Blood Moon Box Set

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Blood Moon Box Set Page 27

by Natalie Aejaz

  The vampire’s eyes flashed. “And what does she want?”

  “We haven’t talked, but I think she wants to stay with me.” No, he knew it. He had ignored those little looks she gave him, how she melted against his body, and the way she screamed his name when he was inside her. She did not fake any of it. And when she had settled against his chest last night, asking him not to leave her, the longing in her voice was obvious, even to a loner like him. He had closed his soul off for a long time, but she had touched it, bringing it back to life…

  Leke ran a hand through his cropped dark hair. “What are you going to do?” Those piercing blue eyes flashed again, indicating he cared about this situation. And a burden lifted from Blade. There was no need for him to do this on his own, was there? He didn’t need to make decisions or deal with the mob alone.

  He didn’t need to be alone. Life could be different, if he would just have the bloody courage.

  “I can’t send her to James,” he admitted, “But if I don’t, things will kick off. There will be repercussions for a lot of other people.”

  “I know where you’re coming from, but how long are you going to worry about repercussions? I supported your decision, but I’m also fed up with how James is holding us to ransom with his threats.”

  “I can’t start conflict in Manhattan, just for my own needs.”

  “Come on, Blade. You’ve spent years thinking about others and working your ass off to maintain a truce. Nobody will blame you if you think about yourself for once. In fact, we’ll back you up.”

  “But what about the supernaturals lower down the ladder? What if they can’t defend themselves—”

  “They won’t be alone, though, will they? Put it this way, Blade. I know many others who feel this way. Whatever decision you take, we’ll be there. I’ll be there, right behind you.”

  “I appreciate that.” Blade’s chest expanded as relief filled it. Why the hell had he felt as if it was his sole responsibility to maintain harmony in Manhattan? All it took was opening up, and the burden was shared. As for Alyssa...he knew he cared about her and wanted to look after her…protect her from James. But opening up to her would be even harder than talking to Leke. But he couldn’t think about that right now. “Enough about me, vampire. How have you been?”

  Leke’s mouth twisted. “Rasmus is causing problems.”

  “But he always does, doesn’t he?” That wolf shifter had gone rogue after his brother was killed during the government crackdown on supernaturals. He tried to start a militant group among their kind, one that would target human agencies. When he realized that most supernaturals weren’t interested, he left with a group of wolf followers, and these days was only heard of when he caused a disturbance somewhere or the other.

  “He’s crossed the line this time,” said the vampire. “Apparently, he’s decided that the best solution is for him to go around changing humans to his kind. He’s bitten a few already.”


  “You can say that again. My contact from the government has been in touch. They want me and my horde to find him and stop this new project of his.”

  “I don’t envy you.” Each time Leke took one of their kind down, powerful supernaturals got pissed.

  “I’m just hoping that Veronica gets to him first. Ever since Rasmus tried to lay a claim to her turf, she’s been after his blood.”

  Shit…if it kicked off with James, gangsters like Veronica would get involved, too. She might not see eye to eye with the mob boss, but she hated supernaturals more than he did...

  His mobile rang. James. As if he’d conjured up the man himself. What did the fucker want to remind him about this time? When he heard the shaking voice on the other side, every bone in his body went cold. “Blade?”


  His knuckles turned white as he gripped the table. The vampire stared at his hand but said nothing, waiting.

  “Alyssa?” He could barely get her name out. “Where are you? Are you still in the villa?”

  “No. I’m at James’ house—”

  No! There was the sound of struggle as the phone was snatched from her.

  “Hello, Blade.” James’ low voice sent terror through him.

  “You’d better not touch her.”

  “How did it feel, hearing her voice for the last time?” The last time? No fucking way. “I can’t believe you were so lax, Blade. Calling a doctor to your villa. I mean, since when did demons need doctors? It didn’t take long for him to spill his guts. And what do I find out? The man I’ve dealt with and trusted for years had my woman.”

  “She doesn’t belong to you.”

  “Ah, but she does. And you know what? I’d arranged some big fuckers to pick you up. But the whore offered to give herself up instead.” She’d given herself to a man she was terrified of, to save him? Some big guy he was. All these years, he’d given in to James’ demands, afraid of the repercussions, and Alyssa took a step like this when she knew what the mob boss would do to her. She had more damn guts than him.

  “Listen, James. If it’s me you want, I’ll come to you. Let her go—”

  “You know something, Blade? I’m going to enjoy that cunt even more now I know what she means to you. You’ll spend the rest of your long years knowing that she gave herself up to save your sorry ass.”

  “James. Please—”

  “No need to worry about anything else, Blade. As far as I’m concerned, we’re good now that I have Alyssa back, and you’ve been punished for your misdemeanors. The truce still stands.”

  And with that, he hung up.

  Blade flung the mobile against the wall, smashing it into pieces. Red filled his eyes as he placed his hands on the table, ready to throw it. But the vampire teleported behind him and enclosed him in his muscled arms. “Stop it, demon! Get out of the rage.”

  Blade spread his arms, forcing Leke to relinquish his hold, and then picked up the table as if it was a chair. When he flung it against the wall, it fell apart, leaving a dent. It wasn’t enough. As his horns elongated and skin transformed color, the vampire was saying something, but he couldn’t hear his words because of the pounding inside his head. Blade needed to break something...Me. He deserved to have every damn bone in his body broken for not protecting Alyssa. Because he’d behaved like a fucking coward, she was now with James. And who knew what the hell he’d be doing to her right now?

  He dropped to the floor, smashing his fists against the ground. The pain wasn’t enough. It never would be, because no matter how much he hurt himself, it was nothing compared to what James would put Alyssa through. He would punish her not just for her disobedience, but for what Blade had done. She wouldn’t survive…something broke inside him, and he watched through a haze as drops of water fall to the thick carpet. His tears? So much for being soulless. Right now, he wished he was.

  The vampire’s voice came from a distance, telling him he couldn’t help her if he didn’t get himself out of this state. Leke was right, but as he tried to overcome the rage, all he felt was a pain that went on and on. He roared until the windows cracked and then, finally, he fell into darkness.

  SHE WOULD NEVER HAVE THE chance to speak to Blade again. She would never hear his voice or be in his arms.

  Alyssa had come to James’ home over an hour ago—a huge white mansion with perfect gardens and a water fountain flanking it. No sign of the crimes and horror that went on inside. As she walked past blooming roses and greenery, she’d known she wouldn’t walk out of here unchanged. When she approached the arched entrance, Drake was stood before it with his suited men: his personal gang of twenty. They were the reason danger never crossed the threshold of James’ home. Drake hadn’t immediately stepped aside so she could enter, as if he was giving her the chance to get away…wanted her to take the chance to get away. When she didn’t retreat, his jaw tightened as he stepped aside.

  She had entered the drawing room and then sat on an armchair to wait, her heart jumping with each passi
ng second as she tried to distract herself with the antiques arranged around the room. James was sickeningly nice to her when he turned up, saying how pleased he was to have her back where she belonged…going on about how worried he’d been about her. And then he took out his phone and made the call. It was both torture and bliss, hearing the demon’s voice for the last time.

  After ending the call, James placed his mobile on the Victorian coffee table. He leaned back in the armchair—the vintage floral fabric it was covered with was out of place in a mobster’s house. “Did you enjoy talking to your lover?”

  She didn’t even have the guts to look into his eyes. “He was just trying to help me. There was nothing else between us.”

  “You mean he did all that and didn’t even get a fuck for his efforts?”

  “He wanted nothing from me.”

  She doubted that James would believe it, but she had to at least try.

  “Look at me, Alyssa.” The smile that appeared on his wrinkled face made her even more nervous. “I’m not happy about you lying to me. You know that, don’t you?” He sighed, looking at her with accusing eyes. “We used to be so good together, Alyssa. Yes, I got a bit rough, but only because I liked you. Why the hell did you change? Because of the demon?”

  Tears bit at her eyes. “I haven’t changed.”

  He stood, holding his hand out. “Come, my love. Let’s get you into something nicer.”

  She stood and held his hand, her heart thumping against her ribs. She had to get through this. The mobster’s hand was gentle as he led her out of the drawing room and into a wide corridor, so empty that for a moment she had the wild idea of making a run for it, but she would not get very far. If she tried to escape and was caught, she would be in a much worse situation than she was now. And if she did escape, James might go after Blade instead.

  He opened the door to a bedroom and then waved his hand in an aristocratic manner, so pompous it would have made her laugh under different circumstances. “Please enter.” The room, done up in lilac and white, was more of a suite. A massive chandelier, four poster bed and huge windows. She did not recognize the abstract artwork that hung above the fireplace, but she had no doubt it was expensive. On top of the bed was a beautiful organza gown in sky-blue. “Do you like the dress?”

  “It’s beautiful.”

  His smile etched deep lines into his face as he trailed a finger across her cheek. The tender side of him scared her more than the sadistic one. What would come after this calm? He pointed to a door in the corner. “How about you get nice and cleaned up and then wear this dress?”

  She entered the huge white bathroom that had a bathtub on one side and a rainfall shower on the other, but when she put her hand on the door, he said, “Keep it open.” And then he stood at the doorway. Her heart jumped to her throat as she took her clothes off. His beady eyes were stuck on her the whole time, but she tried to pretend he wasn’t there as she stood underneath the shower. She took her time, wanting to delay whatever he’d planned for her. “We don’t have all day, Alyssa.” There was irritation in his voice. She turned off the shower and reached for one of the towels on a low shelving unit, conscious of how his eyes grazed over her backside when she leaned over. She wrapped a towel around herself, grateful to hide her naked body from his scrutiny.

  “You are thinner,” he mentioned.

  She almost burst out laughing. What did he expect? She’d been so busy avoiding him that she’d barely worked or eaten. The room was set up with everything a woman could need, and that somehow made the situation even more cruel. She would have preferred a small dingy room, because going from this haven to wherever he planned to take her would be hell. She took the hair dryer from the dressing table and dried her hair. Once that was done, she removed the towel and pulled on the strapless gown. His eyes were stuck to her as she pulled it up over her breasts.

  “Beautiful,” he breathed. He crept closer, his eyes almost like those of an admiring lover as he placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her to face the mirror. She looked at her reflection through dead eyes. It was a lovely gown, but he might as well have dressed a corpse for all the feeling it generated in her. He brought her back against him so she could feel his erection as his hand came up to cup her breast. She stared at the wall next to the mirror, going into the blank zone where she escaped for such encounters. His arm crossed her chest as he slipped his hand inside one of the gown cups. He squeezed her nipple, hurting her. When she did not respond, he pinched harder until a whimper left her mouth. He grunted in satisfaction. “By the end of today, you’ll be screaming, my love.” He said it with a smile, such content on his face that he could have been promising her sexual pleasure. “Now come, child. I’ve arranged a special party to celebrate your return.”

  Her hand trembled when he held his out toward her. She took it with limp fingers and then followed him out of the room. When something fell on her cheek, she wiped it with her free hand. Tears.

  At the end of the hallway, he opened a door, and the world around them changed. They were now in a gray concrete corridor that displayed no attempts at beautification. He led her over the cement flooring, opening a set of doors at the end. He waved his hand with the same flourish that he’d used to introduce her to the luxury bedroom. “Please enter.”

  She entered the room and froze. It was a bare concrete chamber with a door on the other side, and in the middle of it was a wood platform, split down the middle and suspended on a frame. Above them, chains hung from the ceiling. A whimper left her mouth at the sight of the implements on the table next to the wall. Blades of different sizes, a tiny hammer, screwdrivers, plugs and other items that could be inserted into the body…she pulled her gaze away, not having the guts to check the rest of the items. “No.” Her body shook, teeth chattering. “Please.” She fought for that numb feeling to return, but the fear cut through it, shredding it. Whatever happened now, she would feel it with her full senses. Her lips trembled as more tears fell down her face. “I’m sorry, James.” She fell to her knees, like the demon had once told her to, subjugated herself before the mob boss. But he just kicked her, so she landed on the floor.

  “Lie down, Alyssa. If I have to force you, it won’t be pretty.”

  Now she openly cried. “I’m really sorry…I won’t do anything stupid again. I’ll stay with you. Always.”

  “Yes, you will, because by the time this party is done tonight, nobody else will ever want you.” His voice hardened and lips stretched back to expose his teeth. “Now lie down.”

  When she stayed where she was, he reached for a knife and ran his finger along it. “You were never the prettiest of my girls.” He brought the blade close to her face. “I can make you the ugliest one, though.”

  She scrambled to her feet and then sat on the edge of the platform. Instead of lying down, she froze, still hoping for mercy. When he took a step toward her, his outstretched hand holding the knife, she lay back and closed her eyes. If she was lucky, she would lose her mind before it was over.

  He ignored the chains hanging above them, instead going for the small metal binds that extended from the planks. He stretched them over her wrists and ankles, and they clipped into place. She struggled, but they did not budge. And then he picked up the knife again. Her breathing stopped as he stepped closer. She was crying but had no idea of the words that left her mouth. Whatever they were, they only widened his manic grin. He brought the blade to her forehead, trailing its blade down over her nose and lips, to her neck.

  Do it. Finish me.

  But he continued further down, resting the knife at the top of the gown. He cut the neckline and then pulled the blade all the way down. It caught her in places, but she did not even feel the sharp cuts, because worse was coming. He didn’t stop until he’d torn her dress apart, and then he pulled it out from underneath her. “Much better, my love.” There was a bind at the middle of the planks, too, and he pulled it out and stretched it across her stomach so she was held in plac

  He stepped over to the wall, and the distance brought both relief and the threat of him picking up another implement. When he pressed a button on the wall panel, the table split down the middle, spreading her legs. He then pressed another button, and she screamed as the platform flipped so she faced the floor. More laughter as he turned it back again. She cried, soft, the hard wood already hurting her back.

  He came close, running his eyes over her body. “So beautiful. I can’t wait to see how you’ll look later. That’s when I’ll fuck you.” He picked up his phone and typed something into it. “Do you know what I’ve just sent out?” She didn’t want to hear, but her hands were bound, so she couldn’t cover her ears. She thrashed her head, hoping it would drown out his voice, but his fingers and thumb pressed into her cheeks until she thought he might rip through her skin. “I’ve sent out an invitation to some very special acquaintances of mine.” He then walked toward the door on the other side, the one opposite the corridor they’d come through. “That leads straight to the car park. I’m holding a party tonight, and you’re the main entertainment.” He opened the door. “In two hours, a group of mean assholes will burst through here and find you waiting for them. I’ve told them to invite any friends who might be up for fun, too. And after they’ve finished with you, it will be my turn. But before then, I’ll sit back and enjoy the show.”

  As he walked toward the door that led to his mansion, she screamed. “Please, James. Kill me!”

  She could still hear his laughter after he closed the door behind him.

  BLADE’S EYES SHOT OPEN. HE was in the living room of his villa. Alone. When he stood, pain clutched his head, but he had to get to Alyssa. He had to save her.

  He went into his bedroom and shifted the rug aside, exposing a barely perceptible groove in the wood flooring. Lifting a plank to expose a steel trap door, he punched in a code to the side of it and then dropped down. It was months since he’d been in the underground chamber that was the size of his whole villa. He went straight to the cupboards lining the walls. There was a security panel for each section, and he punched in the password so the steel doors slid open on a collection of weapons: blades, axes, nunchaku, ninja stars and guns. Lots of guns. Small discreet ones and big fuckers—every damn weapon he could think of, stored in case conflict ever broke out. But he’d always hoped he would never have to touch them.


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