T. S. Eliot the Poems, Volume 2

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T. S. Eliot the Poems, Volume 2 Page 52

by T. S. Eliot


  2nd, 3rd and 4th printings of Boni (1923; then, under the imprint Horace Liveright, 1928, 1930)


  Hogarth proof







  US 1952

  Sel Poems 1954

  Washington copy 1954

  US 1963

  Title Notes on the Waste Land] 1936, Penguin, 1963+ ‖ NOTES Boni, Hogarth, 1925 ‖ NOTES ON THE WASTE LAND Sesame ‖ NOTES ON THE WASTE LAND Sel Poems 1954 ‖ NOTES ON “THE WASTE LAND” US 1952, US 1963+

  Author’s headnote of the poem] not Hogarth proof, added TSE Ritual] with inverted “t” Hogarth proof, corrected TSE (Cambridge)] 1925+ ‖ (Oxford) Boni proof, emended, probably later, to correct reading ‖ (Macmillan) Boni, Hogarth ‖ Cambridge Univ. Press TSE’s emendation in copies of Hogarth including that sent to his mother (Houghton) Adonis, Attis, Osiris] 1936+ ‖ Atthis Adonis Osiris Boni, Hogarth, 1925

  [Poem I 72–77]

  Part numbers and titles] full capitals Boni, 1925 ‖ full capitals ranged left Hogarth ‖ small capitals 1932+


  20 II, i] 2: 7 1971B (emended to 2: 1 in later printings)

  23] not Hogarth XII, v] 12: 5 1971B

  42 Id.] not Boni proof

  46 people”,] 1936+ ‖ people,” printings prior to 1936, US 1936, US 1952 Man with Three Staves] man with Three Staves Hogarth

  60] quotation inset Sesame, US 1952, US 1963 ‖ ranged left other printings rêves] 1925+ ‖ rèves Boni, Hogarth “Où] Oú Hogarth ‖ Ou 1974 passant.”] passant. Hogarth

  63] Washington copy 1954 has a typed slip over the original note, which is del in blue ink. Third line of quotation on new page 1932 and thence incorrectly indented 1936+ (except Sesame) as also Washington copy 1954 (slip) sì] Temple, emendation in TSE’s 1949 and Washington copy 1954 (black ink), 1936 18th imp. (1961), Mardersteig ‖ si printings prior to 1936 18th imp. (1961), 1963+ avrei mai] printings prior to Mardersteig, all US eds ‖ averei Mardersteig, Washington copy 1954 (slip), 1963, 1969, 1974 (later corrected) creduto] printings, Washington copy 1954 (slip) ‖ creduto, Temple

  64] Washington copy 1954 has a typed slip over the original note, which is del in pencil. Second and third lines of quotation indented Temple, Sesame, Washington copy 1954 (slip) ‖ not indented other printings 25–27] 2v–27 Hogarth ascoltare] ascolatre 1969 (later corrected) pianto,] Temple, printings prior to 1963 (except Mardersteig), US 1963+ ‖ piante Washington copy 1954 (slip), 1963, 1969, 1974 ‖ pianto Mardersteig, reprints of 1974+ ma’] Temple, printings prior to 1963 (except Hogarth), US 1963+ ‖ ma Hogarth ‖ mai Mardersteig, Washington copy 1954 (slip), 1963, 1969, 1974 (later reverting) sospiri,] Temple, printings prior to 1963, US 1963+ ‖ sospiri Mardersteig, Washington copy 1954 (slip), 1963+


  92] first line of quotation not indented Sesame ‖ quotation set as prose (first line ending incensi,) Hogarth proof, 1925, US 1936 ‖ prose (first line ending noctem) 1936, Penguin, Sel Poems 1954, US 1963 ‖ prose (first line ending et) Guild ‖ prose (first line ending flammis) US 1952 ‖ TSE wrote “begin 2nd line” after aureis in Washington copy 1954 dependent] printings prior to 1936, TSE emendation Washington copy 1954 (pencil), 1936 final two imps. (1959, 1961), 1963+ ‖ dependant 1936, Guild, Penguin, Sel Poems 1954 (corrected long after)

  99 Ovid,] Ovid. Hogarth

  100 III,] III Hogarth, Boni 204.] 207. Boni proof

  115 III,] III Hogarth, Boni 195.] 196. Boni proof

  118] Note misnumbered as 119 Boni proof

  125] Note omitted Hogarth ‖ Note misnumbered as 126 Boni+, emended Hayward in his proof of 1936 39,] 37, Boni, 1925+, emended by Hayward in his proof of 1936

  137] Note misnumbered as 138 all eds except Hogarth, emended Hayward in his proof

  [Poem I 72–73]

  of 1936 ‖ misnumbered as 126 Hogarth (presumably following Boni numbering of previous Note)

  137 ^ 176] no section title 1936 proof


  Part number III.] III. . Hogarth

  192] no full stop after Note number Hogarth

  196, 197] Notes misnumbered and transposed Boni (Boni proof has notes in correct order but numbered 197, 198), Hogarth (Hogarth proof has inverted full stop after “197”), 1925

  196 Mistress.] printings prior to 1936 11th imp., Penguin, Sel Poems 1954, US 1963, 1974+ ‖ Mistress 1936 11th–18th imps. (1947–61; broken type), 1963

  197] quotation not inset Boni, 1925 no quotation marks Hogarth Actaeon] Actaon Hogarth proof ‖ Actæon Hogarth

  199 taken:] 1925+ ‖ taken; Boni, Hogarth

  202 Parsifal.] Parsifal.. Hogarth

  210 cost insurance and freight] TSE emendation Washington copy 1954 (blue ink), 1963+ ‖ carriage and insurance free printings prior to 1963 Lading, etc.,] Lading etc. printings prior to 1932, US 1936, US 1952

  218 “character”,] “character,” Boni, Hogarth, 1925 … Cum] Boni, Hogarth, 1925, Washington copy 1954 (pencil), 1936 final two imps. (1959, 1961), 1963+ ‖ “… Cum 1936, Sesame, Penguin, Mardersteig (erroneously supplying the quotation mark which belongs before maior. Corrected long after in Sel Poems) “maior] Washington copy 1954 (blue ink), 1936 17th and 18th imps. (1959, 1961), 1974+ ‖ ’maior Boni proof ‖ maior Boni (type correction error), Hogarth, 1925, 1936, Penguin, Sel Poems 1954 (corrected long after), US 1963 and later US printings ‖ “major 1963, 1969 (later corrected) Quam] Washington copy 1954 (ballpoint), 1963+ ‖ Quam, printings prior to 1963 plagae”,] 1936+ ‖ plagae,” Boni, Hogarth, 1925 iocosa] jocosa Hogarth Iovis] Jovis Guild ‖ lovis Penguin, 1954 Sel Poems (corrected long after), 1969 (later corrected) suique] suiqve Hogarth proof Iudicis] ludicis 1969, 1974 (later corrected) lumina] lumine Hogarth omnipotens] omipotens Boni proof poenamque] poeamque Boni proof

  221 as exact] so exact Hogarth, despite being emended by TSE to as exact in Hogarth proof longshore] long-|shore Boni

  264 as also 307, 309 St.] St Penguin (only)

  264 The] Toe Hogarth proof, corrected TSE Churches] 1974+ ‖ Churches: printings prior to 1974 (with swash “C” in Hogarth proof, emended TSE) ‖ Churches: Hogarth, Sel Poems 1954, US 1963+ (P.] P. Boni proof Son,] 1925+ ‖ Son Boni, Hogarth

  266 Thames-daughters] Hogarth, 1925+ ‖ Thames-|daughters Boni line 292 to 305] line 292 to 306 all eds, emended Hayward in his copy of 1936 Götterdämmerung] Götterdämmerung (initial letter italicised) Hogarth proof emended TSE ‖ Götterdämmerung Hogarth Rhine-daughters] 1936+ ‖ Rhinedaughters Boni, Hogarth ‖ Rhine-|daughters 1925, 1932

  [Poem I 73–75]

  279] Note misnumbered as 276 Hogarth Elizabeth,] Elizabeth Boni, Hogarth, 1925, 1936 (corrected 2nd imp 1937) Queen)] 1963+ ‖ queen) printings prior to 1963, US 1963+ with Lord] with the Lord Froude’s text

  293] second line of quotation indented Temple, Sesame only “Ricorditi] “ricorditi Temple ‖ Ricorditi Hogarth proof “Siena] Siena Hogarth Maremma.”] Maremma: Temple ‖ Maremma. Hogarth proof

  307 “to Carthage then] to Carthage Hogarth proof

  308 Translations] Translation all eds (TSE’s error) Occident] 1925+ ‖ occident Boni, Hogarth

  308 ^ 309] IV. DEATH BY WATER 1936, US 1936. Not present in these Notes in previous editions or in 1936 proof, this section heading was erroneously added because of the misnumbering of the note beneath (which properly relates to Part III). In his copy of 1936 Hayward corrected the line number and deleted the heading, and TSE did likewise in Curtis’s 1936. Corrected 1936 3rd imp. (1939)+.

  309] Note correctly numbered 1936 3rd imp. (1939)+, Sesame ‖ misnumbered as 312 Boni, Hogarth, 1925, 1936 1st and 2nd imps.


  Section Note Emmaus,] Emmaus. Hogarth proof eastern Europe] Eastern Europe Hogarth proof

  356] Note misnumbered as 357 Boni+ hermit-thrush] hermit-thrust 1925 (1st imp. only: see note below to 428)
. Province] US 1952, TSE emendation Washington copy 1954, Sel Poems 1954 (TSE emendation in proof), 1936 final two imps. (1959, 1961), 1963+ ‖ County preceding eds, impressions of 1936 prior to 1959 (see note) (Handbook] Handbook Hogarth proof unequalled] unequaled Boni, Hogarth proof

  359] Note misnumbered as 360 Boni+ recorded] TSE emendation in Curtis’s 1936 ‖ related Boni+

  366–76 Schon ist halb Europa] Schonn ist n lb Euroba (bad setting and inking) Hogarth proof heiligen] 1936+ ‖ heiligem Hesse (error), Boni, Hogarth, 1925, US 1952 Ueber] Über Hesse ‖ Veber 1936 proof Bürger] Büger Sel Poems 1954, corrected by TSE in Hayward’s copy with “a bad coquille” (corrected in Sel Poems long after) sie mit] printings prior to 1925, 1932+ ‖ si mit 1925, 1932 proof, corrected TSE Tränen] Taänen Hogarth proof

  401 dayadhvam,] printings prior to 1925, 1932+ ‖ dayadhvam 1925, 1932 proof, corrected TSE sympathise] sympathize Hogarth, Mardersteig meaning of the] not Hogarth 5, 2] 5, 1 Boni+ (TSE’s error, due to misleading running head in Deussen, as William Harmon notes PMLA May 1976).

  407 remarry ^ Ere] line space Boni

  [Poem I 75–76]

  411] Dante quotation del in pencil and typed, without quotation marks, on pasted in slip Washington copy 1954. The lines are, however, spoken by Ugolino, and quotation marks remain in all editions except Mardersteig, which has none. Second line of Dante quotation indented Temple, Sesame ‖ indented by only the width of the quotation marks Boni ‖ no indent Hogarth, 1925+ (misreading Boni). sentii] Temple, printings prior to 1963, US 1963+ ‖ senti Washington copy 1954 slip, 1963, 1974 (later corrected) ‖ senti’ Mardersteig, 1980s and 1990s printings of Sesame all’orribile] l’orribile (bad inking) Hogarth proof. Returning Mardersteig’s proofs on 19 July 1961, David Bland of Faber wrote that TSE thought the reading should be “a l’orrible” (correctly “a l’orribile”), but it was not changed (Faber archive). p. 306] TSE emendation Washington copy 1954, 1963+ ‖ p. 346 printings prior to 1963. In TSE’s own copy of Bradley the passage appears on 346, but in later editions it appears on 306. to myself] to my self 1963+ (later corrected)

  427] Washington copy 1954 has, pasted over the original Note, a typed slip del in pencil. The terza rima pattern, with second and third lines indented and first and fourth aligned, was clear only in Mardersteig. On the typed slip, TSE left a line of space after the third line but this was not adopted in print. prec,] Temple, printings prior to 1936, Sesame, Mardersteig ‖ prec 1936+ guida] Temple, printings prior to Mardersteig ‖ condus Mardersteig, Washington copy 1954 typed slip, 1963, 1969, 1974 (later reverting to guida), US 1963+ sovegna] Temple, printings prior to Mardersteig, US 1963+ ‖ sovenha Mardersteig, Washington copy 1954 slip, 1963, 1969, 1974 (later reverting to sovegna), some imps. of Sel Poems after 1970 (later reverting) gli] Temple, printings prior to Mardersteig, US 1963+ ‖ li Mardersteig, Washington copy 1954 slip, 1963, 1969, 1974 (later reverting to gli)

  428 Pervigilium] Perviglium 1925 (1st imp. only). TSE to P. M. Jack, 19 Jan 1927: “Besides the misprint of ‘pervigilium’, the word ‘thrush’ on the previous page is printed as ‘thrust’.”

  429 Gérard] Gerard previous eds.

  433 our equivalent to] 1932+ ‖ a feeble translation of the content of Boni, Hogarth, 1925, 1932 proof, with final text substituted TSE word.] word Hogarth proof

  [Poem I 77]

  The Hollow Men

  Parts I–IV were published in various combinations in Commerce, Chapbook, the Criterion and the Dial during the winter of 1924–25; Part V first appeared in 1925. See headnote to the Commentary.

  ts1 (Texas): ribbon copy of Part I. Illustrated in An Exhibition of Manuscripts and First Editions of T. S. Eliot (Texas, 1961). On verso, Rayner Heppenstall has written: “A typescript of Eliot’s, given by him to Ottoline Morrell, and by her to me— about 1922. R. J. H.” (There is, however, no other evidence of when she acquired it or gave it away.) According to Bush 96, TSE had typed “We are the hollow men” during Nov 1924, deciding then to place it first in a sequence taking its title from the first line, before sending it to Ottoline Morrell on 30 Nov. Bush 253 adds that it was accompanied by a typescript of Eyes that last I saw in tears. In his letter to Morrell, TSE wrote: “I am pleased that you like the poems”, referring to the appearance in that month’s Chapbook of Doris’s Dream Songs [I–III]. The first of these was Eyes that last I saw in tears, so the manuscript of that poem now in Texas was probably enclosed with TSE’s letter or sent to Morrell soon afterwards, but there is no evidence that he sent her a typescript.

  Perhaps at first uncertain of the number and order of the elements of the poem, TSE ranged the words “A penny for the Old Guy” to the right, leaving ambiguous their relation to the main text. He was to do the same, before introducing part numbers, with “Usk” and “Cape Ann” and with “The hand of the LORD was upon me, | e vo significando” (Ash-Wednesday II).

  ms1 (Perse archive): fair copy of Part I sent to Commerce. Signed and dated Nov. 1924, and with “Punctuation must not be altered TSE” at head. Another hand has written “Italiques” at the head, presumably instructing the printer that the poem (apart from the epigraph) be set in italics. (The French, on the recto, was set in roman, with the English facing in italics.) A facsimile of this ms and of the translation by Perse (in his hand), appeared in Lettres atlantiques: Saint-John Perse, T. S. Eliot, Allen Tate 1926–1970 ed. Carol Rigolot (2006). As Commerce except where noted.

  ms2 (King’s): early pencil draft of Part III (39–51) on verso of ts1 of Eyes that last I saw in tears and The wind sprang up at four o’clock (see description in “Minor Poems” Textual History).

  ts2 (King’s): foolscap leaf with Part III (headed “iii”), later endorsed: “Early typescript of Part III of The Hollow Men. T. S. Eliot [footnote: cf. The Hollow Land by Wm Morris The Broken Men by R. Kipling. T. S. E.]”

  [Poem I 79–84 · Commentary I 711–26]

  ts3 (Beinecke, Thayer/Dial papers): fair copy typescript of Parts I, II, IV, sent to Thayer of the Dial, 6 Jan 1925. Blue ribbon on airmail paper. Editorially marked up for the printer on three numbered leaves (1, 2, 5) of what were originally five. The eventual Part IV is headed “V”, but with “III” substituted by the editor. Text as Dial except where noted. TSE had written to Marguerite Caetani on 5 Dec 1924 offering the gift of “MS copies of five new short poems” written out “in long hand”. A month later, on 6 Jan 1925, he sent ts3 to Thayer, explaining: “I may be able to send you some prose in a few months and meanwhile here are the poems you have heard of and possibly a few more. The ones marked ‘A’ have appeared in Harold Monro’s Chapbook; the ones marked ‘B’ will have appeared in the January Criterion before you receive this letter; the one marked ‘C’ is to appear in Commerce, a French review. There is at least another one in the series which is not yet written. If the fact of publication here is no obstacle I should be glad to see them in The Dial.” Accordingly, the top leaf (Part I) is marked “C”, and the second leaf (Part II) and last leaf (the final Part IV) are marked “B”. Since it is most improbable that “This is the way the world ends …”—concluding Part V—could ever have been placed anywhere but last, it was presumably the other one in the series which TSE had it in mind to write. Eyes that last I saw in tears, being about to appear in the Criterion as well as having appeared already in Chapbook, was probably not submitted to the Dial as well, so it is likely that the five submissions to the Dial were:

  leaf 1. (marked “C”) Part I

  leaf 2. (marked “B”) Part II

  leaf 3. (marked “A”) The wind sprang up at four o’clock (submitted as III, omitted)

  leaf 4. (marked “A”) Part III (submitted as IV, omitted)

  leaf 5. (marked “B”) Part IV (submitted as V, pub. as III)

  Thayer acknowledged receipt on 10 Feb 1925, without mentioning the intention to omit two of them: “I have just got back to town and found your kind letter and the poems awaiting me here. I was just in time to find a place for them in our March number, which sh
ould appear in about ten days now. Of course I am very happy to have the poems, on which I congratulate you.”

  The change of “twylight” to “twilight” (II 20, IV 14) was editorial. The British spelling “colour” was preserved.

  Dial proof (Beinecke): unmarked single leaf galley proof of I, II, IV (the last being numbered III, as editorially marked up in ts3). No variants from Dial.

  Section-title page] 1925+. In 1925, the titles of The Waste Land and The Hollow Men each appeared on section-title pages and again above their respective poems. In 1936 and 1963+ this was the case only for The Hollow Men, where a title above the poem remains necessary because this, uniquely, has a first epigraph beneath its title on the section-title page and a second epigraph beneath the same title on the first page of the poem. In US 1952, where there is no section-title page, the poem is headed by title | first epigraph | rule | title | second epigraph.

  Title The Hollow Men] not ms1 ‖ added in pencil ts1 ‖ Poème Commerce contents page (where the author is given as “T.-S. Eliot”) and section-title page; with “(Poème inédit)” at foot of text

  First epigraph] centred below date on section-title page 1936+ ‖ towards foot of section-title page, ranged right 1925

  Second epigraph] centred Best Poems of 1925, 1936+ ‖ ranged right ts1, ts3, Commerce, Dial, 1925, 1932, US 1936, US 1952 Guy] Guy. ts1, Dial

  [Poem I 79–84 · Commentary I 711–16]


  Numeral I] added in pencil ts1 ‖ above epigraph but del ts3

  I 1–18] all italic Commerce (editorial style)

  I 10 dry] ts1 final reading+ ‖damp ts1 1st reading ‖ dark ts1 2nd reading

  I 12 motion;] pr ms1 1st reading (uncertain) ‖ motion Best Poems of 1925

  I 14 Kingdom] Commerce, 1925+ ‖ kingdom ts1, ts3, Dial, Best Poems of 1925


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