Dangerous Dana (A Suspense Thriller)

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Dangerous Dana (A Suspense Thriller) Page 50

by Doris Miller

The following Tuesday morning, the entire family heads for the airport. They all head out to Kennedy Airport, riding in several cars and a few vans. Soon, they all reach Kennedy Airport and follow each other into the parking area. They park their vehicles and come out of them. Mike and Gracy come out of their car with a couple of their grown children Laura and Willie. Their other grown children Ronald and Kevin come out of another car with several of their own grown children. Celeste comes out of a car with her husband Andy as Jean comes out of the same car with her husband Clifford. Around 6 of Gracy and Mike's other grandchildren come out of another vehicle. David, who is wearing a jacket and cap, comes out of a van with Sammy, Thomas, Robert, Sammy's girlfriend Darlene and Thomas' girlfriend Mandy. Sammy and Darlene's two children, Donnelle and 1-year old Tory also come out of the van. Sammy, Thomas and Robert are all dressed in the casual jacket and pantsuits that Christine had bought for them. They are also wearing the black shoes Christine had bought for them. Harold, Alan and some of their family members come out of one of the vans. The rest of their family members come out of another van. Tony comes out of a car with his family. He comes out with his brother, two sisters and their parents Susan and Larry. Diane D, Michael, Teresa and Joseph come out of a van with Diane D's parents Mary and Barry, and Michael's parents. James, Chad, Rick and Terrance come out of another car. David's family members and Christine's family members start to all go into the trunks to get their luggage out.

  After a while, David goes to Alan and asks, "Hey Alan, where's Christine and the girls? I don't see them here yet!"

  Mike then comes to David and asks, "David, where's Christine and the girls?"

  "I don't know Dad. That's what I just asked Alan."

  "I don't know where they are," Alan worriedly says. "I just hope they show up here pretty soon!" Everybody starts to worriedly surround Alan, David and Mike as Aunt Jean worriedly asks, "Well what car were they all supposed to be riding in?"

  "They were all supposed to be riding in Dana's car," Alan says. Everyone begins to wonder where Christine and the girls are! They look their heads around for Christine and the girls. They do not see them around anywhere! Suddenly Alan says, "Oh I see them! Here they come!" Everyone anxiously turns their head around to look! They all see Dana's car drive swiftly into the parking area! They then see her car go swiftly around the parking area! Most of the people hurry to follow Dana's car as the others stay to watch the luggage.

  Dana's car soon parks into a parking space and stops. As everyone hurries and approaches Dana's car, the driver's door opens and Dana firmly steps out of the driver's seat! She is wearing the dark blue corduroy outfit Christine had bought for her. She is wearing the outfit over the dark blue bustier! She is also wearing the thick white shoes Christine had bought for her. She has her hair all pulled back in a long wide pony tail, hanging all around her back and shoulders. She has a long thick chain and a thick lock wrapped around her almost bare waist! She has the thick lock hanging from the front of the chain! She has the second half of the long thick chain hanging from the lock!

  While Dana is outside of the car, the other end of her second half of the chain is still inside the car! Christine then slides from the middle of the front seat over to the driver's seat as Missy comes out of the passenger side, and the triplets all come out of the back seat! Dana, Missy and the triplets are all dressed in the identical corduroy outfits that Christine had bought for them all! Missy is dressed in her dark green suit, Landa is dressed in the dark maroon suit, Londa is dressed in the dark purple suit and Linda is dressed in her dark brown suit. They are also wearing the thick, white shoes that Christine had bought for them all.

  Christine then gets up from the driver's seat and steps out of the car as Dana helps her. She is dressed in a short black blazer with a red blouse underneath, black stretch pants and black shoes. She has the front of her hair in bangs and the rest of her hair pulled back in a long dreadlock pony tail. She is also wearing a chain and lock around her waist! She has the other end of Dana's second half of the chain attached and hooked into her thick lock and chain!

  Everyone approaches Christine and the girls and start to surround them. David hugs Christine and asks, "What took you all so long Christine?"

  "Oh we got held up in traffic David."

  "You did?"


  Everyone then looks at the thick chains and thick locks wrapped around Christine's and Dana's waists. They all become puzzled. They see the second half of the long thick chain from Dana's waist attached to the lock and chain on Christine's waist! Alan becomes upset! He angrily looks at Christine and shouts, "CHRISTINE WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?"


  Dana worriedly stands behind her mother, holding on to her mother's arm as she looks at her Uncle Alan. Alan angrily grabs Christine by the other arm and firmly says in her ear, "We'll talk later." He lets go of Christine's arm and angrily walks away! Christine and Dana look at Alan as he angrily walks away towards the trunk of the car. They start to follow Alan towards the trunk of the car together as everyone else continues to stare at the locks and chains hanging around their waists.

  Missy and the triplets walk towards the trunk of the car. They stand behind Christine and Dana as the rest of the crowd starts to follow. Dana then unlocks the car trunk and pulls it open. She starts to grab the luggage out, but Thomas comes to the trunk and tells her, "We got it Dana."

  Dana, Christine and the girls step back as David, Alan, Harold, Sammy and Thomas start to pull the girls' luggage out of the trunk. The guys start to pile the luggage a couple of long utility carts that Alan's son Greg and a skycap had brought over to the car. Everybody else starts to surround Christine, Dana, Missy and the triplets, telling them how wonderful they all look in their matching outfits and white shoes. They also tell Christine and Dana that the chains and locks look sort of nice hanging around their waists. Diane D, who is wearing the same dark blue outfit that Dana is wearing, smiles and says, "Hey Dana, check this out! I have on the same outfit you all have on! Your mother told me that she bought some outfits for you all! She showed me the outfits and told me where I could get one, so I went out and bought the same thing!" Dana nods her head as she looks at Diane D's outfit. Tony then goes to Dana and gives her a great big hug! Teresa then goes to Dana and gives her a hug. James, Chad, Rick and Terrance go to Missy and the triplets.

  As the men continue to pile up all the luggage, Christine turns to Dana and asks, "Dana do you have your car registration on you?"

  "No Mom, I left it inside the luggage."

  As the men continue to pile up the cart, Christine shouts, "HOLD IT FOR A MINUTE GUYS!" The men stop piling. Christine says, "We have to get Dana's car registration out of her luggage so she can hand the registration over to Uncle Willie!"

  Dana looks through the pile of luggage. She finds her luggage and starts to pull it out, but Thomas tells her, "I'll get it Dana." Dana steps back as Thomas grabs her large luggage from out of the pile and places it on the ground. She then gets on her knees and opens up her luggage.

  As Dana is looking through her luggage, Christine comes behind her and tells her, "When you find your wallet, just hand it to me. I'll take the registration out." Dana soon finds her wallet and hands it behind to Christine. Christine looks at the wallet and says, "This is not the wallet you had before."

  "I know. Aunt Patricia bought me that wallet because she said my other wallet was tore up. She decided I needed a better wallet."

  "Oh yeah?"

  "Yeah," Dana says as she closes her luggage back up. Thomas helps Dana as she starts to stand back up. He grabs Dana's luggage and lifts it back up on the cart. Christine hands Dana's registration over to Willie. Dana then hands her car keys over to her Uncle Willie.

  Christine then shouts, "OKAY, IS EVERYONE READY? LET'S GO!" Everyone starts to walk towards the airport terminal. Dana walks side by side with her mother as the second half of her long thick chain dangles between her and h
er mother. Tony walks on the other side of Dana, holding tightly on to her hand. Soon, they all arrive inside the airport terminal and walkthrough. When they reach the waiting area, Christine unhooks the lock from off her chain along with the second half of Dana's long chain. She wraps the lock and the second half of Dana's long chain around Dana's waist, causing Dana to have a double chain and two thick locks wrapped around her waist. Afterwards, Dana goes to sit down as everyone else follows behind her. Half of the people sit down on the chairs and surround Dana while Christine and some of the others stand in front of Dana to take care of the luggage.

  Christine has some of the guys stack up the luggage on to several utility carts! Harold holds a hot cup of coffee in his hand as he and Alan bring another cart to Christine. Sammy puts 1-year old Tory on Dana's lap. He then goes to help the rest of the men with the luggage. Christine turns to Robert and asks, "Robert why aren't you putting your luggage on the cart?"

  "I want to carry them myself Mom."

  "You're not supposed to carry any of your luggage Robert. They're all suppose to go on the carts." Christine then turns to the entire crowd and shouts, "LISTEN UP EVERYBODY! I WANT ALL YOUR LUGGAGE AND ALL YOUR BELONGINGS RIGHT HERE ON THESE CARTS, ALRIGHT? IF YOUR LUGGAGE ARE NOT ON THESE CARTS, THEN PUT YOUR LUGGAGE ON TOP OF THESE CARTS NOW!" Everybody begins to bring all their luggage to David, Harold, Alan, Sammy, Thomas, Nick and Greg as they all start to pile up the luggage neatly. Dana calmly sits there looking on as she holds 1-year old Tory on her lap. Tory drinks his bottle and plays with the double chain and two locks hanging from off Dana's waist. Tony smiles and sits right beside Dana with his arm wrapped tightly around her shoulders as she holds her baby nephew. His parents Susan and Larry sit on the opposite side of him. Diane D sits on the opposite side of Dana. Teresa sits on the opposite side of Diane D.

  As the men pile up the luggage, Harold sits his cup of coffee right on top of the luggage. The men continue to pile up the luggage, almost knocking Harold's cup of coffee down! Harold shouts, "HEY HOLD IT YOU GUYS! TAKE IT EASY! YOU ALL ALMOST KNOCKED DOWN MY CUP OF COFFEE!"

  "Well what is it doing up there Uncle Harold?" Sammy asks.




  "OH HAROLD PLEASE!" Christine's Aunt Nina shouts!


  "OH HAROLD!" Christine's relatives shout!


  Christine smiles and pats Harold on the back as he starts to walk away, drinking his coffee. Christine then turns to Landa and asks, "Landa where's your bag?"

  "I got it Mom."

  "Put it right on top of here," Christine says as she pats her hand on top of the other luggage.

  "But Mom I want to carry it!"

  "Nobody is going to carry any bags. Just put your bag on top of here."

  "But Mom "

  "Put your bag on top of here please!"

  Landa frustratingly puts her bag on top of the pile! She frustratingly looks at her mother as her mother turns to Missy and says, "You too Missy! Put your bag on top of this pile!" Missy puts her bag on top of the pile of luggage. Missy and Landa look at Christine as Christine quickly shouts to the men, "OKAY TAKE IT AWAY GUYS!" Missy, Robert and the triplets sadly look at the carts full of all their luggage as Alan, Harold, Sammy, Thomas and the skycaps quickly take the carts away, out of the area. Missy, Robert and the triplets sadly watch all of their luggage and bags being taken away out of the area. They then look at Christine.

  David then approaches Christine and says, "Me and Alan are going to check everybody in. We'll be right back."

  "Okay David," Christine says. David then walks away.

  Thirty minutes later, David comes behind Christine and gently rubs her on both shoulders, telling her, "All the check-ins and luggage are taken care of."

  "Okay good."

  A teary eyed Londa tells Linda, "You know this is really upsetting me. I'm gonna go to the bathroom." Londa frustratingly gets up from out of her seat and starts to head towards the bathroom.

  David looks at her and shouts, "WHERE ARE YOU GOING LONDA?"

  Londa turns around and shouts, "I'M GOING TO THE RESTROOM!"



  "NO NOT IN A FEW MINUTES LONDA! BE BACK IN ONE MINUTE," Christine shouts. "YOU GOT ONE MINUTE LONDA!" Londa turns back around and starts to walk away towards the bathroom again. As Christine and David watch Londa go into the bathroom, Christine tells David, "I think I better go in there with her."

  "She'll be right out."

  "I know David. I just want to be on the safe side. I don't want her to be locked inside the bathroom again like when she was a child. I don't want the wrong person like a maintenance man to find Londa again and then the next thing you know, history is gonna repeat itself."

  "Yeah, I think you better go in the bathroom with her."

  "I'll be right back." Christine starts to walk away towards the bathroom as David looks towards Dana.

  As Christine is about to approach the bathroom, Londa comes back out. She looks at her mother and says, "I was coming right out Mom."

  "I know Londa. When you had went inside the bathroom, I started to think about the maintenance man." Londa sadly looks at her mother as her mother says, "I just didn't want history to repeat itself, you know what I mean?"

  Londa looks towards Dana and quickly whispers, "I know what you mean Mom, but let's not talk about it anymore." Londa hides her face in front of Christine and whispers to her, "Don't turn around Mom, but Dana is looking right over here." Christine stunned looks at Londa as Londa whispers, "She's probably getting suspicious, wondering what we're talking about!"

  "Oh yeah? She's looking over here right now?"

  "Yes Mom, she's looking dead at us. Let's just go back to the others and pretend that we were talking about something else."

  "Okay Londa, but as we're walking back to the others, try to avoid looking at Dana to keep her from getting anymore suspicious, alright?"

  "Alright Mom."

  Christine and Londa start to walk back towards the others, avoiding looking at Dana. David tells Christine, "I'm going to get some coffee Christine. Do you want some?"

  "No, that's okay David. You go ahead."

  "I'll be right back."

  "Okay David."

  Londa goes to sit back down next to Rick and some of Christine's family members.

  As Missy, Landa and Linda stand around together, talking with James, Chad and Terrance, James suddenly says to the girls, "You know I think it is so unfair!"

  "What's so unfair?" Missy asks.

  "Your sister Dana," James says as he looks towards Dana and Tony. "I mean she's the one who's causing your whole entire family to move back to Jamaica for good, and yet she's allowed to bring her man! Her man is going! Yet your grandfather said that you're not allowed to bring any of us to any of his houses!"

  "That's right," Chad angrily says.

  They all start to look towards Dana and Tony as Tony sits with his arm still wrapped around Dana's shoulders. Missy turns back to the guys and says, "Well my mother invited him to come along. He's only going to stay with us for a few weeks."

  "Well that's what we wanted to do Missy," James says. "Stay with you guys for a few weeks! And what about your brother Sammy? He's bringing his girlfriend! His girlfriend Darlene is going along! Why is she allowed to go along with you guys?"

  "Well she and Sammy both have children together. Can't leave the children out. If the children come along, they have to h
ave their mother with them. That's why my grandfather is letting Darlene come along."

  "You mean in order for any of us to be able to come along with you guys, we have to have children together?"

  "Yeah. I'm not saying just go out and have a child together, but if that was already the case, then my grandfather would allow you guys to come along. Oh I know how you guys feel, but what can I say? My grandfather already made up his mind that no one else stays at any of his houses! He says this is strictly a family matter. Only family can come along. I'm sorry guys."

  "We know Missy," Terrance says. "We still think it's unfair that Dana gets to bring her man when she's the one who caused this entire scene! You or the triplets didn't do anything wrong! Yet you girls have to be apart from us while Dana who caused this entire incident gets to bring her man! We think it's unfair that her man gets to go along period and we can't!"

  "And not only does Dana's man gets to go along with your family to Jamaica," James says, "he's offered to live with your family over there! If Dana's man decides to move to Jamaica and live with your family, he'll share a bedroom with Dana right inside your family's house! But yet you girls aren't allowed to bring any of us at all! It's just not fair!" Missy, Landa and Linda sadly start to put their arms around James, Chad and Terrance. They all start to hug each other.

  After a short embrace, Chad then says, "Now you girls promise to keep in touch with us, alright?"

  "Oh we will," Missy says. Her eyes become full of tears.

  "What's wrong Missy?" James asks.

  "I was just thinking about the children back at the school. I don't want to leave them! I'm really going to miss those children James! I didn't even get a chance to tell them goodbye!" Missy cries as she leans on James' shoulder! James sadly and tearfully holds on to Missy.

  Soon, a flight announcement for Jamaica is heard through the loud speaker. Christine turns to everyone and shouts, “Everyone to get ready!” Everyone who is sitting down starts to get up from their seats! Sammy takes Tory and picks him up off of Dana's lap. Tony stands and helps Dana get up from her seat. Dana, Diane D and Teresa all stand around facing each other as Tony stands directly behind Dana, having both of his hands wrapped tightly around her upper arms.

  Before everyone going aboard the flight start to part from everyone else who's not going, they all start to hug each other. They all give each other a goodbye hug and kiss. Everyone is all sad. They do not want to part from each other. Willie hugs on to David, Christine and his parents Mike and Gracy. Thomas hugs on to Mandy. Mandy then hugs on to Darlene. Missy and the triplets hug onto James, Chad, Rick and Terrance. Tony hugs his brother and sisters and his parents Susan and Larry. Susan then hugs tightly on to Dana as Dana hugs her back. She then looks at Dana and says, "Now you be good Dana!"

  "I will," Dana says.

  Susan tearfully hugs back onto Dana again. Soon, all of Tony's family members hug on to Dana. Tony then hugs on to Joseph and Teresa. Michael hugs on to Joseph and Teresa. Diane D then hugs on to Joseph and Teresa. Dana hugs on to her Uncle Willie. She then hugs on to her many cousins. As Dana hugs on to her cousins, she looks at her Uncle Willie and asks, "So Uncle Willie, when are you going to ship my car over?"

  "Oh I'm not sure yet Dana," Uncle Willie smiles and says. "I'll try to ship your car over as soon as possible, okay?"

  "Okay," Dana says as she continues to hug on to her many cousins.

  After Dana finishes embracing her cousins, they all start to surround her as they look down and admire the thick double chain and two thick locks hanging around her waist. Diane D stands right besides Dana as their many cousins surround them. Darlene stands just a couple of feet behind Dana and Diane D, looking on.

  Several feet away, Mandy approaches Christine and starts to complain to Christine about Thomas moving away from her, leaving her! Christine frustratingly holds her hands up and says, "I'm sorry Mandy, but Thomas is going!"

  "But why?" Mandy frustratingly says as she folds her arms. "Why do all of your children have to move back to Jamaica?"

  "Mandy, I explained it to you before and I'm not going to explain it to you again!"

  "Oh I see! So Thomas and I are supposed to just throw our relationship away like it's nothing, huh?"

  "Listen Mandy, once I have my family settled in Jamaica, I promise you, Thomas and I will give you a call! You can come down to Jamaica to visit and stay with us for a while, alright?" Christine turns around and walks away from Mandy. Mandy is left standing there frustrated.

  Mandy then goes right to Darlene and starts to complain to Darlene as Darlene stands a couple of feet behind Dana and Diane D. Mandy frustratingly tells Darlene, "Thomas is still determined to move back to Jamaica! He's not going to change his mind! I just spoke to Christine and she still won't budge! She still says Thomas has to move back to Jamaica! And now Thomas and I are forced to break off our relationship because of this one," Mandy says as she angrily points her finger towards Dana.

  "Because of who?" Darlene asks.

  "This one! This one right here," Mandy says as her finger angrily pokes Dana's long black pony tail!

  Darlene's eyes frighteningly open real wide as she quickly pulls Mandy's finger back! She shockingly looks at Mandy and whispers, "Mandy what the hell are you doing?"

  "Oh don't worry! She didn't feel it!"

  "Well thank God she DIDN'T feel it! If she would have felt that Mandy, the next thing you know is that she'll turn around and crush your neck! Your face will turn blue and this whole entire crowd will not be able to save you from her tight grip! Just like a whole entire crowd wasn't able to save that woman Rose from her tight grip! So you better be careful with her Mandy! I mean she is NOBODY to play with!" Mandy frighteningly looks at Darlene! She and Darlene then look at Dana. They continue to stand a couple of feet behind Dana, looking on as Dana continues to stand there, being surrounded by her many cousins.

  After Dana finishes being surrounded by her cousins, she turns around and gives Joseph a hug as Diane D follows behind her. Joseph hugs Dana back as Mandy and Darlene stand aside, looking on at the thick double chain and thick locks hanging around Dana's waist.

  After Dana lets go of Joseph, Diane D gives Joseph a hug. Dana then gives Teresa a hug. Teresa's eyes fill with tears as she hugs Dana back. Diane D comes and stands beside Dana and Teresa as everyone else going aboard the flight start to head towards the departure gate. Christine and David try to get everyone together as they all go through the departure gate.

  After Teresa finishes embracing Dana, she turns her head towards the side and looks away from Dana and Diane D. Dana and Diane D stand in front of Teresa as Diane D asks, "What's wrong Teresa?"

  Teresa turns to Dana and tearfully cries, "Dana, please don't go!" She holds onto Dana's arms and cries, "I don't want you to leave Dana! Please don't go!"

  Dana sadly holds back on to Teresa's arms and says, "I have to go Teresa."

  "Why? I thought you didn't want to move back to Jamaica?"

  "I don't want to move back to Jamaica Teresa."

  "Then why are you moving?"

  "Because Teresa I love my mother and I don't want to hurt her anymore." Teresa looks at Diane D stunned as Diane D looks back at her. Dana then says, "I don't want to hurt my family anymore. I already put them through enough." Teresa looks at Diane D again. She then looks back at Dana as Dana says, "And I don't want to hurt Tony anymore either. I don't want him to keep suffering from nervous breakdowns because of me. And I don't want my grandparents to keep hiring lawyers for me. I don't want to put them through that anymore."

  "Oh Dana, your grandparents hired lawyers for you because they love and care about you. And Tony had nervous breakdowns because he loves and cares about you too."

  "And I love and care about them, that's why I don't want to put any of them through that anymore. Teresa, when I was staying at my Uncle Kevin's house with my mother, I noticed her crying almost every night. Sometimes she would cry silently in front of me, other times I
could hear her crying very heavy in the next room. It made me cry. Then I became angry at myself for hurting her so much. I don't want to hurt or upset my mother anymore Teresa. I don't want to hurt or upset my family anymore. And I don't want to hurt or upset Tony anymore either."

  "What are you saying Dana? Are you saying that you're willing to move back to Jamaica?"


  "For good?"

  "For my mother, yeah."

  Teresa looks at Diane D stunned as Diane D looks back at her. Teresa then looks back at Dana and asks, "And you're willing to go back into a hospital?"


  "So Dana, what you're saying is that you're willing to go and get help for your violent temper again?"

  "Yes Teresa, I'm willing to get help for it again."

  "Oh that's great Dana! Well Dana if you're willing to move back to Jamaica and you're willing to go into a hospital to get help for your problem, then why does your mother have that chain and those locks wrapped around your waist?"

  "She doesn't trust me."

  "She doesn't?"

  "No. She thinks I'm gonna try to run off, but I'm not. I'm sorry Teresa, but I have to move back to Jamaica. My mother wants me to move back."

  Teresa sadly looks away from Dana. Dana sadly looks at Teresa. She tries to comfort Teresa by taking a piece of napkin out of her pocket and wiping Teresa's tears off with it. Diane D tries to comfort Teresa also by saying, "Teresa you can always come down to Jamaica and visit Dana in the future."

  Teresa turns back to Diane D and Dana and cries, "Yeah but it won't be the same! What about all the times the three of us and the guys shared together? Huh? What about that? Are we all supposed to just forget about that?" Dana and Diane D sadly look at Teresa. Teresa turns her head away again as her eyes become filled with tears again. Dana starts to wipe away Teresa's tears again.

  Christine approaches Dana, Diane D and Teresa as everyone else going aboard the flight passes through the departure gate. She tells Dana and Diane D, "Let me talk to her."

  Diane D then gives Teresa a hug. She gently touches Teresa's arm and tells her, "Teresa I'll be back in a few weeks, alright? Me, Michael and Tony. We'll all be back in a few weeks."

  Diane D and Dana move to the side. Christine tells them both, "Y'all get inside the gate."

  Dana and Diane D start to head towards the departure gate as Tony and Michael follow behind them. They all tell Teresa and Joseph, "Goodbye." Teresa sadly looks at them all as they all start to walk away. Dana, Diane D, Tony and Michael then pass through the departure gate as everyone else waits on the other side of the gate for Christine.

  Christine begins to talk to Teresa as she says, "Teresa? Please understand why I'm doing this. I'm taking Dana back to Jamaica with me because I have to keep my eye on her. Teresa, you, I and everybody else know that Dana has a problem with having a violent temper, right? Everybody knows that. Teresa, I can't allow for Dana to keep doing what she has been doing. I can't allow her to go on like this! Teresa, I gave birth to Dana. I brought her into this world. If I go back to Jamaica and just leave Dana going around doing what she's doing, I feel sort of responsible for it."

  "You do?"

  "Yes I do."

  "Oh Christine, you shouldn't feel responsible. I know you and your family didn't raise Dana to be that way. Dana was probably just born that way. She probably would have still been the way she is, no matter who she was raised by. Christine, even if Dana was adopted and raised by another family at birth, she probably would have still been the same way."

  "Yes Teresa, but even if Dana was adopted and raised by another family at birth, I'm still the one who brought her into this world from the beginning. People have looked at me Teresa. They've looked at me and asked me what kind of medication was I on while I was pregnant with Dana or what kind of drugs was I on to make Dana the way she is. People and the doctors had wanted to know my medical history."

  "They did?"

  "Yes they did!"

  "Oh Christine, please don't ever think that you or your family did anything wrong because none of you did. Everybody knows that Dana came from a very loving family. Everybody knows that."

  "I know Teresa. I'm just so afraid that Dana's violent temper is gonna keep causing her to destroy other families' lives, causing her to spend the rest of her life in prison or in and out of mental institutions and I don't want that. And I know you don't want that for Dana either."

  "No, of course not. Christine?"

  "Yes Teresa?"

  "Is it true that you and your husband are going to have Dana committed?"

  "Yes Teresa it's true. It's something that me, my husband, the doctors and the court systems have done before. We've had Dana committed into hospitals and mental institutions before and now we're going to have her committed again."

  "Oh yeah?"


  "Christine, the other day, Diane told me that your brother Alan had told her, that when you and your family members had took Dana from the court building to her Uncle Kevin's house that day, you and your family members had Dana in an upstairs bedroom that night. I heard you and your family members had Dana in the bed with both of her hands handcuffed to both sides of the bedpost. Is it true Christine? Is it true that you and your family members had Dana's hands handcuffed to both sides of the bedpost?"

  "Yes Teresa, it's true."

  Teresa shockingly puts her hand over her mouth as she says, "Christine, you and your family members were holding Dana against her will! That's false imprisonment!"

  "Teresa you seem to have forgotten something. Dana is a violent person. She is a dangerous person. She is also a deadly person. She is a criminal Teresa! I have to make sure she stays out of trouble and not harm anymore people! Teresa, I don't want any more people dying from the hands of Dana, my child. God only knows how many lives she's taken! Yeah a few people tell me that I was wrong for holding Dana down against her will and that I was wrong for false imprisoning her. It's easy for other people to say that Teresa! It's not their child going around committing murders. It's not their child going around taking other people's lives. It's my child doing that. It's something that I have to live with. Me and my entire family! Every time a mysterious death happens or occurs, I have to keep wondering to myself, was my child involved in it, was my child involved in it. You think it's easy to live like that? Do you? No it's not. Teresa if you or those other people were in my shoes, I'm sure you all will see it differently. Teresa holding Dana down was something we had to do. We didn't want to do that to her. Believe me, we didn't! Oh Teresa, it hurt us all so much that we had to do that to her! My brother Alan was the only one against it. But I'm sure the families of Dana's victims would agree with what we did."

  "Well how did Dana take it when you all handcuffed her hands to the bedposts?"

  "Oh she putted up a real violent struggle at first when we were trying to hold her down! We had a very rough time with Dana for a while! She is just too strong! As my family and I were trying to hold her down, she tried to pull and break away from us!" Christine gets eerie flashbacks of her family members holding Dana down on both sides of the bed and Dana fiercely lifting her back up off the bed! "When we finally got the handcuffs on her hands and the bedposts, she tried to pull and break the handcuffs from off the bedposts. She almost succeeded! After a few hours, she calmed down. My family and I stayed in the bedroom with Dana. After a while, my family left the bedroom while I stayed in the bedroom with Dana. She was laying on one bed while I was laying on the other bed across the room. The room was very dark and very quiet. All the lights in the house were out. Then I looked across the room at Dana. The bed she was laying in was right beneath the window. When I looked at Dana, I could see the moonlight shining brightly against her face. I could see her eyes wide open, staring straight up at the ceiling." Christine gets eerie flashbacks of Dana's eyes and face laying in the moonlight, staring straight up at the ceiling. "She just stared straight up at the ceiling, not showing any emo
tions at all! I started crying silently to myself thinking, 'My baby, my baby! Oh Lord why my baby?' I cried silently all night long. Then I just cried myself to sleep. But the next several nights, I had Dana's hand and my hand handcuffed together while we slept on the same bed, because if Dana had tried to sneak away and commit any more violence or anymore murders, then she's gonna have to take me and drag me with her! And I'm sure she doesn't want to do that Teresa. She would not want me there. I'm sure she would rather be totally alone. Even during the day, I still had Dana's hand and my hand handcuffed together."

  "You did? Did you also have your hand and Dana's hand handcuffed together whenever you putted Dana in the shower or the bath tub?"

  "Yeah. How did you know?"

  "Diane mentioned that to me also. Oh Christine, I know you meant well! I know you love Dana with all your heart and soul! I'm just sorry that it had to come to that! I guess none of us realize how much you're suffering from this."

  "I'm suffering very much from this Teresa! Dana is my child! She's gonna always be my child! I can't just shut that fact out!"

  "I understand Christine. I just hope Dana gets all the help she needs from the hospital."

  "We all do Teresa. But even if Dana does get all the help she needs from the hospital and she does get better in the future, we got to remember, the people that she killed are never going to come back. They will never get a second chance. We must always remember that Teresa. They will never get a second chance." Teresa sadly looks at Christine. Christine continues, "But hopefully this hospital will do something about Dana's violent temper and stop her violent temper from taking other people's lives." Teresa tearfully looks at Christine. Christine continues, "Teresa you can always come down to Jamaica to visit Dana. You were always there for Dana whenever she got into any kind of trouble. You and Joseph were. I want you and Joseph to know that you two are always welcome to come down to Jamaica and visit Dana anytime and stay with us, alright?


  "Now, wouldn't you rather come down to Jamaica to visit Dana? Or would you rather keep going to the state prison to visit her? Which one? Teresa I want you and Joseph to come down to Jamaica and visit Dana real soon, alright?"

  "Alright. We will."

  "You promise?"

  "Sure. I promise."


  "But I hear that your father-in-law don't want any friends staying at any of his houses."

  "Oh Teresa he's just saying that for now, he doesn't mean forever! He just wants us all to get settled in and get that out of the way. Once we all get settled, then friends can come over. Now Dana is gonna be in the hospital for around the next six months. If you decide to come within the six months that she's in the hospital, you can come with us to the hospital to visit her, alright?"

  "Alright. But will she be alright in the hospital?"

  "Yes Teresa, Dana's gonna be alright. I will be there with Dana while she's in the hospital. And when I'm not there with her, David, my other children, my parents, my other family members or my relatives will be there with her. Either way, Dana is always gonna have her family there with her. We're not gonna just put Dana into some hospital and leave her there and forget about her! No way! We're all gonna be there back and forth to visit and stay with Dana while she's in the hospital and see how things go along while she's in there. If Dana needs more time in the hospital, then the doctors and the courts are gonna extend her hospital stay for another six months."

  "Oh yeah?"


  "That's nice Christine. But when it's time for Dana to come out of the hospital, what will happen to her?"

  "Well she's gonna have to be on medication while she's in the hospital and when she comes out of the hospital. She's gonna have to have supervision while she's out of the hospital. The hospital will put her into my custody, David's custody and my family's custody while she's out. Dana is gonna have to be with one of us at all times. She has to have an adult family member with her at all times. She can never be alone in public."


  "Never. Not while she's going back and forth into the hospital. While I'm working at my businesses, I will have Dana there with me sometimes. When Dana's not there with me, she'll either be with David, Sammy, Thomas, my parents, my brothers and sister or my relatives."

  "She will?"


  "Oh Christine, I just hope and pray that Dana gets all the help and treatment she needs from the hospital."

  "Yeah, we all do Teresa. Let's just hope for the best. Listen Teresa, our flight is about to depart very soon. Remember what I said. Come visit us real soon, alright?"

  "Alright Christine."

  Christine and Teresa tearfully give each other a big hug. Christine then says, "Take care Teresa."

  "Alright Christine. I will."

  Christine and Teresa soon finish their embrace. Christine then gives Joseph a hug and tells him, "Like I just told Teresa Joseph,make sure you two visit us real soon, alright?"

  "We sure will Christine."

  "Okay. Take care now."

  "You too Christine."

  Christine then walks away. She goes to give Susan a big hug. Christine then gives Larry a hug. After Christine hugs Larry, Susan tells her, "Now Christine, you take care of Dana, alright?"

  "I sure will."

  "And Christine, I want you to know that if you ever need anything, just call me and I'll be right there, okay?"

  Christine's eyes become full of tears again. She hugs Susan again and says, "Thanks Susan," as Susan tearfully hugs her and says, "No problem Christine."

  After their embrace, Susan tearfully says, "Listen, you all better catch your flight."

  "Okay. I'll call you when we all get down there."

  "Okay Christine. I'll be waiting for your call."

  "Okay Susan. Take care."

  "By Christine," Susan and Larry say.

  Christine then gives Teresa and Joseph one last hug. She then goes to a teary, upset Mandy, who has her face turned the other way. Christine reaches her arms out to Mandy and says, "Mandy?" Mandy turns her face around towards Christine. She and Christine tearfully hug on to each other. After their embrace, Christine looks at Mandy and asks, "So when do you think you will be able to come down to Jamaica to visit and stay with us Mandy?"

  "I don't know Christine. I guess within a couple of months."

  "That sounds wonderful."

  "How long will I be able to stay with you guys?"

  "You can stay with me and my family for a few weeks."



  "Thanks Christine."

  "You're welcome Mandy. And I'm sorry about you and Thomas having to split up and part from each other."

  "Yeah I'm sorry too."

  Christine hugs onto Mandy again. She tells her, "Just come down to Jamaica within two months and stay with us okay?"

  "Okay Christine. I will."

  "By Mandy. I'll talk to you later."

  "Okay Christine. By."

  Christine turns around and waves goodbye to everyone else as she starts to head back towards the departure gate.

  Once Christine passes through the departure gate, she and David anxiously try to get everyone going aboard the flight together. Everyone starts to gather around. Teresa, Joseph, Mandy, Susan, Larry, James, Chad, Rick and Terrance and everybody else on the other side of the departure gate who's not going sadly look on at the large group on the other side of the gate as Christine and David anxiously try to get them all together. Christine and David do not want to miss anybody. Christine then calls out, "ROBERT! COME STAND OVER HERE," as she pulls and brings Robert in front of her. She then calls out, "NOW WHERE'RE THE TRIPLETS! I WANT TO SEE ALL THREE TRIPLETS!" Christine sees two of the triplets, Landa and Londa. She grabs them both and brings them together right behind Robert. Christine and David look their heads around for the third triplet, Linda. Christine sees Linda standing several yards away, talking to Terrance through the departure gate.
Christine tells David, "There she is David. I'll go get her." Christine starts to walk towards Linda. She sees Linda copying and writing down a note that Terrance is holding up and showing to her through the gate. Christine approaches Linda and interrupts Linda as she writes on a piece of paper. She fusses at Linda and waves her hand goodbye to Terrance as she grabs Linda! She takes Linda away towards Robert, Landa and Londa as she continues to fuss at Linda. Linda fusses back at her mother and says, "Mom, I was trying to exchange phone numbers and addresses with Terrance! I didn't get to finish!"

  "You should have done all of that much earlier Linda! You had plenty of time to take care of that," Christine angrily says as she shoves Linda right into Landa and Londa! The triplets and Robert look at Christine. Christine continues to bring her other children together as she shouts, "NOW WHERE'RE MISSY AND DANA?"

  Christine and David look their heads around for Missy and Dana. They suddenly see Missy standing several yards away, burying her face inside a tissue, crying her eyes out. David tells Christine, "I'll go get her." David goes to get Missy. He approaches Missy and firmly tells her, "Come on now Missy, we don't have time for that!" He firmly grabs Missy and brings her towards the rest of his children. He brings Missy right behind Robert and the triplets. "NOW WHERE'S DANA?" Christine calls out! Christine and David look around for Dana. They suddenly see Dana standing several yards away between Gracy and Mike with her hands on her hips. They see Gracy, Mike, Thomas, Tony, Diane D, Michael, Alan and some of Christine's relatives surrounding Dana, looking down at the double chain and two locks wrapped around her waist.

  As the crowd stands around Dana, Alan fusses with Gracy and Mike about the double chain and two locks around Dana's waist. He angrily grabs at the double chain and locks as Gracy and Mike hold on to each side of Dana, trying to calm Alan down! Alan angrily lets go of the double chain and locks! Diane D jokingly says, "I kind of like it Uncle Alan. It makes her look sort of punk rock." Everyone laughs, except for Alan and Dana as Diane D shrugs her shoulders to Alan.

  "DANA!" Christine calls out! Dana does not hear her mother. She continues to stand there with her hands on her hips as everybody else continues to surround her, looking down at her double chain and locks. "DANA!" Christine calls out again. Dana turns her head to the side and looks towards her mother as her hands remain on her hips. "COME STAND OVER HERE!" Christine calls out. "YOU TOO THOMAS! COME STAND OVER HERE!" Dana and Thomas walk over towards Christine as the rest of the crowd follow behind them. Christine and David bring Dana and Thomas right in front of Robert, the triplets and Missy. "NOW WHERE'S SAMMY?" Christine calls out.

  "I'M OVER HERE MOM," Sammy calls out.


  "YEAH I GOT THEM MOM!" Sammy and Darlene walk over towards Christine with Donnelle and Tory. Christine separates Sammy away from Darlene, Tory and Donnelle and brings Sammy right beside Dana. Darlene, Tory and Donnelle stand on the side with the rest of the crowd looking on as Christine and David bring all eight of their children close together with Dana in the front right between Sammy and Thomas. Christine and David talk a little to each other. Then they shout to all their children, "OKAY EVERYBODY STEP BACK!" They start to push and bring all eight of their children back against each other.

  Their eight children frustratingly look at them and shout, "MOM, DAD, WE CAN'T MOVE BACK ANY FURTHER!" Christine and David continue to push and bring all eight of their children back against each other, packing them all up together like sardines as their eight children frustratingly complain at them! Sammy, Dana and Thomas are continually pushed back against Robert, the triplets and Missy as Dana and Sammy shout, "MOM, DAD, WE CAN'T MOVE BACK ANY FURTHER!"

  "JUST STEP BACK ALRIGHT!" Christine shouts as she and David continue to push and bring all eight of their children back against each other, causing Sammy, Dana and Thomas to lean against Robert, the triplets and Missy.

  After Christine and David finish pushing and bringing all eight of their children back against each other, Missy stands behind all her siblings as she buries her face inside a tissue, secretly crying her eyes out. David, seeing Missy secretly crying, angrily shouts, "COME ON NOW MISSY, CUT IT OUT, ALRIGHT!" Missy quickly stops crying as David shouts, "JUST CUT IT OUT!" David angrily turns around and walks away. Christine then turns around and walks away behind David.

  As David and Christine are walking away, Sammy, Dana and Thomas start to lean up off Robert, the triplets and Missy. As they are leaning up, Christine quickly turns around and angrily points her finger at them all shouting, "NOW YOU GUYS JUST STAND THERE, ALRIGHT? DOOON'T MOVE!" Christine continues to point her finger and angrily stare at her children as they all remain still. Then she turns back around and walks away as her children stare at her.

  As Christine's children stare at her, Sammy turns to Dana and Thomas and whispers, "You know I think the army should hire Mom to be a drill sergeant."

  "Yeah they should," Thomas says. "And you can be her front soldier Dana." Sammy and Thomas start to chuckle as Dana frustratingly turns her head and looks at Thomas. Thomas smilingly shrugs his shoulders to Dana. Dana turns her head back forward as Sammy and Thomas look at each other and chuckle again. So far, Christine and David made sure they had all eight of their children around.

  Christine and David then get Gracy and Mike near their children. Then they go several feet away and continue to get everyone else together as their eight children continue to remain packed together. David gets all of his siblings together as Christine gets all of her family members and relatives together.

  As Christine is getting her family and relatives together, she suddenly shouts, "COME ON NOW HAROLD! JUST BARE WITH ME FOR A MOMENT, ALRIGHT?" Christine fusses at Harold as he complains about Patricia almost spilling her coffee on his shirt! Christine frustratingly nods her head at Harold as he continues to fuss and complain. Christine then looks around for her nephews Greg and Nick. "GREG! GREG!" Christine calls out! "COME STAND OVER HERE NEXT TO ALAN! YOU TOO NICK! COME STAND NEXT TO ALAN!" Greg and Nick start to walk towards Alan.

  Christine and David soon have everyone going aboard the flight together. They bring all the groups together near their children. They have the entire group together now. They walk around the group, trying to make sure everyone who is going aboard the flight is around. Once Christine and David see that everyone is around, Christine asks, "We have everybody David?"

  "Yeah we have everybody Christine!"


  "YEAH WE'RE READY!" the crowd shouts!


  Everyone starts to walk in a multiple line. They walk towards the corridor. Christine stands on the side of the line, watching everybody. Then she walks along the side of the line as she and David continue to try and keep everyone together.

  As the large group continues to walk, they turn their heads around towards the departure gate and wave goodbye to all the people left standing behind. The people left standing behind the departure gate sadly wave goodbye back.

  As the group continues to walk, all of a sudden, Tory gives a screaming fit near the end of the line. He does not want to go. He lies on the floor kicking and screaming. Everybody stops. They all look back at Tory. They start to walk back towards Tory, but Dana, Tony and a few of Christine's relatives remain way up ahead. As everyone else approaches Tory, they start to surround him. Sammy tries to pick Tory up off the floor. He is having a very hard time doing so, because Tory is screaming and kicking his legs around very wildly! Darlene then tries to pick Tory up off the floor, but also has a hard time with Tory because Tory is still screaming and kicking his legs around. Each person tries to pick Tory up off the floor, but Tory is screaming and kicking his legs around so wildly, making it very difficult for everyone as they all try to lift him up. David tries to pick up screaming and kicking Tory, but also has a hard time. Diane D comes to Tory and tries to pick him up off the floor. She also has a tough time. Everyon
e tries to grab Tory and pick him up off the floor, but they are all having a tough time doing so! Diane D then says, "Hey Tory! You want to play with the chain and locks again? Huh? You want to play with the chain and locks? Hold on!" Diane D then looks around for Dana. She sees Dana standing way up ahead at a distance with Tony and some of Christine's relatives! She puts her hand near her mouth and shouts, "OOOH DAAANAAA! DAAANAAA!" Dana looks towards Diane D as Diane D shouts, "COME OVER HERE! WE NEED YOUR HELP! COME QUICK!"

  Dana starts to walk towards Diane D and the crowd, but her body is slightly jerked back by the second half of her long chain, which has its other end and other lock hooked right into Tony's belt buckle. Dana turns her head around towards Tony as both of her hands grab at the long chain. She tries to yank the long chain away from Tony's belt buckle as Tony stands there talking with Christine's relatives. Dana then calls out to him, “Tony let go of the chain!” Tony looks at Dana. He starts to unhook the second half of the long chain and lock from out of his belt buckle. He has a tough time doing so as Dana waits there impatiently. Once Tony gets the chain and lock unhooked from out of his belt buckle, Dana frustratingly yanks the long chain away from Tony, causing the chain and lock to crash right to the floor! Dana frustratingly pulls the long chain and lock up to her waist as she starts to walk away towards Diane D and the rest of the crowd. She frustratingly wraps the second half of the long chain and second lock around her waist, making a double chain around her waist again as Tony and Christine's relatives follow behind her, secretly smiling at each other.

  Dana soon approaches the crowd and stands in the back besides Diane D. She sees Tory laying on the floor kicking and screaming, trying to keep everybody from grabbing him and picking him up! Diane D turns to Dana and says, "He doesn't want to go. I think he's gonna need to play with your chain and locks again to keep his mind occupied."

  Dana gently moves Diane D aside and goes right in front of the crowd. She goes right to Tory. She bends her knees and grabs tightly on to a screaming and kicking Tory. Then she straightens her knees and lifts screaming and kicking Tory way up in the air! Everyone is amazed! They look up as Dana holds Tory high up in the air as he continues to kick and scream. Diane D, Christine, Darlene and everyone else in the crowd start to shout, "WATCH OUT DANA! BE CAREFUL DANA! DANA!" as Dana holds Tory high up in the air away from herself, trying to keep him from kicking her face, chest and stomach. Everyone continues to shout Dana's name as she continues to hold Tory high up in the air. Her double chain and two thick locks could be seen wrapped and dangling around her waist and abdominal as she continues to hold Tory high up in the air. A nervous Darlene comes behind Dana and tells her, "Don't let him drop Dana! Be careful!"

  As Tory is being held high up in the air, frowning Dana looks up at him and wiggles him. Tory begins to laugh. Dana starts to walk away from the crowd as she continues to wiggle Tory high up in the air. Her thick double chain and two thick locks could still be seen wrapped and dangling around her waist as she walks away from the crowd. The crowd follows behind Dana. Dana stops walking and holds Tory down on her chest as Christine, David and the rest of the crowd start to surround her. Dana looks at Christine and says, "I got him Mom."

  "Are you alright Tory?" Christine asks. "Are you okay?"

  Darlene then hands Tory his bottle. Tory starts to drink his bottle as Dana continues to hold him.

  Once Tory has calmed down, Christine calmly takes Tory out of Dana's arms and says, "Let me hold him." Christine holds Tory as he drinks his bottle. The crowd continues to surround Dana. After a while, Christine shouts to the crowd, "OKAY EVERYBODY, ARE WE READY?"



  Everybody starts to walk in a multiple line again. Christine stands on the side of the line watching everybody as she holds Tory. "I'll take him Mom," Sammy says. He goes to take Tory from Christine. He carries Tory as he walks with Darlene and Donnelle on the multiple line.

  Everyone continues to walk towards the corridor as Christine continues to stand on the side of the line, watching everybody. David, who is walking at the end of the line, says, "Go ahead towards the front, Christine. I got everybody back here."

  "Okay David," Christine says. Christine starts to walk along the side of the line. She looks towards the front of the line, then stops. She sees Tony, Dana, Diane D and Michael walking way up ahead away from everybody else as Tony and Diane D hold tightly on to each of Dana's arms and hands and Michael holding tightly on to Diane D's other arm and hand. Christine puts her hand near her mouth and shouts, "HOOOLD IT!" The entire posse stops and looks at Christine except for Tony, Dana, Diane D and Michael, who did not hear Christine. They continue to walk way up ahead still holding tightly on to each other. Christine shouts to the entire crowd, "JUST HOLD IT FOR ONE SECOND," as she angrily walks towards Tony, Dana, Diane D and Michael.

  As Tony, Dana, Diane D and Michael are walking up ahead, Michael suddenly turns his head around towards the crowd. He turns his head to the other side and sees Christine angrily coming their way so he quickly stops walking, pulling Diane D back, which causes Diane D to pull Dana and Tony back. Diane D starts to fuss at Michael as she, Dana and Tony all turn their heads around and see Christine approaching them! Christine reaches them all and angrily shouts, "LISTEN YOU GUYS, LET ME JUST BORROW DANA FOR A WHILE, ALRIGHT!" Christine angrily grabs the second lock of Dana's long chain right out of Tony's belt buckle. The crowd walks up and stares at Christine as she attaches and hooks the second lock of Dana's long chain right back into her own chain again! Christine pushes the lock all the way down and locks it! She separates Diane D's and Dana's arms and hands from off each other! Then she separates Tony's and Dana's arms and hands from off each other. She grabs tightly onto Dana. Then she puts her hand near her mouth again and shouts to the entire crowd, "OKAY EVERYBODY, LET'S MOOOVE!" Christine turns back forward and angrily pulls Dana away with her, having one arm wrapped tightly around Dana's waist and the other arm wrapped tightly around Dana's upper arm! Tony, Diane D, Michael and the front of the group start to follow behind Christine and Dana, then the middle of the group, then the back of the group. Soon, the entire group follows behind Christine and Dana.

  As Christine is angrily pulling Dana away with her, she starts to fuss at Dana, saying, "Listen miss, if you think you're gonna walk way up ahead away from everybody else, trying to run away from me and escape, you can just forget it!"

  "Mom what are you talking about, I wasn't trying to…."

  "JUST SHUT YOUR MOUTH, ALRIGHT," Christine angrily shouts as she points her finger right in Dana's face! Dana looks at her mother as her mother angrily whispers, "THERE WELL BE NO MORE KILLINGS FROM YOU, YOU HEAR ME?“ She then shouts, “NO MORE!" Christine angrily points her thumb forward and shouts, "LET'S GO," as she angrily pulls Dana away with her. Dana continues to look at her mother, then looks straight ahead as her mother continues to pull her away.

  Christine continues to hold tightly onto Dana as she leads Dana around a corner. The front of the group follows Christine and Dana around the corner. Christine then leads the front of the group down another corridor as she continues to hold tightly onto Dana with the second half of the long chain dangling between her and Dana. The middle of the group then follows and turn around the corner. As the last part of the group is about to turn the corner, Missy, Robert and the triplets turn their heads around and sadly look back at their many relatives and their many friends left standing behind at the departure gate. David turns his head around and happily waves goodbye to all the relatives and friends left standing behind at the gate. All the people left standing behind at the departure gate are full of tears. They sadly wave goodbye to David, Missy, Robert and the triplets. Missy, Robert and the triplets have eyes full of tears as they sadly stand there, staring at the people left standing behind at the gate. The people left standing behind at the gate wave goodbye again. Missy, Robert and the triplets sadly wave goodbye back to their relatives and their many friends that they h
ave to leave behind at the gate. They start to walk again. James, Rick, Chad and Terrance sadly watch Missy, Robert and the triplets disappear around the corner with their father David and the rest of their entire family. Soon the entire group disappears around the corner, out of sight.

  As the entire group disappears around the corner, Teresa starts to lean and cry uncontrollably on Joseph's shoulders! Joseph tearfully holds back on to her! Teresa cries so uncontrollably, that she is about to fall out! Joseph, Uncle Willie, Susan and Larry catch Teresa! They all try to hold her up as the rest of the crowd surrounds them! They start to carry Teresa to a chair! Teresa is so upset that she cannot hold herself up! Joseph, Willie, Susan and Larry desperately try to hold Teresa up! They all try to comfort Teresa as she cries out for Dana! The rest of the crowd at the airport starts to look on at Teresa wondering what happened to her or what is going on. Teresa continues to cry uncontrollably. She is so upset about Dana leaving and moving away for good. She does not want Dana to go. She will miss Dana terribly.

  Back through the corridors, Christine continues to hold a tight grip on Dana, still fussing at Dana as she and Dana walk and lead the entire group through the corridor. She and Dana are totally unaware of what's going on back at the departure gate with Teresa! They do not know that Teresa is desperately crying out for Dana! They are totally unaware of Teresa crying uncontrollably for Dana as they continue to walk together down the corridor with the second half of the long chain still hooked and dangling between them.

  As the entire group continues to walk behind Christine and Dana, Sammy looks at Tony and asks, "Hey Tony, you need someone to hold? Here you go!" Sammy then hands Tory right over to Tony. Tony takes Tory as Diane D, Michael and the rest of the group start to laugh. Tony smiles and calls Sammy a 'wise guy' as he walks and carries Tory away. The front and middle of the group continue to laugh and smile as they continue to follow behind Christine and Dana.

  Back at the departure gate, Teresa is still crying uncontrollably. Everyone else at the departure gate is sad. James, Chad, Rick and Terrance have eyes full of tears. They sadly start to think about Missy and the triplets. They think about the good times they all shared with Missy and the triplets. Then they each start to think about the time when they were all at the function, when Missy and the triplets suddenly dashed right out of the function without saying a word to anybody about why they all had to leave so sudden. Then the guys start to think of the times when they had all avoided and shunned away from Missy and the triplets. They start to feel guilt. They all become very sad and emotional thinking about it.

  Back through the corridors, Christine and Dana turn around a second corner as Christine continues to hold a tight grip on Dana, still fussing at Dana! The second half of Dana's long chain continues to dangle between her and her mother as they continue to walk with each other. The front of the group then turns around the second corner, following behind Christine and Dana. Tony then walks up on the opposite side of Dana and grabs tightly on to Dana's hand as he continues to carry Tory on his other arm. The middle of the group then turns around the second corner and follows Christine and Dana. As the end of the group turn the second corner, Missy, Robert and the triplets sadly walk at the end of the line, holding their heads down. Missy puts her face inside her hands and starts to cry her eyes out again. Landa and Londa walk on each side of Missy as they look at her, holding on to each of her arms, trying to comfort her. They walk right in front of their father David, who is the last person on line.

  As Missy continues to cry her eyes out, David quickly fusses at her again, shoving her. Missy continues to cry her eyes out as Robert and the triplets look back at David. They turn their heads back forward with eyes full of tears as they follow everyone else down the corridor. Now the entire group looks towards Christine and Dana as they all walk through the corridor.

  Soon, the entire group reaches near the airplane entrance where two crew members are standing. Tony lets go of Dana's hand as the group starts to form a single line behind one another with Christine and Dana at the head of the line. Christine, still holding tightly on to Dana, turns around and faces the group, telling everyone to wait a couple of minutes until she comes back. Christine turns back around and takes Dana into the plane. Everyone stares as Christine takes Dana inside the plane.

  As the large group waits outside the plane, a smiling Darlene takes Tory out of Tony's arms and holds him. She and everyone else in the group continue to wait.

  After around five minutes, Christine comes back outside the plane alone, without Dana or the double chain and locks. She stops right in front of the group as she turns her head around and looks back towards the inside of the plane. She turns her head back around towards the group, then walks towards the side. Tony, Diane D, Michael, Darlene and Sammy start to head inside the plane, but Christine quickly holds her hand up at them and angrily shouts, "WAIT A MINUTE YOU GUYS, JUST HOLD IT, ALRIGHT!" Christine angrily stares at them as they all remain still! Christine continues to go to the side near the crew members. Then a tired Christine points her thumb forward and signals for everyone to start boarding the plane. Tony, Diane D and Michael start to board the plane. As they are about to head into the plane, Christine calls out, "TONY!" Tony, Diane D and Michael stop and look at Christine as Christine tells them, "NOW YOU GUYS SIT IN THE SEATS ACROSS FROM DANA! DAVID AND I HAVE THE TWO SEATS NEXT TO HER!" Tony, Diane D and Michael turn back forward and head into the plane. Darlene and Tory then board the plane. Sammy and Donnelle then follow and board the plane. Christine stands on the side, watching the front of the line as they board the plane one by one. Each person on the line smiles at Christine as they pass by her and board the plane. Christine then looks towards the middle of the line as everyone follows and heads towards the inside of the plane. Christine then looks towards the end of the line, watching to make sure everybody is on the line. Christine looks back at the middle of the line again. She then looks back towards the end of the line again. As Alan passes by Christine, he hands her a quick little note. Christine takes a quick look at the note. She puts the note away and stares at Alan as he boards the plane. Christine continues to stare towards Alan as everyone else continues to smile at her as they pass by her and board the plane. Missy, Robert and the triplets walk at the end of the line, sadly looking at Christine as they wait to board the plane. Christine then looks towards the end of the line again as she waits for David, who is the last person on line. Everyone else continues to board the plane one by one. Robert soon reaches the plane and boards it, followed by Linda, then by Landa, then by Londa and then by Missy. As David reaches the plane entrance, he and Christine look their heads around to make sure that they haven't missed anybody within their group. They do not see anybody within their group outside the plane. David then lets Christine go inside the plane ahead of him. He follows in right behind her. The two crew members then follow in behind David. Soon, everyone is aboard the plane. The plane door closes. After several minutes, the plane starts to move. It starts to move slowly down the runway.

  Back at the departure gate, Teresa continues to cry uncontrollably! Joseph, Willie, Susan and Larry start to take Teresa towards a window where they can all watch the planes take off. Everyone else starts to follow behind them. Teresa, Joseph, Mandy and everyone else look out the window towards the airplanes. They see several airplanes about to take off! They all look out the window and watch as they see one of the airplanes move down the runway! They then see it speed and race down the runway! They see the airplane lift up and take off into the skies! They continue to watch the airplane as it goes further and further into the skies! They then see it disappear into the distance! Teresa starts to cry uncontrollably, seeing the airplane disappear! She then sees another airplane on the ground! She and everyone else start to watch that airplane. They see the airplane move down the runway. They then see it speed and race down the runway. They watch the airplane as it lifts up and take off into the skies. They all watch that airplane as it goes further an
d further into the skies. They then see the airplane disappear into the distance. Teresa starts to cry uncontrollably again. She starts to fall out again. Joseph, Willie, Susan and Larry start to carry Teresa. They walk and carry Teresa through the airport terminal. Everyone else starts to follow them.

  After a while, they all reach the terminal exit and take Teresa back towards the parking lot. They all soon reach the parking lot and take Teresa to Dana's car, which is still in the parking lot. Teresa stops and stands there. She sadly looks at Dana's dark blue car. She starts to cry uncontrollably on Joseph's shoulders again. Uncle Willie and Tony's parents try to comfort Teresa again.

  After a short while, Willie, who has Dana's car keys starts to unlock Dana's car doors. He opens the back door for Teresa and Joseph to get inside. Susan and Larry give Teresa and Joseph a big hug. They sadly tell Teresa and Joseph to take care of themselves. Teresa and Joseph sadly get into the back seat of Dana's car and close the door. Willie then gives Susan and Larry a hug. Susan and Larry tell Willie, "You take care of yourself Willie."

  "Okay, I will," Willie says as he goes into the driver's seat of Dana's car. He closes the door behind himself and starts up the car engine. He backs up out of the parking space, then drives off as Teresa and Joseph sadly sit in the back seat. As Willie is driving, Teresa hears music in her head. She hears the song, 'It's So Hard To Say Goodbye,' by Boyz II Men. Teresa becomes very sad hearing the song. She starts to think about Dana. She starts to cry uncontrollably on Joseph's shoulder again. Both her and Joseph's eyes are full of tears. They both feel very sad about being inside of Dana's car, knowing that she will no longer be around for it anymore. Joseph then asks Willie, "So what is your family planning on doing with Dana's car?"

  "Oh we're not sure yet," Willie says. "Dana wants me to ship the car over to her, but I'm not sure yet what I'm gonna do! I'm gonna try to ship the car to her. If I can't, then I'll probably just buy the car from her."

  "You're gonna buy the car from her?"

  "Yeah, if I can't ship it over to her! We'll see what happens." Willie continues to drive Dana's car as Teresa and Joseph sadly sit in the back seat. They both miss Dana, Tony, Diane D and Michael terribly, but they will miss Dana most of all, knowing that she is moving back down to Jamaica for good and will not be around anymore.

  Chapter 30

  Missy's Farewell Party


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