His Twisted Heart : Sons of Lost Souls MC Series Book Nine

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His Twisted Heart : Sons of Lost Souls MC Series Book Nine Page 2

by Ellie R. Hunter

  “Hey, sweetheart.”

  “Hey, Dad. I know we’re not allowed to leave, but if I don’t water my plants, they’re going to die. Can you drive me home, please?”

  Dad rolls his eyes and sighs heavily.

  “We’re not letting you out of here while there’s danger out there coming at us from all directions,” Grandpa interjects. “But if you write down exactly what you need done, I’ll have someone go out to the house and do it for you.”

  Watering my flowers and plants are a science, each one needing more or less than the other. However, knowing better than to argue, I mutter, “Sure.”

  Finding some paper and a pen, I settle down at the bar, close my eyes, and mentally walk around my greenhouse as I scribble down my instructions. My mom’s thing is looking after her family, where my dad and Grandpa are all about looking after the club. My brothers are all about themselves and causing trouble for their own amusement. My thing is botany. One, I think there’s nothing more beautiful than Mother Earth’s creations. Second, they bring me a sense of peace, growing something from a seedling and watching it bloom. This world can be ugly and violent, but the presence of flowers and plants makes it a lot less scary. Well, to me they do, anyway.

  “How long after I fell asleep did you leave?”

  Luca asks, leaning against the bar opposite of me. He looks good in his tight tee, clinging to his biceps, and his jeans hug his hips deliciously.

  I smother my smile by biting my bottom lip. “I thought we were never going to talk about what happened?”

  “I guess we are.”

  So much for him being firm about acting like it never happened.

  “I left just after eight. Why? Did you miss me?”

  Normal people would probably laugh at my sarcasm, but not Luca. Instead, he scowls at me, trying his best to seem unbothered.

  “Not at all. But I have been thinking, and maybe you were right. We could help each other through the boredom of lockdown.”

  He’s serious, and I can’t help but wonder why the hell the universe is stepping up for me now? Why would it hand me Luca on a silver platter when it knows he’ll end up breaking my heart? Last night, he admitted to thinking of Sara every single day. I gave up on any fantasies of having anything with him because I knew I couldn’t compete with a memory of a girl he still loves. As much as I want to have him again, I can’t. I can live with our night together and carry on, but anything more, I’d catch more feelings than I should.

  “Sorry, Jackson. I don’t need any repeats.”

  Grabbing my list, I slip off the stool as he comes around the bar, stepping in front of me.

  “What the fuck, Tor? It was your idea first. What gives?”

  Shrugging, I look him dead in the eye. “Careful, Luca. You’re starting to sound clingy.”

  Taking a step back, he spits, “Fuck you.”

  “Been there, fucked you. Hopefully, I don’t get the STDs.”

  He moves to the left, I move to the right, and I don’t look back when I hear him kick a stool to the floor.

  Handing Grandpa the paper, he leans around me and calls over a prospect while raising his empty beer bottle.

  My brothers are prospects, but it would be a cold day in Hell before they got someone a beer. The prospect, Tal—I think is his name—comes over with a fresh beer, and Grandpa jerks his chin at my list on the table.

  “My granddaughter needs her flowers and shit watered. Take Kyle with you and drive out to the Simmons’ place. Out back, you’ll find her greenhouse. Go in, follow her instructions to the letter, then get back here.”

  The prospect’s eyes dart between Grandpa and me, his eyes wide.

  “But we’re on lockdown.”

  “I’m well aware, motherfucker. I’ve given you an order. Now carry it out, and keep yourself alive.”

  With a flick of his hand, he dismisses the prospect.

  “If they kill even a single plant, I want them hurt,” I warn.

  “I hear ya, sweetheart. Here, sit down. I want to ask you something.”

  I pull out a chair, drowning out the conversations going on around us.

  “What’s your plan for when you graduate?”

  Not this again.

  I sigh in frustration. Mom’s been asking me this for weeks. Dad doesn’t normally give a shit. Or, if he does, he doesn’t show it.

  “I have no idea. Why?”

  He lifts his shoulder nonchalantly. “I just wanna know what’s going through your head. You got a problem with that?”

  Rolling my eyes, I giggle. “No, Grandpa. As soon as I know, you’ll know. Is that good enough?”

  “That’s all I ask. But if you end up wanting to go off to college, don’t hesitate to say so. I’ll help your parents cover the costs.”

  Standing, I lean over and press a kiss to his cheek. Most people around the club are afraid of him, but to me, he’s like a soft, cuddly kitten.

  “I’ll catch you later.”

  “See ya, sweetheart.”

  Weaving through the brothers and their old ladies, I head out into the quiet night and walk around to the back of the bar. Sitting up on the picnic table, I lie back and look up at the full moon and twinkling stars.

  There’re theories that a full moon can affect human behaviour. That it can induce insane actions, such as sleepwalking, and even violence. Most people look up at the moon and just see a bright white circle, but there’s so much more to it. Humans believe we rule this planet, but given an inch, nature would take a mile and reclaim the Earth for itself.

  “You sacked me off to stare at the moon?”

  The bench creaks under Luca’s weight as he takes a seat, resting his legs under the table. In the next breath, his fingers are trailing over my midriff.

  “Did you know a full moon can apparently affect a person’s behaviour?”

  He snorts. “I thought that was werewolves?”

  “It’s been studied,” I continue, choosing to ignore him. “I think the full moon is affecting you tonight, because last night, you were clear our hookup would be a onetime occurrence, never to be spoken of again.”

  “What can I say? I changed my mind. Not because of the moon, but because of my dick.”

  Sitting up, I shuffle my legs over the side of the table while hitching up my skirt, and slip down onto his lap.

  He’s immediately on alert, his head darting left and right, looking to see who’s around.

  “You want to do this again, Luca? Do me here.” Rolling my hips, I grind against him, feeling him hardening beneath me.

  “Are you crazy?”

  “Are you scared?” I tease. “Or would you be embarrassed by getting caught with me? I don’t mind being a secret—you don’t want to be the topic of gossip—but I won’t be a secret because you’re ashamed.”

  Leaning back, he fiddles with his button and pulls down his zipper.

  “Lift your skirt up around your hips.”

  When I do, he slides my panties to the side and urges me to raise up enough for him to align himself at my entrance.

  I slide down slowly, revelling in the feel of him filling me as he hisses in pleasure. Rising up, I slam my hips down, repeating the movement and rolling my hips while picking up momentum. I don’t care if anyone comes out. With my skirt covering everything we want to keep private, it’s not like they’ll be able to see anything.

  “Fucking hell, Tor. You feel so good.”

  Continuing to ride him hard and fast under the full moon, out in the open where we can be caught at any moment, is enough to tip me over the edge, seconds before he shudders and releases beneath me.

  Once we finish riding the wave of our orgasms, we sit in silence for a few moments, not moving. Not until he rests his cheek against mine and whispers, “I’ll be the one who says when this is done.”

  Chapter Three


  The lunch bell rings, and I make my way to Sara’s locker. She’s just finished English Lit, so she’ll beat
me there. We have three years left of high school, and the day we graduate is the day I get her out of this hellhole of a town and away from her father. People here look down on my dad’s club. I don’t know a single child that’s been hurt by their father within the club, yet people like Mr. Lancaster are considered pillars of society. It’s such a fucking joke.

  The hall is crowded, but seeing the top of her head, I start to relax at having her in my sights. I’ve come to hate being away from her. I know it’s not healthy, but I own my shit, and I don’t care what anyone thinks about it.

  Closing her locker, she hitches her backpack on her shoulder and winces as I come up beside her.

  “Hand it over.”

  With a grateful smile, she shrugs it off and passes it over to me.

  I grab her hand and lead the way to the cafeteria. Walking over to the table we sit at every day, I dump our backpacks onto the table and leave her to collect our lunches, paying for her meal as well as my own.

  She hates accepting what she calls my “charity,” but she learned a while ago that to argue with me is a losing battle.

  Digging into my burger, she nibbles at hers, barely meeting my eyes.

  “Are you going to tell me what he did this time, or shall I guess?”

  Her sigh is weighed down with her usual embarrassment.

  “He pushed me into the stove because I burned dinner.”

  Dropping the burger onto the wrapper, I clench my fists, wishing I could pummel them into Mr. Lancaster’s face. One day, I’ll get him, and I pray he fights back, giving me the excuse I need to kick his ass and call it defence. My dad’s always telling me to stay on the defensive, but I want him to lie there and take every hit I smash into his face.

  “You need to get out of there,” I manage to grind out.

  “And where would I go? Be serious, Luca.”

  “You would be safer anywhere than with your dad.”

  Her eyes fill with tears and she lowers her head. She’s one question away from shutting down on me.

  Picking up my burger, I take a bite, dropping the subject. We eat in silence, and we’re nearly finished when half a roll hits Sara on the side of her head.

  Jumping to my feet, the chair tumbles over, and I spin around until I’m staring straight at Clifford Rikks. The fucking asshole is going to lose both his football throwing arms one of these days. The only reason I haven’t done it yet is because I can’t afford another suspension. That’ll leave Sara alone and unprotected. I’m all she has, and I can’t let her down again.

  Across the cafeteria, he sits on his chair, his foot up on the table, wearing a stupid fucking smirk on his stupid fucking face.

  “Do that again and you’ll regret it.”

  His laugh gets the attention of everyone in the room. Squaring my shoulders, I ready myself for anything.

  “Oh, yeah, biker trash? And what the fuck are you going to do?”

  “I’ll slam your fucking skull against every table in here.”

  And I’ll enjoy the shit out of it. I want to goad him further, but I lock myself down. She needs me more than I need satisfaction from violence.

  “Let’s go now, Jackson.”

  Standing, he cracks his knuckles and rounds his table. Fuck this. I step forward, but Sara’s hand curls around my arm, stopping me.

  “Don’t do this. He’s not worth the trouble,” she pleads.

  “I’d listen to your trashy girlfriend.” He looks down at her in disgust, and I see red. “Is she really worth getting your ass kicked over?”

  He’s threatening me? As-fucking-if.

  Sounds like he’s just given me the self-defence excuse on a silver platter.

  I don’t remember rushing forward, but I sure as shit remember the sound of his head smashing against the nearest tabletop. Gripping onto his hair, the sounds of the students chanting and cheering muffle into the background like a faint buzz as I ram his head against the hard plastic once more before throwing him to the ground.

  Kick after kick, I get a few good boot shots to his ribs before I’m dragged back.

  He isn’t laughing now. He’s coughing, trying to catch his breath.

  “That’s what I’ll fucking do if you so much as look at her again. Got it?”

  My voice nearly goes hoarse from the strain of shouting.

  Shoved out of the cafeteria, I’m dragged down the hall, all the way to the principal’s office. As soon as my ass hits the chair, Miss Annie shakes her head as she picks up the phone’s receiver, no doubt calling my mom.

  The door opens and Sara slips in. As usual, no one notices her. How is it I’m the only who sees her? She’s fucking beautiful under that dirty blonde hair and those pain-filled eyes.

  “You shouldn’t have done that, Luca. Barrett’s going to expel you for sure this time.”

  I tug on her soft, warm hand. “My mom’s been called. She won’t let me get expelled. No doubt I’ll be suspended, but I’ll still meet you after school and walk you home.”

  “Please, stop fighting for me, Luca.”

  I snort at her ridiculous request. “If I don’t fight for you, no one else will. I’ll never let you feel alone.”

  Her mouth opens, but I’ll never find out what she goes to say because the door opens and my mom storms in, face tight.

  “You should go,” I tell Sara, releasing her hand. “I’ll meet you out front after school.”

  My mom’s shadow falls over us, and Sara offers her a small smile before slipping out of the office.

  “Judging by your knuckles, I take it I’ve been called in because you’ve been fighting again?”

  Mom doesn’t really get angry with me, even though I’ve pushed her close to her breaking point many times.

  Sighing heavily, she adds, “No doubt, they’re going to want you out. All I need to know from you is, was it self-defence?”

  I purse my lips, careful how I word my response.

  “I didn’t start it.”

  That’s all I’m saying, and it’s all she needs to hear. My mom’s a lioness when it comes to defending me, and she’ll be on my side any time I fight for Sara. One day, I’ll make her mine. One day, I’ll kill for her.

  “Luca?” I open my eyes to find India standing before me, holding baby Rayna. “Do you want a cuddle?”

  Sitting up on the couch, I pull out my earbuds and hold my arms out. Sitting back, I cradle my niece in the crook of my arm, fast asleep.

  India slumps down beside me and closes her eyes. She looks bone-tired.

  “So I went out for some air last night, and guess what I saw?”

  Tensing, I keep my mouth shut and let her babble on. I realise now she only came over because she thinks she knows something.

  “I saw you and Tori looking awfully close. I mean, I swear, I saw her on your lap.”

  I knew it. I get on well with India, but not to the extent of confiding in her.

  “You’re so tired, you’re seeing things.”

  Her laugh catches the attention of nearby brothers, and I grit my teeth.

  “Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.”

  Leaning over, she takes Rayna back and I stand, declaring, “There’s nothing to hide, and there’s nothing to tell. Don’t go spreading shit.”

  I like India, especially considering who my brother could’ve ended up with, but she has no place in my business.

  Stepping outside, I put a cigarette to my lips and light up, spotting Victoria sitting at one of the picnic tables with Pope, weaving flowers into her hair, smiling like she hasn’t a care in the world. I bided my time with Sara, desperately waiting for the day I could see her be just as carefree, and all I got was one night with her before she ran.

  I’ll find her one day, but for now, I’ll use Victoria to help pass the time.

  Walking by her table, I slow down to catch her attention. When I have it, I jerk my chin toward the back of the bar.

  I continue walking, casually looking around to make sure no one h
as noticed me, but they’re all looking to the front, keeping an eye out for any Black Crows. No one is bothered with what I get up to, and when you move quietly, most tend to forget you’re even around.

  I settle in behind the huge tree, and she doesn’t keep me waiting long. Her skirt wafts around her ankles, her smile still as bright as it was a few moments ago.

  “You’re daring today. Someone could easily see us,” she taunts.

  Inhaling on my cigarette, I exhale the grey smoke and say, “India saw us last night. I made out that she didn’t see anything, so if she says something, don’t rise to it.”

  Her smile falters as she fiddles with one of the flowers in her hair.

  “Would it be so bad if people knew? I mean, it’s not like there’s much to know.”

  “I don’t like people knowing my business.”

  Her smile returns, joined with a light giggle. “You may think you have secrets around here, but you’re a fool if you believe it. I won’t go out of my way to say anything, but I won’t lie if I’m asked. It’s not good for the soul to hold secrets. They rot you from the inside out.”

  “Victoria,” I growl.

  Is she for real?

  “Relax, Luca. No one cares what we get up to. We could literally have sex in the middle of the bar and no one would bat an eye.”

  Like that would ever happen. I think Pope and Ricky would definitely have something to say if she got caught riding my dick for all to see.

  Stepping closer, she runs her finger down my arm, her touch making me shiver.

  “In fact, no one would notice if we snuck up to your room right now.”

  “It’s not a good idea.”


  Flicking my smoke across the grass, I step away from her, trying to put a little space between us, but it doesn’t help. She moves even closer.

  “You can’t deny you like fucking me. No strings, just fun—hot, naked fun.”

  She makes a good point. At least when I’m inside of her, my head isn’t chasing the one girl I do want.

  “This’ll be the last time. Get your ass up to my room. I’ll follow you up.”

  As she walks away, I light another cigarette and lean against the tree. Sara could be anywhere. Wondering what she’s up to, where she is, who she’s with, runs on a constant loop in my head. At least while I’m with Victoria, the loop will be on pause.


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