Opal: A Contemporary Reverse Harem Romance (Jewels Cafe Book 4)

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Opal: A Contemporary Reverse Harem Romance (Jewels Cafe Book 4) Page 9

by Candace Wondrak

  I nodded. Yeah, a group date with my three boyfriends. That was normal, wasn’t it?

  “Um, I mean…I guess, as long as you were there.”

  “No,” I spoke, voice dripping sarcasm. “I planned on just dropping you guys off, letting you three have some man time.” Which was stupid, because they lived with each other. They practically had man time all the freaking time. “I thought I’d go home, enjoy the peace and quiet—”

  Brock grinned. “Okay, I get it. Stupid question.” He ran a hand through his black hair. “I’d go, and I’m sure Kent would be fine with it. You should ask Ace, though.”

  Right. With Ace’s history, a group setting like that might be a terrible thing.

  I hopped off the chair, said “Be right back,” and walked out of the room, ignoring Brock’s “Hey, wait.”

  Figured it’d be better to ask him now rather than wait.

  Ace was tucked away in his room, still fiddling with his guitar. This time his electric one, I noticed. He wore a long-sleeved shirt, one of its sleeves rolled up as he leaned over and jotted something down on a notepad on the floor. He had his back leaning on his bed, his guitar across his lap and plugged in to a nearby amp. When he noticed me, he set down his pen and gave me a smile.

  “Hi, Opal,” he said. “What’s up?”

  “I have an idea, but I wanted to run it by you first before I bring it up to Kent,” I said, leaning on his door frame. I knew that if I entered his bedroom, I might not leave it again in a timely manner. I did have to get back to Brock after this.

  He set his guitar aside, slowly getting to his feet, which I noticed were bare under his jeans. “And what’s your idea?” Ace asked, tilting his head. A smile sat on his square jaw, and he moved closer to me.

  “A date,” I said, closing my eyes when I felt him snake an arm around my lower back. “A date with all of us. Like a group date, except you’re all there for me.” Sofia would have an aneurysm if she knew what I was suggesting. She would be proud of me.

  Ace pressed his lips against my forehead, murmuring, “I suppose that’s something I could do, if it would make you happy.” His head leaned back, and we met eyes. “Where is this group date going to be?”

  “I…haven’t gotten that far yet, but as soon as I figure it out, I’ll tell you,” I promised, giving him a quick peck on the lips before returning to Brock’s room. “It’s a date,” I said, practically beaming. “You better get ready for it.”

  “What? Now? Kent’s still at work,” Brock said.

  I laughed. “No, not right this second. Just mentally prepare yourself for it, because it’s going to be hot.”

  That, my lover boy, was a pinky promise, and those things were like law.

  Chapter 12

  Sofia actually helped me come up with a good idea for the group date—a club. We were all in our twenties, still young, so a nightclub wasn’t too far out of the question. Silver Springs actually had one of its own, a club called Vee. It sounded like a cool place, so that’s where we were going.

  It was Friday night, and things were about to get crazy. Cray cray, whatever the kids were saying these days; I didn’t know. I was pretty out of touch with today’s youth, but that was because I was an only child.

  Over the phone, Sofia instructed me on what to wear and how to do my makeup—a grey and silver smoky eye that would make my hazel eyes pop. “I am so jealous of you, girl,” Sofia’s voice spoke through the phone. I had the phone resting on the bathroom countertop, the speaker on, as I worked on my makeup.

  I wasn’t a pro at it, but it was actually turning out pretty well.

  “Going on a group date with three guys,” she said, doing her best not to giggle. “I’m literally sitting in my car having this conversation with you, because I still haven’t told Chris you’re seeing multiple dicks.”

  I shrugged. “You could tell him just like that.”

  “You know if the date goes well, you could be in for some hardcore dicking when you get home. Could you even handle a foursome?”

  I was in the process of layering on some mascara, but I had to set it down to stare at the phone, mouth agape, as if she could see me. A foursome. I knew the thought had crossed my mind before, but that was…well, it might actually happen. What in the world did a woman do with all of those cocks at once? I mean, I knew what I could do, but physically, I didn’t think my body could contort like that.

  “I guess I’ll see,” I said. I was already dressed in tight jeans that hugged every curve of my body, though I hadn’t yet put on my heeled boots. A low-cut shirt sat on my shoulders, my cleavage plainly visible. With my dark hair slightly curled, I looked good, I had to admit. Those guys would go nuts for me.

  It was already eight o’clock, the world of night coating outside. It had tried to snow earlier, but the snow was no more than a light dusting, and it hadn’t really stuck. Based off Sofia’s earlier suggestion, I wasn’t going to wear a coat, knowing once we got inside the club, it’d be too hot anyway. A little suffering my bare arms could take.

  My doorbell rang, and instantly my gut warmed. My guys would keep me as warm as I needed to be, anyway. “Sofia, I got to go. They’re here.” I let my best friend say her goodbye before I hung up, and went to hurriedly grab and zip up my boots. They went all the way up to my knees, and they actually made me look tall. Not as tall as any of my guys, but that was just because I was practically a kid-sized adult.

  Brock stood outside the door, wearing a t-shirt that hugged his thin body and jeans that were starting to fray. The t-shirt was splattered in paint, but I knew that was how he bought it. His black hair was spiked upwards, and I swore to myself his dark eyes were lined in black eyeliner.

  Damn. If so, he wore eyeliner better than I did.

  “Are you ready to go?” Brock asked, eyeing me up, his dark eyes landing on my chest. “You look…”

  “Good?” I suggested, stepping out of my house.

  Brock nodded dumbly, unable to say anything else. Having my ID in my pocket, I followed him to the car, where Kent and Ace were already waiting. Kent was driving, of course; I didn’t think he was the type to ever sit in a car and let someone else drive. He was domineering in every aspect of his life.

  I scooted in the backseat with Brock. Ace sat in the passenger’s seat, wearing a V-neck shirt that showed off the edges of his shoulder tattoo. His fauxhawk was in full-force tonight, and a light line of blonde stubble coated his jaw. His brother, on the other hand, wore the same button-down shirt he’d probably worn to work that day, although he left his suit jacket and his tie at home. Kent didn’t exactly look like he was ready for a nightclub, but he looked drop-dead sexy all the same.

  “You guys look handsome,” I said, grinning to the car full of men as Kent backed us up out of the driveway. I saw Kent’s green eyes flick to me in the rearview mirror, and Ace turned his body around to face me, giving me a smile of his own.

  “You look hot, Opal,” Ace said. “I think we can all agree on that.”

  It damn well better be something they could agree on, considering we were together and what tonight would entail. Dancing, mainly. Dancing, getting all hot and heavy in the club, and sex, but the sex would come later. Not going to lie, I was intrigued by the idea of having them together.

  That was probably a dream of mine. Or maybe a nightmare, depending on how the dicks were used. A sweet dream or a beautiful, dick-filled nightmare.

  Club Vee sat in the center of town, in the up-and-coming area I liked to refer to as hipster central. There was hardly any parking, but Kent was able to parallel park a block away on the street. It’d be a chilly walk to the club’s front door, but I’d manage. Besides, I was certain once we were inside the club, I’d be sweating my balls off—if I, uh, you know, had balls.

  Kent paid for all of us, and once the ridiculously huge bouncer checked our IDs, we were good to go in after being stamped to show we were over twenty-one. Almost immediately, we were hit with the hot, sweaty air of people
dancing. A DJ sat in the front of the wide open space, red lights above the dance floor. Everything was touched with red; it kind of looked eerie, almost creepy, and I had the gut urge to tell the owners that Halloween was over, but I knew better.

  Everyone who worked here seemed intimidating, tall and pale. I didn’t believe in the supernatural, because I think if the supernatural were real, we’d all know about it by now—but if I did, I’d definitely peg this place as a vampire hideout.

  Eh…or maybe that was just because I watched too much True Blood.

  A bar sat off to the side where a woman worked. She was beautiful, a few sizes larger than me, but she wore it well. She laughed at the people at the bar as she served them drinks, her lips wearing a deep red lipstick.

  The music was pretty loud, so loud it was hard to hear what anyone else was saying.

  In fact, Kent was talking, but I could hardly hear him. I turned towards him, staring at his mouth—something I stared at often, if I was truthful—trying to read his lips. I was ninety-nine percent sure he was saying we should’ve thrown our own dance party at home.

  Whatever he was saying, it didn’t matter. We were here now, and I wanted to dance, dance, dance like I was nineteen and not twenty-four and over the hill.

  Okay, I wasn’t really over the hill, but I was close.

  “Who’s going to dance with me first?” I shouted, unable to hear myself over the music. Maybe they decided to turn their speakers up tonight and make us all deaf. Who could say for sure? I headed towards the mass of bodies, almost instantly feeling a hand grab my wrist. I turned, seeing that it was Kent, wearing a smug expression.

  He yanked me closer, slamming our fronts together, and his hands found their way to my sides, holding me in place. He might be domineering and want submission in bed, but right now he was dancing like a wet noodle, so I set the pace. I rocked my hips back and forth with the music, grinding my front into his. It wasn’t long before I started to feel an erection growing, and if I would’ve been alone, I would’ve patted myself on the back for a job well done.

  Soon Kent got into it, moving along with the dancey beat and following my lead. Not for long though, because someone grabbed my shoulder and flipped me, pulling me to him to dance with him instead.

  Brock. He had a surprisingly strong grip for an artist.

  I stared at Brock’s chest, running my hands along his t-shirt and grinning up at him. I opened my mouth to say something, to shout into his ear as best as I could, but I felt possessive hands behind me. Suddenly, and without warning, I was sandwiched between Brock and Kent, their body heat flooding me and sending my core into overdrive.

  Was it wrong to want to rip off their clothes and have them dance with me like this while naked?

  It was an amazing feeling, being stuck in between two sinfully gorgeous men, feeling their bulges press against me from both sides. Oh, God. I was in heaven. I was in heaven, if heaven included multiple boyfriends and orgasms aplenty.

  Someone tapped on my shoulder, and I turned my head to view Ace. Ace gestured for me to come to him, and even though I didn’t want to slip out from between my Brock and Kent sandwich, I did. I went to him, gave him a smile, and ground against him like there was no tomorrow.

  Time didn’t matter to us, and neither did personal boundaries. It was all smiles and laughter—and erections. Myself, I was feeling a little eager, a whole lot horny, but it was easier for me to hide my aching, wet core than it was for my guys to hide their erections. But, you know what? No one seemed to notice, probably because they weren’t the only ones in the place sporting hard-ons.

  What else was kind of weird, not that I was complaining, because I totally wasn’t, was that no one else looked twice at us. Me, being with three guys, practically fucking them on the dance floor. No one batted an eye, and it was only when I was dancing between the two brothers that I happened to look around.

  There were actually some other women dancing with multiple men. I didn’t think it was exactly the same situation, but it made me grin to myself as I thought about it. Come to Silver Springs, get your own harem! That should be this town’s slogan. I bet this town would be overpopulated then, full of greedy girls like me who wanted all the dick.

  It wasn’t that I wanted all of the dick I could get my hands on. No, that wasn’t it. That wasn’t the reason I was with Brock, Ace, and Kent. Their cocks and their attitudes were what I wanted. Me craving their dicks was only because I also craved them. My sexy, infuriating neighbors who I’d wanted to strangle before, I now wanted to fuck. It was the next logical step, although the step itself kind of came out of nowhere.

  It all started that day in the coffee shop…

  But that was just me being superstitious.

  Kent bent his neck, his lips near my ear, and I heard him ask, “When are we taking this back to your place?” His erection was in full swing behind me, and I leaned back, enjoying the feeling. He wanted to hurry back to my place and go at it like animals, and I was okay with that.

  My legs were starting to hurt anyway. I think we’d been dancing for at least two or three hours. We weren’t kids anymore; I didn’t know about the guys, but I had limits.

  My makeup probably looked smeared, my nice, beachy waves were sweat-covered. Now that I thought about it, I was kind of dying. Going back to my place to strip out of these tight-ass jeans seemed like a fantastic idea, and maybe if I was lucky I’d get a little something-something.

  Their dicks. I meant their dicks.

  I let Kent take my hand, leading us away from the dance floor, away from the crowd of dancing bodies. Ace and Brock followed, and we passed the intimidating bouncer as we left the club. It was fun, not going to lie, kind of like I was in college, and I was about to go home with three strangers.

  Only they weren’t strangers. They were my neighbors, my boyfriends, and holy hell, I think I loved them. All of them. Each of them equally. I didn’t think my heart could choose between them, so if they ever gave me an ultimatum, I didn’t think I’d handle it well. I could handle having them, but losing one? Losing two? I would fight tooth and nail to keep them close. That was my vow.

  Not that anyone was asking me to make a vow or anything. Again, me being dramatic. I was good at it.

  The heat from the club, from dancing with my guys, kept me warm as we returned to the car down the street. Kent helped me into the back, and both Brock and Ace filed in, one on each side of me. No one wanted to sit in the front with Kent…or they just wanted to be around me.

  When Kent got in the front and started the car, I playfully tapped his shoulder, saying, “Onward, chauffeur! To the house!” I hid a giggle when Kent threw me an irritated look. Those looks, as frightening as they could be, only made me warm up in places below the belt.

  “Kent as our chauffeur,” Brock mused, shooting me a dimpled grin. “I like it.” He grabbed one of my hands, weaving his fingers through mine. His black hair had lost its spikiness during the dancing, just as Ace’s blonde hair had lost its fauxhawk. That’s what sweat did, I guess. Sweat sweated everything off.

  “I’m sure he hates it, though,” Ace mused, shooting a knowing look at his older brother. He took my other hand in his, tracing the knuckles. I was literally between two guys that each held my heart in their hands, and I loved it. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  The drive seemed to last forever, but the moment Kent pulled into the shared driveway, my gut twisted in a thousand ways. “You guys want to come over for a nightcap?” Was that what people called it? “I have water…pop, too.” Ooh, yeah. I was really luring them over with this warm welcome.

  We filed out of the car, the night air giving me a chill. Ace hurried around the car to stand beside me, and once he reached me, he whispered, “I think you’re the only nightcap we need, Opal.”

  Okay, when I shivered that time, it was for an entirely different reason.

  Kent was the first to walk towards the door, glancing back at me with a single cocked brow. I
f he was closer to me, I’d wipe that smug look right off his face. I’d— “Let me guess,” he said, smirking, “you didn’t lock your door again.” His hand went toward the knob, and as if he was psychic, my front door opened without a problem.

  Fine. He could be smug, for a little while, but only because he was right in this particular instance.

  Ace, Brock, and Kent all went inside, and I hesitated for just a moment before following them. If I stepped over this threshold, who knew what would happen once I got inside. This, I realized, just might become a typical Friday night for me.

  Hell yeah.

  Chapter 13

  All three guys stared at me, and I suddenly felt the slightest bit awkward as I stood there by the front door. I made sure to lock it then, but only because Kent was looking. You’d think I would’ve learned to make a habit of locking it by now, with his propensity to just waltz in whenever the hell he wanted.

  “So,” I said, moving into the living room. I plopped myself down on the couch and started to zip off my boots. Dancing in heeled boots was a workout, and I knew I’d be feeling it in my legs tomorrow. Maybe even in my glutes. One could never work out those glutes enough. “What, uh, what now? I can get you something to drink, if you guys are thirsty—” The guys started to file around the couch, and I stopped instantly.

  Kent tossed a quick glance to Ace and Brock. “I don’t know about you two, but the only thing I’m thirsty for is the woman sitting in front of me.”

  “You’re not wrong,” Brock agreed, and Ace nodded.

  Maybe it was because they were all looking at me with hungry eyes. Maybe it was because Sofia had put the thought into my head. Maybe it was for another reason entirely, but I stood up, my feet bare on the carpet, and lifted my shirt up and off me, tossing it on the floor. The three men watched, their gazes turning ravenous, as I reached behind me and unhooked my bra. Piece of clothing after piece of clothing—I took it off bit by bit until I stood there, stark naked.


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