Immortal Scars

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Immortal Scars Page 15

by A L Williams

  Gabriel chuckled, circling me. “Did you kill the human?”

  I blinked and then my eyes widened. “No!”

  They narrowed their eyes. “Really?”

  My heart rate increased. “He— he was already sick,” I stammered.

  “Hmm.” They continued to circle me, looking around the room as it dimmed, and the loud crack of thunder drifted in.

  I frowned. “Get out!” I gritted my teeth, the shrieks of the loa shooting through my skull.

  Gabriel moved closer. “Where is the spawn?” they said, their voice cold.

  I bit the inside of my cheek. “None of your business.”

  They smirked, the expression not reaching their eyes. “Are we playing that game?” I clenched my jaw, my stomach churning. Wings ripped from their back, thrashing through the air and sending paper flying. I covered my face as dust and debris kicked up.

  They grimaced. “You don’t belong here, spirit.”

  I glared. “My name is Andrew.”

  They arched their eyebrow, their wings slowing to a flutter. “Delusional, too.” The loa grew louder, making my head throb. I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head. When I opened them, Gabriel lifted off the floor, rushing at me. I yanked my gun from my hip. They shot forward, snapping their wings and shoving me back. I lifted my gun and pulled the trigger. Several shots flew. They blurred and the bullets hit the wall with a loud bang. I clenched my jaw, hearing the sound of people walking down the sidewalk. Gabriel was out for blood, and no one was safe. My stomach twisted. If anyone came over to see what was happening, Gabriel would kill them.

  A wing slapped me, pulling me from my thoughts and knocking me down. My gun fell from my grip. My face stung and I touched it, pulling away blood. “Whatever you want, I’ll do it. Just leave.”

  They landed on their feet, straightening their shirt. “You will come with me.” Laughter drifted in through the window. I nodded, eyeing my gun. I had to keep those people safe. Gabriel approached, kicking my gun away.

  “What do you want with me?”

  “You’re not the one I want dead.” Their eyes flashed and my vision blurred.

  When my it cleared, I looked down, finding my body sprawled on the floor below me.

  Welcome home, brother.


  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Several hours after I arrived at work, Hayley bounced into the shop with several bags and two coffees, almost knocking me over.

  “You hungry?” she said. I regained my balance and nodded. After all the training this morning, I was famished.

  She walked to the counter, unpacking food and sending the scent of eggs, bacon, and pancakes through the air. After she brought over the coffee and food, we leaned against the wall. We ate in silence as the sky rumbled in the distance.

  I sighed. “Thank you.”

  She beamed. “So how are things with sexy cop?”

  My skin warmed. “Good.”

  Hayley arched her brow. “Just good?”

  I laughed. “Fine. More than good.” A wide smile spread across her face.

  She reached over, placing her hand over mine. "I'm glad you made up." My stomach fluttered. “He makes you happy,” she said.

  I smiled. “Yeah.”

  “He must be an amazing fuck.” She snickered.

  I choked on the drink. “Do you have to be so vulgar?”

  She wiggled her eyebrows. “Well, someone has to be! I'm just glad you finally got a cock in your ass.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Who said I bottomed?"

  She glared at me. "You are such a bottom. At least a Vers." She wasn't wrong. I loved fucking him last night. But his cock filled me in the most delicious way. She grinned. “Thinking about his dick aren’t you?”

  I rolled my eyes again. She was too much. My heart warmed as I watched her and her ridiculous faces. We looked at each other and then busted out in childish giggles as lightness settled over me. When the giggling calmed, she peered at me, her eyes sparkling with affection. “I’m glad. You deserve to be happy.”

  I reached over, grabbing her hand and squeezing it again. “You make me happy too. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

  She entwined our fingers. “Die a virgin, probably.” We both broke out in laughter again, the food forgotten.

  My phone rang. “Hello.”

  “Hey,” Ben said with a nervous quality to his voice.

  I pushed off the wall and put my plate down. “Hey.”

  “Have you seen Andrew?” he asked.

  I furrowed my brow. “No. I left his place a few hours ago.”

  “He didn’t show up at work, and he isn’t answering,” he said, the worry in his tone stronger.

  I started pacing around the room. Anxiety twisted in my gut into tight knots. Andrew was missing? Where could he be? I tried to calm my racing heart. I didn’t know him all that well. He could just be busy. “I'll stop by his house,” he said.

  “I’ll meet you there.”

  “Alright. See you,” he replied and ended the call.

  I stared at my phone. Something was wrong. I turned, finding Hayley putting the food back in the bags. She walked over to me. “Let's go. We can finish this later.”

  "It's safer for you to— " I started.

  She glared at me, and I clamped my mouth shut. There was no time to argue. I pressed my speed dial. My father picked up.

  “We need you,” I said, my voice shaky.

  The silence stretched until he spoke. “Where?” I gave him the address.

  We arrived at Andrew’s shortly after, pulling into his driveway. Ben leaned against his car in the driveway. A gust of wind blew past me and when I glanced over, spotting my father folding his wings into his back. He moved closer, his eyes on Ben. “You didn’t tell me you knew one of the far..”

  “Huh?” I said. Anxiety crawled along my skin. I looked between them as they eyed each other.

  Ben smirked. “Never thought I would meet the one that led to us concealing the entrance to the garden.” My father did not respond. They both stood frozen in a silent stare down.

  I balled my fist at my side. “Whatever your problem is, this isn't the time. We need to find him.” I turned and ran to the door.

  Inside, paper was scattered everywhere on the floor and there were several bullet holes in the wall. My body tightened and ached as I raced around the house.

  “Andrew!” The others joined me, searching everywhere. He was nowhere. Returning to the living room, I found Hayley standing with both men beside her.

  I rushed into the kitchen and my father followed, Hayley and Ben trailing behind. It was immaculate. Nothing had been touched. Porcelain tile covered the floor around the cherry wood cabinets and drawers, surrounded by appliances that accented the decor. I moved to the island, spotting words burned into the faux marble.

  Morning Star,

  Return to where your spawn began, or I will send this creature back into the abyss where it belongs.


  I gritted my teeth and my fingers started to tingle. I dashed towards the kitchen door and Hayley blocked me. She grabbed my shoulders. “We have to make a plan.” I trembled in her embrace. She was right. I knew she was, but fear shook me to my core.

  When I looked up. Ben and my father walked over. I turned to my father. “What do we do?”

  He studied me. “You know this is a trap.”

  I balled my hands into fists. “We have to do something. I can’t lose him, too.”

  He frowned as he gazed at me. “Yes.”

  Ben moved closer. “I’m in.”


  Miles of cotton surrounded me, blanketing the land in white. The fluffy balls swayed in the southern winds. I turned and found my mother leaning over, as she plucked fluff from the skeletal stems, the sky gray above her and a haze settling at her feet. As I approached her, she stood up. Her eyes twinkled as she pulled me into a hug. “My boy.” She smiled up at me.<
br />
  “Mom, they took Andrew.” I licked my chapped lips.

  “Face them, and end this.”

  I inhaled her familiar scent. “What if I can’t?” I muttered.

  “You have the strength. You just need to believe.” I clung to her.

  “Boy, you will fail.” I looked up and found Thomas. My mother turned, running towards him. Thomas's fingers curled around her neck. He squeezed and flames engulfed her, her shrieks ringing in my ears. She crumbled to ash at his feet. I gasped and glared at him as he morphed into Gabriel. They stared at me, flames shimmering in their ivory eyes.

  I jolted awake, finding myself pressed to Hayley, my face in her collarbone. It was a dream. The lingering sound of my mother’s scream and Gabriel’s blank stare brought tears to my eyes. I began to shake as I cried against her. Her arms tightened. “Jamie?” Her voice was heavy from sleep.

  I gripped her blouse. “He’s gone.”

  “We’ll bring him home,” she said. She tightened the hug.

  I chewed my lip. “He’s gone because of me.”

  “You have no control over other people’s actions. We’ll figure this out,” she said. “Let’s go eat.”

  “I’m not hungry.” I recoiled, wrapping my arms around myself.

  “You need strength.” She dragged me to my feet, pushing me into the bathroom and closing the door behind me.

  I climbed in the shower and leaned against the shower wall, water streaming down my back. Tears ran down my face, mixing with the heavy spray. Why were they doing this? It couldn’t just be because of my father? It couldn’t be that simple. I looked up at the blade, tucked behind my shampoo and chewed my lip.

  Never again.

  I gritted my teeth and shook my head, my heart sinking in my chest. He was gone and I didn’t even know if he was still alive. I inhaled a deep breath. I couldn’t think like that. I had to save him. I couldn’t let them take him away, too. I wouldn’t. This had to end. Did I have the strength?

  When I got out and dried off, Hayley’s voice drifted through the door. The aroma of coffee spreading through the studio. I walked out of the bathroom to a familiar melody. I crept into the kitchen.

  “Wade in the water. Wade in the water. Children, wade in the water. God's gonna trouble the water. Who's that young girl dressed in red? Wade in the water. Must be the children that Moses led. God's gonna trouble the water. Wade in the water, wade in the water, children. Wade in the water. God's gonna trouble the water,” she sang as I entered the kitchen and my heart beat hard against my chest.

  “Who's that young girl dressed in white? Wade in the water. Must be the children of the Israelite. Oh, God's gonna trouble the water. Wade in the water, wade in the water, children. Wade in the water. God's gonna trouble the water. Who's that young girl dressed in blue? Wade in the water. Must be the children that's coming through.” Her hips swayed to the beat in her head.

  “God's gonna trouble the water, yeah. Wade in the water, wade in the water, children. Wade in the water. God's gonna trouble the water. You don't believe I've been redeemed. Wade in the water. Just see the Holy Ghost looking for me. God's gonna trouble the water. Wade in the water, wade in the water, children. Wade in the water. God's gonna trouble the water.” She ended the song on a low note and turned.

  She peered at me and her eyes widened. “I’ve known you for two years and I didn’t know you had a voice like that,”

  She glanced down. “I don’t sing often.”

  I exhaled a shaky breath. "Mama used to sing that to me."

  She smiled. "She had good taste."

  I came up, hugging her close from behind. “You should sing more.”

  I put my chin on top of her head, listening to the hum of the air conditioner and the sizzle of the frying pan. We stayed like that until Hayley turned. She stared up at me with a determined expression. “It will be okay.”

  My eyes watered. "I-"

  She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me down, resting her chin on my shoulder. I squeezed my eyes shut as a single tear trailed down my face.

  “We’ll find him,” she said.

  She carried plates to the table and my father appeared, cradled in his wings. He walked over and placed his hand on my shoulder, squeezing it ever so slightly. “Lucy, you want some?” Hayley popped a piece of bacon in her mouth.

  He ignored her. “Steven wishes to speak with you.” She huffed. I stood up and put on my shoes.

  She stood and walked over to the bed, grabbing hers. I tensed. “This is too dangerous,”

  “I’m coming.” She plopped on the bed.

  “Hayley— ” I started.

  “I’m coming.” She slid her shoes on.

  My shoulders shook. “I can’t risk losing you, too.”

  Hayley walked over to me, pulling my face between her hands. “I’m not that easy to get rid of.” I took a deep breath.

  I turned to my father. “Ready.” He approached, stopping between us and stretching his wings over us.


  When we appeared in Steven’s house, he was lounging in a chair with his legs stretched out on the table. Steven looked at us with a grin. “Long time no see.” He jumped to his feet and sauntered over, stopping in front of Hayley. “My lady.” He kissed her hand with a dramatic bow, and she giggled.

  “Well, hello to you, too,” she said.

  I narrowed my eyes. “He's too old for you.”

  She shrugged. “Age is just a number. Well, unless you’re dead. Not into necrophilia,” she cringed. I shook my head.

  “I’ll have you know, boy. This old man can still work it.” He swayed his hips. Hayley and I chuckled. “That's better.” He walked up to me. “I’m sorry about your— ?” Warmth spread through my face.

  What was he to me?

  I glanced to the side. “My boyfriend.” I glanced back, finding Steven and Hayley grinning at me.

  My father glared. “Can we focus on the current issue?”

  I cleared my throat. “What did you want to show us?”

  Steven smirked. “I did a bit of dream walking the other day. Found my way inside Gabriel.”

  My father moved closer. “I’m surprised you could get through their barriers?”

  “It was easy. Their mind is clouded by rage and bitterness.” He sat down in a chair. “It comes from a deeper wound then just jealousy.”

  Hayley crossed her arms. “What’s the point? Whatever their reason is, that doesn’t entitle them to hurt people.”

  “You’re right. It’s not okay, but pain is valid, young lady.” His eyes started to glow red, burning bright. I nodded and sat in the chair across from him.

  The room went dark, everything fading away. We found ourselves in a garden. A parade of color swayed with the warm breeze. Laughter drifted through the air and I turned, following the sound. Gabriel sat in a field surrounded by flowers with a woman leaning against them and she giggled as her raven hair shimmered blue in the sun. “I love you,” they said, capturing her lips with theirs. Gabriel kissed her until they withdrew with a heavy breath.

  The woman's eyes sparkled. “Always?” They nodded with a soft smile, pulling her back in for another kiss. A flash of light broke from the sky. When it vanished, only the woman remained Gabriel nowhere in sight. Raged burned behind her lashes, the once plentiful garden turning to ash. Darkness swallowed everything.

  The massive hall of heaven appeared with Gabriel kneeling at God’s feet, they stared down at the floor. Their body was stiff and alert.

  God glared down. “She is not for you.”

  Gabriel flinched. “But he— ”

  “You question me, child?” he said.

  Gabriel slumped, balling their hands into fists. “No, Father.”

  “You will not return to the garden.” God lifted his hand and Gabriel’s massive wings began to glow, shrinking to the size they were now before our eyes.

  God walked off into the clouds and Gabriel shook.

  The scene change
d again, to angels gathered around God with Gabriel standing at his side. I glanced at my father who had tensed. I turned back and Gabriel turned to God. “Father, Lucifer betrayed you. Why didn’t you end him?” they asked.

  God’s features softened. “This was enough.”

  Gabriel frowned. “But his wings…”

  God shot them a hard look and they clamped their mouth shut. God turned and vanished, followed by the other angels. Gabriel grimaced and their eyes burned hot.

  Everything faded to black and we were back in Steven’s kitchen.

  I turned to my father who stared at where Gabriel had been, his brows furrowed. I turned to Steven. “God separated them?”

  He nodded. “Their anger runs deep. They lost her and their full power, and as far as they are concerned, Lucifer got off easy.” Steven chuckled, shaking his head. “Foolish angel.”

  “I did not know…” my father said.

  Steven looked at him. “This is not about you. Not really. Their pain is clouding their judgement. All they know is you were spared.”

  My father ran his hand along his chest. “They…”

  Steven stood, approaching me. “You represent everything that they could have had. You were conceived in love.” I furrowed my brow. I could relate. I spent my whole life thinking about what I had lost. The anger and confusion on Gabriel’s face flashed in my mind. Maybe we were more alike than I realized.

  Pulling myself to my feet, I pushed that thought away. “This needs to end.”

  Steven grinned. “Road trip! Well, for you three. I’m more of a lover.” He winked.

  I walked over to my father. “We need to train.” He nodded. I wanted to go to Andrew, but if I am not ready, we will all die.

  I glanced at Hayley, who hadn’t made a sound. She stared down at the floor, with a deep frown. I moved over to her. Are you alright?” She blinked and looked at me, Her eyes flickered with confusion, but she smiled. “Yeah. I’m fine.” I rubbed her arm and turned back to the Seer.

  His expression hardened. “Gabriel is the messenger of the divine and the guardian of dreams. Do not let them into your head. Be well.”


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