Blood Moon Box Set

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Blood Moon Box Set Page 32

by Natalie Aejaz

  “Could I see your ticket?” he asked.

  “I’ve no intention of entering,” she snapped. “I’m looking for—” No, it would not be the cleverest idea to admit she was after an owner of this impressive place. “Well, I’m looking for a vampire.”

  His face relaxed. “You’re in the wrong area. You need the Blood Zone. It’s two gates away.”

  A blood zone? That was the last place she wanted to be in, with these damn cravings. But she had to beat them if she wanted to get to whoever had done this to her. She didn’t bother thanking the guard before heading back to her bike. She drove out through the gate and entered through the one the security guy had directed her to. Ahead of her was a guarded entrance, as at the other zone, but there was no queue. This time, she allowed the valet to take away the bike.

  “A bit late for the party, aren’t you?” asked a guard at the entrance.

  “It’s only 11.” And the other zone had been packed.

  “Yes, but everyone gets here early, before the juiciest humans are taken. But you should find someone in there.”

  The sick fucker thought she was here to feed? And what the hell went on in this place? “Where can I grab a ticket?”

  “No ticket for this zone. The venue will charge you a commission for every feed—”

  She didn’t stay to hear more. In the large but dark entrance hall, the gorgeous receptionist smiled at her, all long red hair, pale skin and green eyes. “Hold your hand out, love, and I’ll stamp you with a blood counter.”

  “A what?”

  “A blood counter. It’ll measure the units of blood you take inside the zone.” The nymph gave her a wide smile. “Don’t worry, love, it won’t hurt. It’s just like a stamp.” Another side effect of this transformation was that Veronica could recognize different supernatural species. She didn’t want abilities that had anything to do with being a bloodsucker, but this was one skill she couldn’t block, unlike teleportation. She’d shifted from one place to another by accident before, and she did her best to ensure she didn’t make a habit of it. “Your hand, love?” Veronica held out her hand, and sure enough, the stamp was like one in any other club, leaving a red tear drop—or should that be blood drop—on her wrist. The nymph’s smile remained stuck to her face as she spoke. “Remember, donors have had their vitals checked, and are assigned a limit on the blood they can give. When they reach that limit, both they and their feeder will experience a tingling sensation around the area of the wrist stamp, and our system will be notified. If you are feeding from such a human, you must stop. If you don’t, expect a lifelong ban from the venue.”

  “Don’t worry,” mumbled Veronica. “No chance of that happening.” She walked away from the nymph, through steel doors and into a dark corridor lit with red LED lights. It didn’t take a genius to figure out where to go next. She followed the music and loud moans downstairs to an underground area, and after stepping through the doors, she backed out again. What the hell? She’d only caught a glimpse, but it was enough to scare the shit out of her. Vampires all over the massive dark hall, sat on tables, on the floor and on chairs…gorging on humans.

  Was this what she was now? A monster?

  She drew a deep breath and stepped through the doors. The only thing more disgusting than what these bloodsuckers were doing? The humans were enjoying it. That’s where the moans of pleasure were coming from…from the mouths of males and females as their blood was drained. She glanced to the side of the hall, at the humans sat around tables with drinks. Some of them had their eyes on her, and as one woman stood to approach her, Veronica hurried on. It was a damn orgy with bloodsucking as the main stimulant. One female had her dress lifted to around her hips, her hand frantic between her thighs as two vampires feasted on her. Further up, a man clutched a vampire when the latter pulled his teeth out of him. “I need more,” he groaned.

  The vampire’s smile was cold as he drew a long nail across his cheek. “Your counter’s expired. You can’t give any more blood tonight.” But still, the human begged for more.

  Sick. And even more sickening was the fact that she wanted in. It was so damn tempting that she rushed through the area, only slowing down when she noticed the glances. Every bloodsucker who was not feeding turned to look at her. Not just looked but stared, as if the fact she was a new bloodsucker was a piece of news stamped on her face. When a vampire smirked, she straightened her back, refusing to be intimidated. She would start her life as a supernatural with the rest of them knowing she was not someone to be messed with. At the busy bar on the other side of the hall, she ordered a pint of beer as if this was her regular hangout. “Only beer?” asked the barman, confused. “Or do you fancy a bit of the red stuff—we make the best cocktails here—”

  She licked her lips. It was so tempting, especially when she was surrounded by these feeding vampires. A few drops of blood… “Just a beer, thanks.”

  The barman grinned like a lunatic. “Everyone resists at first. But it won’t be long before you’re going for the stronger stuff.”

  Chuckles spread among the humans and bloodsuckers at the bar, as if her predicament was a fucking joke. She grabbed the barman by the neck and pulled him across the counter. He might be a fucking supernatural—a shifter, that was it—but when she bared her fangs, fear flashed across his face. “How about I start with you?” she asked.

  “I—I was just messing,” he whimpered. She released him, and he poured a pint and placed it on the counter, slamming the glass so liquid splashed out of it.

  She turned to look at the customers around the counter, and now everyone avoided her gaze. Good. As a newbie, she had to get the word out there that she would not be messed with. That was a fucking given. The barman turned away from her. “Hold on,” she said. “I ain’t finished with you yet, dickhead.”

  His voice was small. “Can I get you anything else?”

  “Yes. I’m looking for Leke.”

  “The owner?”


  “I don’t know where to find him.”

  Bullshit. “Tell me how to fucking find him.”

  The barman paled. She had no idea what kind of dipshit shifter he was, but it seemed the image she’d had of all supernaturals as powerful beings was a load of bull. Before he could answer, two massive tattooed geezers approached her, their black jeans and tee shirts fitted to show off muscular bodies. Fucking bouncers. “The manager would like a word with you,” the larger one said.

  She gave the barman a look that made it obvious he wasn’t off the hook yet and then followed the bouncers through a door in the back of the bar. She should have been shit-scared as she followed them through the small unlit corridor, but she was so pissed at the whole fuckup of a situation that she did not give a damn. One of them opened the door, and she stepped into an office so luxurious that she blinked a few times, unable to believe this was attached to that debauched blood zone. Space, lots of it, and bright lighting that almost made you forget it was underground. Soft crème sofas sat on one side and on the other, there was a large desk. The guy who sat behind it—she presumed he was the manager—was dressed in a smart two-piece, his hair dark blond and yellow eyes that of an animal. Damn, he was hot. “I’m Ryan,” he said.


  “I’ll get straight to the point.” He stood and came to stand in front of the table, so there was nothing between them. “This kind of behavior…it’s not on. I’m giving you some leeway, because I know you’re a newborn—but learn to behave yourself.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  “Let’s just say that nobody will care much if a newborn disappears—”

  Without thinking, she lunged for him, and somehow had him up against the wall, her hand at his throat. Fuck, where did that strength come from?

  Anger flashed across Ryan’s face, followed by something resembling admiration. “You’re a strong one.” His eyes roamed her face. “How about putting that strength to good use?”

  His eyes
flashed with heat, but there was no way she would fuck a supernatural. Once she’d had it out with this Leke asshole or whoever had turned her, she was going to find a human—whether that was Enzo or someone else—and get this urge out of her system.

  She stepped back from him. “Where can I find Leke?”

  As he straightened his jacket, he released a laugh. “What the hell do you want with our boss?”

  “When is he due here?”

  “You’ve had a wasted journey. Leke rarely comes to the zone. He manages it from a distance.”

  “You tell me how to find him or I turned your zone upside down. You’ve already seen how strong I am—those two pussies outside your door won’t be able to stop me.”

  “Those two are not the only security here.” His jaw was now set. “You try anything of the sort, and I’ll have a hit put out on you before you’ve had your first taste of blood.”

  “Think anything could be worse than this?” She took a step closer to him. “But the government won’t put up with mayhem in a venue owned by supernaturals, don’t you think? Especially after what went down between your kind and the mob not long ago.” Her eyes fixed to his neck when he swallowed. “You won’t like it when the state puts restrictions on this place…and neither will Leke. And I’ve a feeling other supernaturals won’t be happy when the activities in their bars start getting monitored, too.”

  That look on his face? Pure dislike. “You’re way too cocky for a newborn. You know that?”

  “I might be new at being a supernatural, but I’m no newbie.”

  “If you know what’s good for you, keep away from Leke. He’s so damn dangerous that the government hires him to take out delinquents…humans and supernaturals.”

  “Call him and tell him I want to meet him.” When he hesitated, “What other choice do you have? And what am I going to do? Reach for him through the phone?”

  He almost smiled before he stepped back around his desk. When she moved closer, he held out a finger, staying her. “You stay where you are.” He picked up his mobile and hit a button before holding it to his ear. “There’s someone here to see you. A female vampire, newborn…” The guy glanced at her. “You’re right, Leke. She’s called Veronica. I’m not sure what she wants, but—”

  Oh, for fuck’s sake. In one movement, Veronica had moved toward him and grabbed the phone out of his hand. “Leke?”

  “Veronica…” The voice was deep, full of intent, and she found herself wondering if it belonged to the beautiful male in the flashbacks. “It is good to finally speak to you.”

  “Enough of that shit. I need to know, are you the one who turned me?”

  “Yes.” It was surprising that he admitted it so fast. After the trouble she’d gone to, to track him down, she expected more resistance.

  “In that case, horde leader, I want to meet you.”


  * * *

  THE NEXT EVENING, VERONICA TURNED up at the Blood Zone, as Leke had instructed her to.

  She got there earlier today, which meant there was a queue outside the place, but nobody tried to stop her when she walked to the front. The humans weren’t going to say anything, but even the vampires didn’t seem inclined to protest. It seemed that news about her had spread. It was even easier to gain a foothold in the supernatural world than the human one, what with the threat of the government hanging over these pussies. She could get used to the instant power. Not to mention the superhuman strength.

  As she neared the entrance, a familiar voice caused her to freeze. “Veronica!”

  She turned, and her fangs elongated at the sight of her nemesis. She stepped away from the crowd to approach the werewolf who’d shouted out to her. “Rasmus?” Dressed in smart dark jeans and a black tee shirt, and with that chiseled face, you’d never guess he killed for the fun of it. But those chilling blue eyes…they gave away the steel that was part of his personality. Behind him stood his right hand Edge, muscled and handsome, but his expression not as cold as that of his boss. Just over a year ago, he was also human, before the werewolf turned him.

  “What the hell are you doing here, Rasmus?” She pulled her lips back, giving him a look-see at her fangs. “Planning to cause trouble?”

  But he didn’t seem fazed by her changed appearance. In fact, he might even be…impressed? His eyes flashed as they roamed over her, landing on the neckline of her stretch corset top, and she resisted the urge to pull her jacket together to cover herself. “The last thing I want is trouble, Veronica.”

  That image flashed before her again. Rasmus in that abandoned car park before the vampire got to her. Why the hell couldn’t she remember more? “Too late for that, wolf. What went down in the car park that night? The night I was turned?”

  He did not even blink. “No idea. I’ve been trying to figure it out myself. After clearing up an issue with one of your guys, I left. I didn’t see you arrive—”

  “Bullshit. I saw you there.”

  “You saw me there? Or thought you saw me there?”

  “You’re saying I’m imagining things?” The wolf was pushing it.

  “You’re going through big changes, Veronica. Ask anyone who’s been through the process and they’ll tell you that confused visions are a given. Give it a couple of weeks before you start throwing dubious accusations around.”

  Since she hadn’t been through a damn change before, she had no way of knowing if he told the truth. And there was no point kicking up a fuss over a mere suspicion, not when there was someone who had actually wronged her to track down. “Whatever you say, Rasmus. But down the line, if I find out you were involved, you won’t get away with it—”

  “Like I said, you won’t have trouble from me. In fact, I’m here with a proposition.”

  “A proposition from you?” Considering how his gaze had raked over her, she hoped he wasn’t going to suggest what she thought he might.

  “Yes. We’ve been at each other’s throats, but I’ve always admired you—”

  “Sure you have.”

  There his eyes went, flashing as they lingered on her lips. “You underestimate yourself. Within a few years, you’ve claimed a section of Manhattan for yourself. Your rise has been impressive, even if it’s pissed me off.”

  It was the reason the wolf and she had been at loggerheads for years. As her gang grew, she dipped her fingers into different businesses, including brokering deals between local criminal elements, from loan sharks to drug dealers. When she received a not-so-subtle warning from Rasmus to back off, she’d told him where to stick his demand in an equally not-so-subtle manner. He followed that up by kicking in one of her guys, and her gang and she returned the favor by going for two of his wolves. Since then, the conflict escalated, and she’d taken great satisfaction in edging in on as many of his business interests as she could. It got her into his bad books and also brought her to the attention of the cops and criminal elements. She’d imagined she would be taken out by one of them, go with a bullet in her…she never thought a vampire would be the one to end her life…because that was what had happened; her damn life had ended.

  “What the hell do you want, Rasmus?”


  “Why don’t you go and fuck yourself, asshole?” Edge’s gaze flitted between them both, his mouth tight with tension. So it would be, because from what she knew of him, he never got his hands dirty. He was a craven who sat in the background, organizing hits from his laptop.

  “Fine. But I’ll say it as it is. I’m unmated, and I’ve always thought of you as a fine female. To be honest, I’d hoped that now you’re one of our kind—”

  “I’m not one of your kind. And you can forget about that mating shit. A vampire biting me changes nothing.”

  “She says after flashing those fangs at me.” Rasmus’ jaw tensed. “Fine. If nothing else, how about joining my pack?”

  Was he serious, or had she imagined the past few years, too? “Join you guys? Not in a million years. I’d gladly
do away with you all, though.” Her gaze met Edge’s. “Every one of you.”

  Ramus smiled, but his face remained cold. “All on your own?” Her expression froze. “Yes, good news spreads. Your gang’s disowned you, which means you’re alone.”

  “I don’t need anyone.”

  “A lot of changes are happening in Manhattan. Sooner or later, you’ll have to join a side. You’ll never be accepted in a human organization. So it’s us or another supernatural group.” When she remained silent, “What are you going to do, Veronica? Join one of those non-humans who attacked your uncle James?”

  “Distant uncle.”

  “Both of you were part of the same family, though. And the demon who attacked him, Blade, has links with nearly every supernatural organization in the borough. If you join me, I can help you get revenge.”

  She nearly laughed out loud at his offer. “If you’d bothered to do a little more investigation, clever clogs, you would have learned I wasn’t on the best term with James.” The guy was a damn misogynist who held her back. And if anyone deserved to be attacked by supernaturals, he did. He ran a prostitution racket and had treated the women who worked for him like shit. From what she heard, the night he was attacked, he’d been preparing to torture one of his hookers. Whatever he went through that night, he had it coming. “I don’t know what happened to him after he was attacked, but as far as I’m concerned, good riddance.”

  “Don’t be an idiot, Veronica. The ones who attacked him could turn on you. Do you want to waste your supernatural life looking over your shoulder?”

  “Get this once and for all, wolf. I ain’t joining any supernatural gang. I’ll be fine on my own.”

  Before he could open his mouth again, she showed him her back and went straight to the Blood Zone entrance. If anyone tried to stop her, she didn’t register. At the ticket counter, she held her wrist out to be stamped, without being asked. The nymph from yesterday glanced at the screen before her. “I hope you have a better time today, love.”


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