Beyond the Darkness

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Beyond the Darkness Page 15

by Katie Reus

  Out of the corner of her eye, Victoria saw Drake’s father pulling him into an embrace and she couldn’t help it, tears started streaming down her cheeks. When his father made a choking sound that came out a lot like a sob, her throat tightened as she held back more tears. Her mate had thought he’d been alone and unloved for so long and now he had everything returned to him.

  She glanced over at them and saw Drake’s face in profile. His eyes were closed and she could tell he was fighting a ton of emotion himself. He’d learned at a young age to protect himself so she knew he was going on instinct.

  When the female let her go, Victoria wiped at her tears and smiled at Drake’s mother. They hadn’t been officially introduced but she knew the woman’s name was Arya. “I’m so excited to meet both of you. We got here as soon as we could.” She’d actually told Drake to just fly ahead in his dragon form but he’d refused to leave her so they’d flown by airplane instead.

  As she spoke, Drake moved quickly to her side, wrapping his arm around her in that familiar protective way she loved. She also figured he was using her as emotional support. His posture was stiff but she scented how pleased he was. It was something she’d never smelled before but the sweetest spring rain scent rolled off him. “I know it’s early and… Victoria and I haven’t eaten,” he said awkwardly. He did that often, just said seemingly random things, but she understood what he was trying to convey.

  “Neither have we,” his mother said, looking at him with such love it was a punch to the solar plexus. “Maybe Conall will cook for all of us? I find I do not like those automatic ovens.”

  Conall snorted good-naturedly. “I’ll cook, but first I’m making coffee.”

  As they all headed into the kitchen, Victoria nudged Drake and nodded toward his mother. She hoped he understood her meaning as she slipped out of his embrace again. The male’s mother had lost her oldest child and Victoria could easily see how much the female wanted to be next to him. It was clear the father did too, but since the initial embrace he was just as stiff and awkward as Drake was.

  So Victoria hurried over to Dragos and hooked her arm through his, taking the male by surprise as they walked down the hallway. “I want to hear about Drake as a child.”

  The male grinned such a paternally proud smile it sliced right through Victoria. Behind her she heard Arya telling Drake what a fine male he’d turned out to be. Victoria inwardly smiled and forced herself not to start crying, even if they would be tears of joy.

  After an hour of talking, drinking coffee and eating, Victoria could finally see Drake starting to relax. It was clear his parents were proud of the male he’d become. When her cell phone started ringing, she frowned because she recognized the ringtone. It was still really early in the morning. Her jacket was hanging on the back of the swivel chair at the kitchen island. By the time she pulled it out it was on the third ring.

  “I’m so sorry, normally I would never be this rude, but this is really early, especially for Keelin to call so—”

  Arya straightened in her seat. “My daughter is calling you?”

  “Well, yeah.”

  “Is she all right?”

  Victoria flicked a glance at Drake who just shrugged, before looking back at his mother. “I’m sure she is. Sometimes she works late so she’s probably just getting off and forgot what time it was.” It was possible anyway.

  Now the female frowned. “Work? Where is she working?”

  “Mother.” Conall’s voice was hard, taking Victoria by surprise.

  Her phone had stopped ringing but she slipped off the seat. She needed to call Keelin back.

  “Do not answer that question, Victoria,” Conall ordered.

  Victoria had no idea what was going on, but she was not getting in the middle of whatever it was. She avoided looking at Arya, feeling the female’s penetrating gaze on her. It was too early for family drama. “I should call her back,” she murmured to Drake.

  Her mate nodded and excused them both, coming with her because he didn’t like to let her out of his sight even for a moment. She so loved the male.

  “You think everything’s okay?” Victoria whispered as they exited into the hallway.

  He nodded. “Yes, but Conall hasn’t told them where she’s living and we are not to tell them. I forgot to mention it to you. Keelin wants her space for a while.”

  Victoria’s eyes widened. “Oh, wow. I feel like such a jackass now. I shouldn’t have said anything at all.”

  “You didn’t know.” Drake shrugged in that casual way of his and she was glad that he seemed more like himself. He nodded down one of the hallways and she knew where he was leading them. Her favorite room, Conall’s library. Before she could respond the phone started ringing again.

  Victoria answered immediately, holding the phone up to her ear. “Hey, Kee. Is everything okay?” she asked as Drake held open the door to the library.

  The female groaned. “Yes and no. I slept with Bran and it was fantastic. I can’t believe I never knew sex could be this amazing.”

  Next to her Drake growled, and Victoria cringed, knowing he’d just heard his little sister say she’d slept with a male. “Um, before you go any further you should know that I’m with Drake and he just heard that.”

  The female just groaned then sighed. “That’s okay. I’ll tell you all about that stuff later. There’s so much going on here right now that I’m not sure who to talk to.”

  “Is Bran with you?”

  “No, he’s getting us food but he’ll be back soon. He knows I’m calling though.”

  “So what’s going on?” Victoria hadn’t heard anything from her packmates and she talked to at least one of them every day.

  “Demons attacked me outside of Bo’s club and then Akkadian demons attacked me and Bran last night. And it wasn’t a normal attack either. Those things just appeared out of nowhere. As in, out of thin air. With no Hell Gate as an entrance. Have you ever heard of that happening?”

  Victoria’s stomach twisted at what the female was saying. That seemed almost unimaginable. Akkadian demons were horrific creatures who wanted nothing more than to destroy this planet. “No. Neither has Drake,” she said when he shook his head, his frown deepening.

  That didn’t mean Victoria didn’t know where to start looking. She’d been researching the creatures for the past few months and had already known a good bit about them before anyway. If Keelin needed her, she was going to do everything in her power to help. “Why don’t you tell me everything? And start at the beginning.”

  Chapter 15

  Keelin tossed her phone onto the heavy dresser next to the giant bed and stretched her arms over her head. She was glad to have filled Victoria in on everything. If anyone could help her it was that brilliant female. But the truth was, Keelin wasn’t nearly as concerned as she should be about the demon attacks.

  She was way too caught up in Bran Devlin. The very sexy male who was currently off grabbing food for them. After last night—well, this morning—she was deliciously sore and starving. He’d been completely insatiable and if she was being honest, so was she. She hadn’t been able to get enough of him after that first time.

  He was so generous and sweet in bed it had taken her off guard. The demanding, dominating, possessive part of him hadn’t been a surprise at all. And truthfully neither had the generous side of him. But when he’d made himself vulnerable to her; that had been shocking. Not that she’d let on she realized he was being serious when he’d been disparaging of his looks.

  On one level she could understand because as a whole, dragons were exceptionally beautiful. She’d always felt like a bit of a freak because of her small stature compared to everyone else. Standing out among her kind wasn’t something she liked. So she could imagine Bran didn’t like it either. Still, he was so well, male, and absolutely magnetic she couldn’t actually see that he’d have insecurities. Not when that Alpha from last night had made it clear she wanted an alliance and more with Bran. Keelin was certa
in females probably threw themselves at him.

  That thought made Keelin’s claws come out. Literally. She winced when she sliced through the silky gold sheets again. They’d have to change them. Again. The room and en suite were incredibly well stocked with anything they might need. Including some very interesting toys and gadgets, some of which she wasn’t even certain how to use. And she was too embarrassed to ask Bran. He definitely had more experience than her, that much was clear.

  When the door opened she started to tense until she scented him. Her male. That abrupt thought made her frown until Bran stepped inside with a covered tray. The half-smile he gave her made a rush of heat flood between her legs.

  His eyes flashed bright green with lust before settling to their normal color. Even though he’d told her that he could only see out of one eye it was difficult to tell other than an occasional cloudiness in one.

  “Did you talk to Bo?” she asked, her hand straying down between her legs, wanting to tease him. He loved watching her touch herself and she was going to indulge him as much as she could.

  Bran let out a low growl and set the tray on the nearest flat surface before prowling toward the bed. “Yes,” he said, stripping off his shirt. “He’s going to reach out to some contacts.”

  “Have you contacted Finn yet?” Because she still hadn’t informed him about the Akkadian demons.

  When Bran paused on the edge of the bed, his jaw tightening, she knew he hadn’t. “I’ll call him later,” he muttered, moving to shuck his pants.

  “No way. I just called Victoria and told her everything. We need to tell Finn now.”

  Bran cursed and grabbed his phone out of his pants pocket before he finished stripping them off.

  Keelin continued stroking herself, knowing it was making Bran crazy. His cock was thick and hard against his abdomen as he had a brief conversation with the other Alpha. She nearly laughed at the way he was speaking, so clipped, his voice strained as his gaze zeroed in on the juncture between her thighs. Eventually the call ended and he set his phone down next to hers, still never taking his eyes off her.

  “You’re teasing me on purpose.”

  “Of course,” she murmured. Then, feeling bold, said, “I looked in that armoire.”

  He stilled, his entire body and all those hard lines and muscles pulling tight. “And?”

  “There are some interesting toys in there.” She tried to sound sultry or seductive, but failed, barely getting the words out. A male like Bran had a ton of experience and she wondered if he’d want to use toys.

  “Do you want to use any?” She couldn’t read his tone or expression.

  He’d know if she lied so she went for honesty. “No.”

  Pushing out a ragged sigh, seemingly in agreement, he crawled onto the bed. He moved in between her legs and batted her hand away from her mound to replace it with his own. He covered her mouth with his and began stroking her wet slit with a very talented finger.

  “Seeing you touch yourself makes me insane,” he murmured.

  “I can tell.” His fire and her light filled the room, coating all the surfaces again. There was no way either of them could hide their attraction to the other. Not that she wanted to.

  Chuckling against her skin, he nibbled along her jaw. “If we were mated—”

  She stiffened at his words and was glad when he stopped talking. She didn’t want to hear whatever it was he planned to say. Even though she was starting to care for him so much it scared her, she just couldn’t think about mating. Couldn’t think about anything past this amazing experience they were having together. She didn’t want to lose her independence.

  Pulling back, he looked down at her, his expression fierce. “Afraid to talk about it?”

  “Bran,” she started, placing her hands on his shoulders and smoothing her fingers over him. He’d know if she lied, so she tried to think of a way to evade the answer. She wanted to clutch onto him, wrap her legs around his waist and let him impale her. What she didn’t want to do was talk.

  “You’re mine, Keelin.” There was a possessive edge to his voice that sent a thrill down her spine.

  She couldn’t lie to herself, she liked the sound of it. “Bran—”

  “Say it.”

  “I don’t want anyone else but you.” That was the truth and all she was willing to say right now. She knew how forceful Alphas were and unlike her mother or someone like Rhea, she wasn’t a warrior. And she was terrified that if she mated with a male like Bran she’d lose her independence. She’d just gained it, so it was too scary to think of losing it again. She wasn’t Alpha mate material anyway. She wasn’t a warrior in any sense of the word. And she didn’t want to be. What the heck were their dragon sides thinking, choosing each other?

  He let out an angry sounding growl and shoved off the bed. Before she could mourn the loss of him or ask what he was doing, he stalked to the heavy gold-framed mirror. To her surprise he lifted it off the wall. She watched his muscles flex as he moved back to the bed.

  She pushed up onto her knees and wrapped her arms around herself, watching as he set the thing against the headboard. “Why?” she whispered, not trusting her voice.

  “You’re going to watch me fuck you, watch me take you from behind and know you’re mine. Fight it all you want, sweetheart, you are mine.”

  Raw heat surged through her at his declaration. Before she had time to analyze her reaction, not that she was sure she wanted to, he was on her, covering her body with his bigger one, his mouth devouring hers in a crushing kiss.

  Keelin moaned into him, loving his display of dominance as she wrapped her arms around his back and dug her fingers into it. He rubbed his thick length against her slit, teasing it over her clit, but refused to penetrate her.

  The sensation was so erotic her nipples pebbled impossibly tight. She arched into him, rubbing against him like a feline in heat and not caring. She just wished he’d thrust into her, but every time she tried to maneuver to make him, he grabbed her hips and held her in place.

  It frustrated and turned her on more than she thought possible. Her inner walls contracted impatiently, demanding he hurry up.

  “Bran!” She grabbed the back of his head and tore his mouth from hers. “Do something.”

  The grin he gave her was completely wicked. Taking her by surprise, he flipped her over onto all fours so that she was facing the mirror. He hadn’t been kidding about watching.

  Her face heated up as he straightened behind her. With massive shoulders, a muscular body that made her wet just thinking about, and too many nicks and scars covering him, telling of a hard warrior’s life, he was the perfect male specimen. And he wanted her. That thought sent another rush of heat between her legs.

  He gave her another one of those grins, clearly scenting her desire. She didn’t care because she scented his too. Spicy and overwhelming, it had her scooting back and trying to make him do what she wanted.

  “So impatient,” he murmured, running a hand down her spine and butt. He didn’t stop, but kept moving lower until he reached between her legs. He slid not one, but two fingers into her and let out the sexiest growl.

  Pleasure spiraled through her at the feel of him.

  Grasping onto her hip with his other hand, he slid his fingers back inside her. “So fucking wet. All for me. Say it.”

  “You know it’s all for you.” She met his gaze in the mirror, mesmerized by the masculine picture he painted.

  He looked as if he wanted to say more, but couldn’t find the words. Instead he fisted her other hip and did what she’d been waiting for. With one hard thrust, he was inside her, stretching and filling her in a way that made her entire body light on fire.

  His gold flames reached higher around her body as he began thrusting, his expression hard and fierce as he slid in and out of her. The fire teased the ends of her hair but didn’t burn, just seemed to caress her.

  Abruptly he thrust hard, pushing deep inside her and staying there. Her inner walls c
lenched around him, needing more friction. He slid one hand from her hip until he reached between her legs and tweaked her clit. When he started teasing, she clenched around him tighter and tighter. She was so close to climaxing.

  Because of the angle of their bodies and her breasts, she couldn’t see him stroking her clearly in the mirror, but she saw enough. Watching that determined expression cross his face as he brought her pleasure is what pushed her over the edge.

  Her orgasm slammed into her, just as intense as all the others she’d had last night and this morning. Her nerve endings tingled with the sharpest awareness as she let her head fall forward.

  Bran slid his arm under her, his forearm between her breasts and his hand around her neck, fingers wrapped gently and forcing her to look up. The move took her completely by surprise. “Watch.” He nipped her ear after the soft order.

  She stared at him in the mirror as he continued thrusting, her climax almost too intense to bear. To her delight, he found his release too, even as he continued strumming her clit. Finally she swatted his hand off, unable to take any more, her body falling limp in his arms.

  Slamming into her one last time, he pulled her body tight against him, the heat of his release warm inside her. He raked his teeth against her neck, his gaze bright in the mirror as he watched her.

  She swallowed hard, trusting him not to mark her, effectively mating with her against her will. The crazy part was, her inner dragon was clawing at her to let him—beg him to make that mark. But she couldn’t.

  Letting out a soft growl she thought might be a little frustrated, he nipped her earlobe enough that she felt the sting. “Deny it all you want, sweetheart,” he said, loosening his grip and slowly withdrawing from her.

  Even though it was clear he was annoyed with her, he turned her and pulled her into his arms, feathering kisses over her face and lips. “We’ve got to head out to meet Bo in a bit but shower with me first.”

  She grinned against his mouth as she linked her fingers behind his neck. “Was there a question in there?”


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