Dangerous Dana (A Suspense Thriller)

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Dangerous Dana (A Suspense Thriller) Page 26

by Doris Miller

A couple of months later, it is around 4:30 on a Monday afternoon. Landa is dressed in light blue stretch jeans and a light blue denim jacket. She is walking down a street with a friend named Claudette, who is a slender built black woman wearing dreadlocks. As Claudette and Landa are walking down the street, Landa notices that a man is following her and Claudette. She tells Claudette about the man so Claudette turns around to look. She sees the man following her and Landa also. The man notices that the two women realize that he is following them so he decides to talk to them. The man, a male black who is around his early to mid 30's and stands at 6' tall, pretends to the two women that he is lost. So he decides to ask them for directions to a phony address. Landa and Claudette speak back to the man. As the man continues to talk to the two women, he starts to get closer to them. Landa and Claudette start to back up. The man starts to get close to them again. Landa and Claudette back up again. The man starts to get angry and grabs at Landa's arm, pulling her towards him! Claudette becomes frightened and grabs Landa away from the man! She holds on to Landa very tightly, trying to pull Landa away from the deranged character! Landa jerks her arm away and breaks free of the man! She violently kicks him in the groin! The man holds onto his groin very tightly! He then hurries away! Claudette is nervous and scared! She says, "Oh my God Landa! Are you alright? Did that creep hurt you?"

  "I'm alright Claudette! I didn't get hurt!"

  "Landa I think we better call the police! That might be the suspected rapist that we hear has been going around town raping several women!"

  Landa shockingly looks at Claudette! Claudette grabs Landa and says, "Come on over to my house Landa. I'm gonna call the police and make a report of that creep!" Landa and Claudette hurry away!

  Several minutes later, Landa and Claudette are inside Claudette's house. Claudette is on the telephone speaking with the police. She tells the police about what happened with her and Landa. Claudette tells the police, "Me and my friend Landa were accosted by a strange character! The character had tried to grab Landa!" Claudette speaks with the police for a while. After she finishes speaking with the police, she tells Landa, "The police are gonna come over and make a search of the area."

  "Good, because I have to get ready to go."

  "Go? Go where?"

  "I got to go meet up with Dana at my grandparents' house! I'm supposed to be there right now!"

  "Oh yeah?"

  "Yeah. Dana is going to drive me to the college tonight."

  "Oh she is? That college course you were planning to take starts tonight?"

  "Yeah, 6:00. Dana is probably over at my grandparents’ house right now waiting for me. If she's at my grandparents' place waiting for me and I don't show up, she's gonna have a fit and that's one thing I don't need right now is for Dana to have a fit."

  "Yeah, I know what you mean. Well why don't you call up your grandparents' house and see if Dana had showed up there yet."

  "Okay. That's a good idea." Landa goes to the telephone and calls up her grandparents' house. She stays on the phone for a few minutes. After she finishes on the telephone, she tells Claudette, "Dana hasn't showed up at my grandparents' house yet. She could be on her way over there now. I have to get ready to go Claudette."

  "Okay Landa. You be careful going out there. That creep might still be out there."

  Landa starts to head for the front door and says, "Yeah, I know. I'll be careful."

  Claudette opens the front door and asks, "So how are you getting home?"

  "I'm gonna walk," Landa says as she walks out the door. Claudette looks at Landa worriedly. Landa then says, "I'll see you later."

  "Okay Landa. Now remember, be careful!"

  "Alright," Landa says as she walks away. She starts to walk down the street. She has a few blocks to walk home. After she walks a block, she suddenly sees the strange man again. The man sees Landa. He starts to walk towards Landa. Landa continues to walk, minding her own business. As she walks, the man rushes up to her and approaches her. He says to Landa in an angry voice, "You know that wasn't a very smart move you did to me earlier!"

  "That wasn't a very smart move you did to ME earlier!"

  The man grabs at Landa again! He grabs Landa by the arm! Suddenly, he pulls out a knife! He holds the knife up to Landa's face! Landa suddenly kicks the man real hard in the groin area again! She breaks hold of his grip and rips her jacket in the process! She starts to run away! The man starts to chase after Landa! He chases after Landa with the knife in his hand! Landa runs as fast as she can! She runs a couple of blocks towards her grandparents' home! She approaches closer towards her grandparents' home with the strange man still in hot pursuit!

  As Landa reaches closer to her grandparents' home, she suddenly spots Dana's car in the driveway! She sees Dana about to come out of her car! Landa runs towards Dana and calls out, "DANA! DANA!"

  Dana, who is in her car dressed in a dark green jacket and matching dark green pants, turns to look. As she looks, she is shocked to see a man chasing after her sister with a knife! Dana rushes out of her vehicle! She rushes towards Landa as the man quickly turns and runs the other direction! Dana grabs and holds on to Landa very tightly! Landa is all hysterical and upset! Her jacket is ripped! She is furious and angry! Dana starts to scream, "WHAT HAPPENED?"

  Landa screams and shouts as she tells Dana everything that just happened! Dana becomes furious and angry! She starts to shout all over the place! Her family members are all inside the house. They hear shouting coming from outside of the house. They all rush to look out the window! When they look out the window, they see Dana and Landa outside shouting at each other! They then see Dana pulling Landa towards the car, signaling for Landa to hurry into the car! They then see Dana and Landa both rush to the car and hop inside of it! Dana quickly starts up the engine! Her family starts to rush out of the house! They hurry out of the house calling out, "DANA! LANDA! DANA! LANDA!" Dana ignoring her family quickly pulls off and speeds her car out of the driveway! She speeds her car down the street! Her family tries to go after her car on foot! Knowing Dana's violent temper, her family fears that she might go and do something crazy and drastic! They all go and hop into a second and third cars that are in the driveway! They speed those cars out of the driveway and race them down the street! They try to go after and follow Dana and Landa, but they don't know which way Dana's vehicle had turned or went! Dana's family is driving around desperately trying to find out which direction she and Landa had gone off and drove to!

  In Dana's car, Dana and Landa are driving around looking for the guy! They are both furious and screaming! Landa is hysterical! She is shouting and telling Dana everything that the guy did to her! She tells Dana that the guy had grabbed her but that she was able to kick him in the groin and get away. Then he started to chase after her with the knife. As Landa continues to scream, she and Dana suddenly spot the strange man! They spot him walking towards some big bushes that are several yards away from him! Dana angrily shouts, "THERE HE IS! THAT'S THE ONE I SAW CHASING YOU WITH THE KNIFE!"




  Dana quickly speeds her vehicle around the corner! She quickly pulls the car over to a curb and jumps out of her vehicle! Landa then jumps out of the vehicle! Dana grabs Landa by the hand as they both rush towards the bushes to duck down and hide behind them! They hide close to a gap that's in the bushes! The man is still walking towards the bushes, but he does not see Dana or Landa! He is unaware that they are in the area.

  As Dana and Landa continue to duck behind the bushes, Landa whispers, "Be careful Dana! He has a knife!"

  "Yeah I saw it!"

  Dana and Landa see the man coming closer and closer towards the gap that's in the bushes, but the man still does not see them. As the man approaches the gap, Dana sneaks up on the side of the guy and ambushes him! She throws the guy a fast hard blow to the face with her fist! Blood splatters everywhere as the guy screams out in pain
! Dana angrily screams out at the guy, "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO MY SISTER?" Dana suddenly kicks the man real hard in the groin! The guy starts to yell and bawl over in pain! Dana jumps up and throws her entire arm across the air, banging it with such great force right against the man's head, knocking him down! Dana bends down to the guy and starts to grab hard at his shirt collar, lifting him up! The guy angrily gets up and starts to attack back at Dana! He and Dana start to get into a real hard, vicious fight! The guy swings his fist right towards Dana's face, but Dana ducks her head down in time, causing the guy to miss! Dana then throws her entire arm into the air and WHAMMS her fist right into the guy's face again, breaking his jaw! The guy screams out in pain again! Dana takes her fists again and throws the guy several straight blows to the face! She grabs his head and violently bangs her knee against his head, throwing his head backwards! Then she quickly spins her entire body around and power punches the guy right in the mouth, busting out all his teeth! More blood splatters everywhere as the guy's face and mouth start to become bloodier! Landa then jumps into the fight to help Dana! She and Dana both start to grab and beat on the guy as he screams out in pain! Dana and Landa are on each side of the guy as they viciously start to beat and pull hard on him! They knee the guy hard into his chest and stomach! They grab his head and knee him in the head again! Then they viciously pull the guy again, throwing him several feet hard against the ground! Dana goes and bends down to the guy as he lies on the ground! She puts her entire body weight right on top of the guy as she goes for his throat! She tries to choke him to death! Landa comes and tries to pin the guy's arms and hands down to the ground as Dana chokes him! A small crowd starts to gather as somebody calls for the police! The crowd starts to grab and pull onto Dana and Landa, trying to break up the fight! The crowd lifts both Dana and Landa up off the guy! As the crowd pulls and holds onto Dana and Landa, suddenly, the guy leaps up from off the ground! He angrily starts to go straight towards Landa! He cusses and swears at Landa as he lunges straight towards her! Then he leaps up and kicks Landa right into her stomach, knocking her a few feet away against a fence! Landa bounces off the fence and falls to the ground as the guy falls to the ground also! Dana seeing this angrily and furiously breaks free from the crowd! She rushes right towards Landa as Landa lies on the ground! Then the guy gets up painfully from off the ground! Dana angrily goes after the guy! She lunges right towards the guy, leaps up and kicks him hard into his stomach, knocking him several feet away, hard down to the ground! The crowd goes to grab a hold of Dana again! Dana struggles to free herself from the crowd as the guy lays on the ground! The guy is in a lot of pain! He gets up from off the ground again! He is furious! He desperately tries to go after Landa again! Dana desperately trying to protect her sister angrily and furiously breaks free from the crowd again! She goes after the guy again and WHAMMS her fist right into the guy's jaw again! She takes her iron fists and throws the guy several straight blows to his face again! The crowd is stunned as they hear Dana's loud blows! Dana begins to fight, using martial arts! She quickly spins her entire body around again and kung fu kicks the guy hard into his chest and side area, breaking his ribs! The guy hollers and screams out in pain! Dana quickly spins her entire body around again and throws her right fist right into the guy's face! Then she quickly spins her entire body around the opposite direction and throws a left hook right into the guy's temple, knocking him out cold as more blood splatters! The guy falls hard to the ground! Dana goes after the guy as he lies motionless on the ground! She puts her entire body weight right on top of the guy and goes for his throat again! She tries to choke him again! The crowd starts to gasp! They are all shocked and stunned! Landa breaks free from the crowd! She goes after the guy also and pins his arms and hands down to the ground again as Dana continues to choke him! The crowd is screaming! They go and try to restrain Dana and Landa again!

  The police then arrive! They hurry and approach the crowd! The crowd hurries and moves away from Dana and Landa as the police approach! The police grab onto Dana and Landa as they both continue to choke the guy! Dana and Landa get up! They break free from the police! They both start to run! The police chase after them! Dana then grabs onto Landa's hand and wrist as they both continue to run! The police quickly catch up with them! Dana turns her body around towards the police and pulls Landa behind her, away from the police as the police try to subdue them! Dana and Landa both begin to put up a mighty struggle with the police! Dana continues to hold onto Landa's hand and wrist very tightly! They are both furious and angry! They are kicking, screaming and shouting! Dana and Landa continue to struggle with the police as Dana continues to hold a tight grip around Landa's hand and wrist! The police then get Dana and Landa both down on the ground as they try to separate their bloody hands and wrist, which are both covered with the man's blood! The police are still unable to separate Dana's tight grip from around Landa's hand and wrist! Dana puts up a fierce struggle with the police! The police start to pound on Dana's hand and Landa's wrist, but Dana still will not let go of her sister's hand and wrist! The police try their best to pry Dana's hand apart from Landa's hand and wrist, but Dana refuses to let go! She is determined to hold onto her sister's hand and wrist! She is willing to take any abuse from the police, but she will not let go of her sister's hand and wrist!

  After the wild struggle, the police finally give in and slap the handcuffs on Dana and Landa! Dana and Landa are both being arrested! They both lay face down on the ground with their legs spread apart as Dana continues to hold a tight grip on Landa's hand and wrist!

  Several yards away, the guy continues to lay motionless on the ground! His head and face are all swollen! His head, face, mouth and body are all covered with blood! He continues to lay motionless on the ground! The police are all around him! They have his shirt all opened and lifted up! His chest area is bare! His chest and side area where Dana had kung fu kicked him is all red and swollen! The police are pressing and pounding on his chest! The guy continues to remain motionless! He is lifeless! He is dead. Dana has killed him.

  The crowd is still screaming! After a while, the police put a sheet over the man's body! Dana and Landa are both still lying face down on the ground handcuffed together with their legs still spread apart! The police then grab and pick up Dana and Landa! They put Dana and Landa both into a police truck, being that Dana still has a tight grip on to her sister's hand and wrist and will not let go! The police truck then races away with them both! The crowd continues to scream! The ambulance and the paramedics arrive, but it is too late for the man. He is already dead. He had died from the blunt force speed of Dana's hard violent blows to his head and temple. His body still lies on the ground covered in a bloodied sheet.

  Twenty minutes later, the police have both Dana and Landa at the station, taken into custody! Dana and Landa's family is soon called. Their family and many relatives arrive and show up at the police station, including their grandparents, their aunts, their uncles, their brothers and their three other sisters Missy, Londa and Linda! Diane D and Michael show up! Tony also arrives, including Teresa and Joseph! Everyone is all shocked and stunned to hear that Dana had just gotten into another vicious fight and killed another person! They just can't believe their ears! Dana's family is all hysterical! They start to scream and shout all over the place! They become very frantic and don't know what to do! They are all very emotional! They want to see Dana and Landa, but are not allowed to! They don't know what happened or what is going on! Dana's family then shouts to the police, "WHAT HAPPENED?"

  Police Officer Thompson, a white male around his mid 40's, says, "The two women that we have in the back were found beating and choking a guy! We don't know why! Neither one of them are talking right now! Are you all family with these two women?"

  "YES WE ALL ARE," Dana and Landa's family shout!


  "Yeah? Well we found both of your daughters choking a dead guy!"


  "Yeah! We think the guy was already dead when we pulled the two women off of him! We found out that the victim had died from blunt force speeds of several hard blows to his head and temple! The speed and the force of the blows to the victim's temple was so hard and great, that it shattered his bone, killing him instantly!"

  The family is all shocked and stunned! Aunt Celeste shouts, "WELL WHO DID THAT TO HIM?"

  Officer Thompson looks at David and says, "Well according to some witnesses, it was one of your daughters who did that to him! The taller one!"

  "That's Dana! She's my oldest daughter! Well what did she hit this guy with?"

  "Well according to the witnesses, she used her bare fists! The witnesses said that she whammed her fists several times right into the guy's head and temple! He died right there on the spot! His body is still laying out there right now!" Dana's family continues to remain shocked and stunned! Officer Thompson tells the family, "When we had come up on your two daughters to stop the fight, they were trying to choke the guy, not realizing he was already dead! We also think the victim had a fractured jaw, fractured skull, busted teeth and a couple of fractured ribs! We are not too sure yet, but we'll have to see what the coroner says!" Dana's family is all shocked again! Officer Thompson says, "We have to notify the victim's next of kin, if he has any! Like I said before, we have not gotten any statements from either one of your daughters yet! Neither one of them are talking! They're both back there in the cell together!"


  "Yeah! We try to get a statement out of them but every time we try to come near them to talk and ask questions, the taller one you said name is Dana would try to attack us!" Dana's family stares at Officer Thompson in disbelief! Officer Thompson looks at them and says, "I'm telling you the truth! Every time I or any of the other officers would come and try to talk to your daughter Dana or her sister, she would make some kind of loud breathing sound and run right towards us! She would slam her body hard right against the bars, causing the bars and walls to tremble and vibrate! She won't let any of us come near her! Especially she won't let anyone near her sister!"


  "Listen we're not hurting your daughters! But we're afraid that your older daughter might hurt us! Listen if you think that we're hurting your daughters, would you like to come back there and check them out for yourself?"

  "YEAH, WE WANT TO SEE THEM!" Dana's family shouts!

  "Okay, but I can't let all of you back there! I can only let a few of you back there!"

  "ALRIGHT, I'LL GO BACK THERE!" David shouts!

  "I'LL GO BACK THERE TOO!" Mike angrily shouts!

  "I'LL GO WITH YOU TOO DAD!" Sammy shouts!

  "Okay," David says. David, Mike and Sammy start to follow Officer Thompson towards the back of the station. Missy, Londa, Linda and the rest of the family and relatives look on anxiously as David, Mike and Sammy follow Officer Thompson towards the back of the station! David, Mike and Sammy all turn a corner and follow Officer Thompson towards a room way in the back of the station. As they are about to approach the back room, they see and hear other officers shouting and frighteningly backing quickly away from a cell in the back room! They suddenly hear a loud bang! Officer Thompson, David, Mike and Sammy start to rush towards the back room as Mike shouts, "WHAT'S GOING ON BACK THERE!"

  They reach the back room and look! They see Dana's arms furiously trying to attack at the police officers from behind the bars of the dark cell! They rush to the cell! David, Mike and Sammy shout, "DANA ARE YOU AND LANDA ALRIGHT?" They start to speak to Dana through the bars! They hear Dana breathing hard and heavy as they shout, "DANA, DID ANYBODY HURT YOU OR LANDA? DANA WHAT'S THE MATTER? WHAT'S GOING ON?" They all try to calm Dana down! David nervously says, "Dana, try to calm down, alright? Everything is going to be okay! Just try to calm down! Try to tell us everything that happened! If you can't speak to us or don't want to speak to us, let us speak to Landa! Let Landa speak to us!"

  Dana doesn't say a word. She just goes towards the back of the dark cell where Landa is laying on a cot! Dana grabs on to Landa's wrist again and lays down on the cot beside her. David, Mike and Sammy could still hear Dana breathing hard and heavy, but they cannot really see her or Landa, being that the cell is very dark! They could barely see way into the dark cell! They see very little inside! They could see Dana laying down in the darkness beside Landa, holding onto Landa very tightly! Sammy then asks, "Dana are you and Landa okay? Dana talk to us! Tell us what happened! If you don't want to talk to us, let us speak to Landa! Let Landa come here and speak to us so she could tell us what happened! Landa could you come over here?" Landa does not respond.

  David then calls out, "Landa? Landa are you and Dana alright? Landa!" Landa still does not respond. She just lies there in the dark cell with Dana. The officers look on. David, Mike and Sammy look at one another. They then look back towards Dana and Landa. They could see Dana holding tightly onto Landa's shoulder and wrist, refusing to let Landa go. They then look at Officer Thompson. Officer Thompson looks back at them and says, "She's been holding tightly onto her sister since we brought them both in here! She will not let go of her sister! The only time she lets go of her sister is when she's trying to attack us! We tried everything to separate her hand from her sister's wrist way before we brought them both in here, but she won't let go! She's had such a tight grip on her sister's wrist, I think her sister's hand is starting to swell up!"

  "Oh yeah? Well how long are you going to keep them in there?" Mike asks.

  "Well we're gonna try to transfer them to Central Booking real soon."

  "Well how long will that be? And is there a bathroom around here for my granddaughters to use?"

  "Yes. There's a bathroom right behind the cell where they can just walk in and use."

  David tells Mike and Sammy, "Listen, I'm gonna stay here with the girls until they get transferred to Central Booking."

  "I'm gonna stay here with the girls too Dad," Sammy says.

  "We're ALL going to stay here with the girls until we find out what the heck is going on or what the heck happened," Mike says.

  Officer Thompson tells them all, "I'll take you all to the scene of the incident." David, Mike and Sammy all agree to go with Officer Thompson to the scene of the incident. They then agree to come right back to the police station, after they leave the scene of the incident.

  David, Mike and Sammy all get ready to leave the back room to go with Officer Thompson. David then says to Dana and Landa, "Okay girls, we'll be right back, okay? We're going to check out something! We'll be right back!"

  David, Mike and Sammy look at Dana and Landa. Then they follow Officer Thompson out the back room. They walk back to the lobby of the police station. Officer Thompson approaches the rest of the family and tells them, "I'm going to take you all to the scene of the incident." The family gets ready to gather. They start to leave and follow Officer Thompson right out the front door.

  Dana's family all hop into their few cars and vans. They drive off and follow Officer Thompson in his police car. Officer Thompson leads the family to the scene of the incident. When they all reach near the scene, they all get ready to park their vehicles. Dana's family looks on at the scene of the incident from their cars. They see a heavy crowd of people there. They all get out of then-vehicles and hurry towards the scene! When they reach the scene, they see a body on the ground covered with a bloody sheet! They are all shocked and stunned! Officer Thompson says to David, "That's the victim's body laying right there under the sheet. That's the one your two daughters were beating up on and trying to choke."

  The family is all stunned. They all become scared. They do not know what to do or say.

  After a short while, the body is then placed into a body bag. It's then placed on to a stretcher and into a waiting ambulance.

  After the body is placed into t
he ambulance, the ambulance speeds off! After the ambulance speeds off, Dana's family hurries back into their cars in disbelief! They follow Officer Thompson back to the police station.

  Dana and Landa are still being held at the police station. After being at the police station all night, Dana and Landa are now being transferred to Central Booking. They are transferred via the police truck again. Their entire family follows behind the police truck to Central Booking. The family stays at Central Booking all night long.

  After a long while, Dana and Landa are now being sent to jail. They are offered no bail, so they have to remain in jail for around a month until their court date. Dana's family is all upset and crying at Central Booking. They do not want Dana and Landa to go to jail.

  After being at Central Booking all night long, the family starts to leave and head for home. Tony goes home with Dana's family to their house. He is all sad and emotional. He is going to miss Dana.

  After the family arrives home, David tells them, "I'm gonna go upstairs and call up Christine."

  "Okay David," Gracy says.

  David starts to head up the staircase.

  A couple of hours later, Tony leaves Dana's family's home. He starts to head back to his and Dana's new apartment.

  The next Tuesday morning, Dana's family gets a telephone call from the police station. Officer Thompson calls the family on the phone and tells them that the victim had been identified. Officer Thompson tells David, "The victim had been identified as the suspected rapist who's been going around the neighborhood terrifying women! Several women had identified him as the man who had attacked them before and tried to sexually assault them! You think maybe this victim tried to attack your daughters and they retaliated somehow?" ^

  "Yeah, that seems very possible! Now I know my daughter Dana! She would not go around beating on or attacking anybody unless she has a reason to!"

  "Yeah we understand that, but we still have to hold both Dana and her sister Landa in jail for involuntary manslaughter! They have to stay in jail until their court date! We'll just see what the courts are going to say when the court date arrives. When you get a chance, I would like for you to come down to the station to talk about the incident."

  "Okay. I'll be there in about an hour."

  "Okay. I'll see you then."

  "Okay." David hangs up the telephone. He tells his family what Officer Thompson had just told him, about the victim being the suspected rapist who had been going around the neighborhood terrorizing several women. The family is all shocked and stunned! They are shocked that a suspected rapist had come across someone in their family!

  Inside Tony and Dana's apartment, Tony is still alone. He is very sad and lonely in there without Dana. He stays at home being very bitter, thinking about Dana. He starts to hear the song playing in his head 'Miss You,' by Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes. He wants to visit Dana, but Dana and Landa aren't allowed any visitors or phone calls for the first day. Tony then calls up Gracy and Mike's home. Dana and Landa's Uncle Willie picks up the telephone and says, "Hello?"

  "Hi, this is Tony."

  "Hey Tony! It's me Willie!"

  "Oh hi Willie! Hey Willie, have any of you heard anything from Dana or Landa yet?"

  "No we haven't. We haven't heard anything from either one of them yet. We're planning to bring some of their clothes and other belongings up to the facility for them."

  "Well when are you all planning to go up there?"

  "Later on today."

  "Really? Well I would like to take a ride with you all if it's okay?"

  "Sure! We're planning on going to the facility this afternoon around 4:00."

  "Okay good. I'll meet you all at your house around 3:30."

  "Okay Tony. But we still can't see Dana or Landa. They're still not allowed any visitors right now. We can only bring clothes and packages up for them, but we can't see them."

  "Yeah I know, but I still want to ride up there."

  "Okay Tony. We'll see you over here in a little while."

  "Okay Willie. I'll see you later." Tony hangs up the telephone.

  It is almost 3:30 PM now. Tony arrives at Gracy and Mike's house. He also brings over some items to send for Dana and Landa.

  After a while, Tony and the family start to leave the house and head for the facility in which Dana and Landa are kept in. They all get ready to pile inside Mike's car and a couple of other cars. Sammy's 7-year old son Donnell comes running out of the house to the car. He has a drawing in his hands. He tells the family, "Send this drawing to Dana and Landa!" The family looks at the drawing. When they look at the drawing, they are surprised and amazed to see a computerized drawing of both Dana's and Landa's faces together. The family sees a pair of green eyes drawn on Dana's face, while a pair of black-brown eyes is drawn on Landa's face. The family gives a sad warm smile at the drawing. They then give Donnell a sad warm smile and a hug. The family tells Donnell that they will make sure that Dana and Landa receive the drawing. They tell Donnell goodbye and that they will see him later. The family then gets ready to pull off in their cars. They drive off as Donnell and Robert wave goodbye.

  Late that night, Christine and several of her family members from Jamaica show up at Gracy and Mike's home, including her two brothers, her sister, their parents Winston and Marie and a couple of relatives. They are all hysterical! Christine starts crying about what happened to Dana and Landa! Gracy and Mike try to comfort Christine and calm her down. Soon, Christine's other children come from down the staircase. They go to their mother and try to comfort her also. Dana's siblings and relatives all tell Christine that they will try and take care of everything.

  The following Wednesday morning, Gracy and Mike go to hire criminal lawyers, George Hanson and Walter Stevens again. They hire them to fight for Dana and Landa's case.

  The following Thursday, George Hanson and Walter Stevens go to the jail to speak to Dana and Landa.

  The following Friday, Dana's parents and grandparents and other family members go to George and Walter's office. They all sit in the office. George Hanson tells Dana's family, "We went to see Dana and Landa yesterday."

  "Well how are they both doing?" Mike asks.

  "Dana and Landa are both doing fine, except that Landa's hands and wrists are swelled up!"

  Walter Stevens says, "Dana was holding a tight grip on to Landa's hands and wrists the whole entire time we were in there! She would not let go of Landa's hands and wrists! Being that Dana had a tight grip on Landa's hands and wrists through the whole entire process, they were both placed into the same cell! Landa's hands and wrists were so swollen up that she needed some medical attention on them!"

  George Hanson then says, "The doctors and the correctional officers wanted to wrap some bandages around Landa's hands and wrists, but Dana refused to let anybody come near Landa! Every time the doctors try to come near Landa to help her with her hands and wrists, Dana would start to attack them and chase them all right out of the cell! Landa really needed medical attention on her hands! We had to go in the cell to convince Dana that Landa's hands were swelled up and that Landa is going to need some medical attention on them!"

  Walter Stevens says, "We told Dana to look at Landa's hands! She looked at Landa's hands and saw how they were bruised and swelled up! Then she decided to let go of them! We told Dana that nobody is going to hurt Landa if that's what she's afraid of! We told Dana to please let the doctors inside the cell so they can check on Landa's hands and wrists. She finally agreed to let the doctors inside the cell so they can check on Landa's hands and wrists."

  "Well thank God for that," the family says.

  "Well what did the doctors do for Landa's hands and wrists?" Gracy asks.

  "They checked her hands out, then wrapped some ice and bandages around them," Hanson says. "I think her hands and wrists will be okay after a while."

  "Well thank goodness!"

  "Dana also needed some bandages around her hand also," Walter Stevens says.

's family becomes puzzled as Christine asks, "Dana needed some bandages around her hand also? Why? What's wrong with her hand?"

  George Hanson says, "Well when Dana threw that fatal blow to that guy's head and temple with her fist, the hard fast impact of her fist to the guy's temple caused some bruises on her knuckles!" The family becomes stunned as Walter Stevens says, "Dana has some slight bruises on her left knuckles! The doctors happened to notice it. They checked out Dana's knuckles and wrapped a bandage around her knuckles also." The family remains stunned.

  George Hanson then says, "Her hand and knuckles will be okay after a while. Now we spoke to both Dana and Landa about the incident that happened. Landa claims that the victim had followed her and a friend of hers named Claudette, Monday afternoon when they were both walking. Landa claims that the victim had started to talk to her and her friend Claudette. Landa said as the victim was talking to them, he grabbed her by the arm and tried to attack her! Landa claims that she kicked the victim in the groin, then she and her friend Claudette ran and got away! Landa said that she had went to Claudette's house after that. After that, Landa said she started to walk home from Claudette's house. She said after she walked a block, she saw the same man again. He started to approach her while she was walking."

  Walter Stevens then says, "Landa said that the man had come up to her and told her that he didn't like what she did to him earlier, kicking him in the groin. Landa then says that the victim had pulled a knife out on her and held it up to her face! Landa says she kicked the guy in the groin again and managed to escape! She said she started to run! She said that the guy started chasing after her with the knife! She said that she ran all the way to her block! That's when she spotted Dana outside in the driveway about to come out of her car! She says she ran towards Dana screaming! That's when Dana looked up and hurried out of the car towards her! Landa says that's when the guy started to turn and run the other way! Landa said that Dana screamed to her and asked her what happened! Landa says she was shouting and telling Dana about the incident!"

  The family starts to gasp! They tell Hanson and Stevens, "That's when we saw Dana and Landa shouting right outside of the house! We saw them hurrying towards the car, then they got inside the car and pulled off real quickly!"

  Hanson then says, "Well we finally got Dana to speak and make a statement. It took her a while to speak, but we told her that she has to speak and tell her side of the story so we can be able to help her! So she made a statement that as she was about to come out of her car, she heard her sister calling her. She claims to have looked up and saw a man chasing after her sister with a knife. She says that she hurried out of the car and ran to grab her sister, that's when the perpetrator quickly turned and ran the other way!"

  Walter Stevens then says, "Dana said she saw her sister's jacket all ripped up. She claimed she had gotten very angry when she saw her sister being chased and was about to be attacked by some mad man. That's when she decided to go after the guy and fight him. That's when she gave that fatal blow to the guy's temple with her fist, killing him instantly!"

  Dana's family remains shock as Gracy says, "Oh my God!"

  George Hanson then says, "Anyway, the dead man was identified. He was identified as the suspected rapist who's been terrifying the neighborhood for a while."

  "Yeah we heard about that from Officer Thompson," the family says.

  David then says, "Listen, we are sorry that a death had to occur but Dana was only protecting her sister! She would protect her sisters from anybody! That's why she probably held on to Landa's hands so tightly the entire time! She was afraid somebody was going to hurt Landa! Especially since she witness this mad man or rapist chasing after Landa with a knife! Who knows what would have happened if this rapist had actually caught up with Landa!"

  "Yeah that's true," Hanson says. "We're going to try our best to take care of everything alright? Just try to hang in there."

  "Okay. Thanks a lot." The family gets up from their chairs. They get ready and start to leave the office as Stevens walks them to the door.

  Chapter 21

  Missy's Confession


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