Dimension Shift (Hammer's War Book 2)

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Dimension Shift (Hammer's War Book 2) Page 33

by James McEwan

  “Almost Sir, another minute, and we will be clear to engage.” the officer answered without taking her eyes off her display.

  “Dammit, another minute and those damn lizards might actually do some damage. Have all forward lasers target any incoming missiles.” Wesson issued the order, feeling like a prizefighter who had to fight with both hands tied behind his back.

  “Sir, too many incoming to track.” the tactical officer was sweating, trying to track everything.

  “William.” Wesson said.

  “Yes, I can do it, taking control of weapon systems.” the AI voice was heard over the speakers.

  The AI was doing a great job shooting down the incoming missiles, but the incoming lasers were another story. They overloaded the hull plating and started cutting holes in the hull. “Outer hull breaches on deck ten through sixteen Sir” the damage control officer called out.

  “That’s it, I’m done playing around! The second the Zealous is clear you open fire with everything you can bring to bear and warm up the forward MAG cannons.” Wesson was not happy.

  “Three, two, one, the Zealous is clear of the kill zone Sir.” the helm officer cried out.

  “Fire!” Wesson commanded.

  “With pleasure Sir!”

  The Damocles bared its teeth and roared. All ten forward lasers fired, flaring the Ralnai’s screens leaving it vulnerable. The twenty-four forward Hex tubes spat out their deadly payloads. The missiles screamed across the distance in a matter of seconds. They slammed into the ship and Ruby cheered at the brilliant flashes on the screen. “Wow, look at the pretty lights.” she said.

  Captain Wesson commented. “You haven’t seen anything yet little girl. Fire the cannons.” The two MAG cannons fired. The two solid slugs, each the size of a small car, hurtled toward the doomed Ralnai ship.

  The Ralnai ship’s bridge was located in the front. It looked like a large head on a stick, with a fat body behind it. The first round slammed into the nose and cored it from the bow to the stern. Because the first MAG round caused a rapid decompression, the ship spun and the second round smashed through the neck portion of the ship, blowing it into two parts. The team on the Damocles watched the Ralnai ship blow apart.

  The viewscreen filled with white light, so bright that the forward camera went black, as its sensors were overloaded. When the screen returned to normal there was nothing left, but a field of debris floating through space.

  No one spoke, then the tactical officer broke the silence. “The Ralnai ship has been destroyed, Sir.”

  “Hail the Zealous and inform them that we will be shuttling over damage control teams to assist in their repairs.” Captain Wesson said, as he stood up.

  Thad had a question. “Captain, what about your ship’s repairs?”

  “Not to worry Mr. Hammer, we have automated damage control and those little bots went to work repairing the hull the second the hull plating was discharged.” Wesson answered him.

  “Daniel, I need your office and secure connection to command.” Amanda said, more as a command than a request.

  “Right this way, Admiral.” Wesson led her off the bridge to his office.

  Thad and Ruby left the bridge and on the way to their quarters, Ruby spoke softly. “Daddy, why is Grandma worried?”

  “What do you mean worried? She didn’t look worried to me.” Thad stopped walking and looked down at her big gray eyes.

  “She is worried about the increased Ralnai incursions.”

  “Incursions, that’s a big word for an eight-year-old.” That was stunned at her use of the word.

  Ruby put her hands on her hips. “I heard the word from Grandma just now.”

  “What? How?”

  She pointed to her head. “I can hear Grandma, and you, and the captain. I can hear lots of people in my head.”

  Thad bent down to her level. “You’re a telepath! How long have you been able to do this, hear people in your head?”

  “Always.” she replied.

  “What else can you do?” Thad asked.

  “Sometimes when I try really hard, I can see things in my head.”

  “That is very interesting.” Thad said under his breath.

  She looked at him strangely. “Who is Thorne?”

  He cursed himself for forgetting that she can read minds. “He is a really bad man, and I was just wondering what he did to you to help you be this way.”

  “You’re silly, daddy.” She smiled.

  He smiled back. “Why?”

  “Because” was all she said, as she skipped down the corridor leaving Thad dumbfounded.

  The Damocles stayed with the Zealous for two days to ensure that her repairs were completed, after which they continued to Nome. Amanda was on the bridge and called for Thad and Ruby to join her. They had just entered the bridge when the little moon of Nome came into view on the screen. “Finally” Thad said under his breath.

  “Looks like we will be in orbit in two minutes, Admiral.” Captain Wesson said.

  “Not much to look at is it?” Amanda asked.

  “No, but it is home.” Thad said.

  “Captain, we are being hailed” the comm officer said.

  “Put it on screen.” Wesson replied.

  The screen changed and the image of Sheriff Wyatt Jackson, bright and cheery-faced, appeared. “Approaching ship, please transmit your Ident code and verify your intentions.”

  Captain Wesson nodded to the comm officer to transmit their code. “I am Captain Daniel Wesson of the UTFS Damocles, and our intention is to transport three passengers to the surface.” Wesson knew that this was Eve’s home. However, he had never been here before. She had always come to see him. He was hoping to get a chance to see her again.

  “Forgive me Captain, but I have to wonder why a Titan class destroyer would be transporting passengers?” Jackson asked.

  Thad stepped into the cameras range. “You know, Sheriff, when your mother is an Admiral she gets to do pretty much anything she wants.”

  Jackson’s face lit up. “Thad, you’re alive! I knew it. You are too damn tough to die.”

  “It would seem so, but what’s up with all the security?” Thad asked.

  “As you can imagine, we get a little twitchy when Federation ships come a-knocking” Jackson said, with a determined look.

  “Look, Wyatt, we would like to land at the compound, I’m kind of itching to get home” Thad said, changing the subject, not wanting to dredge up old memories.

  “Thad, a lot has changed since you have been away. I think it would be best if you landed in town and let me take you home.”

  This comment worried him. “Are the twins okay?”

  “They are fine, but they have greatly upgraded security and your shuttle might be blown out of the sky before you got close enough to land. Now get yourself on a shuttle and get down here, there are a lot of people who would love to know that you are still alive.” He paused as it just hit him what Thad had said about his mother. “Wait! Your mother is an Admiral?”

  Amanda stepped into view of the camera now. “Yes, she is Admiral Amanda Hayes and you are?”

  Sheriff Jackson found her to be quite attractive. “Sheriff Wyatt Jackson at your service, but you can call me Wyatt.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Sheriff.” she used his title feeling it was 'way too early for first names. “I’m sure that Thaddeus will be more than happy to meet with all of his friends just as soon as he has a chance to spend some time with his family first.”

  “Of course, as soon as you land I will meet you at the port and take you to the compound.”

  “Thank you, Wyatt, see you soon.” Thad said.

  “Looking forward to it my friend.” And then the transmission ended.

  “Ensign, see to the yacht. I want to depart in ten minutes” Captain Wesson said.

  “Aye, aye Sir.” The Ensign jumped up, and left the bridge.

  “Let’s get you home” Captain Wesson said to Thad.

ty minutes later, they were on the ground and the Sheriff, true to his word was there to meet them. After a hug and formal introductions, they were loaded into what looked like a fairly new armored transport. The transport was painted with a large golden star on the side and words Nome Sheriff Department on it. Standing in the turret was a Guardian-class robot manning twin heavy cone rifles.

  “Things have changed.” Thad noted, however, given what happened before, he understood.

  They came to the entrance to the box canyon and there they came to a stop. “Wyatt, why are we stopping here?” Thad asked.

  “Checkpoint.” he replied.

  “What checkpoint?” Thad poked his head up to the driver’s compartment and sure enough, there was a checkpoint manned by two Conqueror class combat robots

  The Sheriff gave them his access code and once they were cleared, the large metal barrier was lifted and they proceeded up the canyon. As they rounded the last corner and the compound came into view Thad pointed to the main house and before he could say anything, Ruby said it for him. “I know. This is my new home.” Thad thought he would have to talk to her about when it was okay to read people's mind. “Sorry, Daddy.” she said still reading his mind.

  “It’s okay, but you do need to respect people’s right to their own thoughts.” He smiled at her.

  “I will try to be better.” She demonstrated that she knew how to pout.

  He hugged her. “I know you will.”

  They exited the vehicle and were met by a Terrain Marine in full battle armor. His white gleaming armor was impeccably clean. In the center of his chest plate was the golden bird with its wings stretched out, the symbol of his rank. He was armed with a non-standard issue heavy cone rifle. He spoke to the Sheriff. “Hello Sheriff, who do we have here?”

  “Colonel, I take great pleasure to introduce you to the owner of this compound, Mr. Thaddeus Hammer, and his daughter, Ruby Hammer.” Jackson paused to point to the others. “Captain Daniel Wesson, Captain of the UTFS Damocles, and this lovely woman is Admiral Amanda Hayes and Mr. Hammer’s mother.”

  The Colonel snapped a salute at Amanda. “Admiral, Captain” he acknowledged them.

  “At ease, Colonel.” Amanda said.

  He dropped the salute. “Colonel Colin Grunt of his Imperial Terrain Marines.”

  Thad shook his hand. “Nice to meet you, Colonel. Care to tell me why there is a Terrain Marine at my front door?”

  “Squad actually, I have a squad of Marines with me, but I think it best if others explain why we are here.” he let go of Thad’s hand and pointed to two more Marines who were standing guard on both sides of the entry way.

  “I see. Thank you, Colonel. If you don’t mind I think I will go find out what is going on.” Thad said.

  The Colonel waved to the guards at the door. “They’re okay, let them in.”

  Thad lead the way into his home and could hear voices coming from the dining room. He entered the dining room and there sitting at his table with a glass of wine in her hand was Sasha, the assassin that tried to grab him on the day of his wedding.

  Thad still had his repaired DDSD, he activated it, and a pistol materialized in his hand. He pointed it at her head and was ready to end her.

  To be continued.

  The adventure continues in the pages of the next exciting title, "First Strike".

  Home at last, Thad finds that his homecoming is short-lived as dark forces are moving in the universe. The war for control of the universe begins as the planet of Isis, the capital planet of the Republic of Commerce is attacked. Thad and his family find themselves right in the thick of the action. Be there with Thad when he learns that the war that has broken out across the universe is his war, Hammer’s War!


  James McEwan is a graphic artist, photographer, digital artist, and college graduate who has turned his considerable talents to writing.

  For his first book, Hammer’s War-Forging the Hammer, he used the Starguard universe created by his father, fellow author and game designer John McEwan, which John created in 1974. Using this gaming universe James has updated and expanded the original concept to include numerous new races, adventures, and his hero Thaddeus Hammer. In his second book, Dimension Shift, he has successfully created a new universe of his own.

  James lives with his wife and two children in Washington State




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