Sanctuary: Seeking Asylum Book 1

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Sanctuary: Seeking Asylum Book 1 Page 34

by SM Olivier

  “Do you know how to ride one of these?” Kingston asked Rhys, patting a UTV.

  Rhys nodded and smirked slightly. “I grew up on them.”

  Kingston smiled. “We’ll leave you one of these so you can come back down after you get settled in.”

  “Thanks, man.” Rhys smiled once more.

  “There’s already some playpens in the hall, and we have some toys for the kids to play with,” I told him as I gently pushed the tangle of curls off the little girl's face.

  Aunt Pam, Steph, and Aunt Carol had used the dining hall as a daycare, of sorts, for the younger ones today. While the older kids were free to run and play under Gloria’s care, the younger ones stayed with the women so they could be close by as they worked.

  He gave me a grateful smile. “Thanks.”

  “We’ll be right back.” Corbin leaned down to bestow a quick kiss on my mouth. “I’m going to utilize the showers with the other men. Save me a seat at dinner?”

  I gave him a bemused smile and nod.

  “Me too?” Kingston asked with a mischievous glint, bestowing a kiss on my mouth as well.

  I could see the confused looks on Uncle Mitch’s face and that of Rhys’. I pushed Kingston, miffed at his mischievousness. “Get out of here and get a shower.”

  “Like you have room to talk,” Kingston teased. “You smell like livestock.”

  “I’ll take a quick shower before I go help in the kitchens,” I said with an exaggerated eyeroll and stuck my tongue out at him. “And I smell like hard work. What have you been doing?”

  I was merely teasing him. I knew he had been just as busy, if not more, since our return. Once we’d returned with all our loads, he had helped Josh plow some of the designated fields for planting in the morning. His work ethic, despite his jokes and laid-back behavior, was admirable. If anything, his ability to be fluid and go with the flow was much needed in our new environment.

  Kingston chuckled before walking towards the back of the trailer. “Girl, quit playing. You know I’ve been busting my sexy tail around here.”

  I laughed and shook my head. I knew it was pointless to continue making my jibes at him. I had a feeling he would do or say something outrageous to top anything I could say and do. It was safer to quit while I could.

  Uncle Mitch let out a long low whistle, and even Axel clapped, praising Amy and Corbin’s loot. I rounded the moving truck and gaped. The team had not only found survivors but it looked like they had clothing, food, and other things crammed in, around, and on top of the other ATVs.

  “The bus is packed with stuff, too,” Amy said proudly. “After we hit up the building supply store, we found all this at the Every-Mart. Apparently, Officer Miller secured the building after he’d lost his wife and sister-in-law to a pack. They could have probably continued surviving on everything in the store, if it weren’t for a few members of the group deciding to go out and smoke without securing the back door behind them.”

  “I hope they learned from their careless mistake,” Aunt Pam said as she and Aunt Carol rounded the corner with Isa and Jenny sleeping soundly in a double stroller.

  I walked over and bent down, bestowing a kiss on both little girls’ warm foreheads. I had made sure to squeeze in some cuddles and feed Isa earlier. I wish I could have spent more time with her, but some sacrifices needed to be made to get our community where it needed to be, and she was in great hands with Aunt Pam, Aunt Carol, and Stephanie.

  “I think a few of them did,” Amy scoffed. “But there's a young, punk kid that wanted to place the blame on his friend.”

  “Is he here now?” Uncle Mitch frowned.

  “Yes,” Amy sneered. “I wanted to leave him, but Garth thought we should bring him back. Honestly, I think he’s shady as shit. Him and his buddy seem to have an obsession with one of the younger girls. She’s a pretty little thing, but she seems…strung out on something. The whole group feels off to me.”

  “Hmm,” Axel murmured. “We should probably keep an eye on them. Point them out to me later.”

  “Okay,” Amy said. “Are we unloading in the storage units?”

  Uncle Mitch nodded. “Just drive on up there. Donny, Cal, Mike, and Sam are already up there unloading some of their finds.”

  Mike was another person that had impressed me. Once she had gotten her siblings settled in with Gloria and Aunt Pam, she had jumped in with helping settle, feed, and tend the cattle. Then she’d immediately went up to the storage building and began to help them organize, arrange, and catalog everything coming in.

  “Copy that,” Amy said with a smile.

  “I’ll follow you up,” Joe said before heading towards Corbin’s vehicle.

  “If it’s not too much trouble, can you take the clothes to the hall?” Aunt Carol asked. “After we figure out everyone’s sizes, we should probably pass them out.”

  “No problem at all,” Joe said with a smile.

  Joe and Amy headed towards the supply building, and I stood by Axel, Wyatt, and Uncle Mitch, anxiously standing by. The sun was officially gone, and there still wasn’t any sign of Easton yet. I worried on my bottom lip, and Axel seemed to pick up on my anxiety, because he placed an arm over my shoulder and pulled me in. My only consolation was Kingston seemed confident his brother would return. He was still in high spirits, so maybe I should take a page out of his book, I thought.

  “You needed something?” Natalie appeared with a barely concealed sneer.

  “Yes, ma’ am,” Uncle Mitch said, staring her down with a frosty glare. “I need you to take the girls and women to the shower houses up on the hill and inspect them for any signs of infection.”

  Natalie gritted her teeth. “I just got off watch.”

  “After you got to sleep-in this morning,” Axel nearly growled. “Just do as you’re told, Burns.”

  She stiffened but began to walk towards the hill. “Yes, sir,” she gritted.

  “Ladies?” Wyatt called out to the newcomers. “If you can follow JS Burns, she’ll inspect you before your showers, show you your quarters, and then dinner will be awaiting you in the building behind me.” He pointed towards the hall before turning back towards us.

  “We can’t continue letting attitudes like her’s poison the community,” Wyatt murmured. “We’ll need to sit her down and talk to her. How did Jade do today?” he inquired of Uncle Mitch.

  Uncle Mitch had decided to stay behind so he could direct people once they’d returned. A lot of progress had been made tonight, but we still had a long way to go.

  Uncle Mitch’s brows knitted. “The little Asian girl?”

  Wyatt nodded. “That’s her.”

  Uncle Mitch chuckled humorously. “After she pissed off some of the women by coming on to their husbands? Fine.”

  Wyatt and Axel snorted. “No surprise there,” Wyatt sneered.

  Uncle Mitch’s walkie squawked to life once more. “Team Easton has returned,” the jovial male voice said on the other end.

  I couldn’t help but squeak with happiness. Wyatt and Axel chuckled at me, but I could see the relief in their gazes as well.

  “Told you he was fine,” Kingston’s smooth tones came over the radio.

  I laughed in relief and looked at the guys.

  “King swears that they know when the other’s in danger,” Wyatt scoffed an explanation to me and Uncle Mitch.

  “Hey, I knew right when Emery had broken her leg on winter break with her friends,” I protested. “And when she had phantom pains in her throat when I needed my tonsils removed, her pain didn’t go away until mine did.”

  Wyatt hooted with laughter. “Horse crap!”

  “According to Bryan, they did,” Uncle Mitch said with a smirk and a shrug.

  I could tell they both had trouble believing me. “Whatever,” I grumbled, crossing my arms over my chest. “I believe Kingston. You have no clue what we twins are capable of.”

  Wyatt laughed and shook his head once more. “I’m going to go help at the supply build
ing. I’ll meet you guys at the debriefing meeting.”

  “Sure, run when you know you’re wrong, Wy.” I snorted teasingly.

  He kissed my cheek. “Whatever you say, sweetheart.”

  “I’m going to say hi to Easton, shower, and then get to the kitchens. Are Trudy and Winnie already there?” I inquired.

  Uncle Mitch nodded, looking at me, then his son, then back at me. “We had some leftovers from dinner, and I think they’re just making a stew out of it, pulling out some fruits, and some of that leftover bread.”

  “Perfect.” I nodded, and my stomach rumbled, reminding me of my lack of appetite today. Now that I knew all my guys were safe, it was returning with a vengeance.

  I headed towards the vehicles rolling up, hoping to escape Uncle Mitch for a brief time. Easton jumped out of the vehicle and headed straight to me. I felt a flutter in my belly when Easton gave me a warm smile. He looked tired, and I couldn’t miss the condition of his clothing. Uncaring, I embraced him.

  I felt the slight tremor in his muscular frame. “That bad?” I asked as I held him tighter.

  “Worse,” he muttered reluctantly. “I expected the worst when I was overseas. To see it come here, it’s…it’s alarming.”

  “How’d you do?” Axel asked.

  I started for a moment before Easton pulled away from me. He and Axel exchanged some bro-hug, hand-clapping thing before he pulled me in close once more.

  I noticed Uncle Mitch looking at me inquisitively again. I ducked my head. I didn’t want him to know the nature of my relationship with the guys, but on the other hand, I wasn’t going to refrain from touching them or comforting them. It was evident that Easton had it the roughest today, and I was unwilling to curb my affectionate nature towards them.

  Easton exhaled loudly. “It’s bad out there, especially in the city. We had to abandon our vehicle at our first stop. It was easier than trying to get it back,” he said cryptically. I hadn’t even noticed he was in a different vehicle than he’d left with. “Unfortunately, the radio was in that vehicle, but we were able to procure an ultrasound machine, antibiotics, pain-killers, and other vital medical supplies. I’m concerned about the number of medications we were able to locate, though.”

  “We can plan better next time, send more people,” Axel said decisively.

  Uncle Mitch nodded. “We’re happy you returned safely. The vehicles and radios can be replaced.” He reached out and squeezed Easton’s shoulder. “I’ll send someone down here to unload it all in the first-aid office. Why don’t you get some grub and relax for now? We’ll have a breakdown meeting once everyone’s settled in.”

  Easton took a deep breath. “I’d like to ensure the medications are at least locked away properly first, if you don’t mind. No offense, but I don’t trust everyone enough with it all out in the open.”

  “This shit is like gold,” Felix stumbled around the corner of the covered trailer carrying a large cardboard box.

  He looked just as exhausted as Easton, and like Easton, he was covered in filth. Other than our first hoard, we had been lucky today. The rest of the teams reported back with similar stories. They had to take a few packs down but not a significant amount. We had already predicted Easton would have the most challenging task today. I imagined we weren’t the only ones determined to take or procure medical supplies.

  I shuddered at the thought of ever having to face non-infected enemies. I didn’t think I could ever grievously harm anyone that wasn’t infected. At least I could convince myself that the infected were no longer human and they wouldn’t hesitate to end my life.

  “I’ll make sure everything gets secured,” Axel reassured Easton.

  “Or,” I suggested. “Why don’t we take the medications back to our cabin, and tomorrow morning I’ll help you put it all away? You really need to relax.”

  “That sounds like a great plan,” Uncle Mitch agreed. “All of you need to rest. Tomorrow might be much like today.”

  Felix groaned but smiled. “Can I have kitchen duty? I make mean empanadas and chicken adobo.”

  Mitch, Easton, Axel, and I laughed at Felix’s attempt at humor.

  “We’ll try not to send out any teams tomorrow,” Uncle Mitch said placatingly.

  Felix sighed in relief. “Can I sleep-in too?”

  We all laughed once more.

  “I’m sure we can give a few of ya’ll a little more rest.” Uncle Mitch smiled.

  “I’ll take it,” Felix said with a relieved sigh.

  “Why don’t you put the box of medication on the golf cart over there,” Axel stated. “I’ll take it with me to the conference room, and we’ll take it back to the cabin with us when we retire for the night.”

  I nodded at Easton before weaving my fingers through his. “Let’s go get washed up. Uncle Mitch, can I take one of the four-wheelers?”

  He tossed me a set of keys. “Go for it. Briefing in one hour.”

  I caught the keys and nodded at him. “Copy that.”

  I had planned to shower down here, but the idea of utilizing the bathroom with Easton sounded better. I had a feeling he would need a little extra human contact right now. I had no plans on becoming intimate with him, but I wanted to explore the attraction between us.

  “Wanna drive?” I asked him when we reached the rows of ATVs and UTVs.

  He shook his head with a faint smile. “No, that’s all you. Honestly, I wouldn’t know how to work one. Kingston and I grew up in the city. I didn’t even get my driver’s license until I was eighteen.”

  “Really?” I asked. “I can’t imagine Kingston not seeking the freedom of driving until he was eighteen. A four-wheeler is much easier to learn to ride, though.” I smiled at him. I started the vehicle. “This is the clutch,” I reached for it with my left hand, “and this is the shifter,” I explained to him as I patted my left leg and showed him the shift lever near my toes. “Just tap it up, and release,” I told him as I released the clutch. We jolted forward, and he quickly embraced my waist.

  I giggled as I sped up. I had to admit this machine was ten-times smoother and sweeter than the well-used one grandpa’d had. We learned how to ride at an early age. Mom and Aunt Pam had tried to scold Pop-pop, but it never stopped him from introducing us to some fun things.

  “You’ll have to show me how to ride when I can think clearer.” Easton chuckled in my ear. “Kingston wasn’t nearly as patient as I was. He was hotwiring and boosting cars by fourteen, and by fifteen, he had gained some notoriety on the drag strips.”

  I gaped at him over my shoulder. “You’re pulling my leg!”

  He shook his head and grimaced. “I wish I was. Our dad had four other children by the time we were born, leaving my mother to raise us on her own. He didn’t pay child support, so she worked a lot to keep food on the table. It was too much freedom for a boy like Kingston. That, and he liked the finer things in life. Thrift store shopping was too beneath him, so he decided to try to make money on his own. He fell into the wrong crowd, and they began teaching him things he had no business ever knowing.

  “When he was seventeen, he got caught boosting a car. The owner, surprisingly, wanted to talk to him once he was caught. When he was taken to court for judgment, the judge gave him two options; jail or the military. He chose the military, and we had no choice but to join.”

  He’d already told me why he himself had joined, that he wanted to be closer to his brother. “And did you ever just want to go back to medical school?” I asked as we entered our cabin.

  “I figured I could always go back once he served his six years,” he answered. “I didn’t expect to like the culture. I didn’t invision finding Axel, Wyatt, and Corbin along the way. They became like family, too, and the JOpS gave us something we could never have imagined, a place of belonging.”

  “And your mom? What did she think about it all?” I inquired.

  He grimaced slightly. “She passed away when we were in boot camp.”

  I had a feeling there w
as more to the story, but I chose not to press it. Instead, I led us to the bathroom up in the loft. It had a more substantial walk-in shower that could fit us both comfortably.

  I turned it on, so it could warm up and began to shed my clothing. He cleared his throat. I looked at him over my shoulder and grinned at him. “I want to take a shower with you, if that’s okay.”

  He was biting his lower lip as his eyes hungrily scanned my body. “That’s more than okay,” he said huskily as he began to divulge his clothing.

  I wasn’t disappointed by what he had revealed. As I predicted, he wasn’t stacked with muscles, but he was cut and toned. He worked out to stay in shape, not to beef up or become bulky.

  I stepped in the shower to prevent myself from reaching out to him and feeling him up. I really did just want to spend some time with him. I knew it wasn’t the most conventional way to do so, but with the others busy, I couldn’t imagine that many private moments with Easton.

  I took inventory of all the bottles lined up on the ledge in the shower. I smiled when I noticed one of them used a shampoo I could use.

  “Let me,” Easton said huskily as he plucked the bottle from my hands. “Maybe we should put some of your toiletries up here, hmm?” he hummed. “If Kingston notices you smell like him, we’ll never hear the end of it.”

  I laughed as I felt his hands in my hair. I moaned and closed my eyes as he massaged my scalp. “Somehow, that doesn’t surprise me,” I groaned once more at his ministrations. “You know, I didn’t want to share a shower with you just to have you wash my hair.”

  “I like to washing you,” he gruffly muttered as he tilted my head into the streaming water.

  “Oh, I’m not complaining.” I sighed. “But you’re going to have to let me return the favor.”

  He chuckled. “Deal.”

  He opened another bottle and pulled me gently out of the stream of water before putting the conditioner in my hair. He took his time, rubbing my scalp once more. It was heavenly and I enjoyed every second under his magical fingers. I wondered if his fingers were just as magical everywhere. I felt the warmth unfurl in my stomach and the wetness between my thighs.


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