Levi (Lighthouse Security Investigations Book 7)

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Levi (Lighthouse Security Investigations Book 7) Page 6

by Maryann Jordan

  “Is she still going to Boston? If so, it’s going to make it harder to try to protect her there. But we can turn all this over to the FBI.”

  “I found out she only had a college roommate that lived in Boston but isn’t there right now. Claire can stay at the condo, she’s got nothing there. No job. No friends. No family.”

  “Doesn’t sound like Boston’s the answer.”

  “Yeah, I thought the same thing. I just don’t know what is.” Levi sighed, dragging his hand through his hair.

  “Well, if she’s got nowhere else to go, what about here?”

  Levi jolted, sitting up straighter. Uncertain he heard Tate correctly, he asked, “There?”

  “Look, I’m not trying to make things complicated for you, but it sounds like you really like this woman.”

  Shaking his head even though Tate obviously couldn’t see him, he said, “Are you seriously suggesting I bring someone I practically just met to Maine with me?”

  “You don’t understand what it’s like around here. I’m the only one who got with my old high school girlfriend. Hell, the other Keepers are with people they met on missions.”

  “Yeah, and I remember me telling you that I liked things uncomplicated.”

  Tate’s chuckle now turned into laughter. “Uncomplicated? That’s the same as boring, man.”

  Levi had no response to that, so he remained quiet, his mind racing.

  “Whatever you decide, just let us know. Get some rest, and we’ll talk to you in the morning. Just keep in mind that she’s welcome to come here. As far as Mace is concerned, this is a mission.”

  He disconnected, heard the water turn off in the bathroom, and a knock sounded on the door. Checking the security hole, he opened the door and paid for the pizza. Locking the door again, he turned around and watched Claire walk out of the bathroom. Fresh. Clean. And smiling. Absolutely beautiful. Fuckin’ hell. There’s no denying it… things are definitely complicated.


  While in the shower, Claire had attempted to steer her mind away from the handsome man who had swooped into her world. I need to focus on what’s going on with me and what on earth I’m going to do about my job and my life. By the time she’d used the hotel toiletries and scrubbed her hair and body, she forced her thoughts to what was next.

  She hated to stay in her friend’s condo alone but, not having another choice, hoped she would be safe there. If Levi’s contacts could offer advice as to who she could trust and turn to, she could get the information over to the authorities. She had no doubt she would still have to go back to Chicago at some time, but on my terms with the authorities on my side and not with them escorting me back in handcuffs!

  Once clean, she threw on a slouchy shirt over a sports bra and leggings. After moisturizing, she ran a comb through her long hair, sweeping it away from her face. Her hand hesitated on the doorknob before entering the hotel room, the fear from this morning’s attack still fresh on her mind. Hearing Levi’s voice in the room and the tantalizing scent of pizza brought her back to the present. Throwing open the door, she stepped out.

  The sight of him standing in the room, dark stubble casting a shadow over his face, she could still feel the intensity of his gaze as it raked over her. Suddenly, she rethought the idea of spending the night in the same room, albeit in different beds. No, it’ll be fine. He sees me as a woman to protect. The idea that he might need protection from her almost caused an exhausted giggle to slip out, but she managed to cough into her hand instead.

  Her gaze dropped from his hair that appeared to have had his hand dragged through it, down his muscular body, to his bare feet. Shit, even his feet are sexy. Her gaze made its way back up again. His eyes remained steady on her although his mouth opened several times without saying anything.

  He finally jolted and lifted the box in his hand. “Pizza’s here.”

  Her lips curved into a smile and she nodded. “I can see that. I can also smell it!”

  She walked toward him and lifted the lid on the box, the pizza still steaming hot and the scent even more tantalizing. The hotel room was not large, and since they had no plates, she waved toward one of the beds. “We can set it in between us and just eat here.”

  While she handled the pizza, he popped the top on the water bottles. She sat cross-legged on top of the bed and reached for a slice. Not waiting, she bit off the thick, chewy bite, the cheese stretching between the slice and her lips. She closed her eyes and groaned in ecstasy, moaning, “Oh, my God! That’s amazing!”

  As she finished chewing and swallowing, she opened her eyes and looked up at Levi reclining against the pillows, his slice of pizza halted on his way to his mouth as he stared slack-jawed at her. Her free hand shot to her mouth, wondering if she had pizza sauce or cheese on her face. Her fingers encountered no mess, and just as she was about to ask if he was all right, he blinked out of his apparent trance and shoved a big bite of pizza into his mouth. Assuming he was just as tired as she, they continued eating in silence for several minutes.

  He was so quiet while they ate, she wondered if he regretted his offer to share a room. “Listen, Levi, I feel like we need to be honest. If this is uncomfortable for you… being here with me, I get it. If you’d rather have your own room—”

  “No, I’m good. Unless you’d rather me make other arrangements—”

  “No, I’m good, too.”

  Silence descended again, and this time she was unable to hold back a giggle. His eyes widened as they sought hers, and she shook her head. “I’m sorry. It’s not that anything about our situation is funny. I suppose I’m just tired and a stupid giggle was the only thing that made its way out of my mouth.”

  A smile spread across his face and he nodded. “It’s okay, Claire. Go ahead and laugh or giggle or cry or scream—well, probably don’t scream. If you did, someone might call the cops.”

  She laughed. “I promise I won’t scream unless we have another morning like this morning.” Suddenly her mirth fled, and she sucked in a quick breath.

  He leaned forward and placed his hands over hers. “My promise to you is that we won’t have a morning like we did today.”

  She bit her bottom lip and nodded, his words soothing over her, providing comfort as well as the touch of his hands on hers offering a steady force. She turned her hands over and clasped his, holding on. Warmth settled over her, emanating from their touch. Lifting her gaze, she found his eyes pinned on her, his emotions unfathomable. Swallowing deeply, she leaned forward slightly, closing the gap between them.

  Suddenly, he let go of her hands and leaned back, and she immediately felt the cold at their missed connection. He stood, grabbed the now-empty box, and dumped it into the trash can. She escaped into the bathroom, needing a moment away from his presence. After brushing her teeth, she stared into the mirror and shook her head. Don’t be stupid. He’s a good guy. He’s here out of a sense of duty and responsibility. Not because he’s infatuated with me! Regaining her courage, she stepped out of the bathroom.

  His bag was on the second bed. Inclining his head toward the bed closest to her, he said, “You take that one. I’ll sleep closer to the door.”

  His statement made sense and she nodded. He went into the bathroom, and she slid under the covers, wondering if she would ever find sleep. But fatigue dragged her under because that was the last thought she had before she drifted away.

  Walking out of the bathroom several minutes later, the illumination from behind him cast a glow over the beds. Moving closer, Levi could see that Claire was already asleep. He usually slept in just boxers but wanted to be prepared while not making her uncomfortable, so he chose drawstring sweatpants. Moving to the other bed, he climbed under the covers and plumped the pillows. Years of training gave him the ability to sleep while still maintaining a watchful eye. Having made sure the room was secure before he’d gone into the bathroom, he closed his eyes.

  An hour later, the sound of whimpering woke him. Jerking, he looked over and saw
Claire moving restlessly in her bed, fearful sounds coming from her. Tossing back the covers, he stood and leaned over her bed. She appeared asleep but fitful. Touching her shoulder gently, he whispered, “Claire, it’s all right.” Her eyes snapped open and she reached out, grabbing his hand. Uncertain if she was awake or still in a semiconscious state, her grasp continued to hold his tightly. He stroked her hair away from her face and murmured gentle sounds.

  “Don’t leave me,” her tortured voice whispered in return. “Please, don’t leave me.”

  She closed her eyes but the death grip on his hand remained firm. Lifting the covers, he slid into bed next to her and wrapped his arms around her shaking body. She immediately stilled, her breaths slowing and becoming more even.

  He lay for several minutes with the idea of only holding her until she fell into a deep slumber again. The scent of her shampoo wafted over him, and even though it was the same one he had used from the hotel, on her it seemed much sweeter. Her skin was soft, and her body began to warm with his wrapped around her. He tried to ignore the feel of her curves, focusing on keeping her safe from her own dreams. I’ll just lay here for a few more minutes until she’s calm and goes back to sleep.

  Many hours later, he woke from a restful sleep, instantly aware of two things. One, he was not alone. The other was that his morning wood was nestled tightly against the soft stomach of the woman whose eyes were open and pinned on his.

  He knew he should shift backward. He knew he should apologize. He knew he should make a joke about not being able to control his baser instincts around a beautiful woman in hopes that she would laugh in return. But with her dark eyes holding his gaze, her breath coming out in little puffs dancing across his face, and her arms wrapped tightly around him, he didn’t do what he knew he should.

  Before he had a chance to move away, she made the decision for both of them. Leaning forward, she pressed her lips against his. Over the last two days, he’d wondered what it would be like to kiss her, but his imaginings had not prepared him for reality. A jolt of electricity ripped through his body and his arms tightened about her. Angling his head, they both moved as one, taking the kiss deeper, wilder, and sweeter.

  She pressed her body closer and it took every ounce of self-control he had to keep from sliding her panties down her legs and plunging himself into her warm sex. Against every fiber of his being crying out for release, he pulled back. He saw the questioning move through her eyes and rushed to explain. “I’m not denying you, Claire. I’m not denying this. I just can’t take advantage of you.”

  “What if it’s what I want?”

  Her soft voice wrapped around him, and he struggled for self-control. “You’ve got to believe it’s what I want, too, but we have a lot to figure out. A lot to talk about this morning. And, as much as I want your sweet body, I want to make sure you’re taken care of.” He held his breath, hoping his words made sense and that she wouldn’t push him away in a huff, pissed and insulted.

  She continued to hold his gaze for a long moment before her lips curved slightly. “You really are a good guy, aren’t you? You really are the best.” She leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on the corner of his mouth, then sat up in bed.

  Her hair was adorably messy, and with her slouchy shirt hanging off one shoulder that begged to be kissed, it was easy to imagine waking up to this woman every day. But I have nothing to offer her… not even a place to stay. Sighing, he leaned forward and placed his hand behind her head and pulled her toward him, kissing her once more before she left the bed to get ready for the day.

  Moving faster than he imagined she could, she threw her leg over his thighs, straddled his lap, and pressed close, mumbling against his lips. “No promises… no regrets. Just you and me… right here, right now.”


  As soon as she kissed him, she knew she wanted more. More of his taste, more kisses, more of him. Always cautious and careful until recently, she was ready to toss her cares away just to have this moment with Levi.

  Straddling his hips, her core rubbed against his erection as she tried to ease the all-consuming need for friction. She felt each one of his fingertips as they dug into her ass, and her breasts crushed against his chest. Once again, she kissed him, their tongues tangling.

  His groin surged upward, and she moaned at the feel of his length. Suddenly, her clothes were too constricting and, with her hands planted on his chest, she pushed upward. Grabbing the hem of her slouchy shirt, she jerked it over her head and tossed it toward the back of the bed. Her sports bra was functional but not sexy—and not easy to get off. She squiggled and wiggled out of it and tossed it to the side as well.

  She grinned as she watched his face, his eyes darkening as his gaze landed on her breasts as they bounced with her movements. His hands, which had held her hips, glided upward and now palmed their weight as his thumbs circled her nipples.

  The electricity rushed over her, crackling along her nerves between her breasts and her core. She dropped her head back, closing her eyes, giving in completely to the sensations jolting through her body. They were still mostly dressed, and yet this was the most erotic she had ever felt with any partner.

  Leaning forward, she shifted upward so that her nipples dangled as a tantalizing gift in front of his face. Answering her silent beckoning, he pulled one deep into his mouth as his fingers rolled the other. Barely aware of her movements, she rubbed her hips back and forth, dragging along the length of his cock.

  If she had been paying attention, she might've been prepared for his movements, but instead, she blinked in surprise as he suddenly lifted her, flipping her onto her back as he leapt from the bed. No! Oh, no!

  Her eyes watched in anguish as he stalked away, but he only walked to his bag. Reaching inside, he pulled out a condom, holding it between his thumb and forefinger as he turned back toward the bed. His dark gaze held hers, and air rushed from her lungs in relief as her smile met his intense stare. With her thumbs hooked into her waistband, she shucked her leggings and panties downward, kicking them off her feet. He was doing the same thing with his sweatpants, and for the first time, she was able to admire all of Levi.

  His muscular shoulders and chest had been evident this morning when she awoke, but now, seeing his naked thighs, muscular ass, and impressive cock, she could barely catch her breath with his beautiful masculinity on display. He stood by the side of the bed, not moving, his gaze never leaving her face. For a moment, she didn’t understand his hesitation. Then it hit her. He really is a good guy.

  She nodded and said, “Yes. I want this. I want you.”

  Now it was his turn to move quickly. After rolling on the condom, he crawled over her body, his mouth latching onto hers. They kissed, tongues tangling, before he licked his way over her jaw, down her neck, then circling her nipple.

  She could care less that she’d only known this man for two days. She could care less that she was taking everything he was offering on faith. Right now, her body cried out for him and her heart trusted him.

  As his mouth left her breasts, he continued kissing his way down her stomach until his shoulders shifted between her thighs. Now, his mouth latched onto her slick folds, licking and sucking. Inserting a long finger into her sex while he sucked on her clit, she panted as the inner coil tightened. Her short nails scraped along his scalp as she lifted her hips, trying to erase the minuscule space between them. Crying out through gritted teeth, her release rushed over her as her body shattered.

  Dragging in oxygen in an attempt to clear her vision, she watched a slow grin spread over his face and knew that no matter what else ever happened in her life, she would remember that one perfect moment.

  Licking and kissing his way back up her body, he nestled his cock between her thighs. Her hands now clutched his back, her fingertips digging in slightly. Once again, he hesitated and she begged, “Please.”

  With a single thrust, he plunged balls deep and she gasped at the fullness. They began moving as one, and she met e
ach thrust. Soon, the friction had her racing toward the finish line, desperately wanting to fly across it with him. She wrapped her legs around his waist, digging her heels into his muscular ass. His hand moved between their bodies, and he lightly pinched her clit. As he thrust over and over, she shattered once again and he quickly followed, tensing, groaning out his own release.

  For long moments they lay, limbs tangled, breaths mingled, heartbeats pounding in unison. As consciousness slowly came over them, she reached up and cupped his jaw, smoothing her thumb over the lines emanating from his eyes. She leaned forward and kissed him lightly, murmuring against his lips. “Thank you. For everything… just thank you.”

  His hand cupped her face as well, and his breath rushed warm over her cheeks. “No need to thank me, Claire, because this has absolutely been my pleasure.”

  She kept the smile on her face, but her heart twinged. She had told him she didn’t expect anything but now recognized what her heart knew but her brain had refused to see. She wanted this man. This really good man.

  Once breakfast was consumed, Levi and Claire were back in the SUV and on the highway heading east toward Boston. He wondered if their morning would be filled with awkward, post-sex attempts at conversation, but, as usual with her, he smiled as they had no problem finding things to talk about. Glancing to the side, he memorized her profile, watching as she tucked her hair behind her ear.

  With no delays, they would arrive in Boston in about three hours. Three hours to find out what she’s doing, what she wants, and what she needs. He hadn’t planned on sleeping with her but couldn’t deny that she’d not only rocked his body but rocked his world… and he didn’t want to let her go. How can someone fall so hard so fast? His mind wanted to deny that was what had happened, but the ache in his chest at the thought of her leaving told him how much he wanted to be with her.


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