Sanctuary: Seeking Asylum Book 1

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Sanctuary: Seeking Asylum Book 1 Page 12

by SM Olivier

  BJ and Sylvia cursed.

  “Seriously?” Sylvia sighed dramatically. “You’re shitting me, right? Your black hoodie? The one with your name on it? The one with your silhouette on it?”

  I nodded my head and mumbled my yeses into her chest. Suddenly she was shaking me.

  “You have to be shitting me! You can’t be the crazy one in our relationship. I am. You’re not allowed to break down, Ave, because then I will, and then no one will pick up the pieces!” she began to cry. “And don’t you ever scare me like that again. I thought I was never going to see you again. Then I hear a gunshot, and I find you crying… And you weren’t crying over your fifty thousand dollar truck but your twenty-dollar sweatshirt. That’s the shit I pull, not you.”

  “Umm, are we ready?” Felix asked as he leaned out of his window. From the laughter in his eyes, I assumed he had heard enough to realize I was borderline insane.

  “Give them a minute,” Axel commanded softly.

  Felix rolled his window back up with a grin and a wink my way.

  “We should get going,” I cleared my throat, embarrassed now.

  “No!” Sylvia insisted with her Latina stubbornness. She meant business. “Let it out now! You bottle that shit up all the time, and you hadn’t seen your therapist this whole past year when you probably needed her the most! You lost your child, found out your boyfriend of six years slept with your twin sister, then lost your grandparents all within two months, and you barely cried then. Yet you’re sobbing over a damn hoodie, and can’t you cry like a normal girl, all ugly like? Can’t you screw up on anything?”

  “I did cry,” I insisted. I almost laughed at her scolding me. I knew my face was red and my nose was running. I was a disgusting mess.

  “Not in front of us, not to us,” BJ said as he knelt next to me. “What baby, Avery?” he asked softly.

  I stiffened, and Sylvia gasped, holding her hands up to her mouth.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered in a horrified tone. “I’ve screwed up so much today! I offered that horrid bitch food, I put you in the middle of a hoard of infected, and now I’m spilling your secrets.”

  I stood up, wiping my face one last time, and took a deep breath. Meltdown over with. Time to close the door again. Time to compartmentalize my feelings. It was easier to cope that way. We had more important shit to worry about.

  I debated not saying anything, but I could hear the hurt in BJ’s voice. He and Sylvia were my best friends. Sylvia knew because she had to be there for me when I couldn’t reach Trevor. She had driven me to the hospital, where I’d been advised to have a D&C. I couldn’t drive myself, and she was by my side the whole time.

  She had then driven me to Trevor’s once I was released from the hospital. I just wanted him to comfort me. I wasn’t mad that he hadn’t been answering the phone. Imagine my surprise when I found my sister and my boyfriend in bed together.

  “I was sixteen weeks pregnant with Trevor’s baby,” I began. “We wanted to wait until we were passed the first trimester to tell everyone. Then we figured if we waited a few more weeks, we could find out what the baby was. We were waiting for the Forth of the July bash to let everyone know. We ordered cute little picture frames with her ultrasound pictures in it to give to Aunt Pam and Uncle Scott and Dad. We even ordered one of those reveal cakes with pink in it.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest, feeling a deep chill hit me all at once. “I lost her. They had to take me to surgery. I couldn’t reach Trevor, and when I went to his frat house after I was released, I found Em and him together. And you know the rest.” I moved towards the truck, finished with the conversation. I was too emotionally raw.

  “It was a girl?” BJ asked, his voice thick with emotions.

  I nodded. “We were going to call her Bella, after Mom, and Mae, Aunt Pam’s middle name.” My voice cracked as I remember the fear I first felt, followed by the joy.

  I knew Bella was going to put the Olympics and possibly nursing school on the back burner, but I was okay with that. Trevor had caught onto the excitement, too, buying her first shoes, a teddy bear, and it was his idea to do the ultrasound pics in the frames I had gotten for our parents.

  “I’m so sorry, Ave.” BJ pulled me close. “I wished you would have told me. I would have gone and kicked his ass and sent one of my girlfriends to kick her ass. How could they do that to you? You never deserved any of that, and they definitely don’t deserve you.”

  “I guess you guys don’t have to inform them you’re not going to be in their wedding,” Sylvia quipped.

  I laughed in surprise, my sometimes inappropriate sense of humor finding amusement in her attempt to lighten the mood. BJ relaxed against me and started chuckling too.

  “I can tell them I sent them a text, if we ever see them again,” BJ bantered.

  “I think my mailman lost my response before he turned,” I added darkly.

  “Ohhh…” BJ groaned loudly.

  “Nooo!” Sylvia cried out.

  “Too soon?” I asked with a raised brow.

  “Yes!” BJ insisted while Sylvia looked deep in thought for a second.

  “Well…” she drawled out. “He was a douche sometimes. He wouldn’t give me my packages when I was standing right there! He made me wait until he relocked our box. So, if he turned, I’d say it was karma.”

  I sniggered, then sobered. He really was a horrible postal deliverer, but he didn’t deserve to be infected. No one did.

  “Let’s go,” I insisted, taking another fortifying breath.

  BJ and Sylvia embraced me on both sides before we walked towards the SUV.

  I was momentarily mortified when I realized Axel was still standing near the vehicle. He led me to the back and opened the back hatch. Four rucksacks were in the cargo compartment. He climbed in first and then held out his hand. I looked at it for a moment.

  I didn’t know if I should take it or not. I might have had one of the most stressful and emotionally exhausting days in a long time, but I could no longer deny the pull I felt towards him any longer. I craved human touch, and he was offering it to me. Even if it was for a little while, I'd take it.

  I took his hand and let him to pull me up and settle me between his legs. My back was cradled into his chest as he placed the steel bands of his arms around me, resting his hands over my midsection.

  I closed my eyes, enjoying the feel of him. His body was hard but soft in all the right places. It was slightly disconcerting how natural and comfortable I felt in his arms after only hours of knowing him. I leaned my head back and sank further into him.

  “Sleep,” he murmured near my temple. His fingers began to caress my arm.

  I wanted to protest and tell him I wasn’t tired, but after a few minutes of his ministrations, I fell asleep.

  Chapter 8

  We had approximately one hundred and fifty miles left to Camp Sanctuary Lakes, but Axel told Felix to pull over when we neared a hotel that looked like it was off the beaten path. The sun was about to set, and we needed to find shelter. The idea of eleven of us sleeping in the seven-passenger Tahoe was unfathomable, plus the children were getting restless.

  Felix, Axel, Sylvia, and Phillip were going into the motel first. They decided to take the toddler along to, hopefully, tug the heartstrings of the owners into giving us rooms. They took cash to offer the owners. More than a standard room would have cost, but we feared money wouldn’t hold any value soon.

  “I hope they have plenty of hot water,” Josh groaned, rubbing a weary hand over his face.

  After my brief nap, I’d found out Mr. Blue-eyes' name was Josh. I also found out more things I hadn’t suspected. Felix was the talkative one of the group and divulged the fact that most of Alpha and Bravo had no family to return to, thus the reason why they eagerly accepted Corbin’s and Wyatt’s offer to accompany them to Sanctuary.

  They informed us eight more JOpS were accompanying Corbin and Wyatt to our destination. They were traveling separately in hopes of re
trieving the family members they did have. Unfortunatley, I knew I’d be seeing Trevor and Emery, and soon. There was no way Aunt Pam and Stephanie would have agreed to come without them.

  “A shower is much needed,” I agreed. “Hopefully, they give them enough towels and toiletries.”

  “I’m sure Axel will ask. He thinks of everything,” Josh said confidently.

  “I’m going to hit up the vending machines,” BJ said decisively as he reached into his wallet. “If they won’t give us rooms, at least we can stock up on some snacks and drinks.”

  The hotel was two stories tall with the doors on the outside, and both floors had laundry and vending areas. It didn’t look like the most up-to-date accommodation, but the place was clean.

  “Can I go?” Miller asked excitedly.

  “We’ll all go,” Chad smiled. “Josh, you think you can watch the baby? She’s sound asleep.”

  Josh looked panicked for a moment before he nodded.

  Chad chuckled. “Let’s go.” He lightly ruffled Mikey’s hair.

  “Do we have anything to put the stuff in?” I asked, checking to make sure I had my sais tucked in next to my hips. Luckily, I hadn’t had them when She-bitch and Whipped-boy took the rest of our stuff.

  “I think the twins have grocery bags tucked into the back cargo netting.” Chad grinned.

  Sure enough, I found cloth canvas bags in there. I wondered if the SUV owner was environmentally conscious, because he had more than ten bags tucked into the cargo net.

  Wait. Twins? I blinked in confusion.

  “The Rains boys are on Alpha Team,” Chad explained, noticing my confused expression. “King nearly had an apoplectic seizure when East volunteered his vehicle. They're an interesting duo, and I’m sure they’ll be excited to meet you.”

  His comment made me more curious as he opened the back doors for me. “Huh?” I asked as we made our way to the bottom floor vending machines.

  “Your reputation proceeds you, Little Beast.” Chad grinned.

  The door to the laundry area was unlocked, and I noticed the six industrial-sized machines for washing and drying clothing. On the opposite wall were four snack machines and two drink machines.

  “Here, boys.” BJ handed them a twenty each, and I gave them some bags. “Have at it. Just don’t get your hearts set on eating it all. We’ll be back with your mom tomorrow, and I’m sure she’s not going to let you eat like this anymore.”

  Mikey still cheered, but Miller groaned. “Can you hide it for me?” Miller asked BJ hopefully.

  “Of course.” BJ grinned wickedly before he handed me some cash. Chad held up his own money when BJ went to give him a wad of twenties but smiled his thanks.

  Miller and Mikey cheered once more as they ran over to the machines. I walked over to the drink machines in dire need of some caffeine, Chad at my heels.

  “What do you mean ‘my reputation?’” I asked as I fed the machine a twenty.

  “I’m close with Alpha crew,” Chad explained. “Bravo Team is incredible, but I just get along better with Alpha, and Burns makes it challenging to be on a squad with her. Whenever we get sent on missions together, I just click with the guys better, plus, no offense, but Joe is a shit leader compared to Tacka. He−”

  He shook his head, as if stopping himself from revealing too much. “Anyway, Wyatt and Corbin have been going on and on about you for years. We were coming home the day of your last tournament, and they must have replayed your video fifty times.”

  I reddened under his teasing scrutiny. I was surprised to hear that, that was for sure. “Well, we grew up like family,” I informed him. “Our dads were adopted together, and we grew up like cousins. Plus, I lived with Corbin and his family for years and was practically engaged to Trevor, Corbin’s brother.”

  Chad chuckled and shook his head. “So, you’re one of thoooose girls.”

  I continued to feed the machine and push different buttons. I was pleasantly surprised to find Monsters in the vending machine. I rarely drank energy drinks unless I needed them, and I hadn’t had caffeine all day. Therefore, I was in desperate need of one right now.

  “What is that supposed to mean?” I inquired, befuddled.

  “My sister was blinded by Trevor for years, man.” BJ snorted, no longer pretending that he didn’t hear our conversation. “She’s loyal to a fault. She was blind to the fact that Wyatt and Corbin have had a crush on her since she was seventeen or so.”

  I snorted in astonishment. “Whatever, BJ. They were never interested in me. Emery chased Cor for years, and then Wy. They never showed any interest in her.”

  BJ and Chad exchanged looks before they started laughing.

  “What is so funny?” I was starting to get annoyed, espcially now that I was remembering the day Wyatt and Corbin used to tease us to get a rise out of us.

  “The skinny twin?” Chad laughed. “The one with the eating disorder?”

  “The one who always tried to use her looks to get by in life,” BJ added.

  “The one who intentionally stole her sister’s man,” Chad continued.

  I gasped as my eyes narrowed, but BJ continued.

  “She was always a piece of work, man. Modeling at such a young age filled her head with a lot of self-centered, overinflated ideas. Avery never was as invested in the scene, and Dad kept her well-grounded.” BJ shrugged. “Emery was always intimidated by sharing the spotlight. I can’t pretend to know what being the other half of an identical twin is like, but Avery forever took it in stride and created her own identity.

  “Whereas Em,” BJ went on, “felt like the only way she could be in the spotlight was to tear Ave down and push her out of it. I think she was and still is obsessed with being everyone's center of attention, that she doesn’t even realize Avery never wanted any of it.”

  I was trying to process everything they were saying. Did Corbin and Wyatt harbor a secret crush on me for years? That was ludicrous! I understood Emery and I were different in personalities, but we were identical. Wouldn’t that have been enough for the guys to at least attempt something with her?

  As far as I knew, they never even tried to kiss her. If they had, I was confident she would have told me. She had fixated on them more when I started dating Trevor. Since our parents hadn’t seemed to mind, she must’ve taken it as a blessing to land one of them.

  I processed BJ’s words next. I knew BJ had always felt Emery was a piece of work, but I never realized how well he’d has us pegged. His analysis was impressive.

  “We have two rooms,” Felix came bounding into the room, stopping my chaotic thoughts.

  “But…?” Chad prodded.

  “In lieu of payment and with several add-ons, the owners asked us to help them keep the motel protected tonight,” Felix added with a shrug.

  “Well, we already planned to rotate our sleep schedules anyway, so that’s no biggie,” Chad said.

  “Let’s go up to the room. Tacka is making the schedules as we speak, and we should get settled in before darkness falls.” Felix held up a key with a room number on it, opposed to the key cards most places used.

  “Come on, boys,” BJ stated. “We’ll get more snacks later.”


  The owners had given us adjoining rooms. Each room had two double beds and a pullout couch. They also gave us two playpens for the babies.

  I was pleasantly surprised by the size, cleanliness, and amenities of the rooms. They weren’t quite luxury suites, but they were a lot nicer than I expected for a hotel off the beaten path.

  When I entered the room, I discovered the owners’ teenagers, a boy and girl, unloading all kinds of things for us: a waffle maker, waffle mix, a skillet, a carton eggs, bacon, peanut butter, jelly, bread, butter, syrup, a toaster, bananas, individually packaged cereals, bottled waters, juice, and milk.

  The room was already equipped with a mini-fridge, coffee maker, tea bags and coffee, so the additional items were beyond generous of them. Apparently, the owners were retir
ed Army veterans and reluctant to leave their livelihood. They had family coming to stay with them, I’d been told, but in the mean time, they were somewhat vulnerable.

  Axel hadn’t hesitated in helping them, even before they had been generous. He let them know that we were leaving at first light, though, because we had people waiting on us, but the owner was thankful for any help given to them from experienced fighters.

  Axel was sitting at a desk writing in a notebook when I entered the second bedroom. He was deep in thought, so I went through the adjoining door and figured I would get dinner cooking for us. My appetite had returned, and I was ready to eat.

  I took the housekeeping cart they had piled all our stuff on and looked over at the boys. “Miller, I need you to put all this juice, water, and milk away in the refrigerator. Mikey, can you put all this stuff in the closet?” I pointed to all the non-perishable items.

  “Okay,” Miller agreed immediately. “Can I have a pop?”

  “Go for it.” I laughed, knowing Steph would hate how they’d been eating today.

  “What’cha thinking?” BJ asked as he came up to the cart as well.

  “Can you clear the desk over there?” I asked him. “I’m going to start dinner and need a clean surface area.”

  “Tell me what I can do,” Felix said excitedly as he rubbed his hands. “I can’t cook, but I can prep.”

  I laughed. “Perfect.” I pulled out a large mixing bowl. “You mix the waffle mix and I’ll cook it.” I plugged in the skillet first, now on the newly cleared desk. As it warmed up, I set all the ingredients I was using on the dresser beside the television, which was currently on a cartoon for Phillip. Then I organized the other condiments and such beside the skillet, waffle maker, and toaster.

  I washed my hands, thankful the sink was outside of the bathroom. Josh and Sylvia had wasted no time jumping in the showers the moment we all came up.

  I stared at myself in the mirror above the sink and nearly groaned aloud. Dark circles were under my eyes, and my face looked pale. My hair was in desperate need of washing and brushing, but I had to prioritize everything. Soon, darkness would fall, and I wanted to make sure everyone was fed before we found out the watch schedule.


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