The Hamam Diaries Continued

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The Hamam Diaries Continued Page 1

by Sebastian J Stone

  The Hamam Diaries Continued

  Three years in the life of

  Sebastian J. Stone


  The Autobiography of Sebastian J. Stone

  All names are changed and places unspecified









  I dedicate this book to all young men who are not sure which way to turn


  I visited the park late last night. I wanted the solitude to savor the memory of massaging Sylvan, a golden boy discovering his own sensuality. A forty-five-year-old Albanian rent boy tried offering his services. He was short and funny and for fifty euros would do anything I wanted. He got his hard-little dick out and amused I said, ‘that’s not worth fifty.’ I gave him five euro for wasting his time and escaped.


  August 20, 2008

  Today I massaged a particularly unattractive American boy. He seemed nervous so I remained distant and professional. I massaged slightly above his knees and full of fear he exclaimed, ‘Don’t you go touching my private parts.’ I gave him a look of shocked incredulity and said ‘I’m faced with private parts all day and every day, I’m hardly lightly to go touching them.’ After a pause, he added, ‘That’s for my girlfriend.’ The thought, ‘poor girl’ came to mind but I said nothing.

  Then he said, ‘Excuse me, I’ve just released gas.’ Out of consideration I pretended to be deaf and stayed well below his knees and above his naval. He gave me a one euro tip, I’m not sure if it was compensation for being denied access to his dick or an apology for the fart?

  Vangelis, who instigated the services in the Hamam including massage, soft drinks and towels (for personal gain) is getting less than honest. I can’t make him understand that I must know how much he has charged, so I can give value for their money. He has started wording the information on charges in such a way that some people pay him twice for the massage and he says nothing. The whole package of entry fee and massage is 10 euros and many people pay him 15 euros. His answer to my concern is the same as that of the shop keepers who cheat. He said, “So what? They won’t come back.” Well, that’s for sure.

  I think Vangelis paid me a compliment today. He suggested making another baby especially for me. I replied, ‘If you like I can make my own.’ He thought my age could be a problem apart from my sexual inclinations, but then he exclaimed, ‘with my wife?’ To defuse the situation I pointed out my more obvious genetic advantages but he was not amused. He once wanted to adopt me. I think he’s trying various ploys to persuade me to leave him my money. The compliment was that he thinks I would make an excellent father or something.

  August 21, 2008:

  I asked Vangelis if he’d managed to make me a baby last night, but the subject seems to be out of favor. It’s been a busy day, I saw several perfect dicks. One Spaniard was particularly fine; I gave him a good massage but half way through he made an excuse and went to play with a handsome Italian in the hot room. I caught a brief glimpse of them washing one another’s dicks. I had tried to arouse some degree of sexual awareness but detected no hint of interest. I felt cheated. He obviously thought that he was wasting time. He should have been more patient.

  One fairly disgusting straight American Greek with fine eyes and a tiny dick wanted to discuss my job. I told him about the straight guys having spontaneous orgasms and shooting their load everywhere; something that has never happened to gays in my experience. I was amusing myself at his expense and noticed that his tiny dick is rigid and he was breathing heavily. He indicated that I could feel his dick and I complied. He was very sensitive to the slightest pressure while maintaining constant eye contact.

  We didn’t continue exploring his curiosity; it had been an experience that was complete and he wanted to talk. He confided his awareness that, “some guys are good looking” and he is also very curious about “Sex with mixed couples.” He said that he’d just had his first ever gay experience and found it exciting.

  Then I massaged a very striking and muscular Greek lady boy. He was short of time so I had some fun at his expense. I gave him a vigorous even painful massage, forcing him into various contortions and by avoiding his stiff dick I drove him crazy. I scrubbed and massaged his ass enthusiastically and, after rinsing him down with hot water I forced his legs wide apart and from a great height dribbled hot water onto his asshole. He was sorry that he had to leave and departed with his persistent erection. His very masculine appearance was at odds, even incongruous with his manner.

  The last massage was a disturbingly thin effeminate man from Athens with a huge dick. Dicks look bigger on thin boney bodies. He was sexually excited but his dick remained flaccid. For my amusement, I gave him a deep searching massage causing him considerable pain. He was obsessed with having his legs forced apart or stretched up over his body and his feet pushed down to the floor behind his head. I sat on his ass and putting one arm around his neck I pulled him back into agonizing fucking positions. I left him gasping on the heated floor. If he ever tries another massage he will be disappointed. I had forced him into all the contorted sexual positions I could think of, with no hint of sex.

  Outside the Hamam I got into conversation with a nice short Greek boy. I promised to massage him if he returned. He seemed interested but Vangelis over heard me and was not pleased. ‘Sebastian he will pay me, I am not doing this for fun, but come and look what I’ve got waiting for you.’

  In the cool room, I found standing, a tall very slim man darkly tanned all over. He’s French and about 28. He must be the most beautiful man I have ever seen. His beauty is linear like Egyptian art not sensual like Greek or renaissance art.

  Looking at his long lean body, his long legs and neck, he must be seven feet tall but proportion is misleading. Our perceptions are easily deceived. His height is probably five feet eleven inches. People, six feet or over can look gross or attenuated. The line sweeping down from his wide shoulders to the narrowest part of his torso and out again over the curve of his thighs was pure and uninterrupted. He knows of his perfection because he wore a loose chain around the narrowest part of his body across his iliac crests. The slightest movement revealed the structure and the formation of every muscle and bone, but there was no exaggeration or anything as vulgar as a ‘six pack.’

  Once horizontal I could study him at my leisure, his dick was big and perfect, his hands and feet long and exquisite. He has the body of a dancer and the face of a Gautier model. The French are a brown race; his eyes are not luminous but the soft brown of tree bark and his hair dark brown not black. Sports men can never achieve such perfection only the arts can create such beauty. His body felt resilient and his skin was tight. I tested his willingness for me explore his sensuality but I got no obvious invitation.

  I was not eager to make love to this man because his beauty made him sacrosanct and I feared being mortified if rejected. Or, if I had explored his sexuality even buried my face in his ass, I would have ached with love and desolation. He accepted a very good and searching massage gratefully. I sensed that he would not have objected to some sensual exploration because he is happy and at peace with himself and his body.

  I was continually amazed by his perfection, the narrowness and length of his skeleton and the depth of his well-toned muscle. It seemed that I could have spanned his waist with my hands but not his thighs. His dick remained fully engorged the whole time but there was no hint of arousal or invitation.
r />   ‘Actor?’ I asked.

  ‘No, model’

  ‘I thought you might be a dancer.’

  ‘I was, but now I live in China’.

  ‘What is China like’?


  I watched him leave; he joined his girlfriend in a bar opposite the Hamam. I felt bereft but grateful for having encountered such a remarkably beautiful man; such men are beyond reach, like trying to hold a sunset or own a work of art, I felt privileged to have breathed the air that surrounded him.

  August 22, 2008

  It was a very busy day, so busy that Vangelis asked Stavros to help. (Stavros is a regular nuisance) There was a party of American gays and one of them was so upset at getting Stavros that I promised him a second massage, if I had the time. He was a fine specimen of about 45. I caught his stiff dick by chance and he went into ecstasy, so I covered my hands with shampoo and took hold of his dick and balls with my fingers near his ass. He must have been in an advanced state of arousal because he had an immediate orgasm but asked me to carry on.

  I gave him a full body massage and an extensive prolonged sexual arousal. I held him on the brink of a second orgasm slowing up imperceptibly and just holding his dick as his body shook with spasms crying out for release. I brought him to this point many times before eventually maintaining the same rhythm bringing him to a second ejaculation. Standing, he gazed into my eyes shaking his head in disbelief.

  ‘Are your orgasms always that violent?’

  ‘Yes, but nothing like that’.

  Today I discovered the origin of Vangelis’s financial problems. He owes the bank over fifteen thousand euros. Greeks seem to have little grasped of the nature of money. He still indulges his family and they don’t know that he is in debt. I told him that he must be honest because he is creating problems for his sons in later life. I said, “They have to understand that money is limited and they can’t always have what they want.” Vangelis knew I was right but Greeks are proud. He will continue getting deeper into debt. He has to be seen as an indulgent Father. He is hoping my hard work and his cheating will be his salvation. Vangelis is intent on buying both his sons new and very expensive computers. I told him that I did not agree with computers in education, and if misused they will waste his son’s lives. Vangelis replied, ‘but Sebastian they must have them for school.’

  August 23, 2008

  Despite our discussion yesterday Vangelis seems convinced that if he keeps spending money, he will somehow come out the winner. Greeks cannot grasp the fact that loans and debts must be repaid and in addition there are charges. Perhaps it is deep in Greek psyche that loans need not be paid because one Greek philosopher stated that the thief probably needs the money more than the victim. This concept comes up in all conversations with Greeks regarding my predicament with John. (The Greek who conned me out of my life’s savings)

  In 2000 John, contrived a false document that stated he had returned a business loan of 60,000 pounds. In answer to the Greek belief that theft is valid, my money was saved to guarantee my independence in old age but John embezzled the whole loan as he got it. Greece has been an occupied country for centuries so ultimately they have never been responsible and non-cooperation is one form of passive rebellion. Greece is now a member of the European Union but hardly eligible, I understand that they borrowed money from Russia to qualify to join, and that was one debt they repaid. Their dishonesty is traditional, hence the phrase, ‘Never trust Greeks bearing gifts’. One gift shop was called ‘MY FRIEND’. If a Greek refers to anybody as ‘my friend’ he already has his hand in his pocket.

  After closing time two Greek boys in their early teens arrived, they were elongated well-muscled, broad shouldered and had prominent round asses. They were beautiful, slim hipped, long leg and probably about 15. The first boy laid down saying ‘I am so tired’ stretching full length on the floor, his legs apart. I gave him a vigorous and sensual massage satisfying all his needs both physical and emotional, with no hint of sex.

  The second boy was more sensual, stretching and groaning but his dick did not progress beyond thick and heavy. I gave him a similar very vigorous and sensual massage. They both came for sex but left happy and satisfied with their innocence intact. I was amused and happy; these two boys still had a future of exploration and discovery ahead of them. It was Savas who told me that Greek boys have their sexual crises at 15, European boys at 20. (Saves is an older educated man I meet in the park)

  I have a new English friend who has created a very beautiful hotel from a ruin. I massaged her Indian son many weeks ago and he came to find me and asked if I would like to meet his mother. I had a vision of something smooth and coffee colored in a pink silk, but was introduced to a tall elegant English lady who had once been a beauty. Her son is adopted. Claire saw her and remarked “You look alike apart from the beard, but she probably shaves.” (Claire is my friend, she introduced me to John)

  I passed Claire’s remark onto Panni who puzzled me by answering “How would she know that?” It was several days before I realized that Panni presumed that Claire meant ‘Shaves her Minge.’ Panni never comprehends anything and she makes everything sexual. When I mentioned in conversation, that in Europe and America, a high percentage of homosexual men are either celibate or married; Panni presumed I meant, married to one another. She is too clever to see the obvious and so busy thinking laterally that always misses the point. She is doomed to a life of confusion down cul-de-sacs. (Panni is an American Greek and my translator).

  I once told Panni a funny story based on language. “In some ancient Christian monastery specializing in copying ancient books and documents, one young monk suggested they should refer to the original and not keep on copying copies. The abbot in charge went to check one original book in the archives. He was gone a long time and returned looking very distressed. When asked, what is the problem? He replied, “Our lord said, celebrate not celibate” and Panni replied, ‘Yes it’s absolutely true but what is the point of the story?’ I pointed out the various obsessions with celibacy and the Christian clergy but Panni was still confused. I would have thought that word play and Christian guilt would have appealed to her. She has problems paying attention, as well as understanding.

  August 24, 2008

  Last night, I went to see ‘Mama Mia’ it nearly killed me, I spent the whole night with my fingers in my ears. I didn’t think it could get worse, but it did and o left. I once walked out of a film about girls waiting for their boyfriend to call on their mobiles. The audience loved it but I left after ten minutes, it was banal beyond tolerance. I am told that Chinese girls keep their cell phones up their minges in case their boyfriends call, at least that’s amusing.

  This morning, I massaged a very handsome man from northern Greece, tall, long legged with a vertical spine and a prominent round ass. His ribcage and hips were narrow, his shoulders broad and encased in deep resilient muscle. I asked him to lie on his stomach in the cool room and he obliged, spreading his legs wide. I was free to explore and pleasure this man without pretenses or restraint. I washed his anus with a sponge and enjoyed exploring his genitals from behind. I relished the round mountains of his ass and muscular thighs.

  He turned over and I spent time enjoying the sight of this exceedingly handsome man. He closed his eyes, giving me the freedom to explore at my will. I found him sensitive, intuitive and charming. I massaged him with open erotic intent and brought him close to orgasm many times. I avoided a prolonged stimulation of his dick, balls and ass, letting his arousal subside repeatedly. I pushed his sensitivity to points of deep relaxation.

  Then applying shampoo to his genitals I began a new innovative and progressive gentle arousal. His dick was hard with a resilient outer layer, the skin perfect and tight. With one hand cupping his balls my fingertips against his asshole I began to slowly arouse the whole length of his dick with forefinger and thumb. Then with finger tips only I manipulated the skin on his dick back and forth gradually, raising his se
nsitivity until his dick became rock hard. By gradually decreasing my pressure but increasing the rhythm he abandoned himself to my control and extreme sexual pleasure. His dick being the sole focus of our attention it felt like a generator bursting with energy. His asshole welcomed four finger tips as he hovered on the brink of orgasm.

  Eventually, I increased my rhythm imperceptibly and his asshole griped my fingers as his orgasm exploded. He held my eyes as I eased every trace of sperm from his balls and dick. His dick remained rigid and we did not move for a long time. I held his dick cupping his balls until his erection eventually subsided. Vangelis announced a new client from the doorway and once his back was turned, we exchanged a moment of shared appreciation. I kissed his dick and left.

  During the day, I massage a very tense and worried eastern fairy. ‘You need to relax’ I said, and he replied full of panic ‘NO, NO’ I think he thought I said, ‘You need sex.’ I also massaged a very beautiful French boy who left in a daze of sensual heaven. I hope his girlfriend doesn’t give him hell.

  This afternoon the very beautiful golden boy returned. ‘Hello Sylvan’ he smiled back at me, ‘You remembered my name. I am sorry I couldn’t come sooner and we leave tomorrow.’ I made no pretense at a professional or therapeutic massage but went directly into making sensual love to him but nothing of a sexual nature. I took great care to avoid anything that might destroy our mutual bond of trust. He moved quickly into a state of relaxation and I continued as before, gradually increasing his sensitivity to levels of pleasure approaching ecstasy and states of sublimity.


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