Billionaires Club

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Billionaires Club Page 26

by Elsa Kurt

  Brendan’s palm presses against the small of my back and I gasp. He looks at me and I can tell he heard me. His eyes darken before he speaks. “You’ve got this. I’m right here if you need me.”

  He removes his hand and I no longer feel his heat. Pressing my lips together in a hard line, I nod. Right now is not the time to question what just happened. Everyone’s watching every move I make, and like any family, we have nosey members who mean well.

  “Thank you for showing up on such short notice.” A few nod as concern flashes on the others’ faces. “There is no easy way to say this. Granddaddy passed away.” Gasps and whispers rumble through the large gathering. “There are no words for the pain I’m feeling, and I’m sure you are too. I didn’t want you finding out some other way, so that’s why we called you in like this. Brendan has scheduled a press conference for later this afternoon. We ask that you don’t speak about this outside of our Cougar family. If any of you would like to speak to Dr. Vale, she will gladly see you to discuss any grief you may experience in the coming weeks. Granddaddy loved this team and our Cougar family. All of you brought him such joy and—” My voice cracks and I swallow past the lump in my throat. “And I want you to know how much I love you for doing that for him, me, and each other.”

  “What will happen to the team? Are you taking over?” Colton Baker, the quarterback asks.

  Brendan steps forward. “Until the will is read, we can’t discuss that, Colton. I recommend you all either stick around, come back, or watch the press conference later.”

  When he returns to my side, his arm brushes against mine, leaving me hyperaware of his presence. I end the quick meeting, and one by one the Cougar family gives me their condolences. By the time we return to our section of offices, my eyes sting as tears threaten to escape.

  Brendan touches my arm before I can disappear into my office. “How are you holding up?” My breath is shaky as I look past him at a picture of Granddaddy and me on the wall. Brendan follows my gaze and sighs. “I was never close to my grandparents. Kyle was a special man, and stepped into the role even though his job was to be my boss. I can’t begin to guess what you’re feeling, Kylie. I do know that his passing hurts a hell of a lot.” He meets my eyes and sadness gives way to the darkness from before. Brendan’s thumb caresses my cheek. “Today is going to be long and emotional. Go take some time to yourself before we have to meet your father.”

  His hand lowers and he guides me into the office before closing the door. I stare at the oak door, my mind reeling. I’ve lost Granddaddy, and now three times in one day Brendan’s touched me. The innocent touches have been out of comfort, but they leave me feeling restless and confused.

  My emotions over his death are at war with the fact that Brendan’s touch has awakened something inside me. I turn on my heel and march to the bar in the corner. Normally I drink green tea throughout the day, but the bar is stocked for visitors or when Granddaddy came in.

  Spotting his favorite scotch, I pour some in a glass and drink it in one swoop. “I miss you, you old coot!” Tipping the bottle once more, a little less this time, my body warms from the liquor.

  With my drink in hand, I move to the comfortable couch and kick off my heels. Hours ago, Brendan sat here as he struggled with the news bomb he dropped on me. His disheveled appearance, the way he’d let me see him vulnerable, the caresses. All those things were far from normal for the confident man who charged into our meetings with a wealth of knowledge and insight.

  A time or two Granddaddy told me he was worried Brendan worked too much. That he needed a woman to confide in and a family to go home to. He’d even gone so far as asking what I thought.

  “Why do you think he’s single? Do women not find him attractive?” Granddaddy asked.

  “I’m not sure why he’s single. He’s intelligent, kind, loyal, and yeah, I guess he’s attractive,” I told him.

  My fingers graze my cheek at the memory, remembering the blush I’d felt. The man was off-limits. It didn’t matter how good looking I found him. And did I ever find him attractive…it was one reason his touch today left me restless. Confusion at the change between us clouds my mind. In the dark recesses within me, I was eager for more, but I need to tamp that down. Push it down and ignore the heat between my thighs and the puckered flesh of my breasts.

  The man was only doing his job and comforting me. Nothing more. Nothing less. “Off-limits,” I mutter to myself, hoping if I hear the words, then I’ll believe them.

  Chapter 4


  She is going to be shocked and pissed. I probably should have warned her, but it would have been unethical. The conference table is set, three pens and folders with copies of the will at each setting.

  The door opens, and Michael Courier walks in. He is a pompous ass whom I can’t stand the sight of. We shake hands and I show him to a chair, but of course, he picks mine at the end. The door opens once again as he shoots me an arrogant smile that confirms he knew he stole my seat.

  My eyes flick toward Kylie. If I hadn’t seen her earlier, I would’ve never guessed she’d shed a single tear over Kyle. Her confidence and manner can bring me to my knees. Pushing the thought aside at the stirring in my pants, I look at Michael.

  “Please sit in one of the other seats,” I say through clenched teeth.

  “Jesus, Father. You’re already trying to act like the man in charge.”

  Michael sneers. “I’m not moving because the staff is asking.”

  Kylie steps forward. “Brendan and everyone who works for this company are family more than you have ever been.”

  Something flashes in Michael’s eyes before he huffs and moves over. I push my now vacated seat in and slide the papers to the edge. “Before we start, Kyle had a video he wanted me to play.”

  After I dim the lights and press play, I lean against the wall with my arms crossed over my chest. Kylie glances over her shoulder at me, her eyes moving down my body before she turns at the sound of Kyle’s voice. That one easy look makes my dick harden and I’m thankful for the darkened room.

  “I, Kyle Courier, am of a lucid mind and this is my last will and testimony. Today is June twentieth, two-thousand and eighteen,” Kyle says, holding up a newspaper. “I’m father to Michael Courier and grandfather to Kylie Courier. I’m the owner of the NFL Cougars. Everything I am about to say is in my will, and copies can be found with my lawyer, Brendan Knight. First, I’d like to say that I’m really sorry, Sugar,” he says, referring to Kylie. “I know you’re spitting mad that I kept this from you, but I had my reasons. Michael…” He shakes his head and sighs. “I’m not really sure where I went wrong with you. I bet you strutted your arrogant ass into the conference room and took Brendan’s seat. Son, no matter our differences, please know I loved you. Thank you for giving me a beautiful granddaughter to love.”

  Kyle looks at his hands before staring at the camera. “The stipulations of my will are as follows. Michael Courier, you will maintain your twenty percent of the Cougar shares. If you gamble away your assets, you may sell your shares to Kylie and walk away. You will not receive any additional shares.

  “Brendan will assist you both in selling my home and property. Eighty percent of the profits after taxes will be given to Kylie Courier, and twenty percent to Michael Courier. In addition, Michael will receive a four million dollar inheritance.

  “Kylie Courier, I am giving you my shares of the Cougars. This means you are now primary owner with eighty percent of the shares.”

  Kylie gasps and turns in her chair to look at me. A storm of emotions flashes on her face, but all I could focus on was the need to wipe away the stray tear marking her soft cheek.

  Michael growls. “What is this cockamamie?”

  Pressing pause to the video, I puff my chest and stare at the asshole. “You need to calm down. There’s more.” The latter I said to Kylie. I move the video back a few seconds and return to the wall where I was leaning. My eyes are on the back of Kylie’s head
as I wonder what her long hair would feel like between my fingers. Get your shit together! At the sound of Kyle’s voice, I force my thoughts to the professional.

  “Kylie, I’m incredibly proud of the woman you’ve become. I know this team and family will be safe in your hands. I’ve prepared you for this moment. You know everything you need to know. It’s your choice whether or not you’d like to move offices. The adjoining door to Brendan has been valuable over the years when putting out fires, and I know how much you like the view in mine. In addition to the Cougar shares and whatever is split from selling my property, you’ll receive what is left in my accounts after the probate mumbo jumbo. Brendan will be able to give a rough estimate, I’m sure. Sugar, please enjoy life, take care of our Cougar family, and fall in love. My wish for you is a husband who will adore and cherish you. Children who will fill your heart with joy.” A tear slid down his cheek and his skin paled with exhaustion.

  “Michael, my wish for you is to do what you couldn’t do while I was alive…kick your addiction. You have a beautiful, kind, and loving daughter. Don’t throw it all away for money you don’t even need. I’ve left you more than I ever planned. Do not give Kylie any more grief than you already have. You will receive half of your inheritance in the next six months and the other half in two years’ time. I know you love me, son, in your own way. Please do not go against my wishes.

  “Brendan, thank you for being loyal to our family.”

  Not expecting to be addressed in the video, I straighten from the wall.

  “You will receive a one million dollar inheritance. Thank you for being a friend and the grandson I never got. Please don’t work so hard, and find a woman who will appreciate the man you are.

  “This concludes my last will and testament. I love you all.”

  The screen goes black as his words replay in my mind. I didn’t know he planned to do that and I’m stunned. To be honest, I’d give that money back if only to keep Kyle with us longer. Taking a deep breath, I push aside my emotions and turn up the lights.

  “In front of you is a copy of the will for your records. I will be in contact with you both and am here to assist you with anything you need.”

  “This is crap,” Michael says, a little bite to his words.

  Kylie slams her hand on the table and we stare in surprise. “Don’t you dare contest his final wishes. As you saw, that video was not even a week ago. You broke his heart enough and he left you more—”

  “Kylie!” Michael snaps, brows drawn together.

  My hands ball into fists, ready to defend her even if the man is her father.

  “I’m unhappy with how that went, but…” Michael shakes his head with a sad sigh. “I’ve been a shit son and father. Contrary to what you both believe…I’d rather have the old man around to argue with than dead and me with a fat account. I’ll be in contact,” he says to me after grabbing the folder in front of him and walks out—the earlier strut gone and a deflated man in his place.

  The door shuts with a soft click, the opposite of how it normally sounds when Michael is around. Scrubbing my face with my hands, I breathe in deeply. The reading went differently than I anticipated.

  “I expected him to lose his shit,” she says, drawing my attention.

  Pulling the chair out, I sit and lean back. “Me too. I have to admit, I’m floored myself.”

  “You didn’t know you were included?” she asks.

  Shaking my head, I open the folder and pull out the papers. “This is the will. When he asked me to draw it up last month he didn’t include me in it. I’m honestly not even sure about the one million, and having him even think of me is more than I can say.”

  She looks over the paper and I take the opportunity to stare. Her dark eyelashes fan down, covering her mesmerizing eyes. Her lips twist and quirk as she processes the words. Once again, I find myself envisioning my fingers in her hair. Wrapping it around my hand, sifting through it, brushing it back from her face so I can kiss her.

  “Brendan?” she whispers, and our eyes meet. My heart beats against my sternum and the air around me feels thick.

  “Yes?” I force the word out past the lump in my throat.

  Her head tilts to the side. “It sucks…”

  Kylie misinterprets my emotion, probably for the best. Opening my folder, I search and find a paper that will most likely blow her mind. With a quick turn, I push it toward her.

  “What’s this?” she asks.

  I smile at the first bit of good news I can give her today. “That is a rough estimate of your inheritance. Obviously, it will take time to have the taxes taken out and to sell the property and what not. Kyle didn’t live with debt. He paid his credit cards as soon as he got the bill if he used them to accrue credit, not that he needed that for years. Jeffrey will be in touch with you as we transfer things to you,” I tell her of Jeffrey Montgomery, Kyle’s financial advisor.

  Chapter 5


  “This is crazy,” I whisper, staring at the number at the bottom. That many zeroes boggle my mind.

  Brendan leans forward. “You knew he was worth billions. I know Michael’s your father and all, but we both know he essentially gambled away any chance he had of taking over the family business. Why are you surprised, Kylie?”

  The smell of his cologne fills my nose, and his words take time to process under the assault. His lips are beckoning me, but I can’t. It doesn’t matter how badly I want to kiss him right now. Brendan’s groan draws me from the dangerous path my mind has gone.

  “I—I’m a—you’re telling me I’m worth—” The damn words won’t go past my lips.

  “Twelve point five billion dollars. You’re a billionaire, Kylie.”

  It’s not every day someone tells you you’re worth billions. Or that your granddaddy, who you love and adore, is gone. My mind can only seem to focus on the way he says my name.

  We’ve worked alongside each other for years. He’s a good-looking man. He’s smart, driven, kind, loyal, and he doesn’t back down. Why the hell am I reacting to him this way? Today of all days?

  My focus should be centered on Granddaddy. Most sane people would focus on their grief or their shock over the impending change to their bank accounts. No, I’m sitting here wondering what Brendan Knight tastes like. Will his kiss leave me breathless? Will his touch leave goose bumps across my flesh? Does he feel this pull like I do?

  His eyes darken as my tongue swipes across my bottom lip. He shifts in his seat, and when I drop my eyes, everything around me freezes. Brendan is as affected by me as I am him. The dress pants are tented, the long ridge of his erection is noticeable and jerks under my intense stare.

  “Kylie,” Brendan groans a warning.

  Clearing my throat, I rise from my seat. My cheeks are flushed, but there is no way I’m going to acknowledge his erection or the fact that my sex is slick with need. Need for Brendan Knight. The man I’ve only admired from afar.

  With the folder clenched in my hand, I force myself not to run out like some inexperienced woman. It doesn’t matter that I kind of am. No, I’m not a virgin, but I sure as hell haven’t slept around either. God, it’s been too long since I’ve had a good dick in me…

  He grabs my bicep before I can turn the knob. My gasp is faint, but he loosens his grip. His fingers encircle my arm. “I—I’m sorry.”

  My heels pivot and I’m inches from his chest as I look up into his eyes. Arousal, confusion, fear, and his apology flash across in quick succession. His jaw is hard, and those full lips are pulled into a tight line.

  All the feelings crashing over me in this single second of our inappropriate touch make me dizzy. In this moment, I don’t care that he works for me. I forget why we are even in this room. The only thought in my head is how he’s looking at me.

  A man has never looked at me the way Brendan Knight is staring at me. It’s a heady feeling and I can’t take it anymore. I’m not sure who moves first, but our lips meet. No, a meeting is far too weak
of a word to describe the way our lips crash together. We take and give, and when his tongue teases the seam of my mouth, I open without hesitation, eager to learn his taste.

  Brendan releases my arm at some point in our passionate kiss and grabs my waist, pulling me to him. My breasts press against his chest and his dick is hard against my belly as his fingers dig into my sides possessively. I’m overcome with pleasure. I’m drowning in the best possible way as our tongues glide against each other.

  I dig my fingers into his shoulders, and as I take a hold of his suit jacket, a knock sounds at the door. We freeze, and our mouths and tongues untangle as his forehead presses against mine. Our breaths are uneven and ragged—like music to my sex-deprived body.

  “Ms. Courier? The press is gathered and waiting,” Vicky calls out.

  Our eyes are on each other, listening to her heels as she walks away, but neither of us moves. I study the dark pits as his thumbs stroke my sides. My hands are on his chest, firm muscles laying under my palms.

  This is crazy. I’ve lost my damn mind. Me and Brendan? No way it was that good.

  Before I can talk myself out of it, I press my lips to his. At first, it’s only my lips running along his before his hands wrap around my waist down to my ass. He has his hands full and his tongue begs for entrance. I let him in, and the moment they touch, I moan in his arms.

  This kiss isn’t as out of control as the last, but it’s as potent as the first. My nostrils flare as I breathe deeply, and I smell him and his cologne. My tongue takes control and he groans into my mouth. That sound makes me feel powerful until he pulls back gently.


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