Little Spirit

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Little Spirit Page 17

by DaNeo Duran

  ‘And,’ Katherine said, ‘it’s because she’s maturing you can’t assume you’re worthy just because she’s had a schoolgirl crush on you for ages.’

  ‘So it’s all about her?’

  ‘It usually is,’ Calvin said stroking Katherine’s knee.

  Katherine smiled but said to Danny, ‘Amy isn’t a play thing.’

  ‘Now that girl over there,’ Raphael said looking into the room, ‘she’s different.’

  Katherine didn’t look she’d already spotted the brunette smiling in his direction. Instead she thought about Amy and hoped she’d be okay.

  Try as he might, Danny still couldn’t see why Amy hadn’t kissed him and after they played to the full pub putting a smile on Liz’s face he mentioned it again to Raphael.

  ‘Danny, Katherine’s right about Amy not being a play thing. But there’s something really important that you missed. I’ll show you where you went wrong. Observe.’

  With that Raphael crossed the room to join the brunette who’d been eyeing him all night. Danny watched Raphael touch her cheek and whisper something. Two seconds passed before she wrapped her arms round him and kissed him. Danny turned and packed his gear away.

  When he saw Raphael later he asked, ‘What was the point of that?’

  ‘Ze point was, that girl, was in ze right frame of mind to be kissed. My guess is Amy wasn’t.’

  Sunday 09th October 1983

  The next day the band returned to the studio to mix the song’s they’d recorded. When they stepped through the door Calvin smiled just like the first day. The electrical smell from the equipment activated a week-old nostalgia. When Tom rewound the Ampex 16-track tape machine every uniquely distinctive clunk and whir brought Calvin’s imagination an inch closer to their rock star dreams.

  Calvin thought the songs sounded terrific through the big monitors. He’d bought a 5-pack of Sony cassettes in the hope they’d get copies of the finished songs before ordering 500 duplicates.

  Throughout the intense day Calvin brought creative ideas to add to the mix. Danny and Raphael knew what sounded good and wouldn’t let Tom move on until things sounded their best. Tom though exasperated at times behaved well.

  Unfortunately some recorded performances had been compromised due to time restrictions. They lacked the excitement they deserved. The concentration involved in getting parts right could almost be heard at the expense of the spontaneity they’d have preferred.

  Tom didn’t agree. He thought they’d recorded with brilliance saying, ‘These songs are out of this world. You’ll have a record deal before the end of the year if you keep gigging hard.’

  Afterwards the boys called at the flat before their Dog and Parrot gig. Katherine jumped up to meet them eager to hear their mixed demo.

  ‘Amy should be here for this,’ Raphael said as they crowded Danny’s tape machine.

  ‘Let’s just see how we get on,’ Danny said pressing play.

  Katherine thought it sounded like proper music and would surely leave the listener in no doubt as to the quality of the songs.

  ‘Pretty good,’ Raphael said.

  ‘Yup,’ Danny agreed. ‘Now for an experiment.’ He picked up The Police’s Synchronicity album and placed the needle on track-6, Synchronicity II.

  By the middle of the first verse Raphael surprised no one saying, ‘Blows us away.’

  ‘Does it ever,’ Danny said. Calvin looked disappointed.

  ‘I suppose it’s fair enough,’ Raphael said. ‘That song alone will have cost thousands and Tom’s no Hugh Padgham.’ Switching back to the demo Raphael said, ‘Still sounds good. Just not amazing like Ze Police.’

  Soon the boys headed out for soundcheck leaving Katherine to wait for Amy who arrived from her mum’s looking the best she’d ever seen.

  ‘I don’t know why I was so hooked by him,’ Amy said.

  ‘After all that drama I’d hate for you to fallout,’ Katherine said concerned for them both.

  ‘Don’t worry. Danny and I aren’t falling out. I was besotted; now I’m fine.’

  ‘Danny’s really embarrassed by what’s happened.’

  ‘He’ll get over it. He’s not serious. I don’t really know what he was thinking though.’

  They did their makeup and stepped out for the pub. ‘So what happened when he came in for the kiss?’

  ‘I pushed him off and asked what the hell he was doing. Poor lad said,’ Amy continued in a dumb sounding voice, ‘What you doin’? I thought that’s what you wanted.’

  ‘Oh dear.’

  ‘You should have seen him, it felt incredible. I tell you Katherine, if you’d have told me Danny would try and kiss me and I’d reject him … It doesn’t half feel good. Makes up for how ridiculous I felt the other night. He’s done me a real favour.’

  ‘That’s great Amy. I hope none of this backfires on you?’

  ‘What d’you mean?’ she asked looking hurt.

  ‘I’m sorry, I just mean be careful with your feelings; and Danny’s for that matter. This isn’t easy for him.’

  ‘I know I’ll be careful,’ she said reaching the pub door before Katherine. ‘And I’ll be nice to Danny.’

  * * *

  On edge Danny waited for Katherine to turn up with Amy. When they came Amy exuded confidence and, in a deep V-neck jumper he’d not seen before she looked hotter than ever. She spoke more kindly to him than she had in days.

  Danny’s feelings of rejection dwindled and when the time to play arrived Amy became his raison d’être. They flew into the first song. High on adrenaline Danny thrust his pelvis into the back of his guitar. As he looked into the packed room the guitar riff seemed to play itself. Glancing left Danny saw Calvin rockin’ his side of the room, feet rooted to the stage and body pulsing to the groove. Looking behind Raphael winked.

  Resting his hands on silenced guitar Danny sang to the bass line feeling the stage tremble under the galvanized rhythm of drums and Calvin’s stamping foot. He looked at the audience but thought only of Amy.

  Later, off stage he managed a few private moments with Amy. He understood not to lead her on but no longer knew who held the lead. He stood before her and, as per Raphael’s advice, turned sideways creating the illusion that he could walk off at any moment, thus making her work to keep him there.

  ‘I’m sorry about yesterday,’ he said.

  ‘It’s alright Danny. I’m sorry for the confusion.’

  ‘What do you suggest we do?’

  With less confidence than she’d had earlier Amy said, ‘Nothing. Let’s just see what happens and be friends again.’

  Amy had observed that even ugly men can look attractive if seen doing something they’re good at. She found Danny far from ugly anyway but, on stage having a good gig, he looked incredible.

  Now in the aftermath of her euphoric confidence Amy felt sad as the tables of power redressed in Danny’s favour. Before Little Spirit played she’d felt for the first time a more beautiful female than Danny a male. But minutes before taking the stage he’d gone into rock star mode. With dominant posture his clothes flattered his impressive physique. Amy had looked at other guys in the room but none came close to Danny.

  Despite waning confidence she employed the tips Katherine had given her. Chin up, chest raised and pelvis level. The three Cs Katherine called them. Chin, Chest and Crotch. When Amy walked her three Cs led the way.

  Calvin’s boss Ian and workmate Joe had come along seeing the band for the first time. ‘That was brilliant,’ they said together.

  ‘Thanks guys, it’s high time you came to a gig.’

  ‘If we’d known you were that good we’d have been along sooner,’ Joe said. ‘You’ve got a good following too. Did you see those girls singing along – how do they know the words?’

  Calvin looked over thinking he might have seen them before. ‘They might have bought our first attempt at recording,’ he said without letting his pride show.

  ‘You must be Danny,’ Ian said when the guitar
ist approached with Raphael.

  ‘Pleased to meet you both,’ Danny said taking a seat beside Raphael and laying his proposed artwork on the table.

  After some study Ian said, ‘Lovely. Got your contact details clearly labelled. If you’re happy I’ll take these now and get started first thing tomorrow.’ He gave Calvin a wink. ‘There’s one suggestion I’d like to make – about the posters not the inlay card.’

  ‘Okay, we’re open-minded,’ Danny said.

  ‘It’s this John Saunders fellow.’

  ‘Katherine’s friend and our sponsor. John’s name needs to be loud and clear,’ Calvin said.

  ‘Hmm, Katherine,’ Ian said almost dreamily. ‘I can see why he’d want to support you guys. I’m just wondering if you or he’d mind Proper Printing getting in on the act too.’

  ‘What have you in mind?’ Calvin asked.

  ‘If you’d allow Proper Printing’s details to be added to your posters and flyers we’d happily waive the cost of them. It’d surely be beneficial to us both.’

  * * *

  Back in the flat the band’s excitement surpassed any of the deals Katherine had heard going down in Saint Tropez. On hearing the demo Amy refused to believe it lacked finesse.

  Hearing it full whack Katherine felt proud being part of it despite her only contribution being that of providing the investor.

  ‘It sounds different on each music system we try,’ Calvin said.

  ‘All music does but you’re more in tune with ze subtleties of your own music,’ Raphael said.

  ‘You should have heard it in the studio,’ Danny said to Amy. ‘It sounded amazing,’

  ‘It sounds amazing now,’ she said. ‘Can I have a tape for my room?’

  ‘Of course you can. That’s why Cal got five tapes.’

  ‘I’m sure I’ve heard worse than this on Top of the Pops,’ Calvin said.

  ‘Top of ze Pops. Keep focusing on that goal.’

  ‘Steady on guys,’ Danny said. ‘We still need the big deal before we can do that. It’s not Rocky, Apollo’s not gonna show up and give us a shot at the title.’

  ‘I agree,’ Raphael said. ‘Ze demo’s good, but it could be better. Easy hearing this through rose coloured hearing aids.’

  Nevertheless it did sound good to Katherine who had no doubt that John would think so too. Her stomach twisted with the thought of their next meeting and Saint Tropez discussion. Nevertheless she told them she’d arrange an appointment for the next day.

  ‘Thanks babe,’ Calvin said. ‘Tell him we should have the duplicates with inlay cards by Thursday. I’ll get the bus and collect them Wednesday.’

  ‘We need jiffy bags too,’ Raphael said. ‘And send one registered post to ourselves for copyright purposes.’

  Danny said, ‘Brilliant. I’ll get the jiffy bags and stamps. We can start bagging the tapes the same night. We’ve got a list of all the national record companies so when we meet John we can show him how ready to go we are.’

  ‘I’ll start compiling lists of places to send the tapes,’ Raphael said.

  ‘Excellent stuff guys,’ Amy said her eyes meeting Danny’s somehow making them both feel awkward.

  Danny looked away feeling weird again.

  Thursday 13th October 1983

  That evening on his way for the arranged meeting with John at The Lion, Raphael drove against the flow of commuters exiting London. His ever frequent use of parents’ cars caused him more anxiety than he shared with the band. He’d promised his mum a new one as soon as Little Spirit realised its dream.

  * * *

  Danny manned the bar. Katherine had scheduled the meeting for 7pm but before she or the band arrived, Danny spotted a Jaguar pull into the car park. Guessing it might be John his stomach looped-the-loop as shyness struck.

  The door swung open and, right enough in stepped John, suited and larger than life. Danny watched him scan the room for familiar faces before catching his eye.

  ‘Danny,’ his voice boomed; striding across the room hand extended. Danny shook it ignoring the sideways glance from manageress Liz standing beside him.

  ‘Great to see you John,’ Danny said with compromised volume. ‘What can I get you?’

  ‘Bitter-shandy please my good man,’ he said reaching for his wallet.

  ‘I got this one.’

  ‘Very decent of you.’

  ‘Shift’s nearly over,’ Danny said. Behind John the pub’s door opened again and Calvin and Raphael came in followed by a lovely looking Amy. Again Danny’s stomach looped-the-loop.

  ‘Is anyone else joining your party?’ Liz asked.

  ‘Just Katherine.’

  ‘What’s she drinking?’

  ‘White wine usually.’

  ‘Okay,’ she said. ‘Go and join your friends, I’ll get you a round of drinks.’

  ‘Thanks Liz.’

  ‘You work hard love,’ she said staring at John who’d turned to greet the others.

  ‘D’you want me to put in a good word?’

  ‘Don’t suppose it’d hurt,’ Liz smiled. Danny helped her prepare the round of drinks. ‘Your blonde friend looks pretty.’

  ‘Amy?’ he said. ‘Tell me about it.’

  Katherine identified the group from John’s bellowing voice. She saw him wearing Walkman headphones, presumably full of the band’s work. Without compensated volume the compliments of his latest investment could be heard to the amusement of all. ‘Only When It’s Saturday, ha, bloody brilliant song.’

  ‘Saved you a seat,’ Calvin told her once John fell silent listening.

  John grinned at her then turned to everyone at the table. Removing his headphones he said, ‘Excellent. A demo worthy of the Little Spirit I saw recently. So, how are the gigs going?’

  ‘Got one tomorrow,’ Calvin said. ‘A venue we’ve not played – good reputation.’

  ‘Yeah, where?’

  ‘The Borderline off Charing Cross Road.’

  ‘Rings a bell.’ He checked his diary. ‘I’ll be there.’

  ‘Fantastic,’ Danny said adding, ‘We’re doing about two gigs a week generally.’

  ‘Two a week?’ John looked thoughtful. ‘Not bad. You’ve got the demo. I’m wondering, what’s the next level?’

  Sitting straighter Danny said, ‘Raphael’s compiled a list of relevant labels to post others to and we’ve got the jiffy bags for the job.’

  ‘Good going.’ John looked at the list Raphael past him ‘Five hundred labels – one for each tape?’

  ‘Not quite that many,’ Raphael said laughing. ‘I rejected ze ones clearly dealing with other styles of music like country, classic or electronic.’

  ‘So what about the spare tapes, sell them at gigs?’

  ‘Exactly,’ Danny said.

  ‘We reckon we’ll shift them in weeks,’ Raphael said.

  ‘Hmm, have we enough?’ John pondered. ‘I’ve not received the invoice from the studio. Can someone get on the phone first thing tomorrow? Tell them to knock up another five hundred and adjust the invoice. From what I remember the cost of duplication won’t go up that much.’

  ‘I’ll do that,’ Calvin said. ‘I’ve got tomorrow off.’

  ‘Good and get another few hundred more jiffy bags with stamps. Make sure you get a receipt and bring an invoice to the Borderline tomorrow.’

  ‘Thanks John.’

  ‘Why the extra jiffys?’ Raphael asked.

  ‘With the extra tapes you can hit publishing companies, radio stations and perhaps a few commercial studios around the country. You never know it could land in the hands of a decent producer who might take a shine to you. Might help your profile,’ John said admiring his name in the demo’s inlay card. ‘Proper Printing’s name’s here.’

  ‘In much smaller lights than yours,’ Calvin said. ‘They’ve said they’ll do our posters for free if we reference them.’

  ‘Well excellent,’ John said. ‘That another company is seen to be sponsoring you will create more record company confide
nce. Well done for swinging that one.’

  ‘Pleased you approve.’

  With a slurp of shandy John said, ‘Now, two gigs a week might seem good but it’ll take an eternity to build the necessary buzz. Have a think about anything else you could do to reach more people or make anything you do more memorable.’

  ‘With a bit of luck people will buy the demo from gigs and their friends will hear the music,’ Danny said.

  ‘Definitely,’ John said. ‘But I’ll bet you’ve got some superb ideas to move things along faster.’

  ‘I’ve got one,’ Calvin offered.

  ‘Let’s hear it.’

  ‘It wouldn’t work with low ceilings but I was thinking about a gymnastic springboard; to make our jumps unrealistically high. Might make the show more uniquely memorable.’

  ‘Good one.’

  ‘Ooh, I’ve got one,’ Amy said coming to life.

  ‘Amy,’ John said. ‘Lovely, what’s your suggestion?’

  ‘Oh,’ she said. ‘As cool as the backdrop is the name gets obscured behind the drums. So I was thinking an additional backdrop for the drum stage. Another piece of black material with Little Spirit painted on it.’

  ‘Oh yeah,’ Danny said. ‘That’s a really good idea. I can sort that out.’

  ‘Good one Danny.’ John glanced at his watch. ‘Look, I’ve to get back into London. You guys have real energy. Let’s list these ideas and see what comes of them.’

  When John stood to leave they bid him well. Katherine hugged him and he whispered something of a return trip to France.

  Rather than head for the door John walked to the bar where he took Liz’s hand and thanked her before turning leaving her blushing.

  Liz looked over to Danny. With a white lie he smiled back having forgotten to put a good word in for her.

  Friday 14th October 1983

  The next night Katherine arrived with Amy into London’s West end and its unmistakable vibe. They followed Calvin’s poster trail from Tottenham Court Road tube station hoping there’d be a good turnout for John’s coming along. Katherine had phoned Calvin on her lunch break but worryingly he’d complained of feeling too lethargic for a full on gig.

  The girls spotted the band on the street greeting passers-by. Katherine admired his tremendous look in stage clothes.

  ‘Hi Katherine,’ he weakly said as his embracing arms hung off her.

  ‘You okay sweetheart?’

  ‘Yeah fine. Might have been overdoing the exercise lately.’


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