The Stone of Power (The Legendary Keepers Book 2)

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The Stone of Power (The Legendary Keepers Book 2) Page 14

by Cassidy Bennett

  “Esora, please!” I pleaded desperately. “Don’t you know what you’re doing? Don’t let him do this!”

  A portal opened nearby. David stepped out of it with fiery anger in his eyes. What was he doing here? He was supposed to be with the others! “Keep your hands off my sister, Esora!”

  A sinister smile played on Esora’s lips. “Will you take her place, David?”

  “David, it’s a trap!” I struggled against my bonds, desperately trying to break free. “Don’t do it! Get out of here! Warn the others!”

  My older brother drew his sword, throwing himself defensively in front of me. “You want my sister?” he challenged. “You’ll have to go through me!”

  “Fool!” Esora thundered, stretching her hand out toward him. “Umarek the Dark, tej mineyo da ukin fa’ema ukavumal!”

  Freedom! Umarek boomed. Glorious freedom!

  “No!” David protested weakly, doubling over. His sword dropped to the ground. “No, don’t! Vulik, leave me alone! Stay away from us!”

  Esora ignored him and began chanting a spell repeatedly. “Aydiro ukin nevrek fotrio! Aydiro ukin nevrek fotrio!”

  David screamed in agony as he fell to his knees. The screaming continued as Esora continued chanting her spell. “Aydiro ukin nevrek fotrio!”

  Claim your new form. Claim your new form. Claim your new form.

  “What are you doing to my brother?” I thundered. “Leave him alone!”

  Esora’s chanting stopped, but not because I’d gotten through to her.

  “DAVID!” I yelled.

  “I have returned!” David declared in Umarek’s echoing voice. He lifted his head, revealing glowing red eyes.

  “What have you done to my brother?” I screamed. “What have you done to him?”

  David smirked as he turned around to face me. “This form no longer belongs to your brother, Magenta. I am no longer David Smith. I am Umarek the Dark. This is destiny!”

  Every indication of his previous agony was gone. He stared right into my eyes as I struggled against my bonds, attempting to break them with each of my powers. None of them worked. What in the Dimensions were these straps made of?

  Umarek’s laugh was bone-chilling. “You are weak, Magenta Valida. Face it; you have no more strength. Your friends have abandoned you. No one is coming to your rescue.”

  I broke eye contact as I remembered what I had done. “They didn’t abandon me,” I corrected softly. “I insisted on coming alone.”

  “Just like Magenta Kristina,” Umarek sneered. “Too selfless for your own good.”

  “David? What are you doing?”

  Felix had emerged from a portal, Copper Shield in hand. He stared at my brother—or, what used to be my brother—as if he was trying to make sense of the scene.

  I shouted, “That’s not David! Umarek is back! Get out of here! Warn the others!”

  Umarek smirked, cupping his hand under my chin and tilting it up so I looked into his red eyes. “How does it feel to lose, Magenta Valida?”

  Felix slammed the Copper Shield into the ground, sending a shock wave that knocked both Umarek and Esora off of their feet. “Don’t touch her,” he growled.

  “Is that a challenge, half-creature scum?” Umarek sneered.

  Felix grabbed the sword that David had dropped and gripped the Copper Shield tighter. “Bring it.”

  In one swift move, Umarek shot Felix with a ball of energy. Felix didn’t get his forcefield up in time. He cried out, flying a few yards away before crashing into a tree trunk and collapsing onto the ground.

  “FELIX!” I screamed. I struggled against the straps, even though I knew it wouldn’t do me or Felix any good.

  He moaned, then shakily rose to his feet, gripping a nearby tree branch for support. He had grass in his hair and a bleeding gash on his arm. “I’m not going down without a fight,” he insisted.

  “He’ll kill you!” I reminded him, still desperately struggling against my bonds. I had to do something, anything, to help Felix.

  I couldn’t lose him, especially after losing my brother.

  “I'll get you out of here, Miss Magenta," he promised.

  “Felix, look out!”

  Too late. Esora muttered something under her breath and Felix was thrown against another tree trunk. He crumpled to the ground, unconscious. I screamed his name, but he didn’t respond.

  Umarek rolled his eyes. “That boy was a fool. Awfully protective of you, isn’t he?”

  I glared at him right in his creepy red eyes. “He had better be alive, or so help me—”

  “Calm down, Magenta,” Esora instructed. “He will be perfectly fine...assuming nothing lives in this forest.”

  Esora muttered a spell. Felix’s eyes opened. He moaned. Esora tilted his chin up, forcing him to look at her. “I want you to be fully conscious when you get eaten alive.”

  “Now, now, Esora,” Umarek said with a smirk, “don’t scare the boy. He doesn’t need to die of a heart attack before the manticore gets here.”

  “As you wish.” Esora smirked, turning her attention to me. That white eye of hers was unsettling, especially beside the evil-looking glint in her honey-colored eye. “I think it’s time to implement the next phase of the plan. Don’t you agree, Dark One?”

  Umarek nodded. “Indeed, Esora. Felix, say goodbye to the Magenta. It’s a shame you’ll never see her again.”

  “No,” Felix protested weakly, struggling to his feet. He was barely able to stand and was bleeding in multiple places. “I won’t let you!”

  “What are you going to do about it?” Umarek challenged. "You can hardly stand. You're weak, boy."

  “Fight me!”

  Esora turned around and audibly smacked him hard across the face. He fell back a few steps, but stayed upright. His cheek was a stinging red. I winced. That must have hurt.

  Still, the Copper Shield reappeared on his arm. Panting heavily, he said, “I’m not getting eaten and aren’t taking her.”

  Umarek nodded toward Esora, who muttered another spell. Felix put up a forcefield and deflected it. A nearby bush turned brown.

  Umarek grabbed the dagger hanging by his side next to his sword sheath and held it to my throat. “Let down your forcefield or she dies,” he threatened.

  Felix bit his lip, locking eyes with me. I shook my head. Please don’t do it, I thought, even though I knew he couldn’t hear.

  He let down his forcefield. “Don’t hurt her.”

  Esora cast a spell his way, and this time he didn’t dodge.

  Felix Wilson fell to the ground, either unconscious or dead.

  I had failed him. I had failed everyone.

  Umarek removed the dagger from by my throat. “Finally,” he said, “that nuisance is gone.”

  “Is he…” I couldn't get the word out. Tears formed, blurring my vision.

  “Dead? Not yet,” Esora responded, “but once the manticore gets here, he will be. As for you, young Magenta...”

  She touched my forehead, and everything went black.


  I woke in a dark room, strapped to a table. My bonds were strong, like the ones in the forest. Unbreakable.

  “Where am I?” I questioned, my mind foggy.

  Umarek came into view. “Well, well, she’s awake. I think it’s time to finish the job.”

  “So, you dragged me to wherever this is just so you could kill me?” I asked, not bothering to keep the anger out of my voice.

  Esora joined him. “Of course not. Unfortunately for you, your memories won’t be as fortunate as your life. Enjoy the last minute or so of knowing who you are.”

  A bearded man entered the room. “Are you ready for me?”

  Umarek nodded. “Proceed.” He turned to me. “Akevul, Magenta Valida.”

  He and Esora left the room, leaving me alone with the bearded man. He touched my forehead and closed his eyes in concentration, then everything went black.


  Agolen (uh-G
ŌL-en) – Regina’s father

  Akevul (AWK-e-vul) – goodbye, farewell

  Akumal (AWK-oo-MAL) – a craftsman of magical objects who fought in the Lamean War, during which he lost an arm in battle.

  Anapto (uh-NAP-tō) – the manticore that Mallum spoke to in the Labyrinth of the Lost

  Ayamo (uh-YAM-ō) – Tom’s middle name

  Aydiro ukin nevrek fotrio (ay-DEER-ō oo-KIN NEV-rek fō-TREE-ō) – translates from Zajahani into “Claim your new form”

  Denayka (de-NAY-kuh) – the final Elven Enchantress; released from a vanishing spell by Regina and Nayila

  Dingvar (DING-vawr) – a shapeshifter; mostly live in Nightmare County

  Dyseo Fa’ema (DI-see-ō fai-YEM-uh) – the Cursed Wish-Granter of Legend

  Eikosi Tessera (ay-KŌ-SEE TESS-er-uh) – translates into “twenty-four”; a group of elite agents led by Agent Alpha

  Emparadroy (em-PAWR-uh-DROY) – the Dimension that the Fronds rule; the first Dimension conquered by the Attackers

  Esora (e-SŌR-uh) – the oldest of the two Frond children; an enchantress

  Ferignis (Fer-IG-nis) – the Fire Sword; it has a rich black hilt adorned with yellow gemstones and a blade of bronze

  Feylan (FAY-len) – Lori’s surname

  Kaikayn (KAI-kayn) – the king of Numelua; Makeki’s arch nemesis

  Kalolana (ka-lō-LAY-nuh) – the dessert province of Sibolana; ruled by Queen Makeki

  Kina (KEE-nuh) – the fairy that turned Regina into the Cursed Wish-Granter

  Krojelin (KRŌ-zheh-lin) – has rock-like feet, purple-gray armor that makes up its rough, rocky skin; practically immortal

  Kyalia (kai-AL-ee-uh) – Steven’s younger sister

  Lamea (luh-MAY-uh) – a Dimension that was once divided by the Lamean War

  Lamean (luh-MAY-en) – something that originates from the Dimension of Lamea

  Lena (LEE-nuh) – a healer

  Lono (LAW-nō) – King Kaikayn’s advisor; the late Magenta Kristina’s brother

  Lulin (LOO-lin) – a lunar goblin; lives in Lunaka; ruled by King Bimaedonis

  Lythacan (LAI-thuh-can) – the Werewolf Dimension; was ruled by the late King Bryan; destroyed by the Attackers

  Makeki (muh-KEEK-ai) – the Candy Queen; the ruler of Kalolana; King Kaikayn’s arch nemesis

  Malianna (MAL-lee-AN-uh) – Queen Makeki’s advisor

  Mallum (MAL-luhm) – the youngest of the two Frond children; also known as “the Hunter”

  Maserai (MASS-er-ai) – the name of the mountain where the Heart of Maserai, the center of all magic, is located

  Mekaz (MEH-kaz) – the name of Mallum’s father; an alchemist

  Mezanif (MEH-zuh-NIF) – a region in Lamea in which most of the Elven reside

  Nayila Yevalaf (nai-YIL-uh YEV-uh-LAF) – an Elven girl who saved Regina

  Numelua (noo-meh-LOO-uh) – the dairy province of Sibolana; ruled by King Kaikayn

  Okeso (ō-KEH-sō) – the name of Steven’s father

  Olakina (ō-luh-KEE-nuh) – the produce province of Sibolana; ruled by the Produce Parliament (which includes Queen Alani)

  Opatay clekavra (ō-PAW-tay kleh-KAW-vruh) – translates from Zajahani to mean “open portal”; the incantation that opens a portal

  Rekala (re-KAL-uh) – a light-based being who sometimes resides in Valida’s mind; the Legendary Power; Umarek’s counterpart

  Roklin (ROK-lin) – a krojelin; Lady Ryntha’s practically immortal companion

  Ryntha (RIN-thuh) – the name of the Lady of the Labyrinth of the Lost

  Saviena (SA-vee-EN-uh) – the Dimension in which the Great Valley of Saviena is located and the Battle of Saviena took place

  Siakra (see-AK-ruh) – Regina’s home Dimension and the place where the entrance to the Labyrinth of the Lost is located

  Sibolana (si-bō-LAY-nuh) – the Food Dimension; a Dimension made entirely out of food and is divided into provinces

  Tej mineyo da ukin fa’ema ukavumal (tezh min-AY-ō duh oo-KIN fai-YEM-uh oo-KA-VOO-mal) – translates from Zajahani as “be free from your cursed prison”

  Umarek (OO-muh-REK) – Rekala’s counterpart; a dark-based being that sometimes resides in Mallum’s mind; nicknames include “the Darkness”, “Darkness Guy”, “Umarek the Dark”, “the Dark Power”, and “the Dark Elf”

  Velia (VEE-lee-uh) – Mallum’s mother

  Vulak (VOO-lak) – the huge green dragon that protects Ferignis; killed by Agent Lambda

  Vulik (VUH-lik) – translates from Zajahani as “monster”; a Zajahani insult

  Zajahan (ZAW-juh-HAWN) – the Lost Dimension; the Dimension in which all magic and other Dimensions originated; where Mount Maserai is located

  Zajahani (ZAW-juh-HAWN-ee) – something that originated from Zajahan; the language of the ancients/magic

  Zemayta Stone (ze-MAY-tuh stōn) – the name of the Stone of Power

  Zelak (ZEE-lak) – Lena’s surname

  Zenner (ZEH-ner) – the sphinx of black quartz; the judge of all those who proceed from a certain point in the Labyrinth of the Lost

  Zykno (ZAIK-nō) – the first infamous Frond who had “darkness in his blood” and wielded the Dark Power; killed by Roy Smith

  About the Author

  CASSIDY BENNETT is a novelist from Mesa, Arizona. She has written two novels, The Magenta and The Stone of Power. Her hobbies include reading, writing stories, and sculpting with polymer clay.




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