Twice as Hot

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Twice as Hot Page 11

by Gena Showalter

Chapter Eleven


  I spent the rest of the dayand night glued to Tanner's side, trying to hold myself together. Maybe Rome, Lexis and John met to discuss the Desert Gal/M-Squared case at lunch, maybe they didn't. I didn't particularly care. I had only one concern right now. Tanner. And I refused to leave him.

  So far, he hadn't even twitched. At least he was now breathing on his own, which was a big improvement from a mere hour earlier.

  Cody had called me a few times, but I'd been too focused on remaining calm to pick up. If my emotions overtook me, I'd have to leave. The room, the building. Because I couldn't risk hurting Tanner further.

  "Gonna stay here another day?"

  The question came from behind me. I didn't turn, even though a warm flutter started in my belly and spread to my heart. Rome. I hadn't allowed myself to think of him, hadn't allowed myself to wonder what he was doing and who he was doing it with while I'd been here. "However long it takes. " Rome had come rushing into the room the moment Tanner had fallen. Without a word, he'd scooped him up and carried him to the medical wing of the building. If he hadn't been there, I would have broken down, would have floundered, lost, not knowing what to do.

  Tanner and I might not be blood-related, but he was my brother in every way that counted. I needed him.

  "Is he. . . okay?"

  The question came from Lexis, soft, hesitant.

  I straightened as if I'd been jolted with lightning, but still I didn't turn. Seeing Lexis pretend to care might unleash a fury so potent, so alive, the small tether I had on my control would be severed. "Get out of here. Now!" My fingers curled around the bedrail, knuckles leaching of color. "You have no right to come near him. No right to upset him again. "

  Silence. Footsteps.

  "She's gone," Rome said. "You shouldn't have chastised her, Belle. She's worried about Tanner, too.

  And by the way, you look like hell. Even in that skirt. "

  Finally I turned. I couldn't help myself. He was indeed alone, leaning against the door frame the same way Tanner liked to do. Actually, Tanner had picked up the action from him. To emulate him, I think.

  "You should probably leave, too. We'll fight, and that won't do anyone any good. " He remained in place. His dark hair was in disarray, stress lines around his mouth. His lips were red and moist, as if he'd chewed on them. Or maybe they were still red from the blistering kiss I'd given him.

  "Quite a few days we've had. "

  Fine. He wanted to stay, he could stay. But small talk? Not gonna happen. "Make yourself useful and go convince John to sign Elaine's custody over to me. "

  Expression hardening, he shook his head. "Not a chance. We've got her back in lockup and that's where she's going to stay. She took down an agent, Belle. You're just lucky we're gathering everything you promised her. "

  "It was an accident, Rome. " I ran my tongue over my teeth and gave him my back again. I'd expected the refusal, just not that it would be delivered with such ironclad determination. "I want her out. "

  "Why? Were you lying and don't really care about the boy on that bed? You said he was your best friend and there he is, practically comatose. Don't you want to punish the one who put him there?"

  "Like I said, she didn't do it on purpose. "

  "You don't know that. "

  "He touched her. Not the other way around. "

  "Doesn't matter. She's a danger to - "

  "I'm a danger. Okay? That's what you once said about me. But here I am, fighting for your team. So let.

  Her. Out. I'll take full responsibility for her. Actually, let her out and bring her here. She can keep me company. Anyone is better than the man I'm currently dealing with. " A man who had defended his ex to me. Again.

  "I questioned her about her past victims. " Rome's tone was flat, empty.

  Had my words hurt him? Surely not. He would have to care about me, about my opinion. "And?"

  "Many died within the first hour of touching her, their lungs too weak to fill on their own. Some survived for a day. A few, for good. Tanner's already past the first hour, as well as the first day, and he's now breathing on his own. I think he's going to be all right. "

  I wanted to believe him. I wanted to hope. It was hard, though, when Tanner looked so pale, so still.

  "So. . . while I had Draino's attention, I asked her some other questions. Specifically about Memory Man. She said they spent some time together in the cages and that he hated Desert Gal. Fought her every step of the way. "

  My brow puckered in confusion. "If he hated her, why'd he help her and take your memories? Why was he one of her favorites?"

  "Maybe she was simply trying to win him to her side. We'll have to ask him to know for sure. "

  "Which means we'll have to find him," I muttered, scrubbing a hand down my tired face.

  "Draino said - "

  "She has a name," I interjected, my irritation clear. Paranormal nicknames were important; they were the drumroll before an entrance, a defining factor of our identity. I wouldn't allow Elaine to be degraded by hers. So until we thought of a new one, Elaine would have to do.

  A pause. Then, "Elaine said that a few times, when they'd both caved to Pretty Boy's demands, she and Memory Man were sent on missions together. She's seen him steal memories and said he only takes the ones he likes. That he often talked about how he wished he could have visited the places he saw in those memories, or met the people in them for real. Apparently he swore that one day, he'd make that wish a reality. " Another pause, this one heavy. "Since he took all my memories of you, I can only guess he liked you. "

  I traced my fingers over Tanner's arm. His skin was cool, his blood flow too sluggish to warm him.

  "What are you trying to tell me, Rome?"

  "That he's here because you are. That he wants to meet you for real. That he might even try to win you. " I laughed, but there was no humor in the sound. "Win me? " Surely not. "That's. . . that's. . . " Preposterous. "Can't be right. I haven't met anyone new. And why me? I'm sure he had an abundance of choices. I mean, really. He could have chosen Lexis. "

  "But he didn't. "

  "Why?" I insisted. This honestly made no sense.

  "I wish I knew," Rome said sharply, as if he really did want to remember. More than anything else in the world. "Maybe if I knew, I could make sense of this. . . obsession I seem to have with you. " My hand stilled on Tanner, that sweet proclamation ringing in my ears. Where had this determined man been when he'd first awakened? When he'd gone home with Lexis? Yeah, he'd assured me nothing had happened between them. But it had still hurt. Unlike M-Squared, he'd chosen her over me.

  "If he has my memories of you, I'm not sure if he thinks he's me or he's still himself, but either way he's most likely. . . developing. . . feelings for you. " His voice deepened, became more steely, with every word spoken. "I called Cody to talk some of this out, and he mentioned someone sent you flowers. "

  "That same someone also gave me candy. " Could Memory Man have sent them?

  "Candy?" An outraged hiss. "If he thinks he's me, he's going about this all wrong. I'd never send candy.

  It's too cliche. When did you get candy? And if you ate a single piece, I'll - " I traced a finger along the line of Tanner's IV. "I took them to the lab to be dusted for prints and tested for poison. "

  A blur of movement, and then Rome's heat was radiating beside me. "Smart girl. When I leave here, I'll check on them for you, see what was found. "

  "Thanks. Now, smart girl that I am, you know I wouldn't ask this next question without reason. "

  "If you say so. "

  So suspicious. "Will you bring Elaine to me?"

  "Sorry, but you're not getting anywhere near her, Belle. "

  I pushed a breath out between my clenched teeth. "Look, we both know you don't give a shit about me.

  You're just fixated right now because you're frustrated at not being able to remember. That's understandable. But you lost the right to prote
ct me when you went home to your ex-wife. " His hand settled atop my shoulder, hot and firm. "I told you. Nothing happened. And I do give a shit. " I shrugged from his hold, saying, "Not enough. " Not nearly enough. "I need you to leave now, Rome.

  Please. " I just didn't have the stamina to deal with him right now.

  "Guess who called me - " Sherridan's voice ground to a halt as she entered the room. She must have spotted Rome. "Oh, it's you. " Yep. "What are you doing here, you traitor?"

  "Hello, Sherridan. It's nice to see you, too. "

  "So you know me? " she asked, some of her outrage falling away and pride taking its place.

  He sighed. "I've done my homework. "

  "Oh. "

  I twisted in the chair, and our gazes met. My exhausted hazel against her determined blue. She breezed to me, as warm and pretty as a summer day, and kissed me on the cheek. "How's our boy holding up?"

  "He's the same. " Tears suddenly burned my eyes, threatening to spill over. "Damn it!" Her eyes raked over me and she tsked under her tongue. "Well, you're worse, no doubt about it. You need a shower and another change of clothes. Which, amazing friend that I am, I brought you. " The boast had the desired results: I laughed, my tears gradually drying. I was still wearing the halter top and could-only-be-seen-under-a-microscope skirt. "You brought me something a little less slutty, I hope. "

  "I don't," Rome muttered.

  We both ignored him. I was positive I'd misheard, anyway. "Better," Sherridan said. "I figure my role on this kick-ass team is to make sure we'll all look stylish, and I take that role seriously. That's why I brought you something tres superheroey. "

  I cut off a groan.

  "Can I see?" Rome asked.

  He was fighting a grin, the bastard. I could hear the smile in his voice.

  "No," Sherridan said, but she pulled a black leather catsuit from her overlarge purse, anyway, and held it up for my inspection.

  I couldn't help peeking at Rome to gauge his reaction. He nodded in approval, his eyes heating as if he were picturing me wearing it. "I think that's perfect. "

  So the Cat Man liked the catsuit. This time, I couldn't stop my groan. I grabbed the dangling material from her fingers and stood. "What were you saying when you came in? Someone called you?"

  "What?" Confusion furrowed her brow before her eyes widened and she clapped. "Oh. Yeah. Cody called me. Said he couldn't get hold of you, and hadn't been able to make Rome stop talking about you long enough to listen to him. Oh, and if you're wondering how he got my number, he said he borrowed your cell before he left and copied it. " She bit her bottom lip, running it through her teeth. "You know, he's actually pretty nice. Once you get to know him. "

  I studied her, saw the color blooming in her cheeks, watched the way she danced from one foot to the other in agitation. "Dear God, you're already falling for him. After one phone conversation, you're ready to have his babies. " But amid my growing concern, one thought echoed in my head: Rome hadn't been able to stop talking about me?

  "No. No, no, no. " She wagged her head back and forth for emphasis, even held up her hands. "He was nice, that's all. But weird. He told me to tell you to answer your phone once in a while and that he'd tracked down some rodent at the very top of an ocean and was going off the road. . . no, that isn't right. . . off the grid, yes, that's it! Off the grid to keep the little critter from sniffing his cheese, so you probably wouldn't be able to get hold of him and. . . " She tapped a fingertip to her chin. "There was something else, but I'm drawing a blank. "

  Rome stepped forward, tension in every muscle in his body. He gripped her shoulders, shook her.


  "I'm thinking! Don't pressure me. And really, you of all people have no right to complain about someone else's faulty memory. "

  I threw the catsuit over my shoulder, pried Rome's arms from her and replaced them with mine, forcing her to face me. Calm, stay calm. How many times would I have to tell myself that in the coming minutes?

  "This is very important. I need to know exactly what he said. " Sherridan closed her eyes, intense in her concentration and sickeningly adorable. "It didn't make much sense. It was something along the lines of candy being bright and unexpectedly merging with the. . . desert that splits? Oh, and he'd like you and Rome to join him for cocktails, but wants you to wear your dinner jackets because the nights are cold. "

  My stomach twisted into a million little knots. "I think you've just been promoted from stylist to interpreter, Sherridan," I managed to work out. Of its own accord, my gaze lifted, seeking Rome's. I could see the wheels turning in his head as he tried to decipher my friend's words. I did it for him, too impatient to wait for him to catch up.

  "Cody was sending us a message. Because of some papers PSI found at the warehouse, we thought there might be someone in Desert Gal's employ working at Big Rocky Spring Water. The rodent must be code for our suspect, and the ocean means Big Rocky, so the lead was right. Only, it's bigger than we realized. Cody's going off the grid means, I think, that he's going undercover. The fact that it's cold at night and we need protection means it's dangerous and he needs our help. The bright candy is - shocker - Candace Bright, and Cody thinks she's Big Rocky's president or owner - the rodent at the very top of the ocean could mean either one. "

  I paused for breath, my gaze becoming pointed. "And last but not least, he also thinks Candace Bright and Desert Gall are one and the same. "

  Though I hated leaving Tanner, I did it. His condition was stable, his vitals better than they'd been. I had his doctor's phone number in my pocket and had insisted I be called if anything changed: good or bad.

  Right now, I had a trip to prepare for.

  "I'm going with you, and that's that," Sherridan said as we strode up the porch to our house. I half expected a present to be waiting for me, but no. Not today. Was M-Squared really my admirer? And like Rome, had he decided I wasn't worth the effort? I desperately wanted to talk to him, beg him to return Rome's memories.

  I was no longer quite so mad at him now that I knew he wasn't helping Desert Gal, that he'd taken those memories simply because he liked me. Yeah, I'd softened. Again. Definitely a yo-yo.

  But why did he like me? The question still plagued me. I'd already decided it wasn't because of my cuteness. So what did that leave? I wasn't the brightest bulb in the lamp, had been called flaky more times than I could count, apparently needed my friends to dress me (see? not the brightest bulb), and for the last few years hadn't been able to hold down a job for more than a few months (PSI excluded - maybe).

  I was an ordinary girl dealing with extraordinary things. That's all.

  "Belle. I'm talking to you. "

  "It's a nice day," I said, hoping Sherridan wouldn't notice the change of subjects and the fact that I hadn't responded to her I'm going statement.

  She mopped at her cheeks and neck with her free hand as she unlocked the door. "Nice day, my ass.

  It's hot as hell. Thank God for air-conditioning. "

  We sailed inside, and a cool breeze instantly caressed me. In the living room, Sherridan stopped, faced me and crossed her arms over her chest, clearly prepared for battle. "Don't think I failed to realize you avoided responding to my vow to go with you. It's Colorado, for God's sake. Nothing bad happens there. "

  "Hello. Do you recall being in the room when you were relaying Cody's message to us? Bad stuff happens there all the time. Case in point - we'll be hunting and fighting Desert Gal. " Who was most likely the alter ego of Candace Bright. Or vice versa. Did they know about each other? Was Candace Bright like Clark Kent to Desert Gal's Superman, one persona used to interact with normal people, the other to fight crime? Only Desert Gall didn't fight crime, she created it. Okay, so maybe that made her more like Jekyll and Hyde. Why had she shown the prisoners her human side, though? So they'd feel less threatened by her? Trust her more? "She's the prune with teeth, remember?"

  "Of course I remember. Do I look like Rome Masters to you? B
ut got it. Check. We're going to hunt ourselves a prune. Sounds fun. "

  Well, crap. "Why do you - " I pressed my lips together. Maybe she should go with me, I mused.

  Unstable though my powers were, I would be a better guard than anyone else because I loved her and would place her safety above my own. I'd take a bullet for her if necessary. And hopefully, somehow, someway, I could protect her from whatever doom Lexis thought was headed her way in the form of her greatest wish coming true.

  I pushed my hair out of my face, surprised to see my hand was shaking. What the hell? "You can come.

  I want you to come. "

  "Oh. " Bit by bit, she relaxed. "Well, good. 'Cause I am. "

  I tossed my purse on the side table. "I just want you to reconsider the superpowers thing. Okay? I caught myself on fire yesterday. " My knees were shaking, too, I realized as I walked forward. I had to stop and lean against the wall to keep myself upright. Something was wrong with me; I was losing energy fast. "We're going after a woman who can suck the water straight out of our bodies and we have a friend on an IV because he touched a girl I was interrogating. Simply touched her. " Hey, wait. Was I having a delayed reaction to Elaine? Was that why I was weakening so quickly? I hadn't touched her skin, but I had hugged her.

  Sherridan stared down at her sandaled feet. "Yeah, but people admire you, look to you for help. " Was that what this was about? "Sherridan, people admire you, too. You're beautiful, successful and highly intelligent. Proof - who helped me get this beautiful home? And in two days, two men have asked me for your number. Cody, of course, and Reese, a very sexy vampire I've been meaning to tell you about. "

  "Who cares about dating when we're on the verge of a mission?" She kicked at the carpet. "And yeah, I helped you get this house, but I can't blow-dry your hair from fifty paces. " Again with the blow-drying? "You're wonderful the way you are. In fact, I want to be you. " Her expression hardened, her narrowed gaze lifting. "No, you don't, you liar. You can't. You're special. "

  "So are you - "

  "Rome really liked the suit," she interjected, clearly done with that line of conversation. She tossed her purse on top of mine and collapsed in the recliner. "I think he was imagining peeling it off you. " I sighed, unsure of just how to convince her of her fabulousness. "No, he didn't and no, he wasn't. I casually mentioned changing into it before heading home, which I didn't do, I might add, and he couldn't get away from me fast enough. "

  She kicked up her legs. "Because he had a hard-on he didn't want you to see. " A girl could hope. We'd left Rome at headquarters, and he hadn't cared enough to say goodbye.

  Hadn't tried to follow me, protect me. Monitor me. He was probably with Lexis again. Okay, no probably about it. He was. In a few hours, they were meeting us at a private airstrip, and then we were all flying to Colorado, where Big Rocky headquarters was located.

  They were probably making arrangements for their daughter. Sweet little Sunny. My chest constricted as her image filled my head. Petite, dark-haired, with the face of a heartbreaker. When I returned, I was going to visit her. Her dad and I may not be getting along, but I loved that little girl.

  Hold me, Belly,she was fond of saying, and I would laugh and scoop her up.

  She was five years old and as mischievous as the devil. You couldn't turn your back on her without severe consequences, but she loved as fiercely as her daddy.

  "Speaking of hard-ons, I bet Cody's screwing the brains out of Little Miss Pruneface and that's why he's so determined to go undercover," Sherridan said sulkily, pulling me from my thoughts. "Really undercover. "

  The man was fond of seducing for information. Poor Sherridan. I could tell she was intrigued by and attracted to Cody. I'd known he would hurt her, though. He'd expressed interest in her one day but might have given himself to the enemy the next. Typical.

  If he'd really wanted Sherridan, he wouldn't have cared about my warning to stay away. He would have fought for her. Women deserved to be fought over, after all. We were a prize to be earned and treasured. At least, we should be, I thought darkly. I couldn't imagine Rome fighting for me in his current condition.

  Hopefully, Cody would return in one piece and I could freeze his ass to the wall for intriguing my friend.

  Rome could fry beside him. Fire and ice. A nice contrast.

  "Since I am not a liar, I will just say that yeah, you're probably right. "

  "Bastard. Think he'll be okay?" Sherridan asked despite her obvious irritation with him.

  "He'll be fine. " I hoped. Cody had power over electricity and could disappear inside a light socket - talk about freaky - but what if Desert Gall drained him of water the way Elaine had drained Tanner of energy before he could get away?

  Before leaving PSI, I had tried to talk John into allowing Elaine to go with us to Colorado, but he had firmly refused. Taking a maybe-kinda-sorta enemy into a known enemy camp was not an intelligent strategy, he'd said. Men. Such idiots sometimes.

  "All right. Enough of that. We've got two hours," I said, forcing myself to push from the wall. My knees almost buckled. "Be ready. "

  "Yes, ma'am. " She saluted me and popped to her feet, then we went our separate ways in the hall.

  There were five bedrooms in the house, and Rome and I had the master suite. I lumbered inside, my legs still strangely heavy, and shut myself in. The trek from PSI to the house had left me sweaty, so I hurried through a shower, mentally cataloging everything else I needed to do: dress in something less ridiculous than my previous few outfits had been, pack and weapon up. I should probably grab some food, too. I hadn't eaten since yesterday, I realized, and I hadn't gotten any sleep last night. Aaah, no wonder I was shaky. Elaine had nothing to do with it.

  When I finished, I wrapped myself in a towel, padded into the bedroom and -

  Stopped dead.

  Rome sat at the edge of my bed, dark, dangerous and glaring.


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