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Outbreak Page 14

by A L Carter

  "Shut the fuck up and strip down," she ordered the manager and then turned to the others. "Please could you do the same," She asked politely of the trio.

  She turned back to the manager who had not started undressing yet, just looking back at her incredulously. Dawn gave her a warning look that got the woman moving and soon she was undressed. She checked her body from head to toe, but there were no signs of infection. A pity she thought, but the woman hadn't even been out the office all day had she.

  "Okay get dressed," She asked turning back towards the others.

  All three had stripped down without protest but were obviously embarrassed. Dawn striped down as well, she would have to anyway and this might make them feel a bit more comfortable. She got two of them to check her over and she, in turn, checked them, they were fine so they redressed. The other girl had suspiciously held back, standing awkwardly with her arm across her waist. It was now she studied the young girl closer. She looked ill, pale and clammy skin and shivering. The girl then seemed to realise that hiding it was pointless and raised her arm in defeat, which revealed a nasty and bloody bite wound on her stomach. The girl started to cry quietly realising the significance.

  Trisha started to scream pointing in the girl's direction, "She...she's infected get her out of here, Kill her!" she demanded.

  Dawn turned in one motion and punched her in the mouth splitting her lip and knocking her out cold and slumping to the floor.

  Dawn asked the girl to redress. "I'm so sorry this has happened to you, but maybe you'll be okay?" she said without conviction. "Please if you could just sit in this chair, but I'm sorry but I'll have to tie you up as a precaution."

  The girl sat appearing to have given up all hope, allowing them to tie her up. She sat there in silence as if ready for her fate. Dawn did not know what to say but did not think that she could make things any better anyway. Trisha had regained consciousness now and skulked in the corner of the room. Dawn thought on how their roles had suddenly become reversed, with an inwards smile to herself. Coming back what action was needed next she gestured for the two women to follow outside, which they did willingly. Trisha did not move or say anything.

  "Right I'm sorry about all that," she said.

  "She deserved it the snobby bitch, my names Mandy by the way," holding out a hand.

  Dawn took the hand and shook it, liking Mandy's outspokenness. Mandy was medium height with an athletic build and short black hair. She had seen her handling the infected with great agility, often tripping them to the floor and then finishing them off.

  "Hi, my names Dawn," Introducing herself holding out a hand.

  "Er... Yes I know I heard earlier, my names Lucy, that poor girl in there will she turn into one of them?" she asked quietly.

  "Hi Lucy, I'm sorry to say that she probably will," she replied sadly.

  Lucy nodded sagely, a mere girl herself only twenty if that, short, curvy, blonde hair in a bob and quiet most of the time. It was difficult to imagine how she could have survived this far if she had not seen it for herself. The girl when pushed turned into a little bundle of fire and using a usual method of defence and attack. The shopping trolley she was using became her weapon of choice, ramming it into them and knocking them to the floor, then proceeded to smash their brains out by pushing the trolley back and forwards on their heads. Absolute genius and of course they were struggling to get to her as she used it as a shield. Getting to know the two girls had been important but she also admitted to herself that it was also a distraction to avoid thinking about the fate of the girl tied to the chair.

  Dawn took a deep breath before going back into the security room, "Do you mind if I sit with you for awhile?"

  The girl nodded so she sat with the young girl feeling utter despair for the young girl's plight and feeling helpless to improve matters for her.

  "What's your name sorry but I didn't ask before," Dawn said in a soothing voice.

  "Er... my name is Michelle..." she replied quietly.

  Dawn was unsure of what to say next but tried anyway, "Do you live with your parents or your boyfriend maybe?"

  The girl suddenly became more distressed, sobbing loudly.

  Dawn felt she had put her foot right in it just upsetting her further, "I'm sorry me and my big mouth."

  "No, no it's not your fault... it's just that I live with my boyfriend and Lily..." She replied.

  "Lily?" Dawn encouraged.

  "My daughter she's only six years old," she said smiling at her memory.

  "Arh, that's nice I always wanted kids," Dawn said warmly.

  "Oh no I don't know if they're okay, please I need to know can I ring them, I have to know," she begged panicking.

  "Of course here use my mobile," Dawn offered the phone to her.

  The girl took the phone eagerly, fumbling the digits a few times until she got it right she held up the phone to her ear and listened to the ringing tone.

  Phil heard the phone ringing and went to answer it in the living room; his right hand was wrapped in a bloody towel to stop the bleeding. He picked up the phone ceasing the ringing and held it to his ear.

  "Hello," he asked.

  "Phil it's me," a young female voice replied with an urgent tone.

  "Oh thank god, Michelle where are you are you okay?" He demanded.

  "I'm... Okay... I just need to know you and Lily are fine?" She pleaded.

  "Yes... well no actually Lily actually bit me she drew blood as well, I'm sorry but I had to shut her in her room she was... wild," he explained. "This couldn't be anything to do with that stuff on the news, because I thought they had I all under control?"

  The phone went quiet for a moment as if she had covered the mouthpiece.

  "Michelle you still there?" he said loudly.

  "I really love you and Lily too," she replied sadness in her voice.

  The phone suddenly went dead and suddenly realisation came to him, it was all over Lily was infected and now so was he.

  "I love you too," he said wishing he had got to say it on the phone.

  Dawn had listened to part of the conversation and realised things were not good for the girl’s family. The girl sobbed uncontrollably at the news. Life wasn't fair at all if only her family had been spared. Dawn took the girl in her arms regardless of the risks, giving her the only thing she could.

  Sid approached Dawn and girls, for the first time fully taking in their looks, one tallish and sporty, and the other short and pretty with nice big tits. He wondered which one he would get to shag first; Trisha certainly had some serious competition. However, she need not worry there would be enough for her as well. Hopefully, this was a full-blown apocalypse and then he would be able to dominate the last survivors with his own personal harem and also do his bit by repopulating the planet. But then he noticed Dawns worried look and realised something was amiss. Where was the other girl, there had been three hadn't there?

  "I'm sorry but the other girl has been bitten, she may change soon," Dawn informed regretfully.

  He gave a pained expression, not because he was upset but he was thinking of the wasted entertainment. But it did the trick anyway and made him look caring and concerned to his followers.

  He paused for effect, "Dawn do you want me to do it if the time comes?" he offered sombrely, hoping she would say yes so he would get the kill.

  "No I think I should do it, I feel kind of responsible somehow," she replied.

  Shit, he thought, how the fuck could you be responsible you dumb bitch. This was all inwards in himself, outwardly he kept the concerned leader expression.

  "Okay thank you, you did well anyway and it wasn't your fault," he soothed placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.

  "Thanks," she replied genuinely touched by his gesture.

  *He nodded in reply a warm smile on his lips. She might be a dumb bitch, but she was the best fighter he had and he still actually liked her straightforwardness. That didn't mean that he wanted to fuck her, well okay maybe if he was p
issed enough.

  About half an hour later they had moved out into the store, Dawn suggested it would be cooler outside. Sid was glad about this, as it would be easier to clean up later, he was just bored waiting. If it was up to him, he'd do it now and be done it and he was starving hungry. Thankfully, she started crying out in pain and asking them to help her. This got more intense until one last grimacing scream while clutching her chest, then slumping back in her chair dead.

  Dawn held Sid’s hammer ready, he had lent it to her for the task. "Please don't let her come back," she pleaded, tears in her eyes.

  Sid didn't know who she was talking to, but it wouldn't change a thing. He counted down five, four, three, two and one. The infected sat up as if listening to his countdown. Dawn brought the hammer down heavily and it crunched through skin and brain and into grey matter, blood pooling around the hammerhead. Then she pulled it back out, careful of the spray coming with it and blood soon formed a puddle around the chair. He enjoyed watching that but remained sombre on the outside, appropriate for the situation.

  Dawn had asked to be alone for a while, so I asked the princess to leave the office. Of course, she was reluctant but realised she had no choice as she was outnumbered and already had a bloody mouth so she excused herself to the staff toilet. Sid wasn't surprised about the bloody lip she had had that coming even before today. So Dawn now had the office to herself.

  It wasn't long after that Reg broke to the silence, "I hope I'm not out of line but I suggest that we all have a break with some refreshments, I think everyone must be exhausted from today’s unfortunate events?"

  He was right about Reg, now his saviour, "No Reg that's an excellent idea, I for one am a little light-headed," looking around for support.

  All seemed to be in agreement, with replies of yes, please and thanks. Mandy suggested that she stay nearby in case Dawn needed anything, they agreed and said they would bring her something. With that, they all organised as a team allocating various tasks.

  Shortly afterwards he was told to sit by juicy Lucy, gentlemanly he had offered to help but she would none of it. He looked around trying to gauge the rest of the team’s opinions, but received friendly nods and words of encouragement like, ‘okay boss’ and ‘chill Sid’.

  "You relax Sid you killed more of them than all of us put together and secured the main doors, which I may add that we would probably be all dead if it wasn't for that, then you managed to pull us all together as a team," Reg spoke earnestly.

  Everyone seemed to be in agreement with this and Sid felt genuinely touched by Reg’s speech.

  "Well that's very kind of you, everyone," Sid thanked.

  "In fact, I propose that you be officially in charge from now on, teams always need a good leader and especially in dark days like these," Reg continued.

  Again there nods and grins of approval, it was like some posh gala luncheon where he was a celebrity guest of honour and the whole scenario seemed surreal to Sid.

  "Now everyone who agrees that Sid should be in charge raise their hand," Reg said in his element.

  Sid looked on as everyone raised their hand; he struggled to suppress a wide grin of triumph, which ended up looking like embarrassment.

  "Now don't be bashful what ye say?" Reg pushed for an answer.

  "Yes eeerrr... I'd rather see what Dawn thinks first When she's had some time alone?" Sid thought it best to appear humble and thoughtful.

  After that, juicy Lucy continued to wait on him, bringing tea with plenty of sugar and spiked with brandy.

  "I do apologise but I took the liberty of procuring some medicinal support, I can pay of course if required," Reg offered.

  This brought a rally of laughter from the group, Reg had such a civilized and jovial way with words, everyone liked him.

  "Procure away good sir," he replied getting in the spirit of things.

  Lucy continued to ply him with sandwiches, pies and crisps. Eventually, he was stuffed, so he just rested. Assured by Lucy that everyone was looked after including Dawn and Mandy back at the office. With that, Sid allowed himself to fall into a deep sleep, amazed at how life had changed in the space of a shift.Chapter 18

  Chapter 18

  Back at the farmhouse

  For the last few days, Marie’s life had totally changed from the despair and hopelessness of before. She now had hope and was back with her family. Like before but also different, they had both been through such a lot separately. Max had changed dramatically on the surface it seemed mainly physically, but she felt that there was something else, a deeper change. A change that even he was not aware of yet, good or bad she couldn't tell after all it was just a feeling. With these changes and also their time apart made things still a little awkward between them, like when they first started dating and neither one of them having a clue. But she still loved him maybe more than before as she thought she had lost him. Now she watched him training. It was incredible and almost inhuman, showing abilities that surely would take years to achieve, a fitness level probably above most professional athletes. He had already run the perimeter of the farms land which was probably ten miles several times doing reconnaissance using military terminology. He had never been in the military but he now liked structure and organization. Making a punching bag with items he had found around the farm, which he was constantly repairing because he hit it so hard. She could barely see his arms and legs moving because he was so fast. He had also encouraged her to use it, which she had enjoyed but felt lame compared to him. However, she saw the need to if they were to continue to survive. At this moment he was practising knife throwing. He stood in an open area posts set as targets all around him at about twenty meters. Suddenly he was a blaze of motion using both hands and sending a knife into each post at head height. Each post was only three inches wide but each blade landing dead centre. He repeated this maybe a dozen times and never missed once. This was impossible surely she surmised, but everything about him seemed impossible.

  "Here take these," He said handing her a black leather pouch containing four of the small blades.

  "Thanks, but I won't be as good as you," she informed.

  "Forget that, remember when we used to throw kitchen knives into the shed door you used really have fun with it, in fact, you were better than me," he encouraged.

  There was a board nailed to a post creating a bigger target.

  "That's for me I suppose?" she asked humour in her Voice.

  "For starters anyway," he replied.

  She threw all four blades and only one stuck at ten meters. He encouraged her to go on, while he also used the time to press-ups of various kinds, including handstand push-ups with ease. She began to enjoy herself and indeed she was improving with practice. Max casually stood up and stared into to distance. She knew he had seen or heard something and was trying to understate the issue.

  "What wrong?" she enquired.

  "Two of them over there, maybe half a mile away," he pointed.

  She looked, strained her eyes but couldn't see anything, "You mean zombies, it feels somehow kind of silly saying it still but that's what they are?"

  "Yeah still takes some getting used to, I suppose we could call them walkers like the walking dead," he surmised.

  "Or biters, undead, rotter's?" she offered.

  "I think rotter's sound sillier, and they don't seem to rot at a normal rate," he considered. "But they still stink."

  "Can you smell them from that distance?" she enquired changing the subject for a moment.

  "Well yeah but especially if the winds in this direction," he replied.

  "Wow, bloody amazing, but what if the winds in the opposite direction?" she said.

  "Oh I can hear them usually first, they aren't usually quiet are they," he informed a matter-of-factly.

  She just stared at him in disbelief, still unable to even see them yet. They waited for what seemed like forever, zombies weren’t exactly fast. He went over to his bow notched an arrow aiming high into the air then le
tting it fly. The first arrow hadn't even reached its target before he had fired his second arrow. She watched as he lowered the bow and waited, realizing that she was holding her breath and began breathing again. Then he relaxed and put the bow back down. She didn't have to ask clearly he had hit both targets, but she noticed the smallest of smiles cross his face and the twinkle in his eye. He was trying to impress her, which of course he had but chose to play him at his own game. So she didn't mention it just changing back to their original subject.

  "Yeah about them rotting, we always used to talk about that. Like on the walking dead the time scale seemed to be several years but they hadn't collapsed in a heap of goo and bones on the floor," she contemplated.

  He shook himself coming back to the conversation, "That's right maybe it was just ignored to prolong the slow or the decomposition rate had been slowed down by the virus?"

  "Maybe in this case the virus does slow down decomposition," she offered.

  He seemed to consider this for a moment, "Well let's hope they eventually rot down."

  “How many of them do you think there are?” she wondered.

  “The UK population was about 66 million, I estimate that there are probably only 5% of that left alive if we’re lucky half of the population died, but the leaves a rough estimate of around 32 million zombies and rising,” he explained.


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