ONE NATION: A Post Apocalyptic, Dystopian Saga

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ONE NATION: A Post Apocalyptic, Dystopian Saga Page 30

by Michael W. Huard

  “If this happens in fighting, we must wrap our legs around our opponent or at least keep our feet in front of them. This is the guard in all Jiu-Jitsu. It helps us protect ourselves from someone coming on top of us. So, the postures of mount and guard are the basics, the king and queen of the art. Go ahead work on these some so I can see how we all look this morning.”

  All the members were coming awake very fast now as they rolled around on the grass, working on these maneuvers.

  Jansa yelled for each to fight one another to see who could end up on top or who got their legs wrapped around the other.

  “Go for it! battle hard. Who can win the game and get the other held?”

  After a bit, the doctor then went over one important physical move, what she called the technique of the day.

  “Okay, people, the bottom line is, when it comes to grappling, if you can get behind somebody and take their back, wrapping your feet around their lower body, you can take your arms and strangle them. This is what we call a rear naked choke.” She showed all the move, using Chaya as her partner now.

  It was a skill every woman should know very well.

  After, she looked about at all the trainees and some of the younger ones, who, hearing her say naked choke more than once, had a smirk on their faces. She called out, “No, you don't have to be naked to do the move!”

  Everyone laughed at her humor.

  “It takes less than 16 seconds to make somebody pass out,” Jansa then pointed out. “If you can get your arms around them, they will try to do anything to get free. That's why we use our feet to trap their lower body, wrapping each of our legs around their inner thighs. This is the best move I can give you for a fighting chance against anyone. I want you guys to work really hard on this right now.”

  It was then that the entire sisterhood went about doing the naked strangle technique. They practiced it from many different starting points as Jansa led them all in working on it for probably close to 20 minutes.

  When the session ended, everyone had worked up a heavy sweat. It was a great way to start the day.

  And as the morning training had finally come to an end, Grammy Wal, who had already begun looking over the terrain here several days now, walked about, wondering where she would have her garden veggies. She then spotted two individuals out of the corner of her eye. They slipped out into the woods from behind a long building. It was Sun and Johan.

  So, the rumors were true, she then thought. Young love, how grand.

  The couple made their way to a nice little spot where a large weeping willow tree stood before a pond. They sat down by the tree together, looking out into the water, enjoying the view.

  Sun then asked her companion, “Have you ever heard the story of when your mother and some of the other sisters went skinny-dipping here in Maine? They say someone stole all their clothes.”

  Johan laughed a bit. “Nope, can't say that I've heard that one. They probably tried to keep it from me.”

  Sun smiled. “All of them are kind of wild in their own way, don't you think, Jo?”

  He nodded his head yes, but then leaned in and kissed Sun right on the lips. “Yes, I think they're all kind of wild. Just like you and me. Carefree, like the wind!”

  “Oh really. Do you think you can just get away with giving me a kiss like that, young man?”

  “Well, actually, I hope to give you a whole lot more kisses these days. You make me happy,” he answered, winking at her.

  He was so kind. It was then that she leaned in and gave him a kiss which lasted a whole lot longer than the first quick peck he had initiated.

  “I like it here in Liberty. Maine is calm,” Sun said. They kissed again.

  When they finally parted for a moment, they had no words. Each felt something inside that gave them a warm feeling. It felt so wonderful. They just sat for a while now looking out at all newly changing colors of the leaves and at the peaceful water in front of them.

  “I think fall is my favorite time of the year,” Sun then announced, finally breaking the silence.

  “Me too,” Johan said. “All these colors really bring everything out. It’s like a portrait of a painting jumping out of its frame. Something just amazing. Plus, I like the cool air too.”

  Sun snuggled close to him more. “Just always keep me warm ok, Jo?”

  “Yeah,” he answered. “I promise!”

  “For me,” Sun then announced, “I'm looking forward to spending more time up on the mountain. I think that the whole Chimney Pond region is just absolutely stunning. I don't think there's anywhere on Earth that it could be more amazing. I want to scout for bald eagles with you. Will you join me? We could live there. I’d like that.”

  “Of course,” Johan answered. “I would enjoy that very much.”

  It was then that both of them took a long, deep breath and laid back more in the grass. Sun placed her head upon his chest. It didn’t take long for both to feel like they fit together quite well. They really did.


  Sinaye and Resin were going back and forth on the aspects of the remaining robots in New York.

  During the husband’s and wife’s discussions, both also played with baby Celestial while debating off and on what move could be made that would lead them to success. The child was already growing the nice dark black hair like her mother, Sin, had.

  “I'm sure she's going to look just like you overall,” Resin said, picking the tiny girl up and lifting her to his face. “Now aren’t you, my little doll?”

  Sinaye smiled. It was nice to have some down time even though they were working, so to speak.

  “It's hard to believe everything that we've been through,” Resin mentioned, looking to his lady. “First meeting at the actual corporation's headquarters in Massachusetts. Me having this thing for you cuz you're so damn sexy, and now I end up with you. I guess I can say miracles do happen. I think we need one now, too, with the New York situation. If the Corporation is truly wiped out and all that is left is the robots in New York… Let’s face it, there's a chance that things could get really weird. I'm racking my brain, and I know you are too, trying to come up with a plan.”

  He then put Celestial back down.

  “What do you think, Celeste?” he asked his daughter, now kneeling by the couch near her.

  Sinaye looked to the man she loved. “One thing is for sure: I don't know if my planning ever works out too well. You know what happened when we were on the moon of Saturn. Let’s realize sometimes I question my own judgment. But yeah, I love you. Miracles do happen: look at her. She’s so special.”

  “So are you,” Resin added, blowing a kiss at Sin.

  Sin teased him next. “I love, I love and oh do I love my man with the bionic penis. I love my little girl too, and I want us to have a good future together. But right now, everything keeps running through my mind about what we should do. I know Reagan says to lay low, but it's only a matter of before that this super robot acts.”

  Resin smirked. “Well I know you love my…” He pointed at his private area.

  Sin shook her head, smirking. “Can we be serious here, dude?”

  “Here’s where I am so far,” Resin explained. “There are two points that seem to matter most. We both know that robot was created to make decisions on the data that was given to him from male humans, etc. right?”

  Sinaye nodded that she was with him on such rationalization.

  Resin went on. “The artificial intelligence Omagus was given, the AI from the Y-Wood Corporation, was provided for him to come up with ways for them to rule over this country, to figure out the rights of robots in all of it, and to make his human creators leaders of great power.”

  Sinaye tried to digest all this mumbo jumbo. It was tough.

  It was then baby Celestial cried out and Sin pointed to Resin that it was his turn to change her.

  He put his hands on his hips and gave her a funny look.

  “Are you saying, the robotic expert, who is f
ighting a war against killer robots trying to take over the country, must change a diaper at this very moment?”

  Sin tilted her head to the side, with a fake smile on her face. “Yeah, that’s what I'm saying,” she said, pointing back to her daughter.

  She then told him one thought she could not contain while he went about taking care of their child.

  “There is one weakness of these robots and their artificial intelligence, and it is, and you know this too, the humans that created them.”

  “Did I not already say that?” he answered.

  “Yeah, of course!” Sin replied.

  Resin then nodded, finishing up with the stinky diaper, trying to keep a straight face.

  Sin explained, “It was Marcou. It appears three super robots were made, the best of the best, and there is no doubt in my mind that Marcou placed his thoughts and values and goals into the AI of the three. One being this Godbot, Omagus.”

  Resin thought about her words. He gave Celestial a big forehead kiss and walked over to Sinaye.

  “That's a good point, and I know quite a bit about this fellow Marcou. Both Delve and Arn.”

  “So, tell me then,” Sin asked. “What are, or shall I say, what were their weakness? What weakness did Arn put into the Super Robot that we can use against him?”

  Resin contemplated that question.

  Sinaye shared her reasoning next. “Well, it was obvious that Arn, like his dad, was power hungry. I'm not so sure that can help us. He was also tricked into thinking that the Y-Wood mainframe computer system his father, Delve Marcou, had created was helping him bring the Corporation above all others. Meaning it made him think procreation could be limited to his own people, right?”

  “Yes,” Resin answered. “By taking the male species and dropping its numbers to nearly nothing, he and his fellow associates, not to mention those in different countries, would be in more demand.”

  “Be more in demand by whom?” Sin asked.

  “By females.” Resin nodded. “He was obsessed with beautiful females and being in control of them.”

  Sinaye placed her hand underneath her chin, hearing this, thinking deeply.

  She then said, “So would there be a possibility that this super creation, this bot, could, perhaps deep inside, have a weakness for beautiful women?”

  Resin puckered his lips at such a notion. The thought and suggestion were interesting. While there was no doubt that his master did have such desires, going as far as creating a war against thinking like him was a stretch. It was not noticeable really.

  “I don’t know, but there’s always a chance something in that robot has that same mentality.”

  Sin then asked, “Is there anything else you can think of that maybe he would have instilled into Omagus we could be not think of?”

  “Greed comes to mind. Conquest. Then again, everything was kept top secret, so that's all I can come up with,” Resin pointed out, squeezing his forehead, thinking and thinking.

  The two of them continued to debate and discuss things. There had to be a way. They knew more than any others in the sisterhood about these Y-Wood super robots.

  It was then time to share such speculation with the sisterhood’s leader.

  Reagan listened to the couple’s final thoughts later in the day. They made some valid points. So when it was all said and done and the conversation had come to its conclusion, she had one thing to say above all else.

  “If we are truly going to try to beat him with mind games, we're still never going to be able destroy him. By that alone, perhaps we can get him at his most vulnerable, which is good, but you two know very well that we need a plan on how to actual finish him, and with that, put an end to Y-Wood once and for all.”

  Both Resin and Sin could not disagree.

  “So,” Raegan then added, “You two get back to your research. Put your thinking caps back on. Once you figure that out, or at least have some sort of a possibility, we can talk once more.”

  It was then just as the couple left Reagan’s private quarters. Sun walked in.

  The sisterhood’s leader looked to the young redhead and simply asked right away, “Are you here for my approval so that you can date my son?”

  The young girl was a little bit surprised at the question. Yet, she did her best to reply.

  “I didn't think one needed approval from anyone when it comes to love. Jo means a lot to me. I don't even know what dating is really. I guess we’re not too good at hiding the fact that we like one another. So, I mean, do you disapprove?”

  Raegan answered simply, “I have no qualms whatsoever with you and my son hanging out.”

  “Good,” spoke the teen. “That way we can discuss more important matters at this particular time. I wanted to ask you, what can we do to help the people in New York? How can we try to rid ourselves of the Corporation’s last remaining super robot?”

  Reagan pointed to a nearby chair. “I would suggest that you're better off sitting down, if you want to hear my full thought process.”

  Sun took a seat.

  “I just had a good talk with Sin and Resin. When it comes to AI and the powerful robot that remains, decisions of such a big magnitude generally require a lot of practical experience. You have to understand that most of the information you need to solve problems and even world issues is not really written down anywhere or programmed in a robot to use precisely. The only way to become an expert is to try things and see if they work. That's where any robot with artificial intelligence comes up short. Patience is not a virtue of artificial intelligence.”

  Sun thought she understood.

  “The simple fact is, kid, and I'm not saying you're old enough to understand that yourself, but a computer program means never growing up in a human family, falling in love, being cold or hungry. This shared experience allows human beings to relate to one another. A robot is lacking in all of it. How we use this to our advantage? I am not sure.”

  Sun took it all in. She then replied, “I’m not a kid!”

  Raegan smiled. She had more to tell Sun now.

  “The one thing I do know is relationships are more important than any form of great intelligence. To change the world or rule over it, as this Godbot claims, would require him to bring the human race along for the ride. I don’t think he is capable of such a feat. He needs humans to progress. He may not even realize that.”

  This was a lot for Sun to think about. She was lost for words suddenly, but did her best. “So, what are you getting at? What's the answer? How can we succeed?”

  “We, as Sin explained to me, have to work on finding a way to exploit his intelligence and to use it against him. Plus, also to try to work on finding a way to destroy him when we can get him at his weakest moment.”

  “I’d like to be the one that takes him down,” Sun proudly announced.

  Raegan looked at her with an eyebrow raised. “Well, I'm not so sure that's going to be the case. Trying to keep you teenagers alive this time is a priority of mine. But we'll see. It's probably going to take all of us in some form of fashion. For now, will you do something for me?”

  Sun nodded that she would.

  “Go out there and take care of my son. Put a smile on his face, have good times with each other and the other youngsters. Keep training hard, enjoy the times that we go up into the mountain to Chimney Pond. Take it all in. I want you youngsters to live normally, at least for the time being, before the proverbial shit hits the fan. Can you do that for me?”

  Sun smiled. She wanted to ask Raegan more. She wanted to talk to her about the angel everyone has been mentioning she met. She also wanted to tell her about the voices in her head. But it just didn't seem like the right time at the moment. She was close to just blurting it out. Yet she still felt awkward and held back. She still wasn't sure if it was just herself thinking out loud, or in her head.

  “Well, thanks for talking to me.” These words were all she could utter. “It’s nice to be able to sit down and have a conver
sation with my elders.”

  Reagan gave her a funny face.

  “Elders. Are you saying I'm old? I don't think so. I might have a lot of wisdom and a lot of experiences, but don't say that I'm old.”

  Sun laughed.

  “I didn't mean it that way,” Sun countered.

  Raegan laughed now. “I know. I'm just messing with you. Get out of here. Go do something fun.”

  Sinaye days later spoke to everyone.

  “So, we have come to the conclusion that the former president of the Y-Wood Corporation, Arn Marcou, was power-hungry, not unlike his father Delve Marcou, who in essence wanted to rule the entire country with a dictator’s iron fist. He had a desire and a fetish for women to admire him and to drop to their knees in worship. He even went as far as to create a plan carried out by his robotic soldiers and half-human associates to take the male species as newborns and eliminate them completely so that procreation would die out, unless it was associated with the Corporation and its members.

  “He was tricked by a computer, who all along had the notion that the human species could wipe themselves out at her command. She was right, until we, the sisterhood, destroyed her. We showed her that faith and God exists.”

  Sinaye looked now to all the main sisterhood crew before her raising her fist up in the air.

  “So now we use this info against this robot, this Godbot. He who was made and given his thinking from Marcou. Here me out now. We, as women, tell him we don’t want to be mere bronze citizens, we want to be gold. Before him in person, we will offer him the most elite warriors, beautiful and smart, to be his personal guard. He will be in command of us and together we will thrive. We tell him, without us, he will get nowhere on this planet, or any other. He needs humans to follow him, and his personal guard, the Mystical Slayers, are offering him help and a great voice to humans far and wide.”

  There was a lot of a shock in the group at hearing the scientist’s straightforward words.


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