For Eternity: A Time for Love Series Novella

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For Eternity: A Time for Love Series Novella Page 4

by Bethany Lopez

  It was primitive, uncharacteristic, and utterly right.

  “Here ye are.” Plates heaped with steaming food were placed in front of us, breaking the moment.

  “Thank you,” I murmured automatically, not really paying attention to the waitress. I was too focused on Natalie, who was bent down with her eyes closed as she sniffed her stew, a dreamy smile on her face.

  “Ohhh, that smells amazing,” she moaned, and my whole body tightened in response.

  “Better eat it while it’s hot,” I said, wanting to move this dinner along so I could get her back home.

  We ate in relative silence, stopping long enough to tell each other how delicious our meals were, and to wash it down with Guinness. When we were almost done, a man sat down at the piano and began to play, so we ordered another round and stayed to enjoy his folk songs.

  Once our bellies were full, our bodies were warmed through, and we were smiling from ear to ear, we decided it was time to head back to the cottage.

  “Well, what did you think?” I asked Natalie, once we were back on the path headed home.

  “I loved it,” she gushed, stopping to spin in a circle as she laughed. “The food, the music, all of it. It was exactly as I imagined it could be.”

  “And the company?” I asked, my voice low and rough, the sight of her making it difficult for me to keep a respectable distance … so I didn’t.

  I crossed to her, taking her laughing form in my arms. She looked up at me, still smiling, but her eyes widened a bit and she gasped when my body brushed against hers.

  “The company was pretty good, too,” Natalie breathed, then tilted her head back and let her eyes flutter closed in invitation.

  Never one to pass up an opportunity, I lowered my head as I pulled her even closer, and covered her mouth with my own. I kissed her gently at first, until she parted her lips and invited me inside.

  I tilted my head and brought my hand up to cup the back of her head, urging her even closer as I ran my tongue along her lower lip, nibbling slightly, before plunging back inside. Natalie whimpered softly, her body going pliant as her arms came up around my neck and her fingers dove into my hair.

  I moved my mouth from her lips, down over her jaw, and followed the length of her neck, kissing and suckling lightly as I explored the expanse of skin.

  “Carson,” she said breathlessly, her grip on my hair tightening as her knees began to give.

  “Let’s take this home,” I said, managing to pull myself together before I took her right there on the lush green grass.

  I took in her flushed face, swollen lips, and eyes heavy with desire, and grabbed her hand, then I tugged it slightly and started to jog. We ran all the way back home, Natalie’s laughter trailing behind us as we did.


  I’d never felt so happy, carefree, and turned on all at the same time.

  Carson Brandt had a gift … or maybe, he was the gift.

  I’d gone from practically collapsing into a puddle at his feet after that kiss. That kiss! To laughing as he pulled me back to the cottage at a trot.

  I knew he’d been just as swept up as I’d been, but not only had he had no problem stopping things before they got carried away, but he’d grabbed me and taken off running. Such a silly and fun way to break the tension, but showing me that him stopping wasn’t a rejection, and he was eager to get home and pick up where we’d left off.

  I’d never met anyone like him. In fact, I wondered if there was anyone else like him.

  We ran into the house and up the stairs. When we were on the landing, both gasping for breath and smiling like loons, Carson turned to me and gave me a choice.

  “Goodnight kiss, or nightcap?” he asked.

  His blue eyes were bright, his lips curved up, and his face was open. He was the most brilliantly beautiful thing I’d ever seen. And, I knew no matter what option I chose, Carson wasn’t going to belittle me, hold it against me, or make me feel bad about myself.

  “Nightcap,” I replied, taking a step closer to him. Closer to his room.

  Carson lifted my hand and kissed my knuckles, then dragged me laughing down the hall.

  I looked around as we stepped inside. Taking in the large fireplace, king-size sleigh bed that was so high it had a step stool, and beautiful oak furnishings. There was also a French door that led out onto a balcony overlooking the ocean.

  “Shoot, looks like I picked the wrong room,” I said with a laugh as I watched the fire dance in the fireplace.

  “This room can still be yours,” Carson said, his voice like a siren song, pulling me closer to him. “Stay with me.”

  My heart stuttered in my chest as I bridged the gap between us.

  “What would you like for a nightcap?” he asked.

  “You,” I replied, not even a little self-conscious by how much I wanted him.

  And then it was game on.

  We flew at each other like we were about to do battle, and in a way, I guess we were.

  It had been a long time since I’d enjoyed the act of lovemaking. By the end, with Zeke, it had turned into a chore. A chore which neither of us felt like seeing to, so it had been a couple years since I’d had sex, and even longer since I’d actually wanted to tear someone’s clothes off, like I did in that moment.

  My hands were at the hem of his sweater, lifting, pausing to caress skin, then pushing up higher, encouraging him to take it off. When Carson was lifting his sweater off of his head, I flung mine off in a flurry of movement, not pausing before I was unzipping my skirt and letting it fall down to lay at my feet.

  I scurried to the bed, needing to sit in order to unzip my boots and get the damn things off, my eyes never leaving Carson as he quickly rid himself of his clothes.

  When he was standing before me in only a pair of high-cut black boxer briefs, I paused, one boot on, one boot off, and allowed myself a good look. Wow! The man was glorious. He obviously took care of himself; it was apparent in the swell of his biceps, the cut of his chest, and the defined V that disappeared into his briefs.

  Carson was positively smoldering as he stalked toward me. I watched him get closer, my breath coming in starts as my pulse took off like a rocket and heat pooled in my belly. When he stopped and knelt in front of me, my gaze tracked his movement, and it was all I could do not to fall back with my legs in the air and scream, Take me!

  Luckily, I controlled myself, instead watching as he finished unzipping my last remaining boot and slid it off and over my foot. His hands trailed up, over my calves, up my thighs, and settled at my hips. Then, he hooked his fingers in the waistband of my lacy boyfriend briefs and tugged.

  I lifted my hips slightly, allowing him to pull my panties off, my heart stopping in my chest as I watched him unwrap me like a gift he couldn’t wait to unveil. While he was disposing of my briefs, I reached back to unhook my bra and threw it to the side.

  Carson’s gaze was hot on me as he looked everywhere, devouring every inch of me and setting my body ablaze without physically touching me.

  It was almost too much, and the need to feel his hands … his mouth … on me was so great that I could no longer keep quiet.

  “Carson,” I said, his name a plea on my lips,

  His blue eyes flew to mine and a smirk took over his face as he pushed my legs apart and lowered his head, his gaze never leaving mine.

  Carson let out a small huff of breath, the heat of which hit my clit and caused my whole body to shudder. He licked me, and I reached down to put my hands in his hair as I fell back onto the bed, unable to hold myself up any longer. My back arched as I writhed beneath his careful ministrations. Carson licked, sucked, and even nibbled lightly as he pushed me farther and farther to the edge.

  I felt it building, and knew it was going to be so good that nothing else would ever, could ever, compare.

  His name was on my lips as I thrust up to meet his skillful tongue, and when his hands went under my ass to cup me tightly and draw me even closer, I lost all se
nse of reason as I came … long and hard.

  I was gasping for breath, still panting when I felt his arms under me, lifting me so that I was fully on the bed, before he covered me with the soft down comforter. My eyes fluttered open and I watched drowsily as he started the fire and then came to join me in bed.

  I turned to him and he tucked me in, my head resting on his chest and my arm flung across his belly.

  “Carson?” I asked softly, wondering about him … his pleasure

  He was obviously still hard as stone and I knew he wanted me; it hardly seemed fair that I was the only one who’d find pleasure that night.

  But when I started to reach for him, he caught my hand in his and brought it to his lips.

  “This is only the beginning,” he promised. “Let’s get some rest, we have much more to see tomorrow.”


  Waking up with Natalie in my arms was the stuff dreams were made of. My dreams, at least.

  She was snuggled against me, soft and warm, and every once in a while, when she moved, I caught the light scent of lilacs. I wasn’t sure if it was from her shampoo, lotion, or what, but it was oddly comforting, yet arousing at the same time.

  I looked at the clock on the side table and sighed. Today was one of the few days during this trip when I actually had work to do, and as much as I wanted to blow it off and stay in bed all day, it wasn’t an option.

  I hadn’t gotten where I was by slacking off, and I wasn’t going to start now. Luckily, our schedule during these two weeks was light, and I didn’t really need Natalie to go with me, so I could let her sleep in and get some rest.

  I eased out of bed slowly, careful not to rouse her, and proceeded to get ready as quietly as possible.

  Before I left, I instructed the cook to have breakfast and coffee ready, and I grabbed the flowers off of the counter and put them next to the bed where Natalie could see them, along with a note.

  I didn’t want her to wake up alone and think I’d left her, or god forbid, feel weird about what had happened between us.

  My driver took me into the city and dropped me at the entrance to the new building, where the opening staff was waiting for me.

  “Mr. Brandt,” Clive greeted as he held open the door. “Welcome. We’re excited to show you what progress has been made already.”

  I thanked Clive and let him walk me through the building, then excused myself to call Michael and check in on things back home. Once we were done, I told Clive I’d see him at dinner on Friday night, and to call me if any issues arose, then I got back in the car, eager to get home and back to Natalie.

  As we were driving, I put in a call to The Marker Hotel to book spa treatments and make dinner reservations for the next day. By the time we were pulling up to the cottage, the plans were in place and I was ready to see Natalie’s beautiful face.

  “I’m back,” I called as I walked into the cottage and placed my things on the small table by the door.

  Seconds later, Natalie came rushing down the hall and flew into my arms.

  I kissed her greedily, then pushed her hair off of her face as I smiled down at her.

  “I like that greeting,” I told her, thinking I’d happily come home to her every day.

  “I liked waking up to flowers, your sweet note, and a breakfast large enough to feed a family of five,” Natalie replied with a laugh. “You could have woken me though. I should have gone with you to work.”

  I caressed her cheek and said, “I wanted you to get a chance to relax; there was nothing terribly important happening today. You’ll meet everyone on Friday.”

  “Thank you,” she said softly, turning her face to kiss my palm. “No one has ever pampered me before.”

  “Get used to it,” I replied, then dropped a kiss on the tip of her nose.

  “Have you eaten? Mrs. McDonogh is almost finished with lunch.”

  “Great, I’m starved,” I told her, realizing I hadn’t had breakfast that morning, only coffee. “After we eat, what do you say we go see a castle?”

  “Really?” Natalie asked gleefully.

  “Absolutely,” I replied with a chuckle. “And, we don’t have to stop with one, they’re all over the place.”

  “Yay,” she cried, jumping up and down in my arms.

  I chuckled and kissed her softly before moving to go past her to the stairs.

  “I’m going to go get changed while we’re waiting for lunch.”

  “Oh, am I dressed all right?” Natalie asked, looking down at herself. She was wearing jeans and a T-shirt, and looked utterly adorable.

  “Perfect, I’m going to go throw on some jeans as well … Although, we’ll probably want to take jackets.”

  “I have my hoodie,” she replied, then her eyes narrowed and her grin turned wicked.


  “Nothing, I just can’t wait to see you in a pair of jeans.”

  “I’m sure you’ve seen me in jeans before.”

  “Nope, I would’ve remembered,” Natalie said cheekily. “Not that I’m complaining about the suits … they’re totally hot. But, I’m interested to see Carson Brandt do casual.”

  I snaked my arm around her waist and pulled her back to me.

  I lowered my head until our noses were almost touching and asked, “Totally hot, huh?”

  Natalie rolled her eyes and laughed.

  “As if you don’t know how appealing you are to women.”

  “I only care about one woman’s opinion of how hot I am.”

  “Well, if that woman is me, I can assure you that you make a suit look sexy as hell, and you look even better naked.” Her eyes widened, as if she couldn’t believe she’d said that. Clearing her throat, she added, “And, I’m sure you fill out a pair of jeans perfectly.”

  With a low growl, I took her lips, not pulling back until we were both breathing heavily.

  “You’d better stop talking … unless you want to skip lunch and sightseeing, and spend the rest of the day exploring every surface of this house.”

  Natalie’s eyes grew heavy, and her tongue darted out across her lower lip.

  “That idea does have merit; however, I’d hate to scandalize Mrs. McDonogh.”

  “I’m sure she’d love a vacation,” I replied gruffly.

  Natalie looked momentarily torn, then shook her head and stepped out of my arms.

  “Castles first, exploring later,” she said.

  “I’m going to hold you to that,” I promised, then I left her to go get changed, and I could’ve sworn I felt her eyes on my ass the entire way.


  Carson in jeans did not disappoint.

  Neither did a day exploring castles in Ireland.

  I was the kind of little girl who dreamed of being a princess and living in a castle, but, as the years went on, that little girl had turned into a practical, somewhat jaded woman, and I’d resigned myself to the fact that I’d never leave town, let alone the country.

  That was why, throughout the day, I was giddy as a kid on Christmas morning.

  “I hope I didn’t embarrass you,” I told Carson as we rode back to the cottage.

  “You didn’t embarrass me, you were charming,” he replied with an indulgent smile.

  “It didn’t embarrass you when I did a cartwheel on the grass in front of Drimnagh Castle?”


  “Or, when I ran across the bridge at Swords Castle yelling, ‘Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die’?” I’d always loved The Princess Bride.

  “That was funny,” Carson assured me.

  “Or when I teared up during the tour of Dublin Castle?”

  “You were sweet,” he said, kissing my hand before placing in back on his thigh, snuggled tightly in his.

  “Wow, you’re made of pretty strong stuff, Carson Brandt,” I said with a sigh, leaning back against the seat and thinking how wonderful that fact was. Carson thought I was sweet, charming, and funny, and my childlike wonder at be
ing in Ireland not only didn’t embarrass him. He seemed to like it.

  “I like to think so,” Carson replied wryly, then asked, “Do you want to know what I have planned for tomorrow?”

  “Oh, yes, please,” I said eagerly, causing him to chuckle.

  “We’re to spend the day at the spa, then have a nice dinner out. You did bring your bathing suit, right?”

  I nodded, my eyes wide.

  “What is it, do you not enjoy the spa? We could do something else.”

  “No, it’s not that, it’s just that … I’ve never been to a spa,” I admitted.

  “Never?” Carson asked, obviously surprised. “Not even for a massage?”

  “Nope. It was never in the budget.”

  Carson squeezed my hand, then reached out with his other one and ran his fingers over my cheek.

  “I look forward to introducing you to a day of pampering.”

  Gosh, could this man get any sweeter?

  “Thank you,” I replied, leaning into his touch. “So, we will be getting massages? What is the swimsuit for?”

  “We’ll be heading to The Marker Hotel. They have a spa, where we will be getting ninety-minute massages, body scrubs, and mud treatments. In between treatments, they have a common area with a pool, spa, and sauna. Plus, we’ll have a suite, which also has a Jacuzzi tub, if you’d rather, and will give us the space we need to shower and get ready for dinner.”

  “That sounds amazing,” I managed, a little overwhelmed by what it meant to be courted by Carson Brandt. It was hard to forget the fact that he had a lot more money than I was used to, when he rented a suite, on top of the cottage he was already renting, and booked an entire day at the spa.

  It made me feel a little out of my element, but I was trying to push through and enjoy these two weeks with him. Although, Lord knew, I couldn’t get used to living such an extravagant life. Still, it was nice to see how the other half lived.

  “So, for packing purposes, I’ll need a swimsuit, and something nice to wear for dinner tomorrow night,” I asked, needing to clarify so I didn’t actually end up embarrassing him, or myself. “What should I wear to the spa?”


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