His Twisted Heart : Sons of Lost Souls MC Series Book Nine

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His Twisted Heart : Sons of Lost Souls MC Series Book Nine Page 32

by Ellie R. Hunter

  Victoria catches it and giggles. Smiling at everyone she passes, it feels like an age before Ricky’s kissing her cheek and releasing her to me.

  As soon as her hand is in mine, I forget there are nearly two hundred people watching us. I forget my own fucking name.

  Her cheeks redden, and she asks quietly, “You ready?”

  “You… Fuck yeah.” I laugh, and a few chuckles from the front row hit my ears.

  I can’t stop myself. I step even closer to her and slam my lips on hers. I know it’s not the right time, but I can’t be expected to wait while she’s in front of me looking like an angel.

  Pulling away, her eyes twinkle, and her smile widens.

  “Are we ready?” the pastor asks, and I nod for the both of us.

  The ceremony begins, and every second that passes, we get that much closer to being married. She speaks her vows, and for her, I sign and speak mine. My hands shake, but I don’t mess up. Sliding my ring onto her finger brings me a sense of commitment I wasn’t expecting to feel. I’m all in with her, have been for a while, but it grows seeing the white gold band on her finger, knowing I’m the one who put it there.

  She slides my ring on and raises my hand to her mouth, pressing a soft kiss to the ring, and I need this over with so I can be inside of her.

  This is some weird, fucked-up foreplay, but I’m rolling with it, and growing hungrier by the second.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife,” the pastor announces. “You may kiss your bride… again.”

  The guests laugh, but I’m in no mood to join them. I need my lips on my wife’s, and I need them now. Cupping the side of her face, I claim her mouth like I’ve claimed her heart, and it takes everything I have to stop.

  She giggles into my mouth and pulls away.

  Everyone stands and claps, cheering and whistling as hand in hand, we turn to face our guests. If you had asked me a year ago if I could see myself marrying Victoria Simmons, I’d have thought you were crazy, and most likely would have wanted to shoot you. Tightening my hand around hers, I’d shoot anyone who tried to take her away from me.

  Confetti crap is thrown over us as we near the end of the aisle, and before any pictures can be taken, or anyone can offer their congratulations, I whisk her over to the back door into the bar and push her up against the wall.

  My mouth crashes onto hers, and this kiss, our second as husband and wife, lasts much longer than the first. We’re both breathless when we break apart, and I step back to make room to sign.

  “You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

  Coyly, she asks, “You like, then?”

  “I love. Not as much as I love you, but I approve immensely.”

  Lifting my hand in hers, she rubs her thumb over my band and murmurs, “We’re married now. You’re mine.”

  I take hold of her left hand and press it to my lips like she did to mine before. “You’re mine too,” I mouth.

  Letting go of her, I sign, “And tonight, I’m gonna fuck you so hard, you’ll need a lifetime to get over it.”

  Lust blazes in her eyes, and her throat bobs as she struggles to swallow. “I’m counting down the minutes.”

  The heat between us grows, and if we don’t head back out, I’m going to rip her dress off and consummate this marriage now in the bar, over the bar, and on the fucking bar. But not wanting anyone to walk in and ruin it, I know we have to wait till later.

  Photos are taken. We accept every offer of congratulations and gifts. At some point in the day, we cut into the cake, we shared our first dance, and we suffered through a lame-ass speech from Leo, the twins, and Ricky.

  While we’re sitting, catching our breaths, the twins venture over and hand Tor a manilla envelope with a white bow tacked onto it.

  “You look stunning, little sister,” Mason signs, and Myles nods, adding, “Yeah, a real beauty.”

  “It’s weird you two being nice,” she throws back, and I snort with laughter. “What’s this?” she asks them.

  “Open it and find out,” Mason instructs.

  It takes her a minute to figure out what she’s reading, and my heart pounds, waiting for her reaction. I haven’t asked where the remainder of the money came from, and the twins haven’t offered up the information. To be honest, I don’t care where it came from, as long as she benefits from it.

  “What is this? I don’t understand…”

  There’s no joy in her tone, and I begin to worry, especially when her hands shake holding the pamphlets about the surgery and the appointment sheets to see the doctor.

  “You could get your hearing back,” I sign.

  “It’s not possible.”

  Mason begins to sign, to explain what they’ve done, when she turns to me and asks, “What if it doesn’t work?”

  Smiling, I reply, “What if it does?”

  Her smile returns, and she gets up from the table and hugs both her brothers. “Where did you get the money from?”

  It’s Myles who responds, signing, “Ask no questions, we’ll tell you no lies.”

  Happy with his answer, Mason adds, “Luca helped.”

  She falls onto my lap, and I wrap my arm around her waist, making sure she doesn’t leave so soon.

  As the sun begins to set, the lanterns hanging from the trees begin to glow, and the tea lights Mom had brothers hanging everywhere are switched on.

  If I had to imagine a wedding night for Tor, it’d look exactly like this exactly.

  I sit with the twins, JJ, Leo, and Zach, while keeping my eyes on Tor dancing with Pope. Dad has prospects and a few brothers plotted up around the outskirts of the club and in town to give Pope the opportunity to be outside and celebrate without being seen.

  Angel and Grim return, cutting through the night toward Dad. Angel leans in and whispers something in his ear, and when Dad nods, they both look around, spot us, and head over to our table.

  Angel pulls out a chair and spins it round before sitting. When I look back to Tor, she’s dancing with Penelope in her arms, just the two of them, twirling and swaying.

  I can’t wait for the day when she can hear again. Hear her niece laughing and saying her name. I know it gets to her.

  “The sheriff is no longer a problem,” Angel informs us, keeping his voice low.

  I listen in while keeping my eyes on my wife. “How did you do it?” Leo asks.

  “Short story, we made him crash, and then Grim injected him with some undetectable shit under his tongue, making it look like he had a heart attack behind the wheel.”

  It’s amazing how easily someone can be snuffed out, and I wonder how Grim knows this shit?

  Cheers erupt from around the table and beers are raised, but I’m more interested in being with my wife.

  “Myles, go get your kid. I want to dance with my wife.”

  “Glad to see you’re back to your asshole self,” JJ snorts, tipping his beer to his lips.

  “Glad to see my sister has let me down by not showing. You tell her I’ll not forget it,” I throw back, and he shuts up.

  Dad’s been by to see her, but she hasn’t answered the door. He’s holding back, trying to go at her pace, whatever the fuck that is, but he’s losing patience, and she’s going to get a visit soon whether she opens the door or not.

  As far as I’m concerned, I’ve reached out and I’ve texted, and I’ve tried calling, but after my visit to her, she’s given nothing back. She won’t ruin my day.

  Myles walks beside me and says, “You know my kid is your niece now, so you should learn her fucking name Uncle Luca.”

  It didn’t occur to me I’d become uncle to the kid, but she brings joy to my girl, so I don’t mind the term.

  Myles holds his hands out, and Tor passes the kid over to him. Before she can catch her breath, I swoop in and hold her against me.

  Resting her head against my chest, I rest my chin on the top of her head and look around as we sway together.

  Everyone is happy and enjoying
themselves. The drinks are flowing, and I’m happy with how the day has gone.

  Mom sits beside Dad, holding a sleeping Rayna on her lap. Dad has his arm around the back of her chair, his fingers drawing small circles on her shoulder as he talks and jokes with the brothers at his table.

  I reckon we’ve put in enough time celebrating with everyone. We should be able to slip away soon. As much as I love her in her dress, I can’t wait to take it off of her. Victoria wanted tradition with this wedding, and who I am not to finish the night with wedding night traditions? I did warn her what was waiting for her.

  Gunfire hits my ears, and I keep swaying with Tor, but my eyes are flitting everywhere. Another shot is fired, and I’m about to lose my shit. If brothers are fucking around on my wedding night, and it’s widely known how Tor lost her hearing, I’ll be shedding blood before dawn.

  Tor luckily hasn’t heard anything, still in a bubble of bliss in my arms. When Leo rises from his seat, looks around, and then goes for his gun in his holster, everything speeds up, and my gut sinks. Three rapid shots are fired, and a shrill shriek fills the night air, drowning out the music.

  I stop swaying, and Tor looks up at me, wanting to know why. Keeping her against me, I clasp my hand around her head and keep it against my chest. I’m looking everywhere, and all I see are brothers running around, old ladies swooping children up in their arms and heading for the club and the main house, screaming and crying. Shots are continually firing now. I don’t know if it’s from us or them, whoever they are, or both sides. Swooping Victoria up into my arms, she has no idea what’s going on, apart from seeing the chaos erupting around us. My wife isn’t being caught up in another night of terror. Running for the back door into the clubhouse, the shots grow louder, meaning they’re closer, and my left leg buckles and we crash to the ground. Fuck, I’ve been shot. Not giving a fuck about myself, I get to my feet and haul her through the door and slam it closed behind us.

  “What’s happening out there?” she asks in a panic.

  I hate the fear in her voice.

  “Gunshots,” I sign, sliding down the wall to take the pressure off my leg.

  She drops to her knees beside me, her hands pushing mine away to get a look at my thigh.


  Moving her hands, I sign, “Go up to my room, get my gun from the nightstand, and come straight back. Don’t worry about me. Go.”

  I watch as she picks her dress up and runs up the stairs. I only have a few minutes before she’ll be back. I check my thigh out, and since there’s no exit hole, it means the bullet is still inside me. Leaning back, I unbuckle my belt and whip it off, tying it around my thigh and pulling it tight to stop the bleeding.

  By the time I’ve completed the task, Tor is running down the stairs and passes me the gun in her hands.

  “I want you to go back up to my room, lock the door, and under the bed is another gun. Get it. And if anyone tries to come through the door, fucking shoot them. I’ll come for you as soon as I can.”

  A tear falls from her eye, and I swipe it away before heaving myself up to my feet, using the wall for support.


  She doesn’t want to, but she does as I say. Gently nudging the door open, the screams have lessened, but the shots are still firing on all cylinders.

  Keeping to the wall, I can’t see anyone who isn’t a Lost Soul. Tables have been flipped onto their sides, being used as shields. Chairs have been toppled. The music has been shut off, and the party is well and truly over.

  I can’t see the shooter, but I catch the spark of a shot being fired from the tree to my left, focusing my eyes on the spot while aiming my gun. I shoot twice, and a fucker falls from the branches and lands on the ground with a thud. He doesn’t move, and I scan the dark corners and the shadows the darkness has brought.

  Somewhere in the distance, I hear Dad yelling for Leo and JJ, and I look everywhere until I land my eyes on them, running across the back and jumping behind the tables set up for the food. Shots miss them, and when the shooter moves forward, I’m fucking pissed. I’m pretty sure this is down to the Dead Rats, and not only have they ruined my wedding night, they think they can kill my brother? It’s not fucking happening. In my brain somewhere, I know the only shots being fired are the shooters. Limping forward, I raise my gun. Taking aim on the asshole, I shoot as I limp until the fucker goes down. My gun clicks over, my ammunition now embedded in the dead rat asshole, and the adrenaline hits me hard.

  “Luca!” Dad yells as Leo runs toward me.

  “What were you thinking?” he bellows in my face.

  “That my brother needed saving. You’re welcome, by the way. Now get me a fucking chair.”

  My leg feels like it’s on fire, and I’m starting to feel dizzy.

  A chair is pushed up behind me, and I fall back onto it. Brothers with torches appear from out of nowhere, lighting up the trees and the border of the club. Thankfully, there aren’t any more shots fired, but as I look around, the bloodshed and carnage is everywhere.

  It’ll break Tor’s heart to see how our day has ended, but I vow now I will get revenge for this.

  Brothers drag dead bodies onto what was on the dancefloor not half an hour ago, and all in all, nine bodies are piled onto one another, all Dead Rats. Up in the sky is a full moon. Victoria once told me the moon can affect people’s moods, bringing out violence and craziness when it’s at its fullest. Perhaps we should have planned our wedding after a full moon.

  “I want to know who’s been hit, who’s dead, and I want to know now!” Dad shouts, making his way over to me.

  “How many times do I have to tell you not to be so fucking reckless?” he fumes.

  “Maybe it’ll sink in one day, but I killed him, didn’t I?”

  “You’re going to be the death of me, I swear it.”

  His gaze goes to my leg, and he grabs my knee. “You were shot?” His brows draw together as he takes it in.

  “Yeah. The bullet’s still in there.”

  “Congrats. You’re about to have your first appointment with the doc.”

  “Can’t wait.”

  Mason comes jogging over and tells Dad, “Mitch got hit in the back. Dad’s been grazed, Dion is dead, and an old lady is bleeding out. Apparently, she won’t make it, even if an ambulance is called.”

  “Fuck!” Dad roars as I pull out my smokes. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” The anger drains from his face, and then he’s wanting to know, “Where the fuck are our prospects and brothers who were on lookout?”

  Leo steps out and says, “I’ll take JJ and Zach in the van and find out.”

  The three of them disappear, and Dad picks up a chair from nearby and sets it up right in front of me.

  “We’ll make this right for you and Victoria. You’ve always been good at fighting, enjoyed it, even. You’re gonna have to fight now. You’ve got a wife to protect, and these motherfuckers are trying to take over our town. War is upon us. You should like that shit.”

  Snorting, I find some amusement in his lecture, and he’s right, I will enjoy tearing down their club, one fucking brother at a time.

  “Heads up. Your bride’s on her way over.”

  Dad walks off as Tor reaches me. Flicking my smoke across the grass, I straighten and guide her onto the chair Dad just vacated.

  “What do you need me to do?” she asks.

  That’s all brothers want to hear from their old lady in times like this.

  Clenching my hands, I sign back, “Dad’s got the doc coming in. All I need you to do for now is stay at my side.”

  “That I can do.”

  “I’m sorry this happened tonight of all nights.”

  “It’s not your fault. And I was planning on asking you to skip out shortly before trouble arrived, so…”

  Sitting forward, I press my lips to hers and pull back. “This isn’t what we’d planned, but people will pay for this.”

  “I know.”

  This fucking woman. How I
didn’t pull my head from my ass sooner will haunt me for the rest of my life.

  She’s a ride or die.

  She’s the most important part of me.

  She’s my fucking wife, and tonight, the Dead Rats made enemies with the wrong fucking club.

  Dad said a war is upon us, but fuck that. We’re the fucking reapers, and we’re coming for their lives.



  The club is on an unofficial lockdown. Victoria and I have only been allowed to leave town because today’s the day she has her operation. It’s been two weeks since the shit show of a wedding night, but for me, and for Tor, the fight is in the rearview. This is life-changing surgery for her, and no one is going to take the joy of getting her hearing back away.

  They said it takes a few hours, but it’s been too long. I pace the length of the corridor in the private hospital over and over. It does fuck all to help, but it’s better than sitting still on the hard plastic chairs.

  My phone pings with a text from Pope, wanting an update. I let him know there isn’t one since he last asked thirty minutes ago, and slide it back into my pocket.

  The last thread of my patience is about to snap when the doctor walks around the corner with the nurse in tow. Bringing my pacing to a stop, I hold my breath, waiting for him to speak.

  He’s smiling, so that has to be a good sign. Right?

  “Mr. Jackson. Your wife is in recovery, and she’s doing well.”

  “The surgery… did it work?”

  “There were no problems. It went smoothly, but we won’t know for sure until she comes around fully.”

  I shake his hand and exhale heavily.

  “Thank you.”

  “It was a pleasure.” I’m sure it fucking was with the price we paid. Asshole. “Nurse Williams will take you to Victoria.”

  He walks away in the opposite direction, and I follow the nurse, starting to breathe easier when I see Tor.

  She’s groggy as hell, and she’s swamped in gauze around her head, but she smiles when she sees me.


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