Little Spirit

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Little Spirit Page 10

by DaNeo Duran

  ‘Probably,’ Danny said undecidedly.

  ‘Ah, come on,’ Raphael said. ‘It’s just what we need.’

  ‘Well you can still go. Anyway, we’ve got to get the gear back to the flat first.’

  * * *

  Back in the flat seeing Calvin put the kettle on Raphael said, ‘So it’s just me going out?’

  ‘Cup of tea first,’ Danny said.

  Guessing they’d not move again Raphael said, ‘Not me. I’ll leave you two wusses to it. I’m off to crack into Joanne.’

  ‘Don’t be upsetting Amy mate.’

  ‘Trust me Danny. Amy’s fine,’ Raphael said heading for the door.

  An hour later the lads still chattered on. ‘Kev was well pleased with the door take,’ Danny said.

  ‘Twenty-five on a first gig’s pretty good for a room that size.’

  ‘We’ll definitely get to play there again.’

  ‘Helped having our mates from your pub along.’

  ‘Amy did great though.’

  ‘Our best fan.’

  Changing the subject Danny said, ‘I had a moment with Alison tonight.’

  ‘Yeah? She’s nice. You should be with her now.’

  ‘Nah, band first, girls second. Don’t want her getting the wrong idea.’

  ‘A bit of fun wouldn’t hurt.’

  ‘Maybe next time,’ Danny said mulling the thought over.

  ‘Amy’s slowed down recently.’

  ‘I know, but have you noticed how tetchy she gets about it?’

  No sooner had her name been mentioned than they heard the front door open and slam. Calvin looked at Danny worried when he heard Amy’s bedroom door bang shut.

  ‘I’ll go,’ Calvin said.

  In the corridor he saw no light shining around her door.

  He tapped and turned the handle, ‘Amy?’

  ‘Leave me alone.’ Her voice sounded muffled.

  ‘Sweetheart, we’re concerned.’

  ‘I’m okay.’

  ‘You’re crying.’ Calvin crept towards the bed.

  ‘I’m okay. Leave me alone.’ Calvin knew she meant it but nevertheless reached into the sepulchral darkeness to stroke her hair.

  She recoiled. ‘Calvin!’

  ‘Okay,’ he said. ‘It’s you’re call. I’ll just be next door. Come and see me or Danny just as soon as you want.’

  ‘Thanks, I’ll be alright I promise.’

  ‘Night night.’ He blew a kiss as he backed out the room.

  ‘Calvin?’ she whispered before the door pulled to. ‘Do me a favour and don’t make a big deal of this to Danny. It’s just a little upset, that’s all.’

  ‘Sure. I’ll tell him you’ve a migraine.’

  Friday 22th July 1983

  True to his word Calvin didn’t tell Danny of Amy’s upset if for no other reason than he didn’t know the cause. He spoke to Raphael during the following week casually asking whether she’d seemed okay at the Hippodrome. He had no idea having left almost immediately with Joanne, and Alison sulking because Danny hadn’t turned up.

  Happily Calvin noticed after a few days she seemed to be back to normal and studying harder than ever.

  The following Friday morning Raphael arrived at the flat with his four-track and spare headphones. Danny had taken the day off work. They needed to book more gigs given that next day’s Water Rats would be their last.

  The time to record a demo had arrived. Armed with TDK tapes, Little Spirit spent eight hours in the rehearsal room.

  Raphael took charge. Hours went by recording drums. Mics went up, came down and moved around before he attempted to record. ‘I just hope ze mix of drums and percussion is right,’ he said listening back to what he’d recorded.

  Calvin’s bass amp failed to deliver so they borrowed one from Mark. Danny’s guitar sound hit home instantly. With bass and guitar recorded the boys took a break. Afterwards they finished the day singing around a single microphone.

  By 6pm Little Spirit had returned to the flat. Though mentally tired their mood stayed high as Amy had developed some great stage photos from the previous gig. Though the majority featured Danny, one of Calvin made a fantastic action shot. Caught mid-air, plectrum arm stretching behind, left leg kicked out Calvin wondered about sending it to Katherine but chose another couple of modest arty ones instead.

  ‘She better look after them,’ Danny warned. ‘They’ll be worth something soon.’

  Saturday 23rd July 1983

  The next day Little Spirit rehearsed for that evening’s gig. During a break Danny said, ‘I hope the door count’s high enough.’

  ‘Saturdays should be busier than Sundays,’ Raphael said.

  ‘Yeah, but we can’t rely on the walk up crowd.’

  ‘We could do,’ Calvin said.

  ‘What d’you mean?’

  ‘Well last time some said they’d come to see us even though they didn’t know us. We could hang around outside and anyone heading in we ask which band they’re supporting. If they don’t know or haven’t a preference we ask them to name us.’

  After a moment’s thought Danny grinned saying, ‘Sounds like a ball-ache, but that’d surely help.’

  ‘Worth it if it saves us getting blacklisted by ze venue.’

  * * *

  That evening after soundchecking the band stood outside chatting in the evening heat greeting those they felt able to approach. Soon Amy and her friends arrived helping the count as they went in. Raphael saw Alison hold Danny’s gaze and raised a mischievous eyebrow.

  ‘Joanne giving you the cold shoulder?’ Danny asked steering Raphael’s train of thought.

  ‘Cool, not cold. We’re done though.’

  * * *

  Little Spirit took the stage; the first band of three. The room started with a good number and continued filling throughout their set. Calvin and Danny joked and encouraged audience involvement.

  After their set and with no cries or time for encores Little Spirit exited the stage. Stosh approached Danny. ‘Another tight set. I’m a fan.’

  ‘Really? Cheers,’ Danny said making way for the next band. ‘Just hope we had enough people to keep the promoter happy.’

  ‘You’ll be alright. Hey, have you played The King’s Head in Putney Bridge?’

  ‘Not yet,’ Danny said without letting on that he hadn’t even heard of it.

  ‘I occasionally do the sound there too. Give them a ring and tell them I recommended you. In fact,’ he said reaching to his pocket, ‘take a card it’s got my number on it just in case.’

  ‘Cheers Stosh we’ll do that.’

  ‘Pleasure.’ Motioning over Danny’s shoulder he said. ‘Look out here’s the boss.’

  Danny jumped down from the stage. The promoter didn’t look him in the eye.

  ‘Well done, you did good tonight.’


  ‘Twenty people on the door. Any more and you’d get a share of the take.’ He then looked away adding, ‘Last time I might have seemed, you know, harsh. Stosh said afterwards you got something a bit special. He’s right I enjoyed your set. Call me Monday; see if we can’t sort something out for the next few months.’

  Amy had been enjoying herself but saw Danny step outside accompanied by Alison and guessed she’d aroused his interest. The shock smarted her eyes and she knew they’d be bloodshot. Sitting at a table in front of the stage she purposely dropped her lipstick. Under the table she cursed the day she’d met Danny.

  Above the table the next band kicked out dance rhythms. A hand firmly rested on Amy’s back.

  ‘Let’s dance,’ Raphael commanded. Leading her from the table he held her without looking at her face.

  Monday 25th July 1983

  After the weekend Raphael took the recorded demos to work. During the quiet moments his boss Derek helped him process the drum and vocal tracks. Derek said the recordings demonstrated the band’s capabilities but for all their hard work Raphael found the result disappointing.

home that evening he prepared twenty cassettes of the five recorded songs. In Chingford, Danny utilised one of Amy’s photos creating the artwork for Calvin who produced inlay cards at Proper Printing.

  That night, despite generally needing a demo to book gigs, Calvin rang Raphael saying Danny had secured a gig at The King’s Head and more gigs at The Water Rats.

  Thursday 28th July 1983

  Raphael drove the demo tapes to Chingford after work Thursday. Calvin surprised him by loving it.

  ‘Bass is a bit low,’ Danny said.

  ‘I could turn it up but then ze guitar would be too loud.’

  ‘Percussion’s a bit much isn’t it?

  ‘If I turn it down ze drums get quieter. Remember we’re limited by four tracks. Proper studios have thirty-two or more.

  Not wishing to argue Danny didn’t mention that The Beatles’ mixes sounded fine on four-track.

  Saturday 13th August 1983

  A fortnight passed and the band prepared to gig The King’s Head. When they arrived Stosh appeared from behind the mixing desk.

  Danny said, ‘Calvin told me the venue was superb when he dropped the posters off.’

  ‘The stage is just what you guys need.’

  ‘It’s big alright. What’s the drill?’

  ‘Right there’s a small door charge and head count.’

  ‘Okay, hopefully we’ll be alright,’ Danny said hiding any stress.

  ‘Well The Gods of Steal are headlining. They’re a covers band who’ve been before so there’ll be a few in. I’ve a feeling you’ll be fine anyway.’

  Outside, after soundchecking the guys stood by the venue’s doors ensuring people approaching from either direction received greeting. Raphael’s work colleagues Derek and Trevor turned up and joined them on the street.

  Danny hadn’t seen Alison since the last gig and couldn’t see her when Amy arrived.

  ‘It’s too close to re-sits,’ Amy smirked. Un-phased Danny felt Joanne’s attention weighing more to him than Raphael. For a moment he considered an alternative conquest but didn’t fancy Raphael’s cast offs.

  ‘Hi guys,’ Raphael said hailing two unsuspecting couples. ‘You coming in?’

  ‘Sure are,’ one of the girls said.

  ‘Do us a favour say you’re here for Little Spirit,’ Calvin called after them.

  ‘We are here for Little Spirit,’ she said disappearing inside.

  Twice more that happened. The lads exchanged glances not knowing how this could be. ‘Maybe posters work,’ Calvin said.

  When the time to play arrived Danny and Calvin jumped around the stage like The Police. The good fun gig won the appreciation of Derek who said, ‘You should get yourselves properly recorded.’

  ‘Thought you said ze demo was okay?’ Raphael said.

  ‘Good enough to get gigs, sure but you guys are way better than that demo. I had no idea.’

  ‘We’ll record when we find ze money.’

  When the promoter approached, Danny asked, ‘How did we do?’

  ‘Good,’ he said offering two tenners. ‘Not a bad door take.’

  ‘Twenty quid. Fantastic,’ he said taking the money.

  ‘We’ll speak again. It’ll be good to get you back here in a few weeks.’

  When Danny caught up with Calvin he heard him say to Stosh, ‘We wondered what was going on.’

  ‘What’s going on?’ Danny asked butting in.

  ‘Stosh invited his mates round. That explains those couples.’

  ‘Yeah? Cheers Stosh that’s helped keep the promoter happy.’

  ‘So you’ll be back here again,’ Stosh said. ‘You didn’t believe me when I said I was a fan.’

  The feel altered when The Rods of Steel took to the stage. Raw and unkempt their appeal affected most but missed Danny. However he watched the stage and the guitarist who stood godlike with Gibson guitar hanging low. He leaned back as if supported by the music. Danny stood before the stage emulating the wide foot stance and guitar hold. Something to work on, he thought.

  Friday 9th September 1983

  For the next month Little Spirit gigged whenever possible. The demo tapes got them gigs whilst rehearsals strengthened performance quality ensuring invitations back. They added new songs and though they didn’t headline they did creep up the play order.

  Letters flew to and from Katherine. Unhappily for Calvin each received letter lacked photos. Even without pictures or hope of seeing her, their penned relationship became one of support and value.

  Amy re-sat her exams and thankfully passed them. The flatmates celebrated but Amy didn’t drink and halted the party without a visit to the Hippodrome.

  Amy enrolled for her degree’s final year before Freshers’ Week.

  Hurrying back to the flat she bound through the door and found Raphael with Calvin. ‘You haven’t got a gig this Monday have you?’ she asked the pair.

  ‘No,’ Calvin said.

  ‘Good, because I’ve said you’ll play the refectory in the poly’s union. Freshers’ Week so it’ll be a hoot.’

  ‘Lots of girls away from home for ze first time,’ Raphael said.

  Monday 12th September 1983

  Having plastered the poly with posters the band appeared in the refectory on Monday where large wooden boxes had been laid to makeshift a stage. With erected PA and lights it became a credible venue.

  Amy arrived with friends saying, ‘I know you’ve played here as 10,000 Faces but tonight will be rammed.’

  ‘The biggest audience yet?’ Danny asked.


  They learned they’d be the third of four bands playing and there’d be no head count. The final, rather arrogant band, hadn’t wanted to share their equipment meaning Little Spirit would have to use all their own gear.

  During the soundcheck Danny casually said, ‘Just noticed, we’ve all got black instruments.’

  ‘Brings a bit more uniformity to us,’ Raphael said straightening his drums.

  ‘Looks cool,’ Calvin said stepping off the stage seeing what the audience would.

  Later the first two bands played but did nothing to warm up the audience who chattered away over the background entertainment. Danny gathered the lads for their pre-gig get-together.

  ‘Guys, there’s a room stuffed full of people and most of them have their backs to the stage. People are wandering in and out all the time.’

  ‘Right. We must grab their attention,’ Raphael said. After a moment he added, ‘How do we do that?’

  Thinking Danny said, ‘Our leads are pretty long. We could go out and stand on a few tables. It’s a bit naughty so might shock the mob.’

  ‘Brings us closer to them,’ Calvin said.


  ‘What about me?’ Raphael asked.

  ‘You’ll have the entire stage to yourself – what more could you want?’

  The forming strategy put Calvin in line of his biggest challenge. At show time he saw from the stage, with the exception of Amy’s gang and old poly friends, a two-hundred strong rabble ignoring the intro piece and not caring about them. Danny looked at Calvin and rolled his eyes.

  In the audience Amy looked nervous, Joanne looked confused. Taking a slow breath Calvin’s mind fogged with nerves. He readied himself for the G chord. Despite fear he had to be courageous. Stay with it, you know what to do.

  On Danny’s cue the three ‘shushed’ into their mics. Conversations ceased and faces turned. Raphael’s clicking sticks sounded dreamlike to Calvin. Now’s the time. Calling on strength deep within he shouted, ‘SHUT UP AND LISTEN!’

  Little Spirit rocketed into the music.

  Raphael watched the gob smacked crowd as Calvin and Danny strode off stage over chairs and onto the nearest tables where they stamped, amazing the shocked kids. Leaping back they returned to their mics for the singing.

  Catching Amy and Joanne’s eyes Raphael’s smile said, What else did you expect?

  With crowd hooked Little Spirit laughed w
ith them between songs and cut dead any hecklers before finally handing the stage to the headline band who promptly lost the audience. By the end of their first chorus they had no hope of re-taming the unruly horde.

  During debriefing the band congratulated each other on their victorious command of the audience. Raphael said, ‘It’s just like I read in Ze Crowd’

  ‘They really do think as one,’ Calvin agreed.

  Clapping his hands together Raphael said, ‘If we stay this positive everything we touch will turn to gold.’

  ‘Mate,’ Danny said, ‘there’s no substitute for hard work.’

  Exasperated he would have said more but a portly lady appeared saying, ‘Little Spirit?’


  ‘I’m the entertainment manageress. That was fantastic.’


  ‘You shamelessly forced the crowd into respecting you. You must play the main hall as first support to Bananarama this Friday.’

  ‘Wow,’ Danny said his face brightening but suddenly crumpling with concern.

  Guessing the reason Calvin overrode anything he might be about to say, ‘Great, we’ll do it.’

  ‘You’re wonderful. Right then, I’ll place you before Men Without Hats. It’ll be a great night.’

  After giving full details she flounced off. Danny said, ‘We’re playing The Water Rats Friday.’

  ‘We’ll get them a replacement,’ Raphael said.

  Tuesday 13th September 1983

  Next day Little Spirit had the replacement. Before disturbing the promoter Danny rang Stosh who supplied some band phone numbers. After a few calls he found two that could play Friday. Danny then rang the promoter, explained the situation and asked him to choose which band he wanted.

  Friday 16th September 1983

  On Friday Katherine visited the gift shop on the way back from the bank.

  ‘You look ever so sad,’ Edith said.

  ‘This usually helps,’ she said accepting Calvin’s latest letter and finding a grateful smile.

  Having done such a poor job of hiding her feelings Katherine almost told the shopkeeper of her dwindling savings. But Edith didn’t enquire so she left.

  She found John’s yacht locked. Keen to read she leant against the cabin and opened the envelope. His previous letter had contained the Little Spirit demo which Katherine had enjoyed guessing from memory which voice belonged to Calvin. This letter contained another photo. She looked at it considering Calvin her knight in battered trainers.

  Generally Calvin spoke passionately but with modesty about Little Spirit. This time though Katherine read the exciting news that they’d be playing for Bananarama – that night. Katherine loved the chart-topping all-girl group. His words stated he’d love to see her at the gig but guessed they’d have played before she even received the letter she now held.


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