Undying Love

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by JD Penley

  JD Penley

  Undying Love

  Book of The Immortals: Volume II

  First published by Handwritten Hearts Publishing 2020

  Copyright © 2020 by JD Penley

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission.

  This novel is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental.

  JD Penley asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

  First edition

  Cover art by Bridgette O'Haire of Dark Unicorn Designs

  This book was professionally typeset on Reedsy

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  In memory of my father-in-law:

  Kenneth Eugene Smith

  August 4th 1957 - September 14th 2019

  Our time in each other’s lives was very brief, but it made a lasting impact on my life. You were one of the best men I’ve ever known, and you were an amazing father and grandfather. You made me feel welcome in the family, and not a day goes by that I don’t wish I could talk to you, or that you could have held your grandson. We miss you very much. Fly high and rest easy now. You’ve earned it. We love you!

  “I am neither good, nor bad, neither angel nor devil, I am man, I am a vampire.”

  -Michael Romkey, I, Vampire




  1. Not Everything That Dies is Lost

  2. Lost in Paradise

  3. Life After Death

  4. Into The Darkness

  5. You Only Die Once

  6. Darkest Days

  7. Vampire’s Embrace

  8. Love Eternal

  9. Forever and Always

  10. Family Matters

  11. So It Begins

  12. A Night To Remember

  13. Homecoming

  14. Another Happy Ending

  15. A Family Celebration

  16. A Royal Bundle of Joy

  17. A Long Way Down

  About the Author

  Also by JD Penley


  Immortality is both a blessing and a curse. You may have forever to see the world, but you can also spend eternity missing out on the world around you, all in vain for the sake of saying you have seen and experienced it all. Not everyone is meant to live forever, and sometimes, not even love can outlast death. In the end, it’s not how long you have in this life, but rather, how you spend what time you have available to you. That’s the journey that Lucas takes, and the lesson he must learn. Immortality doesn’t mean that everything lasts forever, and sometimes even the things we want the most will become lost to us, only for something more amazing than we were prepared for to come along when we least expect it.

  My life has been the biggest example of this. I got married in 2006 and thought that I had found “the one” only to find out that I had picked the absolute worst person to try to spend forever with. A decade of a terrible marriage, and a daughter that got her heart broken by her mother leaving were all I took away from the marriage. Luckily, a few years later I was lucky enough to reconnect with my best friend, the proverbial “one that got away”. Even after years apart, it was like nothing had changed, and we were both finally able to tell each other how we had felt so many years before. Today, that woman is still the greatest love of my life, and we have a beautiful baby boy together and his big sister can’t get enough of him.

  It’s funny how life can influence so much and how the smallest of events can make the largest impacts on our lives, and the lives of those around us. This book is no different. Once a part of a larger novel (No Peace in Death), this novel is now its own story. The goal was to change the format to allow for more balanced novels and to give the characters room to breathe so to speak. I hope you enjoy the next part of the story.


  Since I published my first novel in this series, I’ve lost several people close to myself and my family that meant a great deal to us. We’ve grieved, we’ve mourned, and we have missed them dearly. While their losses do not define us, they do have an impact on us in the way that they touched our lives the most.

  In 2018, I lost my grandmother to lymphoma. She is and was in part, a reason I wanted to write to begin with. She told us stories as children that were meant to be silly, or scary, or sometimes just part of a holiday get together. No matter the reason for her stories, it was always how she told them that touched me. Her energy, her presence was something that had to be witnessed. Her way of storytelling is something I strive to achieve every time I sit down to write, so that she can be a part of my stories and she can live on in the worlds I create.

  In 2019, I lost my father-in-law to lung cancer. He was one of the most amazing men I’ve ever known. He was a hard working man, who put his family’s needs above his own. He served in our country’s military, and his service was greatly appreciated. Ken was one of the kindest souls I’ve known, and his laugh was contagious. His sense of humor was something that I will miss the most, and I regret he was never able to meet his grandson and watch him grow up. He too was a storyteller, even if he didn’t know it at the time. He had a way of telling it like it is, and being brutally honest with you, and he would do anything to protect his family.

  The two of them may be gone, but they will live on in the pages of my stories now. While they may not always be main or supporting characters, they will always live within the pages of my books, so they are always a page turn away. Perhaps, if you look hard enough, you might find them in the most unexpected places, either moving in the background, or even crossing paths with someone crucial to the story. No matter where you find them, they will always be around.

  To my family and friends who’ve supported this dream. I thank you with all my heart. Your love and support made it possible to follow a dream I never really thought could be possible. To my beautiful wife, and our wonderful children. You will always be part of these stories, and the worlds I create, because without you…these worlds could not exist.


  Not Everything That Dies is Lost

  Lucas snapped back to reality and quickly realized he had been in a trance. He found himself standing just outside the manor facing the garden. He wondered if anything he had just experienced was real, or if it had all been a figment of his imagination. One thing was for certain, he needed answers; and he needed to know who else was in the garden waiting with his mother. Lucas searched the garden to find his mother and found her sitting by the pond at the center of the garden, watching the fish swimming around in the water. “You wanted to see me mother?” Lucas asked. “Yes Lucas, I have something to talk to you about. I’m not certain how you will react, but it’s important that you know the truth. You see your father and I weren’t the only ones that had to pretend to die and return to our realm” Mirabelle said as she stood up and began pacing. “What do you mean mother? What is this about?” Lucas asked taking her hand while trying to calm her down. “Well, it’s easier to show you than to explain it to you. Would it be easier for you to see the memories, or see the person?” Mirabelle asked as her hands trembled. “You’re frightened of what I’ve become mother, I can hear it in your thoughts as well as in your voice. I frighten you, but why? Do you fear me because of what I am, or because of who it is?” Lucas asked. “Well, to be quite honest my son, it is a bit of both. We had vampi
res that inhabited our world once, but they weren’t like you. They fed on our people indiscriminately and without mercy, and they were violent to no end. They kidnapped people and fed on them like cattle, keeping them prisoner against their will. They stole children in the night and terrorized our people. Your father had to send men to hunt them to extinction, and I suppose I never got over the fear of them. They were frightening to behold, and they were nothing like you. They lost who they were, and became blood fiends and monsters with only one goal, to feed constantly. As far as the person goes, I suspect you will be quite upset as well but I brought them just in case. I thought maybe seeing them in person would help” Mirabelle replied. “Oh mother, please don’t be frightened. You have nothing to fear here, and this is the safest place you could be. We are the only ones of our kind here on this planet, and we only feed on the evil and the wicked. If it weren’t for a human trying to kill me centuries ago, and then Alice and Krystal only a few short months ago, they would still be human and Leliana would have died centuries ago. Enough about that though, you have piqued my curiosity. So, who have you brought with you mother? I’m curious to see who else from the past could be here” Lucas replied. “Come out my dear and join us, please. You’ve remained hidden long enough” Mirabelle called out.

  Lucas heard footsteps on the cobblestones that made up the walkways throughout the gardens, and suddenly he caught a familiar scent in the air. It was a scent he hadn’t encountered for over four hundred years. As the steps got closer, his anticipation was rising. Suddenly a figure appeared from around the corner and Lucas couldn’t believe his eyes. She walked towards them as if she was gliding on air, and the gentle breeze blew her brownish blonde hair gently over her shoulders. The sunlight cast over her face and he was lost in the deep sapphire blue of her eyes. Her eyes had a tendency to change their color like those of many people with hazel eyes do, but today the sunlight caused them to be a blue that reminded him of the ocean. Her smile was captivating, and her eyes were hypnotic. She was even more stunning than he remembered, and although it had been centuries, he still knew her no matter how much she had grown up. “Lucas, is it really you?” she asked. “Yes Eryn, it’s really me. It’s been some time since we saw each other. You’re even more beautiful than I remembered” Lucas replied. “Come now Lucas, no need to be all proper” Eryn replied. She ran towards him and threw herself into his arms, and he held her tightly as if he were afraid she might disappear again. Eryn had been his closest friend before his parents had faked their deaths and she had faked her own. They had been inseparable as if they were like brother and sister but their bond was much deeper than that. Eryn was with him day and night, and they did everything together. Although he never told her when they were younger, she was the only other person he would have dared to trust with his heart, but she was gone before he ever had the chance and his parents not long after. He never thought he would see her again, and yet here she was in his garden after centuries. “How are you here right now?” Lucas asked Eryn. “Well after my death was exaggerated here, I was sent back to our world to check on the state of things. When I returned to find the kingdom still at war, it was in total chaos and disarray. There were so many casualties, both combatants and innocents. I had no choice but to join the fight, and I had no choice but to be strong no matter how hard it was. We fought for years to regain control, and we finally accomplished it after several major battles but with countless lives lost in the end” Eryn said with a sense of sadness to her tone. “Eryn was crucial in retaking the royal city. It was her courage and her leadership that turned the tide of battle. Don’t let her modesty fool you Lucas, she was quite the warrior” his mother interjected. “So you’re a warrior now? Wow, you really have changed. I always knew you were special, but I would have never guessed you would become the warrior hero” Lucas said. “Well neither would I, but war changes people. I had to adapt and change or watch countless more people die, our people” she replied. “I’m sorry you had to go through that Eryn, I only wish I could have been there with you, to have your back like old times” Lucas replied. “I know you do and it’s ok. I’ve missed you too. We’re here together now and that’s all that matters” Eryn replied as she put her arms around him.

  Seeing her again brought him joy and happiness that he hadn’t felt since they were last together. It was like a piece of his heart was finally back where it was supposed to be and all the unease he had felt in recent weeks had melted away. Lucas started getting lost in thought reminiscing about centuries before when they used to spend every day together and suddenly he was brought back to the moment by her voice. “So you’re a vampire?” Eryn asked. “Yes, I am” he said with a chuckle. “I take it you encountered them on what I guess is our home planet?” Lucas asked. “Yes, but they are nothing like you. As your mother told you, they were vile, evil creatures that preyed on the innocent. What’s odd about ours is that they actually had weaknesses. They were prisoners during the day for starters. Sunlight burned them immensely, so how is it that you can walk openly in the sun here?” she asked. “Well, I couldn’t begin to tell you. I’ve always been able to walk in sunlight, and I think that it’s one of many reasons we’ve not been detected by humans all these years. But you have nothing to worry about either, I won’t harm you” Lucas replied. “I know you’d never hurt me Lucas, you’ve always been good to me. I know you’re nothing like the other vampires I’ve encountered” Eryn replied. “Lucas, why don’t you take Eryn inside to meet everyone?” his mother suggested. “That’s an excellent idea; I’d love to meet them. I heard you have a daughter now Lucas” Eryn replied. “Yes I do, I think you’ll really like her” Lucas replied as he offered them both an arm as he escorted them back towards the manor.

  Back inside the manor, Destrian had been answering everyone’s questions about their world, magic, how they obtained their immortality, and what vampires were like on their world. They all stopped speaking when they saw Lucas approach with a visitor and his mother holding onto his arms. Leliana was the first to break the silence as she cleared her throat readying herself to ask the obvious question. “Before you ask, this is Eryn. She was my best friend growing up, and she supposedly died just before my parents. In reality, she was sent back to my homeworld to help retake the kingdom during the magic wars. I had thought her dead centuries ago, but now she’s back” Lucas said. Lucas could hear it in her thoughts, and he could see it made Leliana jealous to see him so excited over the return of a woman as beautiful as Eryn, but she had no clue how important she had been in his life before Leliana had even become a part of his world. “Eryn, this is my wife Leliana, my daughter Alice, and our newest family addition, Krystal and her daughter Susan. “It’s very nice to meet all of you” Eryn said as she bowed to them. She walked over to Leliana and took her hand and shook it. “It’s so good to finally meet you princess, I’ve been looking forward to meeting the woman that captured Lucas’s heart” she said. “Well now that we have all of that out of the way, perhaps you’d all like to see our world?” Destrian asked. “I’d love to, but I think I’ll hang back with Susan” Krystal replied. “I think I’ll stay behind too daddy, but you and mom can go check it out and let us know what you think. If you think it’s safe for us, then we will come on another trip. Is that ok with you grandpa?” Alice asked. “That’s a perfectly fine idea little one. You can come and visit us anytime you want. I don’t blame you for being apprehensive about coming for a visit, but it’s perfectly safe there for you. Perhaps next time then?” he asked. “Yes, next time indeed grandpa!” Alice replied.

  Alice and Krystal headed off to play with Susan as Lucas and Leliana packed a bag to take with them to go visit his homeworld. Lucas and Eryn spent hours catching up and swapping stories about their experiences while Leliana sat with Mirabelle and they did the same. Destrian spent his time speaking with his entourage in preparation for their departure back to their homeworld. He arranged for Cassius to return to the palace and prepare a room for the princ
e and princess, and informed Lucas that Eryn would be escorting them around the royal city while he attended to a few political matters. They headed out onto the grounds so that Destrian would have the room to conjure the portal to take them to the royal city. “I must warn you, since this is your first time traveling through a dimensional gateway you may feel disoriented once we pass through. It will wear off within a few moments, have no fear. I will also warn you that time is different where we come from, so you will actually be gone for only a few days here, but in our world, it will be a few weeks” Destrian said to them. “Well this should be interesting, I’ve always wanted to time travel” Lucas joked. “You know I’ve never really thought of it that way. That’s a very interesting way of looking at it son” his father replied. “Nerd!” Leliana exclaimed as she poked him with her elbow. “Lucas always was an intelligent boy growing up, always ahead of his peers in his studies” Mirabelle said to Leliana. “He was smart, funny, and the sweetest person I knew, and it seems he hasn’t changed at all” Eryn said. Leliana glared at Eryn, and Lucas could hear her thoughts and laughed silently to himself. He had never seen her get jealous before, but he couldn’t help but laugh about it. Destrian conjured the portal and his guards went through ahead of them to secure the other side and to make sure it was safe. “Is everyone ready to go?” Destrian asked. “Yes father, let’s go!” Lucas exclaimed. Destrian and Mirabelle went through the portal followed by Lucas and Leliana with Eryn trailing just behind them.


  Lost in Paradise

  They arrived on the other side of the portal and Lucas was blown away. They had stepped out of the portal directly into the banquet hall of the castle where a crowd was waiting to greet them. Cassius was patiently waiting for them to announce their arrival, and a hush fell over the crowd as they all stepped out and the portal closed behind them. “All rise for their majesties Lord Destrian and Lady Mirabelle!” he shouted. The crowd jumped to their feet and cheered, and Lucas could feel the energy in the room. This world felt different to him, and he felt different. His senses were on high alert as if being in this world was changing him somehow. The crowd fell silent again as the king stepped forward to address them. “Greetings citizens of the realm, I would like to introduce you to our most honored guests. Please help me welcome the prince and princess, my son Lucas and his wife Leliana!” he exclaimed. The crowd cheered once again, and their applause was almost deafening. “Of course you all already know our beloved Lady Eryn, the savior of the royal kingdom!” he said to another round of thunderous applause. They bowed to the crowd and took their seats at the table with the king and queen, who had prepared a feast in their honor. “Don’t worry, we know you don’t eat food and we had some blood donated for your arrival. We bottled it like wine to keep it fresh for you so you wouldn’t have to worry about finding a meal” Eryn said to Lucas. “Well thank you, but you didn’t have to go to all this trouble for us” Lucas replied. “Nonsense my son, everyone has eagerly been awaiting the arrival of their prince. The blood was just a way to make you feel more comfortable and make things easier for you” Destrian replied. “After the feast, Eryn will show you to your room and help you get settled in. Tomorrow I will show Leliana around the castle and the royal city while you and your father have a chance to catch up and talk” Mirabelle said to them.


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