Billionaire Bachelor: Sean (Diamond Bridal Agency Book 7)

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Billionaire Bachelor: Sean (Diamond Bridal Agency Book 7) Page 4

by Melissa Stevens

  Sabrina shook her head, a smile frozen on her lips as she waited to see if he would guess again.

  “Okay, final guess. French?” the only reason he chose French was because so many women seemed to think it was the language of romance. As far as he could tell, that was kindness. Just that. Kindness.

  “Nope. Not Italian or French.” She looked pleased with having been able to stump him. “My third language is German.”

  “German?” He knew a frown flashed across his face before he could stop it. “That seems like an odd choice. Why German?”

  She took a drink from her water and set it back on the table.

  “It wasn’t really a choice. I started it as a child from my Oma. Well, technically she was my great-grandmother, but that’s what we called her.” A smile curved her lips as she remembered. “She came to the US in the forties, and while she spoke English, it was heavily accented. She preferred to speak German with the family, at least when she could. Her daughter, my grandmother grew up in a bilingual household before there was a name for it. In turn, my mother learned some, enough to talk to Oma, as did I.” Sabrina’s smile turned a little sad. “Oma died when I was sixteen and I missed her so much. You see, she’d lived with us since I was a baby.” She took a deep breath and licked her lips.

  Sean reached across the table and covered her hand with his. “You don’t have to tell me.”

  “I don’t mind. It’s just that I still miss her so much when I talk about her. But really, it’s a good memory.” She licked her lips again and Sean wanted to do the same. To taste her and see if she was as sweet as she looked. “I had taken Spanish in high school because there were enough kids around who were native speakers I had plenty of people to practice with. But when it came time to take my language for my degree I wanted to do something different. Mom was against it, she said it was more work than I needed to do, I already had a language and I could just CLEP out, but I didn’t want to. I wanted to take German to honor my Oma and my legacy.”

  “That’s sweet.” He wanted to move closer, to pull her against his side and hold her. Not only because he saw the ache of the loss in her eyes, but her sentiment spoke to him. He wasn’t a descendant of recent immigrants, at least not that he knew of, just the only son of a carpenter. Granted, Sean wasn’t a carpenter, but he’d learned the basics along the way, just as he’d learned the basics of plumbing, sheet rock and plastering.

  Their dinner arrived, and they continued to get to know each other while they ate, talking about movies and music until Sean was eager to get them back up to the apartment. He was tired of all the eyes on them, he wanted to have her all to himself.

  Chapter 8

  As they stood in the elevator waiting for it to reach the 39th floor, Sabrina thought back over the evening and wondered how he’d gotten her talking so easily. She’d shared things with Sean that she’d never shared with anyone, well, anyone not part of the family. She watched him through her lashes and wondered for a moment if he felt the same attraction to her that she felt to him.

  Of course not. Why would he? She was overweight and dumpy while he was, well, hawt. From what she could tell from his neat button-down shirt and the way it fit, he was built. Not hours in the gym sculpting himself fit, but muscles from doing a job that wasn’t always easy and doing it for hours on end.

  Were his lips as soft as they looked? She had thought about that more than she wanted to realize while he’d been gone that afternoon. Wondered what his hands would feel like sliding along her skin. She hoped he would be determined enough for the kids he seemed to want as much as she did to get them the old-fashioned way, but as long as she got them, she wouldn’t complain if he insisted on using a lab and going through in vitro.

  “I’ve enjoyed this evening.” He stood beside her, but leaned close. Closer than he had to, and she wondered why. Her gaze went to his lips and she once more wondered if they were as soft as they looked. She wished he’d kiss her so she could find out.

  The elevator doors opened and together they made their way down the hall to their door. It was still early and she wasn’t ready for bed quite yet, plus, she was enjoying talking to him. She kicked off her heels beside the door as she came in, then went to the sofa in the living room and sat down with one leg curled under her. Sean moved around the room, but she didn’t bother to watch him. Was it odd to want to never take her eyes off a man who would be her husband in less than seventy hours? She didn’t know, it was a temptation she’d never felt before.

  “Would you like a glass of wine?” he asked from the kitchen.

  “No thanks, but water would be nice.”

  “Do you not drink?”

  “Not right now.” She turned to see him on his way, a bottle of water in each hand.

  “Here.” He handed her one bottle and took a seat at the other end of the couch, facing her. “So why no drinking now?”

  “I assumed since we both want children, that we would start trying right away. Well,” her face heated, “as soon as we are married. I don’t want to take any risks.”

  Sean blinked.

  “I like the idea.” He leaned close. “But it’s a little early to be worried about that now, by the time the wedding’s over and it would be a possibility, it would be out of your system.”

  “I know. I always over think things. Plan way too far in advance.” She let her head fall until her chin rested on her chest. “I’ve been taking prenatal vitamins for the last month, just so I’d be as ready as possible when the time came, and the agency found me a groom.”

  “That’s smart. Way more planning than I had put into it.”

  Sabrina twisted the cap off her bottle and took a long drink. “Don’t let my going dry keep you from indulging.”

  “No, this is fine. I don’t need it. I just thought you might like to unwind a little.” He took a sip from his own bottle. “I’m just as happy to sit here beside you, though.” He gave her a half smile she didn’t quite know how to interpret. “I wouldn’t mind if you scooted over here a little.”

  She looked at him a moment, not sure if he was being serious or not.

  “Oh, even better.” He stood and held one hand out. “Come check this out.”

  Sabrina hesitated then laid her hand in his. He pulled her to her feet, but didn’t release her hand. Instead he led her a few feet away to the sliding glass door, which he opened then tugged her out on the balcony with him. The cement was surprisingly cool against her bare feet. The breeze made her skirt flutter around her knees and sent a shiver through her.

  “Over here.” He led her to the railing where she looked down and nearly gasped.

  She knew they were near the top, but it hadn’t seemed like so far when her feet were on the ground. It was beautiful. But the height made her stomach lurch and her head spin. She took a deep breath and tilted her head back as she tried to get her stomach to settle.

  “What’s wrong?” Sean’s voice was soft as his hand came to rest on her hip. The heat of his touch distracted her from the thought of how far they would fall if the balcony collapsed right now and she was able to catch her breath.

  “It was the height.”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t know you’re afraid of heights.” He took her arm and turned her to face him.

  “No, it’s alright. I’m usually not that bad.” She took another deep breath. “I knew we were near the top, I saw the building from outside. It just surprised me how high it seemed from up here.” She turned back to the railing and laid her arms along the top while she looked out at the city. As long as she didn’t look straight down, it didn’t bother her. And now that she knew how high they were it still might not. But she’d rather not risk it right now.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I am.” She turned to look at him. Had to tip her head back to see his face, as he was almost close enough that their bodies touched with each breath. “But I like that you care.”

  “I like you, I wanted to show you the view, not sca
re the crap out of you.” His lips curved as he gazed down at her.

  Once more she found herself staring at his lips. His hand skimmed down her arm while the other smoothed the hair from her face that kept blowing between them.

  “I hope you don’t mind, but I’d like to kiss you.”

  “Actually,” her voice was barely more than a whisper as her heart leapt and she tried to make her mind behave, “I was hoping you might.” She knew it was only seconds, but the time it took for him to close the distance, for his lips to brush ever so softly against hers seemed to take a hundred years.

  Chapter 9

  He had resisted as long as he could, but after the way she’d insisted on staying on the balcony after the height had scared her, the desire became so strong he had to give in to it. Her bravery and spirit were so tempting. Kissing her was the least of what he wanted to do, but he’d have to content himself with this, at least for now.

  Her lips parted beneath his and he couldn’t help his arm around her waist tightening and pulling her body against his. She fit against him perfectly, her lush curves giving way to the more chiseled planes of his. Soft against his work-hardened muscles. Sean’s world narrowed to her. To the feel of her, pliant in his arms, her mouth giving beneath his. He moved his hand from her hair to cup the baby soft skin of her cheek. He couldn’t wait to feel her smooth skin slide against his. The velvet caress of her tongue against his did things to his libido that hadn’t happened in years.

  His dick hardened in almost an instant, pressing into her abdomen. He started to move away but remembered some of her hesitancy and wanted her to know exactly how attractive he found her. Instead of pulling away, he tugged her closer.

  Sabrina’s arms came up, one wrapped around his neck and pulled him closer, the other hand wrapped around his bicep, holding him in a grip that told him she didn’t want to let go any more than he did.

  A gust of wind sent her skirt flying and she jerked away from him, her hands trying to tame the fabric that was now fluttering around her shoulders.

  “I’m so sorry.” The words rushed out as she tried to gather the flying skirt and cover herself at the same time.

  Sean held back a chuckle as he eased her inside. Once she was in, out of the wind, her clothing settled where it should be, but her red face said she hadn’t forgotten. He reached out to pull her back into his arms, but she stepped back, ducking out of reach.

  “We shouldn’t.” Her face flamed even brighter.

  “Why not?” Sean tilted his head to one side as he watched her. “We’re both adults, as long as it’s what we both want, what is there to stop us?”

  “Well, um,” she looked down and he finally realized she was embarrassed, “what if you change your mind and decide to send me back?”

  Sean frowned. “Why would I do that? Why would I send you back?”

  “What if I’m not good enough? What if you get me into bed and then decide I’m not what you want, not attractive enough? Then I’ll have lost the one thing I had to offer.”

  “Whoa, hold on a second.” There was so much in those three sentences he wanted to address them separately. “First why would you not be good enough? I’ve spend several hours with you and I can’t imagine you being better. I haven’t had time to fall in love, but I am in deep like with you.”

  “Thank you for being honest, but still —”

  He held up his hand and stopped her. “I wasn’t done yet. Next, you seem to think you’re not attractive, could you not feel my attraction pressing against you? If not, come here and I’ll show you.” He held out his hand for hers, but she shook her head and clutched her hands in front of her.

  “I felt it, but it can’t be for me. I’m not slender and beautiful.”

  “No, you’re not slender, and thank goodness for that. I’ve never found twigs to be attractive. But you are beautiful, at least to me. I don’t ever want to hear you say otherwise.”

  Sabrina stood and blinked as if she didn’t know how to respond.

  “As for the one thing you have to offer, that threw me for a second. From where I stand you have a great deal to offer. Aside from being beautiful and extremely attractive, you’re educated and have a drive that’s uncommon these days. You know what you want and you’re willing to do what you need to achieve that goal.” He shook his head slowly but never took his eyes off her. “I can only assume from the things you’ve said and the way you’re blushing, that you’re a virgin.” He fell silent, waiting for her to deny it.

  Sabrina stared at him a moment, eyes wide like a deer caught in the headlights, then she nodded, only a couple quick jerks of her head, but enough to make him know he’d been right. His dick throbbed at the idea that she would only know him. No other man had ever touched her. Or ever would if he got his way.

  “Come here.” He softened his voice and held out one hand.

  She looked at his hand for several seconds before gently laying her hand in it. He sat in a nearby chair and pulled her down into his lap. She resisted at first, but he tugged at her hand until she sat sideways across his lap. His hard dick ached as she settled in, but he resisted the urge to adjust himself.

  “I have no intention of sending you back. It seems our reasons for going into this are similar, and we have enough in common, aside from the attraction, to see if we can make it work.” He took a deep breath and tried to figure out how to say what he needed to so it wouldn’t offend or hurt her.

  “If you want to wait until after we’re married, I’ll honor that. I’ll respect your choice and we’ll wait. But don’t let fear that you’re not enough for me make the decision for you. I want you.” He took her hand and guided it between them until it rested on the thick lump of his erection. “This is proof of how attractive I find you. Right now, I can’t think of anything that will make me send you back.” He smiled then said, “Well. I can think of a couple, but I’m pretty sure they won’t be an issue.”

  Sabrina stiffened in his lap. “What are they?” she asked, her voice so soft it was almost a whisper.

  “Well, you could be trying to convince me that someone else’s kid is mine. While I’m willing to adopt, the lying about it would put me off. Since you’re a virgin I’ll assume that’s not something I have to worry about.” He looked up at her and waited. She shook her head slowly. “In that case, the only other thing I can think of that would make me send you back would be if you’re a man pretending to be a woman, because other than the fact that I just don’t swing that way, it makes our joint goals impossible.” He smirked, knowing the next part would embarrass her a little. “And after the incident on the balcony, with the wind. I don’t think that’s a worry either.”

  “No.” A small smile curved her lips as she tilted her head down to her lap and he knew she’d picked up that he was teasing, but only a bit. Her hand still rested on his hard dick and while he liked it there he ached to shift, to loosen the pressure just a bit. But he would sit as long as he needed to let her know he was serious. Sean tucked a finger under her chin and eased it up until she was looking him in the eye, then slowly closed the distance between them. He didn’t ask this time, he just kissed her.

  He started out gentle, giving her the chance to pull away and stop things then and there. She didn’t say no. She didn’t pull away. Instead her mouth opened beneath his and one arm wrapped around his neck as her other hand remained where he’d put it. The kiss deepened. Sean loved the taste of her, the way her full breasts pressed into his chest. She tugged him close. He plunged his tongue into her mouth, mimicking what he wanted to do to her with other parts of his body. Her hand squeezed around his hard cock. Unable to take any more he broke the kiss.

  “Yes or no?” he gasped out the words. “Either we need to stop now or I’m gonna carry you into my bedroom and teach you everything you need to know.”

  “I already know what happens.” Her breathing was almost as ragged as his. Almost.

  “I’m sure you think you do, but trust me.” He pr
essed his forehead against hers and couldn’t help the leering grin that crossed his face. “You won’t realize how much you don’t know until you experience it.”

  Sabrina stared at him with wide eyes for several seconds and he could see the desire battling with the doubt in her eyes.

  When she didn’t answer after a few seconds he spoke again.

  “Can I ask why you’re still a virgin?”

  “I’m not really sure,” she shrugged, “I dated some, but just never found anyone who meant enough to me to go that far. Then, after I turned twenty-one it seemed to be more of a burden than anything, still, I wasn’t going to sleep with just anyone to get rid of it.” She sighed.

  “So, it’s not because of religion? Not like you were saving yourself for the sanctity of marriage?” He took a breath and realized how that could have sounded. “I’m not judging. If that’s what it is, I’ll respect that and back off until after the ceremony.”

  Sabrina shook her head.

  “No, as much as I would like to say it was because I was devoted to that being something for my husband, it’s not true. I don’t want to start our lives together with a lie.” She sighed and closed her eyes for a moment. He let her be, wondering what she was thinking about. It took less than a minute before the hand that still rested on his slacks over his hard dick squeezed and she opened her eyes. “I’m ready. Take me to bed,” she stood, “but you’re not carrying me. I’m too big for that.” She held out her hand for his. Sean stood and looked down at her a moment.

  He cupped her cheek and gave her a soft kiss, enough to get her to drop her guard then he bent and scooped her up.

  “Put me down,” Sabrina squealed with surprise as her arms clutched around his neck. “You’re gonna hurt yourself.”


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