Netherfield Prep (Austen Reimagined: P&P #1)

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Netherfield Prep (Austen Reimagined: P&P #1) Page 17

by Elizabeth Stevens

  The rain seemed to stop over my head abruptly, but I didn’t look away from Lily as I saw Anders kiss her hand. I was forced to miss the rest of the encounter as my head was turned by someone else and I saw Fleur smiling at me. She was holding an umbrella over us.

  “Fleur, hi,” I said, trying to force a smile.

  If there was anything I didn’t need before a football game, it was Fleur in my face.

  “I hear good luck kisses are all the rage.” She smiled.

  “I didn’t peg you for the peer pressure kind of girl,” I replied, wondering where Jax and Claudine were.

  “Well, when it comes to you, Austin…” she said, her voice low and sultry.

  I ran a hand through my hair as more droplets fell in my eyes.

  She sighed. “I do wish you hadn’t cut your hair. You’ve lost all your…mystery.”

  I laughed. “Mystery? Fleur, we’ve known each other for almost a decade, I doubt there could be any more mystery.”

  She forced me to look at her again and I saw she was pouting and batting her eyes.

  The referee thankfully blew his whistle for us to get onto the pitch.

  “I’ve got to go. I’ll speak to you after,” I said, trying to dislodge myself from her.

  She smiled sadly and nodded. I turned to go, but before I could get onto the pitch, I felt a hand at my arm again. I was about to yell at Fleur, even in front of everyone here, but it wasn’t her voice I heard.

  “Not you. You can go on later.”

  Knowing she was touching me sent shivers through me. I almost didn’t turn around for fear she’d see it in my eyes. But, then the knowledge I wasn’t starting crashed into me and it wasn’t hard to steel my eyes. I turned and glared at her, and found her glaring back just as hard.

  “So, who’s starting for me?”


  I sighed and ran my hand through my hair again. “You have to be kidding.”

  “I’m not. You can go on when I’m assured you won’t lose it and get yourself carded again. One more red and you’re out for the next two matches.”

  I finally pulled my arm from her hand. “I know that,” I snarled, but she didn’t flinch at my tone.

  “Do you? Because you should have known not to get that second yellow last week, but that didn’t stop you.”

  “Who put you in charge?”

  “Williams said it was your idea. You don’t like it, tough titties.”

  I blinked at her for the ‘tough titties’ comment – and what that made me think of – as much as the fact Williams had seemed to actually forget it was his idea to have Lily help us. Having said that, if she was helping even though she thought it was my idea…that had to give me some hope.

  Hope of what, you idiot? You have no hope…

  “While I’ve got your…limited attention…” Lily said and I looked at her properly again, “I would kindly thank you to tell that arsing friend of yours that she can stop giving Anne ‘updates’ on what Jax is up to under the pretence of friendship.” She huffed. “Anne may be as sweetly naïve as anyone, but I’m not fooled!”

  “Friend?” I blinked. “Oh, Cassandra. Cousin.”

  “She’s your cousin?”

  “You didn’t know?”

  She shrugged. “I know all I need to about her, it matters little if she’s related to your or not.” Her words were pointed, but I had no time to dwell on that.

  The game started and her attention was diverted. She watched the play for a moment or two, then looked back to me quickly. “Just take some time to remember what’s at stake and let me know when you’re ready to go on.” She walked off towards the action and was already yelling at Williams.

  I seethed; I knew exactly what was at stake. Lily was at stake. Screw the clash.

  “That is not the way to think right now…” I muttered.

  “What isn’t?” Cass appeared beside me.

  I looked at her and something hit me. Cassandra was looking after Lily in the exact same manner I was sure I was; the exact same expression, the wistfulness. I looked at Lily’s back, she was jumping up and down as she tried to get Brickwell’s attention. I looked back to Cass, who I didn’t think noticed I was looking at her.

  “Cass?” I said slowly.

  “Mm?” she replied, still watching Lily’s back and chewing on a tassel of her scarf.

  Now, I’d started, though, I wasn’t sure how or if I should continue. Suddenly, all Cassandra’s jealousy was making sense. All her weird behaviour over the last few weeks made complete and utter sense.

  “You like Lily.”

  I didn’t realise I’d said anything out loud until she rounded on me, her eyes full of fury.

  “That is utterly ridiculous,” she spat.

  “Is it though? I’m thinking that reaction alone is enough confirmation.”

  “I don’t like people, Oz. Let alone people like Lily Brewer, you know that.”


  “Believe what you will.”

  “I shall.”

  “You’re just projecting because you won’t admit you like her.”

  “You don’t seem particularly interested in admitting you like her.”

  “Because I don’t.”

  “Neither do I!”

  “Good, then we’re both agreed we don’t like her.”

  “Yes, yes, we are,” I said, then jumped as I heard Lily’s voice.

  “You’re agreed you both don’t like who?”

  I turned and saw her smirk was almost playful. I was pretty sure she knew who we were talking about, but I wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of confirming her suspicion.

  I cleared my throat. “I’m good to go on when we sub.”

  She sighed as though relieved, “thank God, Brickwell is doing terribly.”

  I grinned. “He’ll do that. Great guy, but no talent for football whatsoever.”

  Lily started to smile, then looked at me and her face shut down. “Right, I’ll let you know when it’s time.” And she walked away again.

  Cassandra hit me, bursting into laughter. “You have really screwed up there!”

  “Like you’ve done any better,” I replied, grumpily.

  She hit me less playfully this time. “Don’t grump at me because you’re a proud twat.”

  I nodded my head at her, conceding her point. I really didn’t have anyone but myself to blame. Not that that made it any easier.

  A few minutes later, Coach pulled a very grateful Brickwell off the field and I stepped up to take his place.

  “Are you going to behave yourself this time?” Lily asked as Brickwell came jogging over.

  I nodded, not wanting to look at her or talk to her.

  “I want nothing but clean play from you, and your fists to yourself, Oz.”

  I looked down at her at the sound of my nickname. She seemed to slip into using it during football and I wondered why that was.

  “All right, clean play and no punches.” I nodded, totally intending to keep my word.

  I high-fived Brickwell and took his place on the field.

  “I’m serious, Oz!” Lily yelled.

  Chapter Twenty-Five: Lily

  He turned as he jogged backwards into position and saluted me, a wicked grin on his face.

  The rain was easing off to an annoying drizzle as I sighed and watched play resume, my worried gaze flicking from Liam to Austin. Liam had, so far, left Jax alone and I hoped he’d continue leaving the Coopers alone. Austin, though, I had less faith in.

  At least Liam’s anger was justified. I had no idea what Austin’s problem was, except for his inflated sense of pride and self-worth. He was probably just pissed there was someone in the world who didn’t bow and scrape and simper at him, or run away scared when he scowled at them.

  I tried to keep my eyes off Liam and barrack for my own team, but it was difficult as he kept winking at me and blowing kisse
s when he went past.

  “That Liam is such a flirt,” Kate giggled. “I’m sure he likes me.”

  Anne and I shared a look and I linked my arm in hers.

  “Those are the van Wilhausen sisters, aren’t they?” Anne asked, pointing with her head to the other side of the pitch.

  “Clean tackle!” I screeched as Austin ran across my field of vision. I had no idea if he was even going for a tackle, I just figured he could do with a reminder now and then. “Yeah, I think so. I don’t know what Jax sees in the younger one.” I leant in closer to her and whispered, “she seems even stupider than Gemma and Kate combined.”

  “Are you saying rude things about you sisters, Lily?” I heard a familiar voice behind me and turned.

  “Aunt Nadine!” I smiled, then panicked. “Is Dad here, too?”

  Aunt Nadine, Dad’s sister, grinned. “He and Claire are over in the stands.”

  “Mum’s here?” Gemma asked then she and Kate were off.

  “Aunt Nadine, this is my friend, Anne.”

  “Pleased to meet you dear.” Aunt Nadine smiled, then turned a more serious face on me. “Did I see you hugging a boy from the Military-”

  There was a cry of shock from the crowd and I spun back to the game. Austin and Liam were down in a tangle of legs, but at this point, I couldn’t tell who brought who down.

  “Austin!” I yelled, assuming it was his fault.

  I didn’t miss the glare he shot me when he turned away from Liam, but there was a deference in it which surprised me. I was still surprised I could tell the twins apart so easily, but I didn’t question it. Instead, I questioned why Austin had to be such a massive pain in my arse, not only by being an arsing wanker, but by risking the game.

  The referee got them untangled and Austin was actually the one who got the free, no cards were drawn. I pointed at Austin, then my eyes and back. He shook his head and jogged into position. Liam caught my eye and gave me a wink.

  “Yes, that boy,” Aunt Nadine said and I turned.

  “What, Liam?”

  “His name’s Liam is it? Do you know why he’s at Military College? You know those boys are there for a reason…”

  “Oh, no, Liam isn’t like that.” Anne smiled. “He’s the victim of an unfortunate circumstance. He’s really very nice.”

  Aunt Nadine didn’t seem to agree, but she merely gave me a tight-lipped smile and nodded. “I’d best get back to your parents, Lil. We’ll see you after?”

  “Of course, as long as I’m not being arrested for killing Austin Cooper.”

  Aunt Nadine smiled. “It looks like you manage to keep him under control.”

  I snorted, about to seriously put paid to that idea when Anne spoke. “She laughs, but it’s true. That’s why they asked her to help out. She’s the only girl in the school except Cassandra Morley who’s allowed to yell at Austin Cooper.”

  “And his twin? Jackson? Do you have magical control over him as well?”

  Anne’s face fell at the mention of Jax and I scrambled to cover. “Jax’d be in serious trouble of losing more than his dignity, were it up to me.”

  Aunt Nadine wasn’t an idiot, she took one look at the situation and nodded. “I’d heard poor Anne was jilted in love, I’m sorry dear. This Liam could be your man; perhaps it’s your turn, Lily? We girls do so like to be jilted every now and then. And, Lord knows, your father will always be there to make the most of it.”

  I smiled. “I’ll think about it, thank you.”

  Aunt Nadine smiled. “I think we’re all going for coffee after the game. See you then.”

  I waved her off and saw the game had stopped for half-time. Or, rather, I guessed it was as Liam came jogging over.

  “I’ll go and sit with the others,” Anne said, a small smile on her face.

  I grinned at her then found myself whirled around in Liam’s arms. I giggled, trying hard not to. “Put me down, put me down. It’s not good for us to been seen fraternising.”

  He laughed, but did as I asked. “I’m sorry about the tackle. I slid into it wrong.”

  I searched his eyes. I may not have had any success actually playing soccer, but I was pretty sure the kind of player Liam was would have a hard time doing anything unintentional on the pitch. Still, things happened. I smiled.

  “Don’t be, I’m sure Austin was dreaming about hitting you.”

  Liam chuckled, shaking his wet hair from his forehead, his blue eyes sparkling. “Oh, he was, I could see it on his face. When you yelled his name, though, well, he looked thoroughly chastened.”

  I glanced over to where the team had assembled, my eyes narrowing at something that didn’t look right. I turned back to Liam.

  “I’d best help debrief the team. Williams is such a hog!”

  He chuckled. “Don’t go giving away team secrets.”

  “No,” I replied, mock-horrified, “I wouldn’t dare.”

  He grinned, gave me a quick kiss and jogged towards his team. He didn’t quite make it though, as he was accosted by Gemma and Kate. I shook my head, having no time for trying to compete with my younger sister for a man’s affections; Liam would choose me, or he wouldn’t. I had other boys to concern myself with for now...

  I squeezed my way through the tall, wet bodies and I cursed my shortness again. Still, once they realised it was me pushing my way through, the press of wet soccer kits eased. Thank God it was rain; the idea of them being that sweaty was thoroughly gross.

  Coach was giving them a pep talk in his thin wavery voice and I spared a moment to smile at the old man. The reverence the boys had for him was commendable and almost made me see them as more than the horndog teenage boys they actually were. My gaze swept over them as I watched their happy faces. Then, my gaze fell on the Coopers and I remembered why I had marched over there in a fit of anger.

  I sidled through the team, grabbed both of them by their arms, and pulled them aside.

  “What-” Austin started.

  “Lily!” Jax said.

  I stared at them, my eyes narrowed. My finger was pointing at them and I opened my mouth to rip into them when that Fleur van Wilhausen came sauntering up. She leant into Jax, her arm going around him and whispered something in his ear. Jax chuckled and nodded. The leggy blonde gave me an appraising glance that told me she was none too impressed with what she saw – don’t worry, the feeling was mutual – before kissing Jax’s cheek and stalking off.

  At the same time, Cass came over, looking behind her, then looked at Austin. “Jax, man, Claw is more apeshit than usual. Did someone let out Williams’ secret hiding spot? I’m sure she’s wasted...” Cass finally looked at me and saw me glaring.

  “Now is really not a good time for girlfriend drama, so if you can keep the van Wilhausens busy for now, that would be super.” I smiled at her, but it was in no way even intended to be sincere.

  Cass threw a look at Jax as though I was his problem and I rolled my eyes.

  “Can you just...?” I made shooing motions and she left. “Thank you.”

  “What’s the problem Lily?” Jax asked, wearing his best scowl and crossing his arms.

  “Oh, please!” I sighed. “You two do this often, I assume? God, I don’t even want to know.”

  “What are you talking about?” Austin asked with Jax’s more relaxed stance.

  “Uh-uh. You’re not fooling anyone...” I looked around. “Okay, strike that, you appear to be fooling everyone. What’s the plan here guys?”

  They looked at me, for once a literal mirror image of each other; their mouths open in shock, even their eyes were a similar stormy blue. They looked at each other for a moment, then back to me.

  “We have no idea what you’re talking about,” Austin replied, crossing his arms over the small ‘J’ next to the school crest; Williams had told me that was the only way they could tell them apart from the front in their long-sleeved soccer kits.

  “Austin...” I sighed.
r />   I reached a hand out to the twin wearing Jax’s jersey and lifted the bottom of his top. As I’d expected, Austin’s tattoos swirled around his perfectly toned abs. Fighting the urge to run my hands over them, I dropped the top and crossed my arms.

  “Shit, Lily. You can seriously tell us apart?” Jax asked, his hand fluttering to the ‘A’ on his top.

  “Shit, Jax, yes I can,” I said in an exaggerated whisper. “To be honest, I’m surprised your own cousin and fiancée can’t.”

  Austin’s eyes hardened, but not before I saw something flash in them at the recognition I could tell them apart. I had no idea what it was and, right now, I didn’t care.

  “The two of you cannot go out like that.”

  “Why not?” Jax asked as Austin said, “How?”

  “Because I’m sure there’s some kind of rule saying you can’t do it,” I said in answer to Jax’s question. The image of Austin’s abs played in my mind and I was getting angry with myself for my reaction to them.

  “No one else has to know.” Jax shrugged.

  I sighed, my arms flailing in growing frustration. If I forced them to swap back, then I’d have to see Austin’s body...and I was so not ready for that. But...if they’d swapped shirts intentionally, they were undoubtedly up to no good.

  The whistle blew for the team to get back on the pitch.

  “How?” Austin demanded again as the rest of the team started to jog to position.

  “How what?” I replied.

  “How can you tell us apart?”

  My frustration burst out of me. “Because as much as I hate you both right now, I am only attracted to one of you!” Oh shit, that did totally come out... “And, you’ve entirely ruined your chances of anything, Jax, so don’t go thinking anything of it,” I finished, pointing at him. My voice didn’t sound too shaky...maybe they bought it?

  Austin’s lip twitched and I had the feeling he entirely did not buy my story.

  “Oi oi!” Williams called.

  Without thinking, I grabbed Austin and pushed him onto the pitch. His body was hard under my gloves and I was hoping that mental sigh stayed mental. Shaking my head, I pulled him around to face me before letting him get back onto the pitch.


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