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Hypnos Page 22

by R. J. Blain

  She gulped, and her quad refused to look me in the eyes.

  Of course. Same shit, different day.

  “I really don’t care what you think about me, Rachel. I just want these babies in good hands. You might piss me off most days, but you’re good at being a mother. The FBI will compensate your family for going to Lafayette while you’re caring for these infants. That’ll get them out of the line of fire, too. Same goes to the rest of you and your families. I’ll text you instructions for their feeding and anything else I can think of you can use. But as soon as I’m done with you, I’m after a warlock, so unless you want to handle the warlock so I can go nurse the koppa oni…”

  “I apologize, ma’am,” Rachel whispered.

  I blinked. “Are you ill?”

  Since when did Rachel apologize to me?

  “I thought the warlock had been bounced to a different office.”

  Where had she gotten that idea? “No, it’s still with our office. Specifically, with me. Did you bring a tank?”

  “There’s a plastic tub in the back.”

  I strolled to her SUV and peeked into the back, which had a tub large enough for the koppa oni. It would be a squeeze, but it would get them to Lafayette without making them ride in the open air. “This is good. Pop it open, please.”

  Rachel retrieved her keys and pressed a button on her fob. After the SUV beeped, I popped open the back, settled the koppa oni momma and her babies in the tub, and siphoned enough water out of the bay to cover them. Turning to the male, I couched and gestured for him to come closer.

  His dark eyes gleamed, and I stroked his scaly cheek. “Rachel’s good with the little ones, and she’ll take care of your babies. You ride along in the back and keep them company, all right?”

  He nodded, and he climbed into the back of Rachel’s SUV, his clawed, scaled hands gripping the edge of the tub while he stared into the water at his family. I closed him in, flexing my hands at the cruel reality the koppa oni faced.

  Some things defied species, such as a father’s love for his children and a husband’s love for his wife. Perhaps the koppa oni didn’t marry to human customs, but it didn’t matter.

  He’d thrown himself at Raymond’s cruiser just because he could sense me, a water elementalist, and had gambled I might be able to help him.

  I wondered if he saw me as a dark sea full of stars, too.

  “Rachel, there were other koppa oni in the water who’d already died. They probably starved to death. They have fast metabolisms, and they need to eat every few hours. You’ll need to blend raw fish with a list of other ingredients to give them the nutrients they need. The wildlife center in Lafayette will probably have anything you need. Keep the receipts for anything you buy for their care, and you’ll be reimbursed. The male should cooperate with you, but he will defend his female and babies. He can do a lot of damage with his teeth and claws. As long as he believes you’re keeping them alive, he’ll worship the ground you walk on. Koppa oni are easy to understand. They love their kin more than life itself.” I shrugged. “We humans could learn a thing or two from the koppa oni about what it means to love family.”

  “Fish? In a blender?”

  “The whole fish, bones and all. And yes, the guts. It needs to be the entire fish. They use everything. They are very sensitive to chlorine, so don’t give them anything from the tap. It’ll make them very ill. Do not let anyone contaminate their water with tap water. If in doubt, go to the lake and fill your bin with fresh water and haul it to them. If you feel like camping out at the lake for them, feel free. Your kids like camping, right?”

  Rachel stared at me like I’d grown a second head, but she nodded.

  “A natural environment is better for the koppa oni, and you can view it as a chance to go camping with your kids. Just try to keep in cell reception. If you can’t, I expect you to text me twice a day, once in the morning, once in the evening. If you have any trouble, call me. Your job should be fairly simple as long as they’re kept fed. It’ll be like caring for a human child with a few differences. Key differences, I understand, but I think you’ll find them good patients. The male will not leave to hunt, so you’ll have to feed him, too. You can just give him a fresh fish, and he’ll take care of eating on his own. If he doesn’t want to leave his family long enough to eat, give him the same mixture in a durable mug.”

  “Since when have you been a zoologist?”

  “Since I was told I had to be an insufferable know-it-all for pay. I think I do a pretty good job of that.”

  To my utter astonishment, Rachel cracked a grin. “All right. Anything else?”

  “They like being held and comforted. He might climb on your lap and make noises. The sound is pretty awful.”

  “Awful? How?”

  “It’s the sound of pure sadness. I’ve no other way to describe it. I know he’s not human, but if he comes to be held, tolerate him the best you can. He’ll be gentle, but he’s all alone right now. And he might try to cuddle with your children. It’s probable he’ll be very protective of them, too.”

  “How should I introduce the kids to him?”

  “Tell him their names, and then introduce your husband. Everyone in the quad and their families should do the same. He’ll probably respond with his name in his language, but it’ll be impossible for you to pronounce.”

  “Can you ask him his name?”

  I opened the door and poked my head into the SUV. “Hey. Rachel wants to know what to call you so she can introduce you to her children and family.”

  He sang a few notes reminiscent of a whale’s song followed with a soft croon. Tilting his head, he regarded me, still gripping the plastic tub with both hands. “Morning Sun on a Still Sea. Close. Not quite. Close.”

  I offered him a smile. “Someone said I resemble a dark sea full of stars once.”

  “That strong name. Good name. You shine, a light in the darkness. Dark Sea Full of Stars.”

  “Rachel will take good care of you and your family, Morning Sun on a Still Sea.”

  I retreated from the vehicle and gently closed the door. “You catch that?”

  Rachel nodded. “You were right. I couldn’t pronounce that, but it was lovely.”

  Whenever I thought we’d never find common ground, we found it in the oddest of places. “Once you’re in Lafayette and settled, ask him if he’ll sing for you. Only ask once, even if he says no and you’re curious. It’s rude to ask twice. But if he does, it’s something special.”

  “Anything else I should know?”

  “Should the female wake up, let Morning Sun on a Still Sea talk to her first. There’s little as vicious as a koppa oni female protecting her babies, and she may wake up afraid.”

  “And if I’m feeding her when she wakes up?”

  “Retreat, hold your hands low with your palms up, and lower your eyes. That’s one of the ways they greet each other. As soon as the female sees you take that pose, she should match you, and then you can talk to her. Call yourself a friend, and compliment her babies. The mention of her babies should derail her into wanting to care for them. If you have fish available, offer one to her. Once that is done, introduce your husband as your male, and introduce everyone in your quad as the male of their wives. It’s a territory establishment.”

  Rachel perked up at that. “The men need to be introduced tied to their wives?”

  “Koppa oni females are rare compared to the males, so they rule the roost. They’re also notorious players when they’re not in a family unit. She won’t perceive them as a threat because they’re claimed by other females.”

  “This is complicated.”

  “Life usually is. Drive carefully, check in, and if you have any problems, let me know. I’ll send the ingredient list to all four of you so you can make arrangements for any supplies you need. Be careful.”

  Rachel and her quad left, and I breathed a relieved sigh as soon as they were out of sight. I texted the directions and ingredients for their food to
all four of them, smirking at the thought of their reactions.

  Sometimes, I wasn’t a nice person.

  “I find it amusing yet disturbing you can cook for a koppa oni, but human cuisine is beyond you.”

  “I suppose I can cook if it involves measuring things out and dumping it in a blender.”

  “Ah. There’s no actual cooking involved. It’s the stove that is the problem, isn’t it? And microwaves. Actually, I’m concerned for the dishwasher now.”

  “I can handle a dishwasher.” Barely. “And if it’s pop in the microwave and press a few buttons, I can handle that, too. It’s when I have to take stuff out of the microwave and stir I run into problems. I forget to stir. Then two hours later, I go back to finish it, and then smoke happens.”

  “Yet you know how to feed an entire family of koppa oni, including their babies.”

  “Well, it’s part of my job.”

  “Part of your job as a living human is to cook food you can eat.”

  I glared at him. “We’re really going to have an argument over this, aren’t we?”

  “I am hoping it will last the entirety of our lives, and I see no reason to wait to get started.”

  “You are such an asshole, Detective Raymond Davis.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  While Raymond drove, I called Luke for an update, tense while listening to the phone ring.

  “Hey, boss,” he answered.

  I breathed a relieved sigh. “What’s your status?”

  “We have entered hell, and it’s a mess.”

  Hell didn’t sound like a place I wanted to go, but it was too late to tell Raymond to turn around and head home. “Define hell for me, and define mess. While you’re at it, tell me what you know about the new Hypnos situation.”

  “Remember that speculation we were tossing around about San Francisco being held hostage?”

  “With unfortunate clarity.”

  “It’s happening, but we’re not sure if everyone’s being held hostage or just being subjected to the fish’s power.”


  “It looks like Euthal may have teleported Hypnos and took a walk down John F Kennedy Drive to Strawberry Hill. From there, he headed south.”

  South could encompass a ridiculous amount of San Francisco. “How fast is it moving?”

  “Fast enough we’re counting casualties in the thousands now. He’s not showing on any of the traffic cameras we’re monitoring, and he’s moving fast enough he’s probably on a motorcycle to get through the deadlocked traffic. Death toll is up to at least thirty now.”

  “Car accidents?”

  “So far. We expect the first fire to start up will make the fatality rate skyrocket. He’s already taken out several fire departments.”

  Yep. San Francisco was in a lot of trouble unless we got a lock on Euthal and got rid of him—or neutralized Hypnos. The fish’s abilities terrified me.

  But I only knew of one way to gain access to the fish: a strong linker.

  “I need a favor, Luke.”

  “What do you need?”

  “Get on the horn with the boss. I need the strongest linker we’ve got. Get me several if possible. I’m going to need a vic, too.”

  “You’re going to do what you did with Elizabeth again, aren’t you?”

  “That’s the idea, but with a twist.”

  “What’s the twist?”

  “I’m going to have the linker tether me to my own damned body this time so I can get back without needing help. For starters. I’m fresh. I’ve taken the damned fish out once. I can do it again. And I’m ready to teach that fucking warlock a thing or two.”

  Raymond grunted, and I opted to ignore him.

  “All right. What can we do?”

  “How’s Ethan doing?”

  “Ethan? Boss wants a word,” Luke called.

  “What can I do for you?” Ethan asked.

  “I need you to do a check. You’re at the library?”

  “Yes. We’re at the library. We’re holed up in the center of the library; that should keep us out of the field of influence unless he comes into the building.”

  Damn. Luke’s quad had been doing some serious monitoring while I’d been taking a swim. “What’s the range?”

  “Thirty foot radius.”

  “That’s bigger than it was before.”

  “And we think it’s growing as he’s taking a walk with his pet fish on a leash.”

  “How the hell did he move so fast?”

  Ethan snorted. “I’m going to guess the bastard can teleport.”

  Fucking warlock. “You have my scanner?”

  “Luke has it.”

  “Tell him to get it set on both signatures and constant monitoring. He’ll need to plug it in to charge. If you see him coming, get the hell out of there. You hear me? You do me no good down and out for the count. I want all my quads out of San Francisco. Scatter to the surrounding areas. I’ve already sent Rachel and her team out of the city handling a matter for me.”

  “The koppa oni?”

  “Yes. There are dead koppa oni in the bay; I think Hypnos was recharging in the water and hit them first.”

  “And now he’s strong enough to take on humans again,” the medium speculated.

  “Just what sort of power can Euthal gain from Hypnos?” I muttered.

  “That’s the question of the hour, boss. We’re researching everything we can in here, but we’re not finding anything yet.”

  “Look into mythology first. Maybe an old fable will have the clue we need to figure it out. I’ll be at the library as soon as I can.” I hung up, and I spat curses.

  “How bad is it?”

  “He’s made his move, and he’s taking San Francisco by storm. He’s headed south from Strawberry Hill, and he’s hitting as many people as possible. It looks like he’s hitting every office building and apartment complex he can.”

  “And the pier was quiet today. That’s probably why he didn’t start there.”

  I nodded, and then I called my boss.

  “What do you have for me?” my boss demanded.

  “Nothing. I’m issuing an evacuation order for my quads still standing. He’s on the move, and we have nothing in our arsenal to stop him. Ethan and Luke will be contacting you for what I need, but I’ll tell you, too, so you can better coordinate with them. I need linkers, best you can get me, and I need someone to go in and get me some of the victims. If we can find a new haunter, I’ll make a run personally.”

  My boss remained silent for an uncomfortably long time. “He’s already hit parts of Richmond, Berkeley, Oakland, and San Leandro.”

  “He’s hopping and attacking in bursts?”

  “And he’s taking out key targets.”

  My father would make a good target. “My old man?”

  “Along with the mayors of every town, FEMA offices, and several FBI resident agencies.”



  “How’d you dodge it?”

  “I was at lunch down the road.”

  Luck. Pure, dumb luck. “I’m issuing that evacuation for you, too, and you stay out of populated areas. Donners out?”

  “Donners is out. He was with your parents.”

  “I’m just informing you, for the record, that this is personal. I don’t give a fuck about what the rules say about personal involvement at this point in time.”

  “Olivia, we’re down to clusters of active personnel. It’s personal for everyone at this point. You have three active quads I know of right now, and that includes Luke. We have six probably out, and the others aren’t answering their phones, so I suspect they’re out, too.”

  “Think Euthal hacked our scheduling network?”

  “It’s probable. He wouldn’t have to work hard with his cloaking abilities. In good news, we did get Euthal’s blood sample to a lab, and we got the DNA run. You hit a gold mine.”

  “I had? It seems to me I should’ve hit that la
nce straight through that bastard’s heart. I fucked up, sir.”

  “Well, your fuck up solved a lot of chain cases we couldn’t pin on anyone, now we have a direct DNA link to Euthal for it. Once he’s taken care of, we’ll be able to solve a lot of cases and get a lot of closure for people. The wire’s hot on this guy, so once this incident is resolved, you’ll have a lot of work on your desk closing old cases.”

  Something about his tone made me think he had low hopes of the cases being solved despite the new DNA evidence. “And it’s my desk because Donners is out?”

  “That’s from Washington. You’re filling in for Donners.” My boss sighed. “And may Heaven help me for passing this on, but it’s an order. You’re to go into this with your eyes wide open, and you’re being offered an out.”

  “What order, sir? What out?”

  “A nuclear strike authorization has been granted by the UN. You may opt to evacuate without consequence.”

  I went cold. “Could you repeat that, sir?”

  “On order of the President and with confirmation of the UN, should it look like Euthal is about to move on and target another city, a nuclear warhead will be detonated over Euthal’s current location.”

  My hell had come, and I wanted nothing more than to throw myself into the bay until even I drowned. “Rating?”

  “It’ll be another New York but worse. I’m sorry, Olivia. They can’t afford to let a warlock loose, not with the type of power he’s wielding. I tried to argue. They feel that the loss of hundreds of thousands to a million lives is a far cheaper price than allowing a warlock trying to harness the powers of a god run loose.”

  “We’re fucked, aren’t we?”

  “With a stick that’s been dipped in acid. Your parents should be out of the blast radius. But that’s where the good news ends. I’m sorry, Olivia. I tried. I truly did. But then Euthal took a walk down San Francisco. The President made it clear that the United States will not negotiate, and it will use lethal force to protect the interests of its citizens and the rest of the world. Even if it means losing an entire city in the process. You’re the only person I’ve got in the area who might stand a chance in hell of stopping him.”

  “And Eddy?”


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