ONE NATION: A Post Apocalyptic, Dystopian Saga

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ONE NATION: A Post Apocalyptic, Dystopian Saga Page 7

by Michael W. Huard

  President Purcell’s first reaction upon seeing Aliah was one of admiration. “How are you, my beautiful warrior girl?” he called to her. “Good to see you back in the fold here.” He smiled. “And what do you have here? Hummmm, look what the cat dragged in.”

  The big black robot pushed forward the young woman.

  Raegan and Jansa, on seeing such, were sweating and trembling. How could this have happened? The black crystal bot stepped ahead of her and Aliah now.

  He looked both blondes over, up and down, and studied their eyes most intently. He then turned to president Purcell in his chair upon the raise platform.

  “Let me guess: you have uncovered no information as to whereabouts of the others so far? Is that correct, President Purcell?”

  The president shook his head no. “Your assumption, BSR1, is correct.”

  The intimidating bot narrowed his eyes, looking at Raegan now. “You see, this is why the project that I have created, the seeking out and the destruction of every single Mystical Slayer in existence, is the only means to stem this silly following.”

  He looked again to the President. “There really is no other choice, sir.”

  Brin suddenly shouted to her sisters, “I blew it. I'm sorry, Raegan. I should have waited and came with more people. I just went out on my own. I wanted to try to come get you guys. I'm so sorry. Forgive me, Jan, I love you guys!”

  But before she could say any more, BSR1 spun about and now, jutting out from his right fist, was a sharp, jagged, long, pointed crystal shard. He drove it into the young girl's throat. Brin’s eyes bulged out as it penetrated deep into her, coming right back out the rear of her neck.

  Blood splattered everywhere as she slowly slouched to the floor.

  Screams from both Raegan and Jansa filled the chamber, echoing all about. Both felt their stomachs turn over. The black robot spun about, looking at the shocked women.

  “One Q-Jin down. Project Elimination has officially begun.”

  Both women stood still with tears streaming down their faces. They were shocked, to say the least.

  Aliah was even surprised at BSR1’s impulsive action.

  The president tried to keep his composure. Even for him, the harsh action of BSR1 was a bit of a shock. He focused back on his prisoners.

  “So, my two angels, where are the rest of the Mystical Slayers?”



  “Calmer heads will prevail,” Sinaye explained to Mahira, Resin, and Tyne as they spoke in a private meeting. “We have already sent word to Chaya and she’s heading back here as we speak. She’ll help us make the right decision.”

  Mahira was pacing back and forth, visibly shaken. “And then what?” she blurted out, taking a long-winded breath thereafter and rolling her neck left to right.

  Tyne Gem put her hands on Mahira’s shoulders. “Relax, sister. We have built many connections and friends through the years, my friend, and the time has come to utilize all our resources.”

  Resin, the one male in this elite group, nodded his head as if saying Tyne was right. “You have eyes inside, and allies all about. I know how Y-Wood operates. I was part of them for quite a while. We just need to think harder.”

  His wife Sinaye was thinking a mile a minute. She could not stop. “The first thing is we need to get feet down in New York as soon as possible. I’m thinking lesser-known faces, those that can stay low key, until we make a series of moves utilizing those we have as allies.”

  “A series of moves? What’s that supposed to mean?” Mahira asked.

  Resin explained, “It’s going to take steps in order to get Raegan and Jansa out of there. Several moves leading to success. Without distractions, you’ll never get inside.”

  Mahira frowned. “I suppose this leaves me out of going there, right? I would love nothing more than giving out an ass whipping to those blowhards.”

  Sinaye agreed with her staying back. “Yes, you and I will hold fort here. When Chaya gets back, she will lead a team to New York!”

  Mahira bit her lip. She again let out a long breathe. “Why Chaya?” she asked, wishing it could be her.

  “Low key,” Sinaye again pointed out, giving her fiery sister a look. “They will be searching all about hoping to capture more of us, and we cannot afford anyone to be noticed or found there.”

  Tyne Gem gave her opinion. “Based on my data, the following people would be best-suited for the mission. First is Chaya. She’s a good leader because she’s so even keeled. Next, Paka should go in case any hardcore fighting is required. The rest of the party should be the younger ones, the ones who are unknown and willing to take orders from Chaya.”

  “And who would that be?” Mahira asked rather curiously.

  The sisterhood’s cyborg answered rather nonchalantly, “Sun, Naeria, and Karma.”

  The rest of the people in the room pondered her choices. Some raised an eyebrow. They were young for such a mission, and everyone knew it.

  Mahira then added, “Johan’s not going to be happy, if he’s not part of such a team.”

  Resin knew that too. “It’s better he stays here with us. We cannot afford any rash choices by anyone close to their headquarters. I will talk with him, and have Sun talk to him as well. One thing you have to realize, Mahira, is that if anyone reveals out current location here, or makes a move towards reveling such, it will put everyone in grave jeopardy. The elders and kids here, as well as the rest of us, need top leaders here. We can’t just abandon this place leaving people all by themselves.”

  Mahira nodded, understanding Resin’s point. However, she still wanted to go to New York. She needed more answers. “So, what are we going to do?”

  Resin and Sinaye looked at one another and then to Tyne Gem. Sinaye explained that Chaya and she had already talked some and come to a basic conclusion. “The Alliance team, including Brock Jones and Ella Von Stybeck, will pull off a series of attacks at a few of Y-Wood’s top manufacturing businesses. We want to draw away as many extra troops, drones, and whatever else that we can from their main locale in New York.”

  Resin tuned in. “Sin’s right. That will get things off and running, even if in the end they offer Y-Wood a truce meeting to discuss forming their own alliance. We have to use them now.”

  Sin then added, “We’ll use our inside people right off too. There’s a known enemy of Y-Wood in New York and I bet he would be more than willing to assist us. We also have Della Winstrip inside the actual Empire State Building where Raegan and Jansa are. She will be used to tell us right where they are held and what the best route would be to rescue them. She’s an important asset for sure.”

  “Who is this enemy in New York?” Tyne Gem, the sister’s cyborg, asked Resin.

  Resin nodded. “He’s an odd fellow that goes by the name of Torres. Y-Wood did a series of experiments long ago on his clan, and he’s one of the remaining so-called subjects still alive.”

  Tyne nodded her head okay. “So, he’s willing to help us?” she asked with great interest.

  Resin nodded. “He’s actually in with Y-Wood, yet it’s all a great facade.”

  “Thanks to Resin knowing this guy, we now know this Torres can help get our sisters in there and leaders out, when the time comes.” Sin said this, then adding, “Plus, there are fighter ships from Washington that Governor Bends will deploy to keep the Corporation defenders busy when we make a move as well.”

  Mahira looked to Resin and Sinaye. “Can we trust this Torres?” The couple were working hard on all this, but she still needed an answer. “Tell us more about this Torres. How can he really help and will he double-cross us? Also, what is his price?”

  Resin grinned. “He is not just a man. He’s part borg. Many of his features are creations of Y-Wood. He owes them a lot for these failures.”

  Sinaye looked to Mahira as well. “Every single participant from his experiment group are now dead, including his entire family and many friends. These so-called failures
run deep, leading to the revenge you can see in his eyes.”

  Tyne knew he could make a good ally after hearing all this. And since he was like her, she too wanted to know more about his situation. “Is he a full borg?” she asked.

  Resin tried to clarify. “He’s well-dressed, always with a suit and tie. Many refer to him as a giant. One who walks with a cane. He’s a spy for Y-Wood, a double spy in actuality. We’ll use him as much as possible. Part of him is artificial, those parts that they took, while others are weak and frail, like his legs. His family suffered a worse fate.”

  Everyone in the room continued to talk about everything. With enough help, distraction, and luck, a rescue attempt for Jansa and Raegan was coming together. Yet many pieces needed to fall in place.

  Raegan and Jansa were left in dark, musty cells. They were somewhere in the bowels of the Empire State Building. Luckily, they could talk to one another as they were in adjacent cells.

  The Corporation was barely feeding them, and limiting their water intake as well. Next was supposed to come torture, which neither were looking forward to.

  President Purcell wanted to know where the other Mystical Slayers were and had put the process of finding out in the hands BSR1. The black robot had no remorse. He had been created generations ago by the Corporation itself, but not to be just a supreme being. He was to be the one who would take over if any of his brother robots became too sentimental. If they let humans control them, he would be summoned to play a role. His arrival was early.

  Down below, Jansa called to her sister, “Are you okay? Are you hanging in there?”

  Raegan soon replied, “I’m doing fine. My stomach is churning from hunger and my mouth is dry, but I’m okay.”

  Jansa, too, was hungry and thirsty.

  “They plan to break us. That black thing is the face of evil.”

  Raegan could not agree more.

  “With him in charge, no reasoning will work. He’s an assassin.”

  “You think the others will come?” Jansa then asked her sister.

  “I know one thing: they will not turn themselves in, unless it’s part of their plan.”

  “Right,” Jansa agreed. “I just hope they make the right choices and move fast. I don’t like the idea of being tied up and tortured.”

  “Focus on your one spot. You know what to do. Pain is only temporary,” Raegan said, trying to ease her sister’s concern.

  There was a pause for a bit and it was then Jansa had to ask a certain question. “Do you think he will come if it’s necessary? You know, your guardian angel.”

  Raegan was not sure how to answer such a question. She had thought about Pure the whole time she was down here. If he was still watching her, he’d gone against what he had said. If he did ever return to earth, his status as an angel would possibly be taken away. She hoped he had moved on. He must have. However, she really missed him.


  On the street, the chosen ladies were told to pack immediately. When Chaya got back, all five had to move and move fast. The group was composed of two sisterhood leaders and three youngsters. It was going to be a wild trip.

  Paka made sure to tell the teens to pack light. And when Chaya finally did arrive back home, everyone was ready to roll. Chaya was briefed on the situation privately by Sinaye, Mahira, Tyne, and Resin before a flyer was to take all the sisters on the mission to New York.

  There was no time for debating, really. Chaya knew they needed to get there as a soon as possible. “This is a big mess,” she declared, but then again, there was no time to second guess now.

  Before the team flew off, she met with Mahira alone for a few minutes.

  “I know you wish you were coming with us. But having you here makes me feel safer. Go about the daily things you do. Teach the sisters how to fight, train them in martial arts and shooting skills. Make everyone feel like these issues are not so bad. Be the rock they all need right now.”

  Mahira nodded. She’d do her best. “You have to save them, Chaya,” she insisted. “I know you can do it.”

  Chaya gave her sister a hug.

  They both just looked each other in the eyes thereafter.

  Chaya tried to ease the gladiator’s mind but suddenly was cut off when Mahira asked, “This is not the end, is it? Are we on the brink of collapse?”

  “No,” Chaya answered. “We’ll find a way. We will!”

  Meanwhile, another day had gone by and the women in their cells heard no one else. It was late that evening when finally, a figure came into the hallway carrying a single lit candle.

  “If you want my help, I ask but one thing,” a female voice spoke out in the shadowy hall. “The day you remove Purcell and take down Y-Wood, you remember me as a friend.”

  Both Raegan and Jansa stirred about in their cells after hearing these words. But before either could comment, a door was heard opening at the far end of the hall. The figure before them dashed away, going in the opposite direction.

  The lights in the hallway came on brightly, and walking slowly with hard, clanging boot sounds strode BSR1. The robot stopped in front of Jansa’s cell first. She looked up and saw his black face in the barred window.

  “Rise and shine, my pretty. It’s time to tell me everything.”

  It was then he entered her cell, unlocking the door and approaching his chained prisoner. Weak and unfed, Jansa pulled as far away as possible from him. Her chains rattled and Reagan nearby in her own cell knew what was happening.

  “Don’t let that monster overcome you!” she yelled out. “Focus on your one spot. Stay strong, sister.”

  Jansa soon cried out in pain as the crystal bot probed her mind. He ran claws down around her temples and dug into her brain. “Where are the rest of your people?” he asked in a deep tone.

  Jansa did not answer, yet she was still yelping out in pain.

  “You’re tough, you Q-Jin,” BSR1 announced. “Let us see how you handle my next move.”

  He then elongated a finger to a sharp, extended point. He forced Jansa’s mouth open and inserted it down her throat. She gaged and fought to get it out but she was too weak and chained, and he was super strong.

  It was then he asked, with it still within her, “Simply name the location where they hide and I will take this probe out of you.”

  Jansa would not answer him. She would never betray her sisterhood.

  When he was finished and had pulled his finger from her, he complimented the curly-haired spiritualist. “Impressive and resilient.”

  Though again, he was not done with the interrogation.

  “What is it I have here?” he announced almost in a mocking tone now. From a metal box that he opened before Jansa, he pulled forth a nasty showerhead. The thing was smaller than usual. As he eased it to the floor, he grinned at Jansa. He tore the doctor’s clothes away from her body and forcefully slammed her into the back-cell wall. Naked, she whimpered in pain and embarrassment, still looking to where the showerhead now was.

  Those robots would eat one’s flesh and burrow into anyone they came in contact with.

  Raegan again was yelling. “Leave her alone, you freak.”

  The robot was about to do just that, but before he left Jansa’s cell, he had a little more to say. “Now that you’re naked, your little friend here will visit you and enter you. Yes, enter you in every orifice of your body. The mouth on these things…ouch. So sharp. So horrible. Maybe the next time I come visit you, you’ll have more to say. If you’re still alive.”

  The robot then left the cell, going to Raegan’s window next. “Don’t worry, fearless leader of the Q- Jin. You’re next. I will pay you a visit tomorrow sometime. Enjoy the shrieks of your friend next door. She’s in for a wonderful night.”

  It was then he left the hallway and the lights all went out.

  Jansa was already pleading with Raegan in the full dark now. “It’s in here. I cannot see it. Get it out of here. Help me. It’s coming for me. Help me. I hate this so much.”
  “You don’t need to see it.” Raegan announced. “You’ve fought before in the dark and also blindfolded in practice. As soon as you feel it touch your skin, grab it and don’t let go. Smash it into the wall over and over. You can do this, Jan. Believe in yourself.”

  Jansa was nervous and trembling, trying to keep focused on her friend’s words.

  “I don’t feel it. It’s toying with me, crawling all around, waiting to delve into me. I want it out.”

  The showerhead was a combination of a snake and a spider. The top looked like a showerhead with a zagged maw. It was slithering closer, Jansa just knew it.

  “Breathe,” Raegan called out. “Even breaths. Calm your thoughts and wait for it. You’ve got this, Jan. You can do it.”

  It was a minute later that the thing crawled up and onto her leg. It was heading right to her belly button area. Jansa screamed out and grabbed it. Even though both of her hands were still shackled, she got a grip on the metal thing. It twisted and bit her hand and arm, yet she was not letting go. Her legs, too, were chained, but she rolled like a log over to her left, turning over and over until she reached closer to the wall.

  Raegan heard the commotion and cheered her on. “Smash it! Don’t let go. Give it all you got.”

  Jansa rolled into the wall and swung the showerhead into it. It was then she bashed it into the hard wall several times. The thing finally stopped chomping out at her. It was no longer moving.

  The loudness of the fight came to a halt, and all Raegan could hear was the heavy breathing of her sister.

  “Are you okay?” she called over.

  Quietly, after a few seconds, Jansa replied, “Yeah, I’m okay. I’m cut and ripped open some, but I’m okay.”



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