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Paragon Page 11

by Riley Tune

  “Okay so here’s the deal, you little bastard,” she said as she glared at me. So much for motherly and comforting. “I know your backstory, and I, personally, don’t give a shit. I don’t care who your mother was, who your father was, who raised you or what the world sees you as. When you step foot in that building you’re an Imperial Lord member for the next two years. You’re part of a team, this team, because somebody saw something in you. Saw that you had the potential to be a hero.” I scoffed. “Fine, but strike another member like that again, and I’ll recommend for Impervious to kick you out. If you have a problem, you bring it to me, or Impervious himself. Got it?”

  I didn’t respond. “Do I need to repeat myself?” she asked. I swallowed slightly, and shook my head. “Good,” she said as she returned to her nicer self. “Now, follow me inside for the tour, and welcome to The Imperial Lords.” She turned and walked away. Leaving me, and my sliver of pride, standing there alone.




  followed Detach into the inner workings of the base. Her strong words only a moment ago seemed like something the person holding the door for me would never say. Had I not actually heard her say the words, I would think she didn’t have it in her to be so, direct.

  She even did a slight fancy bow, as she held the door open for me to walk in. Jen and Zeva were standing on the inside chatting. Apparently, dealing with a near death experience, even one that wasn’t real, with each other had brought the two closer together. For some reason, that made me a little jealous. I didn’t say anything, but part of me was upset that Jen had become friends so easy with Zeva, and the other part of me secretly wished it was me. I was newly single, and couldn’t think of anybody else that I’d rather get close to than Zeva.

  Her brother may have been a dick, but Zeva was still amazingly attractive, and smelled like something I could inhale for hours on end. I kept my feelings for her in check, though. It was entirely possible what I was feeling was a rebound effect from my breakup with Danielle.

  “Okay, people, this tour will be short and sweet. I’m giving you the basics,” Detach said. “This is the visitor’s entrance.” I looked around, the entrance was nice. It gave me the feeling of stepping inside a fancy bank.

  Plenty of lighting, a shiny decorated floor, a few elevators on each side, and there was even soft music playing around us. All it was missing was a directory mounted on the wall. The focal point of the entry way however, were the statues. As we walked in there were several golden statues standing over fifteen feet tall, that didn’t even come close to touching the ceiling.

  As I walked closer to the statues, Jen and Zeva seemed to have noticed them too. Detach was still talking. Saying something about how the members have a different way to enter the base. I doubted any of us were listening at this point because we were in such awe of the statues.

  “Every newbie in the base, drifts here to the statues,” Detach said as she stood behind us. “Some even call it the Heroes Hall, but that’s not an official name.” She stood silent, as she too looked at the statues. There were nine of them. Four on each side, and one statue in the middle.

  Each of them had more detail than any statue I had seen before. Facial features, clothing, and even the hair looked as if they were merely people dipped in gold, and left on display. “These are the original members of the Imperial Lords.” Detach said as she placed a hand on her hip. “See anybody that looks familiar?”

  Zeva answered quickly. “Is this, Mr. Impervious?” she asked as she point to the statue furthest to the left. Detach nodded. “Yep. That’s him.” she answered with a smile. “He looks so, young.” I said as I took in the statue. I knew Impervious had been an Icon since he was younger, but his statue made him look like he was no older than we were, and he was a full- fledged member?

  “How did he become a member at such a young age?” Jen asked. “I never knew he was this young. I just thought he was born old, like Morgan Freeman.” I said before Detach could answer. She laughed. “Impervious, or Davis as he was called by his first name back then, joined the Lords so young because at the time, his brother was one of the most,” Detach paused and looked at me for some reason. “well- known Icons in the city. They offered him membership because of this. He was in his early twenties.”

  From the looks on their faces Jen and Zeva were just hearing this news for the first time too. I never knew Impervious had a brother, and it seems like he used his connections to bully his way into what would lead to his greatness. “Sadly, the rest of the Lords died shortly after their statues were made. They went on a mission that was kept secret, and never returned.” She wiped at her eyes and pointed at another statue. “Including my father, Slowpoke.”

  I could feel my eyes grow wide, and we all looked at her. “Wait,” Jen said as she held her hands up, but finished her question. “Your dad was Slowpoke?” Detach nodded her head and smiled.

  “That’s right. Being an Imperial Lord runs in the family for me, too.” Slowpoke was an Icon with a well- documented power set. It was assumed that he had super speed, but in reality, he had the reverse. He had the ability to create time bubbles. Time bubbles could grow to a decent size, similar to force fields, and then effectively slow down time inside of them for everything inside except for the caster. So, to people looking at him, it seemed like superspeed.

  The cool thing about what Slowpoke did, was that it also gave him an edge in many situations, according to documented text. Because he wasn’t actually moving fast, he had time to do so much once the time bubble was in effect. For example, he could create a bubble, and then workout for two hours inside the time bubble, but in reality, only two seconds passed. It was a very complex power, both to use and to understand.

  So, that’s a bland example but you get the point. “After the founding members never returned, Davis took the name Impervious, and began to reform the Imperial Lords over the next several years. As you know, the rest is history. He went on to do many great deeds. None greater than ending the war we now know as the Battle of Ages.”

  Detach was a founding member’s daughter. She, like me, had lost a parent to the life of being a hero. Hell, she didn’t even get closure because the founding members never returned. How could she live with not knowing what happened?

  She turned from the statue and smiled at us, with her eyes slightly red. “Now let's move, along shall we?” What followed was a rag tag tour of the place. The level that was on land, was mostly a tourist attraction. This was for people who wanted to see inside one of the most well- known hero bases in the world. It was even complete with gift shops, diners, game rooms, an autograph and picture booth, and perhaps the most advanced security you would ever see outside of a spy movie.

  The lower levels, where it went underwater was where we would be spending the bulk of our time. As she lead us below, we were given details on areas we weren’t allowed to access. Imperial Lord members were never to be disturbed on their downtime, so unless Zeva wanted to see Flex, or if Jen and I wanted to see her dad, we had no reason to go to a Lord's personal chambers. This was not a major issue for Jen and I, though. Life-Line usually spent his nights at home with the family so he was rarely even in his area.

  As the hour went by, we were shown the medical bay and how to access it, just in case something happened and Mr. Reid wasn’t around to heal us. We saw several cafeterias, even more game rooms, lounges, libraries, training areas, costume repair shops, a viewing deck to see the ocean around us, and even where The Mechanic did his stuff.

  It truly was an amazing base, that felt almost like an underground mansion. We finally stopped in the middle of a hall and Detach clapped her hands. “Well, this has been fun, but this is where I leave you with Prism.”

  We all looked at each other and then looked around. Jen lifted her hat and fixed her hair. “Um, who?” she said as she placed her hat back down. Detach held a finger up and smiled. She looked into the
air and loudly said, “Prism.”

  A person flickered into being. Literally flickered as if he was a blinking television. “Yes, ma’am.” Zeva jumped back at the random appearance of the man. He was an old white man with a head full of gray hair. He had on shiny black shoes, gray pants, a white shirt, black blazer, and snow- white gloves. For all purposes he looked like a butler.

  “Everyone, this is Prism.” The man did a slight bow. “Teleporting Icon?” I asked. “No sir, I am a hologram,” Prism said as he flickered a little more. “Hologram?” I repeated. Prism turned to Detach and made a face to her, in which she laughed at. “Yes, a hologram.” Detach replied. “Prism is our automated assistant for the entire base. He can be accessed anytime, and at any location in the base. He can be in several places at once too. Think of him as a search engine for the base.”

  I stepped forward and looked at him in the face. He looked so, real. Had it not been for the flickering, I would not have known he wasn’t human. Jen walked up beside me and moved her hand through the hologram. Prism screamed, causing Jen and I to flinch. The he burst out laughing, and so did Detach.

  “Sorry, young Lord’s,” Prism said. “I am only joking. I feel no pain.” To solidify this point, Detach moved her hand through Prism back and forth. Just at that moment, another woman walked up to us, that looked exactly like Detach. “Prime,” the woman said. “Life-Line is in your office.”

  Detach, or Prime, as she was just called, nodded. “I felt him talking to you. Thanks for coming to me to let me know.” she said as the other woman smiled, and then suddenly, the woman identical to her, turned into a gaseous form and faded into Detach. We looked at her with confusion on our faces. I had guessed this was one of her clones, but seeing them join like that was a little gross.

  “As I’m sure you have guessed, that was one of my clones. When I use my ability to create them, we are linked. Anything they see, feel, or experience, is sent back to me. For some reason they all decided to call me Prime. Now, I have a meeting to attend.” she turned to Prism.

  “Prism, show them to their sleeping areas.” Prism nodded and then, another version of him flickered into existence. Now there were two of them standing in front of us. “Oh, Hunter.” Detach called from down the hall. I looked at her with my brow raised.

  “Don’t forget our talk okay?” I rolled my eyes some and then nodded. “What talk?” Jen asked as Zeva looked on.” I’ll tell you later.” I replied. “We just got here and you’re having talks already?” Zeva added in as she shook her head.

  “Follow me, Young Lords,” both of the Prism holograms said in unison. One walked away in the same direction as Detach up the hall followed by Jen and Zeva. I stood there as I watched Zeva walk away. I enjoyed the view, until they were no longer in sight. “You finished? Did you see enough? Or shall I ask her to come back and then walk away again?” Prism said with a smirk on his face.

  I wouldn’t have expected a hologram to be such a smartass. He really was life- like. “No, I’m fine.” “Good,” he replied. “Now follow me, young Lord.” He slowly walked up the hall. “We have to get you to your room and settled in before dinner.”

  His words, were music to my ears. I had been fighting hunger for the last hour and was still running on empty after saving us from a crashing transport that wasn’t even really crashing. I couldn’t wait for dinner.

  As I followed Prism around a corner, a young man was looking down at a notepad, and walked directly through Prism and right into me. We both stumbled some as he dropped his pad.

  “Sorry. I didn’t see you,” he said as he stumbled over his words and dropped down to pick his pad up. “That happens when you walk, looking down.” I replied as I saw his pad for the first time.

  It had a picture drawn on it. It was of a woman with her hair in a bun. She had a full round face, and lips to match. I didn’t know who she was, but the picture he was drawing had looked like a real photo. Walking skills aside, he had talent. “No. No. No,” he said as he shook his head.

  I stepped back from him. “You okay?” “Yes. No. Yes,” he finally said. “I’m fine. Fine.” My eyes narrowed. “Lord Walter, this is,” Prism stopped talking and looked at me. “Oh. Hunter,” I said as I extended my hand.

  As he looked from his sketch pad to my hand he seemed conflicted. He looked up to me finally and said nothing. It was weird. He had black curly hair, a keen nose, and a cleft in his chin. Despite his awkwardness he was dressed well. He had on brown designer boots, some blue pants, and a black hoodie under a brown overcoat.

  “I,” he stammered. “Don’t shake hands.” His eyes darted away from me, as if he was ashamed of what he just said. He quickly added, “I don’t mind touching things though. Or being touched. Just not hands. I don’t touch hands. Never hands.” I raised my hands up to halt him from speaking.

  “Okay, no hands, got it.” I looked at him as a second passed, then it hit me. The sketchpad, his awkwardness, and his name. It all fit. “Are you Picasso?” I asked. He looked away from me and took a step back. “By Atlas, it is you!” I looked at Prism who gave a slight nod in my direction.

  “Holy shit! You’re Picasso.”




  lease, don’t shout,” he said as he stepped back from me some. “Shout?” I repeated. “Yes, young Lord. Shouting is what we call what you are currently doing.” Prism added. I looked from Prism, and then back to Walter, chest moving back and forth as I continued to breath as if I was running.

  “I’ll see that he gets to his room,” Walter said to Prism. Prism nodded and then shot me a glance, as he flickered out of existence. We stood alone in the hall now. With neither of us talking for that moment it seemed quiet on a creepy level. I could only hear the humming of computers, and the air circulating in the hall.

  He took a deep breath and stepped back from me a bit more. “Yes, I am,” he froze. “I’m Picasso,” he finally finished. I clapped my hands together. “I knew it.” I hated how I felt right now. I don’t like to get star struck by Icons, and I usually don’t. I tended to leave that sort of thing to Jen. Picasso, himself, wasn’t even really that famous, but the rumors of what his powers were, was.

  “Let’s get you to your room, before dinner. Father will want us there on time, especially if you are to take your oath tonight.” He held his sketch pad close and then turned around and walked up the hall. “You mean Impervious, right?” I said as I jogged to catch up with him. He didn’t reply. “Had I not known the stories, I wouldn’t believe he was your dad, you guys look nothing alike.” I said as I finally caught up to him.

  “Picasso.” A man walking up the hall said as he waved in our direction. Picasso paused, as the person got closer to us. He was an Asian youth around my age or a little older. I was taller than he was, but only a little. I took in his appearance.

  His spiky black hair, strong cheek bones, and very pale skin. “Who’s this,?” he said as he nodded to me. Standing next to Picasso, the man looked very, casual. While Picasso was dressed like a model from a magazine, this guy simply had on some gray jeans, a dark red shirt, and some white shoes. An outfit that I myself likely had the same clothes to put together. So, points for his style, or lack thereof

  “He’s one of the interns.” Picasso said as he stepped back so as not to be between us both. “Oh. Internship. I just finished mine last year,” he said as he stuck his hand out to me. “Kevin Lee, but you can call me Power Prince.”

  Immediately, I recognized the name. I shook his hand and in return received a minor shock. I say minor but I could hear the pop as we touched. I looked at my hand as he pulled away. “Hunter Monroe.” I said as I shoved my hand in my pocket and pulled out my cell. I looked at it, and the battery was at fifty percent. Then I gave it to Kevin.

  “You mind?” I asked. He smiled, took my phone, held it for all of three seconds and then gave it back to me. I looked at the phone again and it read that the
battery had one hundred percent. I shook my head. “You really are a living battery?” I replied. He opened his arms and did a bow. “One of my many talents.”

  Power Prince had a power portfolio of one ability that focused on energy generation. He was actually able to generate energy on a supreme scale. He could power a city as easily as he charged my phone if he wanted to. He also could channel his energy, which when manifested had a pink appearance, into his hands, allowing him to use it to enhance his strikes and to propel himself into the air. It was more like, super jumping, and less like flying.

  “Kevin joined us last year after his internship with The Conduits.” Picasso said as he flipped to a fresh page in his sketch pad. The Conduits were a supergroup from a neighboring city. Lower level indeed and with supreme energy powers like Kevin’s he would have been an easy choice for The Imperial Lords.

  “Nice meeting you,” Kevin said as he waved again and walked around us. “I have a date with a tv series that I'm binge watching.” He continued up the hall, and then turned around to face us once more. “Oh, and don’t let Picasso freak you out, he takes some getting used to, but he’s an okay guy.”

  We watched him walk a few more feet and then go into a room on the same hall. “I always assumed Power Prince would be taller,” I jokingly said, but Picasso didn’t laugh. Not even a smirk, instead he picked up the conversation as if we didn’t just meet Kevin.

  “To your statement about our looks, no, we don’t look alike at all,” he responded casually. “I knew who you were long before you introduced yourself to me, by the way,” he said as he glanced at me and then continued to walk. “You’re almost as famous as Flex is.” I stopped walking.

  “You think the pretty boy has more fame than me? I’m offended,” I said as I fake gasped and clenched my chest. Still, no grin or any sign of humor being received. “No. It’s just that Flex, is famous. You are just widely insulted and as a result, have become infamous.” I grimaced.


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