The Celestial King

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The Celestial King Page 14

by L Ward

  Evan hesitated knowing he was in dangerous waters. If Nath wasn’t disclosing information with Gerard, something was wrong. “His Majesty isn’t one to do things without reason.”

  Gerard’s dark eyes slid curiously to Evan. The gaze wasn’t piercing but something about it made him uncomfortable as a pillowcase full of potatoes. “But of course he confides in his Consort like a true king.” The smile was sour, teeth sharp and white as bone.

  Nath had reminded him that neither Gerard nor Will have any right to mistreat him, and actively encouraged him to stand his ground and keep an eye on Will. Spies weren’t unheard of, and Nath wasn’t entirely trusting of his council after the last mission. “We’re all subjects of His Majesty and should do as he says.”

  The man stared hard at him a moment and smiled challengingly. “You’re not at all bad, are you?”

  Evan wasn’t sure if it was patronising or not, so instead he pushed out a laugh and resigned to talk to Nath about this later. He knew how much Gerard wished his own son were in his place so he could weed out information and elevate his own power. “People tend to underestimate me because I was born a commoner.”

  “No offence intended, Your Grace, but the kings of the past with common consorts haven’t had much luck in terms of success despite their happy marriages. They were known simply for being the sovereign’s bedmate, not for their own accomplishments. The bar was set really low, but you managed to surpass it,” he said, looking at Evan with a slight mark of respect. “It wasn’t a case of people not liking you as a person, they just didn’t like your origins.”

  Evan frowned and Gerard got up.

  “I’ve business to attend to on the pharmaceutical front. Enjoy the rest of the afternoon, Your Grace,” he bowed and left with a flourish of gold and aftershave.

  Evan stared at the closed door, masterly crafted depicting fairies dancing between the trees, tiny coloured gems dotting their eyes. Pulling a slip of paper, he spellogrammed Nath.

  Half an hour later, Nath was in his office, gorgeous as a glimmer of sunshine in a rain shower. “I had a feeling he might give you trouble.”

  Evan laughed and stood up to be pulled into his arms. “He’s properly pissed off, and he likes reminding me of how surprised everyone is that I surpassed the low bar of expectation,” he said.

  Nath rolled his eyes. “You’ve set a new standard future consorts will find difficult to meet let alone surpass. Take it as a compliment, you deserve it,” he said with a smile. “Anyway, I assume you want to speak to me about cancelling the second mission?”

  Anxiety crept in on him like tendrils of darkness. “What’s going on, Nath?”

  Nath turned his palm to the door and it sealed with a delicate turquoise barrier. “The attack on Edinburgh wasn’t coincidental, I suspect someone may have let slip that we’d be leaving the palace and that’s why they intercepted our comrades in that precise location. They planned the attack, but instead of me crossing the border there, it was my soldiers,” his tone became deathly serious.

  Evan took a moment in dreadful pause to mull it over. “That’s treason.”


  The penalty for treason was decapitation by axe, the lowest form of butchery; an animal’s death. “Who?” he asked slowly, leading Nath over to the fat leather sofa. It crunched satisfyingly as they sat.

  “The only three people I’m certain of innocence are you, my mother and Will,” said Nath, brows drawn like stage curtains.

  Shock cascaded him. “Will?”

  Nath nodded. “I’m suspicious of him, but not because I think he’s committing treason. He’s providing strong indication to the contrary.”

  Evan couldn’t believe what he was hearing. This was Nath’s face, his voice, but not his words. Will? Innocent? “I’m still new to this, so you’ll have to explain your logic.”

  His laughter was beautiful. “Something is driving him to our loyalty and it isn’t admiration. He’s hiding something and now Dante is here I’ve all the more reason to keep an eye on him.”

  “Do you suspect Dante?”

  Nath shrugged. “His father is a more likely suspect. However, it’s unlikely. He arrived from Castile the day we met him and his father little time before. No, I want to watch Will because of Gerard.”

  And then it dawned. “You suspect him?”

  “Yes,” said Nath with surprising honesty. “Have you noticed the chasm between father and son? They’ve always been at arm’s length of one another, and now he’s taken an interest in Dante I want to make sure Gerard doesn’t upset that.”

  “So Will leaves you alone?”

  “That, and if he finally finds someone that makes him happy he can move on. For his own sake, it’s time for him to sever the romantic ties he’s attached to me.”

  Evan looked into Nath’s eyes and saw the strain Will’s constant pining had put on him. Last year Will had been certain of their marriage and future ascension, now he was picking up the pieces of his own ruin. “Why would Gerard oppose Dante? He’s a perfect match for Will.”

  “I doubt he’ll put his prejudice aside for Dante, he’s never liked Will’s bisexuality.”

  “Will’s a grown man and he’s not attached to a crown so why would it matter what his dad thinks about his sexuality?” said Evan.

  “Gerard could disinherit him from his extremely wealthy empire. Will is set to inherit a staggering fortune, even with the split to his sister.”

  Evan sat back appalled and brimming with disbelief. “He wouldn’t do that to his own son,” he said. Nath shot him a look and he conceded. “We’ll have to see what happens, I guess.” It pissed him off massively when people were intolerant, especially considering they were over three hundred years into freedom of sexual liberation.

  Nath stared at him a moment. “I’m planning an assault on the labs.”

  “Gerard said you cancelled it because we don’t have many soldiers,” said Evan.

  “We don’t need them, we’re going as a threesome,” Nath smiled.

  And then Evan realised Nath meant Will. “When?”

  “Soon. I haven’t worked out the details yet, but if we’ve got a mole in the palace we can’t risk them finding out our plans,” he glanced to the turquoise barrier. “Next mistake could mean death and the loss of our country to these rebels. I wouldn’t ask you to come if I didn’t need you, Evan,” his eyes softened like puddles and Evan melted.

  “I’m not going to refuse you anyway, Nath,” he said softly. “All I ask if you don’t keep me in the dark about the plans.”

  Nath took his hands, smoothing his thumbs over his knuckles. “I promise. The plan is in its early stages, but I want you to hear what I’ve got so far…”

  Chapter 21


  “Where are you off to?” Marianne asked, spotting him on his way out.

  “Spanish lesson,” he flashed a smile.

  His mother searched his eyes and her face creased with a smile. “You’re well dressed for a Spanish lessons, who’s the teacher?”

  “Dante Alvarez clocked that we’re Spanish and offered to teach me when I said I don’t know much,” he said smoothly.

  She continued to smile, dark eyes twinkling. “It’s lovely to see you take an interest in your heritage. I always told Gerard it was important you learned about your family history, but he prefers the ways of Englishmen.”

  Will forced a smile. Gerard was the last person he wanted to think about now.

  “Dante is very handsome,” she continued. “Is this just about Spanish lessons?” She was staring at his lips waiting for him to smile. He held as long as he could and his face cracked. “Ah…”

  “Please don’t say anything to Dad.”

  “You have my word, William, but this is Court and people will talk. I strongly advise you to keep things platonic,” she said carefully.

  It was a warning. His mother had no issue with him dating boys behind closed doors, but she wasn’t the one who’d broken hi
s ribs. “It’s only a Spanish lesson, Ma. There’s nothing to gossip about.”

  “Not yet there isn’t,” she raised her eyebrows. “Just be prepared that if the time comes you may be forced to make an uncomfortable choice if being with a man is what you want.”

  “Mam, don’t worry about me,” he gave her a hug.

  “You should tell this boy about the common girl, don’t let him find out you’ve got a bastard on the way from a servant,” she said seriously.


  She kissed his cheek. “Enjoy your lesson, we can practice what you learn later.”

  He headed to the parlour on the other side of the east wing. It was one he’d rarely been in and fortunately had no romantic ties with Nath. He’d chosen it on purpose, this was a clean start and he didn’t want his feelings for Nath to get in the way of Dante.

  Food and drink had been summoned and Will stoked the fireplace into life, toying with the flames and watching the logs split and burn. His palms were damp and he fought the urge to pour himself a drink knowing if Dante didn’t hurry up he’d be too drunk for the lesson.

  When the knock came he wasn’t prepared. Will cleared his throat. “Come in!”

  Dante appeared wearing a charming smile and a blood-red shirt that he wanted to see on the floor. “Buenas tardes.¿Cómo estás? he said brightly and moved over to the desk where Will was trying to look casual.

  “Afternoon, great thanks, you?” said Will watching Dante lift several texts from his satchel and sink into the chair washing him in the smell of fresh laundry and oranges.

  “Very busy adjusting to life here,” his smile was like sunshine after a rainstorm. “King Nathaniel has a small but lively court.”

  Will chuckled, he didn’t know why. “Your family owns a hotel chain and you come from a large villa estate, you must be used to people.”

  “Oh, no. I’ve spent my whole life in study with my tutors. This is my first time out of the country, I’ve lived a sheltered life,” said Dante, cheeks flushing a coppery rose. “You must think me a very sad person, but I promise you I’m learning about England as much as I can.”

  “Nope,” Will shook his head. “I want to hear more about your life in Spain. I can sum England up for ya in three words.”

  “Do it.”

  “Rain, rain and rain.”

  Dante laughed. “Even in the summer?”

  “What’s summer?” he grinned and Dante laughed again.

  “Perhaps if we speak like the skies are sunny, it will come true, yes?” he tapped a finger on one of the Spanish books he’d brought. “How good is your Spanish?”

  “I know a couple of words. Yeah, it’s shameful,” he said.

  Dante didn’t look perturbed. “Not at all. It took me a long time to learn English. I’ve been speaking the language for years and still I find new words every day.”

  Will hadn’t thought about it like that.

  “And I’m privileged to teach a Starstone. You must have experienced all kinds of things.”

  An odd sensation came over Will and he wasn’t sure how to react. He’d always felt privilege, but this was the first time he’d felt weird about it. “No more so than any other kid of a billionaire,” he said casually and watched Dante’s handsome face curl in a smirk.

  “I didn’t expect you to be so funny,” he said softly, eyes blue as mystic pools. “Men so handsome usually aren’t funny,” He quirked his eyebrows a little.

  Will couldn’t stop staring, or smiling. “What’s the Spanish word for handsome?”

  “You can use guapo,” said Dante, eyes shining. “Eres guapo.”


  Dante was a brilliant teacher; he spoke eloquently and didn’t mock Will’s thick accent once. “You’re a fast learner,” he said with a smile.

  Will glanced out the window, the sun was setting; bathing Dante in golden-orange light and streaking his hair with fire. They’d been there for hours but he didn’t want it to end. “Are you hungry?”

  Dante cocked his head and frowned. “No hablo ingles.”

  Will thought about it a moment. “¿Tienes hambre?”

  “Si,” he grinned.

  “Wanna go get dinner or shall I summon a servant?” All they’d eaten was the food from the tea trolley halfway through the afternoon.

  Dante studied him a moment, lips curling in a warm smile. “I think you should call for service.”

  His stomach was somersaulting right over to the spellogram slips, and his hands shook a little as he wrote. Fucking hell.

  The lamps came on, flickering softly, and the dinner turned up in minutes. He remained calm leafing through sheets of handwriting while it was served. If the servants suspected anything it could easily get back to his father.

  “Thank you it looks delicious,” Dante said to the servant as he bowed from the room.

  Will sank into his seat breathing in the smell of thick steak and rich sauce. Dinner was the perfect time for talking. “I wanna know more about you.”

  Dante smiled. “What is it you want to know? I am Dante Alvarez and I like music, painting and hiking.”

  He lit up like a Christmas tree. Literally, little flames danced up his arms and toyed with his fingertips. “Can’t say as I’m much of a painter, but there’re some amazing hikes round here.”

  “Perhaps you will show me sometime.”

  “And maybe you’ll show me your paintings,” said Will.

  Dante blushed and cast his long-lashes eyes down. “I don’t claim to be a great painter.”

  Will shrugged. “I don’t claim to be a great hiker.”

  Now he eyed him with disbelief, gaze roaming over Will’s broad shoulders and chest. “You don’t look like you’d have trouble keeping up.”

  “Then I’ll give you a tour of the lands, if you show me your work even if it’s crap. Deal?”

  Dante laughed again. “Deal.”

  Dinner was delicious and Will poured them a second round of champagne.

  “Tell me more about yourself.”

  Will’s stomach quivered and he took a large drink. “Well, I’m nineteen, a member of the Privy Council and I’m gonna be a dad in September.” he observed Dante’s reaction, all the while his heart was frozen.

  “You have a baby?”

  “Yeah. It was a one night stand.”

  Dante nodded slowly, expression passive.

  “I’m bi,” he blurted and took another drink.

  Dante stared.


  Much to his surprise, Dante began to laugh. “I was not questioning your sexuality. Is it a boy or a girl?”

  “I don’t know,” he said honestly.

  “I like children. I always wished my parents had more. It can be lonely sometimes.”

  Will’s stomach fluttered and he set down his flute. “Can I ask you something?”


  “Do you mind?”

  “The bisexuality or the baby?” Dante frowned.

  “The baby.”


  Will relaxed and struggled to control the smile spreading across his face. “I’m intending to pay the mother for the kid so it has a better chance than what she can give, but I’m not interested in her romantically.”

  “Is she interested in you?”


  Dante nodded slowly. “And you have told her this?”

  He nodded.

  “She will understand with time. Time is the best healer, even if you think taking medicine will make you better, time has to pass for it to work.”

  Will found himself smiling uncontrollably. “So what about you? Are you spoken for?”

  Now Dante’s smile was beaming. “Not in a formal sense, but there’s someone I’m interested in,” he said, giving him a curious look.

  Oh. “Who is he?”

  “His name is William Starstone,” Dante said, accent thickening with nerves. It was adorable.

  His smile was out of control. “Call
me Will.”

  “Will,” the word fell from his lips. “Would you like to go on a hike this weekend?”

  “Yeah. I’ll show you me favourite trails.”

  Dante laughed.


  “Your accent is strong. Sometimes I slightly mishear your words.”

  “Sorry,” it was the first time he’d apologised for his accent. Rarely dare anyone comment on its density because he was a Starstone: powerful, famous, handsome and untouchable by public standards. For the first time he felt a flicker of insecurity about it.

  “No, no. It’s my mistake, I’m not used to so many accents in the same language. King Nathaniel speaks very well and very differently to Prince Evan.”

  Will laughed a little. “Yeah Nath’s well-spoken and Evan’s got a Lancashire accent.”

  “It’s very intriguing.”

  “It’s considered working class, like mine, but in his case he’s from a working class family, unlike Nath and me.”

  “You and the King are on friendly terms,” he smiled.

  “I wouldn’t say that…” he picked up his champagne again.

  Dante glanced at it and said, “but you nickname him.”

  “We’re not that friendly any more. He’s my childhood best friend.”

  “That’s nice. Just a friend?”

  How the fuck did he know? Someone must have said something. Will drained his flute and began pouring another. “We dated for a while.”

  “Why did you break up?”

  Will glanced at him. Dante’s face was calm but otherwise unreadable. He took a sip and pointedly put the flute down. “I was a bad boyfriend.”

  “You cheated on him?”

  “No,” said Will firmly, shaking his head. “We had a disagreement about our relationship needs, had a fight and broke up. Months later he met and married Evan.”

  Dante nodded slowly. “Okay.”

  “I’ll be honest with ya. I loved Nath but we weren’t meant to be together and it was outside interference that broke us up in the first place. I’m happy he’s happy, but I can’t say I’m Evan’s biggest fan.”


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