The Bear's Forever Mate (Borealis Bears Book 3)

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The Bear's Forever Mate (Borealis Bears Book 3) Page 1

by Vivian Arend

  The Bear’s Forever Mate

  Borealis Bears: Book 3

  Vivian Arend


  The Bear’s Forever Mate



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20



  About the Author

  The Bear’s Forever Mate

  He’s got the perfect mate in mind, for five years from now…

  The final title in a light-hearted shifter trilogy by New York Times bestselling author Vivian Arend.

  Cooper Borealis is fully onboard with the concept of fated mates. Except mating the woman he wants—his tempting, complicated, human secretary—is not an option. Or not yet anyway. So he’ll use a loophole to keep the vow he made to his brothers, mating fever be damned.. He’ll be with Amber Myawayan at the place and time of his choosing.

  Amber has spent the past two years in the north looking for her missing brother—and falling in love with the big, growly polar bear at the helm of Borealis Gems. More than once, she’s caught him looking at her with hungry shifter eyes. But getting him to admit it? Ha! Luckily, mating fever is a thing, and she’s happy to get involved as nature forces the issue to the forefront.

  But when their mating bond is unexpectedly blocked, Amber and Cooper find themselves in a race against time. She needs to track down her brother while somehow proving she’s tough enough to be with her favourite bear. Cooper plans to protect her at all costs, even if it means secretly stifling his stubborn shifter side.

  Somewhere in the wilderness they’ll find the answer…or lose their chance at forever.

  Borealis Bears

  The Bear’s Chosen Mate

  The Bear’s Fated Mate

  The Bear’s Forever Mate

  If you’d like to know what new books I have coming, and stay up to date with releases, please sign up for my newsletter!

  Personal Journal, Giles Borealis, Sr.

  And so one remains.

  Of course, it makes sense that he’d be the final one to follow my instructions and find himself a mate. Stubborn as the day is long, just like his father.

  Like every male member of this family, if we’re being honest.

  Cooper’s probably the most like me when it comes down to it. Protective, caring—he’s a solid rock for the rest of the family. The lad’s always got one of his brothers coming to him for advice, and in any group, everyone seems to gravitate in his direction.

  He strives to do the right thing for everyone else. Damn well time he did the right thing for himself for a change.

  Stubborn boy would argue about that, I’m sure. Legal training never goes amiss except when the young varmints try to use it to wiggle their way out of losing a discussion with me.

  Don’t know why he thinks he can continue to get away with being so perverse. He got that character trait from some other side of the family. Possibly from my beloved mate, although I’d never tell Laureen my suspicions.

  Anyway, I know the type of woman Cooper needs. She’s got to have a soft touch to slip in under that protective instinct of his, but a spine of steel to force his hand when he gets all unreasonable. Amber is definitely the one for him, and between her and the mating fever, there’s no way Cooper will get away.

  So, yes, my oldest grandson will fall as well, no matter how firmly he believes the contrary. I set the wheels in motion for this match so long ago, he’ll never see it coming. Won’t know that I was involved at all.

  Which is right, I suppose. I don’t have to get the credit for making fine matches for my grandsons. I just want the grandbabies for me and Laureen to cuddle, and if I read the signs right, this last match might end up being the perfect beginning to the next generation.

  Getting older means I have the time to watch their stories unfold. I can hardly wait to see what Christmas brings to the Borealis family, and most especially to Cooper and Amber.

  I won’t gloat until everything is completed, but it’s coming—

  I can tell!


  December. A remote cabin, somewhere in the wilds of the Canadian Northwest Territories.

  Cooper Borealis tightened his grip on the window frame and fought for control.

  I don’t know why you need to complicate everything, his inner bear complained. It’s the mating fever, not the guillotine.

  There are reasons. I’ve explained this before. You’re not human, so you don’t get it, but this is important. Remember your promise.

  Talking with the shifter side of himself was as natural as breathing, but right here? Right now? Cooper was borderline tipping into the disaster zone, and explanations needed to remain short and sweet.

  Another wave of sexual need rolled through his system, and he shuddered as he turned away from the winter scene. Early that morning he’d retreated to this small cabin, and it was now time to lock up so that he didn’t do something unwise like leave and track down the woman he wanted.

  The woman he intended to be with When The Time Was Right. Which was about five years from now. Maybe a little sooner if he and Amber Myawayan could deal with all the issues standing in their way before then.

  A low growl rumbled inside, and Cooper sensed he was reaching the end of his leash. No problem…

  Well, lots of potential problems, but fewer if his polar bear half behaved.

  You remember your promise? Cooper asked yet again.

  That is amazingly annoying, the beast snapped. Why do you think I have the attention span of a gnat when I’m part of you and I assume you don’t think you’re incompetent?

  Just need you to understand this is serious, Cooper repeated.

  He sat on the bed and double-checked that everything he needed was within reach. A cooler of food, plenty of water. He tugged the length of chain that lay across the floor, the shiny links reaching toward the bathroom then looping back to the bed. The heavy-metal restraining system was long enough so he could deal with being trapped for the duration of the fever without hurting himself.

  Yet the chain was short enough he couldn’t reach the door or leave. It was as perfect as this wild situation could be.

  As long as his bear didn’t use his strength to break free.

  Cooper linked the handcuff around his left wrist. You promised to stay out of the picture while the mating fever runs its course. You will not take control of the shift and break the cuff. You will not—

  I will kick your ass if you continue to lecture me like I’m a five-year-old cub. I heard your explanation of why you don’t want to enjoy the fever, yet again, and while I think you’re a few fish short of a barrel, I promised. Now Shut. Up. You’re pissing me off.

  Communications with his shifter side choked to a halt like a tap had been closed.

  It appeared the damn beast was pouting.

  Cooper shrugged then tightened the cuff, tugging slightly to make sure his human strength wasn’t enough to break the chain free from its anchor on the bed frame. He was a big man, and it wasn’t impossible that he’d be able to wrench himself free from a normal bed and cuff.

  Which was why he’d made sure to have the
Necessary Upgrades To The Safe House installed when he’d booked the cabin.

  When even a sharp tug held against the metal reinforcements, Cooper lay on the mattress and closed his eyes.

  Mating fever had arrived.

  His thoughts tangled as sexual need and the urge to track down the object of his desire flared again. This time Cooper didn’t fight the images flashing to his brain.

  Amber, her dark hair falling over one shoulder as she looked up at him from lowered lashes.

  The only woman he wanted, her sweater falling open to reveal naked skin at her shoulder and the upper curve of her breast.

  The beautiful Japanese-Canadian woman staring at him, her eyes dark and full of concern as she leaned in close. Her knees rested on the bed beside him, far enough away she had pressed a hand to his naked chest to balance.

  An odd sensation soaked through his feverish thoughts. The pressure on his chest was real.

  Oh my God, he was having a heart attack. This denying the fever was going to be the literal death of him.

  Cooper snapped his eyes open to discover the dark eyes, the knees on the mattress, and the sexy woman perched over him were not products of his fevered imagination.

  Amber was really there.

  Oh, damn…


  Two weeks earlier, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories

  The lights in the room over the Diamond Tavern were all on, the rich yellow and gold fighting off the winter darkness.

  Cooper finished his first glass of whiskey then refilled his drink before leaning back in his chair. He ignored the antique clock on the wall that was about to sound the top of the hour.

  His brothers were late for their weekly meeting. Again.

  Although he supposed he couldn’t blame them. Both his younger siblings had ladies at home now who were keeping them on their toes—

  Laughter rang from somewhere downstairs. A hearty sound from Alex that was echoed by James. Satisfaction and happiness that screamed they’d not only found companionship but sexual contentment with their mates.

  The image of deep brown eyes and the softest fall of long dark hair shot through Cooper’s brain along with the scent of her. His body reacted instantly, and he stretched out his legs to create more room. He couldn’t even blame animal instincts—this was all human reaction to one huge temptation.

  A moment later the door to his right swung open and Amber Myawayan poked her head out. “I finished the final tasks you wanted sorted. Need anything else before I head home?”

  What did he need? To pick her up and lick the pulse at the base of her neck would be a good starting point. Or maybe to wrap his hands around her waist and place her on top of his desk, after he’d stripped every inch of clothing from her body, then lay her out to feast on the sweetness betwee—

  Cooper shook his head firmly as his brothers stepped into the room. “Nothing, thanks.”

  “Then I’ll see you tomorrow.” She smiled at Alex and James as she weaved past them, walking out the door and taking Cooper’s heart with her.

  His bear lunged.

  Cooper hauled the beast back under control. Not yet.

  But you want her, his bear grumbled.

  Patience, Cooper scolded.

  You know we hate being patient, his bear stated plainly. Patience sucks.

  Indeed, it did.

  “Hey, Amber. I almost forgot. Send Kaylee a text,” James called after her as he settled in his chair kitty-corner to Cooper’s. “She wants to coordinate something with you.”

  “Will do.” Her answer drifted up the stairs, her voice growing fainter.

  “I hope there’s more of that left,” Alex said with a gesture toward Cooper’s drink. He grinned as he spotted the whiskey bottle and headed over to pour servings for himself and James. “That’s something I like about you, Coop. Always prepared, especially in the important things.”

  Cooper smiled in acknowledgement of the compliment. “It’s one of my many talents.”

  His younger brothers lifted their glasses in a toast before they all took a slow sip. Appreciative noises sounded from Alex and James immediately, which Cooper admitted was deeply satisfying.

  He liked being good at what he did, whether it was running the family gem company or choosing fine liquors. No use doing a job if you were going to only do it half-assed.

  Cooper Borealis was not the type to half-ass anything.

  “Either of you heard from Mom and Dad lately?” James put forward the question, his eyes bright with contentment as he propped up his feet and relaxed.

  Alex shook his head. “The last update said they plan to Skype with us sometime before the end of the year, but they were headed into an area with no internet service. I don’t expect more news until just before New Year’s. They would never miss Gramps’s birthday celebration, even if it’s just a virtual visit.”

  “Kaylee’s parents will still be MIA during the holidays. Which isn’t all bad.” James made a face as he whirled his whiskey thoughtfully. “I guess that means Christmas dinner will be the five of us, plus Grandpa and Grandma.”

  Amber should come too, his bear suggested.

  His inner beast had opinions. Cooper constantly had to explain to his other half how the real world worked, because the bear side of him didn’t seem to understand logic and reasoning, at least not beyond a certain point. It wasn’t that he was childish—his animal side was wicked smart—but…innocent perhaps. His suggestions were not always human appropriate.

  She’s not family, Cooper said smoothly. Holiday gatherings are for family.

  She’s almost family, the beast returned. She knows everyone, knows everything, and she’s around all the time.

  Trust me, this is a human thing. I know she’s around a lot, but that doesn’t make her family. Holidays are for immediate family only, unless we all decide otherwise. No matter that someday Cooper fully intended for Amber to be included in the family, the time had not yet arrived.

  Human rules make no sense, his bear commented dryly.

  You don’t understand logic.

  Logic makes no sense if it means no Amber.

  Okay, Cooper couldn’t argue with that.

  While he’d been chatting with his inner bear, Alex and James had continued to discuss holiday plans. James nodded then filled Cooper in. “If Grandma and Grandpa agree, we’ll all head over to their place for Christmas day. It’s not as if we don’t get together on a regular basis for meals, but since this is a bigger deal, Alex is in charge of the gift exchange, and Kaylee said she’d coordinate the food. We’ll all chip in so Grandma isn’t stuck with all the work.”

  “Time’s running short on another matter.” Alex was the one who said it, but both his brothers wore serious expressions as they turned to examine Cooper.

  “Grandpa’s letter said we had to have things settled before the end of the year. The mating fever and all.” James considered then his face brightened. “Hey, I just thought of something. Didn’t the fever last hit you in early January? Maybe you won’t get it until then, which means Grandpa won’t be able to hold you to your promise since he didn’t issue the challenge until March. He’s supposed to finalize the ownership papers by the end of this year, yes?”

  Cooper had already considered that. “It might be a valid escape clause, but I’ll be ready, no matter what. Don’t worry, I won’t do anything to jeopardize what you’ve both accomplished.”

  Although he had plenty of his own plans and hopes, their grandfather’s demand the three of them give in to the mating fever this year or lose control of the family business had forced Cooper’s hand. His list of How To Settle Down In The Most Advantageous And Pleasurable Manner had been kicked into overdrive before he wanted.

  Alex had attempted to control fate by picking the worst possible match when the fever hit him. James had picked the best—his best friend. Cooper was more like his youngest brother, and also had someone in mind. She would be perfect…

  …in about five
years. They had way too much to work through before Cooper could slide into action mode and sweep Amber off her feet.

  Want her? Definitely, but the fact he was her boss was the simplest of their complications.

  He had all the obstacles cataloged, of course. Defined and delineated in the Barriers To Potential Mating Bliss list.

  Fortunately, having dealt with the mating fever on a regular basis over the past ten years, Cooper had a little more ammunition when it came to facing the fever and keeping his promise to his brothers regarding the ultimatum Grandfather had issued.

  The page in his notebook dedicated to that topic was titled “Surviving The Fever Without Fucking Up.”

  Titling his lists wasn’t always easy, and the simple truth usually worked best.

  No, as much as he enjoyed the time with his siblings, Cooper knew there were a million ways this could go wrong, but if he was very, very careful, and very determined, he’d be able to get himself and Amber through the next month or so without the world imploding.

  Once ownership of Borealis Gems was safely settled, and once he’d kept his word to his brothers… Once the fever was done and gone, and the other barriers between him and Amber were taken care of…

  Then he would go after her with a dogged determination. A polar bear-ed determination.

  Something poked him in the hand. He blinked to attention to discover Alex standing over him, smacking a sheaf of papers against his palm.


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