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Outbreak Page 26

by A L Carter

  The big man suddenly closed the distance on him, moving incredibly fast for any size man. Punches came at him in rapid succession, causing him to work hard to parry them away. One of the punches he managed to trap against his side and he countered with a powerful left and right hook. The man should have gone down, lesser men would have, but instead launched a counter of his own. An elbow strike to the side of his head rocked his world. He neared unconsciousness but experience told him to fight it and he danced away hoping the mind fog would clear. Dodging several attacks his head cleared enough to launch another attack. He jumped high and his right boot connected hard with the side of the big man's head with a devastating spinning roundhouse. Max thought he had the little man but he came back with a powerful kick to his head. Unconscious called to him and so did the beast in him. But he fought both and fought to stay on his feet.

  The man swayed ready to go down, he had to finish him. He hit him multiple times but he refused to go down. This man was tough, the toughest man he had ever fought. Then he noticed the man's eyes sharpen, clear and blue. Also, there was something different, a renewed intensity. Then it dawned on him he was in deep shit.

  Max felt himself coming back, but not as the beast, as he felt that would be unfair. His head cleared, his senses heightened until he felt he had transitioned to a new level of awareness. His body pumped full of adrenaline and a renewed vigour. The man came back at him with everything he had as if he was aware of what had transpired, but was not prepared to give in. He blocked and parried every strike with ease moving faster than ever before.

  Jenkins looked on Max looked done just needing to fall over. But deep down he knew that this was impossible. He couldn't lose, could he? It wasn't meant to be that way. Then suddenly Max came back to life with a vengeance. Mick looked on thinking his man had won then he saw the man come back from the brink and knew that he was now unstoppable. Reaching for the Glock hidden under his jacket he called out at the same time.

  "Kill them!" he roared.

  His order went a little flat the one remaining guard looked confused at what to do so just looked dumbfounded. Tommy, however, picked up his own gun but seemed unsure where to aim it. In that time however Mick had levelled his pistol at Max.

  Jenkins heard Mick's order and reached down and snatched up the shotgun, but was to slow as Mick had already started firing.

  Mouse heard his bosses betrayal this had been a fair fight and his opponent had been honourable in combat. Now his boss showed that he had no such honour. He had been used as a distraction so he could murder this man. It was time to put things right even if it meant dying in the process. The first shot hit the big man in the back the bullet travelling straight through exited through the right side of his chest. He ducked under the exiting bullet, sprawled and grabbed both the man's legs sweeping him off his feet, sending the man to the floor harder than he had hoped. Several shots passed overhead missing the man but it looked like he had been too late and the first shot had done its job. Quickly he was on his feet and sprinting towards his former boss, he shouldn't have taken this long to see him for what he really was.

  Jenkins watched in horror as the lad took a bullet in the back, "Nnnooo!" he screamed aiming the shotgun in Mick's direction, but Tommy suddenly got in the way.

  Tommy had seen enough he would rather die than live under this tyrants rule any longer and made his decision levelling his gun at Mick. Behind him, the other guard had finally made his decision turning on his feet and running in the same direction as the other guard. Mick was firing towards Jenkins now but noticed Tommy's firing stance, turning in his direction. He pulled the trigger but was then knocked off his feet feeling a hammer blow to his chest. There was a terrible burning pain in his chest until darkness took, but at least he felt at peace at last.

  Mick saw that traitor Tommy line his gun at him so he quickly turned and shot the bastard twice in the chest. But he took a bullet to the right arm in the process. He cried out in pain dropping the Glock in the process.

  Jenkins having witnessed what had just happened, felt sorry for Tommy in his valiant effort. But was relieved that Mick was now disarmed. Then Mouse was nearly on him, looking like he had come to his senses too. Mick looked in horror as Mouse approached, he looked for the Glock but it would take too long.

  "Mouse I had to save you," he pleaded, sensing his intentions.

  "You murdered that man and he was a man of honour something you would know nothing about," Mouse scowled.

  "But Mouse we have been friends since we were kids," Mick whined.

  "Mick you are a coward, this man had a debt to settle with you," he informed.

  "But you didn't know this man you owe him nothing?" he blubbered.

  "I wish I had because he was a better man than you," Mouse continued.

  Mick thought to himself in all the time he had known this man it had been the most he had heard him speak ever. He slyly reached behind him for combat knife on his belt. Mouse was suddenly aware of Jenkins at his side, shotgun levelled at Mick.

  "You bastard Mick you killed that lad in cold blood, and he was more decent than you will ever know," Jenkins seethed, tears in his eyes.

  "Jenkins let me kill him I owe it to a better fighter than me, and all the people he's murdered," Mouse explained.

  Both men looked on as the former boss and shadow of his former self suddenly froze stock still, knife now visible at his side and his face deathly pale.

  "HE'S MY KILL!" The deep voice rumbled deeply disturbing the air around them.

  Neither men felt that they were meant any harm and stepped aside. Mick, however, had no such feeling and proceeded to piss himself unable to hold back this time.

  Max stepped between the two allies his eyes were no longer blue but mirror black. Then he approached his prey. Both men looked on as the supposed dead man looked anything but dead. But more like a merchant of death.

  "No please daddy don't hurt me," Mick sobbed imagining that it was his father.

  Max absorbed the man's history wanting to know all about him. Indeed the man had a rough life but eventually, power had gone to his head and he began to enjoy the suffering of others. This man needed to die now.

  Jenkins looked on bewildered but now suddenly full of hope again, maybe there could be a future? This lad did seem to do the impossible. Suddenly Mick snapped out of his daze and launched himself at Max knife swinging. Max caught the arm by the wrist, then let out a loud roar as he tore the arm free. The arm disconnected from the shoulder joint amidst a shower of blood. Mick screamed high pitched like a girl. This seemed to annoy him even more. But he ended this by using the blade still attached to the hand, stabbing it through his forehead. The former boss toppled back hitting the ground hard dead, the arm still attached to the knife. They all stood in silence around the dead man when eventually Jenkins broke the silence.

  "At least he died by his own hand," he quipped pleased with himself.

  At that, they laughed loudly relieved by the break in tension. Even Mouse let himself go feeling suddenly strangely close to these men he barely knew. Max finally felt the feeling of peace wash over him and his eyes returned to blue. But deep down he knew that something else was going happen to them all soon and they had to prepare themselves.

  Mouse suddenly felt awkward, his former boss was dead, his friends were dead. What next where did he go what would he do? Strangely he felt a strong bond with these men, especially the big fellow and he wanted to carry on his role of protector. But he didn't want to be a burden on them. He didn't know how to even ask if he could join them? After all, he had been a part of such a ruthless and hateful gang why would they trust him? As if reading his thoughts the big fellow came over and put a hand on his shoulder.

  "Fucking hell that was a hard fight, remind me to never do it again," Max said warmly.

  "Sorry I...was on the wrong side," he replied.

  "It's okay I understand," Max said. "That's over now."

  "I told you you'd g
ot in the wrong crowd remember, but you realised in the end that's the main thing lad and it seems I was right about you," Jenkins added with a grin.

  "I don't know what to do now..." he admitted.

  "That's simple what do you think Jenkins you're the law around here," there was humour in Max's voice.

  "Well now I think he should come with us so we can keep an eye on him," Jenkins carried on with humour in his eyes.

  Mouse felt they were teasing him, but he felt no malice these were good men and it just made him feel more welcome.

  "Just one thing though?" Max said with a serious edge to his voice.

  "What," he replied worry in his voice.

  "What's your real fucking name because I'm not calling you Mouse," Max asked grinning again.

  He remained quiet for a moment considering his reply.

  "Tell the truth and remember I know the truth," Jenkins kept a poker face but his eyes betrayed him.

  "Er...my name's Jim," feeling embarrassed at the admission.

  "And about bloody time, welcome aboard lad," Jenkins grinned holding out his hand.

  Jim took the offered hand and shook it gratefully.

  "Yes welcome Jim, I really think we're going to need your help," Max also shook his hand warmly.

  He did feel welcome probably more than ever in his life.

  Jenkins suddenly looked serious and turned to Max. "Hey hang on a minute aren't you supposed to be dead?" he puzzled.

  "Eh...what?" Max replied.

  "Well me and Jim here could have sworn we saw you being shot through the chest," Jenkins pursued.

  "Yeah pretty amazing that," Jim admitted.

  "Well...er. Maybe," Max looking confused himself.

  His black top was covered in dry blood front and back at both entry and exit points. He removed his top to study the wounds, Jim and Jenkins both curious. The one on his chest had scabbed other as was the one on his back. He felt his chest it felt a little tender but otherwise fine, there was no pain in his chest either. It looked like his healing factor had become even more efficient, and he seemed stronger than ever.

  "Er...it's a long story," Max offered.

  "Yeah maybe we don't have time but me and Jones knew there was something different about you," he said with satisfaction.

  Again Max felt that they needed to prepare and there was something else? Someone needed his help, was Marie okay? He did not have the answers but knew they had to get back.

  Before they left they collected supplies and weapons that would be of use to them. They also checked for survivors and were horrified to find a house full of dead women. These women had been either beaten to death, drug overdose or maybe some had taken their own lives. They all felt sick and appalled at how they had been treated. Jim felt worse than any of them though and swore he played no part in this but blamed himself for not acting sooner. Max knew without a doubt that he was telling the truth, and stated that there was nothing he could have done and that they would have just killed him out of hand. This helped a little but still, he felt guilty for their suffering. All other survivors were either dead or in hiding but they didn't think that they would be any threat from them. So they packed up the two Panthers and headed back to the farm. Jim and Jenkins rode together leaving Max a short while to think. His mind wandered and he felt contact. A warm loving soul that was lost, they needed to get to him and he encouraged them to keep coming and everything would be alright.

  Chapter 32

  Dinah's lost

  She felt the crossbow bolt penetrate her heart, yelping with the pain she fell to the ground in a heap motionless. But she had saved the master and that was all that mattered. As her life faded she watched the master make the man that shot her take the long sleep then he came over and picked her up in his arms. She enjoyed the warmth of his body as the warmth left hers. He removed the bolt from her body however she felt no pain as her heart had already stopped. He then touched the chest wound for several moments, signal's fired in the dog's brain sending instructions to the cardiovascular system constricting arteries near the wound sight stopping the loss of blood. Then more signals affected changes to her DNA. He put her down gently on the floor unaware of what was happening. Messages were sent to repair tissue damage at a greatly accelerated rate. Then heart restarted however at a very low rate, which would be close to undetectable. The respiratory system also started but again at a barely detectable rate. Dinah lay there in a deep coma, totally paralysed and brain function minimized as it worked to repair and replace damaged cells. Shortly after Jenkins lovingly carried her to the sofa, Dinah woke up in a fog, it was thick and she could only see a few feet around her. She didn't know where she was, but it was strange like a bad dream where she would end up waking up scared. She tried to remember what had happened before she got here. The master she had saved him then she felt the pain then nothing. Was this the long sleep? It couldn't be, could it? She didn't like it; it all seemed wrong and smelled funny. Surely the long sleep was a nice place with everything she liked, with open fields to run in on sunny days and holes to investigate. Different smells in the air and rabbits to chase, surely that was the long sleep? She was disappointed, hadn't she done her duty in protecting the master? Maybe she hadn't done enough in her life. Feeling sad she flopped down and rested her head on her paws and thought of her family, the master, the mistress and those nice men, missing them all.

  She woke up again, unfortunately, it was in the same place, the bad place. Maybe this was a test, a challenge even to find the way. Yes, that must be it she had to try. But which way, it all looked and smelt the same. Maybe she just had to try, that was the most important thing that she was trying. Coming to her feet she started to walk moving through the fog.

  She had been walking for what seemed like hours and she thought that the fog was clearing, able now to see the barren grey landscape ahead. The ground under her feet was dry and starved of water, trees stripped bare of foliage. She sniffed the air in the hope of something different, her interest suddenly piqued. No, it couldn't be could it not here. She sampled the air again to make sure. Yes, it was very faint but still there. It was the master but how could he be here as she had left him behind in the living place. Maybe he had somehow come to help. The master was very clever, she had seen him do things impossible to others. She felt a sudden warmth, the master would know and followed the scent.

  The fog had completely cleared now and the world was now a bright green landscape and the warm yellow ball was beginning to rise. She felt renewed vigour as the master scent was much stronger now and she could hear his voice calming and reassuring her.

  Max pulled the Panther in behind its twin in the courtyard and exited the vehicle. He pulled too and latched the gate shut. Jones and Marie had come out to investigate lowering their weapons with relief at seeing familiar faces. Jones was now patched up but still looked like he was suffering from his shoulder.

  "Bloody hell sir you made it back," Jones explained eyeing him up and down, then burst out laughing as Jenkins was still just in his boxers.

  They all burst out laughing, even Marie managed a smile. She then turned to Max coming into his arms tears in her eyes. He held her for several minutes and the others gave them some privacy.

  A short while later Marie was introduced to Jim with a brief explanation of events that led to him joining them. Jones of course already knew Jim and appraised him with some suspicion.

  "You better not let these good people down lad," he warned.

  Jim considered these words for a moment, he respected him for his protective manner, "I owe you all a debt and intend to repay it."

  Jones studied him intently as he had done in his police role many times before, grunted and turned away, apparently satisfied for now.

  Max felt it again much closer this time, a much welcome presence. He smiled to himself, but this was noticed by Marie.

  "What is it?" She enquired.

  "Do we have many venison steaks," he asked.

>   She raised an eyebrow, "Er...Yes, plenty why?"

  "Just make sure you cook extra," he explained warmly.

  She nodded back at him feeling renewed hope but unsure why, but held back on curiosity? The other's had gone inside at the offer of a brew leaving them alone. Suddenly she was aware of the dried blood on his top and also the hole that resembled a bullet hole.

  "What happened," she gasped. "Are you alright?"

  "I'm fine better even," he replied shrugging.

  She pulled up his top and inspected his chest. The scab had now dropped off showing pink new skin and the area was no longer sore.

  "Were...You...Shot," she said in disbelief.

  "Just a little," he grinned.

  "Just a little you were shot through the chest," she scolded. "This is all my fault I should have stopped you."

  "Like that would have worked," he stated.

  "Well I should have gone with you instead of just cracking up," she said appalled at herself.

  He gave her kiss and hugged her tight, a little too tight causing her to yelp.

  "Er... Sorry, it appears that with the faster than ever healing I got stronger too," he explained.

  "You really are something else aren't you," she informed.

  They all sat around the kitchen table in the past hour Max had decided to tell them everything. He did not think it was fair for them to continue any further without 100% honesty. He gave the whole story from the start, when he woke up in the warehouse, the bite, his rapid healing, weight loss, strength and fitness gains, right through to his heightened senses and learning abilities. Then explaining his rages, and the feeling of peace afterwards, everyone listened intently glued to his every word. He answered their every question as best he could and explained that he was not sure whether his abilities came from the bite or something else? Also warning them that he wasn't sure how far his abilities would go and how they would affect him and that he might become dangerous to them. He sat back and let them all digest what he had said to them.


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