The Dare Collection May 2019

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The Dare Collection May 2019 Page 49

by JC Harroway

  Grabbing the keys to his convertible Lamborghini, he glanced in the hallway mirror to check his appearance: a few days’ worth of stubble worked, he decided, running his hands through his jet-black hair. Grabbing his favorite pair of aviators, he headed out the door, feeling mostly self-assured that he would change Kenzie’s mind about his business proposal—and maybe even calm that New York attitude of hers down long enough to enjoy some of his hot and spicy Miami flavor.

  * * *

  “Where is he already?” Kenzie questioned the uniformed doorman standing at the entrance to her hotel. She looked at the time on her phone. It was already ten minutes past the time Antonio had agreed to pick her up and she was getting antsy. The doorman shrugged and turned his attention to the hotel’s shuttle bus which was arriving with a full load of guests. Kenzie sighed and blew a curl out of her face and peered down the street, not knowing what car she was looking for but wanting to do something besides stand there like a statue. The longer she waited, the more she regretted her choice of clothing—an off-the-shoulder white cotton top with a matching skirt that showed off her breasts and tiny midriff.

  It had been a mistake to agree to let Antonio give her a tour of Baracoa. He would likely try to convince her to sell him her share of the distillery. In truth, that was probably the move that made the most sense, logistically and financially. But she couldn’t bear the thought of giving this arrogant man exactly what he wanted. Besides, maybe the place was a gold mine, or at least a diamond in the rough. It made good sense to at least go see what she would be giving up.

  Just as Kenzie reached into her bag for her room card, her mind suddenly set on going back up to the room to change into a business suit, an azure-blue sports car roared into the semicircular driveway of the hotel, causing Kenzie and the busload full of tourists to all stop and stare.

  “Buenos dias!” Antonio called to her, flashing her a sexy smile and lowering his shades to unabashedly check her out from head to toe. Damn, Kenzie thought. Her game plan of acting cold and indifferent to the man who had taken her to bed knowing full well that she was a potential colleague was going to be hard to keep up with. Why did he have to be so good-looking? Kenzie flashed back on the moment up in the hotel room when Antonio had pulled her hair, his hard cock inside her, and felt the same shock waves that tingled from the roots of her curls all the way down to the very core of her nether regions as if it were actually happening again.

  Cars pulled in and out of the circle in front of the hotel, but Kenzie was focused only on the car in front of her. She wondered where it might take her, and if it was a ride she was really ready for. Glancing at Antonio, who was confidently leaning in her direction, she decided to take a chance.

  “You’re late,” Kenzie stated firmly, reaching for the door handle of the insanely showy but somehow elegant car. Her hand was trembling a little and she tried to steady herself by taking a deep breath. Everything around her felt so foreign—not just the expensive vehicle, but the palm trees, the intense heat and the tourists in the colorful dresses and shorts. Back home, the streets were gray and slushy with dirty snow. Here, everything was in Technicolor and it was throwing her off.

  Before she could sit down, Antonio was up and walking around to the passenger side. When he was close enough that she could feel the heat coming off his body, she inhaled sharply. It was no wonder the eyes of the other hotel guests were on them—she had to admit that together, they made a striking scene. Antonio was a foot taller than her, but somehow their looks complemented each other. At only five foot two she somehow always found herself dating the tall guys.

  “Here,” he said handing her the keys. “You drive.”

  Kenzie laughed and looked skeptically at the fast car in front of her. She wasn’t much of a car person and usually when she saw guys in them on the highway she figured they were overcompensating for something. But looking at it up close, she had to admit it was pretty incredible looking. Still, she hoped Antonio wasn’t serious about wanting her to drive. “You do realize the last time I drove was for my driver’s ed test? I was seventeen.”

  Antonio gave her a puzzled look.

  “I’m a New Yorker,” she explained. “We take the subway.” In truth, it had been years since she’d driven, and she was terrified of crashing this beautiful vehicle that probably cost more than all of her worldly possessions, combined.

  “This is more fun than the subway,” Antonio promised, pressing the car key into her hand.

  Kenzie reluctantly walked around to the driver’s side, slid her body into the leather seat and turned on the ignition. The car’s powerful engine roared and she felt a quick hit of excitement.

  “You can adjust the mirrors over here,” Antonio explained, leaning across her to toggle the side-view mirrors switch. Kenzie involuntarily inhaled Antonio’s clean and masculine scent and the pheromones hit her—hard.

  “Got it,” she said, and pulled out of the drop-off area fast, sending Antonio back against the passenger seat. “Buckle up,” she cautioned him with a smile.

  Kenzie made good time getting them to Alligator Alley, and soon the road opened up to reveal the greenery of the Everglades. It was such a contrast, going from the colorful buildings of downtown to this otherworldly swamp region. The grass was greener than anything Kenzie had seen in months in New York and the sun beat down on them as she drove a straight shot, picking up speed as she got more comfortable in the powerful ride.

  “It’s stunning,” she commented, momentarily taking her eyes off the road to take in the lush scenery. For a second, she even thought she saw an actual alligator. She had heard that they were all over the place down here, and the thought freaked her out. New York City subway rats she could deal with—giant reptiles were something else. She appreciated nature but was definitely not looking to get up close and personal with it.

  “I agree, it’s beautiful,” Antonio said. Instead of looking for wildlife, his gaze was firmly planted on her. His unabashed stare made her blush. She wasn’t used to being looked at so intensely, especially by someone she was so attracted to. Suddenly, she had the overwhelming impulse to turn the steering wheel sharply to the right and pull off to the side of the road.

  She saw herself hiking up her skirt and straddling Antonio right there in the car, not caring if anyone else would see. Her panties got wet with the idea of his manly fingers moving her undies to the side and exploring the soft folds of her most intimate area. She looked over at Antonio and guessed that he was thinking of a similar scenario, too. But instead, she floored it, eager to reach Baracoa before she found herself doing something equally as reckless as two nights before.

  When they pulled off the highway, Antonio directed her through the side streets until they came to a series of buildings in an open field that looked more like ancient ruins than a working rum distillery.

  “This is it,” Antonio announced, stepping out of the car and gesturing toward—well, to be honest, Kenzie wasn’t a hundred percent sure what she was looking at.

  “Is it still operational?” she asked in a more sheepish voice than she normally used. She was definitely out of her territory here. Her domain consisted of yoga mats, asanas, breathing techniques and meditation. The rum business was as far from her own business as she could possibly imagine.

  “It’s a working distillery, yes,” Antonio answered, “but on a very small scale. Here,” he said gesturing toward what looked like the main building. “Let me show you around.”

  Kenzie’s thin white outfit was already sticking to her skin as the hot sun beat down on them. “Okay,” she said, following right behind Antonio, which gave her a chance to wipe some of the perspiration on her face and chest with the back of her hand. How did Antonio manage to look so cool and collected? She wondered. She definitely wasn’t used to such intense heat.

  Inside the main building there were a few huge metal fermentation tanks where Antonio e
xplained that sugar cane was turned into molasses. They walked past the distillery tanks and into a huge, cool open area where the barrels were stored.

  “Some of these are aged,” Antonio explained, “which affects how dark the rum will be.”

  Antonio waved at a worker driving a utility vehicle who was transporting barrels which were presumably ready to be stacked and aged. Apart from him, Kenzie saw no other people and it seemed like there was very little activity going on.

  “They’ve been doing things the same way here for a long time,” Antonio explained. “We have a much more intricate process at our Little Havana locations. Our master blender is always coming up with new flavors, new processes.”

  Little Havana—Kenzie knew the name from some quick internet research she had done on Antonio after, ahem, they had gotten acquainted, so to speak. Apparently, his family was the owner of the largest rum distillery outside the Caribbean, and also had a hand in several smaller operations. Judging by a “Millionaires under 40” article she had come across in Forbes, this little distillery was definitely off his radar.

  “We would have fully acquired this distillery a long time ago, and absorbed it into our main businesses, but the previous co-owner held on.”

  Aunt Lilly. Kenzie still wasn’t exactly sure who she was, and why or how she had become involved in the liquor business.

  “Some people like holding onto things,” Kenzie whispered. Suddenly her thoughts shot back to Cole—to the last time she had seen him alive, barely breathing in a sterile hospital room. It was liquor that had destroyed their relationship, destroyed both of their lives. Kenzie suddenly felt queasy, and her breath was short.

  “Excuse me, I need some air,” she apologized, and darted out the double doors straight ahead of her.

  When she reached the outdoors, Kenzie noticed out of her haze that she was standing in the most serene, run-down little courtyard. Pink and red azaleas bloomed out of the crevices of the rocks and the sound of birds was audible from the palm trees.

  “Are you alright?” Antonio had raced after her and now had a protective arm around her waist.

  “Yes,” Kenzie answered, composing herself as best she could. “This is all just a little...overwhelming.”

  Antonio frowned, and she was touched that he seemed so seriously concerned about her well-being. Kenzie did her best to shake off any bad feelings the sight of those rum stills had stirred up and instead decided to focus on the beautiful, tranquil surroundings.

  “It’s like an oasis here,” she commented.

  “It is quite beautiful,” Antonio agreed. She noticed that he still had his hand on her. The warm pressure on the small of her back radiated up her spine and made every inch of her skin feel more sensitive.

  “Believe me, I would love nothing more than a beautiful partner in the operations here,” Antonio said seriously, turning to face her. “But you have no use for this place.” He said it so firmly that for a moment, Kenzie believed it. “Why not make a deal? Let me do what I do best. You’ll walk away with a lot of money and then...” he boldly reached out and moved a curl off Kenzie’s face, “then we can celebrate both of our good fortunes.”

  Kenzie smiled tentatively and assessed Antonio. His words were so commanding, so smooth, it was hard not to be persuaded by him. But something in his eyes betrayed this extreme confidence. She thought maybe it was a hint of vulnerability. He was looking for something, just like she was, too.

  “I don’t know...” said Kenzie, allowing herself to think out loud. Antonio’s face was so close to hers, she could easily lean in and feel the stubble on his face, rough against her soft skin. She took a step back.

  “Something tells me that this place has potential,” she said, looking around.

  Okay, so it was probably ill-advised, but when Kenzie got one of those feelings, she knew there was no stopping her. It was the same feeling she had when she saw the abandoned warehouse space that was now her thriving yoga studio. She had a way of seeing beyond what things were and envisioning a greater end result. Maybe there was something great to be brought out in Baracoa. She just needed to uncover it.

  “I have a proposition,” she said, looking at Antonio pointedly. “If I can get this distillery on its way toward turning a profit in a week’s time, you give me all of your shares and I own it outright. If I fail, then it’s yours to keep.”

  Antonio shook his head. A bemused smile played across his lips. “Kenzie... I know you are a smart businessperson.” Antonio spoke slowly, and it seemed like he was trying to choose his words carefully. “But you don’t know anything about running a distillery. I don’t want to rob you of your inheritance.”

  “Don’t worry about me.” Kenzie reached out and touched Antonio’s bare forearm in a gesture to drive her point home—and maybe as an excuse to have physical contact with him again. “I’ve gotten this far by trusting my gut.”

  Antonio grabbed Kenzie’s arm and pulled her close to him. The electricity ricocheting back and forth between their bodies was undeniable.

  “I’ve wanted to do this again since this morning,” Antonio whispered, leaning his face in toward Kenzie, ready to kiss her. Oh, how she longed to feel his mouth pressed against hers again, to bite his lips and allow his tongue to penetrate not just her mouth but all of her orifices. She wanted to feel those strong shoulders again. She needed to make sure they were really as solid as she remembered from the first time she had allowed herself to touch them, to let her hands linger over the muscles just long enough to get totally turned on. Taking a deep breath, the kind she instructed her students to do to begin their yoga practice, she collected herself and held him back with her hand placed firmly against his muscular chest.

  “You’re used to getting everything you want, aren’t you?” she asked him, her eyes gleaming with a challenge.

  Antonio raised an eyebrow and met her gaze. “I know what I like, and I go after it,” he said plainly. “And I really like you.” He put his hand around her waist and pulled her in toward him.

  Kenzie’s knees weakened. She could feel his hardness pressing into the side of her hip. She couldn’t deny what a boost to her ego it was that he was this turned on and all they were doing was talking. “Tell me you don’t want this, too,” he whispered, speaking directly into the spot on the side of her neck that was her most sensitive place. She could feel the stubble of his half-grown beard grazing up against her skin and a shiver ran through her body.

  “How about I sweeten the deal?” Kenzie asked. The sensible part of her brain was telling her to keep her distance, to be cautious, but the primal side of her was allowing her to relish the long kisses Antonio was expertly administering to the side of her neck.

  “I like the sound of that,” Antonio murmured in between licks and bites.

  “If I don’t turn Baracoa around, you also get all of me.”

  Antonio paused his exploration and looked pointedly at Kenzie. “Hasn’t that happened already...back at your hotel?” he asked, his voice heavy with lust.

  Kenzie tilted her head to the side. Her resolve was shaking but she kept her voice firm. “I don’t just mean my body. I mean all of me. Really.”

  Antonio nodded. “A relationship?”

  “Let’s just call it a chance to go...deeper. So, do you think you’re up for it? Do you want to take me on?”

  Antonio stepped back and exhaled, raking his fingers through his hair. She had been right, her words had obviously rocked him to his core. She smiled, knowing she could have this effect on him without even touching him.

  “There has to be a catch,” Antonio said cautiously. “If I lose? Which I won’t...” he added.

  Kenzie’s eyes narrowed. “Then I go back to New York and you never see me again.”

  Ooph. It sounded harsh when she heard herself say it out loud. But truthfully, it was the only outcome Kenzie could really imagine
. They would have some fun, she would of course win, and then be on her way. Like she always was.

  The proposition made Antonio shake his head. “You really like torturing me, don’t you?”

  “Maybe just a little.” Kenzie smiled. She had to admit, she was enjoying this playful banter. It had been a long time since she had actually wanted to flirt like this with someone, to delight in seeing their reaction to her. And Antonio’s reactions were anything but subtle.

  “Okay,” he acquiesced. “But you can’t leave me like this.” Antonio looked at her wantonly. “I won’t make it back to the city.”

  Kenzie observed the bulge that was currently testing the limits of Antonio’s trouser zipper.

  “Take off your pants,” she instructed.

  Antonio hesitated. “But you just said...”

  “Take off your pants,” Kenzie reiterated, her voice firm now.

  Antonio glanced around. There was no one else in sight and the only sounds that were audible were the birds and the gentle whirring of the fermentation tanks. In one swift motion, Antonio’s pants were off, and he stood before her in just his shirt, his proud erection pointing straight toward her.

  “The shirt, too,” she said matter-of-factly.

  Kenzie relished the vision of his naked body in front of her. The other night she hadn’t really had a chance to assess him, but now she took her time, committing all of the details of his form to memory. His body was muscular but not bulky, with defined pecs and abs and a treasure trail leading from his belly button straight down to one of the most formidable members she had ever laid eyes on. It was perfect really, long but not too long, with a beautiful, rounded head that was just begging to be sucked on. His balls were nice too—cleanly shaven—but it was his rock-hard thighs that really impressed Kenzie the most. She could see his strength in them with long, firm muscles that showed what a man he really was. It occurred to her that she could come so easily, just rubbing her clit up against one of Antonio’s perfectly defined quads. It was the best idea that had occurred to her a long time, but it would have to wait.


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