Mystery at the Hedge Fund

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Mystery at the Hedge Fund Page 6

by Eleanor Kittering

  “Hey, no biggie man, I'm like, a counselor, you hired me to speak to him about delicate matters. There's no crime in that. It's all good.”

  “Well, I wish I was as confident as you are. When it comes to love and death, nothing is ever easy.”

  “It's as hard as you want to make it and most people make it harder than it ever has to be. You gotta look at the bright side. You wanted to marry his wife and now she's a widow. Although I'm sure this is not how you wanted things to work out, in the end, after a period of grieving, you can resume what you started.”

  “Let's see what happens.”

  “I'll be around if you ever need me or just want to talk.”

  “I'll keep that in mind.”

  “Ok, laterz.”

  They both hung up. At least, it appeared to Jake, Robert hadn't initiated anything that could have caused this. Still, Jake thought, sooner or later the police are going to talk to Robert and of course, Robert would tell them Jake hired him to talk to Michael about divorcing his wife. No matter how you cut the cake, it doesn't sound good. It's a classic motive for getting rid of someone. You're having an affair with his wife and you get rid of him. And it worried Jake.


  Mandy was getting ready to go meet Fred. Fred had called her to meet and discuss Michael's apparent murder and what she knew about it. Fred also wanted to get Mandy's insight. She had solved three murders in the last year and a half, Fred wanted to hear what she thought of everything he'd found so far, cause he wasn't making much headway. He thought maybe running it by Mandy, since she always had a knack for this, she may come up with a fresh look at the problem. Never hurts getting a second opinion and Mandy's take had been the right one in the past.

  Mandy on the other hand figured Fred wanted to know what she knew regarding the place, since she had talked to the victim. She also would probably get the lecture of don't go investigating this matter, like he had told her many times in the past.

  Mandy had another issue. Although in these types of meetings in the past, she went alone, she was afraid to leave Roger by himself. She was still worried about his accident and he was still meowing funny. She had never gone to visit Fred accompanied by Roger. But she had to make an exception in this case. She would not be able to concentrate on their meeting wondering what Roger was up to and what if he got physically sick and she wasn't around to tend to him. Mandy couldn't deal with the anxiety. It broke her heart she had to leave Lana behind. One cat was hard enough to bring to a police station, two cats were way too much.

  “Roger honey, c'mon we're going to visit Fred at the police station.” Mandy said while carrying only one of the leashes.

  “Lana, I'm so sorry, I'm not going to be able to take you. I'm taking Roger because I want to observe his condition, but we'll be back soon and I'll take you both to the park. Please don't be sad.”

  “What did she say, what did she say? Are we going to the park?” Lana asked excitedly.

  “No, unfortunately, you're going to have to be Cinderella, while they take the wicked stepbrother to the ball.” Roger said.

  “Who's Cinderella? What wicked stepbrother?”

  “Never mind. Mandy is worried I'm sick in the head because I got hit by the truck and doesn't want to leave me alone. She's taking me to the police station, because she has to meet with her friend Fred, the police captain. People don't take cats to police stations, unless they're crazy. Taking two cats makes you certifiably insane. So, that's why she's only taking me. However, she says when we come back, we'll go to the park. So, it's not a bad deal.”

  “I'm being left alone, again?”

  “I'm afraid so.”

  “Well, I hope I get hit by a truck so they take special care of me too.” Lana said.

  “Honey, you won't survive it. Only reason I'm here healthy and fit is because of Colin. He fixed my broken bones. That's why the doc was amazed that nothing happened to me. Another cat would have died.”

  “Oh” Lana said, the wind taken out of her sails.

  “Well, cheer up, we'll come back soon and according to Mandy, we're all going to the park. There we can have fun.”

  “Ok. But come back soon.”

  “I'll try to create a ruckus so they get us out of there sooner than later.” Roger said.

  “Yeah, you do that, create a ruckus.”

  Mandy was watching the two cats amazed. Were they talking to each other? Roger was doing his weird meow and Lana was meowing back. This is the most vocal she'd ever heard these cats.

  “Are you saying goodbye to Lana, Roger? C'mon let's go visit Fred. He'll be glad to see you.”

  Mandy put the leash on Roger and headed out the door.

  “We'll come back soon Lana.” Mandy said to Lana.

  Mandy drove to the police station, with Roger by her side. She was hoping Fred wouldn't be upset. But she never brought a cat to the station, so one day wasn't going to change anything. She would explain it was because of his accident.

  “Hi, I'm here to see Fred.” Mandy said to the new receptionist.

  “Are you Mandy?” The receptionist replied.


  “Go right in.” Mandy headed toward Fred's office. Once in, she figured she'd explain bringing Roger.

  “Hi Fred.”

  “Hi Mandy. You came to visit me with your favorite cat.” Fred said jokingly.

  “Well, he recently got hit by a truck, while chasing a purse snatcher, and I'm still worried he's not his complete self. He's been meowing funny even though physically he's ok. I'm afraid to leave him alone in case his mind has been affected.”

  “Chasing a purse snatcher. That cat's got cop blood in his veins.” Fred quipped.

  “You said a mouthful Fred.” Roger replied.

  “See what I mean. He never meowed like that before. It's almost like he's answering you.” Mandy said.

  “Yeah, I see what you mean. Hey Roger, how are you doing after the truck?” Fred asked jokingly.

  “I'm ok. It's nice to meet a fellow cop from the future.” Roger replied, but all Fred heard was a weird meow.

  “Wow, that is strange. It's like he repeats everything he hears.” Fred said.

  “That's what Jill and me were saying. It seems like he's repeating what he's hearing, but as a meow.” Mandy said.

  “Maybe he'll go back to normal in time.” Fred said.

  “That's what the vet said, and that's what I'm hoping.” Mandy said.

  “Well, to discuss the main topic I called you about, how well did you know this Michael Winnans?”

  “Well, I met him two days ago, after my friend Jennifer from college suggested if we want to invest our money get in touch with her husband who was a successful financial advisor. We went there and Jake Wylan, the owner gave us a tour of the place. He introduced us to the other employees and then left us with Michael. Michael explained to us our options in investments and what would be the best plan considering the money we had to invest. He was good and he was very clear in his explanations. There wasn't anything sleazy, or money hungry in his approach, these people are not hurting for money.

  “So, what happened next?” Fred asked.

  “We left and thought about it for a day or so. It's a little scary to put all our money into something that wouldn't yield results for a couple of years. But we finally came to the conclusion we had to think of the future, that when I'm old, I'm going to have even fewer opportunities to get an income. So, we thought let's do this. We were on our way to settle things up, we arrived at the parking lot and found you were there along with the ambulance. You know the rest.” Mandy said.

  “Well, so far we're investigating this and we don't know what conclusion to come to. I'm looking into whether Mr. Winnans had an insurance policy or a will, and who is the beneficiary.” Fred explained.

  “There's a guy with a head on his shoulders.” Roger said. All Mandy and Fred heard was a strange meow.

  “Well, I guess Roger has to throw in his two cents.�
�� Fred said kiddingly.

  “Also, the coroner found what may have been rope marks on his wrists, although he's not sure yet whether they may be scrapes from everyday living. If they are rope marks then it falls under a murder category, because how is he going to tie his hands and then untie them later? Unless somebody wanted to make it look like a suicide. So, the coroner is looking further into that. They also found concentrations of a sedative in his blood. Again, this may have been something he took to calm himself before engaging in his activities. So, there are a couple of possibilities on the table.” Fred said.

  “Wow, so this isn't as open and shut as it appeared.” Mandy said.

  “No, this is getting more complicated than I wanted it to be. Life would be a lot more simple if it was just a case of accidental suicide.” Fred said.

  “Well Fred, don't worry, I'm not getting involved in this. Even though it's my friend's husband and we were almost ready to invest, I'm not going to get in your way.”

  “Actually Mandy, for once I'm going to disagree with you.” Fred said.

  “What! You actually want me to get involved?” Mandy said surprised.

  “Well Mandy, you already solved three murders before, either by chance or actually looking into it, and people are pretty allergic when it comes to talking to the police. So, you can actually help me in interviewing people in his life and people he worked with in the past and present. I think they would be more willing to speak with you and be more straightforward than they would be talking to me. Plus I trust your judgment.”

  “Well Fred, I can give you information right off the bat.” Mandy said.

  “This is what I mean, I'm sure you already know something I don't know.” Fred said smiling.

  “I had lunch with my friend Jennifer, Michael's wife. It was supposed to be a supportive experience, she had tried to help me with investment and now her husband was dead. But in the course of that conversation, she revealed to me their marriage was more a marriage of convenience than a real marriage. Also, it was supposed to be an open marriage, meaning they could see other people, as long as they kept it discreet. As a result, she is having a romantic relationship with the owner of the investment firm. She's aware Michael has a relationship with another woman, but she doesn't know who it is.”

  “Well, that is definitely news, that's she's having a relationship with the owner. And depending on what the coroner tells me, it gives us another person of interest.” Fred said.

  “We confiscated his bank records and found he had been giving money to a Lucy Denon. Now that you tell me he had an open relationship, it explains why he didn't try to hide he was making payments to this woman. They were just checks written randomly, every so often, probably whenever she needed money. We've tracked her down and she appears to be a single mother living out in the next town over. We need to find out what she knows regarding Michael, I'm sure if you went to talk to her, you'd be more successful in getting information out of her, than if we went in our official capacity. Would you like to speak with her?” Fred asked.

  “Sure, I'd be glad to.” Mandy said.

  “Good. You can take Roger with you, he's always very protective of you. However, I don't foresee any problems. She's just be a regular woman, she has no police record, but take Roger just in case.”

  “Don't worry Fred, I know how to handle weasels.” Roger said.

  “See, Roger is in agreement. Definitely a strange meow.” Fred said.

  “Yes, and they just come out of nowhere, like he has to add something to conversation.” Mandy said.

  “Well, he's come through before in the past, but chances are this is nothing you'll need protection from. Also, people always think cats are cute, so she's not going to be intimidated by a woman with a cat. Here's her address, if you can make it out there in the next couple of days, it would help the investigation. Also, we're going look at phone records for Jake Wylan, and see if that gives us a trail that he might have hired someone to kill Michael.” Fred said.

  “You think he might have gone that far?” Mandy asked?

  “People do some strange things for love and money. We just have to uncover every stone. After what you told me, I'm also very interested in looking at any insurance policy or if his will says everything goes to the wife. Due to the unusual activities of the victim, the perpetrator may have thought it was easy to stage his death. After what you've told me about Mrs. Winnans, I'll also investigate if she has done anything unusual, like booking travel out of the country now or something in conjunction with Wylan. So, you've already helped the investigation.” Fred said.

  “Well, to tell you the truth, I was a little surprised when she told me all she did. It just shows me that a lot of people are living lives out there that are very different from mine.” Mandy said.

  “Thanks for your help Mandy, let me know when you get to visit Lucy Denon.”

  “Will do Fred.” Mandy said. With their interview finished, Mandy went home. She didn't want to leave Lana alone for too long. On the drive back, it was a thoughtful Roger that entertained all the possibilities. So far, there were a couple of people that would benefit from Michael Winnan's death. But did any of them actually do it, he thought? Well, Fred may think only Mandy is on this case, but as of now, Roger Fahey was on the case too.

  Chapter Eight

  When Mandy and Roger got back to the house, Lana sat waiting for them by the door. Mandy said they were back and Roger and Lana went to the sofa where they could sit there and talk to their heart's content.

  “I'm so glad you're back. I didn't like being left all alone at the house.” Lana said.

  “Well, you would have been bored at the police station. I would have had to translate everything they said and they would be constantly shushing us for talking out loud.” Roger said.

  “What about you, were you bored?” Lana asked.

  “Actually no. I had a mild interest in this case, but after hearing what Fred had to say, I think more and more this may actually be a murder and not a suicide. I'm going to investigate and see what I come up with.” Roger said.

  “Investigate? But you're a cat!” Lana said.

  “I may be a cat in appearance, but with many years of experience as a detective. Besides, I gotta do something to forget I'm a cat, so this is a good activity for me.” Roger replied.

  “Can I help?” Lana asked, not wanting to be left out of this.

  “Sure, you can be my gun moll.” Roger said laughingly.

  “A gun moll? What's that?” Lana asked.

  “Back in the old days, when a woman got involved with a gangster, sometimes they would keep the guns for the gang or sometimes they would sit in the getaway car while the boys were robbing the bank.”

  “But you don't carry guns, and you don't drive a car. How can I be of help? What do I do?” Lana asked.

  “The term 'gun moll' is a figure of speech, you don't really need to do anything. But you can help me. As to what you can do, you could act like 'Swinging Door Suzie' of Katherine Hepburn's “Leopard Gang” in 'Bringing Up Baby'” Roger said jokingly.

  “What? Who's Katherine Hepburn? 'Bringing Up Baby'?” Lana asked.

  “Never mind, all my references are out of date. And you being a cat, you would know them even less. As far as you helping, I'll think of something.” Roger replied.

  Lana felt better at knowing she and Roger were going to do some things together and wasn't going to become a fifth wheel, since it seemed to her Mandy and Roger kept going out a lot lately leaving her behind for some reason or another.

  Mandy thought to herself she had graduated in life. Before, Fred first words to her whenever she would come in contact with a murder were, don't get involved with this. He would never allow her to investigate any of these cases. Now he asked for her help, acknowledging the fact she could be an asset at solving this case. She didn't need to hide behind his back. And for her first assignment, here was somebody she had no previous knowledge about: Michael's mistress. She
would give her a brief call and set up an appointment.

  She dialed the number Fred had given her.


  “Hi there, my name is Mandy Cummings, and I needed to ask you a couple of questions regarding Michael Winnans.”

  “Am I in trouble?” Lucy asked.

  “No, not at all, this is just answering some questions to help the police with their investigation of his death.” Mandy said.

  “So, I am in trouble.” Lucy said.

  “Not in the least. What's a good time to see you?” Mandy asked.

  “Well, if you want, you can come right now. I'll be as ready as I'll ever be.” Lucy replied.

  “Ok, I'll take you up on that.” Mandy said.

  Not wanting to lose an opportunity, considering the woman was offering, meant things would be fresh on her mind regarding her calling her. Mandy turned to Roger.

  “Roger honey, we're going to question my first suspect in this investigation.” Mandy had the leash to show him they were going out. Roger said to himself:

  “Oh, I like the sound of this. We get to talk to another suspect. Great!” All Mandy heard was strange meowing, which she took to mean he was excited to go out.

  “What? I'm being left behind again?” Lana said.

  “It's nothing personal Lana, it's weird going to visit a stranger's house with two cats, especially on a police investigation.”

  “Oh, so now I'm weird.” Lana said upset.

  “No, you're not weird. The situation is weird. It's weird enough going there with one cat, but she's taking me in case this gets ugly and she needs protection. That's something I can definitely provide.” Roger said.

  “Well, I want you to know for the record, I don't like this being left alone, while you two go off gallivanting about without me.” Lana said sulkily.

  “Gallivanting? Now where did you get a word like that?” Roger asked.

  “I don't know. These things come out of my mouth sometimes, and I have no idea where they come from.” Lana explained perplexed.


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