Little Spirit

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Little Spirit Page 43

by DaNeo Duran

  With only a few feet before Tottenham Court Road’s tube station Danny almost felt disappointment as he imagined escaping safely. Or so he thought.

  From somewhere behind him, he heard Brian’s voice. ‘Oi, Danny you pussy.’

  Danny slowed as Amy tightened her hold and tried speeding up. He couldn’t have cared what insults Brian slung whilst this alien state of mind robbed his normal love of peace.

  ‘Wait up pussy,’ Brian’s voice sang.

  Danny slowed even more.

  ‘Hurry up,’ Amy whispered. Without a turn of her head she shouted backwards, ‘What’s your problem Brian?’

  ‘What’s my problem you slag? I’ll tell you what my problem is.’

  Danny heard nothing specific as Brian ranted about the injustice of Little Spirit’s success. Brian’s rudeness of Amy confirmed his fate.

  ‘Come on Danny let’s go,’ Amy pleaded.

  ‘Is that other guy with him?’

  Amy flashed a glance. ‘Marlon, yeah.’

  Brian rambled on. ‘Thought you’d have died of the clap by now – putting it about like you do.’

  Danny sensed the enemy’s closing proximity but hadn’t a clue how or when to act. Suddenly Amy yelped. Brian had tugged her hair. Instinct took over and Danny threw an elbow backwards. He heard a snapping squelch.

  Pushing Amy clear he turned on Brian who stammered, ‘You boke my buddy nose.’

  As if finding the excuse he’d been waiting for, Marlon came hurtling in. Now needing Brian finished, Danny belted the ex-drummer’s jaw with his elbow.

  Amy still staggering on her heels screamed seeing Marlon’s freight train attack. Her hands flew to her face in disbelief as Danny sprinted headlong towards Marlon.

  Leaping he kicked, emptying Marlon’s lungs of air. Danny kept advancing, punching twice and kneeing new breath out of Marlon.

  Amy screamed again as a pathetic looking Marlon stumbled into traffic. Cars halted with screeching tyres.

  Stepping into the traffic Danny grabbed Marlon and spun him into the middle of the road. Released, Marlon lurched headlong into the stream of rolling iron coming the other way. The first car barely hit the brakes before Marlon rolled over the bonnet and car crumpling on the road behind it.

  Danny, sensing that Marlon would be effectively unhurt, stepped onto the now stationary car’s bonnet and walked onto the roof from where he jumped knowing he must kill his foe’s growing rage before it became effective. With a war cry he flew landing on Marlon’s legs.

  Marlon’s pain echoed around the buildings.

  ‘Enough,’ he hollered.

  ‘Why?’ Danny demanded.

  Amy ran across the road of stationary traffic.

  ‘She’s supposed to be mine. I love her.’

  ‘No you don’t, you hurt her.’

  ‘She shouldn’t have left me.’

  ‘Yes she should , you allowed that prick over there to insult her.’

  ‘I was angry’

  ‘I don’t care what you were. If you dare to insult or hurt her again I swear to God I will end you.’

  Danny had had enough. He wanted to cry. His body trembled. From somewhere Amy appeared and put her arms round him.

  Amy talked to the driver of the car he’d climbed all over. The driver recognised him having seen Top of the Pops just hours earlier.

  Dazed, Danny found himself surrounded by the car’s female passengers who whooped his identity to stunned pedestrians. He found himself signing shaky autographs before a couple of camera flashes alerted Amy who dragged the stupefied rock star towards the underground.

  * * *

  Danny didn’t remember the tube journey but on the northbound bus he became aware of Amy looking at him.

  ‘You’re smiling,’ she said.

  Danny looked out the window. He felt good; revived.

  ‘It’s a long time since I’ve been that angry,’ he said.


  ‘I’ll never be that angry with you.’

  ‘You were angry when I thought you’d drunk that bottle of wine.’

  He looked at her. ‘No I wasn’t; not nearly.’

  She smiled too and took his hand but said no more.

  Just before their bus stop Danny said, ‘I know you don’t want to hear this and I know you’ve got the rest of your exams but …’

  Amy let go of his hand and pressed the bell. ‘Come on.’

  ‘… but I’ve known you for ages and …’ He followed her to the door. ‘… if anyone’s qualified to say this it’s me. I …’

  ‘Thank you,’ Amy said to the conductor dryly.

  ‘… love you.’

  Amy stepped onto the street and away from the bus and began looking around still half a mile from their door.

  ‘Amy, d’you hear me? I love you – like there’s no tomorrow.’

  Danny followed but hung back watching her long strides. Up went her hand. ‘Taxi.’ On the other side of the road a black cab’s light went out. It pulled a U-turn. Danny didn’t move. Amy stood waiting; hands on hips.

  The taxi stopped and she opened the door. ‘Get in.’

  Danny obeyed and she climbed in beside him and told the driver where they needed to be.

  Amy sat facing forwards.

  Danny sat side on. ‘I wish you’d talk to me. It’s not easy telling someone you love them when they say nothing back.’

  ‘On the left please,’ she told the driver a minute later.

  Danny started saying, ‘I wish you’d take a chance with me. It’s like gigging. You’ve got to gig to know you’re good enough. I know you’re worried and think—’

  Amy opened the door and handed the driver two pound notes. ‘Keep the change.’

  Danny fell out after her. ‘… But if you don’t take a chance you’ll never know what tomorrow brings.’

  Amy had a key in the door.

  ‘Amy! I can’t hide how I feel any longer.’

  She turned round and looking up and down said, ‘I can see that.’

  She vanished inside.

  Danny straightened up and followed her. Half way up the stairs he stopped seeing her waiting on the landing.


  ‘Danny.’ She didn’t move. Neither did he. ‘Are you gonna stay there all night?’

  Step by step he approached stopping one from the top. His eyes levelled on hers.

  Amy’s hands cupped his face. ‘Danny I’ve loved you for so long. I’ve dreamed of kissing you, of waking with you.’

  He moved in but she held his face from hers. Quite by accident he touched her thighs. A soft moan betrayed her feelings. Her eyes closed and Danny waited as she touched her lips to his ear.

  She whispered, ‘I’ve never wanted you more than I do now.’

  Danny groaned and stared into Amy’s half-closed eyes as she brought her mouth more slowly than he could bear to his. Even when she caressed his lips with hers she held off, as if savouring the simplicity of touch.

  Her lips opened freeing months of bottled lust which emerged from him and her like lion and lioness.

  Danny wrapped his arms around her. He lifted her and slammed backwards against his door. A hand fumbled the knob and they fell into his room and into the bookcase. Danny banged a hand out before it fell. Records spilled from the shelves.

  Ignoring the mess as Danny laid her on his desk. Sprawling, books and stationery scattered.

  She clawed his T-shirt over his head. Tearing himself free of unwanted T-shirt he found her stripping off her jacket.

  They only made for the bed after making love against the wardrobe, on the windowsill, the chair, against the bookcase and again on the table.

  Friday 18th May 1984

  Around 10am the next morning Amy woke to the sound of voices outside Danny’s window. Before sleep she’d promised herself that she’d shower and dress before Danny woke.

  Danny slept on but as she lifted her head from his chest she heard a key in the front door. The outside v
oices then sounded inside. The others must have stayed out.

  Though she’d dreamed of the previous night she knew she’d never stand Danny seeing her naked in the next day’s light.

  Trapped, unable to escape his room she unstuck her hair from her face and ignoring that last night’s makeup must look awful crawled gingerly towards the foot of the bed intent on getting a T-shirt from the drawers below his wardrobe.

  Aware of her bottom in the air she knew she’d die if Danny woke up now. With one hand on the first available T-shirt, she turned seeing her bra on the floor.

  As she tried to reach it the voices appeared on the landing.

  Danny stirred.

  She prayed his eyes would stay shut but heard Katherine querying their whereabouts. She managed to turn round on all fours when—

  ‘Knock knock, anyone body home?’ Katherine said banging on the door.

  Amy’s jaw dropped.

  Danny’s eyes sprang open.

  ‘Come in everyone, he called.

  With no time to get into bed, Amy dropped the clothes. Grabbing the duvet she covered herself but exposed Danny who promptly yanked it back.

  The door opened before the tug of war had ended.

  Katherine screamed covering her eyes. ‘You said come in.’

  ‘Danny’s fault,’ Amy yelled as Katherine retreated.

  ‘Let me know when you’re decent,’ she said behind the door again.

  Amy and Danny got cuddled and pulled the duvet under their chins.

  ‘Okay, ready,’ Danny said.

  Katherine came back in with Calvin and Raphael on her heels and saw the bedroom reverted to its previously messy form. ‘I love what you’ve done with the place.’

  ‘It was Danny’s idea,’ Amy said.

  ‘Shall we come back in half an hour?’ Raphael said.

  ‘Might be best,’ Danny said.

  They backed out shutting the door.

  Amy slapped Danny’s shoulder. ‘I can’t believe you let her come in.’

  ‘I wanted them to see how beautiful you look in the morning.’

  Unable to reach her bra she grabbed the T-shirt she’d pilfered from Danny’s draw before realising she’d actually snaffled a pair of shorts.

  ‘That was mean,’ she said throwing them at the wardrobe.

  ‘Amy,’ Danny said getting out of bed and standing shamelessly in the only bit of carpet left uncluttered, ‘you look beautiful and I want to see you right now.’

  Sunlight washed through net curtains surrounding his physique.

  ‘You’re crazy,’ she said pulling the duvet higher.

  ‘Let me see you.’


  Danny took the bottom corner of the duvet and tugged.

  ‘Stop it Danny.’

  ‘Let go.’

  ‘Never.’ Amy had no intention of letting go despite Danny’s eyes looking kind.

  ‘If you don’t, I’ll shout for everyone to come in here right now.’

  Amy said nothing.

  Danny felt her resolve weaken as he pulled harder. Eventually, still holding eye contact, she let go. He watched her roll onto her side and hug her breasts. As the last of the covers disappeared she pointed her toes.

  ‘There you are. Beautiful,’ he said.

  ‘You can’t mean it.’

  ‘I can’t stand before you like this and lie.’

  * * *

  Everyone knew that night’s Water Rats gig would be Little Spirit’s last bar show. In less than a week they’d be playing stadiums and concert halls.

  Amy stayed in bed with Danny until he left for the gig. She pieced his room back together and waited for Katherine to finish her shift.

  When they headed into London Katherine explained that after the Astoria everyone including Richard had headed to Trudie’s apartment where they’d all crashed.

  Amy still had concerns and couldn’t believe that Danny fancied her – especially without clothes. ‘There must be other girls he fancies more.’

  ‘All men fancy other women,’ Katherine said. ‘All women fancy other men.’

  ‘I suppose, but you’re super beautiful; Calvin couldn’t possibly fancy anyone else.’

  ‘That’s kind of you to say but he confessed he fancied his video shoot model.’


  ‘Yeah. The way I see it is if he didn’t fancy other women it’s because he doesn’t fancy women so that’d be me done for.’

  ‘You weren’t worried that he’d try it on with his model?’

  ‘Not the least. Nor did I think that girl from Sounds would get anywhere with him.’

  ‘You’re very secure.’

  ‘Goes both ways. I fancied Johnny Won.’

  ‘No,’ Amy said shocked. ‘Did you tell Calvin?’

  ‘Yeah. I’d choose Calvin over him in a heartbeat. Nothing happened.’

  ‘So if Johnny had come on to you, you’d have knocked him back?’


  ‘Only probably?’

  ‘Actually, he’s a terrible example.’

  ‘But you said you’d choose Calvin?’

  ‘I know but one night with Johnny Won …’

  Amy watched Katherine disappear into her imagination. ‘And you told Calvin this?’

  ‘God no – just the bit about me choosing him.’

  ‘I’m must confess I quite fancied their drummer, Stu.’

  ‘There you go, it was harmless wasn’t it? Danny’s waited so long for you he’s not gonna jeopardise it with someone else.’

  ‘You reckon?’

  ‘I’ve been rooting for him for months. I wouldn’t have bothered if I thought he was worthless.’ Katherine grinned. ‘So anyway how was last night?’

  ‘You know, months ago I felt so jealous when I brought you and Calvin breakfast after your first night together. D’you remember the state of his room?’

  ‘Hmm,’ Katherine smiled. ‘You certainly trashed Danny’s.’

  ‘Yeah,’ Amy said before, ‘Oh my God I haven’t told you. Danny beat the crap out of Brian and Marlon.’


  By the time she’d told Katherine everything from Brian’s appearance at Top of the Pops to Danny jumping over cars and signing autographs they’d arrived at The Rats.

  John and Gareth met them and together they went in and found the band signing autographs and Grace managing the queue.

  Everyone eventually settle round a table and Stosh joined them as Gareth appeared with a round of drinks.

  Danny said to Stosh, ‘You must be about ready to move house.’

  ‘Don’t remind me. I’m a few days away from homelessness.’

  ‘What d’you mean – that’s not what you said last time?’

  ‘It was all sorted …’ Stosh went quiet.

  ‘What happened?’

  He shook his head. ‘There was this five-piece band – The Devotios. The guitarist’s a mate of mine. The singer/bass player has an uncle who’s emigrating to Oz any day now.

  ‘Right?’ Danny said.

  Calvin leaned in to listen.

  ‘Well this uncle has a house in Enfield …’

  Raphael cut short his chit-chat with Grace.

  ‘… It’s a three bed semi and he was doing it up to let whilst he’s in Oz. He converted the loft so it’s four bed now.’

  Amy and Katherine started listening as did Grace.

  ‘Whilst he was working on his own house the semi next door came on the market. It needed doing up so was going cheap.’

  ‘I’m sensing business potential,’ John said.

  ‘Right,’ Stosh agreed. ‘The uncle had sold his business, had more than enough for somewhere in Oz but nothing to do whilst papers and things got sorted overseas.’

  ‘He didn’t buy the house next door did he?’

  ‘Yup, great price. Tidied it up nicely and converted the attic.’

  ‘Good for him.’

  ‘Right,’ Danny said. ‘So what about this band

  ‘The Devotios. They, the singer’s girlfriend and me were supposed to move in. Seven of us in all. One spare room between both houses.’


  ‘The singer’s much better at computers than singing. Some company in America offered him a job over there. The band collapsed just like that and the whole thing was off.’


  ‘The singer was the lynchpin. I suggested to my mate that we move into one house and get a couple of others along but he didn’t want to. Said the whole point was the band. The rent was good too.’

  Stosh went quiet then said, ‘Why’s everyone looking at me?’

  Calvin said, ‘We’re looking to move and places don’t hang around plus Enfield isn’t too far from where we are now.’

  ‘Are you thinking the four of us in one house?’

  ‘I’m coming too,’ Amy said.


  ‘Hang on,’ Katherine said. ‘There’s six of us if we include Stosh.’

  ‘Yeah but we only need five rooms,’ Calvin pointed out.

  ‘There’s only six decent sized rooms,’ Stosh said. ‘The attics are big but the fourth bedrooms are tiny.’

  ‘I don’t want a tiny room again.’ Amy folded her arms.

  Danny looked at her but she shook her head; message received, message understood. Amy didn’t want to share a room with him, yet.

  ‘Wait a sec.’ Katherine thought for a moment. ‘If we could take both houses and keep both fourth bedrooms for storage we’d only need one more person.’


  Everyone looked at Grace.

  ‘Grace?’ Raphael said.

  ‘Why not? Enfield’s half way between my mum’s and work. So I’d save time and money on travel but could still see her, and friends. I’m nearly twenty so it’s time I moved out. As long as we sell records I’ll have a wage and, I really like you guys.’

  No one looked happier than Stosh. ‘Guys, if we can swing this you’ve just saved my life.’

  ‘Great,’ John said. ‘Let’s give this uncle a ring. Properties, as Calvin says, don’t hang around.’

  ‘Oh.’ Stosh looked crestfallen.

  ‘What – don’t you have his number?’

  ‘I can’t even remember his name.’

  ‘You know where the house is. Can we visit it?’

  ‘Probably not. He’s supposed to move to temporary accommodation today. We were meant to move in after this weekend.’

  ‘Your guitarist mate can lead us to the singer?’

  ‘Doubt it. The singer’s already flown. Took his girlfriend with him.’

  John turned to Gareth, ‘Any suggestions?’


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