The Wolves of Freydis

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The Wolves of Freydis Page 38

by J C Ryan

  The Attorney General nodded.

  “Next I want you to work with the Director of the FBI. Get ahold of a judge and get a warrant to search the houses of Dwayne Miller and Nate Gordon as well as the CRS offices. Take everyone you find on those premises into custody and hold them for questioning.”

  Kate and the Director of the FBI nodded.

  “Okay, you two are excused. Get busy and keep Bill and me posted.”

  When they had left, the President looked at the Secretary of Homeland Security, “I want you to change the Vice President’s protection detail. Select men and women who have never worked for him before. Do I need to explain more, or do you understand what I have in mind?”

  “It’s crystal clear sir, no further explanation required,” the Secretary grinned.

  “Good. Thank you. I suggest you go and work out the new protection detail while we carry on with the meeting.”

  When the Secretary of Homeland Security had left, the President turned to the Marine Corps General and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, John Crawford. “John, as soon as the Vice President tells us what we want to know, I want you to take these four men,” he pointed to Bill, James, Carter, and Sean, “and come up with a plan to extract Dr. Devereux and her son from wherever they are being held. I suggest you start thinking about who else you might need for the planning.”

  “Yes, sir,” General Crawford replied.

  Next the President turned to the Secretary of State, Joshua Bartlet. “Josh, based on the information we currently have, I’m speculating that Dr. Devereux and her son are held in Saudi Arabia. We already know that Ibrahimi El Fadl, the deputy director of the General Intelligence Presidency of Saudi Arabia is involved in this; what we don’t know is who else in their government is involved. My suggestion is you start working on scenarios because there sure as hell are going to be political repercussions to deal with when this is all over.”

  “Yes sir, I’ll get on it right away,” Joshua Bartlet answered.

  “The challenge for you, Josh, is that you can’t talk to the Saudi’s under any circumstances; none of them. For now, you treat them all as if they are suspects.”

  Bartlet nodded, “Understood sir, I agree.” He got up and left.

  Those remaining in the room with the President and his Chief of Staff were Bill, General John Crawford, Carter, James, and Sean.

  The President was looking grim as was everyone else. “How did it come to this?” The President asked to no one in particular. “How did the Vice President, and if the polls are to be believed, and may God forbid, the next President of the United Sates, become so utterly corrupt and evil? And right under my nose. How did he slip through the security network? How did -” The President fell into his chair for the first time since he walked into the Situation Room. Placing his elbows on the table, he dropped his face into his hands and mumbled a few inaudible words before looking up again.

  “Sam, how do you want to handle the situation when the Vice President arrives? Do you want to have a one-on-one with him or…”

  “No Bill,” The President interjected, “if you leave me alone with him for longer than a minute, I’ll be the first President in history to be guilty of murder. No; I’m going to bring him in here, and we are going to talk to him.”

  Bill nodded. “I suggest we get ourselves something to eat and drink, stretch our legs, and then discuss our strategy.”

  “Good idea, let’s do that,” The President agreed.

  By the time the Vice President’s plane touched down in DC, the Attorney General and the Director of the FBI were back in the Situation Room.

  The Director of the FBI gave the President an update; they had obtained the warrant from the judge, sent out SWAT teams to the houses of Dwayne Miller and Nate Gordon as well as the CRS offices. Everyone found on the premises were in custody and being questioned. All files and computer equipment were confiscated, all phone lines were blocked and cellphones seized

  The Attorney General was next. “Sir, I’m afraid there’s not much that you can do. There are no loopholes we can exploit. All you can do is, as you have said; send him home, and in this case, home means California. But he remains the Vice President until Congress and the Senate vote to remove him. As you know, we can impeach him etcetera, but I know that’s not what’s required now.”

  “Thank you, Kate. I was ever hopeful there would be some obscure rule somewhere I could use,” The President said. “Just one more question. Is there anything in the rules that prevents the Secretary of Homeland Security from assigning a new secret service protection detail to the Vice President?”

  “No sir,” Kate smiled as she realized what the President had in mind. “The protection of the President and Vice President is the responsibility of the Secret Service, which is part of Homeland Security. Therefore, the Secretary of Homeland Security has sole responsibility and authority.”

  “Thank you, Kate. I would like you and the Director of the FBI to stay for the meeting with the Vice President.”

  They nodded, “Yes, sir.”

  The President leaned over to the Chief of Staff. “Can you contact the Secretary of Homeland Security and make the necessary arrangements?”

  “Sure,” Dan nodded and left.

  Chapter 56 -

  The final link in the chain

  The Vice President’s motorcade roared to a halt, and he watched the Secret Service jumping into action. His limousine door opened, and he stepped out smiling broadly. He was taller than all of his agents except for one, and he made a mental note to have the tall agent removed from his detail.

  The Vice President was his usual aloof self when he and his Secret Service protection detail walked into the White House. He didn’t pay much attention to anyone or anything around him. His mind was focused on the election and the polls which showed he had a very comfortable 25% lead over his nearest rival.

  Just a few more months and I will be known as Mr. President around here, he thought smugly to himself. He was escorted to the Situation Room and when he entered and saw the people already gathered there he was a bit confused. This is a strange collection of people. He knew all the senior officials; he just didn’t know what business they had in a meeting about national security, which is what he expected the meeting to be about. He paused again when he recognized Carter, James, and Sean Walker and for a second thought about their presence.

  “Have a seat, George,” The President said curtly pointing to the vacant chair next to Sean.

  The fact that the President didn’t welcome him was lost on the Vice President, whose mind was still in campaign mode. He sat, placing his briefcase on the floor next to him, and then looked at the President.

  “George, there is no easy way to say this. I will try and keep it as brief and as civilized as possible,” The President started.

  The Vice President detected the distress in the President’s voice and sat up.

  “What’s up?” he asked feigning concern.

  “Early this morning these four men,” the President pointed to Bill, James, Carter, and Sean, “turned up on my doorstep and shared some very upsetting information with me. They told me that you have been leaking top secret information to the Saudis.”

  “And you believed them?” Robertson snapped.

  “George, my suggestion is that you say as little as humanly possible. I don’t know why I’m even giving you good advice. So please remain quiet and listen carefully.”

  Robertson didn’t reply; he pressed his lips together and stared at the table.

  “I’ve been listening to a few short audio clips of your meetings with Nate Gordon, one of the directors of Competitive Response Solutions. I’m told there are many more audio clips that I haven’t heard yet, all with your voice on them George.

  “I have also been given a verbal summary of Gordon’s testimony as well as the testimony of Dwayne Miller, the CEO of Competitive Response Solutions.

  “George, the evidence against you is no
t only overwhelming; it is damning.”

  Robertson was shocked at the amount of information that had been discovered, but he wasn’t going to let that stop him. I’ve got to get out of here and do some heavy damage control, quickly.

  “Stop! I don’t have to listen to this madness! You may think you have something on me, but you don’t know jack shit about anything. Even if you think you’ve got proof, there’s next to nothing you can do about it. I’d think very carefully if I were you, Sam before you go any further.”

  “Shut up, George, and listen!”

  “Have you lost your mind? I’m the Vice President; I don’t even work for you. You can’t order me to do a damn thing. You can’t touch me, and you know it. If I am accused of something Sam, you know what you have to do.” He grabbed his briefcase and got up. “Excuse me; I’m out of here.”

  When Robertson turned toward the door, he found Sean standing in front of him; he had just enough time to catch a glimpse of Sean’s eyes before he felt the fingers of Sean’s right hand tightening around his throat.

  Sean leaned close to him and whispered very softly, “Sit down asshole, the President of the United Sates is talking to you. And please don’t interrupt him again, it’s very rude.”

  The look in Sean’s eyes and the inability to breathe had a very persuasive effect on Robertson and he sunk back into his chair.

  “I’m glad you’ve decided to stay George,” The President continued as if nothing had happened. “As I was saying, the evidence against you is damning, it’s atrocious, to say the least. You are responsible for the killing of 23 people, the wounding of 60 more, and the abduction of Dr. Devereux and her six-year-old son. And that, George, is only what we have discovered the last 48 hours. I’m sure we will find a great deal more.”

  “You can’t tie any of that to me.”

  “On the contrary, we already have. You, Mr. Vice President of the United States, have blood on your hands; the blood of innocent people.”

  “Fuck you, Samuel Grant! I…”

  Sean grabbed Robertson’s wrist and gave it a sharp, painful, twist and leaned closer to him whispering, “I told you to mind your manners. I suggest you now shut the fuck up, or I will break your wrist to start with.”

  Robertson glared at Sean but went quiet again.

  The President continued, “George, I can keep on going but I guess this will all come out during your treason and murder trial, so I’m not going to waste any more time on it. I have a few questions for you, and then we will discuss your political future.”

  Robertson didn’t reply.

  “First question; who are your contacts in Saudi Arabia?”

  “Go fuck yourself,” Robertson replied.

  A snap was heard in the room, followed by a yell of anguish, “You Son of a Bitch! I’ll have you up on assault charges.”

  “I did warn you, asshole,” Sean said, “next time I suggest you listen.”

  “Second question; where are Dr. Devereux and her son being held?”

  Robertson looked defiantly at The President, tightened his jaw, and shook his head. “You have no idea who you are dealing with,” he said through clenched teeth.

  Sean got up and swung Robertson’s chair so that he faced him and leaned toward him. “No; it is you that has no idea who you are dealing with,” he said menacingly.

  Robertson tried to take a swing at Sean, but he saw it coming a mile away, swiped the striking arm away and hit Robertson in the solar plexus. The next thing Robertson knew he found himself lying on the ground clutching his stomach and dry retching.

  Everyone in the situation room froze, and then looked to The President. He sat motionless, staring at the table in front of him as if nothing was happening. The rest of the people looked at each other, shrugged, and followed the President’s cue; they stared at the table in front of them in silent agreement - let Sean handle the situation as he saw fit.

  “Where are they, George?” The President asked again when Robertson stopped groaning.

  “Didn’t you hear about the bombing in Jerusalem? They’re dead.”

  That was too much for Carter. There was a blur of motion as Carter jumped up and moved around the table toward Robertson. “Where are they?” he yelled.

  James sprang after Carter, grabbing hold of his arm to intervene before he got his hands on the man responsible for the devastating events in his recent life.

  “Easy, Carter,” Sean said as he and James pulled him back from the man writhing on the floor.

  Carter’s eyes were wild. “He knows where they are. I’ll beat it out of him even if I have to kill him in the process,” he said struggling to get at the Veep. “I’ll kill him,” he hissed.

  “Attention, soldier,” Sean commanded. Carter stopped struggling and looked at him, then nodded his head as he relaxed, indicating he had himself under control again.

  Turning back to Robertson, Sean pulled him off the floor and twisted his left arm behind his back. “Where are Mackenzie and Liam?”

  Robertson shook his head.

  Sean jerked Robertson’s arm up toward the back of his head in a quick move, and a sickening, dull, snap was heard as the shoulder dislocated.

  Robertson screamed, “Mecca! They’re in Mecca! Oh my God! Stop! Please Stop!”

  As soon as Sean released his arm Robertson sank to the floor writhing again, swearing into the carpet, but this time, it wasn’t directed at anyone, it was from pain.

  Once Robertson had settled down, Sean helped him off the floor and pushed him into his seat. “Start talking. Be clear. Don’t hold anything back. Or I will do the same to your other arm and then your knees.”

  Robertson’s mind searched briefly for a way out, an escape, anything, but there was nothing; all that remained was the tornado of fear and pain raging in the deserted hallways of his mind. He hung his head in defeat and sighed as he felt his future slip out of his hands, never to be regained. “What do you want to know?” the broken man asked softly.

  “Who are your contacts in Saudi Arabia?” The President asked again, “and where exactly are Dr. Devereux and her son?”

  Robertson looked up at the ceiling and started talking, his voice trembling and croaky. “The top person and most important contact is Xavier Algosaibi,” He breathed. “Dr. Devereux and her son are being held at the Institute of Scientific Research and Development, located about six miles south of Mecca, in the Jabal Thawr Mountains.”

  “Who else in my administration is involved in this cabal of yours?”

  “No one else in your administration is involved. I’m the only one.”

  The President swallowed, took a deep breath, and asked, “Why George?”

  Robertson slowly shook his head. “You will never understand, Sam. You’ve never lived in the Middle East as I did. You don’t understand them the way I do. You and everyone else - ah, just forget about it - it doesn’t matter anymore – “

  The President nodded. “I’m not sure I want to know. Now listen carefully. Here is how we’re going to untangle this mess. You are going to have an incapacitating stroke in the next hour; you will be placed in intensive care at a secured facility, and your campaign will be suspended immediately. Once Dr. Devereux and her son are safely back in America, your condition will improve slightly, and you will resign immediately. Any questions?”

  “What happens after that?”

  “I have no idea George,” The President shrugged. “I suggest you get yourself a good lawyer, one way or another you’ll make history, but I’m sure it’s not going to be something to be proud of.”

  Chapter 57 -

  Tell me that! Where is he?

  Mackenzie turned over in her narrow bunk and pulled the blanket over her head.

  Not another day. Please God, not another day; I’ve had enough.

  She curled tighter and tried to go back to sleep, but she knew that once she was awake it wouldn’t happen. It was only sheer exhaustion that allowed her some respite nowadays.

  Her breasts were overflowing with milk and in minutes, she would have to get up to change and feed Beth.

  Do you know God; if it weren’t for my children I’d have joined You months ago? I don’t know how to go on; only they are keeping me alive now. Carter doesn’t know we are alive; I know he doesn’t, God; if he did he’d be here by now.

  She turned over and pulled the blanket tighter trying to shut out her awareness of the impending day. How is it that I was blessed with a brain and the ability to use it, just to end up in this dump of a place working for the enemy?

  Suddenly, tears rolled onto her pillow; it was a common happening lately. God, are you really there? Sometimes I wonder if you are. Maybe this truly is a God forsaken place. She turned over again and sat up, giving up the fight for further sleep. It never happens anyway; I can only sleep when I’m too tired to keep my eyes open.

  She sighed, as Seema appeared in the doorway, the doorway that could not be locked for privacy. There was nowhere she could find to be truly alone, not ever. “Oh for God’s sake, go away and leave me alone,” she muttered quietly.

  Beth made a small sound, and it was with relief that Mackenzie was able to turn to her instead of having to face Seema. Even Seema, who had really tried to relieve Mackenzie’s plight, was not welcome today. Mackenzie wanted to be alone to do nothing; she wanted just to sit, stare into space, and be.

  That’ll never happen again. She thought to herself as she lifted the baby, changed her, and then opened the front of her nightgown to feed her.

  Liam appeared in the doorway from his small cubicle next door; he was sleepy and pale, her heart reached out to him. Poor little boy, where’s his father, God? Tell me that! Where is he? Liam needs him; I’m not enough on my own, and how often do we get to spend time together anymore anyway?

  Beth nuzzled her, and the tiny starfish hands reached out to pummel at her breast; her heart melted with the love she felt for the little girl. Look at her God; she’s beautiful, how can You allow us to be trapped here forever? She needs the sun too. Grief swept over her, almost overwhelming her, grief at all she’d lost; the grief that she’d never be able to give the children what they both so desperately needed, sunshine, fresh air and a proper home – Freydis.


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