The Devil's Heart

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The Devil's Heart Page 8

by Candace Osmond

  “Ha! There!” I blurted out like a crazy person. But the pointy tip of the sword pressed harder against my skin, so I told myself to calm down. “The rats. They’re eating it. Just wait. If they die, then you’ll know.”

  The men looked down at the rodents feasting on the poisoned food, unaware that the cook began to back away toward the ladder. Where did he think he could run? Within a few seconds, the one that took the first nibble began acting strange, a coughing sound erupting from its belly. It keeled over, its death quick and swift, and a resounding gasp made its way around the room. Captain Barrett looked to Alfred.

  “Alfred,” he said, sadness in his eyes. “Why?” The cook said nothing in reply and turned to scamper up the ladder. “Seize him!”

  Finn leaped across the room like a redheaded giant and grabbed a hold of the man, yanking him down from the ladder and pinning him to the floor. “What do we do with him, captain?”

  Devil Eyes looked to me, a strange mix of emotions shimmered across his face. Regret. Anger. Something else. “Death is the only answer for this treason. Tie him up and bring him on deck.”

  Everything happened so fast, I’d barely had a chance to process my thoughts. I saved a man’s life, but I damned another one to death and still didn’t save myself. The crew of The Devil’s Heart was still on course to find the Cobhams and kill them, inadvertently ending my entire lineage and sentencing me to a death I had no idea how to imagine.

  I hung my head low while the men led me up on deck and stood around as Alfred, bound and tied, was made to stand near the side of the ship. Devil Eyes pulled a clunky pistol from the opposite side his sword hung from and pointed it at the former cook. Everyone stared at Alfred, but I looked at the expression of the captain’s face. He appeared tormented. Like it pained him to have to take this man’s life, even though the man tried to kill him.

  “Alfred Cummings,” Captain Barrett spoke loudly, “For your treason against your captain, you are sentenced to death. Do you have any final words?”

  Could no one else see the hesitation in their captain’s actions? I stood and saw a man who clearly didn’t want to take a life, the internal battle plain across his face. But, one quick glance around at the crew, hungry for blood to be spilled, told me all I needed to know. They wanted justice, and Devil Eyes had to provide it. No matter the cost.

  The man held his head high and grinned evilly. “May you all be met with the flame of The Burning Ghost.” Everyone gasped at the mention of the cursed ship. “And never–”

  A loud explosion pierced the air and rang in my ears. I let out a scream as I watched Alfred’s body go rigid, stumble back, and then fall to the ocean below. The crew, oblivious to their captain, erupted with a loud cheer and danced about, but my eyes were fixated on the man who appeared as frozen as I was. His glossed eyes met mine and, for a brief moment in time, I felt his pain. It shot through me like a blunt sword and filled my body. How could this man be the monster depicted in Henry’s journal?

  He turned away from the crew and walked toward his quarters, stopping at my side first. He said nothing, but his furious eyes locked onto mine and held a warning within them. He left me there, adrenaline and fear coursing through my body as I listened to his footsteps nearing his door. I was beginning to think I had Captain Devil Eyed Barrett all wrong. And now I wanted nothing more to figure out what was right.

  Chapter Eight

  Iwandered the ship for a while, waiting for the captain and his two right hands to discuss some things. It wasn’t a huge vessel, but a decent enough size for the dozen or so crew members. Everything was dank and musty, which was to be expected on a ship, I guess. A salty film had crusted over the surface of certain areas, and each deck harbored a dreadful stench, getting more concentrated the deeper I went. I finally decided that the top deck was where I liked it best, open and breezy. I stood at the side near the bow and gazed down at the hypnotizing water below.

  How did this happen? How did my mother come to own enchanted things and never know? She would have loved this, minus the life-threatening situation. Just then, one of the crew members found me and approached slowly. A young man with a sweet face.

  “You’re not thinkin’ about jumping, are you?” he asked me jokingly.

  “Oh, God no,” I replied. “I can’t imagine how cold that water is.”

  We both laughed awkwardly, and he sidled up next me, leaning his forearms on the ledge. “Are you really who they say you are?”

  “I don’t know,” I answered, confused. “Who do they say I am?”

  “Part of her crew.”

  “You mean Maria?”

  His eyes bulged, and he glanced around. “Jesus, watch what you say.”

  “Is she really that terrifying?” I asked. “And, to answer your question, no. I’m not with her, from her crew, or associated with her in any way.” I swallowed hard as I realized that was a lie. We shared the same blood, after all.

  “Some say she was a plague sent down to Earth to torture the men of the sea. Others say she was an abomination, something… not human. When she disappeared, there was a strange calmness that cast over the sea.”

  I nodded, my gut toiling. “And now I’ve let her loose again.”

  The boy frowned. “Yes, you’ve got a target on your back. I’d lie low if I were you.”

  I thanked him, and he ran off across the ship.

  A while later, I had taken the young man’s advice and found a spot to lie low. I sat in Finn’s hammock, the lower deck empty of crew members. I pulled Henry’s journal from my inside pocket, curious to know more about the Captain Devil Eyed Barrett. But I worried that there would be no more entries, no more evidence of Henry’s life. He was so set on ending it and so certain Devil Eyes would be the one to do it. But, if the captain had a difficult time shooting a man who tried to kill him, how could he possibly kill an innocent boy?

  I fingered through the pages, gently peeling them from each other, but I found nothing but empty whiteness. I followed through to the very last page, hanging on to any shred of hope that Henry lived. But, as I turned the last blank piece of the journal, my eyes filled with tears. That was it. He was gone, and I’d never really know what became of him.

  I wrapped the book with its twine and stuffed it back in my inside pocket where I would protect it until I could one day put poor Henry to rest. Maybe I could find a nice open meadow and bury it. It was the least I could do for the young man who captured my heart in a few simple pages. His pain was almost tangible. I curled up and attempted to fall asleep but a loud thump on the deck floor alerted me to someone’s presence. I cranked my head in the direction of the ladder and found Finn coming toward me.

  “I’m here to fetch ye,” he told me.

  “And bring me where, exactly?”

  “The captain,” he replied. “To determine what to do with ye.”

  I flipped out of the hammock and stood in place. “They won’t kill me, will they?” I pleaded. “I saved your captain’s life.”

  “Aye, but ye cost us our cook.”

  My eyes widened. “Are you seriously that ignorant? If I didn’t do what I did, you’d all be without a captain and, who knows, maybe he would have killed the rest of you.”


  “Aye?” I squawked. “All you can say is aye? Finn, please, surely, you’re smarter than that. I know you know I’m a good person. I mean no harm.”

  He rolled his eyes and grabbed me by the arm. “Just come with me, will ye?”

  I followed him to the captain’s chambers where we were met with Devil Eyes and Gus. These two really seemed to be the only ones the captain surrounded himself with and I was glad for the glimmer of friendship Finn has shown me. Maybe it would play in my favor.

  Finn closed the door behind us and the captain stared at me. Gus stood off in a corner, arms crossed like a contrary child who didn’t get his way, refusing to even glance in our direction.

  “Dianna,” the captain spoke, the sound of my
name felt strange on his tongue. “Please, sit.” I did as told and took a chair across from him at his desk. “You’ve left us in quite a predicament, with no one to feed us. What are we going to do about that?”

  “Look, I saved your life. If you can’t be grateful for that, then just kill me now,” I cut straight to the chase. “I’m dead anyway,” I added under my breath.

  But he seemed to catch it, a look of surprise smeared across his face and he leaned back in his chair. Silence filled the room as the captain and I engaged in a stare down. His black eyes bore holes into my head as he seemed to be trying to read my mind or something. I just refused to be the first to look away, but it gave me a better opportunity to admire his devilish good looks. I’d like to think that his terrifying presence made him repulsive, but it only added to the allure of him. Devil Eyes was like a dark enigma, a black hole that threatened to hypnotize me and draw me into his secret.

  Finally, he broke the silence. “Finn tells me you’re a cook.”

  “Captain–” Gus spoke up, but Devil Eyes threw up a hand to stop him. Gus retreated to his corner in a huff.

  “Well, are you?” he asked again.

  I looked to Finn, standing just a few feet to my left, and he urged me with his eyes to say yes. I realized then, he must have vouched for me. While they left me down in Finn’s bunk, they must have been here, arguing about what to do with me. Obviously, Gus wanted me gone but, thankfully, Finn had a soft spot and the captain had half a brain.

  “Yes,” I croaked out, “I am a very good cook, in fact.”

  “Excellent,” the captain clapped his hands together, “It is settled, then. You shall take Alfred’s place as the ship’s cook as well as tend to the swab duties with one of the deckhands.” Gus was stewing, pacing behind the captain over near the stern’s large window. “Do you accept?”

  “Henry!” Gus finally broke, but the name he used knocked the breath out of me.

  The captain stood from his chair and turned to his quartermaster. “How dare you use that name,” he spoke with a stern warning, “I understand your concerns and have taken them into consideration. But, I am your captain, Augustus. Know your place.”

  The Englishman sighed and nodded, then bowed his head in shame.

  Devil Eyes came, sat back down, and began speaking to me but his words deflected from my ears. My mind was traveling down a muted tunnel and all I could do was stare at the pirate across from me with a mix of both awe and sadness. But also with a new pair of eyes. It was like a layer of him had peeled away and I could envision the sweet little boy who loved his parents. The young man who’d been captured by pirates and sentenced to a life of terror and abuse. Henry truly did give his life to Devil Eyed Barrett.

  He became him.

  “Dianna!” he said, his voice raised and impatient.

  I snapped out of my trance. “Sorry, I… what?”

  “Do you accept the role of our ship’s cook?”

  Just moments before, I would have struggled with an answer. But now I wanted nothing more than time to talk to the captain. To get to know the man of the boy I read about. I had so many questions. “Yes,” I answered, finally, “yes, of course I’ll cook for you.”

  I heard Finn let out a heavy breath and he stepped closer to me. “Aye, lass. Ye had me guts in a tizzy for a second there.”

  “What? Why?” I asked him.

  “I put me neck out for ye,” he explained. “Gus wanted to toss ye overboard. But I thought it a waste. Ye said ye could cook. I like to eat. I thought it was a good enough reason.”

  I smiled at my new friend, the big and burly Scotsman. He was a hard man to dislike. Despite his massive size, Finn had a soft warmness about him. Perhaps it had something to do with his sexuality. Who knows? I was just thankful for the turn of events. If I had Finn’s favor, and now the knowledge of the captain’s true identity, perhaps I could earn their trust and convince them not to kill the Cobhams. Maybe there was a chance I could save my lineage.

  “Thank you, gentlemen,” Devil Eyes said. “You can leave us now.”

  “Aye, captain,” Finn nodded and motioned for Gus to follow him. After they left, I remained in my seat across from Devil Eyes, unsure of what to do or say. Or what to expect. It seemed he felt the same as we entered a strange, drawn-out staring contest.

  “I assume you have questions,” he finally spoke.

  I chortled. “You have no idea.”

  “As do I.” He stood and made his way over to the table under the window and scooped up a tray. “For starters, how did you know I spent time aboard The Burning Ghost?” He came back to me and laid down the tray that held a silver teapot and two cups. I watched as he filled them with tea and stirred in the sugar cubes.

  “What do you mean?” I answered and accepted the warm cup when he passed it to me.

  “When we first spoke, you asked if I were offended by your comment about the vessel because of my connection to it.”

  I backtracked everything in my mind and replayed the events of the last few days with a fresh perspective. He said he was the one who’d trapped the Cobhams in that bottle. Which means… Henry trapped them. Henry never died, he’d found a way to live with the man Maria forced him to become, and he found a way to defeat them. But to answer the captain’s question would mean trying to explain time travel, to which I had no proof.


  I carefully opened my jacket and reached in to pull out the journal. Henry’s journal. I placed it on the desk in front of me and the captain’s eyes widened in horror. Then, slowly, his face softened with acceptance.

  “I wondered where it went,” he said quietly. “You had the jacket, and found the bottle, obviously.” He then turned his gaze and I followed it to the chest that floated me back in time. It sat on his bed, open.

  “How did you get it open?” I asked him. “I locked it. And there’s no key.”

  He grinned and picked up a large brass key from the desk. “Simple. The chest, it belongs to me.” He stood from his chair and walked over to the small trunk. “I don’t know why I held on to the key. After I escaped The Burning Ghost, this chest held all that I owned in the world. But also held everything that reminded me of her, because she’d given most of it to me.”

  I swallowed hard. “Of Maria?”

  Devil Eyes shot me an angry look, as if the very sound of her name pained him. “Yes, Maria. I had no idea evil could manifest in a human form as it had within her. She was a monster. Heartless. I convinced myself that if I’d cut her, if I could make her bleed, nothing but blackness would seep from the wound. Like a disease.”

  “So, why didn’t you kill her?” I asked. “Why trap her and Eric in a bottle?” I couldn’t believe the words that came out of my mouth, that I was amusing the idea of that sort of magic existing.

  “I wanted to, I truly did. It’s all I think about. Even now, to this day.” He sighed and came over to me, stopping at my side to pick up his journal. “But she didn’t deserve such a swift ending. She needed to suffer for eternity.”

  I saw my chance. “So, why kill her now? Why not put her and Eric back in the bottle?” I looked up at the man that Henry had become and admired his strength. But I wondered why he remained a ruthless pirate. Why continue a life of piracy after you’ve defeated your enemy?

  Unless he was too far gone.

  “It was only by chance that I found the witch who performed the spell years ago,” he told me. “There’s no guarantee I’d ever find her again. She remains hidden. Protected.”

  “But why not try?”

  “You simply cannot understand my reasoning. I cannot exist in a world where she roams free.”

  I glanced down at his trembling hand and he quickly slipped it behind his back.

  “I think I understand a little. I mean, I read the journal.”

  Stone cold silence hung between us, clinging to the walls and shrouding us in an awkward bubble and I wondered if he would kill me for what I knew.

nbsp; “You think me a weak man?” he asked after a while. In that moment, the pirate I’d feared the last few days was gone and all that remained was little Henry, scared and alone.

  I had no idea what compelled me to do so, but I reached across the table and softly, carefully, placed my hand over his. “No, I don’t think you are or were a weak man,” I told him with certainty. “The complete opposite, in fact. To live through what you did… to still be half a human being, functioning–”

  “Nobody knows,” he said, blurting it out as if the weight of the secret had been killing him.

  “You mean, nobody knows who you are?”

  “They’ve no idea of my time on The Burning Ghost,” he replied and finally met my gaze.

  “Seriously?” I whispered. “But, I don’t get it. What do they think is your reason for wanting her dead?”

  Henry grinned, but it didn’t meet the sadness in his eyes. “My dear, Dianna, every pirate on the sailing seas wishes to end the Cobham’s reign of terror. They hunt every ship within reach. But they have a thirst for pirates.”

  I nodded in understanding. “So, your crew thinks you’re just doing your duty as a pirate, what any of you would.”

  “Yes, all except Gus,” Henry added. “He knows very little, but more than the rest.” He paused, and his expression changed to worry and a hint of anger, his eyes narrowing. “But not more than you.”

  I swallowed hard as a cold sweat broke out under my arms, my heart straining from the stress of the constant bursts of fear. Fear for my life. The boy I read about in that journal was long gone, and I had no idea of Devil Eyes’ mental stability. He could kill me in a second. Especially now that he was aware I knew his deepest, darkest secret.

  “Henry, I swear, I will nev–” Before I could finish, he grabbed me by the arm and forced me to my feet, then led me to the door. I tried to pull free, but he kept a firm hold, rough and painful with no regard for my body. “Henry, please! What are you doing?”


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