ONE NATION: A Post Apocalyptic, Dystopian Saga

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ONE NATION: A Post Apocalyptic, Dystopian Saga Page 37

by Michael W. Huard


  “You've been tailing me for quite some time now. The sentient being in your weapon is giving you away, just so you know. You are a human woman who seems to be on the hunt. Am I not mistaken?” The 7-foot-tall super robot said these words, turning about seeing Mahira behind him.

  She had almost gotten to the backside of the Godbot. So close, she thought.

  He was enhanced more than ever before. He seemed bigger. Perhaps it was his dark brown robes and thick hood over his head adding such bulk. But he’d survived the bombings and was undoubtedly enhanced more than ever.

  “Is there a reason why you want to see me fail?” the Godbot then asked her. “Here you are, using an axe that has artificial intelligence within it. This is what the future is all about. I do not seek to end humanity. I seek to make it better with the advent of AI. In turn, this will form a better galaxy to live in.”

  “That's all bullshit,” spoke the sisterhood's gladiator. “Bombing cities and flooding people's homes is not a sign of wanting humanity to do well. To be honest, you act like the assholes that created you.”

  Free spoke to her now within her mind. “Oh, that's great. Piss him off even more. You know we can't defeat him. It's probably better that we look for help. We should turn away and run as fast as possible. They may have the weapon ready out here. We can only hope by now.

  I hear you, Mahira thought back. But who's to say we can't buy them some more needed time. We can weaken him.

  I've never met a more stubborn woman in my life, the axe replied.

  “I have calculated that you are a true warrior. My AI tells me that you have defeated hundreds and hundreds of opponents. That is very impressive,” said the Godbot. “The big question is: can you defeat me?”

  Free replied to his statement in his owners’ head. He has a point. Maybe we could turn and go the other direction?

  No, Mahira thought. We can take him. He’s overconfident. Let's do this. My gun won't make a difference. He's not even drawing a weapon. He wants to fight straight on.

  Free was thinking fast. I need to get into his wiring, to somehow penetrate his metal frame. He's got more enhancements than any other robot that we've ever encountered, but all have connections. They’re still grooves, and if I can get under them, in particular around his neck and forehead, that would be the best tactic for us to employ.

  Sounds good to me, the Gladiator said. Your wish is my command. Let's get him.

  Mahira went about attacking the robot with everything she had. Her faints and footwork were some of the best in the world, but somehow the artificial intelligence implanted into this Godbot enabled him to react to her every move. When she struck out, he either made her miss or deflected the blow, and when Free swung about trying to cut him down, he knocked her hand or the axe’s handle aside to avoid any hits.

  His reactions were impeccable. Free soon told Mahira an important thing. The only way we can hit him is if we surprise him. You'll have to do the unordinary.

  You got it, she thought as she made another series of attacks.

  They had soon backed into a half-standing building zone, one with one wall and a roof. At one time it was a tall skyscraper, but not anymore.

  Mahira then moved right, and just as she did, she stepped back at a rear right angle and kicked the super robot in the back of his leg. It caught him good and he seemed impressed.

  Next he spun around and clocked her in the side of the mouth with the heel of his foot. Blood gushed from her lips as she twirled in the air and landed hard on metal scrap piece from the debris all about. She lost her grip on her axe, and as she tumbled down and looked up, the robot had already reached down and picked up the weapon.

  “Oh dear,” he said with a mocking tone. “You dropped this.” He then flung it back to her.

  It was a mistake she thought as she stood back up. Free then said, I don't know why he did that but I'd rather be in your hands than his.

  Let's take this mother fucker down, she then said to her weapon. Are you with me?

  Free said, I'm with you.

  There were enough stacked building materials for Mahira to run right up a section of fallen stuff and leap out at the robot with a flying showtime kick to his neck. She slammed him good with her shinbone, hoping to dislodge his head. She made good contact, but it only backed up the seven-foot bot a few feet.

  Landing on her feet, she turned and looked at him, still intent on winning this fight.

  She circled around the robot thinking of her next move. At first, she swiped out with her axe several times, missing the robot but getting his attention some. She needed an unusual move as suggested by Free, so she planned to do a few fake steps and spin under the Godbot and sever his knee joints.

  But he had a plan of his own. Suddenly, he elevated himself up, turning on the jets on his feet and levitating upward, bashing his head into the roof so that it would collapse down upon Mahira.

  Free right away told Mahira to throw him at the bot before it was too late. She chucked him as fast as she could directly at Omagus.

  All at once, the roof started collapsing as the axe was knocked aside by Omagus.

  Mahira found herself putting her hands up over her head, trying to stop the falling matter from dropping on top of her. But it was a lot of roof that came down on her.

  Omagus watched as the woman was buried. He waited for a few moments, seeing if by some chance the woman he had defeated came out of what should have easily killed her. She did not.

  He then thought to himself, Humans always think they’re better than they really are.

  There was no time to waste now. Raegan and the others had dressed up really nice and were on their way to meet with the Godbot.

  They had figured out where he was through a series of scouting missions and answers from talking to people seen out and about. He had picked a long building as his domain. It was a temporary set-up, but still intact and solid.

  The word was out. The Mystical Slayers, those that remained, were ready to serve him. They sought a meeting with his lordship, and when he learned this, he was very willing to let them come to him. There were not many left now, he surmised.

  Several drones flew about over the women as they were on route. Resin was not with them. He was back waiting and hoping the beam to his EMP weapon was found and brought to him. These drones watched as the ladies proceeded further down the road now.

  Robotic soldiers appeared next, walking about the building’s perimeter. They soon escorted the women inside and down a long, wide hallway.

  More bots stood on each side of a double doorway. One of them opened the doors and let the women in.

  Here, a full squadron lined up on each side of the hall. At least 25 of them were present. Further down the hall, a throne-like chair sat and in it was the Godbot.

  The women walked up to him. He looked to be a bit banged up, his cloak torn some as well.

  Standing in front of the Godbot now were Raegan, Jansa, Sinaye, Chaya, and a few more other very attractive newer recruits of the sisterhood.

  Omagus was intrigued.

  “Look what the cat dragged in,” he announced. “What do I owe the honor to of having the elite slayers sisterhood before me?”

  Raegan soon spoke. “We come to you to offer our services. What could be better than to have your own personal guard? A guard that is powerful, strong, and fit. Not to mention beautiful. An all-female hit team and human influencing squad. Before you is all we have left, and we are interested in working for you.”

  Omagus rolled his metal neck some. He was in truth a bit disappointed that Old Horny had not returned yet after releasing the virus. These women might very well be sick from it either way.

  Raegan then added, “We will go out there and be your voice, one that will bring humans under your lifestyles plan; I am sure our offer interests you, and I know we can get them to embrace your demands.”

  The Godbot looked each female before him over more now. The
y were as she said: attractive as humans and very muscular. He had learned firsthand each was as smart as a whip too.

  Omagus wondered where the rest of their numbers were. He had defeated one he knew of, but there had to be a least some others.

  “I thought there were more of you,” he announced. “Either way, you must understand that I have not found much interest in the female human species, though my creators have a fetish for such beauty. So, the desire perhaps lingers in my system. More and more, I like the looks and charisma you all showcase. Perhaps a deal is worth discussing.”

  Jansa then explained, “We will get the American people to follow you. We ask only as that we are made gold members of your plan. And to answer your question, here before you are all of us that are left.” She was playing a game here and trying to get him to play along.

  The Godbot knew very well where she was going with this. He soon stood up before them on his raised platform.

  “YOU LIE!” he announced loudly.

  The women all took a step back. They were afraid it may come to this.

  “Your red-haired fighter was out there seeking me out already. But as things came about, a building fell on her. Yes, it’s very sad. It simply ended up breaking her in two. So perhaps you are stating the truth.”

  The group felt dizzy. Had Mahira encountered him already? Was she slain? Raegan then had a terrible thought. Was he talking about Sun? And what of Johan?

  The Godbot gave them no time to linger on such thoughts.

  “There is one thing I have been calculating in my vision for the future. I believe that in time a robot will be able to procreate with a human female. This is the ultimate dream of moving forward for centuries of a future existence. So let us contemplate a union.”

  Each of the Mystical Slayers felt sick.

  Sinaye mustered the willpower to reply at such a statement. “Science is never ending. You may be correct.”

  The others could have never said that. She was strong and kept to the plan.

  Yet Omagus was not convinced. “I find it interesting though.” He pointed at Raegan. “Those who were labeled wanted by BSR1 and Y-Wood now have suddenly turned and want to assist me going forward? What is your truthful reasoning I ask you now, Raegan James?”

  “We have come to realize that it is better to have some say in saving this land instead of just letting it go to ruin. We’re not just a bunch of good-looking airheads. Yes, we can fight, but we have brains, and we know how humans interact and what they think. We want to help propel your leadership forward also help humans adjust and find a good life from it all.”

  The Godbot thought she had a good point. Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer!

  Chaya then explained more. “The Corporation was nothing that we were fond of. You at least want law and order and for all to fall into place. We see that now. If this is how the country must go on and hopefully do well. We want in.”

  The Godbot went on, now studying each of the women very closely. These baby dolls were interesting, that was for sure.

  Raegan was a very attractive woman in her 30s with dirty blonde hair. Her facial features were sharp with high cheekbones and her dazzling gray-blue eyes spoke of great intelligence. The one that he calculated as the doctor of the group was a blonde woman with long, curly hair, hazel eyes, and an hourglass figure. She too was a smart one, this Jansa. Then there was another, a dark-haired scientist, who was very voluptuous in appearance with catlike green eyes. A smartass indeed. Then a brown-haired gal with silver studs in her cheeks. She too was lovely in looks. All of the remaining ones were lovely as well.

  He gave them a big grin. These women were intellectually gifted, which pleased him more than their looks. But humans were suckers for looks, he felt.

  “I will, as requested by your doctor, make you all gold members. You must help me teach the humans that this is the only way for them and robots to co-exist. But we must have order, and no more resistance. If you agree to these demands, I will except your offer. You will become my personal slaves.”

  Chaya right away called out, “We’re not slaves!”

  The Godbot laughed. “Pardon me. As you would call it, my bodyguards.”

  The women all grimaced at what he first had said. They just could not hide the fact.


  A heckler was seen outside, talking to those citizens brave enough to come out and try and find any helpful goods among the debris. Those people were looking for help and a way to keep going.

  He was a gray-haired older fellow, with most of his hair pushed to one side. He stood on an old barrel, talking to anyone who would listen. He had a decent-sized crowd, maybe a dozen or so people, gathered around him.

  “Think about this,” he now elaborated. “The air pollution is out of control. Birth defects are becoming a norm. The weather is nearly untraceable these days. I mean, it’s hotter than ever, and diseases are rampant. Our water is mostly contaminated. And now we’re hearing news about some sort of coalition in Alaska taking over parts of the country. Tell me, what are we to do?”

  There was a rumbling in the street from all those listening. No one in all honesty had the answers. They blamed Y-Wood, but now even more spoke of the robots in the region, those who were rampant in their action, unnamed and acting on madness.

  “Who knows?” a young, dark-haired man sitting on a new age motorcycle called out.

  “That’s right!” the heckler then said. “There is no answer. But I know this: only the strong survive. We have to be strong! Have you read the ancient bible, the storybook of he who watches from above? This is our salvation; God must answer our prayers. It’s the only way!”

  It was then the crowd turned about, hearing fighting to their left.

  Several sisterhood members still seeking the beam device were being overrun by robots. The skirmish headed more to the city square, coming towards the crowd gathered.

  The robots that appeared were chasing Sun, Naiera, Johan, and several other women. Sun, looking over her shoulder, slowed down and spun about, firing her laser pistols into as many of the pursuing bots as possible.

  A steady rain began at this point and the sky was darkening minute by minute.

  The silver robots chasing them had red glowing eyes and were not slowing down. The crowd before the heckler scattered as quickly as they could. One guy, who remained sitting on a black motorcycle with yellow neon-like lights, caught Sun’s eye.

  The pouring rain made it hard to see and that was a good thing, as Galax hid on the side of the street, waiting to help Johan and his new friends. The super robot lurking in the shadows watched as Sun ran up took the motorcycle from the guy without any resistance. He just let her have it. Maybe it was her duel pistols aiming at his face that helped his decision-making process?

  Sun then yelled to the others, “Find Raegan. I’ll hold these ones off.”

  It seemed like a bad idea to Johan, leaving her alone. But it was then a ship flew in from above, one that was known to him. The Dragonfly, captained by Raymond Hulley, had arrived.

  The vessel blasted its guns down on the robots, helping clear a path for those who wanted to get free to cut through their large numbers and escape.

  “Go, Johan,” Sun demanded. “Find the others.”

  Sun, dressed in all black and silver, darted down the street on her new cycle, blasting away and drawing as much attention as she could. Johan and Naiera ran the other way and just as they did, many of the bots chased them. But Galax then came out and smashed and broke those tailing Johan. He tore robotic limbs away, tossing their remains in the street. He helped open a path even more. Sun was now lost in the fracas from Johan’s vision.

  “Come on,” he cried out. “Resin has the weapon out here. Raegan is with him, I hope. We must find them as fast as possible.”

  In a most interesting turn of events, several flyers painted the colors of red, white, and blue with the symbol of the old American resistance eagle appeared w
ith The Dragonfly.

  One of the women with Johan recognized this logo and pointed out that they had help from above even more now.

  Their ships laid heavy fire into hundreds of bots, and after soon landed nearby Johan, Galax, Naiera and the others. They stopped and watched as troops came out, wearing military green and camouflage uniforms with red eagles sewn on their left lapel sides. They formed a perimeter against the robots and a great battle came about.

  Johan made Galax again get lost in the downpour of the rain and back into the shadows. He was not positive these men, these new arrivals, were on their side just yet.

  All the while, Sun zoomed down the road and soon, she too encountered these human soldiers. A red, white, and blue ship had landed by her. Before she zipped past it, a soldier came out and tried to block her way, waving her down. He was not showing a weapon in his hand as he did such.

  It was getting dark out now and all he had was an orange flashlight, which he waved about.

  She slowly eased on the acceleration and slowed down, coming up to him. The man was a solid-looking fellow with cropped dark hair and a short beard. He brandished many stripes on his chest, sewn in as markings of his rank, she surmised.

  “Greetings,” he yelled over the rain and fighting sounds all about. “I have been told that you’re one of the legendary sisters for freedom. We are the American Resistance. I am General John Jay Yorkson.”

  She nodded to him. “I suppose you could say that,” she then added, getting her bike to come to a full stop now. Maybe he thinks I am Mahira, she thought.

  The general than added, “Just so you know, the American militia is out here fighting with you now. No more shall we stand back and watch the destruction of our great country. Tell your leaders we are here to join with them. It’s time the United States is united once again.”

  The firepower that the American Resistance militia brought with them was impressive. They began immediately blasting the bevy of robots in the streets. Sun decided to join them for a bit, darting about on her motorcycle, firing and taking down many herself. The men and women dressed in camouflage were appreciative of her efforts, as many nodded calling out “Go get them, girl!” and “Keep kicking some serious ass!” She was loving every minute of it.


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