For Eternity: A Time for Love Series Novella

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For Eternity: A Time for Love Series Novella Page 1

by Bethany Lopez

  For Eternity

  A Time for Love Series Novella

  Bethany Lopez


  1. Carson

  2. Natalie

  3. Carson

  4. Natalie

  5. Carson

  6. Natalie

  7. Carson

  8. Natalie

  9. Carson

  10. Natalie

  11. Carson

  12. Natalie

  13. Carson

  14. Natalie

  15. Carson

  16. Natalie

  Epilogue - Carson


  About the Author

  Also by Bethany Lopez

  For Eternity

  Copyright 2018 Bethany Lopez

  Published March 2018

  Cover Design by Makeready Designs

  Editing by Red Road Editing / Kristina Circelli

  Proofreading by KMS Freelance Editing

  Formatting by Bethany Lopez

  Print Formatting by Type A Formatting

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  For all the fans of The Time for Love Series who asked me to write Carson and Natalie’s story. Enjoy!


  You’re a no-good piece of shit, just like your mother, and you’re never gonna amount to anything. Your brother was the one with the talent, and now that he’s gone, we got nothin’. When I’m old and you’re wiping my ass, you’ll be lucky to be the fry guy at fucking McDonald’s, mark my words.”

  I ate my cereal, Sugar Snaps, and did my best to ignore my father’s rant. He often got like this after a night of drinking. My mother had left a long time ago, and my older brother had died, so it was just me and my Pops.

  I got up, washed my bowl, and put it in the drying rack, then popped my head into the living room where my father was now dozing in his recliner.

  “Going to school, Pops,” I said, grabbing my books off the table and shuffling to the door.

  “Who gives a fuck,” was the reply that followed me out the door.

  I vowed then and there, that not only would I become successful and have more money than my father could ever imagine, but I’d also never be around to “wipe his ass;” he’d never see a dime of it.

  Thirty years later, I’d made good on my vow.

  In my twenties, I’d started Brandt Industries as a medical supply company, and now, it was a corporation with more than twenty businesses, including my passion project, producing music. I’d signed Whiskey Heat over a year ago, and since then, I’d acquired three more bands.

  On the outside, I appeared to have everything I could ever want. A successful business, money, good looks, great clothes, and great friends. But, in actuality, I’m the man who has everything … except the one thing he’s always wanted.

  Someone to love, who will love me in return.

  I’m no monk. I’ve had relationships, but none of the women I’d dated were ever the one. Most of them were looking for status. They liked the money, the car, the fact that I was CEO of Brandt Industries, but they couldn’t care less about who I was inside.

  Although, to be fair, for the past year, no one could ever measure up to the one woman I wanted. The one who’s big blue eyes widened and got nervous, was chronically skittish, and practically ran in the other direction anytime I was near.

  Lovely, with black hair that was almost as dark as my own, and had grown out to a flattering length just past her shoulder, Natalie was like a delicate flower, with a reinforced steel frame. She’d been in an abusive relationship that ended with her ex-husband in jail and her starting a new life.

  I’d hired her as a favor to my friends, Brady and Ming O’Malley, but I would’ve hired her anyway. The second she’d stepped into my office for her interview, it was like my world suddenly came into focus.

  I’d spent the year feeling uncharacteristically unsure of myself around her, and I could tell she was still healing and trying to find her footing again, so I hadn’t wanted to push.

  Now, however, I was done standing in the wings.

  What we needed was a change of scenery, and the opportunity to be alone. I needed her to see me as a man, an equal, a possible partner, and there was no way I was going to do that here in town, where I was her boss and arguably one of the most powerful men in town.

  “You buzzed for me, Mr. Brandt?” Michael, my longtime executive assistant, asked as he stepped inside my office.

  “Yes, I need to schedule a trip to Ireland,” I informed him.

  “Ireland?” Michael said, sounding baffled as he probably looked through his mental calendar for a previous mention of this and came up lacking.

  “Ireland,” I confirmed, turning from the window I’d been gazing out of to look at him. “I’m thinking a cottage outside of Dublin. Something in the country, so we can get a feel of the countryside, but close enough to the city to still get some work accomplished. Check Airbnb, and I’ll ask Brendan and Bronagh where they stayed last time they flew over.”

  “We, sir?” Michael asked, picking that little tidbit immediately.

  “I’ll be taking Natalie, from HR. I want to look at the new offices there. They’re almost ready and I’d like to get started on hiring and training in Dublin. Please inform her of the trip and let me know if she has any questions.”

  “Yes, sir. Do you have a timeline?” he asked, taking the notebook out of his pocket so he could jot down my instructions.

  “I’d like to leave Saturday, and expect to return in two weeks’ time,” I said, looking back out the window as I created a vision of how I wanted this trip to go and committed it to memory. I found visualizing my goals, even mentally, made them more prone to being realized.

  “I’ll get right on it.”

  “Thank you, Michael,” I said, and he saw himself out.

  I strode to my desk and unbuttoned my suit jacket before sitting in my plush leather chair. Picking up my phone, I scrolled until I found Brendan O’Malley, then pressed send.

  “Carson, I was actually gonna shoot you a text later,” Brendan said when he answered. “You up for an impromptu poker game tomorrow night? I’m in need of some dude time.”

  I chuckled. Brendan had a one-year-old daughter, Carmen, and a beautiful wife, and he was happier than I’d ever seen him. But I had no doubt he needed a night out with the guys.

  I looked down at my calendar,
made a note to shift a dinner I’d had planned, and added poker.

  “Sounds great, who’s hosting this time?” I asked.

  We’d had a game once a month for the past few years, taking turns hosting. There were eight of us who were regulars, with other guys joining in when they could.

  “It’s at Brady’s,” Brendan replied. “The women are all going over to Brock and Victoria’s since it’s right down the street.”

  “I’ll be there, and if I can pick your brain about Ireland before, after, or during, that would be great.”

  “You planning another trip out there?”

  “Yeah, actually, I should probably talk to Brady, too, so this works out perfectly.”

  Brady and Brendan were both close to Natalie, Brady even more so, since he was the cop who arrested her ex.

  “All righty, see you then,” Brendan said, then disconnected.

  I sat there for a moment, my gut churning. This is it, I’m finally going to make my move, I thought, then, with a predatory grin, I got to work.


  Hey, Nat, can you come in here for a minute?”

  “Yeah, sure,” I said, getting up from my desk to walk into the office at the back of the Human Resources department.

  “I just got a call from Michael,” Rose, my boss and friend, said, eyeing me carefully. Michael was the executive assistant to Mr. Brandt, CEO of the company that we worked for, so, more often than not, Michael had almost as much clout as Brandt himself. “He said he needs to speak with you … to get your passport information.”

  “My passport … What in the world?” I asked, thinking it was a strange request. “Did he say why?”

  Rose shook her head.

  “I told him you were on your way.”

  Knowing that meant I needed to step to it, I nodded, went to grab my purse off of my desk, and hurried to the elevator.

  I’d been working at Brandt Industries for almost a year, and I’d never been happier. I’d gone from living with my ex-husband in a trailer and working the night shift at Jake’s bar, to cutting all ties with Zeke, moving into my own sweet apartment, and actually using my Human Resources degree.

  I was finally finding my way back to the person I was meant to be, the person I used to be before Zeke had broken me down, piece by piece.

  Did I get lonely sometimes? Sure. But I had great friends, who always made sure I was included in everything, and no longer lived with a man who told me I was useless every chance he got.

  My nerves came out in full force as the elevator came to the top floor, where the executives worked.

  I actually shared mutual friends with Carson Brandt, and they were the ones who’d gotten me the interview with him. I’d be forever grateful to the young CEO, but I had to admit, he intimidated the hell out of me.

  I stepped off of the elevator and looked both ways, hoping I could get in and out of Michael’s office without running into anyone else … okay, Mr. Brandt. I didn’t want to run into Mr. Brandt.

  First, he was like a genius when it came to business, a true self-made man. Second, he was kind, a truly generous and kind person. Finally, he was gorgeous … David Gandy gorgeous … with that jet-black hair, startling blue eyes, and a face that made you stop and take notice.

  “Breathe, Nat, you’ve got this,” I muttered as I smoothed down my shirt and walked across the plush carpet.


  I heard my name and froze, turning slowly, half expecting it to be Mr. Brandt himself. I let out a relieved breath when I saw it was Scott. Scott had worked for Brandt Industries for years and had worked his way all the way up to the executive offices.

  He was tall and polished, much like Mr. Brandt, but with a more approachable air about him. Plus, it helped that I’d seen him often with his wife and daughter, which made him that much more likable.

  He was a man who loved his family above all else. I hadn’t met a lot of those in my time.

  “Hi, Scott, how are you?” I asked, offering him first my right, then my left cheek to air kiss.

  That was something I’d come to learn after a few months working here.

  “Great, and you? You’re looking lovely as always.”

  “Thank you, I’m well. How are Gaby and Emma?” I asked, talking about his wife and young daughter.

  “Busy,” Scott replied with a laugh. “Gaby is opening the newest Bee Sweet Bakery right now, and I swear, Emma is three going on thirty. She’s giving me gray hair.”

  We were laughing, which is probably why I didn’t hear Carson Brandt approach until he was already standing next to us.

  My laughter dropped off and my eyes widened slightly as I tried to compose myself.

  Scott just kept chuckling and looked to his boss, who I also knew was a good friend. “Hey, Carson, I was just telling Nat about Ms. Emma.”

  “What’s my favorite toddler up to now?” Mr. Brandt asked with a grin that made my knees weak.

  “Everything she can get her hands on,” Scott replied, then turned to me and said, “Well, I’d best get back to it. I saw you getting off the elevator and thought I’d say hi.”

  “It was good to see you,” I said smoothly … I hoped. “Give my love to Gaby.”

  “I will,” Scott said to me, then, “See you at the meeting,” to Mr. Brandt and turned back the way he’d came.

  “Good morning, Natalie,” Mr. Brandt greeted once we were alone.

  “Good morning, Mr. Brandt,” I replied, embarrassed by the breathless way my greeting came out.

  “Carson, please,” he said, just like he’d said every other time I called him by his full name and title.

  “Carson,” I amended, even though I felt like an imposter when I said it.

  “I presume you’re here to see Michael about our trip?” he asked, shoving his hands in his pockets as if he were unsure of what to do with them.

  The thought made me curious, but I was too busy focusing on his words.

  “Trip?” I squeaked.

  “Yes, to Ireland.”

  “Ireland?” I mimicked, then realized I sounded like a parrot and flushed. “I’m sorry … yes, I’m here to see Michael, but I don’t know anything about a trip to … Ireland.”

  I’ve always wanted to go to Ireland, I thought wistfully. Maybe my luck is finally changing. A trip like this would never have been possible with Zeke.

  “He’ll make sure you have all the details,” Carson said, then looked at me intently. So intently that I found myself momentarily mesmerized by his cool blue gaze. “I’m looking forward to it,” he added softly, then walked to the elevator and pressed the button.

  What in the heck is going on?


  I arrived at six on the dot with my buy-in, a six-pack, and fifty bucks. It had taken a bit of maneuvering to get out of the office that early, but I was a big proponent of making sure I made time for personal growth.

  Whether that meant getting in my morning workouts or making the monthly poker night with my friends, having a work/life balance was important.

  “Carson,” Ming, Brady’s wife, said with a smile as she opened the door. “It’s so good to see you again. Please come in, I’m just packing up Des’s things, then we’ll be out of your hair.”

  “Don’t hurry on my account, it’s always a pleasure to spend time with you and your son,” I replied, leaning in to kiss her on the cheek, then follow her inside.

  “Oh, for us, too, we need to set up dinner soon,” Ming said, leading me to the living room where Brady had set up a table, which most of the guys were already sitting around.

  “Carson,” a few called in greeting, while others said, “Brandt.”

  We were an unlikely crew. Cal and TJ owned and operated C.T. Custom Body Shop, which is where I’d had a few of my vintage cars restored. Craig, Cal’s younger brother, had played ball in college and now worked for Brock at O’Malley’s, a painting company, which I now held a permanent contract. Brock, in addition to owning O’Malley
’s, was in the band Whiskey Heat, which was under my record label. Also in Whiskey Heat are his brothers; Brady, a cop; and Brendan, a chef and co-owner of Callaghan’s Irish Pub with his wife, Bronagh, and of course, there was Scott, who worked with me.

  I’d started out knowing only Scott, but over the years this group had become important to me. I’d hired them because I appreciate hard work, dedication, and men who went after what they wanted, and I befriended them because, although our bond may not immediately make sense, it is a strong and vital thing.

  Which was why I found myself a little nervous about talking to the O’Malley brothers about Natalie. They were all very protective of her, and it wasn’t that I didn’t expect them to approve of my intentions, but I trusted and respected these men. Their opinion mattered.

  I greeted the men around the table, then went into the kitchen to put my beer in the fridge, and to find Brendan.

  As expected, Brendan was at the stove, putting the final preparations on the elaborate spread he’d made for us. As a chef, he went all out on poker nights, which was another reason why I looked forward to them. The man knew his way around a kitchen.

  “Carson, good to see you, brother,” Brendan greeted when he saw me. He and Craig were the youngest guys in the group, coming in almost a decade younger than myself, but the age difference had never been an issue.

  “You, too,” I said, shaking his hand. “I listened to the demo you sent. Love the new song.”

  Brendan grinned widely. As the front man and songwriter for Whisky Heat, he was the brother I had the most interaction with.


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