Little Spirit

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Little Spirit Page 28

by DaNeo Duran

  ‘Thanks man. I hope you’re right.’ Calvin saw him to the door.

  Back in the living room he asked everyone, ‘What d’you make of that?’

  ‘Raphael’s positivity?’ Danny said. ‘Guess we’ll have a better idea when he gets back.’

  ‘Honestly, I suppose I’d prefer not to ask my folks,’ Amy said.

  ‘I’d prefer not to ask anyone.’

  ‘We’ll have to do something,’ Danny said. ‘Aside from positive thinking Raphael isn’t well known for solutions to problems.’

  * * *

  At 5pm Katherine answered a knock on the door. ‘Hi Raphael, you’re back early.’

  ‘Couldn’t stay away. Are ze boys in?’

  ‘They’re running a few laps of the park,’ she said leading the way upstairs.

  ‘Loonies,’ Raphael said eying her buttocks.

  ‘Amy’s studying. I’ll keep you company.’

  ‘Thank you.’

  When Katherine brought in a mug of tea she asked, ‘So, how did you get on this afternoon, any inspired thoughts?’

  ‘Of course,’ Raphael said setting the mug on the floor so he could pull a piece of paper from his coat pocket. ‘I don’t know why you people doubt me.’

  Katherine smiled. ‘What you got there?’

  ‘I have been to my old music shop this afternoon. Derek opened it especially for me. This is a list of all ze new and used contenders for Calvin.’

  ‘Okay,’ Katherine said taking the paper reading brand names, alpha-numeric model numbers and large numbers preceded by pound signs. ‘And how’s he supposed to get his hands on one?’

  ‘Can’t tell you that,’ Raphael said with a cheeky grin.

  ‘So you do have an idea?’ Katherine said surprised.

  At that moment the lounge door opened chased by a glaciating current of air. ‘Sounds like ze boys are back.’

  First through the door Danny said, ‘Hi mate, saw the van outside.’


  ‘Back early,’ Calvin said cold sweat glistening on colder skin.

  Katherine handed him the list of amps.

  ‘Which one do you fancy?’ Raphael said.

  ‘He’s been to his music shop,’ Katherine said.

  ‘Bloody hell mate, that was good of you.’ He read. ‘Carlsbro, Peavy, HH.’

  ‘Yeah,’ Raphael said. ‘What’s your favourite?’

  Calvin gave an exasperated look, ‘I don’t know. Trace Elliot I suppose.’

  ‘Thought so,’ Raphael said sitting back. ‘That’s what we’ll work towards; although its green lights will clash with our colours.’

  ‘Shouldn’t matter given it’s the wrong side of a bank robbery – though I see you’ve scribbled the price out,’ Calvin said his teeth chattering. ‘Danny I’m freezing d’you mind if grab first shower?’

  ‘Make it quick mate. I’m cold too.’

  After his shower Calvin went to his room to change. From the bathroom Danny could be heard singing, no doubt into the showerhead.

  Katherine looked at Raphael who said, ‘Alone again.’

  Before she could answer a knock from the front door echoed upstairs.

  ‘I’ll get it,’ Raphael said jumping to his feet. In his haste his mug went over. ‘Aw, damn. Sorry Katherine.’

  ‘It’s okay,’ Katherine said rising and heading out. ‘I’ll get the door, if you mop the spill.’

  On the landing she ignored Raphael’s protestations. At the bottom of the stairs she twisted the Yale lock and opened the door to—

  ‘You?’ She came face to face with the bearded man from The Water Rats and finally recognised him as none other than Calvin’s dad. ‘What brings you here?’

  Calvin’s dad, already a step back from the door, retreated further. Katherine turned as Raphael bumped down the stairs joining her.

  To her bewilderment Raphael shook his hand. ‘Good to see you again.’

  ‘You too,’ Calvin’s dad said. ‘Is he in?’

  ‘Upstairs.’ Raphael addressed Katherine. ‘We met up at ze music shop. You mind getting Calvin?’

  Bemused she climbed half the steps and called, ‘Calvin, can you come to the door darling?’

  ‘Hang on,’ he replied, ‘just putting my bollocks away.’

  Katherine faced Calvin’s dad. ‘Sorry about that. He’ll be down in a sec.’


  ‘What’s with the beard?’

  ‘Part of the disguise. If I was to see my son’s band I didn’t want the performance compromised by my presence.’

  ‘So, what did you think of them?’

  Calvin’s dad stood in the cold and nodded. Katherine perhaps detected his chin quiver. Leaving the warmth she stood beside him and touched his shoulder with hers. ‘They’re great aren’t they?’

  He nodded. ‘I should have guessed as much.’

  ‘Dad?’ Calvin said.

  ‘Go and see what’s in ze car,’ Raphael said pushing him into the street.

  Upstairs Danny dried in the bathroom’s steamy warmth. Tying the towel round his middle he passed through the kitchen and living room where he flung his arms round himself as cold air engulfed him. On the landing he guessed the front door must be open. Running downstairs he looked into the street to discover four faces staring into the boot of Calvin’s dad’s car. ‘What’s going on?’

  ‘Come and see for yourself,’ Raphael said.

  Curiosity won the battle over cold and Danny tiptoed barefoot over to the space made for him between Raphael and Calvin’s dad. Peering into a boot full of black and green he said, ‘My god.’ He looked first to Calvin who nodded to his dad. Overcome with amazement Danny faced the man he’d thought his adversary and clutching his shoulders. ‘Thank you. I mean … Trace Elliot … you have no idea.’ He continued shaking oblivious to the rapidly loosening towel knot.’

  ‘I got it,’ Raphael said pressing a palm to Danny’s abdomen.

  ‘Oh, sorry,’ Danny said retightening the towel. ‘Did you really buy him this?’

  ‘His brother Justin convinced me I should put up half the money.’ He looked at Calvin. ‘You can thank him for the other half.’

  ‘I will, I will,’ Calvin said his teeth chattering again.

  ‘I’m freezing,’ Katherine said. ‘Danny you’ll catch your death.’

  ‘We should get inside,’ Raphael said. ‘I’ll help with ze amp.’

  Katherine turned for the door. ‘Great,’ she said sarcastically, ‘it’s blown shut. Who’s got the key?’

  ‘Don’t look at me,’ Danny said before running into the door and banging on it. He shouted through the letterbox, ‘Amy.’

  He nearly fell through when Amy opened it.

  Bleary eyed she said, ‘I fell asleep. What’s going on?’

  Raphael went inside and Calvin heaved the amp out from his dad’s car.

  ‘I saw what you did last night son.’

  Stopping dead Calvin rested the amp on the pavement. ‘The Water Rats?’

  ‘Yeah, at the back. Justin’s been helping me grow up. You’re a magnificent musician son.’

  ‘Thank you.’

  ‘I was so proud of you. What I witnessed, the words, the messages. You spoke so positively to those people. I hate to say it but you did it more effectively that Justin’s sermons.’ He laughed. ‘And the whole room sang along with such passion; and without hymn books.’

  ‘You can’t imagine how good it feels to be up there in front of a crowd like that.’

  ‘Too good to have someone like me bringing you down. Can you forgive me?’

  ‘Can’t forgive what’s already forgiven,’ Calvin said. Leaning over the big green and black amp he hugged his dad. ‘Buying the Trace really helped though.’

  ‘Thought it might. Can we get the heck inside now?’

  With the help of his dad, Calvin put the amp in his room. ‘I’ll try it shortly,’ he said. ‘Let’s get warmed up I’m dying to understand this story.’

  In the l
iving room Katherine explained how John had talked to the bearded stranger.

  Raphael told of how the same man examined the burned out amp. ‘I didn’t know who it was,’ he said. ‘We soon started talking about a replacement amp and arranged to meet at the shop today.’

  Calvin’s dad said, ‘That was quite something getting the owner over on Sunday.’

  ‘It was worth his while. It’s still a substantial purchase despite it being a good deal.’

  ‘How much?’ Calvin asked.

  ‘I’ll never tell you that son.’

  ‘That much?’

  ‘It’s a gift to all of you. I’m sorry I gave you a hard time Danny. All three of you were fantastic. I’m sorry I doubted any of you. Just being in this room I see you five are a wonderful team. Anyway I’ll leave to you to it. I’ve a beard to shave.’

  Tuesday 07th February 1984

  January made way for February. Amy stared at her room’s electric fire as her eyes dried. Pulling the plug she wondered how long she’d put off studying notes from a particularly stodgy text. The room seemed to close in on her. A look at her watch told her Katherine would still be at work.

  Needing escape she found Danny alone in the living room practicing guitar scales. He said Calvin had gone to his room to read and Raphael had headed back to Hemel. She sat at the far side of the settee.

  Danny got up and made her a cup of tea. He felt pleased with himself having made her laugh. Re-joining her on the settee he saw her glumness had passed. He looked at her. She looked back.

  ‘I know just what you need,’ he said dismissing the notion of moving in for a kiss.

  ‘I bet you do.’ She didn’t look back.

  ‘How about we go for a run? We could meet Katherine from work.’

  Amy looked thoughtful. ‘Yeah alright.’

  ‘Great, see you in a minute.’ Danny jumped to his feet but went to Calvin’s room.

  ‘Ready?’ Danny asked Amy when she appeared on the landing in tracksuit with hat, scarf and gloves. ‘You look lovely.’

  Amy shook her head. ‘Is Calvin coming?’

  ‘Not this time,’ Danny said though he hadn’t so much invited Calvin as told him he intended to go running with Amy alone.

  They performed a few warm ups before leaving the flat’s modestly protective warmth.

  Amy had responded well to regular exercise and suspected she might outpace Danny. On the street she tried subtly pulling away on an incline, but he kept up. She tried again on the flat and down a hill but she couldn’t shake him off.

  Finally she suggested a sprint finish when The Dog and Parrot came into view. Danny agreed but when she said, go, he vanished peeling yards from her every second. Amy forced herself faster but saw through wind beaten teary eyes, Danny reach the pub’s door jumping triumphantly on the spot punching the air like Rocky.

  When she reached him he offered a consolatory hug.

  ‘No, thank you,’ she said shrugging him off. ‘You could’ve at least made it look hard.’

  Danny having listened to Raphael’s tuition knew better than to apologise. ‘I’m not that good an actor I’m afraid.’

  Amy tutted and walked into the pub without further comment. He resisted the urge to make it up to her.

  Inside Katherine had already started buttoning her coat.

  On the walk back Danny couldn’t be sure whether he’d kept quiet or been shut out the conversation by the girls.

  Amy had had a shock. On the way back out the pub she’d reached the door as two lads entered. They eyed Katherine. But, Amy had spotted them. Pulling her hat further down anger and embarrassment washed through her, recognising them as the two who’d humiliated month’s earlier in the Hippodrome.

  To help she yacked incessantly to Katherine all the way back to the flat.

  Wednesday 29th February 1984

  ‘Come in guys,’ Richard sighed.

  The band gathered chairs round his desk. They may have thought they’d turned a corner at the end of January but by February’s end they’d not moved upwards; like the ladder had been greased.

  ‘I want to thank you,’ Richard began. ‘Thank you for staying with the cause. I can’t imagine how you’re paying the rent right now.’

  Raphael shifted uncomfortably at the thought of all the nights he’d folded himself on the settee. He’d joined in the rent contributions but his parents had funded that. Unbeknownst to him Calvin also felt uncomfortable as Katherine had stumped his share of the rent and unbeknownst to him Danny kept schtum because Amy had helped him with his February payment.

  Richard continued. ‘Finally after the bad news I’ve got good. I’ve been angling for the best possible album deal and have got almost nowhere. But I’ve had a different stroke of luck. I’ve not told you what I’ve been up to the last month for reasons I won’t go into but there’s a few things bubbling to the surface.’

  Richard pulled three albums from his desk drawer and passed them to the lads.

  ‘The USed Wonz,’ they said looking the jackets over.

  ‘I gave you a couple of singles but I’ve just picked these up from Vanquar,’ Richard said tapping Vanquar’s logo next to GMD’s on record cover he’d just given Calvin. ‘The USed Wonz signed to the UK division. They loved them but trusted America would suit them better. As it goes the US took them on but ironically it’s the UK division that’s been keeping tabs on them.’

  ‘But Linda Lake’s been a fantastic agent,’ Grace said from her desk.

  ‘Thanks love, anyway an English lady called Trudie’s been stateside for months overseeing things but she’s back here now.’

  ‘Okay,’ Calvin said wondering what this had to do with Little Spirit.

  ‘This is where things get interesting. If you recall, I said I’d never secured a deal that included videos but,’ Richard leaned back failing to stifle a smile, ‘Trudie thinks the time has come for a USed Wonz video. America’s not thought of that because they’ve not yet cottoned on to the importance of video and they’re hopeless at them anyway.’

  ‘Are they?’ Raphael asked.

  ‘Compared to the Brits, yes. London’s Limehouse produce vastly better videos for a mere twenty-five grand.’

  ‘You’re being sarcastic,’ Calvin said.

  ‘I’m not. American’s pay quadruple for rubbish.’

  ‘Not Wacko’s Thriller,’ Raphael said.

  ‘So anyway,’ Richard continued, ignoring him, ‘Vanquar are flying The USed Wonz over here for the shoot.’

  ‘Sounds great news for you Rich,’ Danny said.

  ‘And for you guys. Because The USed Wonz kick ass, GMD’s status has gone up ten points. Now Trudie’s back, Vanquar-UK are interested to know who else we’ve signed. They’re interested in you guys especially because you’ve come out the same studio with the same producer.’

  ‘Great news for Austin too,’ Danny said.

  ‘Exactly what he needs,’ Richard said. ‘But cutting to the chase, Vanquar saw you at The Water Rats the other week. I should have stayed there dammit but they’ve got Only When It’s Saturday. Of course they’ve bullshited about how much they love it but they’ve agreed a deal to release it.’

  ‘Alright,’ Calvin said. ‘That is great news.’

  ‘In itself yes, but that’s not the half of it. All I said weeks ago about priority acts still stands, but something unprecedented has happened.’ Richard turned his face to the ceiling and opened his arms enjoying the hallelujah moment. ‘Guys, your single will receive a huge helping hand because the deal is whilst The USed Wonz are here you’ll piggyback their shoot and get a video too.’

  After some initial excitement Danny asked, ‘So, won’t The USed Wonz be miffed that we’re crashing their set?’

  ‘They’ve already agreed to it,’ Richard said. ‘They had to, this saves Vanquar thousands. If The USed Wonz whined they’d likely get no video. And, you’re not crashing their set – you get the first two days, they get the second.’

o, won’t both bands end up with the same video?’ Calvin asked.

  ‘Not really. You’re different bands with different songs. The set will get shifted about and the lighting will get restructured. Thing is, you’re both incredible performing bands. Once the videos leave the editing suit your personalities will shine.’

  ‘And when’s this taking place?’ Danny asked.

  ‘The USed Wonz land next Thursday. They’ll see you at The Borderline so you better be good. Then Vanquar are taking us all out for dinner.’ Richard looked at Calvin and said, ‘Bring what’s her name?’


  ‘Yeah and the other one.’ Richard looked at Danny.


  ‘Right, a bit of glamour will help business,’ Richard said. Grace glared. ‘With your help too of course love.’

  Raphael looked over and smiled.

  ‘Sounds great,’ everyone agreed.

  ‘After your Friday shoot you’ll support The USed Wonz at The Marquee.’

  ‘Sounds great,’ everyone said.

  ‘Good. Now then I need you round at Vanquar tomorrow morning to meet Trudie.’

  Thursday 8th March 1984

  Richard introduced the band to Trudie, an A&R person virtually singlehandedly flying the flag for The USed Wonz, at Vanquar. When it came to signing the deal for Only When it’s Saturday Richard changed his tune yet again by rejecting Vanquar’s offer of an advance. He later explained to the band that, apart from the video, the tiny offer Trudie had negotiated wouldn’t guarantee any further marketing and by refusing the advance he’d psychologically put Vanquar into the position of owing GMD.

  Danny and Calvin spent the next week running and exercising their hardest to look good on video. Amy and Katherine joined in too and even Raphael put his skinny self through a few workouts.

  On Thursday the band van with Calvin at the wheel stop-started its way through Oxford Street’s rush hour traffic to The Borderline and their meet with The USed Wonz.

  They set up their gear and after soundchecking headed backstage.

  Getting settled in the dressing room Raphael asked, ‘Is it just me or does anyone else feel apprehensive about tonight?’

  ‘Yeah, I feel like we’re going to war with The USed Wonz.’ Danny said. ‘And even though two of them are girls Richard says Johnny’s hard as nails and thinks with his fists.’

  ‘Mate,’ Calvin said screwing his face, ‘there might be some uncomfortable rivalry but The USed Wonz aren’t flying nine hours to batter us.’


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