I swear he must be able to feel the heat of my stare as I wish for the towel to fall.

  “You might want to cover your eyes,” he states, barely containing his laugh. He rummages through the bag on the floor and pulls out a pair of black board shorts and a white t-shirt. I'm unable to take my eyes off him. He’s always had this kind of hold over me, but now he screams power, strength, and control; things that attract me and attributes I wish I had. He stands with fluid grace, his muscles flexing down his back as he moves. I have never seen a more enticing specimen of a man; it’s hard to believe he’s the same boy I used to watch skate empty pools in high school. The lighting in the room isn’t the best but it looks as though he has some markings on his back. I reach out but stop my hand in mid-reach. I want to touch him.


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